birdie recipes

Post on 07-Aug-2018






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  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes



  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes



      Birdie Bread & Mufns Recipes ---------------------- Page 2 – 13

      Most Recommended & o!ed Recipes------------- Page 1" – 1#  Birdie Brea$%ast Ideas -------------------------------- Page 1 – 21

      'a$es( 'oo$ies( Pies & Pi))a Recipes--------------- Page 22 –

    2*  Desserts( +ruits( Drin$s & 'oo, .ings Recipes------- Page 2/

    – 2#  Minera, B,oc$s & 'ement Ideas--------- -- Page 2 –

    31  Misce,,aneous Recipes ------------------------------ Page 32 – 33

      0o%t +oods( eggies( rains & 0prout Recipes------ Page 3" –

    ""ast reat Recipes ----------------------------------- Page "* - *1


  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes



    6178 4nne9s Birdie Bread (Posted by: Anne Johnson - July 14, 1996)

    • 2 boxes Corn Mufn Mix

    • 4 es

    • 1!4 "u# $il%

    • & tbs' oil

    • 1 "u# risins

    • 1 "u# di"ed ##le

    • 1 "u# rted "rrots

    • 1 "u# rted u""hini

    Pre het o*en to 4++ derees' Mix rst 4 inredients toether in lre bol' Add next 4

    inredients nd $ix ell' .rese nd /our 2 bred #ns' 0%e t 4++ or & $ins'Variations: 3ou "n substitute ny ruit or *eie su"h s: blueberries, "rnberries,bnns, bro""oli, sush, "uli/oer, reen bens, rs#berries, s#in"h, nuts,#ine##le, et"' 3ou "n lso use other $ufn $ixes su"h s the ot$el, brn, et"' 0e"reti*e nd use your i$intion' 3ou "n reee ny leto*er bred or #re#re it ind*n"e nd reee or uture use' 5er*e r$'

    6278 4pp,e-'.eese Mufns (Posted by: 0rry - My , 1996)

    7nredients: 2 "u#s hole het /our, 1 1!2 ts# b%in #oder, 1!2 ts# b%in sod, 1 ts#slt, 1!2 "u# shredded "heddr "heese, 1!2 "u# butter, sotened, 1!& "u# sur, 2 esith shells, 1!2 "u# "ho##ed ##le, 1!2 "u# shredded "rrot' 8ire"tions: Mix the rst *einredients toether' sh the es, then blenderie the es ith the shell in"luded'Add butter, sur, ##le, nd "rrot to the es nd blenderie brie/y to $ix' 5tirtoether ith the dry inredients until ust "o$bined' 5#oon into resed $ufn tins ndb%e t &+ derees or 2+ to 2 $inutes, or until s#riny to the tou"h'

    6378 Banana Nut Mufns (Posted by: 0rry - My , 1996)

    Ingredients: 2 "u#s hole het /our, 2!& "u# sur, 1 ts# b%in #oder, 1 ts# b%insod, ; ts# slt, ; "u# "heddr "heese, < "u# "ho##ed bnns, = "u# nuts, nely"ho##ed, 2 es ith shell, = "u# *eetble oil'

    Directions: Mix the dry inredients in bol' sh the es thorouhly, blenderiein"ludin the shell, dd the oil, nd $ix ell' Add the es nd oil to the dry inredients'


  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


    5#oon into resed $ufn "u#s' 0%e or 2+ to 2 $inutes in &> deree o*en, or until tooth#i"% inserted in the "enter "o$es out "len'

    6"78 BeBe9s Birdie Bread (Posted by: ?en @ihll - My , 1996)

    •  o 6 o) rs bby ood seet #ottoes

    • 2 rs bby ood tro#i"l ruit

    • = "u#s #ellets or 4 tbs hnd eedin or$ul

    • es nd eshells ("rushed)

    7 re"y"le #ellets let in our birdsB bols (e use un"olored #ellets)' Mix es nd bbyood' se little in s$ll blender!#ro"essor to "rush the e shells ("l"iu$ sour"e)'Mix in re$inin inredients' Put in ##er "u#"%es or $ufn tins- 4 ts#s e"h'

    Mi"ro*e 1-2 $ins until r$' Dr b%e in toster o*en t 4++ derees or 1 $inutes tillr$' M%es 12 ser*ins' 5er*e r$, but not too hot' Co"%toos - 1 e"h, Conures - ;e"h' 5*e re$inder in ride nd r$ beore ser*in' Eery nutritious nd they ll lo*eit'

    6*78 Bird Bread %or Ec,ectus (Posted by: Crolyn 5i"eood - June 1+, 199>)

    • 2 "u#s yello "orn $el

    • 1 "u# hole het /our

    • l "u# "urrnts or risins

    • 1 "u# nuts (#ine, l$ond, lnut, #e"n)

    • 1 "u# shelled sun/oer seeds

    • 1 tenty-nine oun"e "n o solid #"% #u$#%in

    • 1 thirty-to oun"e bottle o ##y ne"tr• one hl "u# o sun/oer or sFoer oil

    • 1 ts# round "inn$on

    • 1 bs b%in #oder

    Co$bine inredients in lre bol' Add enouh ter or ui"e to $%e #ourblebtter' se to lre ell-resed b%in #ns' 0%e t 42 derees or &+ $inutes oruntil done' Cool nd sli"e' Cn be roen' his re"i#e $%es Ghe*yH bred, not s liht syou ould #re#re or yoursel, but the birds lo*e itI oti"e tht it "ontins *ery littleb%in #oder, (so$e b%in #oders "ontin lu$inu$) no dded sur or otherseeteners, nd no dded slt'

    6/78 Birdie Birt.da 'a$e (Posted by: 5usn Crter - Jnury 2>, 1999)

    • 1 box Crrot C%e $ix


  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


    • 1 "n Kruit Co"%til (reser*e ui"e)

    • 1 "n Cut 5eet Pottoes (reser*e ui"e)

    • 1!& s"r#ed "uttlebone

    • = "u# Kl%ed Co"onut nd = "u# Lisons

    se the ui"e ro$ the Kruit Co"%til nd 5eet Pottoes or the liuid "lled or in the

    "%e $ix' o the liuid dd 4 es (box $ixes usully need &, 7 dd the extr one or the#rotein), $ix in ll liuids to this in"ludin *it$ins i you use liuid' o the dry $ix 7 ddthe s"r#ed "uttlebone nd dry *it$ins' Mix ell then dd the seet #ottoes nd $ixith $ixer in to "ho# the 5eet Pottoes into s$ller #ie"es' 5tir in the Co"onut,risons, nd Kruit Co"%til' 7 "oo% it in #ound "%e #n or 9 1& either one or%s,"oo% till done' hile still r$ 7 i"e ith thin lyer o #enut butter nd s#rin%le ith"o"onut' Cn be roen in sli"es nd ser*ed s needed'

    6:78 Birdie Bread %or ;!er

  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


    6#78 Bo==i9s Basic Birdie Bread (Posted by: 0obbi 0rin%er - Auust 29, 1996)

    • 2 boxes "orn $ufn $ix

    • & tbss b%in #oder

    • 1 ts# 5#irulin

    • 2 es O shells (#uree in blender)

    • 4 rs bby ood ("rrots, seet #ottoes, ruit, "hi"%en!tur%ey ith ri"e, noodles, or*eetbles)

    • &!4 "u# #enut butter

    • 2 "u#s bby "erel (buy loest #er"ent o iron)

    • 1-1!2 "u#s shredded!"ho##ed *eies (usully "rrots or bro""oli)' Al$ost ny o thebby oods "n be used but "hoose those ith hih Eit$in A "ontent'

    >arning - the btter ill be hrd to $ixI Mix et O dry inredients se#rtely' Co$bineet O dry inredients lon ith shredded!"ho##ed *eies' 5#ry 9x1& #n ith"oo%in s#ry O b%e bout &+ $inutes in 4++ deree #reheted o*en' Cool on r"%,"ut into sures O reee in & dy bt"hes'

    Optional Additions: "ho##ed nuts, tosted soyben bits, shredded lo t "heese, driedruit (s$ll #ie"es), sh*ed "uttlebone, tosted sun/oer %ernels, #ureed bnns,#ureed bens (redu"e bby oods by one r ), #eeled, #ureed resh $no, ##y or%ii (redu"e nu$ber o rs o bby ood)'

    678 Buttercup9s Birdie Bars (Posted by: Misty - A#ril 21, 1999)

    • 2 "u#s "orn$el

    • 2 "u#s /our

    • ts# b%in #oder

    • 4 es !shells

    • 1 = "u#s ##lesu"e

    • 2 "u#s ##le ui"e

    • 4 tbs #enut butter

    • 2 "u#s seed• 2 "u#s $ixed *eies

    • 1 "n ruit "o"%til

    Mix nd #our in resed 9x12 #n nd b%e t &+ or 4+-4 $in' Cut in brs, "ool ndser*e'


  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


    61?78 '.ico9s Mufns (Posted by: Anne ilers - June 26, 2+++)

    • = "u# hole het /our

    • = "u# "orn$el

    • = "u# @rrisons Msh or Qieti$e diet ne

    • 2 bs b%in #oder

    • ; "u# risins

    • ; "u# hulled orni" ses$e seed

    • 1 e (you "n sterilie the shells nd "rush the$ in too)

    • ; "u# rted "rrot

    • = "u# orne ui"e (resh) $y need to dd tou"h $ore or "onsisten"y

    Co$bine dry inredients' Mix ell, dd et inredients' Mix ell nd s#oon into s$llbirdy sie $ufn tins (use s#ry li%e P$ to *oid sti"%in)' 7 you used the s$ll tins youshould et ##rox' 2 doen little $ufns ust the #ere"t sie or sn"%in on'

    Plus you et the dded benet o sne%in so$e @rrisons into #i"%y birdBs diet' 3ou"n use *rious diNerent seeds!nuts nd ##le ui"e or%s ust s ell' 7 so$eti$essne% in dded 1 tbs liuid "l"iu$' My .rey, Chi"o, lo*es these nd s$"%Bs his Hli#sHhene*er he sees the$'

    61178 @ig. Protein or @ig. itamin 4 Bread (Posted by: 5ndi 5rtin - Auust 11,1999)

    • 6 D' breeder #ellets

    • 2 "u#s "oo%ed bens (%idney, lentils, rbno, #into, et"')

    • = "u# hole-het /our

    • = "u# re' /our

    • & es #lus shells

    • = "u# "orn$el

    • = "u# r "rrots, "ho##ed in blender

    • = "u# shelled sun/oer seeds

    • = "u# *e' oil

    Co*er #ellets ith hot ter to soten O $sh' Add ll dry inredients to #ellets' 0lendell' Puree bens, es, nd "rrots in ood #ro"essor or blender' 5tir into dry inred' to$%e thi"% btter' Add ter s needed' 0%e t &+ derees 4-+ $inutes' 7 b%e


  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


    these in the $initure $ufns #ns so 7 donBt h*e to "ut nd sli"e the$' Kreee inindi*idul bies'

    Vegetable-rich Bread: 5ubstitute eul $ounts o $intenn"e #ellets nd "oo%ed*eies' Crrots, bro""oli, y$s, sush insted o the bens' Pre#re s bo*e' 7 lysuse Eit$in A ri"h *eies in this bred' 7 h*e ened lot o bby .reys on thesebreds' My breeders nd #ets lo*e it tooI @o#e your birds enoy itI

    61278 Aat.9s Birdie Bread (Posted by: ?thy Person - Kebrury 2, 199>)

    • 1 "u# "orn$el

    • = "u# e"h hole het /our nd rye /our

    • ; "u# e"h Cre$ o Li"e "erel, Mlt-D-Mel, rits, nd rolled ots

    • 4 ts# b%in #oder

    • = "u# #enut butter

    • ; "u# risins

    • & rs bby ood - sush, seet #ottoes O ##lesu"e

    • ; "u# rted "heddr "heese

    • 1 lre "rrot "ho##ed

    • 1 "u# "ho##ed bro""oli ste$s O "rons

    • 2 es ith shells

    • 1 "u# #uNed bron ri"e "erel

    • ter s ne"essry

    Put "rrot O bro""oli in ood #ro"essor or &+ se"onds' s O shells should lso be#ro"essed in the ood #ro"essor until shells re round' Mix ll inredients nd dd terto $%e $ixture s#redin "onsisten"y' 5#red in resed 1+x1& #n, nd b%e t 4++or &+ $inutes'

    7 "reted this re"i#e by "o$binin inredients ro$ so$e o the other birdie bred re"i#esout there nd ddin so$e o $y on' My birds lo*e itI 7nredients "n esily besubstituted ith si$ilr inredients tht you h*e on hnd'

    61378 Ai

  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


    0%e ""ordin to #"%e dire"tions, but t"h "reully ter bout 1+-1 $inutes'5tore in reeer nd #o# in toster o*en to het beore ser*in to restore "ris#iness' 0e"utious not to ser*e too hot hoe*erII My "o"%too "nBt et enouh o these ndneither "n $y @hnRs M" nd 5enel #rrotI

