biological impact of elevated ocean co2 ... · animal life, e.g. in rockpools of the intertidal...

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Journal of Oceanography, Vol. 60, pp. 705 to 718, 2004


Biological Impact of Elevated Ocean CO2 Concentrations:Lessons from Animal Physiology and Earth History


Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Biologie I/Ökophysiologie,Columbusstraße, D-27568 Bremerhaven, F.R.G.

(Received 10 October 2003; in revised form 16 March 2004; accepted 17 March 2004)

CO2 currently accumulating in the atmosphere permeates into ocean surface layers,where it may impact on marine animals in addition to effects caused by global warm-ing. At the same time, several countries are developing scenarios for the disposal ofanthropogenic CO2 in the worlds’ oceans, especially the deep sea. Elevated CO2 par-tial pressures (hypercapnia) will affect the physiology of water breathing animals, aphenomenon also considered in recent discussions of a role for CO2 in mass extinc-tion events in earth history. Our current knowledge of CO2 effects ranges from ef-fects of hypercapnia on acid-base regulation, calcification and growth to influenceson respiration, energy turnover and mode of metabolism. The present paper attemptsto evaluate critical processes and the thresholds beyond which these effects may be-come detrimental. CO2 elicits acidosis not only in the water, but also in tissues andbody fluids. Despite compensatory accumulation of bicarbonate, acid-base param-eters (pH, bicarbonate and CO2 levels) and ion levels reach new steady-state values,with specific, long-term effects on metabolic functions. Even though such processesmay not be detrimental, they are expected to affect long-term growth and reproduc-tion and may thus be harmful at population and species levels. Sensitivity is maximalin ommastrephid squid, which are characterized by a high metabolic rate and ex-tremely pH-sensitive blood oxygen transport. Acute sensitivity is interpreted to beless in fish with intracellular blood pigments and higher capacities to compensate forCO2 induced acid-base disturbances than invertebrates. Virtually nothing is knownabout the degree to which deep-sea fishes are affected by short or long term hyper-capnia. Sensitivity to CO2 is hypothesized to be related to the organizational level ofan animal, its energy requirements and mode of life. Long-term effects expected atpopulation and species levels are in line with recent considerations of a detrimentalrole of CO2 during mass extinctions in the earth’s history. Future research is neededin this area to evaluate critical effects of the various CO2 disposal scenarios.

ability (IPCC 2001). Global warming in itself threatensto change the geographical distribution of marine and ter-restrial animals with the potential consequence of localextinction of previously common species (Parmesan andYohe, 2003; Thomas et al., 2004). The CO2 emitted byhuman activities may also play a role in this context as italready permeates into ocean surface layers, where it mayimpact on marine organisms combined with effects ex-erted by current trends of warming and eutrophication.Whereas the rise in atmospheric CO2 and its equilibra-tion with the surface waters of the world’s oceans is ex-pected to fertilize marine phytoplankton depending on the

1. IntroductionAnthropogenic CO2 production and the direct and

indirect effects of accumulating CO2 on marine ecosys-tems have come increasingly into focus in recent years.The current trend of accumulating CO2 goes hand in handwith regional trends in other climate factors, especiallyincreasing temperatures and increasing temperature vari-

Keywords:⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ Rising tropo-spheric CO2concentrations,

⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ ocean disposal ofCO2,

⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ critical CO2thresholds inmarine animals,

⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ physiologicaleffects of hyper-capnia,

⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ acid-base distur-bances,

⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ CO2 in marineecosystems,

⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ mass extinctionevents.

* Corresponding author. E-mail:

Copyright © The Oceanographic Society of Japan.

706 H. O. Pörtner et al.

availability of other nutrients (e.g. Riebesell et al., 1993;Wolf-Gladrow et al., 1999) and to affect calcificationprocesses in phytoplankton, other effects of CO2 on thephysiology of marine organisms, especially animals, arenot very well understood. In 1996, the observed accumu-lation of CO2 in surface water had already caused a de-crease in water pH by 0.1 pH units (Haugan and Drange,1996) and a detectable impact on planktonic algae wasobserved (Riebesell et al., 2000).

Additional interest in such effects has arisen fromrecent plans to dispose of anthropogenic CO2 by intro-ducing it into the ocean, especially the deep sea (an ideaoriginally proposed by Marchetti, 1977, 1979) where itwould affect particularly animals living in the aphoticzone. The basic idea is to accelerate the equilibration ofrising atmospheric CO2 with the deep sea, which wouldotherwise be delayed for centuries, and to reduce the tran-sient atmospheric CO2 peak otherwise expected to risefrom 370 ppm (PCO2 = 370 µatm) up to more than 1500ppm (PCO2 = 1,500 µatm) between the years 2100 and2200, unless CO2 emissions can be reduced (e.g. Wigleyet al., 1996). Under all the different disposal scenarios,organisms will have to tolerate high local CO2 concen-trations at the site of disposal (Shirayama, 1995), the ac-tual magnitude depending upon the strategy applied. Liq-uid and gaseous CO2 would be brought into the deep seaby pipeline from land or even a travelling ship. It may bestored in the form of CO2 lakes filling local basins on thesea floor, or may be more evenly distributed in deep wa-ter layers (e.g. Ohsumi, 1995).

