bbva success story

Post on 06-Jan-2017






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BBVA’s (Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria)

corporate communications team produces

content on an ongoing basis for their industry

thought leadership news site -

The team uses SimilarWeb to map and analyze

the competitive landscape of publishers across

related industries, and devise strategies for

creating engaging content and increasing traffic.

How BBVA is positioning

itself as an industry

thought leader by building

successful content


A multinational banking group with a presence in 35 countries

BBVA Success Story

The Challenge

BBVA’s corporate communications team used to work

solely with journalists to produce traditional media articles,

and with publishers and media agencies to distribute that

content. In 2015, the team decided to create its own “voice”

by producing and publishing a thought leadership news site -

essentially becoming its own media company. This presented

a new challenge: developing their own content strategy in a

highly fragmented and competitive media environment. The

team needed a way to map the competitive landscape and

understand what works best for leaders in their industry.

The Success

SimilarWeb offers BBVA a macro-view of relevant industries

across the company’s core markets, which include the

US and 6 Spanish-speaking countries. Using the Industry

Analysis* and Website Analysis modules, the corporate

communictaions team identifies the leaders and competitors

in each industry and market, and prioritizes them based on


• Paid vs. organic traffic share

• Number of visits

• Engagement rates

Understanding the Competitive Landscape"With SimilarWeb, we can

identify the real impact of successful strategies for various traffic channels across the media industry. It's like having direct access to the analytics of all of the players."

© 2016 I 2Client Success Story

695% increase in site traffic between January and April 2016

Marcos MarrodánCorporate Communications

Manager at

© 2016 I 3Client Success Story

*Leaders in the News and Media > Business News industry | Spain, April 2016

Creating Engaging Content

The Challenge

The team creates English and Spanish content that covers a variety of verticals such as BBVA

news, financial markets and technology and innovation. The goal is to service and engage

with a wide audience. “In the end, our target audience is not only our clients. We have 1 million

shareholders and over 100k employees, for example. We also interface with other stakeholders

including investors, analysts, regulators...We’re creating content for all of them,” explains Marcos

Marrodán, Corporate Communications Manager.

The Success

Using SimilarWeb data, the BBVA team manages to reach key insights into the most popular and

trending content in the markets and industries BBVA targets. For each market leader or

competitor, the team reveals:

• The most popular article pages - based on the number of pageviews** each article receives

• The target audience's main interests - based on keywords they use to reach these sites

• The target audience's browsing habits - based on sites commonly visited by the same users.

Based on this information, the team can isolate leaders worth further analysis in order to

identify successful growth practices.

With this data in hand, the team is able to generate engaging content that appeals to its

entire audience and helps in increasing visits and engagement rates for the site.

© 2016 I 4Client Success Story

Distributing Content & Acquiring Traffic

The Challenge

Whereas BBVA traditionally worked only with third-party sites that published and distributed

articles about its brand, the company now strives to obtain visits directly to its site.

This approach complements those third party sites and maximizes media exposure to build the

awareness they need. For that strategy to work, BBVA needs to not only produce engaging and

relevant content, but also make sure this content reaches its potential readers.

The Success

With SimilarWeb, the BBVA team is able to analyze the traffic acquisition strategies of industry

leaders and identify successful strategies worth emulating. The team focuses on three main

traffic channels:

• Organic Search - discovering which related keywords are likely to send the most traffic***

• Social Networks - understanding which social networks can potentially generate the most visits

• Referrals - identifying and qualifying potential content partners

**Most popular finance-related article pages for a competitor of, United States, Feb - Apr 2016


This resulted in a significant increase in traffic. “Four months into the project, we’re getting

much more traffic than we ever imagined a year ago,” stated Marrodán.

© 2016 I 5Client Success Story

***Organic search keyword distribution sending traffic to three of’s competitors I Spain, Feb - Apr 2016

Competitor 1 Competitor 2 Competitor 3

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