    61"78 inda9s 0out.ern 'orn=read (Posted by: Qind Muylle - July 2>, 2+++)

    2 "u#s yello "orn $el, 1 "u# sel-risin /our, 1 ts# slt, 1 tbs# sur, 2 tbs# 5#irulin, 2r es, 2 "ho##ed boiled es, 1 #% roen seet #es or bro""oli nd rted "rrot'

    Mix ll inredients in"ludin e shells' Pour into resed b%in #n nd #ut in#reheted 4+ deree o*en or bout 2+ $inutes' Cool "o$#letely nd "ut in s$ll

    sures nd reee' Just t%eB$ out hen you needB$'

    61*78 Maca< Ba$e (Posted by: ?ren Qoten - My , 1996)

    7nredients: & es ith shell, ; lb' ried h$burer, 2 "u#s "oo%ed bens (see ben $ixbelo), 1 6o r bby ood, < "u# honey or "ourse bron sur, < "u# #enut butter, ;"u# #odered soy $il%, 1 "u# "orn $el, < "u# shredded "rrots, 2 "u#s ot$el orhet /%es, = "u# ot or het brn, 2 tbls' het er$ oil' 7 lso dd so$e 5#irulin i 7 h*e it'

    8ire"tions: Pre-het o*en to &> derees' Mix e*erythin toether nd di*ide into 2resed lo #ns' 0%e or &+ to 4 $inutes, or until to# o bred is liht bron'

    0en Mix - Led 0ens, 0l"%-eyed Pes, .ret ortherns, Qi$ 0ens, ?idney 0ens,Pinto 0ens, nd 5oybens eul to the totl $ount o $ixed bens' 5o% or 24 hrs',brin to boil ith little slt nd let sit or "ou#le o hours' 8rin nd rinse'

    61/78 Meican eggie 'orn Mufns (Posted by: Li"helle - o*e$ber 1, 199)

     %e 2 #"%es o Mexi"n style "ornbred!$ufn $ix, dd drined "n o $ixed*eetbles, #ut in $ufn tins nd b%e till done' 7 i*e hl to $y Su%er dily' he rest7 "ut in hl nd reee in bies nd #ull out hl e*ery dy or the olloin dy so itis thed or lun"h'


  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


    61:78 Norma9s Birdie Bread (0y: or$ .oldberer - July 14, 199>)

    • 1 box o Corn Mufn Mix

    • 8u$# into blender:

    • 1 e ith shell

    • 1 "rrot shed

    1 hun% o seet #otto $i"ro*ed &+ se" to tenderie• 2 bottles bnn bby ood

    • 1 hndul $ustrd le*es shed (ro$ the *eie rden)

    Substitutes: Eeetble list - 1 stl% o bro""oli, hndul o shed dndelion reens,hndul reen bens or #es'

    Liquids - A #ie"e o bnn nd 1!& "u# o $il% or nutritious ruit ui"e "n re#l"e thebby ood'

    Optional: Add s#i"es - = ts# "hili or ; ts# "yenne or ; ts# "inn$on'

    0lenderie bo*e nd dd to "orn $ufn $ix' Mix' 0%e s #"%e dire"ts (4++ derees)in resed ("orn oil) $ufn #n' Must be the slihtly reen "olor tht is so ##elin'

    61#78 Nutt Bird Bread (Posted by: 5unne - My 2>, 1999)

    • 1 box "orn $ufn $ix

    • 1 e

    • = "u# o $il%

    • 1 ##le (#eeled, "ored , nd "ho##ed u# ood)

    • = "u# ui"% ots

    • = "u# "ho##ed lnuts

    • 2 tbs #enut butter

    • = "u# o your birdsR *orite #ellet(s) "ho##ed'

    Mix ll inredients toether nd s#red in 9H 1&H lihtly resed #n (7 use Cris"os#ry)' 0%e t &+ or 2-& $inutes' Che"% ith tooth#i"%' Cool "o$#letely, "ut into 2Hsures, ser*e "ool' 5*es ret in rideII *en the #i"%y ones QDE this stuNIII

    6178 Cuic$ 9n Eas Bird Bread (Posted by: 8eborh Kurni - My 22, 1999)

    • 1 "u# hole het /our

    • 1 "u# "orn $el

    • 2 ts# b%in #oder

    • 1 ts# sur or honey


  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


    • 2 es

    • & tbs *eetble oil or #l$ oil (or Ari"n s#e"ies)

    • 1C $il% or butter$il%

    Mix the bo*e inredients nd dd ny o the olloin: "oo%ed seet #ottoes, sushshredded or "ho##ed, rted "rrot, #ul*eried e shells, blueberries, #enut butter,lnuts, or nythin tht your bird li%es' 0%e t &+ derees or &-4 $inutes in 1&x9#n'

    62?78 0andra9s Bird Mufns (0y: 5ndr J' 0ortni"% - July 2&, 199>)

     hese birdy $ufns h*e been eten reedily by ll birdies o #eo#le 7 suested the$to' 5u##le$ent the$ ith your i$intion (7 es#e"illy li%e to dd ses$e)'

    • 4 "u#s boiled nd $shed #u$#%in or "nned #u$#%in

    • 2 "u#s "re$ o het (un"oo%ed)

    • 2 "u#s rits(un"oo%ed)

    • 1 "u#s ot$el(un"oo%ed)

    • = "u#s ##lesu"e

    • 1 e (shell too)

    • 2 tbs b%in #oder

    • 2 tbs "inn$on

    • = "u# risins

    • = "u# sur

    • 1 tbs *e' oil

    Adust "onsisten"y ith ##lesu"e, ter, or rits' 5#oon into "u#"%e ##er lined$ufn tins nd b%e 2+-& $inutes t 4++ derees' 7 lso use JiNy $ufn $ix in #l"e o"'o'' nd rits' 5es$e seeds re hih in "l"iu$' 7 donBt use $u"h ses$e seed nd i 7use it 7 o$it oil ro$ tht bt"h'

    Food Values:

    rits 1o)8 >$ C, 2+'>$ Phos, '&4 t

    'ream o% >.eat &9'>9$ C, >9'9$ Phos, nd '&> t

    0esame seeds 1o) 2>6'41$ C, 1>'&$ Phos, nd 14'+9 t

    62178 0and9s o!e Mufns (Posted by: 5ndy .ddis - o*e$ber 2+, 199)

    • 2 boxes "orn $ufn $ix


  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


    • 1 "n "re$ style "orn

    • 2 es T shells, 0lenderied

    • 2 "u#s $ixed ste$ed, or boiled "rrots, bro""oli, "uli/oer, onion, nythin elseyou nt to dd

    • 2 "u#s rted "heese ("heddr)

    • 1 "u# risons

    = "u# ny %ind o nuts• Optional-- 1 bs rs#berry $ or honey

    • 2 hrd-boiled es, $shed

    Mix e*erythin toether, s#ry $ufn #n ith P$ or i#e ith oil' 8ro# 1 bs #er "u#'My bird ill %ill or these' Also ood or dos or "ts, they lo*e the$' 5o$eti$es 7 s#litthe re"i#e nd dd the rs#berry $ to only hl o the btter' 0%e ""ordin to $ufn$ix dire"tions' 7t "n be roen' 3ou "n %ee# in reriertor or u# to ee%'

    62278 0.aron9s Birdie Bread Recipe (Posted by: 5hron 8ubois - Auust 29, 199>)

    • 2 Cu#s nely round #ellets

    • 1 Eery ri#e bnn

    • 1!& Cu# het er$ oil

    • 1!& Cu# *eetble oil

    • 6 Qre es

    • 2 @e#in tbss o "nned #u$#%in

    • 1 @e#in tbs o ##lesu"e

    1 Cu# o $ixed *eetbles• 1 Cu# o "oo%ed or "nned #into bens

    • 1 Cu# boiled bron ri"e

    • 2 Cu#s "orn $el

    • 4 tbs b%in #oder

    • 1 ts# 5#irulin

    Mix the rst *e inredients in ood #ro"essor until you h*e ne blend' Add the nextto inredients nd "ontinue to #ro"ess' Pour entire $ixture into lre bol nd ddthe *eetbles, bens, ri"e, "orn $el nd b%in #oder, 5#irulin nd stir' he $ixshould be the "onsisten"y o "ornbred' 7 itBs too dry, dd the liuid ro$ the #intobens' 7 there isnBt enouh liuid dd ter' hen you h*e the desired "onsisten"y,#our into 1&x9 in"h b%in #n'

    0%e the bred t &2 derees or bout 4+ $inutes or until done' o test your bred,insert tooth#i"% in the $iddle o the #n' 7 it "o$es out "len the bred is redy' M%ese*erl #ns t on"e so you "n reee the lo*es nd use the$ s needed' 5#rin%le


  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


    *it$ins on the bred nd "ru$ble it beore ser*in' .ood *it$ins to s#rin%le re:Wheat Grass powder I

     62378 erri9s Birdie Bread (Posted by: erri Qeinne eber - Mr"h 12, 199>)

    • 4 "ornbred $ixes

    • 1 #"%e roen "ollrd!%le!bro""oli (or resh)

    • 4 es

    • About = "u# to 1 "u# lo t, #lin orni" yourt

    • About 1 - = "u#s "oo%ed butternut or olden sush, seet #otto or #u$#%in

    • 8ried!resh ruit ("olorul to dd interest)

    • 1 "u# #ellets (or $ore i you nt' 7 "on*erted 2 birds to @rrisonBs usin this re"i#e)'

    0lend 3ourt!es!reens, substitute or liuid "lled or' Mix ll inredientsU b%e bout4 $ins t 4++ derees' 7 use 4 #"%es o "ornbred $ix but 7 try to et the$ t thehelthood store so they donBt "ontin sur, nd h*e less slt, but "ornbred is relesy to $%e yoursel ro$ s"rt"h, so so$eti$es 7 do tht too - ti$e #er$ittin'

    ht 7 do is t%e resh or roen "ollrd reens, %le, "hrd, bo%"hoi to#s, bro""oli,dndelion or hte*er 7 "n "o$e by tht is reen nd hih in *it$in A' 7 #ut it throuhthe blender ith little yourt (#lin, orni", lo-t) nd substitute this or the liuid"lled or in the re"i#e' 7 lso blend in the es, shell nd llU "lled or by the re"i#e (7sh the outside o the es in hot ter rst' 7 donBt %no i it does ny ood)'

    7 then ste$ yello inter sush, #u$#%in, or seet #otto, until *ery sot, or i 7 "nnd roen, 7Bll use tht' 7n the bsolute orst "se 7 ill use "n o #u$#%in, but besure not to et #ie $ix' Just #lin #u$#%in' 7 stir in 1 #"%e roen, 1 "n or the

    eui*lent resh "oo%ed'

    7 then stir in "u# ($ore or less) o hte*er #ellets 7 h*e to s#re, nd so$e briht"olored resh or dried ruit ("rnberries, rs#berries, blue berries)U ust enouh to "t"htheir ttention' 5o$eti$es, 7 ill thro in e nuts' his $%es 2 lre Pyrexre"tnulr sheet #ns hi"h is enouh to i*e $y birds ( et their on #ie"e!2 shre 1#ie"e, so six dy) e"h dy or l$ost & ee%s' Pie"es re bout 1 in"h sure'

    My birds relly see$ to li%e this bred' D""sionlly, 7 ill le*e out the sush!seet#otto!#u$#%in nd dd "ho##ed red nd reen seet #e##ers, little rli" "ho##ed,nd so$e hot #e##ers or dried #e##er /%es' hen 7 do this, 7 lso dd bout urterto hl "u# "heddr in s$ll "hun%s'

    62"78 u-Ai reat (Posted by: Mrlen - June 1&, 2+++)


  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


     u-?i is reen "hee% "onure ho hs no loer $ndible' his re"i#e i*es her ood$ount o her reuired ood needs'

    • 2 boxes Corn 0red Mix'

    • 1 tbs o "l"iu$, $inerl nd *it$in #oder'

    • 2 es (shell in"luded) - 5e#rte e ro$ shell V sh nd rind shell

    • 1 r e"h bby ood 5eet Potto, .reen 0ens

    • 1 "u# "rushed #ellets ( #ut in #lsti" b nd roll ith rollin #in to "rush )

    • 1 lre "rrot

    • = "u# resh r bro""oli

    • 1!& "u# $ixed nuts (no #enuts) nd dry ruit, lso #ul*eried'

    Mix Cornbred Mix, nuts, ruit, #ellets, e shell nd *it$in #oder toether' Add esnd other stuN, $ix ell ith ooden s#oon' 5#ry lre b%in dish ith P$' Mixtureill be lu$#y nd sti"%y' 7 it is too thi"% dd little ruit ui"e or ##lesu"e'

    5#red to bout &!4 H thi"% nd b%e until olden nd %nie "o$es out "len heninserted in "enter (bout 2+ $inutes to 1!2 hour)'