The relevance of potential CO2 effects on animals isemphasized by the present discussion of aquatic CO2 os-cillations, which played a key role in the Perm Trias massextinction events (Knoll et al., 1996; Bambach et al.,2002; Berner, 2002). Moreover, the evolution of highperformance life forms in the sea may have depended onthe reduction of atmospheric CO2 levels during earlymetazoan evolution. Cambrian CO2 levels reached as highas 0.5% (PCO2 around 0.5 kPa or 5,000 µatm) and meanvalues decreased progressively thereafter (cf. Dudley,1998). Recently, Cornette et al. (2002) suggested a rela-tionship between atmospheric CO2 levels and the rate ofspecies diversification in the marine realm, while themechanisms and time scales involved are presently un-clear.

Under present conditions, CO2 represents an abioticfactor that remains more or less constant in most of thepelagic zones of the sea. CO2 levels will fluctuate wherevolcanic emissions occur in the sea and where excessiverespiration occurs in confined areas filled with plant andanimal life, e.g. in rockpools of the intertidal zone at night.It also fluctuates in marine sediments or hypoxic bottomwaters as it depends on the oxidation of organic matter,rates of oxygen consumption and anaerobic metabolism

of bacteria, meio- and macrofauna in an environmentwhere mixing with the surface water is poor. PCO2 val-ues as high as 1.60 kPa (16,000 µatm) are conceivable inanoxic environments (Knoll et al., 1996) and levels of upto 8.00 kPa (80,000 µatm) have been recorded close todeep sea hydrothermal vents where some hydrothermalvent fauna, like the vestimentifera, may make use of thehigh CO2 levels for CO2 fixation by symbiontic bacteria(Childress et al., 1993).

Accordingly, some animals appear to be character-ized by the development of specialized metabolic featuresto tolerate CO2 or may be exposed to hypercapnia onlyperiodically. This includes those pre-adapted to the accu-mulation of internal CO2 (during exercise). Such animalmodels can be used to study hypercapnic effects and theunderlying mechanisms.

All of these observations lead us to ask about boththe general and the specific effects of CO2 on variousanimal groups, from molecular and cellular to whole ani-mal levels. The results presented in this paper originatefrom a field (physiological ecology) which aims at adeeper understanding of the effects of environmental vari-ables on the physiology and biochemistry of organisms.Investigations also address how marine organisms adaptto a changing environment and what the tradeoffs andconstraints in this adaptability are. Species living in thepelagic zone are adapted to constantly low CO2 levelsand may be more sensitive, whereas species dwelling insediments may tolerate CO2 fluctuations to some extent,especially in the intertidal zone. It is the latter speciesthat permit the general and long-term effects of CO2 andthe underlying mechanisms to be studied in more detail.It should be emphasized that the investigation of suble-thal effects appears crucial in terms of the evaluation oflong-term effects of CO2 in those species which surviveacute CO2 exposure. These long-term effects, for inter-vals greater than the duration of the reproduction cycleor the life span of an individual, may be overlooked butmay nevertheless drastically change an ecosystem.

In general, the present paper is intended to assesscriteria for an evaluation of maximum CO2 concentra-tions tolerated by different marine animals from aphysiological point of view. It draws on research thataddresses the physiological and biochemical processesaffected by CO2 in shallow water animals, since few com-parable data are currently available for deep-sea species.However, most mechanisms affected by CO2 should besimilar in all animals and, wherever adequate, extrapola-tions to the deep-sea situation will be included, with ad-equate precaution. For a more unifying picture, we arealso drawing on information available for some freshwa-ter animals as well as for CO2 effects on such long-termprocesses as growth and reproduction and on various lifestages, such as eggs, sperm, larvae and juveniles.

CO2 as a Stress Factor in Marine Environments 707

2. Physiology of CO2 Effects: Molecular toOrganismic LevelsWhen atmospheric CO2 partial pressures rise, the

quantities of CO2 dissolved in water increase in accord-ance with Henry’s law, leading to levels similar to thosein air due to the great physical solubility of the gas inwater. CO2 enters the organism by diffusion, equilibratesbetween all body compartments and acts predominantlythrough its acidifying effect on acid-base balance. Withan elevation in PCO2, pH drops and bicarbonate levelsrise, depending on the effect of buffers other than bicar-bonate (non-bicarbonate buffers), which are titrated bythe rise in carbonic acid concentration. The drop in pH ishigher and the rise in bicarbonate is less in those fluidswith lower buffer capacity. Accordingly, the passive risein bicarbonate caused by increasing water PCO2 is muchless in sea water than in extracellular fluids, and hereagain, much less than in intracellular compartments. Incontrast, the largest pH drop can be observed in sea wa-ter due to the small amounts of non-bicarbonate buffers,and the smallest pH drop occurs intracellularly owing tohigh levels of non-bicarbonate buffering, which is fivetimes higher than in extracellular compartments. In mostanimals, invertebrates and vertebrates, extracellular pHis set to values 0.5–0.8 pH-units above intracellular pH.In consequence, bicarbonate levels are higher in extra-cellular than in intracellular fluids.

The analysis of effects of external CO2 on acid-baseregulation in water breathing animals (investigated innumerous species) follows the same lines as the analysisof respiratory influences. Respiratory changes titrate non-bicarbonate buffer values with changing PCO2 and leadto pH decreases and an accumulation of bicarbonate. Inonly a few species has this approach been combined withan analysis of CO2 effects on metabolism, not only whenhypoxia and anaerobic metabolism occur (Reipschlägeret al., 1997) but also in the sense that CO2 may affectoverall metabolic rate and the partitioning of energy be-tween individual metabolic processes by changes in ei-ther one or a combination of the different acid-base pa-rameters in the water or in body compartments (Pörtnerand Reipschläger, 1996; Pörtner et al., 2000; Langenbuchand Pörtner, 2002).

