blandings turtle by anthony

Post on 19-Jul-2015






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B la nding ’s Turtle

B y :A n t h o n y


The Blanding’s turtle is a reptile. It is at least 5 to 10 1/2 in. It

is black and yellow and looks like a Box turtle. It has a bright

yellow chin. The head,tail,and limbs are dark blue. It uses it’s

shell for protection.

Habitat B la nding turtle s live in Ne bra s ka ,Wis cons in, a nd Iowa .

The y live in ma rs he s a nd s ha llow ba ys . The y a ls o live in we e dy c re e ks , ponds , la ke s , moving rive rs , s tre a ms , a nd s ome northe rn log s .

Living Habitat This turtle moves slow. It has been seen

swimming under ice. It’s threatened in Wisconsin. It eats crustaceans, snails, insects, frogs, crayfish, earthworms, slugs, grasses and berries.

Birth and growth Before the turtle is 3 to 5 years old its yellow markings are

not apparent. It hibernates from November to April. Blanding turtles require from 15 to 20 years to mature. All turtles lay eggs on land. The clutch may contain from 3 to 17 elliptical eggs. Between 65 and 90 days pass before they hatch. The nests are however, not safe. Birds, crows, skunks, and raccoons eat or smash eggs.

Interesting facts This turtle can live on land and water. Its

an omnivorous. It was named after its discoverer. The turtle is shy. It hides in its shell. This turtle was interesting to learn about.


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