binaural wave experimental lab

Post on 04-Apr-2018






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    SBaGen -- Binaural Beat Brain Wave Experimenter'sLab

    Intro | Mailing lists | Downloads | FAQ | TODO


    Welcome to the world of Binaural Beats!

    The theory behind binaural beats is that if you apply slightly different frequency sine waves to each ear, a beatingaffect is created in the brain itself, due to the brain's internal wiring. If, in the presence of these tones, you relax andlet your mind go, your mind will naturally synchronize with the beat frequency. In this way it is possible to tune thefrequency of your brain waves to particular frequencies that you have selected, using of the four bands: Delta: deepsleep, Theta: dreaming and intuitive stuff, Alpha: awake, focussed inside, and Beta: awake, focussed outside.

    It is also possible to produce mixtures of brain waves of different frequencies by mixing binaural tones, and in thisway, with practice and experimentation, it is reportedly possible to achieve rather unusual states, such as out-of-

    body stuff, and more. See the books by Ken Eagle Feather, and the Monroe Institute site for more details. TheMonroe Institute have apparently put 40 years of research into these techniques.

    Centerpointe have also done a great deal of research into binaural beats, concentrating more on improving overallwell-being, health and holistic functioning rather than reaching unusual states. I recommend reading some of thearticles on their site (look under "Site Map", for example their Special Report: "How The Holosync TechnologyWorks", their FAQ and even their slide show for a very easy introduction).




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    EXE installers for Windows users, with pre-built SBAGEN.EXE and full source, documentation and examples.DMG and TGZ archives for Mac OS X users, with pre-built 'sbagen' executable and full source, documentationand examples.A TGZ archive for Linux and other platforms, containing source, documentation and examples, plus buildscripts for several targets.River sound loopable OGGs, for Linux and older OSX versions. (Windows and OSX users have them alreadyincluded by the installers.)ZIP archives providing versions for WinCE (PocketPC) usersA relatively recent version for the Zaurus and Linux iPAQAn old ZIP archive for DOS, which supports WAV-file output onlyBavsa, my visual tool for analysing binaural beat recordingsSource code for a command-line binaural analysis tool and rhybag, an experimental binaural sound utility forLinux

    NOTE: The extra tone-sets and sequences based on the document that appeared on USENET claiming to havemeasured the frequencies of the Monroe Institute Focus Levels are now included in the same archive as theprogram - see the files "focus.txt" and "wave.txt".

    I have a TODO list of ideas which people have suggested. However, don't hold your breath -- I have limited time rightnow, although I do hope to do a rewrite at some point in the future.

    Additional information:

    A bit more background on binaural beats, from my reading and experiences so far.

    Centerpointe appear to have put a lot of work into developing binaural beats into a balanced and well-testedprogramme. Certainly, from my own experiences with binaural beats, I can recognise the value of their approach toall this. Their site (including the new slide show) is worth looking at for a nice simple introduction to using binauralbeats for meditation and health.


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    The Monroe Institute, who have done a lot of research into Binaural Tones. Their original Hemi-Sync (TM) pages,and the links off them, were particularly interesting on the subject of binaural beats. You can find them archived on theWayback Engine HERE. Their new Hemi-Sync pages are HERE (until they re-organise their site again!).

    Also check out the OpenEEG project, which aims to design a cheap-to-build EEG machine (



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    SBAGEN.TXT ChangeLog

    Also see the FAQ and TODO list

    SBaGen download for Windows

    This includes the executable SBAGEN.EXE and full documentation and example sequences, tone-sets andbackground sounds. Since version 1.4.0 I'm trying out the free InnoSetup installer which should make things verymuch easier for Windows users. Any problems with this, let me know.

    sbagen-win-1.4.4.exe (2244K) sbagen-win-1.4.3.exe (2219K)

    sbagen-win-1.4.1.exe (2233K) sbagen-win-1.4.0.exe (2232K) (284K) (127K) (126K) (125K) (116K) (89K)

    Note that the Win32 ZIP archive contains mostly the same files as the Linux TGZ archive below, except thatSBAGEN.EXE is pre-built and all text files have been converted to DOS conventions. In version 1.0.11, Dirk Cloete'sbatch files replaced the UNIX script files, allowing Windows users to also run these examples. However, sinceversion 1.2.0, Dirk's files have been replaced with the new .SBG files to match all the other sequences.

    Scott of DreamCycle has kindly contributed a step-by-step guide to rebuilding the SBaGen source using Visual


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    Studio. This should be useful to any VS-based developers who wish to make adjustments to the code:

    Building SBaGen with Visual Studio 2005

    SBaGen download for Mac OS X

    The latest version (1.4.5) is an Intel build, as required for Lion. A disk-image file (DMG) is now used to make it mucheasier for Mac OSX users. The DMG includes a DEMO command-script you can run to get a quick taster, and aSTART command-script that sets up Terminal ready to play sequences. You'll still need to read the docs tounderstand more, but I hope this simplifies things a little. However, to use the earlier versions, you'll definitely need toread the docs.

