ben greenfield podcast 54

Post on 11-Nov-2014






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Podcast #54 from


Introduction: Welcome to podcast episode number 54 from and today’s podcast episode

is going to be a little bit out of the ordinary because we

usually have a Listener Q and A, we have special

announcements, we have our featured topic and we usually

close with some extra information as well but today is going

to be simply the featured topic and the main reason for that

is that I have just had a host of feedback from last week’s

podcast in terms of people wanting to know where they can

go to get tested for these 6 key factors that we talked about in

podcast number 53. If you listened to that podcast, you’ll

remember that I spoke with Dr. Richard Cohen and he

basically has a proprietary way for people to test essential

amino acid levels, vitamin D, magnesium, calcium, PH,

metabolic type and a host of other factors from the comfort

of their own home. So what I’m going to do today is tell you

exactly who you need to call, what steps you need to take to

get that done, and then we’re going to move into our

interview with one of the nation’s top experts on magnesium,

author of the The Magnesium Miracle and just a wealth of

information on health and performance. But before I do that,

the moment you’ve all been waiting for, here is what you

need to do to get your home test kit for the 6 key

performance factors. Ok, so get out your pen, you’re going to

want to write this down because this is not available to the

general public, I’m not putting it in the Shownotes to the

podcast. This is the only place you’re going to get it, if you’re

listening to this podcast. But Dr. Cohen has given me the

number that you actually need to call in order to get hooked

up with this kit. Ready? Ok, here it is. 8883711033. And what

he said you need to do is just call and tell them that you

heard about the kit over at the Ben Greenfield

podcast and he will hook you up with everything you need.

And again, this is not really available to the general public

right now. This is just something that Dr. Cohen is going to

be able to hook you up with. So that’s 8883711033. I literally

just this week got done testing my body for everything. It

took me about 48 hours, very smooth process, everything

was prepaid postage. When it arrived in a kit at my house, I

just took care of the samples and dropped them off at UPS

and USPS and off they went. So give Dr. Cohen a call and if

you don’t know what I’m talking about, listen to podcast

episode number 53. So in today’s featured topic, we’re going

to hear from somebody who literally is today’s doctor of the

future. She’s the author of a book The Magnesium Miracle

and I’ll put a link to that in the Shownotes. But she’s

authored 16 books including The Yeast Connection In

Women’s Health and Irritable Bowel Syndrome For

Dummies. She’s been on TV regularly, all over – ABC, NBC,

CBS. She’s medical director for the Nutritional Magnesium

Association. And during this interview we’re going to talk

about some very interesting topics in the field of magnesium

and health. Now you’re going to hear us throwing around a

lot of terms about tests, about different types of supplements

that are out there, about videos you can go watch to learn

about magnesium, calcium balances. I’m going to put a link

to everything in the Shownotes. So you can just surf on over

to and click on podcast

episode 54 and you’ll see the link for everything in there.

Let’s go ahead and move on to this week’s featured topic.

Podcast listeners, this is Ben Greenfield and I have on the

other line today a woman who has been called the doctor of

the future. She’s not just a medical doctor, but she’s a

naturopath, she’s a herbalist, she’s an acupuncturist, she’s

the author of 16 books. She wrote a book called The Yeast

Connection In Women’s Health. Another one called IBS for

Dummies. That’s Irritable Bowel Syndrome For Dummies.

And the book that we’re going to talk about today at least the

focus of the book is The Magnesium Miracle. And in The

Magnesium Miracle, Dr. Dean talks about some of the

missing links to completely optimizing your health. If you

haven’t heard some of the other interviews that have

appeared on this show about magnesium, I would highly

encourage you to go back and listen to those. Take the

information that you find today and apply it into your own

health and your own life. You’re going to notice some results

but Dr. Dean is actually the medical director for the

Nutritional Magnesium Association. You can find out more

about that at and if you

happen to be in front of your computer as you listen in today,

you can surf over to Dr. Dean’s website at Dr. Dean, welcome to the show.

Dr. Carolyn Dean: Thank you very much Ben and let me just clarify it’s We’re a foundation and an

organization and we disseminate information about

magnesium to the public so we’re a .org.

Ben: We’ll make sure that the correct URL appears in the

Shownotes to this podcast. Now I noticed that you’re an MD,

a medical doctor, but you have a lot of other titles as well.

You’re a naturopath, herbalist, acupuncturist – where did

you get started? How did you come into this position that

you’re in today?

