bid evaluation guideline

Post on 28-Feb-2018






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  • 7/25/2019 Bid Evaluation Guideline


    Format for Sample

    Bid Evaluation Report

  • 7/25/2019 Bid Evaluation Guideline


    Format for Sample Bid Evaluation Report

    1.0 INTR!U"TIN#

    1.1 Background

    Brief description of the Project

    Packaging of works into Contracts

    Engineers Estimate

    Approval of PC for the bidding document Invitation &


    1.2 Composition of Procurement Committee

    1.3 Composition of Technical Evaluation Committee


    2.1 Invitation of Bids

    Approved method "ICB#$CB#I%B#$%B'(

    $ames of $ational $ews Papers and other media used

    $on refundable fee of the Bidding )ocument *ist issue date

    %atest updated+ if an,

  • 7/25/2019 Bid Evaluation Guideline


    2.# Preliminar$ E%amination of Bids


    .missions2 Bid 1alidit,2 Completeness of Bid *orm2 Acceptable 3oint

    1enture Agreement+ if applicable2 %etter of Authori4ation# Power ofAttorne,2 if the bidder is an agent+ an authori4ation from the supplier or



    he bidder "including all members of a 3#1 and sub-contractors( ma, be

    dis5ualified if affiliated with a firm that has provided related consultanc,

    services on the project or in case of A)B#6B funded projects+ if thebidder is a publicl, owned enterprise from the borrowers countr,+ lacking

    legal and financial autonom,

    E/ample7- a( he bidder shall not be blacklisted2

    b( In case of 6orks Contracts+ the domestic biddershould have re5uired ICA) registration2

    c( *or foreign funded projects+ if so specified b, the*unding Agenc,+ "i( in case of works contracts+ the

    bidder shall be from one of the member countries

    of the *unding Agenc,+ and "ii( in case of goods+the goods shall be manufactured in one of the member

    countries of the funding agenc,

    Bid !ecurit,

    *rom an acceptable suret, in the re5uired format for the specified amount

  • 7/25/2019 Bid Evaluation Guideline




    3.1 &inor Deviations

    A ;inor )eviation would be one which either+

    a( 9as no effect on the validit, of the bid2 or

    b( 9as no effect in substantial wa, to the scope+ 5ualit,+ functionall, or

    performance2 orc( 9as no effect on price+ 5ualit, or deliver, of the goods or service offered2 or

    d( 6ill not limit an, substantial wa, the Emplo,ers right or biddersobligations2 or

    e( 9as such effect but the difference from the commercial terms or technicalspecifications in the bidding documents is such that it can be given a monetar,

    value2 or

    f( 9as not been specified in the bidding documents as grounds for rejection ofthe bid+ provided that the total amount of adjustments for such deviations does

    not e/ceed a previousl, determined percentage of the price

    3.2 &a'or Deviations

    A bid considered substantiall, responsive if it does not contain an,

  • 7/25/2019 Bid Evaluation Guideline


    "iii(Phasing of contract start-up+ deliver,+ installation+ or construction

    not conforming to re5uired critical dates or progress markers

    "iv( !ub-contracting in a substantiall, different amount or mannerthan that permitted

    "v( ?efusing to bear important responsibilities and liabilities allocated

    in the bidding documents+ such as performance guarantees andinsurance coverage

    "vi( aking e/ception to critical provisions such as applicable law+

    ta/es and duties+ and dispute resolution procedures"vii(hose deviations that are specified in the IB as re5uiring

    rejection of the bid "such as+ in the case of works+ participatingin the submission of an anothers bid other than as a sub-


    3.3 De!ata!le Deviations

    3.# (ames of !idders) re'ected and reasons for re'ection

    In the absence of clearl, defined distinction between ;ajor and ;inor

    deviations+ there is a room for different interpretation

    Bids that offer deviations ma, be considered substantiall, responsive-at

    least as to the issue of fairness- if the deviations can be assigned a

    monetar, value that would be added as a penalt, during the detailedevaluation process and if such deviations would be acceptable in the

    eventual contract

    he results of preliminar, e/amination should be presented in a ableanne/ed to the report

    $ames of bidders rejected and reasons for rejection should be presented in

    a able

  • 7/25/2019 Bid Evaluation Guideline


    herefore+ detailed evaluation should include all substantiall, responsive

    bids which have a reasonable chance of becoming the lowest evaluated bid

    Correction for errors

    he methodolog, for correction of computational errors as described

    in the IB' he readout prices and their corrections should be

    presented in a table' he corrections are binding upon the bidder'8nusual or large corrections that could affect the comparative

    ranking of bids should be e/plained in footnotes .

