blessed sacrament parish april 26, 2020 · celebrate earth day by appreciating and respecting the...

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Blessed Sacrament Parish – April 26, 2020

We, Blessed Sacrament Parish, Are a Christ-Centered Community,

Committed to Worship the Father, Committed to Respond to the Spirit’s Gifts,

Committed to Loving Service to All God’s People

Nosotros, la Parroquia del Santísimo Sacramento, Somos una Comunidad Centrada en Cristo,

Comprometidos a Adorar al Padre, Comprometidos a Responder a los Dones del Espíritu Santo,

Comprometidos en el Servicio Amoroso a Todo el Pueblo de Dios

Mass Schedule No public Masses are scheduled until further notice.

You can view all private Masses listed below on Facebook.

You can also view the Sunday Mass directly on our parish website:

Worship aids for each Mass will be sent by separate emails.

Day Date Time Intention

Sunday 4/26 10:00am + Pete Higgs by Our Parish



Wednesday 4/29 12noon All involved in school at home

Thursday 4/30 12noon All involved in delivering mail and packages

Friday 5/1 12noon All involved in fire and police services


Sunday 5/3 10:00am + Bunny Crockett by Our Parish

Pray She Rests in Peace

Bunny Crockett, mother of Peg Nagem

In-person individual Confessions are available any day – but by appointment only.

Contact Fr. John at 304-377-3560 or

To visit the Blessed Sacrament

You are welcome to sit under the canopy of our 4th Ave front entrance

where you can see the tabernacle and sanctuary lamp through the clear window.

We Remember in Our Prayers Patrick Burriss, Susan Churchill, Elizabeth Coleman, Matthew Crabtree, Rhonda Crede, Karol Dunford, Joe Eisel,

Janine Estep, Marietta Fenton, Rose Finch, Patty Geissinger, Joe Gregg, Kathleen Groom, Michael Habenschuss (son of

Mike & Pat), John Hanna, Ann Henderson, John & Claire Johnson, Mary Katherine Lingsch, Bob Lucas, Louann Lynch-

Kelley, Alec Mansfield, Mary Ann Shear, Sandy Wheeler, and Lily Woolwine, and all medical providers, first responders and

essential workers.

This Week at Blessed Sacrament Parish

All ZOOM gatherings are open only to specific parishioners who have indicated their interest

and who have received a personal email with connection information – so let us know if YOU want "in".

Day Date Time Event Location

Sat 4/25 9:00am Men's Bible Study Group ZOOM

Afternoon Rite of Covenant

with Confimation Candidates & Sponsors ZOOM

Sun 4/26 10:00am Mass FACEBOOK/WEBSITE

Mon 4/27 9:00am Rosary FACEBOOK

7:00pm RCIA ZOOM

Tue 4/28

Wed 4/29 10:00am Bible Study – Old Testament ZOOM

12:00noon Mass FACEBOOK

1:00pm Bible Study – Job ZOOM

7:00pm Bible Study – Sunday Readings ZOOM

Thu 4/30 12:00noon Mass FACEBOOK

1:00pm Bible Study Grades 2-5 (see below) ZOOM

Fri 5/1 12:00noon Mass FACEBOOK

5:30pm - Midnight Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Sat 5/2 9:00am Men's Bible Study Group ZOOM

Sun 5/3 10:00am Mass FACEBOOK/WEBSITE

from Karen Lewis

I will be praying the Rosary on Monday April 27th, at 9am and would love company. I am trying to pray it

on different days to include all the different mysteries. Here is the link to make it easier for people to find.

Attention Kids! A Bible Study Just for YOU!

Jeanne Haas invites all boys and girls in Grades 2--5 to an online bible study starting on Thursdays at 1:00PM. This will be a Zoom session that will discuss the upcoming Sunday readings. Parents please contact Jeanne at or text her at 304-382-2631 to register your child. Jeanne will send an email invite to any child interested. Let's check out the bible together!