Dr. Carolyn Dean: I was interested in nutrition in my teens so I kept running

around telling people to eat right and exercise but no one

would listen to me so when I was in honors biology I decided

to go into medicine. When all the young kids around me

were getting into medicine school, I thought well I can do

better than that. So I went into medicine and at the end of

medicine I did my naturopathic training and picked up

acupuncture and herbalism along the way.

Ben: Now where did you study naturopathy?

Dr. Carolyn Dean: In Toronto, it was then the Ontario School of Naturopathic

Medicine. Now it’s the Canadian College of Naturopathic


Ben: And then you went on to medical school after that?

Dr. Carolyn Dean: I did medicine first.

Ben: Oh right, you got your MD first and then you went on and got

the ND afterwards.

Dr. Carolyn Dean: Yes, because I was interested in natural medicine and I just

wanted to make sure I covered all the basics. Because in

medical school, they tried to talk us out of doing anything

natural. It was looked upon as being quackish and still is

unfortunately. We didn’t learn anything about nutrition in


Ben: So along the way you’ve obviously learned quite a bit and it

seems the books that you’ve authored really span the gamut

but what inspired you to write The Magnesium Miracle?

Dr. Carolyn Dean: What happened is I was meeting with a publisher about

Chinese medicine diet book and we said oh we just signed on

a title but would you write something on magnesium. And

apparently the editor, she’d had some severe back pain and

also some migraines and someone told her to take

magnesium and it cured her. So she thought it would be a

worthy title. So I just dove into the research thinking how…

maybe I can write a pamphlet. How can I get a 250 page

book out of magnesium and I was pretty stunned. The

doctors that wrote the foreword for my book – Burton and

Bella Altura – they alone had done a thousand studies on

magnesium and the importance of it so there was a wealth of

information. It turned out to be a fabulous book and it’s been

helping thousands and thousands of people.

Ben: Now when you were studying for this book or when you were

researching this book – were you… this is something you

hear about medical students a lot… they’ll study a certain

phenomenon and find that they realize that they’ve been

experiencing those same symptoms themselves. Did you

personally find that when you were writing this book, you

realized that you yourself needed magnesium or could be

deficient in magnesium?

Dr. Carolyn Dean: Absolutely. What you’re talking about first is called medical

student’s disease. Every time we studied a new organ or a

new system… oh my gosh, I’ve got all of that. I certainly had

magnesium deficiency symptoms. My heart would skip and

palpitate a little bit. I’d get incredible leg muscle cramps

lying in bed at night. If I stretched my leg I’d get this

humongous charley horse and energy levels, a little bit

insomnia. You go down the list so even though I was on a

multiple with magnesium already because I understood that

I needed more vitamins and minerals, I took extra

magnesium and one thing that happened when I moved to

Maui last June – I started exercising more. You just walk

more. I do an hour and a half back and forth to the beach

and swim for 35, 45 minutes and I was beginning to get

cramping in the water when I’d really go all out trying to

follow a turtle. And I had to double my magnesium because

my exercise… I was sweating it out and I really needed to put

it back in my body.

Ben: And you’re what we would probably consider a healthy

individual. A physician.

Dr. Carolyn Dean: Well most physicians are not healthy. I’m actually an


Ben: This is true.

Dr. Carolyn Dean: Get that straight.

Ben: But we do get a lot of people who listen in who are active

individuals, people who eat healthy, people who exercise

frequently. Some people are even Ironman triathletes.

They’re taking care of their bodies in as much as doing an

Ironman triathlon is taking care of your body, but should

they even really care about magnesium in your opinion?

Dr. Carolyn Dean: Absolutely. Because when I think of athletes, I think sweat.

The sweat pouring and dripping off your body. And when I

looked up what’s in sweat and what is coming out – you lick

your skin and it tastes salty. So we assume, ok. There’s

sodium coming out but if you look up anywhere, the research

is all done. In your sweat there’s sodium, there’s potassium,

calcium, magnesium and any other trace elements that are in

your body that can be excreted… your saline in your blood.

