blackstar introduction sep 09 4

Post on 23-Jan-2015






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Introduction to Blackstar Group, LLC


Confidential - Copyright Blackstar Group LLC 2009 - All Rights Reserved

Mission� Just as a black hole is a single point with tremendous

gravitational force, the Blackstar Group is the nexus that

pulls all of the elements of success – particularly human

capital – together for our clients so they can realize their


� To deliver powerful results and flexible solutions that

drive growth and enable our clients to succeed while

adapting to fluctuating business environments.

� We help our clients become industry leaders by enabling

them to exceed the perceived boundaries of what their

companies can do and unlock their human capital.

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Services�� Business Relationship StrategistsBusiness Relationship Strategists

� Management Consulting

� Sales / Distribution Positioning

� Business Development

� Strategic Partnerships

�� Capital IntroductionCapital Introduction

� Business Plans & Investor Documents

� Financial Projections

� High Net Worth Individuals, Angel, VC & PE Funds

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Trillion $ Markets� Technology & Internet Platforms – The keys

to innovation, productivity & communication.

� Alternative Energy / Green Technology –Creating tomorrow’s sustainable economy.

� Media – Vital market in flux due to the challenges of incorporating new technologies and business models.

� Defense – National Security thrives on technological leadership and drives innovation across many sectors.

� Financial Instruments – Platforms for protecting assets and managing risk.

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Commodities division� Blackstar represents some of the most capable

buyers in the world in precious metals, stones, and natural resources.

� Blackstar positions itself as a key facilitator between buyers and sellers.

� Resources in Asia, Middle East, Europe, and the Americas. Commodities Include:

� Gold Bullion (AU)

� Platinum

� Ox Copper (Oxygen Free 10100 specs)

� Petroleum (D2, JP54, REBCO, BLCO, other crude)

� Diamonds

� Precious Stones

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Business model

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Why Choose Blackstar� We are entrepreneurs, so we understand that

clients need more than a consultant telling

them what to do, they need a partner that has

the ability to execute and will join them in the

trenches to ensure success.

� Blackstar measures success by getting results,

not by merely being busy

� We focus on maximizing the impact of

personal relationships by leveraging them with

all of the resources at a client’s disposal.

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Our Method

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� Alignment with these 4 sectors delivers the flexibility required for clients to adapt to fluctuating market conditions.

� Methodology has 4 key components: Market; Strategy; Network; Resources

� This Process informs execution of strategy by providing a clear picture of market dynamics by using continuous feedback to improve design and delivery.




Measuring Your Success

� Increased Revenue

� Growth of Strategic Partnerships / Channel


� Improved Response to and Awareness of

the client’s Brand

� Ability for a client to increase focus on core

competencies and achieving results

� Acquisition of Investment Capital

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Representative clients

�� TechnologyTechnology� DigiCard

� eGolfScore

� 50 Degree

�� DefenseDefense� GateKeeper, USA

�� MediaMedia� Fashion Indie

� SamRatty Group

� Herbie Bagwell Motorsports

�� CommoditiesCommodities� SANDA Systems

� Finance Mining GmbH

� Shivam Parikh Enterprises

� Financial� Apollo Equity Group

�� Consumer ProductsConsumer Products� Full Motion Beverage

� Shotpak

� Grand Incentives

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Representative clients


�� LicensesLicenses� Bubble Guys

� Military Mascots

� Schlepit

� Savage Activewear

� Renovatio

�� NonNon--ProfitProfit�

� International Center for Educational Advancement (ICEA)

� Peace Angels

� All For Africa

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Team� Jim Karas, Chairman

� Karl G. Schlegel III, CEO

� Rob Parker, COO

� George Assad

� Tony Billotto

� Ray Santoleri

� Oliver Brig

� Shameem Ahmedullah

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� Christina Yi

� Karen Grezner

� Mitch Pochtar

� Robert Luciano

� Joe Kaplan

Team experience� Our principals have more than 75 years of

experience in all aspects of launching successful companies and creating innovative products.

� The Blackstar Team has a depth and breadth of experience that spans many industries :

� Alternative Energy

� Telecom

� Consulting

� Banking

� Marketing & Design

� Events & Promotion

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� Start-ups

� Non-Profits

� Mergers & Acquisitions

� Commodities

� Defense Contractors

� Apparel & Merchandise

Fee structure� You pay for performance

� Case by case consulting: billed hourly (no retainer


� Retainers are required upon engagement for

some services and range from $10,000 to $50,000.

� The Full Retainer is payable according to

delivering scheduled milestones

� Non-cash equity compensation determined on a

case by case evaluation

� Flex-Plan available for clients to bank our services

for when they need them the most. Confidential - Copyright Blackstar Group LLC - All Rights Reserved

Contact information

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