berean baptist bible college & seminary

Post on 19-Dec-2021






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Berean Baptist Bible College &

Seminary Prospectus




“In all things approving ourselves as the minister of God…” (2 Cor.6:4)

Earnestly contending for the Faith (Jude 3)





Accredited By:

Biblical Baptist Institutions Incorporated


(Associate Member of A.T.A.)

72 Wellington Street, Richmond Town, Bangalore-560025, Karnataka, India



Give us a watchword for the hour,

A thrilling word, a word of power,

A battle-cry, a flaming breath

That calls to conquest or to death.

A word to rouse the church from rest,

To heed the Master’s high behest;

The call is given: Ye hosts arise,

Our watchword is, EVANGELIZE!

The glad Evangel now proclaim,

Through all the earth, in jesus’name

This word is ringing through the skies’


To dying men, a fallen race,

Make known the gift of Gospel grace

The world that now is darkness lies,


A Word from the President:

Dear Friends,

Welcome to Berean Baptist Bible College & Seminary in the name of the Lord and

Savior Jesus Christ. Life is adventurous. Young people, who have graduated from

High School, seek to better their education and build up a career, some get into

the secular colleges and some who are called of God, enter in to a Bible College,

and prepare themselves for the services of the Lord Jesus Christ. To be an able

minister of the Gospel of Christ one needs to have training in the fundamental

doctrines of the Bible and equip himself for the ministry that lies ahead.

This institution is therefore designed to meet the needs of such students as are

called of God, to serve Him in His vineyard, where we are all co-labourers.

Berean Baptist Bible College & Seminary is a fundamental, Baptist, pre-millennial,

Separatist college strictly following the Word of God and earnestly contending for

the faith once delivered to the Saints (Jude 3).

Our aim is not only for excellence in academics but also equal attention is given

for the building of the character of individuals. Although we emphasize

academics, at the same time, we are concerned about the spiritual life of the

students at Berean. Our goal is to train young people to be soul winners, church

planters, evangelists and teachers. We thank God that greater majority of

students trained in this college are in full time ministry in some part of India, in

the neighboring countries, or other parts of the world.

Our main desire is to see that the graduates maintain their testimony, separatist

position and to be steadfast and unmovable, always abounding in the work of the

Lord (I Corinthians 15:58).

The college with its experienced faculty, some working for more than 34 years in

this institution, and others who have adequate qualifications and experience in

teaching, is greatly blessed of God and as we look back through the years we can

boldly say it is the Lord who has led us thus far.

The faculty and staff of the institution are required to maintain the testimony

both in their personal lives and in the ministry and this has uniquely helped the


As you seek to join this Bible College I am sure you would like to receive an

education that is not only theoretical but also practical; not only intellectual but

spiritual. Your choice therefore would be the best one.

Our Prayer to God is that He will bless all of us as we seek to train up young

people who would be worthy of the calling of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Dr. Edwin Chelli


College Verses

“…and (the Bereans) Searched the Scriptures daily…” Acts 17:11

“Study to show thyself approved unto God…” 2 Tim.2:15


1. General Information

1.1 History

1.2 Our Faith

1.3 Our Credentials

1.4 Our Motto

1.5 Our Faculty Members

1.6 Our Staff members

1.7 Our Adjunct and visiting Faculty Members

1.8 Our Goal

1.9 Our Students

2. Academic Information

2.1 Application

2.2 Application Procedure

2.3 Day Scholars

2.4 Residential Students

3. Financial Policies

3.1 Fee Structure

3.2 Miscellaneous Fees

4. Academic Information

4.1 Degree Programme and Eligibility

4.1.1 Bachelor Degree Programme

4.1.2 Master Degree Programme

4.1.3 Master of Theology Programme

4.1.4 Doctoral Programme

4.2 Academic Calendar

4.3 Grading System

4.4 Registration of the course and Entrance requirements

4.4.1 Under-Graduate Programme

4.4.2 Post-Graduate Programme

4.4.3 Doctoral Programme

4.5 Area of Specilazation

4.6 Academic Workload

4.6.1 Workload of Under-Graduate Programme

4.6.2 Workload of Post-Graduate Programme

4.6.3 Workload of Master of Theology and Doctoral Programmes

4.7 Evaluation of the course

4.7.1 Course Evaluation

4.7.2 Failed Students

4.7.3 Late Submission of Papers

5. Graduation Requirements

5.1 B.Th. and B.R.E

5.2 B.D.

5.3 M.Div.,M.R.E.,and M.Min.

5.4 M.Th.

5.5 Doctoral Programme

6. Course Curriculum

7. Course Descriptions



Berean Baptist Bible College & Seminary opened its doors in Bombay in November 1956

under the able leadership of Dr. J.A. Johnson, with part time classes, which later on was

changed to full time courses. From 1961, the college had its branch in Bangalore where

full time courses leading to the Bachelor of Theology Degree were offered.

With the joining of well qualified faculty members, the college attained the status of

Seminary in 1976 as Graduate and Post Graduate levels were introduced. The College is

committed to academic excellence and spiritual attainment .While this Institution strictly

adheres to the Biblical principles based on the fundamental teachings of the Scripture, it

has also sought accreditation or association with likeminded institutions or agencies

which do not deny the fundamental historic faith and the Biblical principles for which the

Institution was established and stands.

