be still and know - more about jesus seminar #6 - guide

Post on 28-Jul-2015






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1. Be Still And Know More About Jesus Seminar #6 - Guide To view the complete list of links to the series of 26 Video seminars, visit The Bible premise is that God wants to talk to us! When you think of prayer, do yo think monologue or dialog? That sounds like God making a promise to make certain that we know Him & His will for us. The verb manifest means, to make clear or evident, to the eye or the understanding; show plainly. The first part of that verse should be mentioned along with that promise, because the promise comes with a designation as to Who It Is that God will manifest Himself to. John 14:21 He that has my commandments, and keeps them, he it is that loves me: and he that loves me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him. 2. It almost seams like God is saying, slow down stop right there okay now be still and listen for me to speak to you concentrate shhhhhh wait for it ! So, If prayer is supposed to be a dialog, then why don't we hear God speaking more often, or even at all? Lee gives an example of Grandma Perkins (a clone to 'Granny' of 'The Beverly Hillbillies') who always talked nonstop, and her husband Joe could never get a word in edgewise. Could God perhaps, feel like Joe at times? 3. He calls them and they hear His voice. That sounds like recognition right there. It sounds like another promise here, that if we follow 'The Good Shepard', [spend time with Jesus through Gods Word] then we will learn to recognize His voice. This takes us right back to the primary point of all these seminars. Personal time day by day with Jesus in a, constantly growing relationship is the basic principle that EVERYTHING In Gods Word ALWAYS points to ! There are 7 ways that God has, and can continue to Speak to us. 4. Keep a prayer journal so you don't forget. Most of the ways God speaks to us are not audible speech. 1. One way He speaks to us is through nature. It's hard NOT to see God working when we look at the natural beauty He has created. 2. Another is Providential Circumstances Lee tells Margie's story about going back to college after raising a family, and how God supplied the money for her tuition, money they just didn't have. 3. God can use the lyrics of a song at just the right time. 5. 4. God can use other people to give you a message. He did this often when he used prophets to give a message to a ruler in their day. 6. 5. God can use inspired books and articles to give you a message. 6. God definitely uses The Bible, His Words! How can we miss this. 7. God can use thoughts and impressions to speak to us. Lee gives many personal experiences throughout this seminar to demonstrate each of these ways of communication God can use with those of us who are receptive, who are wanting to hear what he has to say. It takes patience to wait on the Lord. 8. God definitely has spoken audibly to many people throughout history. Adam and Eve, & Cain, although Cain didn't like what God had to say. Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Elijah & many more. You must listen to the seminar to hear all of the details of the examples given. 7. God spoke to a small boy named Samuel, and because he listened he became a great leader, Prophet & Judge of the people. To view the complete list of links to the series of 26 Video seminars, visit

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