    Cut into sures hile still hot' hen "ool, reee sures in ser*in #ortions in #lsti"sndi"h bs' 7 derost s$ll se"tions o*erniht nd then r$ it in $i"ro*e or 6se"onds' u-?i lo*es it r$ nd hs ined 4 r$s sin"e e brouht her ho$e' Poorbby s str*in to deth in horrid #et sho#' 7 lso i*e her so%ed Wu#ree$ #ellets,"ho##ed *eies, ruit, nd ny birdie oodies 7 "n $%e s$ll enouh or her' 7 i*e thebred to $y riendsR birds nd they ll lo*e it too'


  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


      M;0 RE';MMENDED & ;ED RE'IPE0

    6178 Bu,gur( 'orn & reens

    A "olorul blend o inredients, redy in eer thn 2 $inutesI 

    1 "u# bulur

    2 "u#s ter

    Dne 1+-oun"e box roen "orn %ernels

    1!2 #ound reens (%le or "ollrds), rinsed nd torn into bite-sie #ie"es 

    2 bles#oons resh "ho##ed bsil (o#tionl)

    2 bles#oons le$on ui"e

    Coo% bulur in ter in lre "o*ered #ot or 1+ $inutes o*er $ediu$ het' Addre$inin inredients' @et 1+ $inutes loner, stirrin o""sionlly' 5er*e r$'

    TIP: Cn reee indi*idul #ortions or n esy $el or your ethered riend'

    6278 Mango 0a,sa 0prout 0a,ad 

    • = Cu# Drni" 5#routs, 5#routedV

    • 1!& Mno, Peeled nd 8i"ed• 2 bles#oons Cilntro (Prsley "n be substituted or Cilntro)

    • 1 5$ll Jl#eno Pe##er ith 5eeds, 8i"ed ("n substitute ith 5eet Led or .reenPe##ers)

    • 1 bles#oon Kreshly 5ueeed Qi$e Jui"e' 


  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


    Mix ll inredients nd ser*e i$$editely' Keel ree to dd in other *eetbles into the$ix or dded ex"ite$entI

    6378 +ruit Pi))a

    @ereBs onderul loo%in dessert tht both hu$ns nd their *in "o$#nions illenoy'

    •  1 lre 12-in"h-ide #it bredV

    •  1 "u# unseetened ##le su"e (see re"i#e belo)

    •  1!2 %ii ruit, #eeled nd sli"ed

    •  & orni" strberries, sli"ed

    •  1 ##le or #er, #eeled, "ored, nd thinly sli"ed

    Sprinle a s!all a!ount o" chopped !int lea#es "or a new twist on this "un recipe$

    5#red thin lyer o ##le su"e o*er #it bred' Arrne sli"es o ruit on to# o ##le

    butter' 5#rin%le ith "inn$on' 5er*e s is or het in &+-deree o*en or 1 $inutes ndser*e r$'

    %&an substitute 'ita Bread "or 'lain (ice &ae and do not bae$ Ser#e Fresh) &an use an* #ariet* o" "ruit noyI And be sure to le*e so$e or your ethered riendsI

    6"78 @ome Made 4pp,e 0auce

     here is nothin li%e resh ho$e$de A##le 5u"e' 3our birds ill be su%in on"ethey s$ell the rrnt ro$s throuhout the houseI

    2 to & #ounds ##les #er urt (Cn redu"e the sie bsed on your indi*idul needs)'ter to "ot su"e#n'Optional Spices: Cinn$on nd!or ut$e (ote: these /*ors re *ery #otent' 5o$ebirds $y or $y not enoy the$)

    7nstru"tionssh, "ore nd #eel ##les' Cut into urters' Coo% ##les until sot in lre "o*eredsu"e#ot ith ust enouh ter to #re*ent sti"%in' Press ##les nd ui"e throuh sie*e or ood $ill' 7 ny seeds or #eels es"#ed, no is the ti$e to re$o*e the$' Leturn##le #ul# to su"e#ot' 0rin ##lesu"e to boil, stirrin to#re*ent sti"%in' 5#rin%le in dsh o "inn$on nd!or nut$e to tste, i desired'Ledu"e hetU si$$er $inutes, stirrin to #re*ent sti"%in'

    Creully ldle hot su"e into lss bol or "oolin' 5er*e r$ (@ot ood should ne*erbe oNered due to hih ris% o "ro# burn)'

    (ecipe Variations: Kor "hun%y su"e, "orsely "rush hl o the "oo%ed ##les ith #otto $sherU #ress re$inin ##les throuh sie*e or ood $ill' Co$bine "rushed


  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


    nd su"ed ##le $ixturesU "ontinue s or A##le 5u"e'+ote: sin seet *riety etin ##le i your bird li%es seet tste'

    6*78 0

  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


    bol' Add to e $ixture = "u# t ti$e until thorouhly blended' Dn lo s#eed, stir inrisins' 8ro# rounded tes#oonulRs o douh 1H #rt onto unresed "oo%ie sheet' 0%ein bt"hes or 12 $inutes' rnser "oo%ies to r"% to "ool' M%es ##roxi$tely 12+"oo%ies' hese "oo%ies reee *ery ell'

    6:78 @ome Made Parrot Mufns

    • 2 "u#s Corn Mel Klour

    • 2 "u#s hole het Klour

    • 1 tbles#oon 0%in Poder

    • & es (ith shells $ushed in s$ll #ie"es)

    • 1 "oo%ed O #eeled seet #otto!y$ $shed

    • 1 hole bnn $shed

    • 1!2 "u# red %idney bens $shed,

    • 2 "u#s resh *eies!ruit "ho##ed nely in ood #ro"essor (you "n use: bro""oli,strin bens, *rious berries, "rnberries, %le, red #e##ers, hte*erBs t ho$e)

    • 4 tbles#oons #enut butter

    • 1!2 "u# o "ho##ed nuts (sun/oer seeds, hulled $illet, #e"ns, lnuts, et"')

    Optional,  2 rs o bby ood (*eie or ruit only) - usin this %ee#s the$ $oist'

    Mix ll inredients nd b%e t &+ or &+-4 $inutes (%ee# t"h on the$ tht they donot burn)' 3ou "n substitute *eies to hte*er is in your house' 3ou "n use roen*eies to substitute or resh' - 0e Creti*e nd h*e un ith itI

    7 usully ill $%e double bt"h o this nd #our into "%e #n nd $ufn #ns tht 7rese u# ith "nol oil so it doesnBt sti"%' 7 r# u# the $ufns u# ith x ##er nd#ut the$ in Kreeer bs or indi*idul dily ser*ins' his hs been #ro*en *eryef"ient or those busy $ornins'

     3ield: 24 Mufns

    6#78 Parrot Mufns

    1 #"%e o @odeson Cornbred Mix ith hole het KlourPage1#

  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


    • 1 e (ith shells $ushed in s$ll #ie"es)

    • Cn dd ny or ll o the olloin: 1!2 n ##le (seeded O "ho##ed), 1!2 seet#otto $shed, 1 hole bnn $shed, 1!2 "u# red %idney bens $shed,

    • 1 "u# resh *eies ("n substitute ith roen) "ho##ed nely in ood #ro"essor (7nor$lly use resh *eies: bro""oli, strin bens, red #e##ers, hte*erBs t ho$e)

    • 2 tbles#oons #enut butter ("n substitute ith Al$ond 0utter)

    • ;ptiona,  2 rs o bby ood (*eie or ruit only) - usin this %ee#s the$ $oist'

    • ;ptiona,  1!4 "u# "ho##ed nuts (sun/oer seeds, #e"ns, lnuts)

    Mix ll inredients nd b%e ""ordin to dire"tions on the box' 7 use hte*er*eies!ruit re in the house (strberries, blueberries, "rnberries, hot "hili #e##ers,bens (%idney bens, n*y bens, et"') - 0e Creti*e nd h*e un ith itI

    7 usully ill $%e tri#le bt"hes nd reee the$ indi*idully or dily ser*ins'

     3ield: 12 Mufns

    678 0>EE P;4; '@IP0

    Prehet o*en to 4++-42 derees' Peel one lre seet #otto nd "ut it into stri#s li%eyou ould or ries' Linse in ter nd sh%e the$ in b ith $ixture o round"orn$el /our nd e sh%es o Cyenne #e##er'

    Pl"e the$ on "oo%ie sheet nd b%e the$ or &+ $inutes, turnin the$ o*er hlythrouh'

    Mix "orn$el /our, so$e "rushed red #e##er, ses$e seeds, 1 e nd enouh ter to$%e btter "onsisten"y' 8i# ll the #otto "hi#s in this'

    Dn the sto*eto# X 7n ryin #n o*er $ediu$ het' Add n in"h o *eetble oil nd"oo% the$ or "ou#le $inutes on e"h side'''ust until they re broned little' 8rinthe$ on ##er toels nd ser*e r$'

    D: ith the let o*er btter X M%e 5#i"y ortills X 8ro# in tbles#oon ull into the


    61?78 +ruit Ices


  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


     %e your #rrotBs *orite ruits' Puree the$ in blender' Pour into 7"e Cube ry ndreee' 7 your birds re li%e $ine, they ill lo*e it' Co$es in hndy in those hot su$$er$onths too'

    61178 ;rganic >ater

    1 llon t# ter T 1 tbles#oon Drni" A##le Cider Y Drni" ter

    61278 ',eaning our Parrots eggies & +ruits

    5#ry Drni" A##le Cider on your ruits O *eies to re$o*e hr$ul toxins' it *e$inutes then rinse'

    61378 Pine 'ones

    Pine "ones re ret toys or birds' Plese $%e sure your #ine "ones re in ood"ondition (not et, old, or $ildeed)' @et o*en to 22K' Pl"e #ine "ones in the o*en or2+ $inutes' hen turn oN the o*en, but le*e the #ine "ones in the o*en or 2 hours todry out'

    +ote: Pine "ones ill s"or"h nd #ossibly strt re i the o*en is ny hiher thn 22K'

      BRE4A+40 E0( P4N'4AE0( >4++E0 RE'IPE0F

    6178 Birdie +renc. oast (Posted by: Krn% 8illin - A#ril 2, 2+++)

    2 es, 1 r o seet #otto bby ood, ; "u# $il% nd bred'

    Mix ll inredients toether ex"e#t bred, di# bred in $ixture nd #n ry till oldenbron' hey lu* itI

    6278 ertie9s reat ridd,e 'a$es (Posted by: 5te#hnie illi$son - 5e#te$ber ,1999)

    • 1 #%t Corn Mufn Mix


  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


    • 1 e, in"ludin shell (sh e nd rind shell thorouhly)

    • Qeto*er seeds (i you on bird, you %no ht 7 $en)V

    • 1 bs hu$$us (this s rosted rli" hu$$us)

    • 1 bs #enut butter (this s s$ooth, but "hun%y ould h*e been nu$$ier)

    • 1 bs honey ("tully ust du$#ed it in nd didnBt $esure it

    • 1!& Ci# $il% or so

    7 du$#ed it ll in ex"e#t or the $il%' Mixed it u# nd then strted to dd $il%' 7 ot it to$ufn "onsisten"y, but then 7 re$e$bered redin bout so$eone $%in "oo%ie on"st iron, so 7 de"ided to $%e riddle"%es' .ertie ($y 2) is still tryin to de"ide i theyre edible, but Csno* ($y rotten 5tndrd Poodle #u##y) hs lredy stolen t lestone nd #ronoun"ed it deli"ious' @e stnds ith his nose #ressed to the brs hen .ertieis etin out o her tret bol' @e thin%s he is busedI

    8u$#ed it by 1! "u# $ounts onto *ery hot "st iron #n' Qet it et dry on the edesnd bubbles on to# nd then /i##ed' hey ere bit hrd to /i# nd the rst oneserenBt #retty, but ho "resI ill let you %no i $iss #i"%y .ertie de"ides they reedible'

    6378 Gane9s Birdie >aHes (Posted by: Jyne elson - Kebrury 29, 2+++)

    Fe btter, rted ##les, "rrots nd bro""oli' 3ou "n use *eies nd ruit o ny%ind' Mix toether nd $%e u# Fes or your Kids' Kreee in sinle ser*ins nd #o# inthe toster or bre%st or dinner' All $y Kids lo*e the$'

    6"78 nns Panca$e Brea$%ast (Posted by: Qynn Co##ess - July 22, 199)

    1 box o ust dd ter #n"%e $ix'

    Pre#re s dire"ted only usin orne ui"e or ##le ui"e insted o ter' 3ou "n lsodd bird *it$ins to $ixture i ne"essry' Any let-o*er #n"%es "n be roen orrerierted nd reheted in $i"ro*e or lter use'

    Le"i#e is *erstile, so you "n dd ny "o$bintion o ruits or nuts i you nt to, li%e$shed bnns, or blueberries et"' My Ari"n .rey is *ery ni"%y nd hrd to #lese,but he lo*es those #n"%es nd ets his *it$ins s ell' ry it nd see'

    6*78 Poo$ie9s ;me,et (Posted by: ?risten - A#ril 4, 199)


  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes



    • 1 e

    • & bs nely "ho##ed "rrot (7 h*e to "ut it s$ll to hide it ro$ her)

