berthe morisot paintings 24 art cards berthe morisot - … morisot paintings 24 art cards berthe...

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7 aS T A T I O N E R Y — L A R G E F O R M A T C A R D B O O K S 53

Berthe Morisot Paintings24 Art CardsBerthe Morisot

Impressionist Flowers16 Art StickersEdited by Carol Belanger Grafton

The best-loved flower paintings by many popular Impressionistartists include excellent reproductions of works by van Gogh,Manet, Renoir, Degas, and Hassam.Dover Original.4pp. 4 1/16 x 5 3/4.

Related Titles

43070-7 Samuel—Flower Paintings$1.50

44550-X Grafton (ed.)—Impressionist Gardens $5.95

43335-8 Noble—Color Your OwnGreat Flower Paintings $3.95

Related Titles

27642-2 Morisot—Morisot Notebook $1.50

41343-8 Morisot—Six Berthe Morisot Cards $1.50

41568-6 Morisot—Morisot Art Stickers $1.00

7 dF I N E A R T S T I C K E R S

Related Titles

23546-7 Kobal (ed.)—Movie-StarPortraits of the Forties $16.95

23452-5 Adler (ed.)—Science-Fiction and Horror Movie Postersin Full Color $14.95

Classic Movie Posters16 Art StickersEdited by Carol Belanger Grafton

Reproductions of vintage posters for Gone with the Wind,Citizen Kane, King Kong, and other cinematic favorites span thesilent era through the 1950s.Dover Original.4pp. 4 1/16 x 5 3/4.


January 2006

$1.50 US

$2.25 Can.


January 2006

$1.50 US

$2.25 Can.


November 2005

$5.95 US

$8.95 Can

Famed for her brightly hued studies of women, bothoutdoors and in domestic settings, Morisot (1841–95)ranks among the most popular of FrenchImpressionist painters.Dover Original. 6pp. 9 x 12.

V A N G O G HPoppies

M O N E TSunflowers The Phantom of the Opera

1939Gone With the Wind


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7 e S M A L L - F O R M A T S T I C K E R S


Related Titles

44109-1 Shaffer—Glitter Carousel HorsesStickers $1.50

44107-5 Shaffer—Glitter Dragon Stickers $1.50

44110-5 May—Glitter Ballerinas Stickers $1.50

Glitter Angels StickersMarty Noble

Angels are top sellers in every Dovercategory, including this one—Old-TimeAngels Stickers is in its 17th printing. This sparkling addition is certain to beanother lasting favorite.Dover Original. 2pp. 4 1/16 x 5 3/4.

0-486-44471-6 September 2005

$1.50 US $2.25 Can.

Related Titles

43940-2 O’Brien—Glitter Hearts and FlowersStickers $1.50

43855-4 Barbaresi—Glitter Valentine Stickers$1.50

43939-9 O’Brien—Glitter Birthday Stickers $1.50

Glitter Hearts StickersDover

A huge audience for heart-shapeddesigns awaits these glittering stickers,more than two dozen in all and sportingevery color in the rainbow.Dover Original. 2pp. 4 1/16 x 5 3/4.

0-486-44487-2 September 2005

$1.50 US $2.25 Can.

Related Titles

43940-2 O’Brien—Glitter Hearts and FlowersStickers $1.50

43534-2 Kate (ed.)—Glitter Roses Stickers $1.50

Glitter Flowers StickersCharlene Tarbox

A dozen dainty blossoms—one of ourmost popular sticker motifs—bloom evenmore brightly with a glowing dash of glitter.Dover Original. 2pp. 4 1/16 x 5 3/4.

0-486-44453-8 September 2005

$1.50 US $2.25 Can.


October 2005

$1.50 US

$2.25 Can.

Shiny I Love AmericaStickersMarty Noble

The ever-popular color combinationof red, white, and blue gets a dazzlingboost with these 13 shiny patrioticimages.Dover Original. 2pp. 4 1/16 x 5 3/4.


October 2005

$1.50 US

$2.25 Can.

Glitter Stickers

Shiny Stickers

Country Kitchen StickersJoan O’Brien

Bright, cheerful-looking stickers of 22 cooking utensils andkitchen items convey the old-fashioned charm of folk art.Dover Original. 4pp. 4 1/16 x 5 3/4.