We consider it to be utmost importance to stand for the fundamental Christian faith

which is of far greater importance than academic recognition or accreditation. The college

endeavors to maintain high academic and spiritual standards.

The Biblical Baptist Institutions Incorporated, a registered body, sponsors the Bible

colleges and other institutions. Being an independent organization, this institution

declares itself to be desirous of fellowship and cooperation with all true believers of like

precious faith where such fellowship and cooperation does not involve compromise of the

basic truths of the Word of God, including separation from unbelievers in spiritual



Berean Baptist Bible College & Seminary is located in Bangalore which is one of the

metropolises of India with a population of about eight million. It is a rapidly growing

commercial and industrial city situated at an altitude of 3000 feet above the sea level. The

Bible College and Seminary occupies a very decent area in an ideal part of the city. Newly

constructed buildings provide ample room for classes, dormitories and library. The main

languages spoken in Bangalore are Kannada, Tamil and Telgu. Being a cosmopolitan city

there is always an opportunity to witness in one’s own language, thus providing a wider

scope for practical Gospel work.


The Purpose of the Berean Baptist Bible College & Seminary is to produce Christian

leaders and soul winners for the Lord Jesus Christ and to establish them in sound Christian

faith. This institution also endeavours by God’s grace and enablement to help organize

and establish Bible believing, soul winning local churches for the glory of God. In achieving

this goal, the institution adopts the method of the apostle Paul who commended Timothy

saying “…the things that you have heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit

thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.” (II Timothy 2:2). To this end,

the students are taught and trained to be able teachers and preachers of the Word of God

at all times and seasons.

In addition to this, the institution endeavours to start Bible Colleges in other cities, as well

as some in the vernacular languages. During the training period, the students are

expected to be engaged in witnessing, teaching and preaching activities. A strong

missionary emphasis is maintained in the College and Seminary to enable the students to

launch on various projects as directed by the Lord. Since this institution endeavours to

train persons irrespective of their national, lingual and cultural backgrounds, it seeks a

unity in the spirit in the bonds of Christian fellowship. The social relationships of men and

women are regulated according to Biblical principles with conservatively acceptable

patterns, keeping in mind the concerns of the parents for their sons and daughters while

away from home.


We Believe:

1. In the Divine verbal and plenary inspiration of the Original autographs of the Old

and New testaments of the Bible to the exclusion of the apocrypha and that these

Scriptures are absolute in authority, complete in revelation, final in content, without any

error in teaching, those having supreme authority in all matters pertaining to faith,

conduct, Christian life and the Christian Church.

2. In the existence of one and only living and true God and that in the unity of the

Godhead there are three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The same in

essence, equal in attributes, and in every Divine perfection executing distinct but

harmonious offices in the great work of creation, redemption and salvation.

3. In the miraculous Virgin birth and absolute deity of the Lord Jesus Christ: In His

sacrificial, substitutionary death on the cross of Calvary to make atonement for sin by the

shedding of His precious blood once for all: in His literal bodily resurrection, His ascension

to heaven from the Mount of Olives, in His intercession for the saints at the right hand of

the Father, and in His visible, bodily pre-millennial return.

4. In his personality, deity and power of the Holy Spirit of God convicting the world

of sin and in the necessity and efficiency of His work in the enlightenment, regeneration,

sanctification, endowment, resurrection and glorification of each believer.

5. In the creation of man in the image and likeliness of God and not by an

evolutionary process; in the terrible reality of the fall of man, and in the total, universal

depravity of mankind which has rendered him helpless, and hopeless of salvation from sin

by his own efforts.

6. In the redemption and salvation of sinners by grace alone through the

mediatorial office of the Son of God, who by shedding His blood made a complete

atonement of sins once for all.

7. In the full and free forgiveness of all the sins of any and all who receive the Lord

Jesus Christ as their own personal Savior.

8. In the absolute necessity of regeneration as the initial step in salvation, i.e.,

sinners must be born again in order to be saved; that at new birth Christ comes to dwell in

the believer by the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of the believer being miraculously united to him,

making him the righteousness of God in Christ, that the proper evidence of the new birth

appears in the holy fruit of repentance, faith, and newness of life.

9. In the “Eternal Security” of believers; that it is impossible for one born into the

family of God to be lost and that a truly born again believer will be finally and ultimately

preserved unto eternal salvation. That the souls of the believers are, at death, made

perfect in holiness and immediately pass into glory; that the bodies of believers rest in the

grave until their resurrection.

10. In the bodily resurrection of the dead, both of the just and unjust; the eternal

bliss of the saved and the everlasting punishment of the wicked.

11. In the reality and personality of the devil, who together with a great multiple of

other angels, fell from his first estate to become the enemy of God, man and all

righteousness; and that the devil and his angels will ultimately be cast into the lake of fire.

12. That all born-again believers should obey the Lord in the waters of baptism by

immersion and that baptism is for born again believers only; and that baptism has no

saving efficacy, but rather is an act of loving obedience toward God

13. In the privilege and responsibility which each baptized believer has in partaking

of the communion service with God’s people who are walking in the light and obedience

to the Word of God; that the bread and wine are symbols only; that the communion

service has no saving efficacy, but is a service of commemoration to assist the believer to

mediate upon the suffering and death of Christ, till His return.