    Corrections for Provisional !ums

    Bids ma, contain provisional sums set out b, the Emplo,er for

    nominated sub-contractors or for contingencies etc' As these sumsare the same for all bids+ the, should be subtracted from read-out

    prices+ to allow for a proper comparison of bids in subse5uent steps

    ;odifications and discounts

    In accordance with the IB+ bidders are allowed to submit+ prior to

    bid opening+ modifications to their original bid' he impact of

    modifications should be full, reflected in the e/amination and

    evaluation of the bids


  • 7/25/2019 Bid Evaluation Guideline


    #.2 Technical Evaluation

    %ist and tabulate an, deviations from the scope of suppl,+ deliver, or work

    schedule+ the important technical specifications of all major items of e5uipment

    and material "e'g7 plant rating+ capacit,+ speed+ voltage and pressure+ operatingtemperature+ etc'(+ their performance characteristics "e'g7 plant efficienc,+ fuel

    consumption+ losses+ etc'(+ and warrant, period as set out in the technical


    As in the detailed evaluation of commercial terms+ an, substantial deviations fromthe technical re5uirements of the bidding documents should be listed and it should

    be determined whether a financial adjustment to the bid is necessar, or the bidshould be rejected as non responsive

    #.3 *inancial Evaluation

    *inancial adjustments to the acceptable deviations identified under the

    Commercial Evaluation and echnical Evaluation are made according to theprovisions in the IB'

    i' he bid prices should be adjusted for the purpose of bidcomparisons for those deviations which are permissible and which can be

  • 7/25/2019 Bid Evaluation Guideline


    necessar, to consider the bid as a whole is non-responsive'

    In other instances+ adjustments for onl, one or a few deviations have a

    relativel, high monetar, value+ as would be the case with deviationsregarding retention mone, or li5uidated damages' It is+ therefore+ useful

    to adopt a percentage of the bid price as the ma/imum amount of

    adjustments which can be made without considering the bid non-responsive' *ifteen percent of the bid price is considered an appropriate

    limit for the total monetar, value of all adjustments to the bid price2 if the

    total e/ceeds fifteen percent of the bid price+ the bid ma, be rejected asnon-responsive

    )omestic Preference

    )omestic Preference+ if applicable+ shall be used in this stage of

    evaluation' Applicable margin of preference as given in the Duidelinesshall be used

    ?ecord of clarifications made from all bidders

    E/tension of Bid 1alidit, Period

    If it was necessar, to get the Bid 1alidit, period e/tended+ due tounavoidable circumstances+ to complete the bid evaluation and award the

    contract+ bids of those who refused to e/tend the validit, as re5uired shall

    be rejected




  • 7/25/2019 Bid Evaluation Guideline


    +.3 Post ualification ssessment




    As a final step prior recommendation for an award+ the EC should

    alwa,s make a post-5ualification assessment of the lowest evaluatedsubstantiall, responsive bidder to ensure that the bidder has the

    e/perience+ technical capabilit,+ capacit, "both technical and financialresources( to e/ecute the contract satisfactoril,' If the lowest evaluatedbidder fails post-5ualification+ its bid should be rejected+ and the ne/t

    ranked bidder should then be subject to post-5ualification e/amination' If

    successful+ this bidder is recommended for an award

    A distinction should be made between the 5ualification of the bidder and

    those of the manufacturer+ if the bid is submitted b, a part, other than the

    manufacturer+ such as importer+ a trader+ an agent who will act as asupplier and sign the contract'

    A statement b, the manufacturer certif,ing that the bidder is authori4ed to

    offer goods manufactured b, him and that the manufacturer will assume

    all warrant, obligations.

    he minimum 5ualification re5uirements are specified in the Invitation toBid and the bidding documents.

    he information and documentations re5uired to be submitted b, bidders are also

  • 7/25/2019 Bid Evaluation Guideline


    c( *or works contracts+ performance data ma, include7- Information on similar works undertaken in the last three


    6hether the bidder has necessar, e5uipment or access to

    the e5uipment needed for the works contract2

    6hether he has the personnel and manpower to undertake

    the works

    3.0 RE"%%EN!ATIN#

    Based on the above detailed evaluation+ acceptable lowest evaluated substantiall,

    responsive bid is recommended for award'

    *ull name and registered address

    amount of award e/cluding 1A should be given


    he following details and information shall be tabulated and attached to the Evaluation?eport in the form of Anne/ or Appendi/ as appropriate'

    0' )eclaration of the ;embers of EC as per $PA ;anual:' ?ecord of Bid .pening

    >' )etails of Bid !ecurities submitted

    @ *or all bidders details of eligibilit,

  • 7/25/2019 Bid Evaluation Guideline


    .PE?AI.$A% & CAPIA% C.! A$A%!I! .* 9ID9 %I* P8;PI$D !E!

    !ES"RI&TIN "ompan4 No.1 "ompan4 No.2 "ompan4 No.+ "ompan4 No. "ompan4 No./ "ompan4 No.3

    Capacit, "m>

    #hr(Capacit, "l#s(

    9ead "m(

    6ater Power "Jw(

    Pump Efficienc, "K(

    ;otor Efficienc, "K(

    .verall efficienc, "K(

    Pump power re5uired "Jw(

    ;otor power re5uired "Jw(

    Annual operational hours

    Elect7 Energ, #ear "k6h(

    8nit cost of elect7 energ, "?s'#k6h(Cost of annual elect7 energ, "?s'(

    Economic life of pumping sets "ear(

    )iscounting rate#0HH

    Present value of total elect7 energ, cost "?s'(

    Capital cost of pumping sets "?s'(

    Capital cost L P1 of .perational cost "?s'(



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