bellringer 12/4 name 2 body parts in spanish that you would use for each infinitive verb. 1. correr...

Post on 03-Feb-2016






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Bellringer 12/4

Name 2 body parts IN SPANISH that you would use for each infinitive verb.

1. correr

2. comer

3. nadar

4. cantar

5. escribir

6. mirar televisión

IMPORTANTE:When talking about body parts, use definite articles, not possessive adjectives.

Example: In English, we might say:

My head hurts.-->Me duele la cabeza.

Doler works like gustar when used with a body part:

doler-to hurt (o-->ue)

me duele(n) nos duele(n)

te duele(n) os duele(n)

le duele(n) les duele(n)

Reflexive Verbs

• Mi rutina diaria:

• A las cinco, me despierto y me levanto.

• A las cinco y cinco, desayuno y le doy comida a mi gato.

• A las cinco y diez, me ducho y me lavo el pelo.

• A las cinco y veinte, me visto.

• A las cinco y veinte y cinco, me cepillo los dientes.

• A las cinco y media, me peino y me seco el pelo.

• A las seis menos veinte, me maquillo.

• A las seis menos diez, me pongo los zapatos y pongo mi almuerzo en mi bolso.

• A las seis, me voy.

•What did you notice about some of the


-when the subject and object are the same (the “doer” of an action is the same as the “receiver” of an action)

Example: Pedro se lava.

(Pedro) (himself) (washes)-->(Pedro washes himself.)

(subject-a person or thing being described or doing something; a subject performs an action)

(object-person or thing that receives the action of the verb; ask yourself who or what)

Reflexive Verbs

Reflexive verbs use these pronouns:

(yo) me (nosotros) nos

(tú) te (vosotros) os

(Ud./él/ella) se (Uds./ellos/ellas) se

A lot of times, you will see verbs that look like: lavarse, bañarse, and acostarse. Think about the “se” at the end as being a separate part of the word; it is what inidicates that it is a reflexive verb. Think of them like this:




When you conjugate a reflexive verb, the pronoun goes in front of the conjugated verb.

Here is an example with a verb that we learned the 1st day:

llamar(se)-to call oneself

me llamo-I call myself nos llamamos-we call ourselves

te llamas-you call yourself os llamáis-you all call yourselves

se llama-you call yourself, he/she calls him/herself se llaman-you all call yourselves, they call themselves


• 1. Yo __________ [cepillar(se)] el pelo.

• 2. Uds. __________ [vestir(se)] a las seis.

• 3. Nosotros __________ [acostar(se)] temprano.

• 4. Tú __________ [afeitar(se)] por la mañana.

• 5. Ella __________ [divertir(se)] en la fiesta.

Most reflexive verbs can also be used without the pronoun.

llamar vs. llamar(se):

llamar-->Llamo a mi madre.-->I call my mom. (subject=I; object=mom)

llamar(se)-->Me llamo Señorita Fairchild.-->I call myself Miss Fairchild. (subject=I; object=I)

acostar vs. acostar(se):

acostar-->Juan acuesta a los chicos.-->Juan puts the children to bed

acostar(se)-->Juan se acuesta.-->Juan goes to bed.


If your sentence has an infinitive verb, the pronoun can be attached to the end of it.

I’m going to wash my face.-->Voy a lavarme la cara.

Reflexive Verb Assignment

This assignment is to use reflexive verbs in complete sentences. You need to use at least 10 reflexive verbs to tell me about your daily routine. You will need to illustrate each sentence with a picture or drawing. You can make your sentences simple or you can make them a little more complex (extra credit). (you can use magazine clippings; you could make it into a cartoon)

Example: Me cepillo los dientes.-I brush my teeth. (picture could be of a toothbrush, toothpaste, or someone brushing their teeth)

Partner Project-4th

Tomorrow and Thursday, we will (hopefully) be going to the library so that you and a partner can research a certain Spanish speaking country. You will have to find certain things about that country, then make some kind of product (i.e.: trifold poster, normal poster, powerpoint, etc.)

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