Related Titles

43071-5 O’Brien—Fashion AccessoriesStickers $1.50

27285-0 Brownd—Country Stickers $1.00

43453-2 O’Brien—Tea Time Stickers $1.50

✶ Features 135 of Sloane’s illus-trations depicting weatherlore and demonstratingweather forecasting principles

✶ Eric Sloane’s books amongDover’s best-sellers

8 a

Sloane instructs readers how to glean climateinformation by “reading” such natural phenom-ena as winds, skies, or animal sounds. A beauti-fully illustrated and practical treasure trove ofenlightening lore for outdoorsmen, farmers,sailors, and anyone who’s ever wonderedwhether to take an umbrella when they leavethe house.Republication of the New York and Boston, 1952edition. 96pp. 8 3/8 x 11.

Related Title

43385-4 Sloane—Look at the Sky and Tell the Weather $9.95


December 2005

$9.95 US

$14.95 Can.

“This book offers the clearest and most accessible information on understanding andpredicting the weather.”—Tim Smith, Master Guide and Wilderness SurvivalInstructor

Eric Sloane’s Weather BookEric Sloane



9C O O K B O O K S , N U T R I T I O N

Related Titles

29196-0 Lincoln—Boston Cooking School Cook Book $12.95

29697-0 Farmer—Original 1896 Boston Cooking-School Cook Book $16.95


August 2005

$9.95 US

$14.95 Can

The Settlement Cook Book 1903Mrs. Simon Kander andMrs. Henry Schoenfeld

Devised as a cooking and home-making primer for newly arrivedimmigrants, this book is a back-to-basics source for hundreds ofrecipes—everything from simpleAmerican fare (griddle cakes) toContinental favorites (fondue) toethnic specialties (gefilte fish).More than a century old, thisclassic slice of American pie isstill going strong!Republication of the Milwaukee,Wisconsin, 1903 edition. 224pp.5 3/8 x 8 1/2.

✶ Features sections onpreserving, canning,pickling, and house-hold hints

✶ Includes 26 illustra-tions from the origi-nal 1903 edition

✶ Hundreds of recipesfor soups, fish, poul-try, desserts

An enduring American cookbookclassic from the turn of the century

Related Titles

24710-4 Simmons—The First American Cookbook $4.95

29296-7 Hale—Early American Cookery $6.95

41875-8 Brown—Early American Herb Recipes $9.95

25565-4 Dow—Every Day Life in the Massachusetts Bay Colony $11.95


October 2005

$6.95 US

$10.50 Can.

The Plimoth ColonyCook BookPlymouth AntiquarianSociety

An authentic collection of seven-teenth- and eighteenth-centurycooking lore and wisdom, as wellas recipes passed down from gen-eration to generation. Publishedby the Plymouth AntiquarianSociety, this book details whatand how the Massachusettscolony pilgrims ate, both duringthe Atlantic crossing, and afterarriving in the New World. Republication of the Plymouth,1956 edition. 96pp. 5 3/8 x 8 1/2.

✶ Includes recipes fortraditionalThanksgiving dinner

✶ 31 illustrations✶ Explains the customs

and techniques of theColonial kitchen

For cooks and lovers of Americana


October 2005

$4.95 US

$7.50 Can.

The Ultimate MazeBook

Galen Wadzinski

Entertain your brain withthis bonanza of puzzles: 3-Dconstruction mazes, directionalarrow mazes, over and undermazes, key mazes, surfacemazes, designated stops, andmore! All puzzles have cleverthemes and are categorized bydifficulty into five levels, from“No Brainers” to “Full BrainOverload.” Grab a pencil and a-maze yourself.Dover Original. 48pp. 8 1/4 x 11.

1 0 P U Z Z L E S , M A Z E S


Seashore ActivityBookPatricia J. Wynne

Geared toward childrenfrom the ages of 8 to 12,

this diverting puzzle book fea-tures activities with a maritimetheme. Its mazes, connect-the-dots, crosswords, and otheramusements depict seashoresaround the world, with beachesboth sandy and rocky, frequentedby whimsically rendered wildlife.Dover Original. 48pp. 8 1/4 x 11.

0-486-44434-1 January 2006

$4.95 US $7.50 Can.

