barony of tiatar - alliance denverii. history a history of the barony of tiatar. iii. ... there is...

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Barony of Tiatar

being an overview of the Barony of Tiatar within the Duchy of Acarthia

compiled by the Bardic College of Three Spires


X. Map and Heraldry The map and heraldry of Tiatar.

I. Introduction to Tiatar Notes for travelers and visitors.

II. History A history of the barony of Tiatar.

III. Guilds and Chapter Houses A list of organizations who have either gotten their start in Tiatar or who have chapter houses present.

IV. Cultural Traditions Holidays and festivals, etiquette guide, dueling traditions, wedding ceremonies,and other cultural artifacts of note.

V. Estates A list of the estates of the barony, their rulers, and their primary assets.

VI. Code of Chivalry A review of the Code of Chivalry as often interpreted within the culture of Tiatar.

Barony of Tiatar

x. Map and Heraldry


Barony of Tiatar


Barony of Tiatar

I. Introduction to Tiatar Barony of Acarthia Current Regent: Baroness Kathryn Westin Elavir Welcome to the Barony of Tiatar, within the Duchy of Acarthia. Within these pages you will find outlined a land rich with history, art, education and sophistication. There are many diverse and rewarding elements that shape the play culture of those characters that come from Tiatar and those characters who have passed through. Assembled here is a map of the barony, history, culture, etiquette and descriptions of the holdings which are split between the kingdom, duchy and barony. These estates are detailed as to who manages them as well as what they are known for. Lastly, a treatise on the Code of Chivalry and what it has come to mean to those citizens of the realm who have been educated under the shadow of the Three Spires. In the early days of the duchy, Tiatar was a battleground, but now its interior is a thriving area without much in the way of warfare, save on the western border. Occasionally things roam into an estate here and an estate there, but largely, the farmers of Tiatar help the supply lines into Warchester. In addition, there is good fishing and shipbuilding in the estates that border the Starfall Sea. Homestead is well known as a resort community and many nobles and commoners alike visit here for a relaxing getaway.

II. History of Tiatar The Kingdom of Acarthia’s expansion southward along the river continued until some farmers encountered a group of white elves with black hair. News of these white elves travelled back to the baron. He was knowledgeable of the high elves of Quilleralene and of the wood elves in the Aspen Woods, but never had he heard of white elves. He took a small group of fighters and a trusted advisor, named Chandrik Unger, and went into the woods to try to find and locate the home of the white elves. Not long did he travel south before they found him. A large group of scholars, meditating in the woods, heard the loud clanging of armor, and rose to their feet and channeled celestial energies in their hands, causing them to glow. When the baron emerged from the dense foliage, he was taken aback by this and instinctively drew his sword. The white elves, or Stone elves as they have been known to be called, began hurling disarm spells and binding magics so fast that the baron and his men were all disarmed and stuck fast. Baron Corbin's advisor, Chandrik, emerged from the woods, hands help up, without any weapons, and calmly spoke with the Stone elves. He explained that his friends were here seeking information and simply wished to greet their new neighbors to the south. The Stone elves, impressed by this human's calmness, and ability to reason, released their captors and discharged their energies. The baron and his men were taken to Querene, the home of the Stone elves, and were allowed to meet with their leaders. The baron and his advisor made special note of how many celestial casters were among the Stone elves. He wondered if something could be set up as a cultural exchange and his advisor Chandrik was named ambassador to Querene, home of the Stone elves. In time, this cultural exchange helped the scholars of Acarthia understand higher magics than they possessed. Once Tiatar was formed, an estate called Three Spires would emerge as the capital of celestial magics within the kingdom. Just after the goblin wars ended but before Sir Corbin was named Baron, another knight, Sir Istan Tiatar lead a small expeditionary force southwest of Acarthia, around the Starfall Sea. Keeping the sea to their