The present paper focuses on ectothermic, waterbreathing animals whose body fluid CO2 tension is muchlower than in air breathers. Ventilation is driven largelyby the limiting factor of water oxygenation (e.g. Jouve-Duhamel and Truchot, 1983) but there is growing evi-dence for a direct ventilatory sensitivity to CO2, e.g. inteleosts and elasmobranchs (Burleson and Smatresk,2000; McKendry et al., 2001). Thus, an acute stimula-tory effect of hypercapnia on ventilation was demon-strated in European eel (McKenzie et al., 2002). How-ever, the capacity for ventilatory compensation of the ef-

fect of hypercapnia on acid-base status is very limited inwater breathers due to the small diffusion gradient of CO2between the organism and the water (Scheid et al., 1989).Water breathers therefore rely almost exclusively on ionexchange mechanisms for a compensation of hypercap-nic disturbances in acid-base status.

The processes of membrane-bound ion regulationwill respond to respiratory or metabolic acid loads as wellas to changes in water acid-base parameters and will striveto re-establish original or new acid-base equilibria in thebody fluids. The carriers involved transport H+ and/orbicarbonate, leading to an accumulation of bicarbonateand to a partial or complete compensation of the pH drop.Exchange processes will occur in epithelial membranesbetween animal and water and in membranes separatingintra- and extracellular compartments. Ion transport de-pends on the sodium gradient built by ATP consumingNa+/K+-ATPase or consumes energy (ATP) directly in thecase of the H+-ATPase (Heisler, 1993). Research has asyet given us a far from complete understanding of theregulatory integration of these proton equivalent ion trans-port mechanisms, but phenomenological descriptions existfor fish and marine invertebrates and some carriers havebeen identified (cf. Heisler, 1986b, 1993; Pörtner andReipschläger, 1996; Ishimatsu and Kita, 1999; Pörtner etal., 2000; Claiborne et al., 2002).

Following Heisler (1986b), the principle response tohypercapnia in fish is similar in freshwater and marineteleosts and elasmobranchs. Environmental hypercapniacauses an almost immediate reduction of plasma pH in-duced by elevated plasma PCO2. In fish, more than 90%of all acid-base equivalent ion transport processes occuracross the branchial epithelium (Heisler, 1986a), never-theless intestine (Grosell et al., 2001) and kidney (Woodet al., 1999) are involved to a minor degree. One has tobear in mind that acid-base relevant transfer is alwayscoupled with the problem of osmoregulation due to therequired uptake of appropriate counter ions, which leadto an additional NaCl load of up to 10% in marine fish(Evans, 1984). Therefore, freshwater adapted fish spe-cies mainly rely on apical H+-ATPase for the electrogenictransfer of H+ to the ambient water; a process that alsodrives the uptake of external Na+ into gill cells via Na+

channels (Lin et al., 1994). In contrast, different isoformsof Na+/H+ exchangers (NHE) are thought to be the maincomponent responsible for acid-base transfer in seawateradapted fishes. At high external [Na+], thermodynamicconsiderations favour Na+/H+ exchange for acid-baseregulation (Potts, 1994) and functional studies confirmedthe role of apical NHE for H+ extrusion from gill cells(Edwards et al., 2001).

Among marine invertebrates, the system of mem-brane proteins responsible for intracellular pHhomeostasis comprises v-type H+-ATPase as well as Na+/

708 H. O. Pörtner et al.

H+- and Na+-dependent Cl–/HCO3– exchange, as seen in

the benthic sipunculid worm Sipunculus nudus (Pörtneret al., 2000). The mechanisms of acid-base regulationoperative at the organism water interface remain uniden-tified in this species.

In decapod crustaceans, HCO3– anion exchange plays

an important role in the restoration of acid-base statusafter acid-base imbalance. The strongly euryhaline crabCallinectes sapidus, for example, uses the uptake ofHCO3

–, associated with an efflux of Cl–, to compensatefor hypercapnic acidosis (Truchot, 1979). Similar tofishes, a strong relationship between acid-base status andion regulation has been found in decapod crustaceans.Compensation of the acidosis causes large and perhapsunfavorable changes in the ionic composition of plasmaand other body fluids (see Fig. 1; Cameron and Iwama,1989). Interestingly, changes in haemolymph acid-basestatus were only secondary to ion regulation and cell vol-ume control in Eriocheir sinensis (Whiteley et al., 2001).

In all organisms studied so far, acid-base disturbanceselicited by hypercapnia are compensated for by an accu-mulation of bicarbonate anions (Heisler, 1986b; Wheatly,1989; Pörtner et al., 1998), a process that is most effec-tive in the intracellular but not the extracellular compart-ment. In Atlantic cod, for instance, Larsen et al. (1997)observed a complete compensation of hypercapnia-in-duced acidosis in both extra- and intracellular compart-ments. However, while this process was rapid in the in-tracellular space of muscle tissue, extracellular pHreached control values only after 24 h via an increase inextracellular bicarbonate concentration paralleled by areduction in chloride levels. Nevertheless, extracellularpH may not always return to the original value and thedegree of compensation is lower, especially in marineinvertebrates (e.g. 30% in a marine worm, see Fig. 2;Pörtner et al., 1998), than in freshwater as well as marineteleost and elasmobranch fish under the same conditions.In the fish, extracellular pH also rarely reaches the origi-nal value (Heisler, 1986a). One limiting factor for thedegree of compensation may be the extent to which bi-







1 % CO2

pH p







] p

l (m










Time (h)

Pco 2

pl (




Fig. 1. Gamblegrams depicting the ionic composition of extra-cellular fluids in blue crabs and catfish (plasma) under con-trol conditions and during environmental hypercapnia at aPCO2 of 45 mm Hg (crab) and 56 mm Hg (catfish). A =unaccounted-for anion, probably mostly protein (adoptedfrom Cameron and Iwama, 1989). Note the accumulationof bicarbonate under hypercapnia.