The liquidy white watery part of blood. That has all the

minerals and elements that your body needs to work and

you’re losing bits of that. However what happens when you

look at something for mineral replacement – the Gatorades,

etc. – what have they got? They’ve got water, sugar, table salt

and the electrolytes that they put back in are just sodium,

potassium and chloride. And the high fructose corn syrup is

higher than your sodium and potassium. So what happens is

if you’re just replacing sugars and sodium and a bit of

potassium, you’re not replacing your magnesium and setting

yourself up for the muscle spasms that occur when you’ve got

too little magnesium. What happens in most people is we’ve

got too much calcium compared to magnesium in our diet so

we tend to get overloaded with calcium and calcium tightens

up muscles and cells and too little magnesium which we need

to relax cells – I’d like to send your listeners to a website and there’s an excellent

video there. It’s just a two minute video on the workings of

magnesium and calcium at the cellular level and it’s

fascinating because even at the cellular level, the way the cell

allows calcium and magnesium in and out is dependent on

magnesium. If you don’t have enough magnesium, the cell

will maintain a rigid opening that allows as much calcium in

as much as you can jam in there which sets the cell off into a

spasm. If you have enough calcium, that cell channel closes

down properly, opens and closes as you need tiny bits of

calcium to do a nerve function or a muscle function. So

there’s a physiology of what’s actually happening with

calcium and magnesium. And your body doesn’t work

properly at the cell level or at the muscle level or actually at

the tissue level of any organ without the proper amounts of


Ben: I think it’s interesting. You come across ultra endurance

athletes who have had heart problems, died of heart attacks

or had severe heart issues and it seems as though the issue of

magnesium deficiency is not something that comes up in the

media all that much. But I can just say from personal

experience, when I’ve gone for a long 2, 2 and a half, up to 3

hour run and come back and sat in the living room, you don’t

feel right. And a lot of times, it is even at the level of feeling

like your heart is not beating correctly. And I’ve spoken to a

lot of athletes that feel that when they’ve depleted their

bodies even when they’re doing things like drinking

Gatorade or salting their food.

Dr. Carolyn Dean: Yes. It’s wonderful to hear your personal experience because

I can relate to it both personally and with the research I’ve

done. In The Magnesium Miracle book, chapter four, I have a

whole chapter or section on magnesium and exercise and I

say the three things you need to know about magnesium and

exercise is magnesium reduces lactic acid which causes post-

exercise pain. Magnesium is lost during exercise and

magnesium deficiency may cause sudden cardiac death in

healthy athletes. And what happens… if you go to this website and see that video,

it’ll just become crystal clear what’s going on with your cells

and when you sit down after heavy exercise and your heart is

kind of shaking a little almost. Instead of the regular beating,

there’s shaking going on – well that’s the section or

percentage of your heart muscles that just aren’t getting the

right amounts of calcium and magnesium and they’re

shivering in their action instead of giving a forceful

contraction. And that’s what people feel throughout their

bodies. I have athletes who’ve depleted themselves over the

years and then they get a really stressful incident and then

they turn into people who are anxiety prone. They have panic

attacks, they can’t drive their car anymore. They can’t cross

bridges. And it’s just devastating because these are super

athletes and their confidence is shattered where sometimes

they become agoraphobic and they can’t even leave their

homes. Well all of that can be a magnesium deficiency.

Because when you’re low in magnesium, your adrenal

glands aren’t working properly. Every… your hormones are

out of balance, it’s a lot of information to throw into one

interview. But there’s a list of about 22 different conditions

that are scientifically proven to be caused by magnesium

deficiency or made worse by magnesium deficiency and it

starts with anxiety and panic attacks. And then there’s

asthma, blood clots, constipation, bladder spasms,

depression, diabetes, fatigue, heart disease, hypertension,

hypoglycemia, insomnia, kidney stones… kidney stones are

huge in terms of magnesium deficiency. Then there’s

migraines, any sort of muscular-skeletal condition. This

fibrocytis and fibromyalgia, muscle spasms, eye twitches,

cramps and chronic neck and back pain, any sort of nerve

problem. Premenstrual syndrome in women, it’s huge. The

painful cramping, infertility, problems with labor and

delivery. Then there’s osteoporosis, Reynaud’s syndrome,

sudden death infant death syndrome, tooth decay and

toxicity. So, it covers the gamut.

Ben: You know, you’d think that people would have discovered by

now over the past thousands of years of nutritional studies

that these types of health problems are associated with a

magnesium deficiency. From what I’ve heard from other

people that we’ve had on the show, a big part of it is that our

food is no longer giving us the amounts of magnesium that

we used to get from it. Is this true?

