bewitch 4

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Buffy slash


� Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered Slash Syle Chapter 3: Xander Interrupts Buffy's Fun Time & Willow Gets Her Heart Broken, a buffy: the vampire slayer fanfic | FanFiction xcookie_read(); xfont_auto_loader(); if(XCOOKIE.gui_font != 'Open Sans') { document.write('<style>body{font-family:"'+XCOOKIE.gui_font+'",Verdana, Arial;}</style>'); } body{font-family:"Verdana",Verdana, Arial;} var xasync_ads = (window.operamini || (window.opera && window.opera.version() < 15) || navigator.userAgent.match(/(MSIE\s[0-9]|firefox\/[0-3]\.)/i)) ? false : true; .dropdown-menu > li > a { padding: 3px 50px 3px 30px; } body { min-width:750px; height:100%; } .maxwidth { min-width:730px;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;} �f(isAndroid && !isChrome) { document.write('<style> body {font-size:1em;}</style>'); } xauto_width_init(); xauto_fontsize(); if(!isIphone && !isIpad) { $(function() { $(window).resize(xauto_width); }); } .maxwidth {width:1250px;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;} xfont_fix_smooth();

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Follow/FavBewitched, Bothered and Bewildered Slash Syle By: corrupt blondie Slash Warning Xander’s botched love spell turns Cordelia into the most elgible single high school student for all women in Sunnydale!Rated: Fiction T - English - Cordelia C. - Chapters: 9 - Words: 9,262 - Reviews: 37 - Favs: 10 - Follows: 3 - Updated: Apr 15, 2003 - Published: Feb 1, 2003 - Status: Complete - id: 1212903

+ - Full 3/4 1/2 Expand Tighten < Prev 1. The Spell�s Effects2. Girls Coming on to Cordelia3. Xander Interrupts Buffy�s Fun Time & Wi...4. Buffy Gets Another Go With Cordy & Amy i...5. The Buffy Rat, Jenny and Amy Argue, & Xa...6. Cordy Saves Xander, More Jenny & Amy Bic...7. Joyce Flirts, Angelus Comes To Play, & D...8. The Mob Comes Back Full Force, The Spell...9. Cordelia�s Confession Next > document.write(�<style> .storytext { max-height: 999999px; width: �+XCOOKIE.read_width+�%; font-size:� + XCOOKIE.read_font_size + �em; font-family: "�+XCOOKIE.read_font+�"; line-height: �+XCOOKIE.read_line_height+�; text-align: left;} </style>�); $(function() { $.get(�/eye/1/1/2772021/1212903/�); }); .storytext { max-height: 999999px; width: 100%; font-size:1em; font-family: "Verdana"; line-height: 1.25; text-align: left;} $(function(){ $(document).keydown(function(e) { if (e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode == 65) return false; }); });


Cordelia struggled, "Buffy, you really don�t want to be doing this."

"Why wouldn�t I?" The blonde slayer replied while running her fingers over Cordelia�s torso. She was sitting on top of Cordelia, pinning the other girl to the couch. Buffy cupped Cordelia�s breast softly before leaning down to kiss

Cordelia�s reluctant lips.

Danger Will Robinson. Danger! Cordelia�s thoughts were screaming in her ear. She tried to push the smaller girl off of her, but Buffy was holding her hands with her Slayer vice grip. Damn it!

Buffy was practically latched onto Cordelia�s soft lips. In the back of her mind, she realized Cordelia wasn�t responding, but the slayer was determined. Her tongue ran over the cheerleader�s teeth, demanding entry. Cordelia relented, figuring she might as well enjoy herself, opening her mouth to Buffy�s eager tongue. The blonde gently ran her fingers down Cordelia�s forearm, tickling the taller girl, and placed them on both sides of Cordelia�s face.

Buffy�s left hand wandered lower to the hem of Cordelia�s shirt. She caressed the other girl�s abdomen and slowly crept towards the brunette�s bust. Finding, in annoyance, that there was a bra in her way of touching Cordelia�s breast. Her fingers pushed under the lace bra and Buffy grazed her fingers over Cordelia�s erect nipple. Barely registering Cordelia�s moan, the slayer continued to massage Cordelia�s ample bosom.

"Buffy!" Xander exclaimed, while pulling the blonde off of Cordelia. He was previously torn between watching the show and stopping it, but his conscious kicked in telling him it wasn�t right because Buffy was under the spell.

Cordelia whimpered at the sudden loss of human contact, but quickly came to when she realized someone caught her and Buffy making out. She quickly jumped up from the couch, blushing profusely.

"Xander," Buffy snarled, not liking she was interrupted, "what�s your problem?"

The boy in question shook the thoughts of Buffy lying on top of Cordelia, "Nothing. I just. have to talk to Cordelia."

Buffy�s eyes narrowed suspiciously and before she could protest, Cordelia ran out of the room. She made a move to go after the cheerleader, but Xander held back her arm. Buffy growled and Xander quickly let go. Just as she was about to leave the room, Giles entered.

"Buffy," the watcher greeted, "I found some more texts on Angelus."

The blonde sighed, "So?"

"I figured you and I would read them so you can be prepared," Giles explained, clearly oblivious to the tension in the room.

"Fine," Buffy replied while grabbing a couple books and left the room.


Cordelia ended up in the bathroom again and while she was looking in the mirror, she noticed a red blemish on her neck. Oh great, I got a hickey from frickin� Buffy Summers. My day could not get any weirder, Cordelia thought while she applied some makeup to her neck. She heard the door open. Crap, I had to go and jinx myself. Nice work Chase, the brunette berated herself.

Out from the bathroom stall revealed Willow.

"Hi, Cordy," the redhead said happily.

"Willow," Cordelia returned.

The amateur with strolled to the sink next to Cordelia�s and replied, "I heard you dumped Xander."

"Good deduction skills," Cordelia bit harshly, "it�s only spreading around school like the flu."

The acid response flew right over Willow�s head as she turned to face Cordelia, "Don�t give me wrong. I feel bad for Xander, but now. I can have you all to myself."

"You�re with Oz," the cheerleader reasoned.

"Puppy love," Willow dismissed flippantly with a flick of her wrist, "what I really want is you."

Cordelia returned, "Well, I don�t want you."

The redhead looked hurt but replied, "You�ve always been mean to me. and I�ve loved you regardless. There�s got to be some sublimal reason for you always picking on me."

"If you�re so smart," Cordelia responded curtly, "then you would figure I insulted you because I don�t like you. You must be delusional to think I ever did."

Willow�s eyes began to water as Cordelia strolled out of the bathroom with a frown on her face. She didn�t want to hurt Willow the way she did, but she knew she had to.

< Prev 1. The Spell�s Effects2. Girls Coming on to Cordelia3. Xander Interrupts Buffy�s Fun Time & Wi...4. Buffy Gets Another Go With Cordy & Amy i...5. The Buffy Rat, Jenny and Amy Argue, & Xa...6. Cordy Saves Xander, More Jenny & Amy Bic...7. Joyce Flirts, Angelus Comes To Play, & D...8. The Mob Comes Back Full Force, The Spell...9. Cordelia�s Confession Next >

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