14. In the fullness of the Holy Spirit as absolutely essential for effective Christian


15. That a truly Scriptural Church is a congregation of born again believers who have

been baptized Scripturally by immersion.

16. That the believers ought to be separated unto Christ from all wordly and sinful

practices unto a life of Christian influence and service; that it is the obligation and duty of

every believer to abstain from all appearances of evil, to avoid all things whereby a

brother is made to stumble, in the necessity of maintaining according to the word of God,

the purity of the Church in life and doctrine.

17. That it is the obligation of every believer to witness by word and by deed to

these truths and proclaim the Gospel.


Bob Jones University, Greenville, South Carolina, U.S.A., and Faith Baptist Bible College &

Theological Seminary, Ankeny, Iowa, U.S.A. credit the subjects taken at Berean Baptist

Bible College and Seminary and recognizes the degrees conferred as the basis of working

toward the advanced degrees in that university and Seminary provided the students meet

other criteria for admission. Both these institutions are accredited, Bob Jones University

by Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools, and Faith Baptist Bible

College and Theological Seminary by the Higher Learning Commission.

Berean Baptist Bible College and Seminary (BBBC&S) has a close association with many

other fundamental Baptist Institutions in India and abroad both in the U.S.A and U.K.

BBBC&S is one of the premier theological institutions in India, established in 1956 and

accredited to Biblical Baptist Institutions Incorporated (BBII), and is an Associate member

of Asian Theological Association (ATA). BBII has other theological institutions (which offer

diplomas and degrees), churches, schools, orphanages and church planting ministries in

different parts of India and abroad under its credit. This Institution also has a large

printing press.

BBBC&S has a team of well qualified, dedicated and spiritual faculty members who are

well experienced in teaching and training the students for the service of God. Hundreds of

our graduates are serving the Lord Jesus Christ as missionaries, pastors, Bible teachers

and Christian leaders in many parts of India and the whole world.


The motto of BBBC&S is ‘Mission with a Vision’. BBBC&S pursues excellence in academics,

priority in the spiritual formation and developments, single minded service to God by

serving the people in unselfish love, practical Christian fellowship and establish local

churches which can reproduce other like-minded churches.


1.5.1 Dr. Edwin Chelli, M.D. (U.S.A.)

1.5.2 Rev. Johanan Chelli, B.A. (U.S.A.)

1.5.3 Mrs. Sarah Chelli, B.S. (U.S.A.)

1.5.4 Mrs. Mera Chelli, B.S. (U.S.A.)

1.5.5 Rev. Dr. Daniel Jesudas, B.D., M.Div., D.Min.

1.5.6 Dr. B. Asokan, M.A. (, M.A. B.S(U.S.A.) M.A(History),

B.D.,M.A.(Sociology) M.Th., M.A(JMC), M.Phil (PublicAdministration),

D.Miss., (Ph.D).

1.5.7 Rev.N.Babu, B.D., M.Div., (D.Min.)

1.5.8 Mr.K.H. Reihe, B.D., M.Div., M.Th., (D.Min.)

1.5.9 Mr.Diganta Mochahary, B.D., M.Th., (D.Min.)

1.5.10 Mr.Lian Deih Mung, B.D., M.Div., M.Th., (D.Min.)

1.5.11 Pastor K. Issac, B.D., M.Th., (D.Min.)

1.5.12 Rev. P.J. Jeremiah, M.A.(English), B.D., M.Div., (D.Min.)

1.5.13 Mr.G Daniel Rathna Victor, B.B.S., M.Th., (D.Min.)

1.5.14 Mr.Dev Kumar, B.A., B.D., S.T.M.

1.5.15 Mr. J. Samuel, B.D., M.Div., M.Th. (D.Min)

1.5.16 Mr. Tantanga Angrung, B.D., M.Div., M.Th., (D.Min)


1.6.1 Dr. Allan T. lronside, D.D.

1.6.2 Dr. Ernest Shcmidt, D.Min.

1.6.3 Dr. Bobby Herrell, D.D.

1.6.4 Dr. Roger Murphy, D.D.


1.7.1 Mrs. Annie Jeremiah, B.Sc., B. Libs

1.7.2 Mrs. Honey Divakar, B.Div., D. Libs


1.8.1 Mrs. Mary Swinden, Secretary

1.8.2 Mr. N.Pushparaj,, Business Manager

1.8.3 Mr. N. Divakar, B.A., Office Assistant

1.8.4 Mr. Bipul, B.R.E., Staff


The Goal of the Berean Baptist Bible College and Seminary is to teach and train people for

Christian leadership, Biblical scholarship, Christian education, cross-cultural missions and

Church planting, social responsibility, and effective pastoral and evangelistic work. The

emphasis of the Institution is to establish the students in the sound teaching of God’s

Word, to defend the faith, while maintaining a progressive spirituality.


The students of BBBC&S are mainly from all over India and a few from other nations.

Multicultural and multi-racial nature of the students helps them to know the validity and

importance of cross-cultural and multi-cultural missions, vitality of Biblical and Theological

studies in missiological perspectives and learn to maintain an inter-cultural relationship.