Barony of Tiatar

left, they eventually rounded the sea and made it to the Silverhawk River. Their several month long campaign took them into winter and they decided to hunker down until springtime to continue their trek home. When the snows cleared, Sir Istan lead his forces northwest, but was obstructed by a large ogre hunting party. Not sure what to make of this yellow race with protruding tusks, the knight attempted to speak with them. He was answered with a spear to his chest. A fight began and his squire, and cousin, Tremont Tiatar, took up the mantle and lead the charge. They managed to kill more than half of the ogres, but many escaped into the woods. Squire Tremont's liege was dead and he now shouldered the burden of carrying him home and getting the troops home safely as well. They headed due north for a few weeks, and again encountered a group of ogres. This time, one of the brutes was wielding arcane energies. Not taking any chances, the squire ordered his archers to aim and target the spell­casting ogre. They fired their arrows and the ogre Mage fell before getting a single spell off. A battle ensued with the remaining ogres, but Squire Tremont's forces had a surprise advantage and only took a few losses that day. They returned home to Acarthia to a hero's feast, and a great ceremony was held for the fallen knight, Sir Istan Tiatar. Squire Tremont, for his bravery and success, was knighted at his cousin's funeral. King Nathan Coldstone summoned Sir Tremont to court in 225 and asked him to settle the first estate within the now Barony of Tiatar, thusly named for the fallen knight. It came to be known as Homestead, an area rich with fertile soil that needed to be carved out and claimed for Acarthia. Sir Tremont accepted and began the process of recruiting families, craftsmen, farmers, and laborers to begin the westward expansion. A few new estates were formed, but the ogre attacks never ceased. On the western borders, many forts were erected and defended. Eventually, Sir Tremont requested the aid of the king's royal guard. His small militia couldn't take the constant pummeling of the ogres. Meanwhile, the kingdom was expanding in all directions so that the king named his wife's brother as the first Duke of Acarthia. Thus, Duke Zachary Cosgrave was given his first task of aiding Sir Tremont in the fight against the ogres. The ducal forces arrived in 227 and over the next thirty years, the War of Yards took the lives of many. The ducal forces would advance and rebuild outposts within sight of their former outposts, thus gaining yards with each victory. This slow steady advance helped to gradually drive out the ogres and build supply lines in their wake. In thirty years, they had gone so far west that the Duke decided to simplify the borders of the Barony of Tiatar, and expand into new territory. This land was later named Warchester for Captain Edrik Warchester, who dedicated his life to the routing of the ogrish tribes. Warchester became a militarized zone, attracting many armorsmiths and weaponsmiths to the area. To this very day, you can still see some fortified ramparts in the middle of city streets and other random locations throughout several estates in Warchester. Many children play soldier here imagining themselves as heroes of the wars of old. With the war out of the backyard of Tiatar, the barony turned to learning and the magical knowledge that was pouring in from Querene. In time, an estate called Three Spires was formed as a dedication to the pursuit of the arcane and celestial arts. Many buildings began popping up around the Spires and many schools were formed. Seeing the power that the celestial casters wielded, the king decided it was within the kingdom's best interest to fund the growth of the schools of Three Spires. Thus the Mages Guild of Acarthia was born. Within each spire, scholars were taught eldritch, mystic force, elemental magics, healing, astrology, philosophy, and more. Within the town arose not just scholarly pursuits, but bardic pursuits as well. Many an entertainer, be they singer, dancer, poet, or comedian, has come through Tiatar by way of Three Spires. This estate became a thriving city, and Sir Tremont was officially awarded the baronial title due to his perseverance fighting the ogres in his early years, and creating this haven of learning in his latter.


Barony of Tiatar

III. Guilds and Chapter Houses

Guild of the Cerberus The Cerberus, created in 404, was an effort to organize the growing force of adventurers entering the barony. It started as a loose affiliation of paid individuals from different baronies and races who served to protect Tiatar during the War of 1000 Skirmishes. Originally headed by Baroness Elavir during her Squiredom, the guild continued to grow over the next decade into a full fledged society serving the barony. Originally tasked with the protection of the nobility as they made their way to the front lines in Warchester, the guild’s purpose has since evolved to dealing with internal investigations in the barony and the defense of the land and its common folk. Cerberus members come from all walks of life, and show the diverse grandeur of the populace of the land. The guild gained its name from the three headed wolf on the barony’s heraldry and members are known to wear sashes or belts of black and purple as well as occasional affectations of wolves to denote their membership. The guild is currently headed by the Meister of the Cerberus, Lucian. Though an independent order sponsored by the Baroness, the Meister is still required to report to the Regent of Tiatar..