Fig. 2. Acid-base variables (pH, “[HCO3–]”, PCO2) in the coe-

lomic plasma (extracellular fluid) of Sipunculus nudus un-der control conditions and subsequent hypercapnia (modi-fied after Pörtner et al., 1998). Note the incomplete com-pensation of the acidosis in the extracellular space.

CO2 as a Stress Factor in Marine Environments 709

carbonate is available from the ambient water for extra-cellular compensation, or from the extracellular fluid(blood, haemolymph) for intracellular compensation(Heisler, 1993; Pörtner et al., 1998). However, in fishthese relationships are also influenced by the level of so-dium, which is used to extrude H+ from the organism(Iwama and Heisler, 1991).

An assessment of the adaptive and ecophysiologicalimportance of these patterns gives rise to the questionsof what are the benefits of acid-base regulation for theorganism? And what is the effect of changes in acid-baseparameters under conditions of environmental stress, likeelevated concentrations of ambient CO2? To start with,work on two invertebrate species of completely differentmode of life may illustrate the levels at which CO2 exertsits specific effects. The level of organization of the or-ganism, its activity level, mobility and reactivity are likelyto be correlated with the sensitivity level. The organismschosen are at the two extreme ends of the spectrum, onerelatively tolerant to CO2 and the other one of the mostsensitive species known so far. One of them is Sipunculusnudus, a protostome invertebrate (body weight up to 80 gand body length up to 30 cm) living in marine sedimentswhere fluctuations of environmental parameters like oxy-gen and CO2 are regular. The species range extends fromthe intertidal zone up to water depths of 2300 m, makingit a suitable model organism for studying principal CO2effects. The overall physiological characters of this ani-mal comprise a low metabolic rate, slow body movements,oxyconformity of oxygen consumption, biochemical char-acteristics of a facultative anaerobe, and the abilities toreduce metabolic rate under extreme conditions and toundergo long-term starvation (Pörtner and Grieshaber,1993).

The second model organism is the squid Illexillecebrosus, which lives in the pelagic zone of the openocean and displays a level of activity which is compara-ble to, or even exceeds that of similar sized fish (O’Dorand Webber, 1986). Squids are invertebrates with highmetabolic power compared to fish and must therefore beconsidered even more sensitive to fluctuations in envi-ronmental parameters than highly active fish (cf. Pörtner,1994). Finally, the literature available on fishes indicatesthat their sensitivity to CO2 is intermediate (see below).

2.1 CO2 effects on apparently tolerant speciesIn many animal groups tolerant to CO2 oscillations,

CO2 has long been known to cause a drop in metabolicrate and even anaesthesia, especially in insects. A nar-cotic effect of high, non-determined CO2 levels was alsoobserved in deep-sea hagfish after CO2 disposal in situ,possibly as the result of respiratory distress (reduced O2carrying capacity of the blood, Tamburri et al., 2000).Sipunculus nudus experiences a long-term depressing ef-

fect of CO2 on aerobic energy metabolism which is re-lated to the level of hypercapnia (depression by 35% at20000 µatm PCO2, water pH ≈ 6.6). Further study revealedthat under both normo- and hypercapnia, acidosis elicitsa drop in metabolic rate which can only be explained bythe decrease in extracellular pH (see Fig. 3; Reipschlägerand Pörtner, 1996). Neither intracellular pH nor intra- orextracellular bicarbonate levels or PCO2 were involvedin eliciting metabolic depression under hypercapnia.These relationships have not yet been investigated in fish.

Fig. 3. Oxygen consumption rates of isolated body wall mus-culature of Sipunculus nudus during normocapnia and dur-ing hypercapnia depicted as a function of intracellular pHvalues (A), intracellular bicarbonate concentrations (B), andvalues of extracellular pH (C). Only plot C is consistent forboth normo- and hypercapnic data and demonstrates thatoxygen consumption is significantly depressed below athreshold value of extracellular pH (modified afterReipschläger and Pörtner, 1996).



7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4





Intracellular pH

Intracellular HCO3



0 2 4 6 8











on (

% o

f co




7.2 7.6 8.0 8.4 8.8







Extracellular pH






710 H. O. Pörtner et al.

Decreasing extracellular pH slows down the rate ofH+ equivalent ion exchange by both Na+/H+- and Na+-dependent Cl–/HCO3

–-transporters which are responsiblefor the regulation of the intracellular acid-base status.Therefore, less sodium needs to be pumped by the Na+/K+-ATPase, thus diminishing the energy requirements ofacid-base regulation (see Fig. 4; Pörtner et al., 2000). Thegeneral relevance of these relationships among waterbreathing animals is confirmed by data collected on tilapiafrom alkaline Lake Magadi, which indicate that the costof acid-base regulation can even range above 50% of base-line metabolism under extreme environmental conditions(Wood et al., 2002).