Graduates from this institution are ministering in every continent and they in turn send

the candidates to this institution to study God’s Word. Our students are our source of

inspiration for the ministry.



Those who desire to study at BBBC&S are free to obtain application form and prospectus

by paying Rs. 150/- non-refundable, at the office either directly or by DD in favour of ‘BBBC

& S’ payable at ‘Bangalore’ and apply for admission. The applicant can contact:






The Applicants are required to read the prospectus and application form carefully before

filling it up. The filled Application form with the necessary documents must be sent to the

REGISTRAR, BBBC&S to the above stated address.

The filled in application must have:

1. Two recent passport-size photographs of the applicant.

2. One attested photocopy of all academic records and birth certificate. (The Originals

have to be shown to the Registrar for the verification at the time of registration and

deposit the same with the registrar for the duration of the study at BBBC&S).

3. A statement on Christian experience, call to the ministry and commitment to the

Lord Jesus Christ.

4. A statement on the purpose of choosing the course and BBBC&S for study.

5. Medical certificate by a registered medical practitioner.

6. A recommendation letter from the church in which the applicant has the

membership and if he/she is working/ministering, a letter of recommendation from

the responsible person of that institution for organization.

7. Two letters of commendation from two Christian leaders who are not your own

church pastor/elder or a relative.

8. A financial statement proving the ability to support the applicant’s study at BBBC&S.

The completed application form without late fee must reach BBBC&S before 30th April

for the following academic year and with the late fee of Rs. 100/- (non-refundable),

before 30th May.

The application may be accepted after this date for the Bachelor degrees, if there are

genuine reasons for the delay, by accepting Rs. 250/- (non-refundable), as a late fee,

before the academic year begins in July. Filling up the application form and paying the

late fee are not a guarantee for the admission to any course.

Admission process for the Bachelor degrees will be completed by 30th June and for the

higher degrees by 15th June. The accepted candidates will be intimated with the

provision of admissions. Without the receipt of the intimation card with an invitation to

a particular course the applicants are asked not to proceed to the institution.


Those students seeking admission for degree programmes as day scholars must satisfy

the admission committee with acceptable reasons for choosing to be day scholars. The

candidates must reside at a reasonable distance (about one hour journey) from the

BBBC&S campus and abide by the rules and regulations that govern the day scholars

pertaining to fee payments, attendance to the classes, library, chapel and campus.


All students are expected to abide by the rules and regulations of the Institution for

their spiritual, personal, academic and campus lives. They must live a corporate and

community life of the campus maintaining a Christian testimony and spirituality and

follow the instruction given in the students’ manual.


The fees collected from the students at BBBC&S are highly subsidized. Students

themselves or their sponsoring agencies or persons are responsible for their fees, living

expenses, medical expenses if any, travels, text books, printed notes, photocopying and

other study materials. Fee structure is divided into three categories namely Under-

graduate fee, Post-graduate fee and Doctoral programe fee. However a few selected

students may be given work scholarship on the basis of their needs.


The entire fees of the academic year have to be paid in three equal installments:

1. During the first week of July

2. During the first week of October and

3. During the first week of January.


3.1.1 Boarding fee for Under-graduate Courses (B.Th. and B.R.E.) 21,000/-

Day Scholars 10,000/-

3.1.2 B.D. Programme 26,000/-

Day Scholars 12,000/-

3.1.3 Boarding fee for Post-graduate Courses 31,000/-

3.1.4 M.Th. Programme 36,000/-

3.1.5 Boarding fee for Doctoral Programmes 56,000/-


Late application fee and late registration fee 100/-

Late assignment fee (per paper) 100/-

Graduation fee 2000/-

Degree Certificate fee 1000/-


Berean Baptist Bible College and Seminary offers courses designed for various Degree

programmes for those who meet the requirements for respective courses. The

institution gives more emphasis for a holistic personal and spiritual development along

with academic studies. An entrance examination and/or a personal interview will be

conducted for students depending upon the degree programme he or she intends to



4.1.1 Bachelors Degree Programme Eligibility

Bachelor of Theology (B.Th.) and Minimum three years for Bachelor of Religious Education (B.R.E.) those who passed +2 or

PUC and four years, for those with S.S.L.C.

Bachelor of Divinity (B.D.) Minimum two years for Graduates

4.1.2 Master Degree Programme

Master of Divinity (M.Div.) Minimum two years for those

Master of Religious Education (M.R.E.) with a recognized

Theological Degree.

Master of Ministry (M.Min.) Three years or more for other


4.1.3 Master of Theology Programme (M.Th.) Minimum two years for those

with a recognized theological

M.Div., M.R.E., or M.Min. and

three or more years for other


4.1.4 Doctoral Pogrammes

Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) Three years with relevant

Doctor of Missiology (D.Miss.) research studies for those

Doctor of Theology (Th.D.) with a recognized M.Th. and

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) more than three years for

Other Post Graduates.


Two systems are followed by BBBC&S for an academic year. Bachelors and Masters

Degree programmes follow a semester system. Doctoral programmes follow a module

system. Entrance examination and interviews are conducted during the first week of


There are two semesters: First semester is from July to October and second semester

from November to March of every academic year.

