beowulf fight’s with grendel

Post on 24-Oct-2015






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Beowulf fight’s with Grendel


Beowulf fights with Grendel

Beowulf fights with GrendelPresented by: Renz Mark C. Calastravo & Gee-Jay Coloma

Characters(main characters)

Grendel- A demon descended from Cain, Grendel preys on Hrothgars warriors in the kings mead-hall, Heorot. Because his ruthless and miserable existence is part of the retribution exacted by God for Cains murder of Abel, Grendel fits solidly within the ethos of vengeance that governs the world of the poem.

Beowulf - son of Ecgtheow, Is a Geat and like no other warrior ever seen before. He is the strongest man alive. He has the strength of thirty men in his arm alone. When Beowulf was only a boy, he had battles with his friends and swam for miles with his sword in his hand and armor on the rest of his body.Minor characters

Soldiers brave mens helping the brave warrior sended by King Hrothgar to help Beowulf defeat the demon grendel .

People of danes they are King hrothgars people. People of Danes feared at the demon Grendel who rampages and eats soldiers.Historical backgroundThe events described in the poem take place in the late 5th century, after the Angles and Saxons had begun their migration to England, and before the beginning of the 7th century, a time when the Anglo-Saxon people were either newly arrived or still in close contact with their Germanic kinsmen in Northern Germany and Scandinavia. The poem may have been brought to England by people of Geatish origins.[15]It has been suggested thatBeowulfwas first composed in the 7th century at Rendlesham in East Anglia, as the Sutton Hoo ship-burial also shows close connections with Scandinavia, and also that the East Anglian royal dynasty, the Wuffings, were descendants of the Geatish Wulfings.[16][17]Others have associated this poem with the court of King Alfred, or with the court of King Canute.[5]The poem deals with legends, was composed for entertainment, and does not separate between fictional elements and real historic events, such as the raid by King Hygelac into Frisia. Scholars generally agree that many of the personalities ofBeowulfalso appear in Scandinavian sources (specific works designated in the following section).[18]This does not only concern people (e.g., Healfdene, Hrogar, Halga, Hroulf, Eadgils and Ohthere), but also clans (e.g., Scyldings, Scylfings and Wulfings) and some of the events (e.g., the Battle on the Ice of Lake Vnern). The dating of the events in the poem has been confirmed by archaeological excavations of the barrows indicated by Snorri Sturluson and by Swedish tradition as the graves of Ohthere (dated to c. 530) and his son Eadgils (dated to c. 575) in Uppland, Sweden.[19][20][21]In Denmark, recent archaeological excavations at Lejre, where Scandinavian tradition located the seat of the Scyldings, i.e., Heorot, have revealed that a hall was built in the mid-6th century, exactly the time period ofBeowulf.[22]Three halls, each about 50 metres long, were found during the excavation.[22]The majority view appears to be that people such as King Hrogar and the Scyldings inBeowulfare based on real historical people from 6th-century Scandinavia.[23]Like theFinnsburg Fragmentand several shorter surviving poems,Beowulfhas consequently been used as a source of information about Scandinavian personalities such as Eadgils and Hygelac, and about continental Germanic personalities such as Offa, king of the continental Angles.19th-century archeological evidence may confirm elements of theBeowulfstory. Eadgils was buried at Uppsala, according to Snorri Sturluson. When Eadgils' mound (to the left in the photo) was excavated in 1874, the finds supportedBeowulfand the sagas. They showed that a powerful man was buried in a large barrow, c 575, on a bear skin with two dogs and rich grave offerings. These remains include a Frankish sword adorned with gold and garnets and a tafl game with Roman pawns of ivory. He was dressed in a costly suit made of Frankish cloth with golden threads, and he wore a belt with a costly buckle. There were four cameos from the Middle East which were probably part of a casket. This would have been a burial fitting a king who was famous for his wealth in Old Norse sources. Ongeneow's barrow (to the right in the photo) has not been excavated.


Time the main action of the story around 500 A.D. the narrative also recounts historical events that happened much earlier.Place Denmark and Geatland(a region in what is now southern Sweden.Summary Beowulf fight with GrendelKing Hrothgar, the ruler of the Danes, is troubled by the rampages of a demon named Grendel. Every night, Grendel attacks King Hrothgar's wealthy mead-hall, Heorot, killing Danish warriors and sometimes even eating them. Hrothgar was a great warrior in his time, but now he's an old king and can't seem to protect his people. Fortunately, a young Geat warrior named Beowulf travels to Heorot Hall from his own lands overseas to lend a helping hand literally.

After explaining that he owes Hrothgar a favor because Hrothgar helped out his father, Beowulf offers to fight Grendel himself. King Hrothgar gratefully accepts his offer. The next time Grendel attacks Heorot Hall, Beowulf is waiting for him. Choosing to fight Grendel in hand-to-hand combat,Beowulf wrestles the demon into submission and eventually tears off his arm at the shoulder. Mortally wounded, Grendel flees into the wilderness and dies. Beowulf, Hrothgar, and their followers throw a wild party to celebrate. Hrothgar also gives Beowulf many presents and treasures to reward him for his heroic defeat of the demon.

Vocabulary Words1. hoard - a secret store of valuables.2. taunt a sarcastic challenge or insult.3. slink to move in a sinuous provocative manner.4. decapitate to cut off the head.5. purge to clear of guilt.6. thief one who commits theft or larceny.7. fleck a small constrasting part of something.8. mournful expressing sorrow.9. revel take delight in.10. allot give out.11. din a loud harsh or strident noise.12. hoist raise or haul up with or as if with mechanical help.13.feud a better quarrel between two parties.14. triumphant experiencing triumph.15. freight goods carried by a large vehicle.Lessoned LearnedBe A Good Leader - Real leaders are responsible, inspirational people. They take on tasks that others might not and inspire others to work with them. Whether you are leading a group in a college assignment or a group on a task for work; leaders do not work alone, they work with a group. Dont make Beowulfs mistake of fighting alone. Know When To Quit - Face your limitations. Know when to gather your forces and retreat. You are not invincible. Do not push yourself to the breaking point. Know when to take a break. Your mind and body will need to rest.THE END !!!Thank you for watching our presentation!!! eowulf soundtrack - 2 first grendel attack, track 1110472.0eng -

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