The Vigilant

The Mages Guild


Barony of Tiatar

IV. Cultural Traditions

The Banner of Tiatar The first that often strikes the attention of newcomers is the waving banners of Tiatar, composed of the three peaks and the three headed wolf. It harkens back to the barony’s history and evokes its future. In its composition, the peaks of the banner represent the estate of Three Spires, where much of the kingdom’s magical learning, crafts, arts, and bardic studies take place. It is within the hallowed halls of the this institution of learning that the Mages Guild of Acarthia has its seat. The Cerberus…

The Threads of Tiatar The colors black and purple found in the realm's heraldry are owed—at least in part—to a unique export of Tiatar: exceptional black and purple dyes. These colors are produced with the crushed shells of the lesser starfall sea­snail. The snail is found in especially high concentrations along the coasts north and a little south of Mooncrest. Through the generations some of the best dyers have set up shop there too, producing black and purple fabrics. The darkest, most colorfast black dyed fabric comes from Tiatar and is commonly found in foreign markets­ though at a greater price than it is to the locals of it's origin due to the natural costs of the import/export trade. An additional product of the economic and social importance of these dyes, and the snail itself, is the favor the spiral shape finds in various local goods like clothes and home­things.

Dueling Traditions Tiatar has enjoyed a long history of peace and cultural diversity with a focus on resolving issues without the use of a sword. While duels that use weaponry are certainly observed, those who are less martially inclined may choose other ways to settle their disagreements. It is not unheard of for duels to take place using other methods, including but not limited to:

Quoting contests Games of skill Footraces Insulting contests Entertaining a crowd, where the crowd determines the victor Who can grow the most crops in the next season

Alcohol in Tiatar Alcohol has been a mainstay of the varied cultures that now make up the diverse lands of Acarthia, having been used in times past as medicinal and recreational. Within the Barony of Tiatar, there are scholars who have spent tireless years researching the racial differences in brews, tonics and elixirs. They have sought the origins of where these now oft­famous and widely­used beverages were created and inspired, but to little real results, either getting lost in their taste testing or eventually losing any hope of unraveling the mystery. Nonetheless, Tiatar, as it has with many things culturally, has taken its alcohol and the affectations around it to new heights. Drinks are measured by everything from subtle hints of taste to the bawdy songs in drinking halls. It is without a doubt that alcohol has a significant place in the Barony.


Barony of Tiatar

Tiatarin Festivals and Holidays In Tiatar, we choose a night in October after the fall harvest to remember those who have departed. This is an evening celebrating the life of those who have come before us, but also remembering the loss of those who have passed on. Legend has it that this time of year weakens the veil, and visions of those who have passed on can be seen. In 413, we were gifted with the appearance of the ghost of His Grace, Duke Tiberion. As with all baronies, there is a culture and flavor to yearly celebrations. Within Tiatar, the traditional holiday of All Hallows Eve was incorporated into the Harvest Festivals of Old Wallington, but despite the joyous celebration of a bountiful harvest, the night has kept its air of mystery about it, more than likely due to the Three Spires and the research of the Mage’s Guild. Speak to any commoner and they swear that the dead openly walk this night, and they hold fast to the old ways of costumes and masks. They also enjoy the telling of ghost stories and tales of the Great Spirit. Long before even the time of Baron Tremont, there were tales of the Great Spirit. An imposing benevolent ghost, he traveled the land during All Hallows Eve passing out sweets and gifts to those who were kind and generous to their neighbors. Whispered stories around campfires tell of his visitation and children always boast of the gifts that they were given, but no proof of an actual spirit has ever been found, and it has become something of an old wives tale. Most villages these nights have one individual dress as the Great Spirit and leads the children and any adults who wish to participate in a candle­lit “Walk of the Dead” where it is thought that, with the veil thin between the land of the living and the dead, lost loved ones accompany those on the march, giving opportunity to ask questions, share love, and remember the departed. The elaborate Masquerades of Tiatar were popular for a time, but declined over the years until the elevation of Lady Elavir to the baronial seat. Rekindling the old tradition, she again brought liveliness and entertainment to All Hallows Eve, making children’s masks a socially acceptable and fashionable accessory for the good natured noble. Games and dance were drawn into the standard formalized Tiatar etiquette, and it is an esteemed honor to receive an invitation to the gala at the Sapphire Keep.