Camp Leon

We regret to announce that our diocesan pastoral center and camp ground in Huttonsville has decided, in the interest of

safety, that they will not have any on-site groups at least through the month of June. This means that our Camp Leon

cannot happen there this year. We are working on some ideas for virtual activities with our kids right here at home! Stay


Congratulations to our 2020 Graduating High School Seniors:

Lawton Dent Sophie Groom

Kelly Hayes Bethany Hunley

David Kershner-Leon Chance Knox

Emma Leary Will Manahan

MacKenzie Providenti Megan Thornburg

We will honor these young people on an upcoming Sunday during a Live Stream Mass. If you are graduating this year and

are not listed here, please accept our apology and contact Jeanne Haas at as soon as possible.

The Parish Confirmation Preparation Program had plans to celebrate the Rite of Covenant on Sunday, April 19th.

During the 11:30 Mass, 19 youths were to be introduced to the parish and promised prayerful support by their parish

family. After the Mass the candidates and sponsors were going to share lunch and an Afternoon of Reflection. That event

did not happen. But this Sunday, April 26, the candidates and sponsors will participate in a virtual Zoom session. Please

make a personal commitment to pray for these wonderful groups of kids! The celebration of the Sacrament of

Confirmation with Bishop Brennan will happen hopefully in the fall.

Candidates Sponsors

Roman Adams Tiffany Wilson

Hugh Brotherton Kathy Farry, John Farry

Conor Caldwell Fr. Leon Alexander

Elaina Caldwell Fr. Leon Alexander

R. T. Corbin Karan Ireland

Luke Dent Barbara Baldy

Bryson Dowdy Greg Savilla

Rocco Eates Harriet Valentin

Amelia Hassig Lee Ann Dent

Olivia Hayes Lisa McGaffey

Steven Mattix Michael Barber

Katherine Mattix Kara Barber

Dylan Poston Ellen Bullock

Adeline Queen Virginia Danford

Robertson, James Mary Ann Mayfield

Eli Simonton Kelly Ann Kruse

Nathaniel Simonton Shawn Reger

Anna Toledo

Ryan Zitzelsberger Mark Haas

Celebrating Earth Day


from: The Old Farmer’s Almanac

Celebrate Earth Day by appreciating and respecting the natural world. Here are some ideas to inspire you!

1. Support our native bees: The super-pollinators of the garden are … native bees! Learn more about

these amazing heroes of pollination—and see how to make a native bee house (much like a bird house!). See how

to make a bee-friendly garden habitat.

2. Recycle and repurpose! Gardening needn’t be expensive. See ideas on recycling and repurposing garden

items to make something out of nothing—and save money! We also have ideas on how to reuse in the

kitchen and in the home and re-purpose everyday household items!

3. Plant wildflowers! We’ll show you how to grow wildflowers in your garden for the pollinators—and to lift your

spirits, too! Also, see our guide on choosing wildflower varieties which will thrive where you live.

4. Reduce plastic dependency: Plastic permeates every aspect of our lives, including the garden. But as the world

wakes up to its addiction, just how easy is it to ditch plastic while growing and storing more of our own food? See

our ideas on how to garden without plastic. Don’t forget to recycle what plastic you can. See a Plastics Recycling

Chart. And also, know what’s in all those bottled drinks!

5. Go native! Plants thrive best when they’re natural to your area. See our article on native plant landscaping and 10

tips for an eco-friendly garden.

6. Bring nature into the garden with plants that attract butterflies and plants that attract hummingbirds!

7. Start an organic vegetable garden. Here are tips on organic seed-starting, and our Beginner’s Guide to

Vegetable Gardening to get you started.

8. Conserve water! See our tips for watering wisely in the garden and tips on how to create your own rain garden.

Also, avoid over-watering. Know how much your garden really needs with our watering chart! Watch our video

demonstrating 10 smart watering tips for a healthy garden.

9. Plant more trees! Talk to your local government about planting more trees and native garden beds in public

spaces, or consider planting your own on your property! See advice on how to plant a tree as well as our video

demonstrating how to plant a fruit tree.

10. Get kids involved! Pass down a love of nature and plants with kids. See our ideas on gardening with kids and

also 6 simple kids’ planting activities from the Kids Almanac!

Find a ton of stay-at-home Earth Day ideas here: Celebrating Earth Day at Home

Celebrating Earth Day

Protecting the Environment: A Half Century of Progress (by the EPA Alumni Assoc.)