    • 1 bs ri""ott or "otte "heese

    • ; "u# bens ny %ind ( not reried ) bl"% re her *orite

    1 s#lsh o $il% to $ix it• & bs "ho##ed e"h ( reen #e##er, bro""oli, seet "orn)

    se ny *eetbles you h*e t the ti$e, to dd e ne ones besides "orn' My$on lo*es y$sU $ost ni"%y birds ill et seet y$' Mix ll the bo*e inredientstoether nd $i"ro*e in bol or "ou#le $inutes' 8onBt use the sto*e' 7 you %ee#resh *eies round its relly st to $%e' @o#e your bby enoys it' 7 he doesnBt, you$iht try $shed #ottoes' My ofns lo*e the$'

    6/78 Cuic$ Bea$%ast (Posted by: J$ie @ullenbuh - 5e#te$ber 16, 1999)

    Sui"% esy bre%st or stubborn bbies hile enin'

    Dne #"%et instnt rits DL ot$el' 5057 ##le ui"e or the < "u# boilin ter'Add ; "u# risins or dried ruit' Qet sit to "ool''' lso hs the #ur#ose o lettin the driedruit bsorb so$e ui"e' his lso ##lies to the stndrd rits nd ot$el' 7t $%es$ore bt"hes tht re esy to reee in i"e "ube trys'

    7 h*e 6 %ids nd bun"h o ether bbies' Dn "old $ornins this is ret or ll o the$'

    6:78 0cram=,ed Eggs & egeta=,es (Posted by: Joe O Lebe"" - Kebrury 2, 199>)

    • 2 es

    • 2 bs lo t ri"ott "heese

    • ; "u# shredded "rrots

    • ; "u# "ho##ed bro""oli

    5"r$ble es ith shells nd ri"ott "heese in bol' Pour into ryin #n nd dd*eetbles' Coo% until es re r$'

    6#78 0unda9s 0

  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


    Mix nu$ber o es needed to eed your /o"% ith, s$ll dsh o "inn$on nd dsho *nill'

    5"r$ble in #n until "oo%ed' Add s$ll dsh o $#le syru#, "ool nd eed to ll'

    678 0)

    • 2 es

    • = r seet #otto bby ood

    • 4 sli"es hole het bred

    Mix the es nd seet #ottoes toether' 8i# bred into the $ixture nd "oo% in ryin#n until both sides re olden bron' Cut the bred into s$ll #ie"es nd s#rin%le sli"edl$onds on to#'

    61?78 >i,,ie9s reen Eggs & @am (Posted by: illie Muylle - July 2>, 2+++)

    s (s"r$bled or boiled), b"on bits, 5#irulin, Pr$esin "heese nd rits' 5"r$bleor "ho# es' Add b"on bits' 5#rin%le 5#irulin nd "heese' oss ith dry rits - ustenouh to %ee# ro$ bein sti"%y'

    D: 7 you "nBt nd rits, use "orn$el' M%e lot or ust little'

      '4AE0( ';;AIE0( PIE0( PI4 RE'IPE0

    6178 Bea$ers Best Birdie Pi))a (Posted by: 0e%ers 0est 0irdie Le"i#es - My , 1996)

    • 1 redy$de #i "rust or use your on re"i#e eli$intin the slt

    • 1 r bby ood $ixed rden *eetbles

    • ; "u# "ho##ed reen bell #e##er

    • ; "u# shredded "rrot• ; "u# "ho##ed bro""oli

    • 2 tbs het er$

    • 2 tbs hetrss #oder

    • = "u# shredded $orell


  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


    5#red bby ood on the "rust' 5#rin%le "rrot, bro""oli nd bell #e##ers' 5#rin%le "heese,het er$ nd hetrss #oder o*erll nd b%e ""ordin to dire"tions or your"rust'

    6278 Bird Pot Pie (Posted by: Moniue 5e$% - July 2, 199)

    • 1 "u# $ixed *eies (rbno bens, reen bens, #es, "rrots, "orn)

    • 1 "n "re$ o #otto sou#

    • = Cu# 0isui"% Mix

    • 1 Cu# Mil%

    • 2 s

    Mix *eies O sou# nd #ut on botto$ o resed 91!2 #ie #n' Prehet o*en 4++K' Mixlst & ite$s ! or% until r$ly beten, #our on to# o *eies' Coo% or 2+ $inutes oruntil to# is olden bron, let "ool'

    6378 Bogie9s Birdie Biscotti (Posted by: Ctherine 8obbins - A#ril 19, 199>)

    Mix 1 "u# round bird #ellets, = "u# "orn $el, = "u# hole het /our, 1 "u# roundl$onds' Add 1-2 tbs #odered het rss nd 2 tbs #odered eshells' Mix in 4hole es, 1 r o bby ood "rrots, nd enouh unseetened ruit ui"e to $ix intor$ douh'

    5"oo# by the s#oonul nd roll into blls o bout +'-+'> Gdi$eterU #l"e on lihtlyresed "oo%ie sheet' 0%e in o*en t &2 derees or 2+-&+ $in' Cool on r"% nd

    %ee# in the reriertor' Also reees ell' 8e#endin on sie, $%es bout 9+-1++'

    7 %ee# i#lo"% o these in the reeer t ll ti$es nd t%e out bout 1-2+ t ti$e nd%ee# in the reriertor' My 2 nd CA. both QDE these nd ill do ust bout nythinto et oneI 7 thin% they re $u"h helthier substitute or $ny o the bird trets in the#et stores'

    6"78 'o$ie9s 'oo$ies (Posted by: P$ ?t - A#ril 2>, 199)

    • 1 "u# dried ruit (ny o your birds *orites-i'e' A#ri"ots, ##les, s, dtes, "o"onut,et"')

    • = "u# un"oo%ed ot$el

    • = "u# risins


  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


    • ; "u# hulled seeds nd!or "rushed nuts (7 use sun/oer seeds, "shes, #enuts,nd lnuts)

    • 1 bs #enut butter

    • 2 bs honey

    7n ood #ro"essor, #ro"ess ll inredients toether ex"e#t or the honey nd #enutbutter' 3ou ill h*e sti"%y lob to #ut into $ediu$ sie bol' Add the #enut butternd honey nd stir until it ets too thi"%' hen use your hnds to %ned the rest to HrollbleH "onsisten"y' M%e 1!2 in"h blls nd #l"e the$ on "oo%ie sheet' 0%e t &+or bout 2+ $inutes' Cool nd ser*e' hey re uite deli"ious (youBll li%e the$ too), ndtheyBre ust the riht sie or $y 5"rlet M",H Co"onutH, to hold'

    6*78 Emi,ie9s Birdie Pot Pie (Posted by: $ilie Kl"% - Mr"h , 2+++)

    • 1 r bby ood "rrots

    • 2 or & hrd-boiled es, "ho##ed (de#endin on the sie o your bird or ho $ny

    birds you h*e)• 1 or 2 six in"h sti"%s o "elery, "ut u# *ery *ery ne

    • 1 ts# bird seed

    • = ts# $illet (oN the sti"%)

    • 1 ts# H*eetbleH bird seed

    • ; ts# #rsley

    • 1 #ot #ie "rust

     %e the "rust nd r$ it in the $i"ro*e until lu%er$' 5et side' 7n bol $ix thebby ood, es, "elery nd #rsley' Mi"ro*e until r$' hen #our the bird seed(e*ery %ind) in nd $ix' 7 ne"essry, het the $ixture nd!or "rust in' Pour the

    $ixture in the "rust, nd then to# the "rust ith the "rust lid' 0%e in the o*en until lihtbron' 5et on r"% to "ool' 5er*e t roo$ te$#'

    6/78 Audo9s Birdie 'oJee 'a$e (Posted by: .A3Q 8 - D"tober 4, 1999)

    • 2 "u#s bisui"%

    • 1 r ste & blue berry bu"%le bby ood

    • 1 tbs "inn$on

    • 1 tbs honey

    • "ho##ed nuts o#tionl• = "u# nturl ruit ui"e

    • 1 "u# roen tri#le berries


  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


    Mix inredients ith ruit ui"e' 0%e in lss #ie #n (s#ry ith #$) t 42 derees or2+ to &+ $inutes (de#ends on dryness o birds tste buds)' Cut into #ie"es, reee unused#ortions'

    &aution: Prrots be%s "hne "olors $ysteriously ter inhlin "%e' ill return tonor$l, no helth hrdI

    6:78 Parrot Pi))a (Posted by: Joe O Lebe"" - Mr"h 12, 199>)

    • 1 s$ll #i "rust (redy$de) or 1 lre /our tortill

    • & tbs #i su"e

    • 1 tbs het er$

    • ; "u# shredded "rrots

    • ; "u# "ho##ed bro""oli

    • = "u# shredded $orell "heese

    Pl"e the "rust or tortill shell on lihtly resed "oo%ie sheet' 5#red #i su"e o*erthe "rust nd s#rin%le ith the het er$' 5#rin%le "rrots, bro""oli nd then "heeseo*er the su"e' 0%e s "rust #"%e suests nd let "ool don beore ser*in to yourethered "o$#nions'

    6#78 Parrott Pi))a (Posted by: Ashley - Mr"h 6, 199)

    • 6 nlish $ufns, hl*ed

    • 2!& "u# shredded "rrots

    • 1 r .erber bby *eetbles• ; "u# elbo #st or lon s#hetti

    • = sti"% o butter

    Step : s#lit $ufn hl*es' Step .: $elt butter O s#red lihtly on $ufns' Step /: s#redbby *eies enerously on $ufn' Step 0: "ut elbo #st or s#hetti into *ery s$ll#ie"es nd #l"e on $ufn' Step 1: dd "rrots nd $i"ro*e or 1 $inute'

    678 a,us9 'runc. 'oo$ie (Posted by: rsul Loss - My 2, 1999)

    • uts, shelled nd round (re"o$$end lnuts nd #e"ns)

    • hole het /our• hite /our

    • ter

    • (o#tionl: ood "olorin, ruit ui"e)


  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


    Dur Ari"n .rey, lus, lo*es "run"hy un% oods li%e "hi#s nd "oo%ies, but onBt et hisnuts' he nserZ lusB Crun"hy Coo%ieI

    .rind the nuts *ery ne, nd $ix ith bout urter to hl "u# o hole het /our'5tir in e tbss o hite /our' Add enouh ter to $%e *ery dry, stiN douh (it doesnBtt%e $u"hI)U %ned or $inute or to' 0re% oN tbs-sied #ie"es nd roll e"h out /tnd thin on /oured sur"e' 0%e on hot, unoiled, "st-iron s%illet, /i##in

    o""sionlly' 8D D "oo% on non-sti"% #n' he "oo%ie is done hen it beins to turnold-bron ith so$e bl"% s#ots' Cool nd ser*e-- "run"hy, helthy tretI

    Options: Add e dro#s o red or blue ood "olorin to tint the "oo%ie' Le#l"e so$e othe ter ith ruit ui"e to seeten, nd "oo% on loer het'

      DE00ER0( +R5I0( DRINA0( ';; @IN0 RE'IPE0

    6178 4erie,,e9s Birdie +root +ruit 0a,ad (Posted by: Aerielle - D"tober 1&, 199>)

    .u*, ##le, #er or ny ruits o your "hoi"e'


  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


    Cho# u# ll ruits into #ltble #ie"es ex"ludin seeds o #er nd ##le' oss #ie"estoether nd t%e out ht you re oin to use, then reee'

    7 nd tht $y budies li%e the u*, ##le, nd #er re"i#e best' 0udies ill "hodon on sld o bout 1 liter o sld s#rin%led ith 1 eihth ts# o le$on or li$e


    6278 4m=rosia (Posted by: ?thy Johnson - Kebrury 11, 199>)

    • 2 $ediu$ ornes #eeled

    • 1 s$ll bnn "ut into sli"es

    • 2+-&+ seedless r#es, urtered i your birds re s$ller

    • 1 "u# strberries "ut in hl 

    • 1 s$ll ##le "ut into bird-sied #ie"es

    Co$bine ll inredients nd toss ell' Cn be roen until urther use'

    6378 Beeper9s Guice (Posted by: Crystl 8i - July 2&, 2+++)

    se ##rox' 1H "ube o your birdie *orite ruits nd *eetbles (t lest ) nd ter'Mix ll the inredients in the liuidier' 5h%e the$ until they re ui"e' Lerierte' Andi you nt, drin% it ith your bird' utritious nd deli"ious' My #rrot li%es it so $u"h'

     6"78 Bert9s 0uns.ine 0urprise (Posted by: Ann Mrie - Jnury 21, 1999)

    • 1 box ny ty#e sur-ree ello

    • ssorted ruits (dried or resh)

    • 5eed (ny ty#e your bird #reers)

    • Wu#ree$ ruit #ellets

    Kollo dire"tions on box or ello' Put in reri' or bout one hour' Cube ll ruits nd ddre$inin inredients to ello' 5tir' Leturn to reri' nd llo to nish settin u#' 5er*e

    one s#oonul dy to your tiel or budie nd be sure to t%e it y ter bout n hour' Jello is $ore #rone to b"teri nd should not be let in the "e ll dy' noyIII

    6*78 'ornmea, +antas (Posted by: Crolyn 5i"eood - June 14, 199>)


