bizbench ® software: customized financial analysis the following screens will demonstrate the ease...

Post on 01-Apr-2015






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BizBench® Software:Customized Financial Analysis

The following screens will demonstrate the ease of use and powerful analysis features

of BizBench® software.

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Getting Started:Enter Client Name/NAICS Code

The first step is to enter the company name and to select its NAICS code.

NAICS codes can be found by clicking on Classification and then Keyword Search.

Over 600 NAICS codes are included.

All materials copyright 2004 Gerke & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Please direct questions or comments to

Data Entry

Summary financial data is entered into the Income Statement and Balance Sheet Screens. Data entry time is

around three minutes.

All materials copyright 2004 Gerke & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Please direct questions or comments to

Industry ComparisonsIncome Statement – Common Size Analysis

Analysis is performed instantly, and is clearly presented in tables

All materials copyright 2004 Gerke & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Please direct questions or comments to

Industry ComparisonsIncome Statement

Comparisons are expressed in color graphs. Both graphs and tables are available onscreen and in the printed reports.

Printed reports are great tools to send home with your clients, and the onscreen analysis allows you to do on-the-fly planning work with your clients using the Back Calculation feature.

All materials copyright 2004 Gerke & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Please direct questions or comments to

Back CalculationA unique & powerful financial modeling tool

Return on Assets (%) 8.6 36

Back Calculation allows you to do “what if” modeling to improve a client's performance and industry ranking at the same time.

Let’s use Back Calculation to analyze “Return on Assets”.

To begin Back Calculation, click on “36” opposite Return on Assets. This number means the firm is in the 36th percentile among similar-sized companies in the same industry.

All materials copyright 2004 Gerke & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Please direct questions or comments to

Back Calculation of Net Profit Before Tax


The Total Assets figure is fixed.

Highlight Est. Percentile and enter 50 to learn how much Net Profit is required to reach the 50th percentile.

The software calculates the new Net Profit before Taxes needed to reach the 50th percentile.

All materials copyright 2004 Gerke & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Please direct questions or comments to

Another Back Calculation: Total Assets


The Net Profit before Taxes figure is fixed (cannot be improved).

The Back Calculation shows that the asset base is being under-utilized to produce profit. Improvements in productivity and asset liquidation are possible options.

All materials copyright 2004 Gerke & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Please direct questions or comments to

Printing Customized ReportsAdditional Preparer’s Comments

Profitability ratios increased for 4th consecutive year, although each ratio is below the industry median.

Turnover ratios show good utilization of resources through inventory and accounts receivable.

Long term debt position improved but is still high for the industry (as % of total assets). High value for Retained Earnings resulted in good debt to equity position.

Add your own comments to the customized report’s Executive Summary.

The fully customized report is ready to print as soon as you’ve entered the summary financial data.

New Feature:

Export reports as Word document for editing!

All materials copyright 2004 Gerke & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Please direct questions or comments to

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BizBench® software allows you to perform sophisticated industry comparisons in minutes.

•Provide insightful management consulting services to clients

•Assist clients in driving structured profit improvement strategies

•Add industry ranking perspective to business valuation

•Increase efficiency of auditing risk assessment

All materials copyright 2004 Gerke & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Please direct questions or comments to

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All materials copyright 2004 Gerke & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Please direct questions or comments to

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