bishapur sassanid rock reliefs

Post on 30-Jun-2015






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YOU CAN WATCH THIS PRESENTATION IN MUSIC HERE (You have a link on the first slide): you!Bishapur is an ancient city situated on the ancient road between Persis and Elam, founded in 266 by Shapur I (241-272), the second Sassanid king. Outside the city, Shapur decorated the sides of the Bishapur River gorge with huge historical reliefs commemorating his triple triumph over Rome. Relief III commemorate the defeat of Valerian. Relief IV (an Arabian embassy to Bahram II)



Bishapur city was founded in 266 by Shapur I (241-272), the second Sassanid king. In his native province of Fars, he built a new capital that would measure up to his ambitions: Bishapur, Shapur's City. Outside the city, Shapur decorated the sides of the Bishapur River gorge with huge historical reliefs commemorating his triple triumph over Rome. The third relief at Bishapur's Tang-e Chowgan has five horizontal registers. This relief in a semicircular shape, has rows of registers with files of soldiers and horses, in a deliberate imitation of the narrative scenes on the Trajan column in Rome.

Bishapur a fost întemeiat în anul 266 de Shapur I (241-272), al doilea rege Sassanid. În provincia sa natală, Fars, el a construit o nouă capitală, pe măsura ambiţiei sale: Bishapur, oraşul lui Shapur. Lângă oraş, comemorând tripla victorie asupra Romanilor, a dispus sculptarea a şase basoreliefuri în stâncile din cheile râului Shapur. Cel de al treilea basorelief, semicircular, are 5 registre cu şiruri de soldaţi şi călăreţi, încercând să imite scenele de pe columna lui Traian

The river Shapur and the Tang-e Chowgan gorge

Like two other monuments on the north side of the river, the third relief at Tang-e Chowgan gorge, was damaged when an aqueduct of stone was constructed along the rock. This was removed in the 1970s.

Asemenea celor două basoreliefuri de pe partea de nord a râului şi acesta a fost grav avariat când s-a construit apeductul de-a lungul stâncii. Apeductul a fost demontat în 1970

Central sceneIn the center, we see Shapur's triple victory, which was also the theme of the second relief at Bishapur. Underneath the king's horse, we see the Roman emperor Gordian III, who was killed in 244; elsewhere, we recognize Philippus Arabs, who was made emperor by Shapur; and to the left, we see the captured Valerian. These figures are very damaged, but it is obvious that the design is a copy of the relief at Naqš-i Rustam.

În scena centrală, ca şi în cele două basoreliefuri din partea de nord, este redată tripla victorie a lui Shapur I. Sub copitele calului zace Gordian III, ucis în anul 244; mai sunt redaţi Filip Arabul care a fost recunoscut ca împărat şi captivul Valerian. Deşi figurile sunt grav deteriorate se vede bine că lucrarea este o copie a celei de la Naqš-i Rustam.

To the left and right, all kinds of people are approaching. The horsemen in the middle register are more elaborated than those in the upper and lower registers. The same composition - cavalry to the left, infantry to the right- can be seen on the second relief at Bishapur.

Din ambele părţi se apropie o mulţime de lume; călăreţii din registrul de mijloc sunt mai elaboraţi decâ celelale registre. Această compoziţie – cavaleria la stânga şi infanteria la dreapta poate fi văzută şi în basorelieful II de la Bishapur

The fourth Sasanian rock relief at Bishapur - chronologically, the fifth - was made for king Bahram II (276-294) and shows how he receives a delegation of Arabs. The course of the old aqueduct, which has damaged three of the reliefs on this side of the river, is clearly visible.

Cel de al patrulea basorelief Sasanid de la Bishapur (cronologic, al cincilea) a fost făcut pentru regele Bahram al II-lea (276-294), şi arată primirea unei delegaţii de arabi.Cursul apeductului vechi, care a afectat trei dintre basoreliefurile de pe această parte a râului, este clar vizibil.

The fourth relief is very interesting because it is the only Sasanian monument that shows an embassy. It is brought to the king by a Persian nobleman with a long sword. The fact that it is an Arabian embassy is a testimony for the fact that this nation was becoming better organized, and commanded sufficient respect to be recognized as allies by the Sasanian kings. The rise of Islam was still in the future, but the first signs of the expanding power of the Arabs were there.

Cel de al patrulea basorelief Sasanid este foarte important fiind singurul care arată primirea unei ambasade. Este şi o dovadă că arabii devin o naţiune mai bine organizată. Expansiunea arabă a Islamului este încă departe în viitor, dar primele semne sunt aici.

The Arabs are recognizable on this relief because they are accompanied by a dromedary. King Bahram II can be recognized by looking at his winged crown.

Arabi sunt uşor de recunoscut în acest basorelief datorită faptului că sunt însoţiţi de dromaderi. Regele Bahram II este recunoscut după coroană

In 287, Bahram was defeated by the Roman emperor Diocletian, the Sasanians lost control of Armenia, and Bahram never managed to recover what he had lost.

În anul 287 regele Bahram va fi învins de Împăratul Diocleţian, Sassanizii vor pierde controlul asupra Armeniei, iar Bahram nu a reuşit niciodată să recupereze teritoriile pierdute.

Text : Internet

Pictures: Sanda Foişoreanu

Nicoleta Leu

This page: Sassanid silver plate - British Museum

Copyright: All the images belong to their authors

Arangement: Sanda Foişoreanu Mohammed Reza Shadjarian & Ensemble Aref - Doktharake Julideh

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