WVDEP introduces 'Classroom Series' videos for educators (and parents at home!)'Classroom-Series'-videos-for-educators.aspx

At the Heart of “Laudato Si:” Everything is Connected

How are you “caring for our common home?”

Blessed Sacrament Parishoners:

Let us know what changes you have made during Lent and during the Covid-19 stay-at-home orders that you

think you will keep doing once we are free to move about again.

Will you be driving less? Have you started using a rain barrel for your garden?

Are you growing vegetables to give to food pantries? Recycling?

Please share what you are doing with us by replying to this email. We’ll share your actions (anonymously) in

future announcements – maybe you will inspire others!

Many thanks to God for the good stewards in our parish who:

painted the men’s room near our office

re-worked electrical outlets in our office

replaced and refurbished our outside lighting on 4th Avenue

removed an insulating panel from the fan in our gym

added wheels to a cabinet

moved a desk

participated in a jovial and productive Camp Leon planning meeting

reached out to check in with other parishioners to see how they are doing

keep us updated about those who are not feeling well

share delicious food with the pastor

go to extra trouble to "keep up" with their parish donations

prepared the former rose garden for new planting

donated some good quality furniture

who helped to move that furniture to the church

let us know when they DON'T receive announcement emails

faithfully care for our indoor plants


Several parishioners have asked "What is the best way for me to continue donating funds to our parish?" Until now my reply has been, "Please just mail us a check." With our doors locked, there is no convenient way for folks to drop off contributions. I've been going to the Post Office to pick up our mail each day, so that is the safest method. Now there is a new option for folks to contribute via their debit/credit cards! Our diocese has set up an online method for anyone to use and 100% these donations will come to the parish. To use this method, have your credit card info handy and go to the diocesan website Near the top of the homepage you will see this image:

When you click on this space a list of parishes will open up. Blessed Sacrament is near the beginning.

When you find that line in the list, look to the far right edge of the line and click on the word "donate". A new screen will allow you indicate how much you wish to donate and your contact details.

Note that you can click on a box marked "recurring" if you want this same gift to continue on a regular basis without your having to do this process repeatedly.

The next screen will ask for your debit/credit card info just as if you were checking out a purchase from other websites. After you complete your donation process, you will receive an email receipt.

Our Partners in Community Service

Good Shepherd Chapel, Coalburg, WV – Food Pantry

The Good Shepherd food pantry helps feed the hungry throughout eastern Kanawha County. Blessed Sacrament provides

support to this group in two ways:

Each month, we donate $300 for the purchase of food supplies.

Each spring and fall, we hold “food drives.” Our parishioners purchase and bring requested food items to help

restock the food pantry.

This spring’s food drive could not happen in the usual way, due to stay-at-home orders due to the Covid-19 virus. So,

Blessed Sacrament asked Debbie Wright, who manages the food pantry, to go shopping on behalf of our parishioners and

send us the bill. Debbie used an inventory of items that Blessed Sacrament parishioners donated last Fall as her grocery

list. We reimbursed Debbie almost $3,000 to cover those purchases.

Covenant House Friends, A few weeks ago, we were in touch to let you know that Covenant House has adapted our

services to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our community. This past month has been a challenging one for us all, and

we hope you and yours are well. Our team has continued working tirelessly to ensure that people have a safe place to call

home and that every member of our community is treated with dignity.

From the beginning of the pandemic through the end of March, our staff:

• made $49,010 in direct payments for rental assistance to prevent homelessness for 38 local residents

• provided uninterrupted and on-going supportive case management to 42 once chronically homeless individuals

• provided food from our pantry to 171 families and diapers to 36 families

• responded to 174 calls

• distributed personal hygiene supplies to 31 individuals

We want you to know that 100% of our staff is working at full capacity, at 100% of wages and benefits. While we are not

actively fundraising, many of you have asked how you can help. You may make a donation here. Please note we are not

affiliated with Covenant House New York or International; if you want your donation to stay in West Virginia, in and

around the greater Charleston area, this is the only online link to donate to us. You may also mail checks to 600

Shrewsbury Street, Charleston, WV 25301. However, online donations are easier for us in this environment. Donate

Regardless of the current obstacles or those on the road ahead, Covenant House will remain unwavering in our

commitment to the vulnerable population we serve. We are dedicated to our community of support, our mission, and our

partners in this vital work, and continue to abide by the CDC guidelines to act in the best interest of our entire community.

