biology word parts

Post on 24-Feb-2016






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BIOLOGY WORD PARTS. Learning Greek and Latin word parts can be a dirty job, but they can make your life easier!. Today we will be ENCODING new vocabulary so we can remember our word parts, DEFINING the word parts and USING them in context EVALUATING our ability to remember these words. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



Learning Greek and Latin word parts can

be a dirty job, but they can make your life easier!

Today we will be ENCODING new vocabulary so we can remember our word parts,

DEFINING the word parts and USING them in contextEVALUATING our ability to remember these words

BIO• What would the title of your biography

be? What is one event in your life you’d include? MY LIFE


BIO - LIFE• Biography• Biology• Antibiotic• Biosphere• Biopsy

ECO• What have you done to be “eco” friendly? Do you

think it’s important to take care of our home planet?

ECO - HOUSE• Ecological• Ecotourism• Ecology• Ecologist• Ecocatastrophe

ENDO• My favorite part of a plant cell is the

endoplasmic reticulum. It is located within the cytoplasm.

• Use your schema on word parts and context clues to break this word down: what do you think the word endo means?


ENDO-WITHIN• Endodontist• Endodermal• Endoskelatal

EX/EXO• I always want out when my friends choose to

go to a horror movie. When do you want to make a quick exit?

EX/EXO- OUT• Exit• External• Exterminate• Exoskeleton

EU• I don’t think country music is very euphonic; it

just doesn’t sound good to me. What types of music do you find euphonic?

EU-GOOD• Eulogy• Euphonic• Euphoric• Euthenasia

HOMO• I always thought homophones were tough,

because the words sound the same but mean different things. Can you think of some homophones?

HOMO – SAME• Homogeneous• Homograph• Homogonize

HETERO• Homo and Hetero are antonyms, or opposites.

What do you think the word part hetero means?

HETERO - DIFFERENT• Heterogeneous• Heteromorphous• Heterotaxic

Although this heterogeneous group has people of different ages and genders, they all

have the same, or homogenous response.

PHOTO• You can’t take a good photograph in the dark,

only in the light! Draw or describe your favorite photograph.

PHOTO - LIGHT• Photograph• Photometer• Photosynthesis

LUM• “Lumos” is a popular spell in the Harry Potter

series. Based on this video, what do you think the word lumos means?

LUM - LIGHT• Illuminate• Bioluminescent• Luminoscity

MACRO• I can’t stand macrologists, people who talk a

great deal about dull topics.

MACRO - LARGE• Macroecology• Macroanalysis

Talk about macropodia! This monster has so BIG


MICRO• Macro and Micro are antonyms or opposites,

what do you think the word micro means?

MICRO - SMALL• Microscope• Microbiologist• Microhabitat• Microbe


• Trivia – how many meters make up a mile?

1 mile = 1 609.344 meters

What do you think the word part meter means?

METER - MEASUER• Chronometer• Thermometer• Pedometer

PRO• When you go forward after high school, what

do you hope your profession is?

PRO - FORWARD• Progeny• Profound• Progress• Prolong

Syn/Sym• Are you someone who needs symmetry,

everything together and organized?

SYN/SYM - TOGETHER• Synthesis• Symphony• Synthesis

TROPH• To prevent atrophy, a lack of nourishment, we

need to make sure we eat well. What good foods do you like to eat to keep you nourished?

TROPH - NOURISMENT• Dystrophy• Eutrophy• Atrophy• Phototroph

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