  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


    7 you "n boil ter nd stir, you "n $%e your birds *ery h##yII his re"i#e is si$ilrto /n or sot #uddin' 3ou need only ne round "orn /our, *ilble in $ostsu#er$r%ets' 5tir it into boilin ter until it strts to thi"%en, nd "ontinue stirrin ornother $inute or to' At this #oint, you h*e sot #uddin' 7 you nt to e$bellishthe re"i#e, you "n dd #u$#%in #uree, ##le su"e, or bby ood ruits or *eies'

    7 thin% you $y be sur#rised ust ho $u"h your birds li%e this si$#le ood' 3ouBll h*e no

    #roble$ ndin ethered riend to Hli"% the s#oonHI My birds ust "ll it 3MI 7t "n bererierted or se*erl dys or roen in sures or lter use'

    6/78 +ruit 0moot.ies (Posted by: Ashley - Mr"h 29, 199)

    •  3our birdies *orite ruit

    8i"e into s$ll #ie"es nd re$o*e ny toxi" seeds (##le, #er, "herry #its et"')' Put intoblender or ood #ro"essor nd $ix until l$ost liuid but so$e "hun%s still re$in' Put

    $ixture into i"e "ube trys (or s$ller birds you "n buy s$ll i"e "ube trys) nd #utinto reeer until roen' .i*e to your birdies nd let the$ enoyII s#e"illy ood orthose su$$er $onthsII

    6:78 +ruit Ice (Posted by: ?thy Johnson - Kebrury 11, 199>)

    5ele"t se*erl ty#es o resh ruits, ny "o$bintion, di"ed into #ie"es'

    Puree ruits in blender or ood #ro"essor until s$ooth nd $ixed' Pour into i"e "ube trys,nd reee until solid' ?ee# roen, stored in reeer "ontiners or #lsti" bs' o ser*e,re$o*e 1-2 "ubes #er bird, th slihtly' 5o$e o $y birds "tully see$ to #reer theroen ruit, es#e"illy in su$$erI

    6#78 0ummer reat (Posted by: ?itty - 8e"e$ber 19, 199>)

     his is *ery si$#le re"i#e tht reuires no "oo%inI

    • Kruit ui"e(8e#ends on hi"h ruit your bird li%es)• A##les, Mno, Per, et"'(your 0irdsB KAE Kruits)

    • Crrot (DP)



  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


    Kreee the ruit ui"e' 7n the $enti$e, "ut the ruits into s$ll #ie"es' %e out the ruit ui"e hen it is >+[ roen' Put the ruits into the ui"e' (here should be $ore ruits thn ui"e)' 5er*e' Kruit etin birds li%e Qories ill lo*e itII

    +ote: A*oid #uttin too $u"h $no s it $y be BhetyB'

    678 0upreme Ice 'ream (Posted by: 7n ehr$nn - A#ril 11, 1999)

    • 1 "u# strberry #uree

    • 1 #ou"h .eltin

    • ; "u# ter

    Pour 1 #ou"h eltin o*er #uree' Add ; "u# boilin ter nd stir "onstntly until"o$#letely dissol*ed' Pour into i"e "ube "ontiner nd #ut in the ride until set' 5er*e'''''

      MINER4 B;'A0( 'EMEN PER'@E0 RE'IPE0

    6178 Birdie Minera, B,oc$s (Posted by: o$$ie - My , 1999)

    • 1 #ound #lster o Pris

    • = "u# oyster shell

    • = ts# ?el# (nd t helth ood store)


  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


    • 1 tbs slt

    • 1 "u# ter

    Mix this st nd h*e "ontiners redy, s$ll #lsti" bols or i"e "ube trys or% ell' 7you nt to bolt the$ or tist tie the$ to the "e $%e sure you #ush the bolt or tie inhile $ix is et' Ater they re set, s$"% the "ontiners to relese the$'

    NOTE: So!e A#ian Vet does not suggest using 'laster o" 'aris to !ae 2ineral Blocs$ Abo#e recipe is solel* pro#ided b* respecti#e !e!ber$ 'lease chec with *our A#ian Vetbe"ore !aing one$


    6278 'actus >ren Bird >renc. Minera, B,oc$s (Posted by: ?rist Collins - Kebrury16, 199)

    Pre#re $ufn tins by linin ith "u#"%e ##ers' 7 use "he# oil ones so 7 donBt h*e to"len the$, ust store in "len #lsti" bs' Pre#re ires or tisty ties by bendin into u-sh#e'

    7nredients: our #ound box o dry #lster o Pris, 1 "u# dried e shells ("oo% 2 $in' in$i"ro*e o*en), 2 = ts# iodied slt, = "u# oyster shell, < "u# "l"iu$ "rbonte (ett helth ood store), = box o bird "hr"ol, = "u# #r%eet sied bird rit, = "u#ster'

    Mix dry inredients in lre bol' Add ter' Pour into 4 do' $ufn "u#s'

    NOTE: So!e A#ian Vet does not suggest using 'laster o" 'aris to !ae 2ineral Blocs$ Abo#e recipe is solel* pro#ided b* respecti#e !e!ber$ 'lease chec with *our A#ian Vetbe"ore !aing one$

    6378 'ement Recipe (Posted by: Lenett - 8e"e$ber 1, 199)

    • PEC #i#e' 7 use &!4H inside di$eter, but slihtly lrer or Co"%tiels ould be ne'

    • 8u"t or Ms%in t#e• Dne 2H Q s"re #er #er"h (7 thin% thtBs ht theyBre "lledU they h*e threds on

    both ends)•  o shers #er #er"h (ider thn the outside di$eter o the PEC #i#e nd the

    ##ro#rite sie or your "e ire)• Dne in nut #er #er"h (to t the l s"re)


  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


    • 1 b ll-#ur#ose snd

    • 1 b "e$ent

    • 1 tin "n or so$ethin to hold the $olds in'

    o "o$es the un #rt:

    Cut the PEC #i#e to hte*er lenth #er"hes you nt' 7 youBre $%in $ore thn one,"ut the$ ll t on"e' e h*e lot o #oer tools, hi"h $%es it $u"h esier' 7 usully$%e $ine 6H lon' o "ut e"h #ie"e o PEC #i#e don the "enter, $%in se$'

     his is not n esy ts%, but the "ut doesnBt need to be striht, nd $y se$s usullyend u# ed' 7 h*e used ire "utters, s"issors, nd rden shers, nd 8re$el to$%e these "uts'

     %e the du"t or $s%in t#e nd t#e the botto$ nd the se$ o e"h #ie"e o PEC#i#e, so tht hen you dd the "e$ent $ixture, it onBt le% out' 5tnd your entire redyto ll PEC $olds in "n, o#en end u# (7 h*e #ie"e o 2x4 ith holes #re-drilled to holdthe $olds)'

    Mix & #rts snd to 1 #rt "e$ent nd dd enouh ter to $%e it %ind s$ooth nd#ourble' M7 QQ, nd dd $ore ter s needed' Pour the $ixture into the PEC $olds( little o*er/o is better thn not llin "o$#letely, be"use so$e o the ter in the$ixture ill rise to the to#)' Pl"e sher, olloed by in nut, onto l s"re, nd#l"e it into the "enter o the "e$ent $ixture' he sher ill %ee# the s"re ro$ llininto the "e$ent' 8onBt orry bout ny dribbles don the side o the $olds, this is $ostlyter'

    Qet the "e$ent set or se*erl dys,''' the loner the better' 7 you be"o$e o*er nxious,your #er"hes ill ll #rt hen you t%e the$ out o the $old' 7 lerned this the hrdy' Dn"e the "e$ent hs set, re$o*e t#e nd s#red the PEC #i#e' %e #ir o #liersnd #ull the #er"h out o the $old by rbbin onto the s"re, or in $ost "ses you "n

    #ush the #er"h throuh the $old on"e loosened' hen out, the #er"h ill be s$ooth onthe sur"e' 7 rouhen the$ u# by lihtly sndin' 7 you donBt h*e snd ##er, you "nuse le, e$ery bord, or hte*er' Att"h the #er"h to the inside o the "e, onesher u# inst the "e$ent, tt"h the other sher on the outside, throuh the "ebrs, nd se"ure ith the in nut' htBs itI

    6"78 Minera, B,oc$  (Posted by: 8n - Auust 19, 199>)

    • 2 #rts Plster o Pris

    #rts .rden Qi$e• 4 #rts 0one$el

    • 1 #rt $inerl su##le$ent or birds

    Mix in enouh ter to $%e s$ooth r*y' Pour into ##er "u#s the sie you nt' (7 usethe #lsti" 5DQD "u#s' @*e $ny sies)' 3ou "n lso use "ute $olds nd dd so$e ood"olorin to $%e #retty'


  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


    7nsert sh#ed ire (s$ll birds) or the bolt nd dro# sher o di$eter to "o*er$ost o the "u# sie (hrder or the$ to bre% it oN the bolt ith bi be%s')' Qet "ure orse*erl dys de#endin on sie' hen totlly dry you $y drill hole in the$ nd hn ontoys et"' Tip: 7 li%e to "run"h u# e Mnu blo"%s nd dd to this'

    NOTE: So!e A#ian Vet does not suggest using 'laster o" 'aris to !ae 2ineral Blocs$ Abo#e recipe is solel* pro#ided b* respecti#e !e!ber$ 'lease chec with *our A#ian Vet

    be"ore !aing one$

    6*78 Minera, B,oc$s - c.a,$ $ind (Posted by: Judy - o*e$ber 2&, 199>)

     his re"i#e is ro$ one o $y Austrlin tionl Co"%tiel 5o"iety nesletters'

    7nredients: eul #rts oU

    • Plster o Pris (*ilble t "rt sho#s or Phr$"y)

    • Cl"iu$ Crbonte ($y *et ot this or $e)• .rden li$e

    Mix these toether ith enouh ter to $%e $ixture si$ilr to #ourin "ustrd (donBth*e it too et)' Pour into "ontiners!$olds nd dd #ie"e o ire sh#ed li%e ' @*ebout 2H #rotrudin ro$ the to#U this is used to tt"h the blo"% to so$ethin in the*iry' Kor $olds you "n use #lsti" "u#s, $ufn tins, nd e$#ty st ood "ontiners'Allo to dry beore re$o*in ro$ the $old' 3ou "n lso dd your on *it$in or$inerls or $ybe little rit to this $ix'

    VVV he "l"iu$ M5 be H"l"iu$ "rbonteH VVV

    NOTE: So!e A#ian Vet does not suggest using 'laster o" 'aris to !ae 2ineral Blocs$ Abo#e recipe is solel* pro#ided b* respecti#e !e!ber$ 'lease chec with *our A#ian Vetbe"ore !aing one$

      MI0'E4NE;50 RE'IPE0

    6178 Ba= +ormu,a (Posted by: ?itty - June 1&, 199)

    • "u#s ter

    • 1 "u# ui"%-"oo%in ot$el (not BinstntB ots)

    • = "u# r het er$(ro$ helth-ood store)

    • 1 tbs "orn oil


  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


    • = ts# slt

    Mix nd "oo% the bo*e "erel or $inutes, re$o*e ro$ sto*e, nd dd one 4 1!2-oun"e r o bby *eetbles (strined rden *eetbles), "o$bintion o #es, "rrotsnd s#in"h' (Kor "o"%toos nd "o"%tiels in"rese this $ount by 1!& to 1!2)'

    • 1 "u# #odered $il%

    • 2 "u#s sun/oer $el (ro$ helth-ood store)

    7 sun/oer $el is not *ilble, #ur"hse r hulled sun/oer %ernels nd rind the$in blender' Add 2 sli"es o *ery dry hole het bred $ixed ith 1 1!2 to 2 "u#ssun/oer %ernels, nd rind the$ toether in the blender to #re*ent the %ernels ro$be"o$in soy nd sti"%y' he bred ill dd nutrition to this or$ul'

    6278 @and %eeding +ormu,a (Posted by: Qis ?ni"%erbo"%er - Auust 2, 1996)

    • ?ytee @nd eedin or$ul - 4 "u#s• Qo sodiu$ #enut butter - & tbss

    • All nturl A##le su"e - 1 "u#

    • All nturl A##le ui"e - 1 urt

    • ter - 4 "u#s,

    • utri"l (hih "lorie su##le$ent or "ts nd dos) - = tube,

    • 2 rs e"h o .erber bby ood - s#in"h, rden *eetble, "rrots, seet #ottoes,sush, reen bens

    Mixin instru"tions:

    Mix ?ytee or$ul, ter, ui"e, ##lesu"e, .erber ood - ll toether' 5tir until #oderis "o$#letely $ixed in' Add #enut butter, nd utri"l' Mi"ro*e on hih or $inutes,stir, $i"ro*e $inutes, stir, nd Mi"ro*e $inutes' 8i*ide in to 1 "u# ser*ins ndreee in "ontiners' o th, $i"ro*e 4 $inutes, stir, nd het 2 se"onds or untilr$' Kood ill lst in the reriertor 2 dys'