Apart from the national Independence and Republic days, students are given ten days of

Christmas holidays. A detailed academic calendar is given to all students at the time of

registration of the course.

Graduation is conducted during the month of March and thereafter the summer

vacation till the end of June.


The BBBC&S Grading System is assigned to five categories. The minimum requirement

for granting a Certificate or Diploma is 1.00 grade Point Average (GPA) with a ‘D’ Grade

with minimum 60 Marks on the following grading scale.

Grade Marks Grade Points

A+ 95-100 4.5

A 90-94 4.00

Distinction is represented by the A+, 4.50 Grade Point Average (GPA) with 95%

and above Marks.

Excellent is represented by the A, 4.00 GPA with 90% and above Marks.

B+ 85-89 3.50

B 80-84 3.00

Very Good is represented by the B+, 3.50 GPA with 85% and above Marks.

Good is represented by the B, 3.00 GPA with 80% and above Marks.

C+ 75-79 2.50

C 70-74 2.00

Satisfactory is represented by the C+, 2.50 with 75% and above Marks.

Acceptable is represented by the C, 2.00 with 70% and above Marks.

D+ 65-69 1.50

D 60-64 1.00

Poor is represented by the D+, 1.50 with 65% and above Marks.

Very Poor is represented by the D, 1.00 with 60% and above Marks.

F 0-59 0.00

Fail is represented by F, 0.00 with 59% and below Marks.

W/P : Withdraw Passing

W/F : Withdraw Failure


4.4.1 Under-Graduate Programmes

Those who have passed a Pre University Course (P.U.C) or +2 can register for THREE

years Bachelor of Theology (B.Th.) or Bachelor of Religious Education (B.R.E) after the

personal Interview, if the candidates satisfy the admission committee with the English

proficiency and the ability to carry out the studies.

If the candidates have passed Secondary School Leaving Certificate (S.S.L.C.), they will

have to register for FOUR years B.Th. or B.R.E. programme.

For all Under Graduate programmes there will be no written entrance examination.

Those who have successfully completed graduation from any university or a recognized

institution can register for Bachelor of Divinity (B.D.), if the applicant has passed the

interview and joins for two or more years of a prescribed B.D. programme. This

programme is offered by Berean Baptist Bible College &Seminary.

4.4.2 Post-Graduate Programmes

A written entrance examination and a personal interview will be conducted during the

first week of July for all applicants seeking for Post Graduate {Master of Divinity (M.Div),

Master of Religious Education (M.R.E), Master of Theology (M.Th.)} or Doctorate

Programme {Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.), Doctor of Missiology (D.Miss), Doctor of

Theology (Th.D.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)}. Those who successfully complete

the requirements will be selected for the registration and the provisional admission for

the higher studies will be given. Provisional admission is not a guarantee that a

candidate is accepted for a higher degree programme. The provisional admission is only

for a preparation for the higher degree programme.

Though any graduate can register directly for M.Div., M.R.E. or M.Min. programme the

applicants have to successfully complete the required B.Th., B.R.E. and B.D. subjects as

the case may be, with 2.50 Grade Point Average(GPA) or C+ as a proof for his/her

eligibility for the selected Post Graduated level degree programme. If the candidates

obtain below 2.50 GPA or C+ he/she cannot pursue a Master degree programme. Those

who get below 2.00 GPA or C, and above pass marks at B.Th., B.R.E. or B.D. level, can

only get a graduation certificate but cannot study further in this institution.

Those who successfully completed M.Div. or M.R.E with 3.00 GPA can seek admission

for two years M.Th. programme or can directly seek admission for Doctoral programme

but first he/she will have to complete the M.Th. courses with minimum of 3.00 GPA

before he/she becomes eligible for Doctoral programme. M.Th. courses are the required

basis for the Doctoral level research studies in the respective field.

4.4.3 M.Th. Programme

The M.Th. Programme is to teach and train men and women for Christian Leadership

and Biblical Scholarship for various church related ministries. M.Th. courses are

designed to broaden the students’ understanding and develop academic research ability

beyond the M.Div. level and lay the foundation for specializing the chosen subjects.

Students who complete the M.Th. programme with a B+ can join for a Doctoral

programme in his/her field of Research.

Those who have completed M.Div. or M.R.E with a ‘B’ grade or 3.00 GPA can seek

admission for M.Th.programme.

If any of the following subjects have been taken for M.Div. or M.Min. or M.R.E in

BBBC&S, they need not be repeated.

There must be independent research paper of at least 12 credit hours.

The students have to complete a minimum of 40 credit hours including the Research

Papers and Thesis after M.Div., or M.R.E.

4.4.4 Doctoral Programmes

Doctoral Level Studies are the highest professional and academic studies to those who

are involved in the Christian professional and academic services, provided they

complete their academic requirements and independent research capability in their

field of specialization. The Doctoral programme is aimed at developing scholars and

professionals in a field of specialization that have thorough knowledge of the subject

selected and its related fields.

Students who have successfully completed an M.Th. programme accepted by the

academic counsel of Berean Baptist College and Seminary with a B+ in a selected field of

research may be selected for a Doctoral Programme in his/her field of Research.