Tiatarin Weddings Tiatarin Weddings are rich in tradition and pageantry that is a reflection of the more stable history of Tiatar among the four Acarthian Baronies. The ceremony described herein is a traditional Tiatarin ceremony, though it is not uncommon for some couples to incorporate Rivalian, Bayennan, or Warchestian traditions as well depending on where the Bride and Groom’s families are from.

First Standard of the Groom Often called the `Best Man` in other cultures. His (or equally often, more recently in Tiataran tradition, her) responsibilities are many.

Planning of the Groom’s Wyld Night, a tradition where those that have known the groom gather to tell stories, engage in frivolous behavior and usually drink heavily. It is traditionally ended with a wild run through town where anyone encountered might be given a drink and asked to join, or might be pranked.

Ensuring that the Groom survives the Wyld Night and is ready for the Sobering event in the morn. Standing Silent Vigil with the Groom the night before the Wyld Night. It is tradition that only the

First Standard and the Groom stand this vigil, and what is spoken of that night is a bonding secret between them. Traditionally, though, the talk is of the Groom’s future and plans.

Presenting the Grooms Wedding Toast. Ensuring that the Ring is properly Guarded by the Promise Bearer.


Barony of Tiatar

Groom’s Standard Bearers Often referred to as Groomsmen in other traditions. The Standards are responsible for insuring the Grooms honor and Virtue during the Wyld Night and insuring that his last night of `freedom` is an enjoyable and carefree one. They will traditionally speak of a single virtue of the groom after the First Standard finishes his or her speech.

Guard the Vigil so that is not disturbed, but remain outside where it is being stood. Stand at the Grooms side to see him into his life to be. Speak a single virtue of the Groom after the First Standard Speech.

First Flower of the Bride The First Flower fills many of the same Roles as the First Standard, though a proper wedding dispenses with the Wyld Night for the Bride’s Parties. In some provinces though a party of sorts is often held for the Bride ending with a candle lit walk through the town often after the Wyld night in a symbolic gesture to calm the town after the grooms passing to prepare for the somber event the following day.

Lead the Candle Walk from the Bride’s home to the site of the Ceremony and back. Sit Vigil at the Bride’s bedside while she sleeps, as it is important for the Bride to look rested and

vital on the day of her wedding. This tradition is often forgone in all but the most Traditional weddings.

Present the Bride's Toast after the Groom's Toast and the speaking of virtues for the Groom. Ensuring that the Ring is properly Guarded by the Promise Bearer.

The Bride’s Bouquet Consisting of the First Flower and the Maidens of the Vine. The Bride’s Bouquet are often referred to as Bride’s Maids in other traditions.

Bring up the trail in the candle vigil. Speak a single virtue of the Bride after the First Flower’s speech.

The Promise Bearer The Promise Bearer is the one who carries the ring in the Ceremony, but traditionally has a larger role. Traditionally in Tiatarin weddings, the ring represented a binding promise between the Groom and Bride and it was, in the distant past, a ploy to swap the ring with one not provided by the groom. Doing so could be grounds to annul the wedding and call into question the honor of the couple. While the bond is seen as more representative in these more metropolitian times, it is none the less a solemn duty.

Protect the Rings the night before the wedding after they are given to him or her by the First Standard and First Flower.