✶ 40 puzzles and solutions

✶ Seashore Life ColoringBook in its 30thprinting

A day at the beach, with hours ofpuzzling fun

Related Titles

20367-0 Wylie—101 Puzzles in Thought and Logic $5.95

25637-5 Gardner—Perplexing Puzzles and Tantalizing Teasers $7.95

0-486-44535-6 September 2005

$4.95 US $7.50 Can.

✶ Fantastic maze constructions

✶ From “No Brainers”to “Brain Overload”

30 fun and challenging mazesby a master maze designer

Related Titles

20498-7 Gardner (ed.)—Mathematical Puzzles $8.95

25123-3 Townsend—Merlin’s Puzzle Pastimes $3.95

Sam Loyd’s BestPicture PuzzlesSam Loyd

Put on your thinking capand dive into this classic

treasury of witty rebus puzzlesand other stimulating guessinggames. A sensation in theirtime (and hours of fun in ourown), Loyd’s devilishly cleverpuzzles will be a stiff test forthe recall, vocabulary, andcomprehension skills of puzzlefans of all ages.Dover Original. 64pp. 5 3/8 x 8 1/2.

✶ Loyd’s MathematicalPuzzles (20498-7) in its22nd Dover printing!

✶ Contains more than200 puzzles

Fun and challenging brain-ticklers for all ages

Related Titles

22930-0 D’Attilio—Seashore Life Coloring Book $3.95

40820-5 Sovak—Seashore Life Sticker Picture $4.95

25809-2 Silver & Wynne—Dinosaur Life Activity Book $3.95


February 2006

$15.95 US

$23.95 Can.

Book of Curious and Interesting PuzzlesDavid Wells

From the puzzles of ancient Egypt to modern-day mind-ben-ders, this collection by a Cambridge math scholar and best-

selling author promises hours of diversion. All of them—the trulydemanding and the merely tricky—can be solved without toomuch mathematical knowledge, and solutions are included.Republication of the New York, 1992 edition. 400pp. 5 3/8 x 8 1/2.

✶ Over 560 puzzles andbrain-teasers

✶ “Of immense interest.”—Mathematical Gazette

A mental feast of logical and mathematical puzzles, selectedand explained by an expert

Related Titles

24986-7 Koch—Dazzling Mazes $5.95

23798-2 Phillips—Mind-Boggling Mazes $4.95

23970-5 Phillips—The Worldís Most Difficult Maze $5.95

1 4S P O R T S 57

✶ Over 500 photos and4 charts

✶ Essential for studentsof martial arts

Related Titles

43391-9 Nitobe—Bushido $6.95

44402-3 Frédéric—A Dictionary of the Martial Arts $11.95

0-486-44343-4 December 2005

$19.95 US $29.95 Can.

The Complete KanoJiu-Jitsu (Judo)H. Irving Hancock andKatsukuma Higashi

English-speaking readers cannotfind a more complete study thanthis of the authentic form of judodeveloped in the nineteenth cen-tury by Professor Jiguro Kano. Itexplains and illustrates the entiresystem of 160 holds and throwsand describes every importantaspect, including pressurepoints, balance, and how to fall.Republication of the London,1905 edition. 544pp. 5 3/8 x 8 1/2.

The best and most comprehen-sive guide to learning judo

Related Titles

29844-2 Mednis—How to Beat Bobby Fischer $12.95

29029-8 Harding—Better Chess for Average Players $9.95


September 2005

$19.95 US

$29.95 Can.

Killer ChessGo from being a good playerto a lethal one! Three greatbooks provide players withall they need to know abouthow to make the winningmoves, what mistakes toavoid, and how the mastershave done it in their bestgames. Convenient travel-sized folding magneticchess set included. 8 1/2 x 11 1/2.

Super-value boxed set

✶ 301 illustrations✶ No competitive

editions✶ A must for martial

arts enthusiasts

Related Titles

44343-4 Hancock—The Complete Kano Jiu-Jitsu (Judo) $19.95

43391-9 Nitobe—Bushido $6.95

0-486-44402-3 January 2006

$11.95 US $17.95 Can

A Dictionary of theMartial ArtsLouis FrédéricTranslated and edited byPaul Crompton

From ju-jutsu, karate, and kung-futo less-familiar forms such aswing chun, kyudo, andyabusame, this is the definitivemartial arts reference book. Linedrawings illustrate hundreds oftechniques, cross-referencesshow relationships betweenstyles, and the rules for all themajor martial arts are featured.Republication of the London,1991 edition. 288pp. 6 1/8 x 9 1/4.