Dr. Carolyn Dean: That’s part one of the equation. 100 years ago we received in

an average diet about 500 mgs of magnesium. Now, we’re

lucky to get 150 mgs even if the food is organic because it

depends entirely on whether or not the fertilizers contain

magnesium. Yes, the second part of the equation of why

magnesium isn’t recognized is that in medicine, people will

just test magnesium in the blood and only 1% of the

magnesium in the whole body is in the blood. 1%. And that

amount is guarded very closely by the body’s physiology and

feedback mechanisms because it has to keep the heart going

properly. So that level will pretty much always be normal

except if (unintelligible) magnesium deficiency. Doctors have

run a lot of magnesium blood tests and they say well it’s

usually normal so why bother testing? And the red blood cell

test is what you want. In the red blood cells, actually at the

cell level, there’s more like 40% of the magnesium in the

body. So it’s a better test to do to check your levels. But

because it’s so hard to get the proper blood testing, there’s

two things that I tell people to do. One is that that there’s an

EXA test and there’s a website and they do

a scraping under the tongue of some of your skin cells and a

chiropractor or a naturopath will usually do this test, send it

off to the lab and they’ll look at it under an electron

microscope and tell you what your mineral levels are. And

the second thing is people will get my book The Magnesium

Miracle, and I have a section about who is deficient. And I

found 100 factors that relate to someone’s need for

magnesium. We went over the conditions that if people are

taking more than 7 drinks of alcohol they can be diminishing

their magnesium. Or if they have any sort of arrhythmia of

the heart or heart pain, if they get angry a lot, that can be a

magnesium deficiency sign. So it’s the symptoms that you

have, you can go through this list and check them off and if it

seems you have a dozen or more, then magnesium may be

something you could try. Because it’s so safe, I can feel pretty

secure in telling people to give it a clinical trial.

Ben: Right, and even if you’re not experiencing health problems,

what I found in my use of it is… you talked a little bit about

muscle soreness and a little bit about insomnia. I’ve been

using a transdermal magnesium in areas of muscle soreness

and I’ve found that there’s a significant decrease after the

following day after a workout when I use magnesium on a

sore muscle – you had talked about lactic acid being one of

the things that can contribute to muscle soreness. I’ve also

seen research that indicates that that can be related to

calcium leakage and its seems as though there’s a possibility

based off the explanation that you gave for the heart, that

magnesium may actually be limiting the amount of calcium

leakage that occurs in the muscle. That’s one thing I noticed.

The other thing, you mentioned insomnia. My wife and I

have used it before as almost like a massage oil and slept

incredibly better after utilizing the magnesium. Neither of us

have insomnia but there’s a difference between sleeping for 7

hours and waking up a couple of times during the night and

sleeping for 8 hours solid and waking up completely

refreshed. So, I think even for the healthy people – the

people who think they’re healthy listening in to the show, the

quality of life could still be improved. I did have a quick

question for you about the testing. You said that red blood

cell was one way to do it. This EXA test that you mentioned

was another. I’ve seen a test… a hair mineral analysis test,

would this actually test people’s magnesium levels accurately?

Dr. Carolyn Dean: Well I studied hair testing in my naturopathic training and

there’s so many factors in what happens in the hair. Like it

can be high in the hair because you’re excreting too much of

a mineral or it can be low in the hair because you’re utilizing

it properly. So except for poisons and toxins like heavy

metals, I try to stay away from hair analysis. I know that

some people are very adept in reading them, but I don’t think

it’s the best way to check on calcium and magnesium levels.

You have to get a hair growing for a couple of months before

you know what happens. So you’re always looking at a rear

view mirror of your mineral status.

Ben: Interesting. Now let’s say someone tests their magnesium

levels or they perhaps suspect that they are deficient. How

can they ensure that they actually begin consuming adequate

magnesium or begin getting adequate magnesium. What

options are out there for people?

Dr. Carolyn Dean: Well you mentioned the transdermal and I got into that after

writing the IBS for Dummies book because there are people

with IBS diarrhea that can’t take any oral magnesium or

don’t think they can take it because it causes a laxative effect.

And actually that’s one of the bonuses of magnesium -- is if

you get an overload, you just lose it in your stool and some of

it comes out in your urine too. So it’s very difficult to get an

overload of magnesium. Someone who can get an overload of

magnesium is someone on kidney dialysis and what I do

there is switch them over to an angstrom magnesium.