When asked (In a traditional Tiataran Ceremony) if the rings are honorable and true, to reply, “Yes, by my own hand and word, they are true” in the past this statement has held much more weight and consequence if it’s found not to be so than in the current day.

Bearer of Flowers The Bearer of Flowers represents the language of love in Tiatar and will traditionally present a blossom meaningful to the Bride to each guest seated in a reserved spot at the wedding.


Barony of Tiatar

Captain of the Honor Guard Traditionally the Captain and his Honor Guard are the only ones armed at a Tiatarin Wedding. Carrying arms is considered a grave offense to the Bride and Groom, a show of distrust. This tradition has been set aside in cases where the wedding is held in a dangerous part of Acarthia, or during war time.

See to the smooth running of the Wedding and reception. This includes ensuring that anyone of station is properly seated or addressing any unexpected or noble guests’ needs.

Accept the `Shift` on the Bride and Groom’s behalf and see to the changed seating while still maintaining the head table and the position of any high nobles.

Stand ready to defend the honor of the Bride or Groom who are traditionally unarmed during the event, up to accepting challenges of honor on their behalf.

Usher Ushers are responsible for orderly seating both at the Ceremony and Reception.

Personally seat each guest that has a place denoted for them. Bring any issues to the Honor Guard Captain, including any requests for a Shift. Traditionally recruited by the Captain of the Honor Guard

From: A Brief Treatise of the Tiatarin Wedding Customs “In ages past, it was considered Fortuitous to sit close to the bride and groom on the day of their wedding. Fate, it was believed smiled upon the couple on such a momentous day and the thought was, that sitting near would allow some of that good fortune to rub off on those fortunate enough to be in proximity. In a more practical sense sitting close to a couple, especially in more lavish events would often provide the lucky person with opportunities both business and socially that might not otherwise be afforded and therefore the seats close to the wedding party were often considered coveted. So much so, in point of fact, that tradition arose over time to bribe the Captain of the Honor Guard, who, in traditional Tiatarin weddings is responsible for seating and the smooth running of the event, for a seat closer to the Wedding party. As we have cultured and tempered over the years the tradition of bribing for a closer seat, or `Paying the Shift` as it was often referred to in more frank circles, has moved away from a practice of enriching the Captain of the Honor guard to a more accepted tradition of charity. Among more common weddings, but those big enough to traditionally merit a Paying of the Shift the money would be given to the Bride and Groom to help set up their new life together. In the case of more Aristocratic and Noble weddings the proceeds of the Shift are traditionally donated in the couples name to a worthy charity. By tradition when a person has been unseated by a Shift, the Honor Guard Captain will approach the person so unseated (Assuming that the bribe meets the standard to unseat someone of that rank or previous shift) and state ‘[Honorific], you have been shifted by necessity.’ The person so shifted is obligated to comply politely or reply with the statement ‘This seat suits me, perhaps I can compel you to allow me to remain’ They may make a single offer of shift and if it is more than that being offered by the person requesting the shift, than the original payment is returned and the seat retained. It is considered the highest of impropriety to attempt to shift more than once at a reception.”

