bayshore petroleum corp - corporate presentation

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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Bayshore develops conventional and unconventional oil/gas prospects in North America and International via Exploration and Development, Joint venture with local energy companies and Potential Merger & Acquisitions.


Corporate Profile

December, 2012

DISCLAIMER This document has been prepared by Bayshore Petroleum Corp.(the “Company”, together with its

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Table of Contents

Company Information Introduction of ManagementProjectsFunding RequirementConclusions

Company Information• Bayshore is a Canadian Public Company with its stock trading

in Toronto Venture Exchange (Symbol: BSH)• Total issued shares – 15.9 million shares (December 1, 2012)• 52 weeks Price range - $0.08- $0.36• The company develops conventional and unconventional

oil/gas prospects in North America and International via:- Exploration and Development- Joint venture with local energy companies- Potential Merger & Acquisition

• Based in Calgary, Bayshore has Liaison Offices located in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong.

Company Information• Currently, Bayshore has one operated oil well in

Saskatchewan and two non operating gas propertieslocated in Alberta, Canada

• Bayshore has raised 1.5 million Canadian dollars in 2011to fund its oil/gas activities and G&A in North Americaand International.

• New projects have been developed by Bayshore internallyand is pursuing funding to implement the proejcts.

Introduction of Management TeamManagement TeamPeter Ho (Canada): CEO/PresidentDr. Janusz Grabowski (Canada): Senior Consultant Scientist CF Cheng (Hong Kong/China): China Executive President

Advisory TeamStuart Chow (Canada): Technical AdvisorKen Sinclair (Canada): Senior Technology Partner

Management TeamPeter Ho – President and CEO of Bayshore Petroleum

Corp. A Consultant with over 30 years of oil/gas industry experience in North America, China, Middle East, Asia. Mr. Ho is a registered professional Engineer and has worked in Multi-national companies such as BP, Texaco, Kerr McGee, TransCanada Pipeline. Mr. Ho has been involved in setting up a public company in Hong Kong, Canada and has strong relationship with PetroChina, China United Coalbed Methane Corp. and many other international oil/gas companies. Mr. Ho also has involved in numerous Heavy Oil, Oil sand, CBM projects in Canada and China for the past 20 years.

Management TeamC.F. Cheng Mr. C. F. Cheng. Mr. Cheng is a member of the Law Society of

Hong Kong. He obtained his Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Commerce in Canada. His expertise in laws covers the common laws and Chinese laws. He is knowledgeable in real estate and energy resources development and application. He is experienced in corporate structure planning and in merger and amalgamation matters.”

Dr. Janusz Grabowski – Currently a research scientist in Alberta Innovates Technology Future in Canada and President of FusigenCorp. A technical specialist in Enhanced Oil Recovery scheme and reservoir simulation, Dr. Grabowski has published many papers related to oil and gas technology in North America.

Technical TeamKen Sinclair: 30 years Ken is a unconventional geologist with executive management experience in start

ups. He established the coalbed methane industry in Canada and was the founderand Vice President of Canadian Spirit Resources Inc. which raised $40 million andcompleted a JV with a major multi-national company.

Stuart Chow 30 years Mr. Chow is a professional engineer with over 30 years of experience in Western

Canada, the majority with a major multi-national company. He has setup private andpublic oil and gas companies in Canada and is knowledgeable with all aspects ofconventional and unconventional oil & gas engineering, including enhanced oilrecovery, reservoir simulation, reservoir evaluations, operations and businessdevelopment.

Advanced Technology Bayshore is working

closely with differentresearch institutes inCanada and China foradvanced technologytransfer. The researchtopics includeUnconventional Oil/GasDevelopment, EnhancedOil Recovery, Heavy Oilupgrading, Undergroundcoal gasification and manyother advancedtechnologies.

Oilsand/Heavy Oil Upgrading

Project #1Saskatchewan Light Oil Prospect Total 5.21 Sq. Km. 100% right from surface to the bottom for any oil and gas

discovered Drilled and cased the first exploratory well Production is expected over 80 barrels oil per day Potential Oil resources 35 million barrels in place Identified Multi zone potentials (Oungre/Midale/Alida,

Bakken). Planning 4 more wells to be drilled before the end of the


Project #1Radville Well Location

Project #1Potential New Oungre Oil Pool

Radville 8-5 WellAnalogy Well

Project #1Saskatchewan Light Oil Prospect The new zone in 8-5 was perforated, acidized and

produced small amount of oil and recover only the loadfluid (Water & Acid).

The zone needs more extensive stimulation technology tomake it as a producer.

Proper stimulation (fracturing) is being planned and willcommence once the design is finished and funding is inplace.

The success of this stimulation will open a newhydrocarbon zone in the area

Project #1Saskatchewan Light Oil Prospect Bayshore is planning to drill additional 4 wells in the area

in the next 6 months if the exploratory well completion issuccessful. Each well will have potential productivity of75-80 Barrels oil per day

A more aggressive development plan will be implementedwhich will include acquiring more acreage, 3-D seismic,horizontal wells drilling, multi-staged fracture stimulationinto the new zone. Target production is between 600-800barrels oil per day.

A total capital requirement of 20-25 million US will berequired

Project #2Sask. Medium Oil Acquisition Bayshore has identified a producing oil field (17 API)

currently making 270 bopd in Manitou Lake Area, Saskatchewan.