There’s a company called Complete H20 Minerals and

they’ve made minerals including magnesium into a size

between a picometer and a nanometer that is accepted

entirely into the cell. And what we know from physicists in

very recent research is that the cell mineral ion channel that

allows minerals in and out of the cells is between 4 and 5

angstroms in diameter. So, the minerals that get into cells

have to be at the angstrom size. When you take a pill from a

drug store – a magnesium pill from a drug store or even a

health food store – I call those dirt minerals. They’re not

angstrom sized. Plants, for example. They won’t absorb

minerals into their tiny, tiny rootlets until they’re the

angstrom size. So that’s why there’s a lot of talk of using

plant based minerals and vitamins as well because they’re in

the form that our bodies will accept. So we’ve got oral,

powders, magnesium citrate. They come most often in

flavored form that you mix in warm or hot water and drink it

as a tea and that helps the absorption. You’ve got the

transdermal that you can use. You can use two of them. I

actually use all three forms because I have a situation with

my body where I get the laxative effect too quickly. In order

to get the amount I need, it’s gone before I know it. So I use

the transdermal on my skin. I use some magnesium citrate

when I need a little bit of a laxative effect. And I use mostly

the angstrom magnesium. I also use calcium. They have vials

of magnesium calcium boron. When I’m working out a lot, I

use their sports blend which is the primo electrolyte

replacement. It comes in a little ampoule. A little plastic

ampoule and you snap it off and you can squirt it under your

tongue as you’re doing a sport. We’re using this on athletes

who recover so much better when they take this form of

electrolyte replacement.

Ben: So just so I know, do you have any financial relationship with

the H20 Minerals Company?

Dr. Carolyn Dean: No.

Ben: Listening to what you’re saying I have a scenario that I’m

thinking about for the endurance athletes that listen in, they

could feasibly… and tell me if I’m wrong here, use something

like a magnesium salt or a transdermal magnesium the day

before the race to prime their body so to speak and then use

a magnesium oil prior to the race and then take these

angstrom minerals in a small bottle as you described and

actually use them during competition to maintain optimum

magnesium levels and this would actually be an ergogenic

aid, so to speak.

Dr. Carolyn Dean: Absolutely. Why I got interested in the Complete H20

Minerals is having traveled to a couple of the Codex meetings

in Europe. Codex is World Health Organization, World Trade

Organization, that’s trying to standardize food and dietary

supplements. And what they seem to be doing is getting us

all to buy drugstore brand synthetic supplements of very low

potency. So I thought boy, I have to find some vitamins and

minerals that are low potency and 100% absorbed so that we

can go under the radar of this limitation on the amount of

vitamins and minerals you can take. Because if you can as a

company only ship a product that has 100 mgs of magnesium

per tablet, if someone needs 1000 mgs of magnesium – the

ones in the drug stores and health food stores – if you need

10 of those a day, then that becomes a real financial burden

etc. etc. So with something like the angstrom minerals, the

dosage is in… the concentrate that I do is 72 mgs. And yet for

me, that is about 700 mgs in the dirt magnesium form.

Ben: Interesting. There are a lot of capsules out on the market.

Salt capsules that actually have magnesium in them and I’m

just wondering, you said that it’s about 75 mgs? That you

were taking in?

Dr. Carolyn Dean: Yes, 72 mgs in one dose and I might do that twice a day. It

gets a little bit complicated. I do go into it in detail in my

book but when you get something like a magnesium citrate,

then it’s not all magnesium. Part of it is citrate, and maybe

only 20, 25% is the magnesium. The rest is the binder. And

then of that amount, once that breaks down in the body,

maybe only 15% is absorbed. You get one of the common

magnesiums which is magnesium oxide – which is the

magnesium that most of the magnesium research is being

done on – and come to find out that magnesium oxide is only

4% absorbed.

Ben: Wow. And so…

Dr. Carolyn Dean: We don’t know Ben if that’s in the cell level or if that’s just in

the blood because they’re usually just doing blood tests.

Ben: So one of the best things for people to do would probably

incorporate some of the magnesium sources that you

recommended and then just tolerate the effect on their body.

Obviously as you said there’s a little bit of a laxative effect

when you take in too much, but if people are figuring that

out prior to actually going out and using it in competition,

then they’ll have that determined.

Dr. Carolyn Dean: Exactly, yes. You don’t want the laxative effect in

competition, no. But that’s where the angstrom magnesium

comes into play definitely and it’s very useful and there are

food sources as well…

Ben: Well that’s what I was going to ask you. I was going to ask

you if somebody wants to go to the grocery store and they

want to stock up on the foods that are actually going to give

them sources of magnesium – I know we talked about the

problem with modern agricultural practices, but what is

going to give people the most bang for their buck?