We hope that you and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy, and we’re grateful to you for standing by us through

it all.

How are we continuing to support Good Shepherd’s food pantry and 20+ more of our


We use money from our Tithe Fund. This account is funded in two ways:

Parishioners directly donate to this fund (just write “Tithe Fund” in the memo line of

your check).

Each month we add 10% of our regular collections to this fund.

Each Month, Blessed Sacrament’s Tithe Fund donates $100 to Covenant House.

Our Partners in Community Service

Manna Meal

Dear Friends,

At this moment, we're all hurting. Every one of us is grieving something: jobs are vanishing, businesses have shuttered,

and we can't even share a meal with many of the people we love. But in the midst of so much uncertainty, most of us

know where our next meal will come from-a short reach into the back of the fridge or the pantry is sure to put enough

food on the table for dinner tonight.

But for too many of our neighbors and their families, their resources are running low or have already run out.

Will you help us ensure that our neighbors can find their next meal?

As COVID-19 forces closings and layoffs, more and more folks recently out of work are turning to us to eat.

The need for our services is skyrocketing and so are our food and supply costs. In the last three weeks, we've seen the

number of people served increase three-fold. And with each passing day, that number just keeps growing.

Last March, we spent $6,532 on food and supplies to feed hungry families. This March in the face of COVID-19, it cost

$23,117 to meet the emergency needs of our community.

And this increase isn't due to the cost of food and supplies alone: the food donations we typically rely on from grocery

stores, bakeries, and restaurants have diminished, and we've also had to hire additional help to adapt our services to meet

COVID-19 health and safety guidelines.

Our dining room doors are temporarily closed, but our work hasn't stopped. We've stepped up to meet the needs of our

community in the safest way possible-by serving meals right from our parking lot at St. John's.

Our small but dedicated staff of 10 is doing its very best to make sure that none of our neighbors go hungry-but it's going

to take more than just a handful of us to do that.

Now more than ever, we need you.

While it may not be possible to share a meal with friends and family right now, you can make a donation to Manna Meal

to ensure that no one in our community goes hungry during this crisis. Any amount will make a difference because

together it all adds up. At $2.80 per meal, a donation of only $11.20 ensures a family of four can eat a meal today.

Will you join us in stepping up to make sure the hungry can eat?

While we can't eat together with neighbors and friends, you can share a meal and feed a local family—as well as our most

vulnerable neighbors—by donating to Manna Meal.

Warmly, Amy Wolfe, Executive Director

Catholic Charities West Virginia Adapts Services during Pandemic across the state of West Virginia.

Donations are most helpful to meet critical and changing needs. Donations can be made by making a check payable to

Catholic Charities West Virginia and mailing it to CCWVa, 2000 Main Street, Wheeling, WV 26003; or by making a donation

online at

Each month, our Blessed Sacrament Tithe Fund donates $300 to Manna Meal.

Each Month, Blessed Sacrament’s Tithe Fund donates $100 to CCWV – Western Region

Our Building/Office

Our building and office will be closed until further notice.

You can still call or email members of our parish staff. For specific phone numbers and emails, please see the contact

information below.

Parish / Staff Contacts & Other Information Our office hours are suspended until further notice

Address: 305 E Street, South Charleston, WV 25303

Telephone (Parish Office): 304.744.5523 E-mail:

Web page:

Our Parish Staff

Pastor Rev. John H. Finnell Cell: 304.377.3560 calls and texts


Deacon Rev. Mr. John Hanna Home: 304.935.4646 Cell: 304.389.7255


Pastoral Associate Jeanne Haas E-mail:

Office Manager Natalie Zellers Office E-mail:

Music & Youth Director Mark Haas E-mail:

St. Paul Radio - West Virginia......Presents Catholic radio on:

WLUX 1450 AM Dunbar; WNUX 89.7 FM Beckley; WOUX 105.3 Parkersburg

Visit for a link to stream Catholic radio to a smart phone


Next Sunday's Mass Readings

May 3, 2020 – Fourth Sunday of Easter

Reading 1 Acts 2:14A, 36-41

Then Peter stood up with the Eleven, raised his voice, and proclaimed: “Let the whole house of Israel know for certain that

God has made both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified.” Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart,

and they asked Peter and the other apostles, “What are we to do, my brothers?” Peter said to them, “Repent and be

baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the

Holy Spirit. For the promise is made to you and to your children and to all those far off, whomever the Lord our God will

call.” He testified with many other arguments, and was exhorting them, “Save yourselves from this corrupt generation.”

Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand persons were added that day.

Responsorial Psalm Psalms 23: 1-3A, 3B4, 5, 6

R. The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. In verdant pastures he gives me repose;

beside restful waters he leads me; he refreshes my soul.

R. The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.

He guides me in right paths for his name’s sake.

Even though I walk in the dark valley I fear no evil; for you are at my side.

With your rod and your staff that give me courage.

R. The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.

You spread the table before me in the sight of my foes; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.

R. The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.

Only goodness and kindness follow me all the days of my life;

and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD for years to come.

R. The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.

Reading 2 1 Peter 2:20B-25

Beloved: If you are patient when you suffer for doing what is good, this is a grace before God.

For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example that you should follow in his

footsteps. He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth. When he was insulted, he returned no insult; when

he suffered, he did not threaten; instead, he handed himself over to the one who judges justly. He himself bore our sins in

his body upon the cross, so that, free from sin, we might live for righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed. For

you had gone astray like sheep, but you have now returned to the shepherd and guardian of your souls.

Gospel John 10:1-10

Jesus said: “Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever does not enter a sheepfold through the gate but climbs over elsewhere is a

thief and a robber. But whoever enters through the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. The gatekeeper opens it for him,

and the sheep hear his voice, as the shepherd calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has driven out all

his own, he walks ahead of them, and the sheep follow him, because they recognize his voice. But they will not follow a

stranger; they will run away from him, because they do not recognize the voice of strangers.” Although Jesus used this

figure of speech, the Pharisees did not realize what he was trying to tell them.

So Jesus said again, “Amen, amen, I say to you, I am the gate for the sheep. All who came before me are thieves and

robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them. I am the gate. Whoever enters through me will be saved, and will come in

and go out and find pasture. A thief comes only to steal and slaughter and destroy; I came so that they might have life

and have it more abundantly.”

May this never happen to you! Quarantine Catholic Confession: thanks to Matt Leary for passing on this gem:

Thanks to Bob Sylvester for passing on this poem by Kathleen Norris from “Journey: New and Selected Poems 1969-1999”:


Despite our good deeds, the chatter

of our best intentions, God is at work

in us, close to the bone,

past the sinews of our virtues, to the marrow

we cannot feel, the sudden, helpless tears

when we know what we are, and can go on.”

An amusing adaptation of the song from "The Sound of Music": How do you solve a problem like corona?

Exit Interview – A Message of Gratitude Nathan Thompson, a young Catholic man from Pennsylvania who moved to Charleston for a new job about a year ago, found his way to Blessed Sacrament and even joined our choir. Just today he went to great effort to talk to me in a phone call about his experience here, insisting that he could not convey his message adequately in written words. Nathan has been offered an excellent new position in Morgantown but did not want to leave our area without communicating his gratitude – and he asked me to pass it on to the whole parish community. Nathan emphatically declared "I did not really feel at home in Charleston until I came to Blessed Sacrament." The people of this parish made a great difference in his life and the spirit of our community worship lifted up his spirit in important ways that even his family members easily detected as he talked about Blessed Sacrament. This man obviously appreciates music and was highly complimentary about Mark Haas' wonderful leadership in our music ministry and the friendliness of other choir members. He testifies to the fact that music has a very important place in worship and can move one's soul in ways that spoken words may not. The selections and arrangements of our liturgical music thrilled him and drew him more deeply into the Spirit of Jesus and the spirit of this community. I have personally enjoyed Nathan's involvement in our parish and have to say I'm sorry (for our sakes) that's he'll be leaving soon. But what a "shot in the arm" it was to listen to his enthusiastic accolade and gratitude for his taste of Blessed Sacrament. He calls my own attention back to my deep thanks to God for every soul in our community which finds it so natural to welcome newcomers as we demonstrate our love for God by loving God's people. I'm quite sure that Nathan will bring the seeds of that love to a new and fortunate "garden" – another parish community that will benefit from his presence. So I send him forth with abundant blessings and thank God for his testimony.

