better scope of increasing living space through loft conversions for the residential of wal sall

Post on 27-Jun-2015






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Better Scope of Increasing Living Space through Loft

Conversions for the Residential of WalSall & Worcester

Loft Conversation and Why It Is Highly Sought After

loft conversions in UK is one of the most sought after and

preferred housing remodeling exercise, this practice has

been carried out for many decades and still remains the

most popular house rebuilding strategies. The goal of

Loft conversions in Worcester is aimed at increasing the

living spaces or converting empty space into a more

functional space. Attic conversions in Worcester will

therefore result to creation of additional rooms that can

be used as teen rooms, bathrooms, bedroom, home

office, games room and conservatory among many other options. Apart from increasing the functional

spaces, lofts also increase the value of a property. Compared to other home or office remodeling, Lofts

conversation is without a doubt the most cost effective and time efficient conversion strategy.

Applicability of Loft Extendibility in Different Housing Units

The applicability and feasibility of loft conversions in UK will vary with the type of residential building

that is being targeted, a number of factors have to be considered when intending to carry out Loft

conversions in Worcester. This will include the amount of space available, the type of roof, the

functional need, the local legislation and also the ease of the undertaking. Converting attics or lofts into

usable spaces will entail adding a structure on a free space or squeezing the structure on a hidden space.

Bungalows always offer many opportunities of attic and loft conversions due to their expansive spaces

with apartments or flats being least effective.

Types of Loft Conversions in Worcester, UK

Attic conversions in Worcester come in myriad of styles with each having its pros and cons, among the

commonly used loft conversions in UK, the following are most prolific:

· Roof Window Conversion:

This is usually applicable to steep and wide roofed buildings such as bungalows and maisonette since it

will make use of the attic. It is an easy conversion because it will be supported by the existing roof


· Roof Dormer conversion:

This is an extension of the roof whereby an additional structure is erected; it is more complex than the

roof window loft and requires approval from the local authorities.

· Front Dormer conversion:

The room is constructed on the front part of a house hence requires flushing the new structure with the

main building.

· Rear Dormer conversation:

Similar to the front dormer but carried out at the rear part of the house.

· Side dormer Conversion:

This conversation is undertaken on the side of the building and compared to other conversion, it

requires a bit of skill in order to maintain the authenticity of the main building.

· Hip to Gable:

This is applicable to bungalows where the loft conversion entails increasing the height of a steep roof to

being less steep hence making use of the newly found space.

Click here to know more about Loft Conversions for the Residential of WalSall.


Though looking simple and straightforward, attic and Loft conversions in Worcester will require a deeper

understanding as well as carrying out a detailed analysis of the whole project. A miscalculation of the

available space or going against the laid down home conversion bylaws will more often than not end up

costing the home owner money as well as negatively impacting the structural integrity of the building.

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