Comprehensive and well-illustrated, this reference coverstechnical and historical aspectsof the martial arts

Related Titles

42826-5 Castle—Schools and Masters of Fencing $16.95

41951-7 Hutton—Old Sword-Play $9.95

42520-7 Hutton—The Sword Through the Centuries $18.95


September 2005

$13.95 US

$20.95 Can.

Nadi on FencingAldo NadiForeword by Paul Gallico

One the greatest of modernswordsmen, Aldo Nadi instructedmen, women, and children in theart and science of fencing. Hiscomprehensive and accessiblemanual covers fundamental andadvanced foil techniques andoffers philosophical and psycho-logical evaluations of every facetof the sport.Republication of the New York,1943 edition. 336pp. 5 3/8 x 8 1/2.

Expert advice on foil techniquesfrom an Olympic champion

✶ Authoritative, well-known guide

✶ “Unsurpassed forsuperb knowledge ofthe subject and clar-ity in exposing it.”—Paul Gallico

✶ Least expensive edition available

✶ Includes three great books:Danger in Chess: How to AvoidMaking Blunders; How GoodIs Your Chess?; Why You Loseat Chess

✶ Includes travel-size chess set


1 5 a B O O K S O N M U S I C


Violin-MakingA Historical and Practical GuideEdward Heron-Allen

Of abounding interest to amateur andprofessional violin makers and play-ers, this volume traces the instru-ment’s history, discusses the materi-als used in violin making, and offersguidance on construction. Written byan apprentice to one of the world’sgreatest violin makers, it is consid-ered essential reading by instrumentmakers and performers alike. Republication of the London, 1885edition. 400pp. 5 3/8 x 8 1/2.

A renowned and comprehensivetreatise on the art of violin-makingcovers everything from woodselection to varnish

Related Titles

42427-8 Bergerac—My First Book of Chopin $4.95

42756-0 Bergerac—My First Book of Great Composers $4.95

41092-7 Bergerac—My First Book of Classical Music $4.95


January 2006

$8.95 US

$13.50 Can.

Life of ChopinFranz Liszt

This rare work offers an unpar-alleled insight into Chopin’sworld by the only other pianistwho could be considered hisequal, Franz Liszt. Examiningthe roles of Polish and Frenchsociety, delving deeply intosuch works as the Adagio fromPiano Concerto No. 2 andPolonaise in F-sharp Minor, andtouchingly recounting Chopin’slast days, Liszt allows thereader a glimpse into thefantastic life of the composerand performer.Unabridged republication ofthe edition published by OliverDitson Company, Boston, 1880.144pp. 5 3/8 x 8 1/2.

Related Titles

22360-4 Bach—Keyboard Music $15.95

24532-2 Bach—The Well-Tempered Clavier $11.95

40847-7 Bach—Bach Masterpieces for Solo Piano $11.95

Related Titles

20425-1 Hill—Antonio Stradivari $12.95

42853-2 Nelson—The Violin and Viola $14.95

23917-9 Auer—Violin Playing As I Teach It $6.95

0-486-44356-6 August 2005

$24.95 US $37.50 Can.

✶ Profusely illus-trated, with 196figures, 3 inserts,and 3 halftones

✶ Leopold Auer’sViolin Playing AsI Teach It in its13th printing

My First Book ofMozartEdited by David Dutkanicz

Continuing the popular Doverseries, My First Book of Mozartprovides beginning pianists achance to enjoy some ofMozart’s finest melodies in spe-cially arranged versions suitedto their skill level. Includessuch pieces as Rondo allaTurca and Eine Kleine NachtMusik. Teachers and studentsof all ages will look forward tothis volume.Dover Original. 48pp. 8 1/4 x 11.

Related Titles

21687-X Huneker—Chopin $10.95

25564-6 Chopin—Chopin’s Letters $14.95

HarmonizedChorales forKeyboardJohann Sebastian Bach

Johann Sebastian Bach hasalways been esteemed as thegreatest master of counter-point, and his harmonizationsof chorales have become voice-leading models for generations.Presented here in closed score,this affordable volume of 371chorales is ideal not only forstudy but for playing at thekeyboard as well. Unabridged republication of aBreitkopf-Härtel edition. 96pp.9 3/8 x 12 1/4.