Obituary for Peg Nagem's Mother Maureen Ann “Bunny” Crockett, 82, of St. Albans, passed away on April 20, 2020, at home

with her husband and daughter by her side. She was without pain and knew she was surrounded by

love. She had the comfort of speaking with her son in Japan the evening before.

Born May 9, 1937, in Plattsburg, New York, to the late Walter and Gladys Hickey

Fitzpatrick, Bunny came to West Virginia shortly before going to college at WVU. There,

she studied, and there she met William Crockett. On their third date, Bill asked her to marry

him, and since she didn’t want to be a “teenage bride,” they were married June 10, 1957. She

finished her undergraduate degree and her Masters in English Literature at WVU while Bill

finished his PhD in Chemical Engineering. When Bill was offered a job with Texaco, they moved

to Wappingers Falls, NY. They were active with the Christian Family Movement, and with the

encouragement from CFM, they took in children who needed a home. Through Fr. Jude Mili,

Bunny and Bill were connected to the Franciscans at Graymoor Friary and the Marist brothers at

Marist College, and when Fr. Jude transferred to Good Counsel Friary in WV, they would take

their children to WV and spend a few weeks every summer doing volunteer work from the

Friary. In 1969, they moved to the Charleston area when Bill was invited to teach at the then

College of Graduate Studies. Bunny developed a fierce love for her state, and wrote about each

of the state parks, collecting all the articles for her book, Jewels in Our Crown. She was an artist, a photographer, an author and journalist, and a perennial student of nature

and science. Along with Bill, she taught technical writing workshops at the College of Graduate

Studies and painted murals in the city of St. Albans and a number of area businesses. She loved to

travel, and wrote of her many adventures in far flung places as well as all over her beloved West

Virginia, with articles in Goldenseal, Wonderful West Virginia, and the Charleston Gazette. Bunny was active with Catholic Community Services, Catholic Charities, St. Albans Garden Club,

Charleston Chamber Music Society, and Phi Beta Kappa. She and Bill taught C.C.D. together,

and they also led adult classes for St. Francis Parish. Bunny is survived by her beloved husband of over 62 years, William Crockett of St. Albans;

daughter, Margaret “Peg” Nagem of St. Albans; son, Kenneth (Hideko) Crockett

of Tokyo,Japan, and beloved grandchildren; Angela-Maureen (Kurt) Zollman and Jerry (Wayne)

Crockett of Pittsburgh, PA; and Joh Crockett and Kai Crockett of Tokyo, Japan. Bunny is also

survived by her brother Paul (Cheryl) Fitzpatrick in Santa Rosa, CA, and Paul (Charlie) Bellotte,

who came to be like a son and brother to the Crockett family. Due to COVID -19, a celebration of Bunny’s life will be held atBlessed Sacrament Parish

at a later date. Memories of Bunny may be shared by visiting and selecting the

obituary. Snodgrass Funeral Home is assisting the family with these arrangements.

thanks to Mary Ann Johnson and Bev Schissler for passing on this bit of wisdom:

from Sallie Shawler who is helping to take care of grandchildren in Delaware: I was blessed to be taking a walk Sunday at 10a and remembering I could listen to mass. It was a breathtaking beautiful sunny morning. When the song was sung "Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive honor and glory”, I passed a house with a long walkway filled with every color of tulip you could imagine. I had to stop and take in this moment. Thank you for live streaming the mass. I am so busy with the 2 children, time flies by. I kept wondering what else God would want me to do. My daughter's sister in law is an ER physician in a Boston hospital. She asked me to sew hospital caps just to lift up spirits. I spent 15 hours total to learn how and make 6. Now it will be easier and I when I get home in June, will send more to her hospital. Going to make some masks next week for family and then make more for others when I get home. Hope I can be more helpful to the parish when I get home. I continue to pray for you and am looking forward to resuming bible study on my return. May God bless you as you bless the world.

thanks to Bill Crockett and Peg Nagem for sharing this:

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