best sports cities

Post on 29-Jul-2016






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IntroductionBest Sports Cities is my opinion of the best sports cities not just in the United States but some of the Worldwide locations. These cities have a strong sports following and have also buildt a culture surounded by their sports teams. This publication is a series of fictional postcards sent between me and my family members as I take on all these great sports cities! I wanted to keep this fun but also somewhat informational as well.

Dear Mom,

Toronto has been amazing! I got to see a lot of historical landmarks that are important to such a great Canadian city. I even got to catch my first hockey game, which is a must while in Canada! -Braeden

Mom123 Home Ave.Milwaukee, WI


Dear Dad,

You would have loved to come out with me to Rio De Janero! The soccer fans here are too crazy so it was a lot of fun watching the games. Iʼve also saw more wildlife than ever. -Braeden

Dad123 Home Ave.Milwaukee, WI


Hi Logan,

Indianapolis has been a lot of fun. We started our trip by catching a Nascar race and ended the trip checking out the Childrenʼs Museum with our cousin Skyler. -Your Big Brother

Logan123 Home Ave.Milwaukee, WI


Hey G!

I know you are a huge Philadelphia Eagles fan so I know you would have loved to come here with me! I gotta say there is a lot to do besides just sports I hope you know! -B

Gannon123 Home Ave.Milwaukee, WI


Dear Pops,

Seattle has shown me so many great things in my stay here so far. But no matter what I will still forever hate the Seahawks fans! Go Pack!

-Packer Forever

Dad123 Home Ave.Milwaukee, WI


Dear Mom,

Let me just start off by saying, you were not wrong when you said that the Great Wall of China was no joke! It was all worth it though because we ended up meeting an Olympic athlete that competed here in 2008. He was very nice and actually showed us around the city as well! -Your Son

Hi Sammi,

I hope you are doing well! Dallas has been a blast so far. I got to see the Cowboys new stadium yesterday and am going to the museum today!


Sammi Dawg123 Home Ave.Milwaukee, WI



I know youʼve been to Pittsburg so I donʼt have to get into how great the city is. But I do know youʼve never been to a Pirates game so I can tell you that they are a lot of fun to goto! -B

Mom123 Home Ave.Milwaukee, WI


Yo TJ!

Hope school is going well. Chicago has been pretty sweet. That Bean is bigger than I thought! Iʼm just dropping this in the mail before I head to the White Sox game! Sweet! -Big B

Tyson123 Home Ave.Milwaukee, WI


Dear Dad,

I know youʼve always wanted to goto Australia So I figured Iʼd write you while in Sydney. Iʼve learned about the rich history of Australia and got to see a lot of landmarks. Did you know the Olympics were here in summer of 2000? I was young then so I didnʼt even relize that. Fun Fact! Well take care Pops. -Your Son


The atmosphere at Michigan Stateʼs football stadium was too crazy! Also, the museum here was really something to see, we should go sometime since itʼs only a hop over the pond! -Braeden

Lush Pup123 Home Ave.Milwaukee, WI



You are really missing out on the nice weather down here! So Hot!

The Miami Heat are still in the playoffs so itʼs crazy down here. -Bro

G-Snuggie123 Home Ave.Milwaukee, WI



Guess what?! I got to experience the crowd at the Oracle Arena last night while watching the defending champs! When ESPN says that they are one of the hardest places to play a road game, they werenʼt lying! My ears are still ringing. San Fransisco has been pretty good so far. I just still canʼt beleive how big the Golden Gate Bridge is! -Braeden

Hey Pa,

Finally got the chance to see historic Yankee Stadium in New York City just like we always wanted to. Time Square was pretty sweet all lit up at night last night too. -Son

Dad123 Home Ave.Milwaukee, WI


Yo Tyson,

St. Louis has been a pretty sweet experience! We got to hot air balloon just outside of the city! And you know me, had to catch a Blues game while I was in town. HA! -B

TJK123 Home Ave.Milwaukee, WI



Minneapolis was a pretty sweet city. I got to see th enew Vikings stadium that they are building. State -of-the-art! Got some shopping in too while at the Mall of America! -Braeden

Momma123 Home Ave.Milwaukee, WI


Dear Braeden,

We all miss you so much and have been thrilled to hear all about these great cities youʼve been visiting! We know youʼre a huge sports fan so itʼs fun to hear about what you think of all these cities. Seems like you planned to goto all realy great sport cities! You would! Milwaukee has been good as usual. Dad says he will have Miller Lite for ya! The Bucks are set to start their new stadium this summer! Miss ya! -The Whole Family

Hey Fam!Great to hear from you guys finally! Just got back to the hotel, was at the Denver Art Museum. Almost as good as ours! Hoping to see a Nuggets game while out here!


The Whole Family123 Home Ave.Milwaukee, WI


Hello Sammi,Finally got to see the Hollywood hills today! Los Angeles has been great. The Staples Center was just as epic as I expected. Wish I could have saw Kobe though.. :(


Sammi123 Home Ave.Milwaukee, WI


Logan H.123 Home Ave.Milwaukee, WI


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