blog idea list

Post on 16-Sep-2015






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Applied Music Blog List


Blog Idea List

Blog Idea List

Below is a list of topics you can write about in your online journal (blog). If you do not have computer access, you can write these entries on paper and submit them to me.

Remember, a good rule of thumb is for your blogs to be 250 words. That is a good sized paragraph.

1. What we have been discussing in class.

2. Comments about the piece you are working on (any difficulties, how it is going, why did you choose that piece, etc.)

3. A review of your performance in class.

4. You have been struck by lightening and have suddenly developed the gift to compose music. What kinds of music do you want to write? What would your first song be called? What feelings will it portray?

5. What piece of music would you choose as your own personal theme song? Why?

6. Sometimes composers write music for special people in their lives. If you could write a song and dedicate it to one person, who would you pick? Why? What will this music sound like?

7. Describe a world without ANY music. What sounds do you hear? Is the world better or worse now? Why?

8. On the news, it is announced that Canada is forever banning Rap music. No more rap artists can perform, any recordings you have will be confiscated or automatically deleted, and you will be thrown in jail if they find out you still have a way to listen to it. How does this make you feel? What would you do about it?

9. Have you ever downloaded music from the internet? Did you pay for this music (like on iTunes) or download it illegally? Do you believe music should be something you pay for or should always be free? Why?

10. If you could hang out with any musician, living or dead, who would you pick? What would you do? What questions would you ask him / her?

11. Pick one instrument to wipe off the face of the Earth, now and forever. What instrument do you pick? Why dont you like this instrument? How will the world of music be better off without it?

12. Pick one recording artist to wipe off the face of the Earth, now and forever. What artist do you pick? Why dont you like this artist? How will the world of music be better off without them?

13. What singer or group would you label as The Worlds #1 Music Artist? Why? How would you honour this person?

14. Some schools are not allowed to have Christmas concerts. How does this make you feel? Do you agree or disagree?

15. Your favourite teacher is retiring this year. Pick a song that you would like the school band or choir to perform on their last day as a thank you. If you cant think of a specific song, describe what kind of a song you would be looking for what do the words talk about, does it sound happy / sad, etc.

16. Unfortunately, some schools are not as lucky as we are to have music classes. Some schools have lost music classes all together! This about the reasons that it is important to have music in our school. Write a persuasive paragraph about this topic.

17. Pick a song that describes your best friend. Why is this song appropriate?18. What kind of music do your parents listen to? Do you like any of it? Why or why not?

19. You have been elected Prime Minister of Canada and have been asked to pick a new National Anthem. What do you choose? Why?

20. Describe the worst song you have ever heard. What style is it? Who performs it? What is it about?

21. Music and emotions run hand in hand. Describe a time when music helped you get through a tough time.

22. Music can be used to really get people excited and focus on a task. Describe a time when music was used this way.

23. Sometimes music reminds us of events that have happened in our lives. Describe a time when music reminded you of a funny time in your life.

24. Your parents have bought you two tickets to see ANY concert that you would like to see next week. Who would you like to see and why?

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