    sbagen-mac-1.4.5.dmg (2122K) sbagen-mac-1.4.2.dmg (2124K) sbagen-mac-1.4.1.tgz (295K) sbagen-mac-1.4.0.tgz (2005K) sbagen-mac-1.2.0.tgz (317K) sbagen-mac-1.0.14.tgz (95K) sbagen-mac-1.0.13.tgz (94K) sbagen-mac-1.0.12.tgz (87K) sbagen-mac-1.0.11.tgz (79K)

    Those attempting to make source-code modifications on OSX will likely find the following precompiled Ogg andMP3 libraries useful, to save the hassle of building them from source:

    macosx-libs.tgz (416K)

    SBaGen source download for Linux + other platforms

    The TGZ file includes source, plus full documentation and some example sequences and tone-sets. Also included


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    are pre-build libraries for Ogg and MP3 decoding (Tremor and libMAD) to make things easier for Linux users. Itshould build without problem on Linux with the provided 'mk' script. Other platforms are mostly untested, but file outputshould be possible anywhere (including DOS), with real-time audio output on anything with Linux-style /dev/dsp,Win32 audio calls, or Mac OS CoreAudio. You will also need to download the river sounds TGZ if you don't alreadyhave these OGG files from a previous version:

    sbagen-1.4.5.tgz (697K) sbagen-1.4.4.tgz (694K) sbagen-1.4.3.tgz (671K) sbagen-1.4.2.tgz (669K) sbagen-1.4.1.tgz (473K) sbagen-1.4.0.tgz (2036K) sbagen-1.2.0.tgz (287K) sbagen-1.0.14.tgz (71K) sbagen-1.0.13.tgz (71K) sbagen-1.0.12.tgz (70K) sbagen-1.0.11.tgz (62K) sbagen-1.0.10.tgz (62K) sbagen-1.0.9.tgz (57K) sbagen-1.0.8.tgz (35K) sbagen-1.0.7.tgz (30K) sbagen-1.0.6.tgz (29K)

    sbagen-1.0.5.tgz (28K) sbagen-1.0.4.tgz (25K) sbagen-1.0.3.tgz (23K) sbagen-1.0.2.tgz (18K) sbagen-1.0.1.tgz (17K) sbagen-1.0.0.tgz (16K)

    Version 1.4.0 adds randomised looping background sounds, and built-in -p drop and -p slide sequences. Version


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    1.2.0 provides MP3 and Ogg mixing as well as many other improvements. Version 1.0.12 includes support formixing in background audio from a raw or WAV file. Version 1.0.11 introduced support for Mac OS X 10.0 and 10.1,and included many example batch files for Windows thanks to Dirk Cloete. Version 1.0.9 added some new examplesequences, Win32 support, and an experimental user-defined waveform feature. Version 1.0.8 added a CoolEdit-style pink noise helicopter-like effect. Version 1.0.6 added the features of accepting input from a pipe, outputting to afile or pipe, and writing WAV files directly.

    River sounds for Linux and Mac OSX

    The TGZ file contains the loopable river sound OGGs, required by everyone except Windows users (who have themalready included in their installer). These are separate so you don't have to download them every time there is a newversion. Put these in place of the dummy OGG files in the main archive:

    sbagen-river-1.4.1.tgz (1732K)

    Version 1.4.1 added ReplayGain settings.

    SBaGen downloads for WinCE (PocketPC)

    There are three versions of SBaGen adapted to work with WinCE. The most recent has been done by IvanKaramazov, and the previous two by Sam Lin (lincomatic). I don't have any WinCE machines myself, nor do I havethe dev tools to create new executables, so you are mostly on your own with these.

    Ivan doesn't wish to publish his E-mail address (so contact him through me if necessary), but Sam Lin has aSBaGen-PocketPC page which may have newer updates on his ports.

    Version 1.4.4R from Ivan Karamazov. This includes OGG and MP3 support, plus extensions to support loopingWAV files in addition to normal SBaGen OGG-looping. This is distributed as a number of ZIP files. To run it, you willonly need to download the first two: the README ZIP, and the binaries. Please read the README files tounderstand how this port is intended to be used. You may also want to copy across the river OGG files and the


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    standard example SBG files from a normal Windows installation of SBaGen.

    wince/ (19K) wince/ (1284K)

    The other ZIP files contain sources and build-environments and are only required for development:

    wince/ (285K) wince/ (982K) wince/ (932K) wince/ (746K)

    Versions of SBaGen 1.4.3 and 1.0.9 from Sam Lin. Version 1.4.3: To install, see the SBaGen-CE page, or inbrief: download the non-src ZIP, copy "sbagence.exe" to the PocketPC, copy the SBG sequences to 'MyDocuments', then tap "Open SBG" and select a sequence. OGG and MP3 playback are not supported, just binaural

    beats and noise. (108K) (49K)

    Version 1.0.9: The binary is in "ARMRel/sbagence.exe" in the first ZIP file. The additional "sbagen-ce-data" ZIP filecontains some experimental sequences that should be unpacked in "My Documents". (94K) (17K)

    SBaGen download for ARM (Zaurus and Linux iPAQ)

    This contains a 1.4.1 sbagen executable built for ARM Linux with OGG and MP3 support. It also contains theminimum source and libraries necessary to recompile it for ARM (with a cross-compiler). For all the sequences,documentation and river OGGs, please download the main Linux archive and river sounds archive separately.


