best exercises for the 60 +

Post on 11-Aug-2015



Health & Medicine



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Best Exercises for the 60 +

Best Exercises for the 60 +

Exercise is very important for every individual, be it a toddler, a teenager or an

elderly person. The amount of exercise, patterns, time duration and other

important details do change but the importance of being physically active remains

the same. Studies have shown that people over 60 spend over ten hours in a day

watching TV or just lying down making them the most sedentary age group ever.

There are a lot of 60 plus men and women who are interested in exercising to stay

active, healthy and injury-free. The workout plan for the older adults is obviously

different from that followed by the younger generation and their age and medical

history must be taken into consideration. Some amount of physical activity will

help this generation keep heart diseases, diabetes, depression, dementia and

even some varieties of cancer at bay.

Simple exercises for 60+ men and women:


Water aerobics

Riding a bike

Playing tennis


Arm curls

Back stretch

For those above 60, it is important to include exercises that build up strength

without hurting oneself. The exercises must last for at least half an hour and must

be done at least three times a week for a strong heart, lungs and muscles. Every

exercise must begin with stretching as older joints can be stiff and inflexible.

Warm up your shoulders, stomach, back, calves and thighs.

Exercise is medicine! It was found that people who exercised for 30-45 minutes per day increased their lifespan by almost two years. Moderate intensity exercises protect the body from a range of lifestyle diseases.

It helps improve cognitive ability and protects the individual from various

age related brain disorders like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, etc.

It is an excellent way to lower blood pressure as it opens up the constricted arteries and veins, benefiting hypertensive patients.

Moderate intensity exercise lowers blood sugars, helping diabetic patients tremendously. Regular exercise with the right nutrition prevents type 2 diabetes and pre-onset of diabetes.

It lowers the risk of heart disease by decreasing the body fat levels, lowering LDL cholesterol, raising HDL levels and lowering the heart rate.

Moderate intensity workouts improve bone density, thereby lowering an individual’s risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures.

Moderate intensity exercises increase the oxygen intake of the body and improve lung function.

Painful joints are relieved with the help of moderate weight training exercises as one’s weight bearing capacity increases and so does the strength of the joints.

Exercises also help in improving posture and balance. This prevents injuries, fractures and falls, especially among the elderly, thereby improving one’s quality of life.

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