1 5 b 1 S C O R E S — P I A N O


January 2006

$4.95 US

$7.50 Can.


September 2005

$14.95 US

$22.50 Can.

1 5 b 1M U S I C 59

1 5 b 2P I A N O F O U R H A N D S

Related Titles

23860-1 Ritt (ed.)—Four-Hand Piano Music by Nineteenth-Century Masters$16.95

23529-7 Schubert—Selected Piano Works for Four Hands $16.95

23271-9 Brahms—Complete Piano Works for Four Hands $16.95

Opera Favorites forPiano Four HandsEdited by Preston W. Orem

A rarity in piano literature, OperaFavorites gives piano duos of anintermediate and above level theopportunity to play some ofopera’s favorite moments.Carmen, Lohengrin, CavalleriaRusticana, and Don Giovanni aresome of the operas included thathave been expertly transcribedand arranged for two pianos.This will be a most welcomeaddition to any pianist’s library.Unabridged republication ofOperatic Four Hand Album origi-nally published by TheodorePresser, 1905. 80pp. 9 3/8 x 12 1/4.


October 2005

$12.95 US

$19.50 Can.

Related Titles41382-9 Bach—Complete Brandenburg Concertos Transcribed for Piano

Four Hands $16.95

40410-2 Satie—Parade, La Belle Excentrique and Other Works for PianoFour Hands $14.95

43805-8 Beethoven—Symphonies Nos. 6-9 for Piano Four Hands $17.95

The Rite of Springfor Piano FourHandsIgor Stravinsky

(In)famous for creating a riot atits premiere, The Rite of Springwas first published in this four-hand version for piano arrangedby the composer himself. Scaleddown for rehearsal purposes,this reduction provides a practi-cal opportunity for two pianiststo perform the complete work, orfor the listener to delve insidethe structure behind Stravinsky’sseminal opus.Unabridged republication of theedition originally published byEdition Russe de Musique, Paris.(n.d.) 96pp. 9 x 12.

0-486-44539-9 (USO)

August 2005

$12.95 US

Related Titles

40407-2 Herder (ed.)—Easy Piano Classics $11.95

41378-0 Herder (ed.)—Best-Loved Piano Classics $10.95

29152-9 Herder (ed.)—Favorite Piano Classics $12.95

Favorite OperaHighlights for SoloPianoEdited by Albert H.Stanley

Spanning from Xerxes toPagliacci, this impressive volumebrings together favorite operaticmoments in clean transcriptionsfor solo piano. Pianists will enjoyperforming highlights from suchoperas as Aida, Tannhauser, TheMarriage of Figaro, and Rigoletto,to name but a few. Perfect forplayers of an intermediate leveland beyond, this volume willdelight pianists and fans of operaalike.Unabridged republication of TheHeart of the Opera originally pub-lished by Mercury Music. (n.d.)128pp. 9 3/8 x 12 1/4.


September 2005

$12.95 US

$19.50 Can.

Related Titles

43800-7 Wolf—Easy Dances for Solo Piano $12.95

43568-7 Negri (ed.)—Baroque Keyboard Masterpieces $12.95

43569-5 Negri (ed.)—Romantic Piano Masterpieces $12.95

Great PianoAdagios60 Works from Bachto DebussyEdited by DavidDutkanicz

This unique and comprehen-sive collection gathers a widevariety of slow movementsspanning from Scarlatti toDebussy. With such timelessclassics as the opening move-ment of Beethoven’s MoonlightSonata, Bach’s Sinfonia in FMinor, and Debussy’s Claire deLune, pianists of an intermedi-ate level and beyond will beable to enjoy some of the mostmoving music ever written.Dover Original compilation ofworks reproduced from author-itative editions. 128pp. 9 x 12.


January 2006

$11.95 US

$17.95 Can.

