bishop wayne t jackson - exercise your faith

Post on 13-Jul-2015






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Exercise your Faith: (Read Hebrews 11:4-6) Faith is a muscle that must be exercised. If you don’t use it, you lose it! When you do not operate in faith you are subject to the attack of satan. You must understand that warfare is in your mind (between your ears). Be careful of opening your body up to demonic imitation: The devil gets in through sin/disobedience. The devils aim is to attack your mind, so you must be mindful of how you guard your thoughts. In order for satan to come in, he must be invited in. Examples: psychic affiliation/ imitation/ Ouija boards, etc. Once you’ve let him enter through these portals he must now be cast out!

Warfare starts in the mind, through faith you have to overcome it. God measures what we give to Him, He measures our offerings. We must repent to God for all the things not solved in our life because it is our own fault! God has given us the measure to get out but it’s up to us to ask Him: Lord show me how to solve these problems. (You have not because you ask not, Ask and you shall receive). We must humble ourselves and bow down, His word stands true. The Ministry of the Holy Spirit is to comfort/ guide/ and bring us back to His remembrance. Meaning whatever God hears He’s able to perform. When you ask it of God He’s going to speak it into fruition and give it to you. (Lord just because I asked it of you). If the devil had the ability to keep people in ignorance he would, then it’s game over, he’s won. You are the righteousness of God and if there is

some lack/slack on your end, you need to seek Him more!! (Stay consistent in your prayers & declarations of faith)! Don’t cease to ask, keep saying it until you believe it, when you believe it you SHALL receive it!! God is not concerned about your physical suit, or body. He is looking at your heart, it’s man that cares about the outer appearance. God looks on the inside. It’s time to understand that because you have not diligently sought God that you’re in lack. You need to have intimacy with God and the Word of God! When a persons gets tired and quits serving, that’s when they are no longer doing it as unto God! You have to desire and want for God to be your rewarder. ( Ephesians 6:10 ) The enemy will use people that are close to you, to influence you to go against His word. When you move out of faith and into flesh you CANNOT please

God! The carnal mind will always fight you to get you into the flesh. Stop meditating more on the negative, than what the Lord says. Wiles & trickery are used by satan to destroy, and deceive the minds of the people. II Corinthians 4:3 But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: perishing: When a person sins they hide it, they are ashamed when it comes to the light. Everyone must understand that we will all have an evil day, but you’d better have your faith ready to be able to withstand! You have to declare: My righteousness is of Christ! If you don’t believe that you’re worthy the devil will have you thinking you’re going through because of what you’ve done. The devil wants your heart to be broken. If the devil can get your heart broken, you can be defeated easily! That's where God's principles comes in.

You have to work the principles of faith. You can’t try God, you have to do God! You can’t try faith, you have to LIVE faith!! Truth must always be set in place. James 1:22 But ye be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. Remember you are not guarded in truth the devil will still tell you a lie, that’s why you ought to follow someone who had nothing, but is now working something right! Faith is what got them there! You know none of us has ever seen our own face, we have only seen a reflection of it! If there were no mirrors we would never know how we look, we see a reflection of who we

are, the word is a reflection of who we are: Are you looking at it? How big are you in your faith? No matter how small you are to your obstacle or what you’re confronted with, most of us are our own enemy. We have to stop living life worried about what someone else said about us. Take no thought today about tomorrows problems. Your faith will conquer every obstacle in your life. You must not worry, worry cancels out faith! Start walking around the malls, go in Nordstrom and see what you want to wear. Go to the neighborhoods you want to live in and call your house forth. Take the limits off of your faith, God gave us our tongue, write your vision out with your tongue. Speak it into your atmosphere! Most of all Honor God, don’t just hear His word; DO IT! Honor Him in what He’s concerned with, and He will be concerned about your needs.

As a final thought: There’s nothing too big, that you cannot overcome. You should only be afraid to die if you haven’t fulfilled your destiny. Exercise your faith, by calling forth your success. When you speak it out be expectant of it, and it shall manifest. Until next time this is Apostle Wayne T. Jackson saying: Remember Miracles Do Happen...Bless you now!  

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