behaviour problem

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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Behaviour problems in children are not disease entities but symptoms or reaction caused by emotional disturbance or environment maladjustment .

It is a symptomatic expression of emotional or interpersonal maladjustment especially in children (as by nail-biting, enuresis, negativism, or by overt hostile or antisocial acts)

Types of behavior problem

The most common disruptive behaviour disorders include oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), conduct disorder (CD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). These three behavioural disorders share some common symptoms, so diagnosis can be difficult and time consuming. A child or adolescent may have two disorders at the same time. Other exacerbating factors can include emotional problems, mood disorders, family difficulties and substance abuse.

It has to be borne in mind that no single cause can ever produce a behaviour problem. It is a multiplicity of causative factors which is responsible for its manifestation.They must be broadly described under following heads:1. Heredity and constitutional factors 2. Physical or organic factors 3.Factor of intelligence4. Emotional factors5. Environmental factor


Feeding problemsHabit disorders Speech problemsSleep ProblemsEducational difficultiesAdjustment problemsEmotional problemsAntisocial problemsSexual problems

Temper tantrum

Temper tantrum is a sudden outburst or violent display anger, frustration and bad temper as physical aggression or resistance such as rigid body, biting, kicking, throwing objects, hitting, crying, rolling on floor, screaming loudly, banging limbs, etc.

Management of Temper tantrum

Professional help from child guidance clinic. Parent should be made aware about the beginning of temper tantrum and when the child loses control.Parent should provide alternate activity at that time. Nobody should make fun and tease the child about the unacceptable behavior.Parent should explain the child that the angry feeling is normal but controlling anger is an important aspect of growing up. The child should be protected from self injury or from doing injury to others.


Physical restraint usually increase frustration and block the outlet of anger. Frustration can be reduced by calm and loving approach. Over indulgence should be avoided.After the temper tantrum is over the child's face and hands should washed and play materials to be provided for diversion. The child's tension can be released by vigorous exercise and physical activities. Parents must be firm and consistent in behavior.


Identification and correction of precipitating factors (emotional, environmental) are essential approach. Overprotecting nature of parents may increase unreasonable demand of the child. Punishment is not appropriate and may cause another episode. Repeated attacks of spells to be evaluated with careful history, physical examination and necessary investigations to exclude convulsive disorders and any other problems.

Name of child :- Prateek PrajapatAge of child :- 7 yrCase:Parents were complaining that their child tried to commit suicide constantly by thrusting a knife into his abdomen or by throwing himself out of window. First interview result:Parents showed extreme anxiety because they thought that their child must be insane and were asking that if the child is suffering from insanity.Child also show stubbornness when his demands are not fulfilled and at once go into temper tantrum.Due to this mother got frightened and yield his demands.Child was send to child guidance clinic

General information:Milestone development was normalHe had 5 brother and two sister he was the last one but only one.His I.Q. was normal and school report was satisfactoryHe showed jealousy towards his younger brother to slept in the same bed with his mother.

Problem identification:-1.According to him in family there was lot’s of discrimination between him and his younger brother.2.When he was asked to take names or his brother sister ,he mentioned all except the name of his younger brother3.Jealousy and rivalry situation between him and his brother was pointed out

Treatment :1. Parents were told that child is not suffering from insanity2. Parents were warn to take the threats of suicide seriously3. Parents were told that when the child go through temper tantrum they should put all sharp thing out of the child reach4. During child is in temper tantrum he must be ignored and explained why his wish can’t be fulfilled5.Parernts were asked not to yield his demand if it is unreasonable 6. They must take care of their own temper.7. They were told to show equal love and affection to all of their child so that child do not feel insured.

The situation was caused by the feeling that the boy was feeling unsecured and discriminated against his younger brother. So parents were asked to show equal attention to him as compare to his younger brother and asked to tell the family to not to tease hime and call him insane.

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