1 5 d , 1 5 e C H O R A L , O R C H E S T R A L


Related Titles

29815-9 Bizet—L’Arlésienne Suites Nos. 1 & 2 $13.95

40067-0 Bizet—Carmen Suites Nos. 1 and 2 in Full Score $14.95

Symphony in C in Full ScoreGeorges Bizet

Unearthed from the archives ofthe Paris Conservatory nearly80 years after its composition,Bizet’s lively and youthfulSymphony in C is one of thenewest and most welcomeadditions to the orchestralrepertoire. Written by a 17-year-old student, the elegantorchestrations and balancedclassical forms foreshadow thecomposer’s most famous work,the opera Carmen. Unabridged republication of anearly authoritative edition.96pp. 9 x 12. 0-486-44634-4

November 2005

$11.95 US

$17.95 Can.

Related Titles

27050-5 Tchaikovsky—Symphonies Nos. 1, 2 and 3 in Full Score $32.95

23861-X Tchaikovsky—Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Symphonies in Full Score$26.95

25379-1 Tchaikovsky—Nutcracker Suite in Full Score $12.95

ManfredSymphony, Opus58, in Full ScorePeter IlyitchTchaikovsky

Tchaikovsky’s ManfredSymphony weaves the tale ofByron’s tragic character. Thiswork was perhaps the mosttaxing on Tchaikovsky, but hedescribed it as “the best of mysymphonic works.” Broadorchestrations, dark lyricism,and a profound sense oftragedy have made this work aRomantic favorite of orchestrasand audiences worldwide.Unabridged republication of anearly authoritative edition.320pp. 9 x 12.


October 2005

$24.95 US

$37.50 Can.

Related Titles

25311-2 Mozart—Requiem in Full Score $10.95

23682-X Verdi—Requiem $16.95

25486-0 Brahms—German Requiem in Full Score $16.95

Stabat Mater in Full ScoreAntonin Dvorák

Hailed as a masterpiece sinceits premiere, Dvorák’s StabatMater reflects the personalgrief that the composer hadexperienced upon the deathsof his own children while writ-ing this piece. Based upon thetraditional Latin text compiledby the thirteenth centuryFranciscan Jacopone de Todi,this work is among the mostbeautiful and touching of thecomposer’s scores.Unabridged republication of anearly authoritative edition.208pp. 9 x 12. 0-486-44627-1

December 2005

$16.95 US

$25.50 Can.

Related Title

29201-0 Wagner—Overtures and Preludes in Full Score $19.95

Siegfried Idyll andFaust Overture inFull ScoreRichard Wagner

Written as a birthday gift forhis wife, Cosima, Siegfried’sIdyll was given its premiereperformance on Christmasmorning on the steps outsidetheir bedroom. In contrast,Faust Overture is what remainsof Wagner’s opera based on theGoethe novel. Paired togetherin one affordable volume, theseworks collect two differentsides of Wagner’s composition-al mastery.Unabridged republication of anearly authoritative edition.112pp. 9 x 12.


November 2005

$14.95 US

$22.50 Can.

1 5 eM U S I C 61

Related Titles

25225-6 Weber—Great Overtures in Full Score $12.95

25228-0 Mozart—Concerti for Wind Instruments in Full Score $18.95

Clarinet ConcertosNos. 1 and 2 in Full ScoreCarl Maria von Weber

Cornerstones of the clarinetrepertoire, von Weber’s twoconcertos followed in the clas-sical tradition of Mozart whileshowcasing the new technicalpossibilities of the instrument.Presented here in full scoreand for the first time in onevolume, this edition will be aninsightful delight for perform-ers and listeners alike.Unabridged republication ofthe editions originally pub-lished by Ernst Eulenberg,London. (n.d.) 176pp. 8 3/8 x 11. 0-486-44628-X

August 2005

$16.95 US

$25.50 Can.

Related Titles

29848-5 Debussy—La Mer (the Sea) $6.95

40865-5 Debussy—Prélude à “l’Après-Midi d’un Faune”/Trois Nocturnes$6.95

40640-7 Ravel—Daphnis et Chloé, Suite No. 2 $4.95

Nocturnes for Orchestra in Full ScoreClaude Debussy

Described by the composer asa “study in gray painting,” thisthree-movement work exempli-fies the aural impressionismthat has become synonymouswith Debussy’s name. Shadedby his unique orchestralpalette, Debussy brings to lifethree scenes: the summer loveof Nuages, the celebration ofFétes, and the seduction of theSirèns.Unabridged republication ofthe edition originally publishedby Ernst Eulenberg, London.(n.d.) 128pp. 6 1/8 x 8 1/2.