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    Building later executables would be possible, but I'm only going to do that if people ask.

    sbagen-arm.tgz (392K)

    SBaGen download for Blackfin

    Please see this site for a contributed build of SBaGen for Blackfin processors:

    SBaGen download for DOS

    This is an old version (1.0.6) built for DOS thanks to the help of Notker Christoffel. Only WAV-file output is possible,but this may still be useful for die-hard DOS fans, as the Win32 version won't run on a bare DOS machine.

    SBAGEN00.ZIP (122K)

    Binaural analysis tools download for Linux

    (See also my Bavsa tool for a visual analysis of binaural beats, which is probably easier to use than the tools below.)

    For those who are interested in checking what binaural beat frequencies are present in a recording (e.g. forchecking the output of SBaGen or other binaural-beat tools), and who are also willing to get their hands a little dirty,

    here are some improvised command-line tools for Linux (with source) that may help. These effectively do a very fineanalysis on a small range of carrier frequencies that you specify, assuming that binaural tones are present in thatrange, picking out the binaural beat frequency and other parameters. Note that the code isn't perfect -- it may needtweaking to work well with some recordings.

    binaural-analysis-20040521.tgz (112K)


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    rhybag download for Linux

    Also available is an experimental utility called rhybag, which can be used to generate smooth fast-changing binauralsequences, perhaps for inclusion with music. This is for Linux only, and it is somewhat alpha, although stable, withsome documentation and examples.

    Briefly, the difference between the two utilities is that SBaGen is designed for operation according to clock-time

    (although it can run in other modes), making smooth slow changes, whereas rhybag is designed to play sequencesthat contain very fast changes, without clicks or distortion, possibly mixing in samples. It uses a different notationmore suited to this type of application.

    Any comments on this experimental utility are welcome.

    rhybag-0.1.1.tgz (29K)

    Intro | Mailing lists | Downloads | FAQ | TODO

    TODO list

    These are ideas that people have suggested on way or another, not necessarily things I will ever actually get aroundto putting in. Many of these are fundamental changes, so this will all probably lead towards a new version of SBaGen(SBaGen 2), which will have to be a rewrite.

    Add 'mixspin:' and 'mixbeat:' options. The first would apply the spin effect to the mix stream. The second woulduse a Hilbert transform and a 'twist' of the resulting complex waveform to shift the L+R channels up and down infrequency to create a binaural beat out of any recording. The idea seems sound, it just needs implementingand testing.Give Mac users desktop access to the application, using double-click to run an SBG file, for example.Possibly add JACK support (; this is yet another good reason to rewrite the core code to fit a

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    callback model. This would lead onto easier CoreAudio and Windows audio support too.Allow several channels that act independently, i.e. with independent slides going on through other activity onother channels.Create a sbagenlib to do all the play-time sequencing and audio generation, permitting several different frontends to be created.Make an 'easy' SDL-basd clickable GUI interface for Windows users, separate from the more powerfulcommand-line interface.

    Add support for triggering WAV/MP3 samples at certain points in the sequence: for example, "You have nowentered Theta at 7Hz", or whatever.Support clicking the mouse or pressing a key to make a record of interesting combinations offrequencies/tone-sets/etc, so that interesting points in the experience can be recorded without having to comeout of trance.Add random variation of frequencies within a range: "110+7.83 with softly RANDOMLY changing in 109-111,7.75-7.85, but not like drop or slide." How to vary it exactly? Big question.Command-line global volume control option, to adjust volume without having to edit the sequence.Conversion to/from Gnaural XML files. (Not looked at them, so don't know whether this can be madereversible.)


    Maybe allow keyboard control to fade between different sequences in real-time. Actually this was suggestedconnected with rhybag. This might be achieved by a rewrite using SDL for the front-end and audio output code,effectively creating a completely new app.Maybe add a screen that flashes in sync with the beats, as a cheap light-glasses replacement.Maybe add a feature to record timing of user events during a session indicated by user clicks or keypresses.Maybe add a feature to add modulation of the volume level in addition to the beating.Add light glasses control with in the MagicJim / AudioStrobe method, i.e. adding high-frequency tones totrigger the flashes.Suggestion: Add LPT1 light glasses control. The coding would be significantly different between Linux andWindows. Until I have some light glasses to play with, I can't see me doing this.

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    Suggestion: "sinusoidal, gaussian or user defined sweep in a frequency range" (!?)Suggestion: Add coloured noise to SBaGen as mentioned on the mailing list.Suggestion: Allow logarithmic fades (as in rhybag?). Allow noise modulation, both in amplitude and in pitch.Suggestion: Implement isochronic tones. (Requested several times, but as I understand it, these aren't a truebinaural effect, just a form of monophonic beating or pulsing.)

    These pages and files, including applets and artwork, are Copyright (c) 1997-2012 Jim Petersunless otherwise stated. Please contact me if you'd like to use anything not explicitly released, or if you have

    something interesting to discuss.

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