    6378 ori$eets Mi

  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


    Put ll inredients in blender nd $ix until #odery' Add hndul o sultns nd 1 tbso lu"ose (o#tionl)' Kor one dys eed #er bird #ut 2 ts#s o dry $ix into eeder thendd 1 lss o r$ ter "ontinin 1 ts# o liuid honey'

      0;+ +;;D0( EIE0( R4IN0( 0PR;50 RE'IPE0

     6178 1* Bean 0oup (Posted by: ?thy Johnson - Mr"h , 199>)

    • 1 #"%e 1 ben sou#


  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


    • 1 b roen "orn

    • 1 "u# r bron ri"e

    5o% bens o*erniht' Add ri"e, "oo% or 1 hour or until done' Add "orn + $inutes teryou strted bens "oo%in' 8rin ter nd ser*e' 5tore ex"ess in le%-#roo "ontiners'My be roen in & dy ser*in sied "ontiners, nd thed beore use'

    6278 Bai,es Birdie 0a,ad (Posted by: ri" - D"tober 1&, 199)

    • 1 ##le "ut u# into #ie"es o diNerent sies

    • 1 l#e\o #e##er (liht reen) "ut into stri#s

    • 1 "rrot #eeled nd "ut into diNerent sied #ie"es

    • Assorted sies o bro""oli nd "uli/oer

    • A e strberries "ut into hl 

    sh the oods nd "ut the$ u# nd #ut in bol' hen oNer your bird ll diNerentsh#es, sies nd "olors' D "ourse this is only s$ll *riety o oods you "n use but, itis bit o e*erythinII 0nns lso or% ell sli"ed u# into itI uts $y or% tooII

    6378 Bean( Rice and eggie Mi (Posted by: ?ren - 8e"e$ber 9, 1999)

     his $ix is bsi"lly ust $ixture o *rious rins, bens, nd *eetbles' 7t $y see$"o$#li"ted, but it relly isnBt' 3ou "n $%e u# bi bt"h nd reee it into ser*in-sied #ie"es' 7t is *ery nutritious' he sush see$s to be the *orite #rt nd lso#robbly the $ost nutritious'

    • 2!& "u# $ixed dried bens (the %ind sold or ben sou#)

    • ; "u# birdseed

    • ; "u# "r"%ed "orn

    • 1 *ery lre "orn or butternut sush (bout & "u#s "ubed)

    • 1 s$ll ##le

    • 2!& "u# "oo%ed #st

    • 2-& lre le*es "ollrd reens

    • 1! "u# l$onds

    • 1! "u# ll #ellets

    • 1!& "u# r#es, #e"hes, or other ruit

    • 1 or 2 tbss "hili #oder

    • 1 ts# "inn$on

    • & tbs #r$esn "heese

    • 1 #"%ed "u# "oo%ed ri"e

    • 1 #"%e roen reen #es


  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


    • ruit ui"e

    5o% the bens, "r"%ed "orn, nd seed in bol o ter o*erniht' hen boil the bens,seed, nd "orn or 2+ $inutes or so, until "oo%ed' 7 youBre usin the $i"ro*e, $%esure to use #lenty o ter' hey bsorb lot hile "oo%in'

    Le$o*e the "ore nd seeds o the ##le nd "ut into e #ie"es' Cut the sush into

    "ubes' 5ush seeds do not need to be re$o*ed, they re *ery nutritious' 0oil the ##lend sush or 1+ to 1 $inutes or until *ery sot nd $ushy' he sush s%ins "n be#ulled oN nd dis"rded'

    Co$bine bens, "orn, seeds, sush #ul# nd seeds, ##le, #st, "ollrd reens,l$onds, ll #ellets, ruit, "hili #oder, "inn$on, nd "heese in ood #ro"essor'

     his $y o*erll the ood #ro"essor nd $iht need to be done hl t ti$e' Pro"essuntil inredients re ell-$ixed nd "ho##ed u# little'

    5tir in "oo%ed ri"e nd thed #es' Add ruit ui"e to "hie*e ni"e "onsisten"y' Kreeeinto ser*in sied #ie"es' M%es bout 6+ i"e-"ube sied #ie"es ( ood $el sie or

    "o"%tiels, Su%ers, s$ll "onures, et"')'

    6"78 Beans and Rice (Posted by: ?thy Johnson - Mr"h , 199>)

    • ; "u# #into bens

    • ; "u# %idney bens

    • ; "u# s#lit #es

    • ; "u# lentils

    • ; "u# n*y bens

    ; "u# rbno bens• 1 "u# "oo%ed bron ri"e

    • 1 "u# "oo%ed hite ri"e

    • 1 "rrot ("ho##ed)

    • 1 "u# roen "orn (thed)

    5o% bens o*erniht' 8rin, rinse nd rell #n ith ter' Add "rrots nd "oo% ithbens or 1 hour' Add "orn nd ri"e nd "oo% till r$' Cool nd ser*e' 5tore ex"ess inle%-#roo "ontiners' My be roen in & dy ser*in sied "ontiners nd thed beoreuse'

    6*78 Birdie ou,as. (Posted by: 5%ye eber - June , 199>)

    7 strt ith b o roen *eetbles' hile they re thin, 7 strt "oo%in bens(diNerent ty#es on diNerent dys), biest rst, nd ddin the s$ller ones tht need tobe "oo%ed less' hen theyBre done, 7 "oo% the #st (nd!or ri"e -- bron nd!or hite --


  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


    hte*er 7 h*e) nd dd it to the $ix o *eies nd bens' 7B$ eedin bout &+ birdse"h dy, so 7 $%e uite bit' 7tBs V*eryV /exible re"i#eI

    hen 7 hd eer birds, 7 used n i"e try nd #ut the indi*idul ser*ins in e"h H"ubeHso they "ould be thed nd used s needed'

    6/78 Birdie eggie Pita (Posted by: Julette Plu$$er - Jnury 21, 1999)

    • "orn or /our tortills

    • "n o "orn

    • es

    • hite or ild ri"e

    • ro$ine lettu"e

    • ny other *eie

    Coo% e (s"r$bled style), ri"e nd "orn' r# tortill in "loth toel nd $i"ro*eor 1-2+ se"onds' Qy tortill on /t sur"e nd #ut e in the $iddle ith "orn, #ie"eso lettu"e, ri"e nd *eies' Kold one end o*er nd then the sides to or$ n en*elo#e'Pl"e on #lsti" #lte nd i*e to birds'

    7t is best to do this riht beore you "len their "e or t their #ly #er"h be"use theyill $%e $ess ith it' My .reen-"hee% "onures lo*e itI

    6:78 'asper9s Roni and eggies (Posted by: .in Mldondo - July 14, 199)

    Coo% ny $"roni sh#es - & s$ll (8ixie bthroo$ sie) "u#s' hile "oo%in, dd 2H"u#sH roen $ixed *eetbles' Coo% until done, drin, dd ; ts# $rrine nd esh%es o #r$esn "heese' Qet "ool'

     hey no h*e tsty $el' All $y tiels nd u$brell "o"%too loo% orrd to this' 7"hne the $"roni sh#es oten' Lerierte leto*ers or next $el'

    6#78 '.ees Pasta 0urprise (Posted by: Qorien Crrillo - June 16, 1999)

    • 1 lb b o s$ll elbo $"roni

    • 1!2-1 lb "heddr (or your #reeren"e) "heese, shredded or s$ll "ubes


  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


    • 1!4-1!2 "u# $il%

    • 1 "n (or s$ll b roen) hole %ernel "orn, drined

    • 1 "n (or s$ll b roen) #es, drined

    • 2 "ns tun, drined

    0oil $"roni until desired doneness' 8rin nd #l"e b"% into #ot' urn burner to

    $ediu$-lo het nd dd "heese, stirrin nd oldin ently until l$ost $elted' Add$il% s needed durin $eltin #ro"ess or "re$ier texture nd esier $eltin' Add*eies nd tun nd "ontinue $ixin until ll inredients re heted nd "heese is ully$elted'

     %e s$ll birdie sied #ortion or e"h o your birds nd #l"e it in their bols nd let it"ool beore ser*in' heyBll lo*e itI And you donBt h*e to $%e so$ethin else or yound the %ids' o i you nt, you "n $ix in s#routs, #ellets, or hte*er youBd li%e todd' 7 donBt'''they lo*e it ust li%e this'

    678 'ouscous

  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


    • 2-& es'

    • 1 "u# roen *eies

    • hole b o $inute ri"e

    • 1 = "u#s o noodles

    0oil es or t lest &+ $in' 0oil ri"e s instru"ted on the box' Qet the noodles boil till

    sot' hen "ut u# the es, nd #ut the$ in bol ith the ri"e, nd noodles' hen dd*eies nd stir' 5er*e to birds nd reee re$inder'

    61178 Emi,ie9s Birdie 0oup (Posted by: $ilie Kl"% - June 1+, 1999)

    ; "u# resh!shed *eies (your "hoi"e-nely "ho##ed)

    1-& hrd-boiled e(s) nely "ho##ed

    1 r bby ood (*eies-your "hoi"e)

    ; round-u# $inerl blo"%

    Any ty#e #r%eet seed (your birdBs *orite)

     %e $i"ro*e-se bol nd #ut the resh *eies in' 8o the s$e ith the e'Creully du$# the round-u# $inerl blo"% in' @et the bby ood until r$ nd #ut itin' Put in $i"ro*e or 1 $in' or until r$' Qet "ool until lu%er$ O then "reullydu$# the seed in' 5er*e (D DD @DI)' All budies! s$ller birds should lo*e it'

    61278 rains( Pasta( & eggie Mi (Posted by: 0obbi 0rin%er - Mr"h 11, 199>)

    • 1 "u# se*erl diNerent rins' Coo% se#rtely so there ill be $ny /*ors'

    • 1 "u# "oo%ed #st - rouhly "ho# se*erl hot #e##ers into "oo%in ter'

    • 1 "u# bron ri"e - "oo% ith 1 tbs o "inn$on'

    • 1-2 "ho##ed onions - boil "ou#le o $inutes - drin

    Add se*erl o the olloin:

    • bro""oli - ste$ed lihtly nd "ho##ed

    • s$ll b o roen seet #es - donBt th• s$ll b roen seet "orn - donBt th

    • tosted sun/oer %ernels

    • "ho##ed nuts

    • dried "rnberries, blueberries, "herries

    • $no, ##y or other dried ruits "ho##ed


  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


    • Eriety o bens "oo%ed se#rtely, sesoned ith hed o rli" "ho##ed or hndul o reen or red hot #e##ers rouhly "ho##ed'

    se bout 2 tbss or bier birds, nd bout 1 tbs or "onures or "o"%tiels' P"%e intobies in & dy #ortions, bout the $xi$u$ ti$e it is se in the reriertor'Le$inin bies "n be stored roen or n indenite #eriod'

    61378 Go.n 0ie,$e9s eggie & Egg Mi (Posted by: John 5iel%e - My , 1996)

    • 1 lre e

    • 2 tbs lo t ri"ott "heese

    • 1!2-1 "u# ben $ix ("oo%ed u# #re*iously, $ix o bens, ri"e, #st, et"')

    • = "u# o so$e or ll o the olloin:8i"ed resh u""hini, di"ed yello sush, di"ed turni#, di"ed #rsni#, "oo%ed seet#otto, "ho##ed s#in"h, resh "orn, "ho##ed reen #e##er' Also, in seson, hole

     l#eno #e##er, "ho##ed' 7 l"%in resh *eies, use roen "orn, li$ bens, #es, et"'

    i e h*e leto*er #st, tht oes in, too, nd nlly one lre "lo*e rli", "ho##ed'

    Mix in bol, nd then s#red on lre #lte, "o*ered, nd $i"ro*ed or >- $inutes( i usin roen *eies)' he e holds it toether' hen 7 usully rte Q7QMonterey J"% Cheese on it, nd ser*e to the uys (Abo*e $%es 9 ser*ins, M"s et2 tbl e"h, nd s$ller uys et 1 to 1 1!2 tbs)

    61"78 Mas.( It9s >.at9s +or Brea$%ast (Posted by: Corinn ?rueer - A#ril 1>, 199>)

    Pu$#%in seeds, brley, rolled ots, ses$e seeds, $illet, to$toes, ##les, bnns,r#es, le$ons, ornes, "rrots (lihtly ste$ed O r), resh "orn on the "ob (lihtlyste$ed) O s#in"h'

    Put ruits into the ood #ro"essor ex"e#t the r#es' Put seeds O ots into bol thendd the "ho##ed ruit nd hole r#es' Cut ste$ed "rrots into "hi#s O "ut "orn into 4to #ie"es' Put dily rtions into i#-lo"% bs, dd "rrot "hi#s O one "orn blo"% #er birdto b' Put into reeer' 8erost the niht beore in the ride' Le$o*e round 2#$ orerlier i itRs r$!hot out'

    61*78 Mi,,et 0prouts (Posted by: ?erri - D"tober &, 199)