Argus Dumur Historian, Three Spires


Barony of Tiatar

Etiquette Guide Vol. 1: A dissertation on decorum for the citizenry of Tiatar

Introduction It has often been debated within the halls of Three Spires, the cultural etiquette as it differs between the various baronies of Acarthia. That there is a commonality in the proper treatment and behavior of nobility and through their conduct a reflection as passed among their subjects, is easily identified and measured. But it is in the nuances of how these universal concepts are applied that the subtle and colorful differences of each barony may be noted. For the sake of this particular volume, the subject of our own barony, Tiatar, will be discussed and in companion works the customs of our neighbors reviewed. It has been said that the foundations of our Barony’s etiquette stem directly from the Code of Chivalry; truly the first codified doctrine as established by King Sebastian Coldstone, based on his original drafts of the Code of Man. Those familiar with the history of the realm are familiar with the violent and turbulent times before the unification of the human lands and the necessity to establish laws which would set the standard of conduct and create a common ground from which the nobles who aligned under King Coldstone’s banner would be able to cooperate for the good of the kingdom. The time of the tyrants was at an end and the call to civility had come. Scholars of the non­human races have suggested and rightfully so that King Sebastian Coldstone was a well travelled monarch and had drawn inspiration from other codes of law. Theories abound as to which had the more influence, with often heated debates between elves and dwarves as to whom should be given credit. Surely both had inspiration, for the seventh point of the Code of Chivalry, “Thou shalt be generous and thou shalt give freely to everyone.”is very similar to the elven maxim,“All are of theland and from her shall they ever find succor.” and the dwarven vow, “Be he friend or stranger, be kind to fill his tankard, for all have known thirst.” Other similarities may be made when looking to the Code and law structures of the other races. Nonetheless, in terms of Acarthia, it cannot be argued that the work of King Coldstone and his descendants is not of historical note and praise, given the lasting peace within the kingdom, (despite the most recent “War of a Thousand Skirmishes”) as well as the diplomatic benefits the Code has provided in relations to the civilized races which now share a significant role in securing the safety and peace of the realm. In looking to the history of the Barony of Tiatar, it is worth noting the influence of the Code, but also the Tiatar Family, specifically Baron Tremont Tiatar and his pursuit to promote relations with the elves of Querene. After the first introduction to the Stone elves, prosperous relations necessitated a common ground by which mankind could learn and harness the celestial magics of the elves. Through this the Mages Guild was established and the Three Spires was incorporated. Those who have studied magic recognize the detailed and often meticulous nature of casters. There are forms of address and procedures that must be followed as to see to the security of the practitioner as well as bystanders. Some of this ritualized nature was incorporated into the culture of Tiatar, as education spread from Three Spires and the populace, magic using or no, found themselves adopting behaviors in many cases not knowing the origins, only their practical nature. So it was that with the influence of the stern stone elves of Querene and the newly formed Mages Guild, a refined protocol was implemented, which served in providing stability for the diverse population that filtered through the barony in search of education. For the next two hundred years, as various conflicts arose, Tiatar continued to serve as an inspiration to the kingdom; that mankind despite adversity could conquer the wilds, carve out civilization and grow enlightened. The Three Spires, in their gleaming glory, act as a constant reminder of the human spirit. With the end of this last conflict, the War of a Thousand Skirmishes, and the elevation of standing of Baroness Elavir, Tiatar has had a resurgence in the decorum and customs. The baroness, a student of magic as well as etiquette, was once a headmistress for a


Barony of Tiatar

dormitory of the Three Spires and in her courtly endeavors lends a calm and guiding hand to matters in the barony and promotes peace and civility among her subjects. A new initiative has risen among the Court of Tiatar; to set the example of courtly behavior and decorum. Bardic songs and poetry are used to reinforce proper manners and masters of protocol now seek entrance to other baronies to study their customs. It has recently been spoken of in lectures within the halls of the Three Spires that the kingdom now sits on the brink of a new golden age. If it is so, then surely the nobility of Tiatar will endeavor to see it marked with pomp, circumstance, etiquette and civility. What follows is an evaluation of current customs and etiquette of Tiatar, as taught by the late Docent Creeolius, former Master of Etiquette of the Three Spires with clarifications from Baroness Kathryn Elavir. Embellishments have been made for dramatic effect as to properly set the importance of some customs and traditions. Any arguments of etiquette or scholastic importance may be petitioned to the court for review. A new edition may be published periodically at the behest of the Baronial Master of Protocol.

Courtly Etiquette Court is a complicated dance that requires attention to detail, training, and patience. Most nobles will take years to study the subtleties that exist in their courts. However for newer nobles, this is often the hardest lesson to learn, and no two courts are exactly the same. Like learning a new language, a court must be studied to learn the rules and tone. However there are a few rules that are best to follow.