Further investigation at the whole animal (systemic)level revealed that a modulation in the cost of acid-baseregulation cannot fully explain metabolic depression sinceventilatory activity was reduced under hypercapnia, sug-gesting a contribution from a central nervous mechanism(Pörtner et al., 1998). Among neurotransmitters, adenos-ine accumulated in the nervous tissue of S. nudus duringhypercapnia, hypoxia, and even more so during combinedhypoxia and hypercapnia (Fig. 5). Infusion of adenosine

caused metabolic depression (Reipschläger et al., 1997).A similar role for adenosine is also known for some ver-tebrates (e.g. freshwater fish and turtles) subjected toanoxic conditions (Hylland et al., 1997; for review seeLutz and Nilsson, 1997). No studies addressing the spe-cific role of adenosine or other neurotransmitters in ma-rine fish during hypercapnia are available as yet.

Most importantly, not only metabolic depression butalso metabolic imbalance may arise under hypercapnia,depending on the degree of compensation in acid-basestatus. Under conditions of extreme acidosis (metabolicdepression by up to 45% of control values), Langenbuchand Pörtner (2002) found lowered atomic ratios of oxy-gen consumed (O) to nitrogen produced (N) in muscletissue of S. nudus, despite a concomitant drop in oxygenconsumption and ammonia excretion rates (Fig. 6). Onthe one hand, these results indicate a shift in N metabo-lism with a preferred degradation of amino acids like as-paragine, glutamine or their dicarboxylic acids, whichyields low O/N ratios. This results in an increased pro-

pHe = 7.5, Control

pHe = 7.9, Control




r pH

0 10 20 30 40









7.5 2%CO2

time (h)

Fig. 4. Time course of pHi recovery in isolated body wall mus-culature of S. nudus during acute hypercapnia under 2%CO2 at high and low extracellular pH. Recovery of intrac-ellular pH takes longer during acidosis due to the specificeffect of low extracellular pH on transmemembrane ionexchange (see text and Pörtner et al., 2000).

Fig. 5. (A) Adenosine levels in the nervous tissue of Sipunculusnudus after 24h of exposure to hypercapnia, anoxia andanoxic hypercapnia. (B) Effect of adenosine infusion on theoxygen consumption rate of Sipunculus nudus. Adenosinesolution or saline were infused into the coelomic fluid viaan indwelling catheter (after Reipschläger et al., 1997).

Time (h)


- Saline





0 5 10 15









Control Anoxia Hypercapnia Anoxia + Hypercapnia





n co






CO2 as a Stress Factor in Marine Environments 711

duction of bicarbonate, which supports the regulation ofintracellular pH. On the other hand, the decrease in O/Nratios suggests that hypercapnia may cause a long-termdrop in protein synthesis, possibly induced by the drop inintracellular pH (Langenbuch and Pörtner, 2002). Thiscontext remains largely uninvestigated for other organ-isms but it can be postulated to affect the long-term physi-ology of the animals: a reduction in growth and repro-duction is expected, processes which largely depend onprotein synthesis and which support the maintenance ofa population. Reduced growth rates under hypercapniawere found in marine penaeid prawns (Wickins, 1984)and in juvenile white sturgeon, with reductions in forag-ing activity being involved in the latter (Crocker and Cech,1996).

Much work has focused on pH as a stress factor af-fecting reproduction and associated processes in freshwater and marine species. Low water pH decreases thesize of the eggs and delays hatching in perch, Percafluviatilis (Vinogradov and Komov, 1985). In clams

(Tivela stultorum) fertilization was most successful atslightly alkaline sea water pH (Alvarado-Alvarez et al.,1996), suggesting that even small reductions of pH mayreduce reproductive success in some species (see alsoDesrosiers et al. , 1996). Thus, in white sturgeon(Acipenser transmontanus), sperm motility was shown tobe affected by low pH or increased PCO2 (Ingermann etal., 2002).

One additional aspect not yet considered is that el-evated CO2 levels cause a disturbance of calcificationprocesses in organisms relying on shells or other calci-fied structures (Wickins, 1984). Barker and Elderfield(2002) demonstrated that glacial-interglacial changes inthe shell weights of several species of planktonicforaminifera are, in a negative feedback mechanism, re-lated to changes in ambient carbonate ion concentrationsover time in response to changing atmospheric PCO2.Thus, marine calcification seems to be directly affectedby elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide. There will evenbe a dissolution of calcified structures that are alreadypresent (e.g. Bamber, 1987; Shirayama, 1995). These dis-turbances will contribute to the predicted reduction ingrowth and reproduction as seen at low pH in molluscs(Bamber, 1987, 1990). There may also be differencesbetween animal groups in this respect: if CO2 was a keyfactor in late Permian mass extinctions it affected corals,articulate brachiopods, bryozoans and echinoderms to agreater extent than molluscs, arthropods and chordates,which may partly be due to the greater reliance of theformer groups on heavily calcified skeletons (Knoll etal., 1996).

In general, the tolerance limits to CO2 have been seenas related to the acidifying action (cf. Shirayama, 1995;Auerbach et al., 1997); however, specific effects exertedby CO2 and bicarbonate have to be included in a com-plete consideration of CO2 effects (Pörtner andReipschläger, 1996). Recent studies confirmed this hy-pothesis, providing evidence for different sensitivities toCO2- versus HCl (fixed acid)-induced water acidification.Higher mortalities resulted in all CO2 exposed groups oftested fish larvae compared to groups exposed to the samewater pH set by fixed acid (Ishimatsu et al., 2004). Ob-served differences may partly result from the more rapidentry of highly diffusive CO2 into body fluids, whereasdisturbances may take longer to develop in HCl–acidi-fied seawater. Overall, CO2-related water pH values aslow as 7 and 6.5 may be tolerated, at least temporarily,by individual animals, but it is reasonable to predict thatCO2 will cause a change in the mode of metabolism. Re-duced growth and reproduction may result, with long termeffects at the population level. These effects may set inrather early. According to recent data reported byShirayama (2002), even very moderate increases in CO2(200 µatm above control levels) are able to cause a re-