  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


     %e $illet s#ry nd #ut it in i#lo"% b lined ith ##er toels (bout 2)' 5#ryter on the $illet s#ry in the b' ?ee# s#ryin until the $illet is "o$#letelydren"hed (you "n lso run it under your t#, but this y is better)' Close it u# nd #l"eit in dr% #l"e ith no sunliht' Che"% on it e*ery dy nd i*e it e s#rys dy(only e) until you see it s#routin' Dn"e it strts to s#rout, t%e it out o the dr% s#otnd t%e out the ##er toels' ?ee# the $illet in the b nd #l"e it in the sun' Add only e suirts o ter nd let it be' hen %e#t in the sun, "hloro#hyll ill or$ nd in turn

    ill $%e it helthier' Dn"e the s#routs turn reen, i*e it to the birdsI heyBll lo*e itI@*e unI

    61/78 Mu,ti-0a,ad (Posted by: 5"h - 8e"e$ber 21, 199>)

    • s#in"h

    • #st (s#hetti or $"roni ty#e)

    • ri"e

    • "orinder

    • Any nd e*ery %ind o ruit your bird li%es• dill

    • roen "orn (boil 2 $inutes)

    • Kroen Pes (boil 2 $inutes)

    • $ushroo$s

    • "elery

    • "rrots

    • bro""oli

    • bens (so%ed o*erniht)

    • Anythin else tht see$s helthy or your birdsI

    5li"e ll the bo*e to thin, s$ll #ie"es (you "n lso use ood #ro"essor to "ut these#ie"es)' hen boil the ri"e, #st, bens, #es nd "orn or e $inutes' Qet these "oolnd dd to the sld' My birds et ll o it'

    61:78 Peeper 0a,ad (Posted by: Alex - A#ril 26, 2+++)

     his is re"i#e $y #r%eets die orI 3ou need resh lettu"e (ro$ine or le), reshs#in"h (un"oo%ed), 1 nely "ho##ed ##le nd 1 nely "ho##ed boiled e' Co$binethese inredients in s$ll tret dish (shred the lettu"e nd s#in"h) nd $ix ell' 5er*e

    s trets is s$ll untities' 0irds lo*e it nd itBs *ery nutritiousI @*e unIIII :)


  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


    61#78 Petrie9s egeta=,e 0a,sa (Posted by: Christine - A#ril 2, 2+++)

    • ; "u# e"h nely "ho##ed .reen, Led, nd 3ello #e##ers

    • 2 tbs nely "ho##ed Jl#eno #e##er

    • 2 tbs nely "ho##ed to$to

    • 1 tbs nely rted "rrot

    2 tbs $illet seed• < ts# ##le "ider *iner

    Co$bine ll inredients in s$ll bol' 5tir until ell $ixed' 5er*e "old or r$'7nredients $y be dded or subtr"ted de#endin on indi*idul #reeren"es' 5tore in ir-tiht "ontiner in reriertor or u# to 2 ee%s' noyI

    6178 Rice and Egg (Posted by: Jerry - Kebrury 11, 1999)

    1 "u# o ri"e in 2 "u#s o ter' Mi"ro*e ti"e on hih or $in' ter should be#retty $u"h one then' Add 2 es nd $ix' Li"e should h*e yello tine' Mi"ro*e 2$in' 2 ti$es' Miht h*e to dd little ter s you donBt nt ri"e sti"%y' Qet "ool toroo$ te$#'

    7 i*e s e ood bout & ti$es ee% but 7 h*e 1++ birds' 3ou "ould reee in #lsti"bs' 7 lso dd "orn or $ixed *eetbles nd so$eti$es ui"e lon ith the ter'

    62?78 0o%t +ood Mi +or Ec,ectus (Posted by: Crolyn 5i"eood - June 1+, 199>)

     his is nutritious $ixture o oods relished by ll "le"tus ro$ bbies to dults,in"ludin breeders ho eed it to their bbies in the nest'

    5o% o*erniht hl lre sto"%#ot o dry shelled hole "orn or #o#"orn' 0rin to boilnd "oo% o*er lo het the next $ornin or se*erl hours, or until the "orn is #lu$#ednd sot in the $iddle' ter ill need to be dded se*erl ti$es s it is bsorbed by the"orn, hi"h $ore thn doubles in *olu$e'

    Also, so% o*erniht your "hoi"e o dried bens' "le"tus see$ to *or rbno bens("hi"% #es) nd you "n lso use %idney, "rnberry, #into, li$, northern, "hili, bl"%bens or others' Coo% the next $ornin or n hour or less or until Hl denteH'

    Coo% one or to boxes o n"le 0enBs Driinl 0ron Li"e or lre b o bron ri"e or##roxi$tely thirty $inutes'

    D#tionl oods to be "oo%ed ith the bron ri"e re risins, "urrnts, shelled sun/oerseeds, shelled #u$#%in seeds, het berries, brley, hole ots, #st, nuts, nd


  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


    "inn$on, "lo*es or iner or dded /*or' Kor "le"tus, 7 usully in"lude "ho##ed seet#otto or the Eit$in A "ontent'

    Co$bine ll inredients in lre "ontiner or "len sin%' Mix nd llo to "ool' 5el in#lsti" bs in dily #ortions, #ress /t or ster thin, nd reee' o ser*e, th ndbrin to boil' Allo to "ool beore eedin' Kor ster "oolin, dd roen rden #es orindi*idully roen ruits, su"h s "rnberries, hi"h "t s $ini-i"e "ubes' he het ro$

    the $ix ill th the #es or ruits'

    8o not le*e this $ixture in the eedin dishes lon enouh to s#oil' his $ixture is *erysi$ilr to the #o#ulr #re#red ones, but is $u"h less ex#ensi*e nd "n be tilored tothe indi*idul tste #reeren"es o your birds'

    62178 0o%t +oods Recipe (Posted by: Mie Meyers - My 2, 199>)

     his is ht 7 use or $y ds' hey et it e*ery $ornin or bre%st' 7 so$eti$es dd

    thins su"h s other let o*er *eiesU bron ri"e, ##le, or hte*er, nd they lso etother sn"%s durin the dy'

    • 1+ lbs roen $ixed *eies

    • lbs extr roen hole %ernel "orn

    • bout 1+ lbs *rious %inds o roen bens su"h s li$, bl"% eyed #es, et"'

    • lbs dry $"roni, "oo%ed l dente, nd drined nd rinsed ith "old ter

    7 #ut it ll in bi, stron, ne rbe b, nd $ix it by %ind o %nedin the outsidetill it is ll $ixed toether' 0y tht ti$e the roen *eies h*e #retty $u"h roen the$"roni too' hen e b it in urt sied bies nd reee it'

    Dne b or the & 5uns nd .hndi (CA.) lsts bout 2 dys' e th it nd %ee# it inthe ride' 8o D #ut in the $i"ro*e due to hot s#ots o "ourse' hen itBs ti$e toeed, e #ut dily ser*in in s$ll "olnder ith ne $esh nd run it under hot t#ter to t%e the "hill oN, then ser*e' heyB*e hd this sin"e they strted enin ndlo*e it'

    62278 0om=a9s 0upreme Rice Dis. (Posted by: $i ?in - D"tober 4, 1999)

    • 2 "u#s bron $inute ri"e (#re-"oo%ed)

    • 2 "u#s thed roen #es O "rrots• 2 es s"r$bled

    • = "u# "elery "ho##ed

    • 1 = "u#s o "ho##ed lee%s

    • 1 "u# "hi"% #es (rbnos)

    • = "u# #ine##le "hun%s nd & tbs red #l$ oil


  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


    e #re"oo% ll inredients nd then blend toether' .rbno bens $ust be so%edo*erniht, nd then "oo%ed until r$ yet tender' Add s#i"es o your "hoi"e' e "hose"inn$on' Dur A$ons lo*e this dish' .i*e it try'

    62378 0torm9s 0pag.etti (Posted by: $$y ?in - 5e#te$ber 2>, 1999)

    • 1 (o) b le$on!bsil #st

    • 1 (o) b red bell #e##er #st

    • "ho##ed "ilntro

    • 1 "u# "ho##ed u""hini

    • 1 "u# sli"ed "rrots

    • = "u# "ho##ed s#in"h

    • resh ri#e to$toes ($ed sie) Cho##ed

    • 2 resh l#e\os "ho##ed

    • ; ts# rli" Poder

    Coo% #st until r$ but tender, re$o*e #st, #ut into "olnder, run under "ool ter'Put bo*e inredients into the #ot o ter used or #st' Coo% or ##rox' 2$in, drin'Add ll inredients toether' 5er*e i$$editely' Kreee ny unused #ortions in s$llreeer bs' Dur Ari"n rey 5tor$y relishes this s#e"il dish'

    62"78 0

  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


    62*78 .e 5,timate Birdie 0urpri)eK (Posted by: $i ?in - 5e#te$ber 26, 1999)

    • 1 (&2 o) b 1 ben $ix

    • 1 "u# 0l"% 0ens

    • 1 "u# Ansi 0ens

    • 4 "u#s lon rin bron ri"e ("on*erted #reerred)

    1 "u# "ous"ous• 2 "u#s Lottelle Eeetble #st

    • 2 "u#s 0sil! le$on #e##er

    • #st s#irls

    • 2 "u#s l#e\o red #e##er #st (iti ty#e, or hte*er is *ilble)

    • 2 lre rs o .erber Eeetble 0ee bby ood

    • 1 tbs 5#irulin

    • & tbs Pl$ oil

    5o% bens o*erniht' At lest tel*e hours' 8rin nd rinse ell' Put into lre sto"%#ot nd "oo% 4-6+ $in or until l dente' Linse lihtly ith "old ter to sto# "oo%in

    #ro"ess' 5et side' Coo% "ous"ous in 1 = "u#s o ter or $inutes' KluN ith or%' 5tirinto the ben $ixture' Coo% Pst until Al dente, drin into striner, run under "old ter,sh%e oN ex"ess ter, dd to ben $ixture' Coo% ri"e until r$, dd to $ixture' 5tir inboth rs o bby ood, the #l$ oil, 5#irulin' Qet "ool nd #ut into = "u# ser*in siebs' Kreee i$$editely' Dur birds o ild or this'

    62/78 >arm eggie +ood (Posted by: Jen - Kebrury 1, 1999)

     his re"i#e is enoyed by $y Co"%too, Su%er nd Co"%tiels'''''r$ o "ourse'

    • = "u# s#lit #es

    • = "u# lentils

    • = "u# lon rin bron ri"e

    • 1 #%' (16 o) shoe#e "orn

    0oil these inredients "o*ered or 2+ $inutes, drin thorouhly' Add = to < "u#s"ous"ous, stir in nd let sit "o*ered 2+ $inutes' his ill "oo% the "ous"ous' his is "ru$bly $ixture nd ood or the birds ho lo*e their r$ $el' 7 double it hen 7$%e it, then reee it into #ortions o enouh or bout & or 4 dys o eedin' 7 r$ itin the $i"ro*e, one #ortion t ti$e' 7t relly hel#s et bby bird o*er the enin#ro"essU they still h*e one r$ $el dy' U-)


  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


      40L RE40 RE'IPE0

    6178 Birdie Bars (Posted by: "le"tus Koru$ - My 29, 199>)

    & oun"es un"oo%ed ui"% ots• & oun"es other "erels (5hredded het "ru$bled or .r#enuts)

    • 1 "u# e*#orted s%i$ $il%

    • 1 "u# ##lesu"e (no sur dded)

    • = "u# redu"ed "lories $rrine, $elted

    • 1 "u# o the olloin $ix (unslted "ho##ed nuts, risins, dtes, dried ruit)

    • ; "u# r$ly #"%ed bron sur

    • 1 ts# "inn$on

    • 1 ts# b%in sod

    Prehet o*en to &+ K' 7n lre bol, "o$bine "erels, dd other inredients nd $ix ell'

    5#ry 1& x 9 x 2 in"h b%in #n ith nonsti"% s#ry' 0%e or &+ $inutes (until testerinserted in "enter "o$es out "len)'

    Le$o*e ro$ #n nd let "ool on r"%' Cut into 16 brs' r# e"h br in #lsti" ndreee' 0re% one br in #ie"es ##ro#rite to bird sieI his re"i#e is ood or #eo#letooI

    6278 Birdie Popcorn reat (Posted by: 0e%ers 0est 0irdie Le"i#es - My , 1996)

    • 1 bs $elted $rrine

    • 1 ts# hetrss #oder

    • 6 "u#s #o##ed #o#"orn

    • 1 "u# ssorted dried ruit'

    Co$bine $rrine nd hetrss #oder' 8rile o*er #o#"orn, tossin to "ot' Adddried ruit nd "ontinue tossin' 5tore leto*ers (i ny) in irtiht "ontiner'

    6378 Brenda9s reat 0tic$s (Posted by: 0rend 8son - July 22, 199)

    • ntreted ruit tree tis (or lolli#o# sti"%s)

    • 2 "u#s o seeds, nuts, dried ruit nd e bis"uit in *rible untities (to suit yourbirdBs tstes)