Learn the titles of those present before attendance Do not speak over anyone of higher station Bring a gift for the host noble Do not utter a negative word about any noble or land Ensure you are dressed correctly and well bathed Do not refer to anyone by their first name unless expressly told to do so You are representing your liege and your lands, have their interests in mind

Forms of Address Correctly addressing nobility as well as those with titles of function is essential. While this list is not exhaustive, nor is it necessarily correct for all baronies, it is certainly the basis from which all civilized cultures base their titles and honorifics on. Many races will diverge from this list in their own fashion (such as those races with tribal structure) however this an excellent base to start from. If one finds themselves in a situation where titles are radically different or in another language, it is best to seek clarity and ask.

Titles and Honorifics King/Queen ­ Your Majesty Prince/Princess ­ Your Highness Duke/Duchess ­ Your Grace Baron/Baroness ­ Your Excellency Knight ­ Good Sir Knight, Good Dame Knight Lord/Lady ­ Your Lordship, Your Ladyship Magistrate ­ My Lord Magistrate, My Lady Magistrate Guildmaster/Guildmistress ­ Guildmaster, Guildmistress Sheriff ­ M’Lord, M’Lady or Sheriff Guard ­ M’Lord, M’Lady or Guard Squire ­ Squire Adventurer ­ M’Lord, M’Lady Merchant ­ Good Merchant, M’Lord, M’Lady Common Townsfolk ­ Goodman, Goodwoman


Barony of Tiatar

Bows and Curtsies Bows and curtsies change with the time, and have variations throughout the Duchies. However there are a few basic similarities.

The Bow The bow, a symbol of supplication and respect to the person for whom it is performed is a time honored tradition among royals of court. Though traditionally it is perceived that the bow is strictly gender oriented for men, it has been noted that some women, strong of character, have utilized it in lieu of the curtsy. This may be due to style of dress, weapons or as a subtle snub to the receiver. Nonetheless, the gesture is one that is often studied, discussed and practiced. Often led by the head bowed, the body may fold at the hips or depending on the desired flourish, a step back and a full body dip, hands flared. Style and culture are reflected in the gesture ­ it is noted among the knights of Tiatar, that a more formal and stiff head tilt and bow at the waist is done, but the eyes rarely stray from the recipient. This has historical background as it was once drilled by the Knight Captain Crispian to always remain vigilant, even among allies.

The Curtsy The general idea of a curtsy is to not only flourish your dress, but also to show grace and strength in movement by being able to remain steady while raising and lowering. Foot position varies wildly from lady to lady, however the general idea is to keep one's shoulders straight as you dip (or bow) with your curtsy while only briefly breaking eye contact from the individual you are showing respect to. There is some debate as to whether or not it is appropriate to offer your hand while curtsying, however this is left to the noble’s individual discretion based on circumstance.

Formal Correspondence The formal correspondence or “missive” requires mastery of the language with which you are corresponding. The document you are sending can quickly be turned against you so it is vital that prior to sending any missive that it be revised to ensure that your point is clearly delivered and that it represents you in the most positive light possible. This includes ­ proper grammar, spelling, and use of language. If you have any doubts, request that one of your court reviews the letter.

Gifts It is customary to bring gifts when:

Visiting other nobility Staying under anyone else’s hospitality Visiting your fealty chain Displaying the success of your lands

Gifts come in many forms, but they are often:

Fruits of your lands’ labor Flowers (usually sent with missives) Crafts from your lands Cloth (for nobility) Beasts of Burden Cattle Drink Jewelry (for nobility)

Flower Language The language of flowers is said to have started with the elves a millennia ago, though as with all things, this is debated, with some scholars saying it began with the dryads, as a giving of oneself to another. However in the last several hundred years it’s been adopted by nobility as a way of sending messages, or


Barony of Tiatar

sometimes emphasizing a point in a well crafted missive. Each flower and plant holds meaning. Sometimes these serve as subtle warnings or even threats. More often though, they are used to convey feelings from the giftor to the giftee.

Hospitality The rule of hospitality goes in both directions. Be a good host, and be a good guest. From the dwarven Manual of Style, “One House for All’, “The respect flows like ale from host to guest. The host must be hospitable to the guest and provide them with goodfood, drink and a bath (if required). It is not polite to ask questions until the guest has stated his/her needs. Secondly, the respect must also flow from guest to host. The guest must be courteous to the host and not be a burden. While under the rule of hospitality,no harm shall be done between the two.” Offering hospitality means that you must look after your guest graciously and the guest must be gracious in return.