The private company owns 3 ½ sections (2,240 acres) 100% Land and is an unitized pool

Total 16 producing oil wells, 4 water injectors, 1 water disposal well and a central battery

OOIP ~15 Million barrels, current recovery 8% Potential includes (1) infill drilling (2) Enhanced Oil

Recovery and (3) Onsite oil upgrading

Project #2Sask. Medium Oil Producing Field Submitted a proposal to acquire 80% of the pool at 15

million cash and an option to acquire the remaining 20% at 5 million within 2 years

Intend to fund this acquisition via half debt and half equity issuing

Closing date as early as December 31, 2012. A good operated property providing instant cash flow and

demonstrate upgrading Lloydminster type crude to light oil in the area

Med Crude -$60/bbl, Light crude - $97-103/bbl

Project #3Alberta Oil Sand Acquisition Alberta has the largest Oil

Sand resources in the world Currently, Recoverable

Reserves estimated to be more than 170 Billion barrels

Alberta is producing more than 1.8 million barrels oilsands per day

In 2018, projected production is over 3 million Bopd

Project #3Alberta Oil Sand Acquisition Bayshore, through its strategic partner in Canada, is

planning to acquire and operate potential oil sandproperties

Bayshore propose to bring in Large State OwnedEnterprise or Private Enterprise from China to do theacquisition together.

Bayshore intends to own at least 10 percent of theproperty via its own funding and work in-kind

This will provide substantial cash flow and potentials forfuture oil sand development ad upgrading in Canada forBayshore and its partners.

Project #3Alberta Oil Sand Acquisition A successful acquisition, subject to proper due diligence would

mean immediate significant oil sands resources for Bayshoreand its related parties. The parties will work together to gainactual oil sands operating and marketing expertise. The partiescan progress to other prospects in the oil sands.

Established operating and marketing infrastructure in place Future development phases provides upside to production

potentials Future technology application (e.g. solvent co-injection) may

provide further upside

Project #4Potential Heavy Oil / Oil Sand Upgrading Technology Bayshore has secured a technology that is revolutionary in

the energy industry The technology utilizes a proprietary catalyst to convert

oil sand/ heavy oil into light Diesel fuel oil at normal pressure and low temperature

Bayshore is obtaining a license to use exclusively in potential Canada and US oil sand / tar sand and heavy oil properties.

Market size of this business is well over billion dollars range

Project #4Potential Heavy Oil/ Oilsand Upgrading Technology

Synthetic Gas

Light Oil (>32 API Diesel Grade)


Project #4Potential Heavy Oil/ Oilsand Upgrading Technology


Formal China Oilsand /heavy Oil laboratorytest reports prepared forBayshore Petroleum.

China official is very keento apply thisCanada/China jointventure technology toCanadian Heavy Oil/Oil Sand and otherareas.

Project Description: Potential for Bayshore to

construct a 350 bopd heavy oilupgrading facility inSaskatchewan

Bayshore will design and buildon site the upgrading facilitythat can process 350 bopd heavyoil into 300 Bopd diesel,synthetic gas and high carboncontent tar.

Bayshore will use theproprietary catalyst andupgrading process to do theupgrading

Total investment includingfacility construction cost, licensefee is between 9.5-10 millionUS.


Project #4Heavy Oil Upgrading Bayshore has signed a MOU with a private Saskatchewan

heavy oil producer that will Acquire the heavy oil directly from the producer at

prevailing market price plus a small premium and processthe heavy oil into diesel fuel quality product oil.

Bayshore will construct and build the facility right at thewell site

The upgrader can be expanded in the future to 1,000 bopd inconjunction with the operator’s development plan in thearea.

The field is located at Meota, Saskatchewan, and is owned by a private resource company operating in Saskatchewan.

Current heavy oil production (10 API) is around 350 bopdand have potential to increase to 1,000 bopd

Schedule on production date May 1, 2013 subject to regulatory approval.

It will be the first type of on site field heavy oil upgrading facility in Saskatchewan and will be used as a demo pilot facility.

Project #4Heavy Oil Upgrading In addition, Bayshore will have options to

Participate in future development and exploratory drilling ofheavy oil in the area owned by the private company

Buy out existing reserves and land from the private oilcompany before the facility is constructed at a pre-arrangedprice. (Potential 7 million barrels proven producing/undeveloped reserves)

Process third party heavy oil if the contract processingcapacity is not met by the private oil company.

Project #4Heavy Oil Upgrading Immediate Funding Requirement for Project #4:

-10 million to initiate the processing facility -50 million to acquire existing reserves and land from

Producer and participate in more drilling, expansion of the facility

It is anticipated with the above investment, Bayshore will become an oil producer with at least 1,000 bopd light oil (converted) production with synthetic gas and high value activated coal.

Overall Bayshore Funding Requirement (2013-2014) for all the Projects Capital Investment

Upgrading Facility - $50 Million Heavy Oil/Oil Sand Acquisitions - $80 Million

Drilling/Completion/Production - $50 millionG&A - $5 MillionCashFlow (2013) – ($15 Million)

(2014) – $35 Million(2015) - $70 Million

GOAL: 400 Million resources in Heavy oil/Bitumen, 1,200 Barrels daily converted Light oil production

Other Potential Cooperation Working closely with the financing groups in Hong

Kong/China for dual listing or new IPO in Hong Kongstock market via Chapter 18 exemption

Establish strong presence in North America and Asiancapital market and concentrate on energy resources sectorincluding conventional and unconventional petroleumprojects

Emphasize on technical excellence and established strongtechnical and management team.

Conclusions Company has over 100 years of international

experience and the principal/advisors are instrumentalin starting Canada’s unconventional gas industry inthe late 80’s

Ground floor investment opportunity inChina/Canadian resources investment and high techupgrading opportunity

Will be the pioneer in unconventional oil and gasresources producer and Mid stream producers in thecoming future

Contact For further information please contact:

Mr. Peter Ho (Canada) 1-403-630-4355 (Canada) 86-13691534356 (China) 852-9160-4450 (Hong Kong) Email: Suite 303, 602- 11 Ave SW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2R 1J8 Telephone: 403-265-8820, Fax 403-290-6565

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