Selected candidates must do Independent Doctoral level research Papers in his/her field

under a guide for at least 36 credit hours with a B+ before they become eligible for

writing a dissertation.

The Students have to complete a minimum of 48 credit hours, including the Research

Papers and Dissertation, after M.Th.


Master of Theology Programmes prepare the candidates in any of the following fields of

research and helps them to specialize in any of the respective fields as a requirement for

the M.Th. Programme. Research Methods and writings a post graduate level subject is

offered for both M.Th. and Doctoral Programmes.

4.5.1 Ministry

Pastoral Ministry, Pastoral Counseling, Crisis Counseling, Church Ministry, Children

Ministry, Youth Ministry, Women Ministry, Evangelism and Church Planting, Christian

Leadership, Theology of Pastoral Care, Christian Education, Christian Life and

Ethnics/Stewardship, Ecclesiology, Worship and Spirituality, Exegetical Study of Pastoral

Epistles, Biblical Hermeneutics and Homiletics, Church Music and Other Ministry related


4.5.2 Mission and Church Growth

Missions of the Church, Church Growth, Urban Mission, Rural Mission, Tribal Mission,

Christian Leadership, Theology of Mission, History of Mission, Church and Mission,

Mission and Social Service, Evangelism and Church Planting, Mission and Education,

Medical Mission, Cross Cultural Communication, Missionary Anthropology, Asian

Christian Theology, Cross Cultural Mission, Contemporary Issues in Mission, Mission and

Culture, and Other Mission Related Studies.

4.5.3 Theology

Methodology of Theology, Systematic Theology, Biblical Theology, Historical Theology,

Dispensational Theology, Dogmatic Theology, Exegetical Theology, Apologetic Theology,

Pastoral Theology, Practical Theology, Roman Catholic Theology, Protestant Theologies,

Liberation Theology, Christian Leadership, Contemporary Theologies (Modern

Theological Trends), Asian Christian Theology and Other Theology Related Studies.

4.5.4 Bible Exposition/Biblical Interpretation

Old Testament (with Hebrew and/or Aramaic studies), New Testament(with Greek

studies), Biblical History(Old Testament History, Inter- Testament Period and New

Testament History) Critical Introduction to the Bible, Biblical Theology, Biblical

Archaeology and Other Bible Exposition Related studies.

4.5.5 History

World Church History, Church History of Asia, History of Religions/Phenomenology,

Indian Church History, Christian Leadership, History of Mission, Roman Catholic History,

Protestant History, Baptist History, Indigenous Indian Missions, and Other History

Related Studies.

4.5.6 Religion

Christian Leadership, History of Religions/Phenomenology, Philosophy of Religions,

Methodology of Religions, Comparative Religious Studies, Religious Philosophy,

Christianity and Finality of Christ, and Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism, Folk

Religions, Modern Religious and Secular Movements, Inter-Religious Dialogue, and

Other Religion Related Studies.

4.5.7 Religious Education

Educational Psychology, Children Education, Youth Education, Adult Education,

Development Psychology, Christian Education, History of Christian Education,

Philosophy of Christian Education, Organisation of Christian Education and Other

Education Related Studies.

Candidates are required to prove their independent research capability and academic

caliber at M.Th. level to be eligible for seeking admission for Doctoral programme.


BBBC&S follows two semester system for an academic year. Each semester is about

sixteen weeks and every class hour is fifty minutes. Each semester has maximum of

eighteen credit hours of studies.

4.6.1 Workload for Under-Graduate Programme

B.Th., B.R.E., and B.D. students are expected to complete a study of 108 credit hours or

more and to spend minimum of one and half hours of preparation and private study for

every class hour. Students are required to read at least 750 pages and for B.D. 1000

pages for each subject from recommended books and submit a written report.

4.6.2 Workload of Post-Graduate Programme

M.Div., M.R.E., and M.Min. candidates are expected to spend a minimum of two hours

for every class hour for preparation and independent studies. Students are encouraged

to spend more hours in their independent studies. They are required to read at least

1500 pages for each subject from the recommended books and submit a reflection

paper of the same.

4.6.3 Workload of Master of Theology and Doctoral Programmes

M.Th. and Doctoral candidates are given a module system of education. Each module is

for four weeks with maximum of forty class hours of lecture and seminars. Students are

given three or more hours for every class hour for independent studies on their

subjects. Students are expected to read at least 2000 pages and submit a critical and

analytical paper from selected books.

Doctoral candidates have more hours of independent studies as preparation for their

field of research and read more than 2500 pages from the selected books of the

selected field of study and prove the research ability in doctoral level academic studies.


A different scale of evaluation is used for different degree programmes. A Grade is given

according to the analytical abilities and academic presentation of the students.

Evaluation is based on the ability to search and find the relevant information; the ability

to critically, coherently and analytically evaluate the problems; the ability to grasp the

pattern of discussion, logical conclusion and establish the views, ideas, information and

observation of different authors of the topics under consideration and the ability to

present a clear, original, coherent, relevant, independent and creative interpretation of

the subject and defend own views with logical proofs, present own ideas, observation

and information with a logical and relevant conclusion applicable to the present.