Dr. Carolyn Dean: Yes, I was going to mention I do a blog and my website and I give recipes and one of the

most favorite recipes is a nut pate. And that consists of

macadamia nuts, lemon juice, garlic and sea salt and you just

mix that up in a high speed blender and nuts and seeds have

the highest amounts of magnesium. Garlic has a fair bit as

well. And you put that on a collar leaf and a few other

vegetables and some avocado and deep green leafy

vegetables are very high in magnesium. And then for desert,

you mix up 100% cacao, coconut milk, and frozen bananas.

Cut up the bananas. Put all three… the cacao, coconut milk

and the bananas in a high speed blender and you’ve got an

incredibly delicious chocolate desert that people mistake for

the real thing.

Ben: Wow that actually sounds pretty good.

Dr. Carolyn Dean: Yes, I’m sorry… and the reason why that’s very beneficial is

we know bananas are high in potassium. They have lots of

magnesium as well but chocolate is one of the highest

magnesium rich foods and when I have clients telling me

that they’re craving chocolate, I say well then really you’re

craving magnesium.

Ben: Interesting. Interesting. So you talked about the You’ve mentioned that a

couple of times during the interview. What is the Nutritional

Magnesium – well I visited the website and it says the

Nutritional Magnesium Association. What is that?

Dr. Carolyn Dean: It’s an organization that our director Boris Levitsky began.

He’s a long distance bicycle competitor and he came across

magnesium out of the need of his body developing

magnesium deficiency symptoms. So, over time he decided

that he wanted to educate the public more about magnesium

because unfortunately, it’s not in the media. You mentioned

several times how well gosh, no one’s never really heard of

this. It’s not a drug, it can’t be patented. So it doesn’t get a lot

of press. And that’s why I love to do interviews like this. On

my blog, just about every second post is someone asking

about magnesium and I’ve incorporated a lot of that

information into a 48 week health program called Future

Health Now because I want people to get back to the basics.

If someone has all these symptoms that we’re talking about

here with magnesium deficiency – tremor in their hands,

wheezing, feeling that they… in women, the PMS and

cramping during their period. Any sort of muscle cramps.

You have all those symptoms. You go to your doctor and if

you have more than five symptoms they think you’re

depressed and put you on an antidepressant. All these

symptoms. If you go and say all of a sudden, you’re having

anxiety attacks, instead of thinking of a mineral deficiency,

you’ll be put on valium or Xanax or something. So, it’s really

important for people to be educated about the basics. And

unfortunately media is going toward what I call the celebrity

supplements. All you hear now is resviratrol. The nutrient

from grape skins and I’m sure within a year people are going

to be putting out studies saying resviratrol is unsafe and

people are dying from it. Well what can happen is you can

get companies starting to make resviratrol from grapes that

aren’t organic and have a lot of pesticides, concentrate the

pesticides and you’re taking it and you’re going to get sick. So

there’s this incredible commercialization of the natural

products industry that takes us away from the basics and to

me magnesium, because it works with over 325 different

enzyme systems in the body which is the highest of any

mineral, to me magnesium is the basic supplement. If people

can start taking that, then they’ll feel better and want to do

more for their health.

Ben: Wow. Well Dr. Dean, I’m going to put a link in the

Shownotes to your website and also to this where that 2 minute video is

and I think that would be really helpful for especially athletes

to see what’s going on in their hearts. I’ll put a link to the

EXA test that you mentioned, the Complete H20 Minerals

angstrom sized magnesium and all those resources will be

available to the audience but I would say most importantly

and I’ve started to read it, but pick up a copy of The

Magnesium Miracle if you’re listening in today. I’ll put a link

to that in the Shownotes to the podcast. This would be a

book that is worth the read. I only read about one book a

month or so, and this is one that I’m starting into this month

and so far it is a fantastic book, and it’ll really open your eyes.

So Dr. Dean, I’d like to thank you for coming on the show


Dr. Carolyn Dean: You’re welcome Ben. It’s been fun. As I said I enjoy getting

this information out there and athletes really need to think

about taking in more magnesium.

Ben: Hearing this over and over again from top physicians in

America and around the world has convinced me 100% to

include it in my training and my health protocol and I hope

that those of you listening in are convinced in the same way

to take care of your body. So, Dr. Carolyn Dean. Thank you

for coming on the show. We appreciate having you. Thank

you for your time and have a wonderful week.

Dr. Carolyn Dean: Thank you Ben.

For personal nutrition, fitness or triathlon consulting, supplements, books or DVD’s

from Ben Greenfield, please visit Pacific Elite Fitness at

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