6.50 6.75 7.00 7.25 7.50 7.75 8.00









(% o

f co



te o

f ox












extracellular pH

6.50 6.75 7.00 7.25 7.50 7.75 8.00














(% o

f co



te o

f am


ia e



extracellular pH

Fig. 6. Rates of oxygen consumption (A) and ammonia excre-tion (B) at different values of extracellular pH undernormocapnic and hypercapnic conditions in Sipunculusnudus isolated muscle tissue. Note the progressive drop inoxygen consumption with falling extracellular pH and thedelayed decrease in the rate of ammonia excretion underconditions of severe acidosis (after Langenbuch and Pörtner,2002).

712 H. O. Pörtner et al.

duction in growth rate and even survival of shelled ani-mals like echinoderms and gastropods. Accordingly, manyspecies would tolerate transient CO2 fluctuations but maynot be able to settle and thrive in areas where CO2 re-mains permanently elevated (with the potential exceptionof hydrothermal vent fauna). For an estimation of truecritical thresholds in tolerant species, long-term exposuresare required as well as studies of growth and reproduc-tion. No such comprehensive studies are available as yet.

2.2 CO2 effects on acutely “intolerant” speciesThe number of species acutely sensitive to even small

changes in CO2 levels may be rather small but amongthem are the most fascinating and powerful invertebratespecies, squid. A look at the special metabolic and respi-ratory design of squid explains why these creatures areso sensitive to ambient CO2 fluctuations (Pörtner andZielinski, 1998). In contrast to the low metabolic rateassociated with undulatory swimming in fish, the squid’soxygen demand is much higher due to their less efficientmode of swimming by jet propulsion (O’Dor and Webber,1986). The high metabolic rate of these animals needs tobe supported by blood oxygen transport which occurs byuse of an extracellular pigment, the haemocyanin (Fig.7). The pigment concentration determines the capacity ofthe blood to bind and transport oxygen. However, thereis a limit to the concentration of pigment, since solubleprotein binds water (colloidal osmotic pressure) and canremove it from the tissues. High protein concentrationsalso increase the viscosity of the blood. Nonetheless, oxy-gen transport by the haemocyanin needs fine tuning toallow efficient oxygen transport. This occurs by pH, seenas a large Bohr effect, which causes a reduced bindingaffinity for oxygen with falling pH. Therefore, control ofarterial pH as well as pH changes between arterial andvenous blood are very important for oxygen transport.This conclusion is supported by the existence of large,pH-dependent cooperativity (i.e. interaction betweenhaemocyanin subunits) which enhances the level of co-ordination between pH and oxygen binding. The highmetabolic rate of the mantle causes haemocyanin to fullyrelease its load in the tissue even under resting condi-tions, and not just during active periods. In contrast tothe situation in fish, there is no venous oxygen reserve(Pörtner, 1990).

The relationship between O2 binding, oxygen par-tial pressure (PO2) and pH is clearly illustrated by pHsaturation analysis (see Fig. 7). The oxygen isobars (linesof constant PO2) show which pH changes in the bloodenable the pigment to buffer dissolved oxygen or PO2, asit unloads and saturation drops from 100% in the arteryto the venous level. In accordance with a maximumcooperativity, the slope of oxygen isobars is steepestwhere pH is close to that of in vivo blood (about 7.4).

This shows that extracellular pH must be closely control-led and protected against fluctuations. While a moderatedecrease in pH (by 0.15 pH-units) caused by a rise in waterPCO2 above 2,000 µatm would decrease the aerobic scopefor activity, a larger rise in PCO2 (up to 6,700 µatm) wouldcause blood pH to fall by about 0.25 pH units, reduceoxygen capacity by about 50%, and most likely inducelethal effects in the ommastrephid, open ocean squid Illexillecebrosus (Pörtner and Reipschläger, 1996). Squid oflower activity levels appear to be less sensitive. For ex-ample, Redfield and Goodkind, as early as 1929, demon-strated in the coastal squid Loligo pealei that CO2 partialpressures of about 26,500 µatm would be acutely lethal,associated with a similar drop in blood oxygenation(Redfield and Goodkind, 1929). Acute critical CO2 thresh-olds may be alleviated to some extent by long-term ad-justments to rising ambient CO2, allowing for some com-pensatory acid-base regulation.

2.3 CO2 sensitivity in fishIn comparison to squid, fish are much better protected

from CO2 effects since they have a lower metabolic rateand some venous oxygen reserve. Their hemoglobin islocated in erythryocytes, where it is being protected fromextracellular pH disturbances by the great capacity forintracellular acid-base regulation. This will reduce acutesensitivity to elevated CO2 as opposed to squid, and criti-cal levels may not be reached even at CO2 partial pres-sures of 4 kPa or more (40,000 µatm, e.g. Crocker andCech, 1996). Nevertheless, the question of pH sensitivity

Illex illecebrosus

50 %

100 %

0 %

14.7PO2(mm Hg)

146 97 59 28







7.0 7.4 7.8 8.2pHe

% S






Fig. 7. Oxygen saturation of the blood of Illex illecebrosusdepicted in a pH/saturation diagram (modified after Pörtner,1990, 1994). The oxygen isobars show the change inhemocyanin bound oxygen levels with extracellular pH atconstant PO2. The acid-base and gas status of arterial bloodunder control resting conditions is depicted by Ca, chang-ing into A during moderate (1.5 mm Hg) and into B duringslightly more severe hypercapnia (5 mm Hg), thus reflect-ing the drop in arterial oxygenation with pH.