The writings must be precise and accurate, expressed clearly, using appropriate English

syntax, grammar and spelling. The sources of information must be acknowledged and

references along with bibliography accurately presented. The entire work must be

thorough, exhaustive, original, creative, informative, theoretically coherent, scripturally

sound, theologically supported, relevant to the context and applicable to the present.

4.7.1 Course evaluation

The professors have the freedom to render marks using various criteria of evaluation

following the system of evaluation for the examinations, assignments or research

papers. Each subject of the course must have a minimum sixty percentage as pass marks

which is registered for the record. Evaluation will be on the basis of BBBC&S grading

system. The decision of the instructor will be final.

4.7.2 Failed Students

Failed students may take the supplementary examination when it is offered or repeat

the course depending upon the percentage of marks, at the discretion of the professor

or the evaluation committee.

4.7.3 Late submission of Papers

Delayed submission of assignments or research papers may be considered under

exceptional circumstances under conditions with the permission of the professor, head

of the department and the evaluation committee in consultation with the Dean of

academics and fix a new date for supplementary examination or submission of papers. A

fee may be charged for the same.


Approval for graduation depends upon the candidates’ over all Christian testimony and

spiritual life, conduct, maturity, efficiency in the service of the Lord and academic

performance. Every candidate for any graduation must obtain a ‘C’ Grade in each

subject of the programme and write a Thesis on the approved topic under the guidance

of a mentor and pass the Viva with a ‘C’ Grade as a pre-requisite for Graduation.



B.Th. and B.R.E. degrees can be awarded to those who successfully complete the

required courses along with a paper, on all topics of Systematic Theology, not less than

20,000 words (60 pages) and obtain a minimum of 2.0 GPA, which is a ‘C’ Grade, for all


The candidate must prove his efficiency in the Biblical and Theological knowledge by

passing an oral examination with a minimum ‘C’ grade.

Those who get D+ with 1.50 GPA and below may be graduated with B.Th. or B.R.E. but

cannot study further in BBBC&S.

Those who have registered for four years of B.Th. or B.R.E. must complete 126 credit

hours and for others 96 credit hours along with a ‘C’ grade in the required paper on

Systematic Theology and a pass in the oral examination. Students are to convincingly

present a paper on all doctrines of “Systematic Theology” and defend their faith both in

the paper and in the Viva (oral Examination) with a ‘C’ grade as a pre-requisite for


Below 60% of marks is considered a Fail and cannot be graduated.


Candidates with the B.Th. of BBBC&S need to complete 30 hours and for others 64

credit hours or more, as the case may be, with a ‘C’ grade in all subjects. Students are

expected to write a Thesis, appear a Viva and successfully defend the doctrinal and

Biblical stand before the panel of Faculty members and obtain minimum of ‘C’ Grade as

a requirement for Graduation.



Candidates with the B.Th. or B.R.E. of BBBC&S need to complete 64 credit hours with a

C+ grade in all subjects and for others 96 credit hours or more are needed to complete

the course. The students may be assigned to independent studies on given subjects.

A thesis of 25,000 words (about 90 pages) on a selected topic approved by the academic

counsel must be submitted. Thereafter the candidate must pass an oral examination

(Viva) with minimum of C+ grade to become eligible for graduation.


Candidates with 3.0 GPA or a ‘B’ grade in M.Div., M.R.E., or M.Min. of BBBC&S or

equivalent degree are provisionally given admission for the M.Th. Programme in their

selected department. This two year programme is divided into a first year of research

oriented studies and a second year of independent studies and thesis. Students are

given topics for Independent Studies thereby they are expected to prove their research

ability and scholarship in order to be enrolled in M.Th.programme. They have to

complete 40 credit hours of research study.

All other graduates who are selected for the M.Th. programme will have to complete

required M.Div., M.R.E., M.Min. subjects as preparatory course and pass with a ‘B’ grade

before becoming eligible for provisional admission for M.Th. programme.

The candidates are to work with a mentor, under whose guidance the entire study and

research are formulated.

The final year of the M.Th. Programme is for thesis writing related to their selected

department on a topic approved by Faculty members. The thesis is expected to be

40,000 words (about 120 pages). The mentor and a competent external reader will

examine the thesis. The Thesis must show the scholarship and originality in writing by

the candidate and be submitted before the beginning of November.


The Doctoral programmes of BBBC&S have two stages: Probationary Period of Doctoral

Programme (PPDP) and Doctoral Candidate (DC). A candidate is selected for the PPDP.

M.Th. is the basic requirement for the PPDP in any selected field of Doctoral

programme, such as Doctor of Ministry (D.Min), Doctor of Mission (D.Miss.), Doctor of

Theology (Th.D.), or Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D). The candidates will have to do

Doctoral level independent research studies of given subjects for 40 credit hours, in

his/her field, beyond M.Th. level studies, acceptable to Doctrine committee.

A DC becomes a member of Doctoral Group (DG) which will meet time to time, with or

without the facalty members or Head of the Departments, for discussion, consultation

and seminars, to present papers and get response, in order to exchange views and

extend mutual information and help to or from the fellow members of the group. This is

an important aspect for the candidates for an inter-disciplinary and inter-departmental


Doctoral Students will be prepared for the proposal of his Dissertation and present the

same within a given time, to a joint Faculty- Doctoral Group, with all Doctoral Students.