    • e

    • honey


  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


    Prehet the tis!sti"%s in r$ o*en (1+ derees C)' Mix dry inredients toethernd bind ith the e' Press the $ixture onto the tis!sti"%s (this bit is *ery $essy, butunI) 0%e in the o*en t 2++ derees C or 2+-&+ $inutes until tosted' 0rush the honeyo*er the tret sti"%s nd return to the o*en or urther $inutes' Allo to "ool' 5er*end t"h your birds de$olish ll your hrd or% ith relishIII

     his "n be d#ted or nythin ro$ n"hes to lre $"s (dust the sie nd ty#eo the dry inredients ""ordinly)' hey lo*e the$ nd they lst $u"h loner thn theones in the sho#' 7 you nt to i*e your birds rel "hllene, slo b%e the sti"%s (t1++ derees C) or 2 hours' 7 nythin is let ter our hours, #lese re$e$ber tore$o*e (toether ith ny debris) hen the ether is *ery r$'

    6"78 Brittan9s Bird reats (Posted by: 0rittny Ad%ison - Auust 4, 1999)

    1 hole lettu"e le • 1 "u# o dry ot $el

    • 1 "rrot (#eeled)

    • = ##le

    • blueberries

    ht to do: 0lend ll the inredients toether until they re in rel ne #ste' hens"oo# out the #ste, set onto #lte (7 suest #oundin it into sh#e su"h s "ir"leor hert) nd #ut it into $i"ro*e or to $inutes' Ater hetin the inredients u#, letit "ool oN or to $ore $inutes (it "n be *ery hot nd it "n burn the bird)'

    6*78 Budd Bars (Posted by: tlie - Mr"h , 2+++)

    • 1 ri#e bnn

    • 1 = "u#s (##rox') Cheerios ty#e "erel

    • 1 e (shell nd ll, "lened)

    • 1!& "u# "hun%y ##lesu"e

    • = "u# "run"hy #enut butter

    • 1!& "u# risins (o#tionl)

    Pl"e the Cheerios in i#lo"% bie nd "rush ith rollin #in - DQ3 5Q7.@Q3(enouh to be bro%en into s$ll #ie"es, not #ul*eried into dustI)' Mush the bnn ellin lre bol nd dd ll the other inredients, stirrin ell' 5#oon into lihtly resed or 9 in"h sure #n nd b%e or bout 4 $inutes t &++' Allo to "ool nd "ut intobrs, de#endin on your birdBs sie' 0uddy, $y "onure, QDE5 theseI


  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


    6/78 'runc. reat %or a Pic$ ie, (Posted by: 5o$$er Jones - Mr"h 2>, 2+++)

    My "o"%tiel, en is *ery #i"%y eter nd lo*es "run"hy trets' 5o 7 $de u# this re"i#eor her' he $ounts re *ery ##rox' s it de#ends on ho $ny birds you h*e' 7 onlyh*e one so this $de bout 2 or so little "%es'

    • eshells ro$ 2 es, #ul*eried nd sterilied in o*en

    • s$ll "rrot, s"rubbed ell, s%in on, rted

    • ; "u# "re$y #enut butter

    • so$e honey

    • birdBs *orite #ellets (7 use ?ytee x"t or Co"%tiels)

    • ?ytee .rden Eeie ret (#i"% out sun/oer seeds sin"e they donBt or% ell inre"i#e)

    • 1 e yol%, so$e e hite (ro$ the eshells you used)

    • ses$e seed

    Mix ll inredients toether until ell blended' 5#red on unresed "oo%ie sheet bout; in"h thi"%, nd or$ sort o surish $ound o it' 0%e in 2+ deree o*en 4$in'@ly throuh "oo%in, s"ore into s$ll #ie"es, so you h*e bout 2 or so' Kinish"oo%inU re$o*e ro$ o*en, let "ool "o$#letely' Le$o*e ro$ "oo%ie sheet, trnser to#lte nd bre% u# into #ie"es' DNer your tiel one or to #ie"es e*ery ee%' 8is"rd nyuneten #ortion ro$ tret dish ter ee%' 7 %ee# $ine on #lte r##ed in #lsti"r# nd this tret %ee#s ell or se*erl ee%s in "ool, dry #l"e' en enoys #i"%inthis tret #rt nd etin it throuhout the dy'

    6:78 'utt,e=one treatK (Posted by: 8r"y - Jnury &, 1999)

    • Cuttlebone

    •  Jr o honey (or sub use Penut butter)

    • 1 "u# seeds (ny %ind your bird li%es)

    • utty 0uddy seeds DP

    Dn ##er #lte #our 5DM honey, #our the seeds in nd $ix ell' ext #ut so$e o theutty 0uddy $ix in' 5#red honey on the "uttlebone' Put the seeds on it'

    o Kreee the "uttlebone or bout hl n hour so ll o the seeds re stu"%' 5et in

    roo$ te$#erture until it isnBt reein' .i*e it to your birds, they ill lo*e itI 3ou "n lso"ho# the seeds in little #ie"es or little bbies' 7 ho#e your bird li%es it, $ine doesI


  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


    6#78 +a!orite 0eed 0tic$s (Posted by: libeth L"%ley - July 2, 199)

    7 in*ented re"i#e $y n"hes lo*eI (Dther birds ill enoy these, tooI) 3ou need honey,seeds (ny seeds your birdsR desire) nd lre $ixin bol'

    Mix honey nd seeds toether in lre $ixin bol' hen, r# in lu$inu$ oil, le*inthe to# un"o*ered' o, #l"e in o*en heted to 22K or bout 1 hour' Pl"e in "e n^t"h ^e$ oI

    678 +un =ird treatK (Posted by: tiel oner - D"tober &1, 199)

     his is relly esy to $%e tret or birds' Cut hl bel into our #ie"es' %e one othe #ie"es nd s#red #enut butter ll o*er it' hen di# the #ie"e into so$e bird seed sotht it is "o*ered ith the$' hen sti"% on so$e risins or nythin else tht is s$ll nd

    helthy or your bird' his is bit $essy, but your bird ill lo*e itI

    61?78 reen Popcorn (Posted by: Anie - o*e$ber , 199>)

    • Air Po##ed #o#"orn or "orny "obbers

    • 5#irulin or 5u#er 0luereen Ale

    Put #o#"orn in #lsti" b nd dd enouh #odered le to "ot #o#"orn' 5er*e s nutritionl sn"%'

    61178 @anging reat (Posted by: Ann Qeih - Jnury 22, 199)

     %e so$e #enut butter' 5#red it on #ine "one' Loll the #ine "one in your birds ood$ix' @n usin tisty tie' hen hn ro$ the bird "e''I My "o"%tiel ess lo*es itI

    61278 @ea,t. 0eed Be,,s (0y: Jude Euhn - July , 199>)

    • s$ll terr"ott #ots

    • $i"ro*e-se #lsti" r# or #lsti" o*en b

    • lenth o r$ ire ("ot-hner ty#e is ne)

    • birdseed o your "hoi"e ($esure it dry in your "hosen #ots to ue $ount needed)

    • to e hites #er "u# o birdseed (or therebouts)


  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


    Method  Pre#re #ots by linin the$ ith $i"ro*e-se r# or o*en b' 0end theend o the ire tht oes into the seed bell into "losed loo# (so tht birds nd!or lerins "nBt et "uht on it hen $ost o the bell hs been eten)'

    0et e hites until hite nd /uNy but still liuid - youBre not $%in $erinue' Mixbeten e hites nd bird seed in bol until ll seed is "oted, nd then s#oon the$ix into the #re#red #ots, #ttin it don r$ly' Push the un"oiled end o the ire

    throuh "enter o $ix in #ot then out o the drine hole until loo#ed end rests /t onto# o $ixture, then #ush loo# slihtly into $ixture'

    Pl"e on n o*en shel set hih enouh to llo ire to hn ree' Coo% or ##roxi$tely6+-9+ $inutes in *ery "ool o*en or loner i #ots re lrer sie' he i$#ortnt thin isnot to burn the $ixture nd slo "oo%in is needed to set it r$ly'

    Coo%ed bells ill sli# esily ro$ #ots, #eel y the #lsti" r# hile theyBre still r$but donBt hndle the ire until it hs "ooled' sin #ir o #liers, tist ex#osed ire endto or$ hoo% or hnin in the *iry'

    3and* tip - 5o$eti$es i you use lre seeds in your $ixture, the idest #rt o the bellhi"h is ex#osed durin "oo%in ill be"o$e slihtly "ru$bly' his only h##ens or "enti$eter or to, but i they re to be i*en y, nd you nt less Brusti"B##ern"e, ust s#oon the $ixture into the #ot s usul, but $ix nother beten ehite ith seeds or the lst e "enti$eters nd "oo% s instru"ted bo*e' his extrBdhesi*eB %ee#s the to# lyer *ery r$'

    @o#e this %ee#s your birds h##y, nd sol*es the #roble$ or those ho donBt relish usinPEA (lthouh itBs not toxi") s binder' 7 or one ould #reer to et e hite to oodlueI

    61378 @ome-made 4!i-'a$es (Posted by: ?erri - D"tober 1, 199)

    Mix seeds, "rushed "heerios, "rushed #ellets, nd honey toether in bol' 3ou "n lsodd ny ruits or *eies i you nt' Put the $ixture in $ini-$ufn trys nd "oo% t22 K or 4 $inutes' Qet it "ool nd i*e it to your H%idsH' hey lo*e itI

    61"78 @omemade Bird reats (Posted by: Qind Qoerel - Mr"h 4, 1999)

    Mix 2 "u#s "rushed "heerios (or shreddies i you donBt h*e "heerios), 2 "u#s "rushed#ellets, nd 2 "u#s ssorted seeds (7 li%e to use "olorul seeds or the bier birds lonith #rrot #re$iu$)' Add 1 ; "u# honey nd stir until $ixture is et throuhout but notsoy' Mybe little $ore or little less honey' Corn syru# "n lso be used i you runout o honey'


  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


    Pour onto "oo%ie sheet nd s#red out' 0%e 22 or 4+ to 4 $inutes de#endin onhere you li*e' 7 li*e 2+++ t bo*e se le*el so b%in ti$e diNers' 7 it is ner holidyyou $y nt to di*ide into sti"%s nd #l"e tonue de#ressor in the "enter nd lterdrill hole throuh the tonue de#ressor so you "n tie to the "e' 7 usin the "oo%iesheet, hly throuh the b%in 7 t%e out nd s"ore ith %nie so it is esier to "uthen b%ed' My birds lo*e it'

    61*78 @one 'reations (Posted by: 0renn - 5e#te$ber 16, 1999)

    • = "u# o honey (liuid)

    • seed or #ellets

    • #o#si"le sti"% ith yrn tied to it

     %e honey then et s$ll $old or "u# nd ll ith seed' .et Po#si"le sti"% ith yrntied to it nd #ush it don into the seed or #ellets nd hold it there' hen #our the honeyinto the "u# or $old nd let hrden'

    61/78 Para$eet reat (Posted by: ?therine 0ooth - Auust 1>, 199>)

    • 4 o' sun/oer seeds (ithout the shells or% best)

    • 1 "u# "oo%ed bron ri"e

    • = tones "ontiner o ses$e seeds

    • 2 hrd-boiled es "ho##ed

    • 4 o r#es, urtered'

    Mix ll the inredients toether' his $%es 4 "u#s orth o ood' 7 reee it in bt"hes o1 "u#' My #r%eets lo*e it' noyI

    61:78 Parrot,et Edi=,e 'ar- a tast source o% !eggies( %ruits( & treats  (Posted by:L"hel - A#ril 14, 199)


    • to lre "rrots

    • "ou#le o risins• "elery sti"% "ut in hl 

    • #enut butter ("hun%y or "re$y)

    • tooth#i"%s


  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


     %e one "rrot nd "ut it so it ill loo% li%e HheelsH' 5ti"% the tooth#i"%s into the$ orlter use' %e the other "rrot nd s#red the #enut butter on it'

     hen rest the "elery sti"% on the #enut butter!"rrot' 5#red so$e $ore #enut butteron to# o the "elery sti"% nd s#rin%le the risins on it' Qst, sti"% the tooth#i"% heels onthe sides o the "rrot'

    VVV 5u#er*ise your bird hen don to the heels - ust in "se

    61#78 Peanut Butter 0eed Bar (Posted by: 0renn - June 4, 2+++)

    • Penut butter

    •  3our birds *orite seed

    • Crdbord ##er toel tube or so$ethin li%e it ith holes #un"hed in sides

    • 5trin

     ie strin to "rdbord tube throuh the holes, then s#red #enut butter ll o*er the##er tube' hen roll it in the seed nd there y oI

    6178 0eed 0tic$s (Posted by: 8*id - My 2, 199)

    My i$neh lo*es the seed sti"%s tht 7 $%e ro$ #n"%e btter' 7 dilute the leto*erbtter nd $ix in #ul*eried sterilied eshells, #ellets, nd $ixed seed' 7 "oo% it in lihtly oiled s%illet until it is set enouh to hndle nd then sli"e into sti"%s' 7 b%e thesti"%s in r$ o*en until they re solid' 7B$ sure tht the $ix "ould be #oured into ny

    %ind o $old nd b%ed, s%i##in the s%illet ste#'

    62?78 0

  • 8/20/2019 Birdie Recipes


      Kor ny suestions O inuiries #lese send $e n e$il on


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