CO2 as a Stress Factor in Marine Environments 713

of the oxygen-transport system in fishes, especially con-cerning deep sea animals, remains controversial, becauseavailable data are very sparse. As some deep sea animalsdisplay relatively large pH sensitivities of respiratory pig-ments at high oxygen affinities, similar to deep waterAntarctic species (e.g. among octopods; Zielinski et al.,2001), Seibel and Walsh (2001) postulated that deep seaanimals would experience serious problems in oxygensupply under conditions of increased environmental CO2concentrations. They refer to midwater organisms whichpossess pigments with large Bohr effects and high O2 af-finities, like the mysid crustacean Gnathophausia ingensand some fish species (Childress and Seibel, 1998;Sanders and Childress, 1990). However, it remains un-clear whether these animals are representative of the deepsea fauna because they are residents of so called “oxygenminimum layers” at intermediate depths with special ad-aptations for the efficient extraction of oxygen from hy-poxic waters. For a definite evaluation of CO2 sensitivityunder these conditions, combined hypoxia and CO2 ex-posure scenarios would have to be considered. In con-trast, Graham et al. (1985) found very low hemoglobinlevels in the blood of three deep sea fishes, comparableto those of a number of Antarctic fishes (Wells et al.,1980). The hemoglobins of these fish species displayedhyperbolic oxygen dissociation curves, low Hill constantsand small Bohr effects, associated with their low activityhabits and a reduced importance of blood oxygen trans-port.

Moreover, fish (and squid) lead a sluggish life atdepths below 300 to 400 m. A decline in metabolic activ-ity of pelagic animals, including fishes and cephalopods,with increasing minimum depth of occurrence has beenreported in several studies (Childress, 1995; Seibel et al.,1997). A comparative study of Antarctic stenothermal andeurythermal temperate cephalopods showed that the mag-nitude of the Bohr effect also depends upon the level ofactivity. Furthermore, the Bohr effect was decreased andthe pH-insensitive oxygen reserve increased during cool-ing, suggesting that the relevance of pH sensitivity is re-duced in the cold (Zielinski et al., 2001). In addition, thehemoglobins of Antarctic notothenioids like Trematomusnewnesi, Artedidraco orianae and Pogonophryne scottiare characterized by a modest Bohr effect, very weak orno Root effect, and very low cooperativity of oxygen bind-ing, features most likely related to their low resting meta-bolic rate (Tamburrini et al., 1998; D’Avino and DeLuca,2000). Similar trends may be found in deep sea fishesbelow the oxygen minimum layer.

Once again, it may not be the acute toxic effects ofhypercapnia but the long-term sublethal effects on deepsea fauna which are more detrimental to population struc-ture and species distribution. Due to their low metabolicactivity, the efficiency of cellular and tissue acid-base

regulation is likely to be greatly diminished in deep seafishes compared to their shallow-living counterparts(Seibel and Walsh, 2001). A lower intracellular non-bi-carbonate buffering capacity (Seibel et al., 1997) and re-duced rates of active ion exchange in the gills (Goffrediand Childress, 2001) may be typical of deep sea fauna. Inconsequence, the capacity to fully compensate systemicacid-base disturbances may be limited, suggesting shift-ing acid-base and ion equilibria and associated metabolicconsequences (see above). This may in fact lead to con-stantly depressed energy turnover rates and subsequentconstraints in growth and reproduction processes as out-lined above.

3. Conclusions and PerspectivesThe number of species suffering from acute CO2 tox-

icity will be limited. In general, long-term steady-stateelevations in CO2 levels may be tolerated by animals witha low activity mode of life or pre-adapted to large fluc-tuations in environmental parameters. Tolerance also de-pends upon the capacity to compensate for associatedacid-base disturbances. However, this refers only to shortto medium term survival of the individuals of a popula-tion. At present it is difficult, if not impossible, to givenumbers for a critical threshold and to really qualify ani-mal species as being permanently tolerant to elevationsin ambient CO2 since long-term effects have not yet beensufficiently investigated. The data reported by Shirayama(2002) indicate that shallow water calcifying species mayrespond rather early with reduced growth and survival(see above).

Figure 8 summarizes our knowledge of carbon diox-ide effects at different organisational levels. Analogousto a recent treatment of thermal sensitivities (Pörtner,2002), an ecosystem to molecular hierarchy of CO2 tol-erance is proposed on the basis of current physiologicaldata. The data given above give rise to the general pre-diction that CO2 will cause a change in the mode of me-tabolism. Reduced growth and reproduction may resultin apparently tolerant species and populations, contribut-ing to a long-term decrease of population density or evenlocal extinction of species. However, such effects haveyet to be demonstrated in long term field investigations.

Nevertheless, such effects are in accordance withCO2 effects that have been supposed to contribute to theextinction of species during the Perm/Trias mass extinc-tion event (cf. Knoll et al., 1996). In the mass extinctionscenario, PCO2 levels were reached in surface waters thatare in the low range of those expected in CO2 disposalscenarios. The notion by Knoll et al., that animals with-out gills, with a weak internal circulation and low meta-bolic rate are more sensitive to hypercapnia is not sup-ported by the data compiled in this review. Ventilatorycompensation of hypercapnia does not represent a possi-

714 H. O. Pörtner et al.

ble advantage for the more active water breathers sincePCO2 gradients between water and blood are too low.Rather, the much greater reliance on calcified structuresmay have defined the limits in those groups of articu-

lates, echinoderms, bryozoans and cnidarians which wereseverely affected by mass extinction. Calcification is usu-ally less expressed in the more active animal groups sincethis will hamper mobility.