August 2005

$7.95 US

$11.95 Can.

Related Titles

43960-7 Nadal—Classical Guitar Favorites with Tablature $12.95

40633-4 Nadal—Guitar Classics $14.95

41177-X Nadal—Easy Classics for Guitar $11.95

Classical Favoritesfor Guitar DuoSelected and Arrangedby David Nadal

This exceptional collection is awelcome addition to the litera-ture of guitar duos. Speciallyselected and arranged by gui-tar scholar David Nadal, thiscollection spans styles fromthe Baroque to Romantic andincludes such composers asDowland, J.S. Bach, Sor,Schubert, and Albeniz. Perfectfor beginner through advancedlevels, this edition has beennewly engraved and organizedby skill level.Dover Original. 144pp. 9 x 12. 0-486-44161-X

February 2006

$12.95 US

$19.50 Can.

Related Titles

41900-2 Schoenberg—Chamber Symphony No. 1 for 15 Solo Instruments,Op. 9 $14.95

28120-5 Schoenberg—Five Orchestral Pieces and Pelleas und Melisande inFull Score $16.95

Verklärte NachtArnold Schoenberg

Inspired by Richard Dehmel’spoem, “Verklärte Nacht”(Transfigured Night) is a set-ting for string sextet composedin 1899 in the late-Romantictradition. A monumental workof chamber music, Schoenbergdeftly translates the pathos ofthe poem into a moving musi-cal work. Now available as anaffordable Dover mini scoreincluding the original poemwith translation.Unabridged republication ofthe edition originally publishedby Verlag-Dreililien, Berlin-Lichterfelde. (n.d.) 64pp. 6 1/8 x 8 1/2.

0-486-44537-2 (USO)

August 2005

$6.95 US

1 5 iM I N I A T U R E S C O R E S

✶ Required reading for Austen fans,students of English literature

✶ The lowest-priced edition on themarket

✶ Illustrations by the famedAmerican artist Maxfield Parrish

✶ Priced $10 less than the only competitive edition

✶ Wonderful gift book for Austenfans

✶ High-quality hardcover editionwith 58 full-color illustrations

1 8 a

An early work by the author of Prideand Prejudice

Related Titles

40785-3 Grahame—The Wind in the Willows$2.50

43491-5 Lofting—The Voyages of DoctorDolittle $3.95

28611-8 Lagerlöf—The Wonderful Adventuresof Nils $8.95

Related Titles

28473-5 Austen—Pride and Prejudice $2.50

29049-2 Austen—Sense and Sensibility $3.00

40648-2 Austen—Emma $3.50

The Illustrated Pride andPrejudice CompanionWith 58 Illustrations by Hugh ThomsonThe finest illustrations ever done toAusten’s work

This unique and lovely hardcover volumefeatures illustrations depicting scenesfrom Jane Austen’s masterwork, accom-panied by excerpts from the belovednovel. Thomson’s delightful drawings,delicately colored for this special edition,have long been considered the perfectcomplement to Austen’s witty and ele-gant prose. A marvelous gift edition to betreasured by any Austen fan or lover offine book illustration.Dover Original. 58 illustrations from theedition published by George Allen,London, 1894. 64pp. 6 x 8

Lady SusanJane Austen

Though not published in her lifetime,Austen’s Lady Susan has since become areaders’ favorite among the author’sshorter works. Austen’s only work writ-ten in epistolary form, this is a trenchant,magnificently crafted (and occasionallyjuicy) novel of Regency mores andmanners.Republication of the Oxford, 1925 edition.80pp. 5 3/8 x 8 1/2.

The Golden AgeKenneth GrahameIllustrated by Maxfield Parrish

Based in part on his own Victorian child-hood, Grahame’s collection of short sto-ries centers on a group of children,revealing through their adventures howchildren’s and adults’ perceptions of theworld differ. This is a joyful work thatparents will want to read with theirchildren.Republication of the New York andLondon, 1904 edition. 144pp. 5 3/8 x 8 1/2.

Delightful work by the author of The Wind in the Willows

The finest illustrations ever done toAusten’s work

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