Acceptance, amendments or rejection of the Dissertation proposal will be decided by

the next Doctoral Committee meeting, after the presentation and inform the candidate

the result for his/her proposal’s status.

Doctoral dissertation must bring into focus, the candidate’s knowledge of all available

literature relevant to the topic and demonstrate the scholarly insight of the subject, the

problem and the objective of the topic selected, methodology used in applying the

literature and the other methods of data collection relevant to the dissertation topic,

competency in critically analyze the relevant information, ability to arrive at the original,

coherent, exhaustive and creative interpretation of the subject, and competency and

clarity in presenting their own view.

The candidate must defend his dissertation before the examiners and if passed the

corrected text and its copies are required by the Doctoral Committee to be presented to

the Faculty of BBBC&S before graduation.

The Doctoral committee can terminate the candidate’s studies at PPDP or DC level if

found incompetent to proceed further in Doctoral level studies and research or any

other disciplinary reasons.

Doctoral candidates will be doing the independent Research of the approved

subject/topic of the select field and prove the Doctoral research capability. During PPDP

the candidates will be doing studies and independent researches for minimum of 48

credit hours on selected field under a mentor, which is a preparation for the Doctoral

Candidacy. Upon the satisfactory completion of PPDP, the Doctoral Committee will meet

and recommend the candidate for Doctoral candidacy. Hereafter the student becomes a

Doctoral Candidate (DC) and is given a guide for the Dissertation.

The Topic and the Synopsis of the Dissertation have to be approved by the Doctoral

Committee and thereafter the candidate has to successfully defend his/her synopsis of

the Dissertation before the select members of the faculty and students along with the

guide and Doctoral Committee. The result of the defense will be made known to the DC

by the Doctoral Committee in writing. Only after the satisfactory acceptance of the

presentation and the defense of the synopsis of the Dissertation, can the candidate

proceed with the research as per the guidance of the mentor/guide. The result of the

research must be presented chapter by chapter or section by section to the satisfaction

and guidance of the mentor and get his/her approval in order to proceed with the work

to a completion. Doctoral Dissertation carries the work of 4(four) Credit Hours.

Apart from the mentor/guide there will be an external reader for the dissertation and

after their acceptance, they will present the work to the Doctoral Committee for their

approval. If the work is satisfactory, the approval is given by the Doctoral Committee,

and the Candidate becomes eligible for the Viva. Only after a successful defense and

approval of the Faculty and Doctoral Committee, will the candidate be completed with

the research work.


INTRODUCTION: In each church organization, we find the various ministries such as: Christian

Education, Youth, Women, Missions, Home Evangelist, and Church Music Department. Among

all these departments the music department binds and co-ordinates the department towards

the common goal of propagating the gospel.

Music is a form of speech that expresses the emotions better than words. As the Old Testament

reveals, music was used by the Hebrew people in worship from the beginning of history.

THE NEED OF CHURCH MUSIC STUDY: The church music and the Biblical foundations are

attached to each other as we find in so many passages and verses in both The Old and New

Testaments such as: Psalm 33:2-3, Psalm 150:1-6, and Mathew 26:30, I Corinthians 14:26.

When the congregation sings well in worship it really touches the hearts of the people and the

worshippers are inspired by hymns of spiritual singing. For these reasons one has to study the

importance of music and its value in worship and nurture. It does not mean that all the church

members will become the church musicians, but the main point is that the congregation should

know the basic knowledge of music such as: the beats; meaning of the words, and the sense of

hymnology pattern, and uniformity of singing with harmony. For these reasons one should go

for music training in order to lead the congregation effectively in both spiritual and in a sense of

meaningful way of worship through a proper way of singing hymns and to various Christian

fellowships as well as witnessing to all people of the entire earth.


First Semester Second Semester

No. Course Cr.Hrs. No. Course Cr.Hrs.

111MU Music Theory-1 2 121MU Music Theory-2 2 112MU Basic Chorale -1 2 122MU Basic chorale cond-2 2 113MU Voice 2 123MU Elective: Violin/Key Board 2 (Beginner) 211 Systematic Theology I 3 221 Systematic Theology II 3 215 Hermeneutics 2 222 Cults & Heresies 2 324 Baptist Distinctives & Admin. of Local Church 2 Total 13 Total 11 SECOND YEAR

First Semester Second Semester

No. Course Cr.Hrs. No. Course Cr.Hrs.

211MU History of Church Music 2 221MU Composition Class 2

212MU Hymnology 2 222MU Key board-grade-1 2

213MU Key board-grade-2 2 223MU Key board-grade-3 2

311 Systematic Theology I 3 321 Systematic Theology I 3

416 Introduction to Ministry 2 423 Pas.Theology & 3



424 Women’s Ministry 3

Total 11 Total 12

Total cost of the Course: Rs.24,000/- per year

Music Teacher: Rev.Dr.P.C.Lotha

Bachelor of Church Music - Phillipine Baptist Theological Seminary, Baguio City

D.Min. (Doctor of Ministry) - Throne of Grace, Hyderabad

M.Th - SAIACS,Bangalore

B.A - NEHU University, Shilong

B.D - U.T.C. Bangalore

B.Th - Eastern Theological College, Jorahat

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