Fig. 8. Overview of effects of elevated ocean CO2 levels on marine animal organisms and ecosystems. (A) Application of Shelford’slaw of tolerance and of the concept of a systemic to molecular hierarchy of tolerance limits, as recently elaborated in thermalphysiology, supports a categorization of CO2 dependent phenomena. The integrated concert of different functional levelsleads to narrowest tolerance windows at high hierarchical levels which shape ecological functions and their shift under el-evated CO2 concentrations. Note that tolerance thresholds (pejus and critical levels) likely vary between species and phyla,partly depending on the level of energy turnover (see text). Long-term tolerance limits (pejus levels), which define the onsetof performance limitations, still await quantification. (B) Summary of physiological functions and their changes and interac-tions under the effect of CO2 in a generalized marine water breathing animal. The processes depicted here are hypothesized toelicit the patterns depicted in (A). Note that this picture is incomplete and hypothetical with respect to some details andignores the specific phylogenetic constraints characterizing individual phyla and species (see text). The generalized cellularprocesses depicted on the left probably have their specific functional consequences in tissues like brain, heart or muscledepicted on the right (experimental results and concepts adopted from Pörtner and Reipschläger, 1996; Reipschläger andPörtner, 1996; Reipschläger et al., 1997; Larsen et al., 1997; Pörtner et al., 2000; Langenbuch and Pörtner, 2002, 2003;Pörtner, 2002; Shirayama, 2002; Ishimatsu et al., 2004; Kurihara et al., 2004).



CO2 as a Stress Factor in Marine Environments 715

However, although CO2 may have been one of theeffective parameters, the relevant analysis by Knoll et al.neglects the role of temperature oscillations, which mostprobably contributed to mass extinction events throughthe long term effects of repeated exposure to extreme cli-mate oscillations and associated cooling events (Pörtner,2001, 2004). These considerations indicate that currenttrends of warming and CO2 accumulation in marine sur-face waters may exert synergistic effects on marine fauna.According to a recently proposed principle, thermal tol-erance windows of animals are set by limitations of theintegrated capacities of ventilation and cardio-circulationfor oxygen uptake and distribution in the organism(Pörtner, 2001, 2002). Warming and anthropogeniceutrophication will cause falling oxygen levels in marineenvironments and thereby a reduction of tolerance to ther-mal extremes, finding reflection in a narrowing of ther-mal windows. This trend is likely to be exacerbated byaccumulating CO2 since it reduces animal performance,as outlined above and will probably act in the same wayas hypoxia. Synergistic effects of warming and CO2 ac-cumulation will probably be harmful to animalpopulations, especially at the borders of their biogeo-graphical range.

As a corollary, future research is required to studythe long-term effects of elevated CO2 levels and evaluatecritical threshold levels for a detrimental effect of CO2 inboth apparently tolerant and acutely intolerant species.This research should consider the physiological impor-tance of each individual CO2 species in addition to pHeffects. Furthermore, and on a long-term basis, combinedeffects of CO2 accumulation and global warming shouldbe studied to develop our understanding of potentialsynergistic effects.

It seems to be important to find a model organism torepresent the large group of deep sea fishes which arebarely accessible in vivo for laboratory work. Their meta-bolic requirements are on the low side among fishes, evenlower than in polar fish (Torres and Somero, 1988). Thosespecies uniquely adapted to little or no light, low tem-peratures (below 5°C) and huge hydrostatic pressuresshow a great diversity, are endemic to these extreme en-vironments, and are characterized by slow growth andreproduction (Gage and Tyler, 1991). This picture alreadysuggests that deep sea fauna is sensitive to any changethat may occur suddenly and is well beyond the range ofconditions under which this fauna has evolved (Hädrich,1996). Due to the difficulties in the collection and han-dling of live deep sea animals, we have started to workon benthic Antarctic eelpout Pachycara brachycephalum(Zoarcidae). In particular, the physiological characteris-tics of benthic Antarctic fauna should be close to those ofdeep sea fish. These zoarcids are also highly adapted toconstantly low temperatures (around 0°C) and their slug-

gish benthic lifestyle contributes to an exceptionally lowmetabolic rate (Anderson, 1990, 1994; van Dijk et al.,1999). In the future, results obtained in studies on thephysiological tolerance of P. brachycephalum to hyper-capnia should yield valuable information which shouldbe applicable to deep sea fish species.

Present data indicate that relatively moderate CO2increases of 200 µatm may have significant long termeffects. This already casts doubt on whether CO2 shouldbe disposed by even distribution in the sea, although thiswould possibly keep levels below those which elicit acutelethal effects on the most active organisms of the pelagic.Due to the danger of long term detrimental effects, and ifCO2 disposal strategies to the ocean cannot be avoided,CO2 should be pH neutralized and converted to bicarbo-nates or rather be trapped in confined stable areas likebottom depressions (canyons) where virtually no life willcontinue under those anoxic and hypercapnic conditions.These sites in the deep sea filled by CO2 lakes could belooked at in the same way as landfills. If they were to useonly a minor percentage of the total surface area of thedeep-sea floor, such strategies should leave a large frac-tion of the marine environment unaffected so that the netdamage to marine ecosystems should be less than with aneven distribution of CO2.

AcknowledgementsParts of the original work reported in the study were

supported by grants of the DeutscheForschungsgemeinschaft (Po 278).

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