Dealing with foreign lands appropriately Occasionally in the course of noble duties unusual people and lands will be run across. If you come across them without expecting to do so, ask questions and listen carefully. Try to determine some of their customs, and determine if they may be hostile or evil in intention. Communicate with your liege as quickly as possible about your findings, but also consider that some sapient creatures may have different views on your customs just as you do of theirs. Proceed politely, with good intent and with caution.

Rites/Expectations of Introduction You only get to make a first impression once. If you were not expecting an introduction and it was not prearranged, make do with what you have on hand. Meeting commoners as a noble is just as important as meeting other nobility, though it will include less pageantry. Meeting commoners is as simple as a handshake and your relevant titles to that commoner. Meeting nobility on the other hand requires a fair deal more prep. Assuming that the meeting has been pre­arranged and is taking place in court, your introduction should be announced by one of your vassals, or someone appointed to announce things on your behalf. In Tiatar this is position is called a Herald. Visiting a noble house requires gifts, appropriate dress and feasting. After verbal introductions of title lands and station, appropriate bows or curtsies are exchanged. For the time in the host noble’s house, the visiting noble should stand when the host noble is in the room, and sit after they have sat down. Gifts can be exchanged after formal introductions have concluded. Do not refer to other nobility by their first name for the duration of your stay unless you are expressly told to do so.

Titles and Stations specific to the Barony of Tiatar (Not all titles or positions are used in all of the estates)

Special note on Titles that are over larger areas of land - It should be noted that in most cases the title may be preceded by a qualifier determining the scope of the individuals influence. For instance, of one were the herald for an estate, they would simply be “The Herald of Icen” Icen being the estate the deal with. If the individual serves the whole Barony, they would be the “Baronial Herald”. Again, “Captain of Colfax”, as opposed to the “Baronial Captain of the Guard”. Herald ­ Appointed by the Noble ­ This position serves as the voice of the baron or baroness. They travel from estate to estate bringing word (sometimes written, sometimes spoken) from the baron or baroness. They also occasionally travel to the duke and king when the baron is unable to travel. This is a title of function, not of nobility, though a noble could fulfill the function, especially if they were politically minded and well known for their trustworthiness. Seneschal ­ Appointed by the Noble ­ This position serves as a personal assistant to the noble. In court they arrange meetings, schedule various needs for the noble, and ensure that events and gatherings go


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well. It’s often said they are the brain of the operation for some nobility. This position is rarely found in smaller estates, and sometimes has other names. This is never a role filled by nobility, but often by squires working to prove themselves. Treasurer ­ Appointed by the Noble ­ This position maintains the wealth of the noble. Sometimes this is merely maintaining the books, others it is actually managing the taxes of the estate(s). This varies from estate to estate. This is not usually filled by a noble, but is occasionally used to train squires who intend to be future landholders. Diplomat ­ Appointed by Noble, or sometimes by Council­ Diplomats fulfill many roles, but the foremost of which is representing the lands of their noble, or the council that’s hired them. This is often a role taken on by a noble or squire, and requires social finesse as much as it does the ability to protect one­self. The focus on speaking multiple languages is also a valued trait in diplomats. These diplomats may be placed anywhere in the kingdom for their liege, so adaptability is key. Scribe ­ Appointed by the Noble ­ Scribes are usually kept close to the noble who hired them. Scribes must be able to read and write not just with accuracy and legibility, but also with consistency. The creation of books, letters, manuals, ledgers, and often times ­ spells is vital to any estate’s success. Scribes are often bilingual, and are paid well for their services. Master of Protocol ­ Appointed by the Noble ­ Masters of Protocol serve the barony or estate as educators and adjudicators of social etiquette and decorum. Schooled in both diplomacy as well as social graces, they are often called upon to tutor new nobles in proper manners when dealing with the court or their peers. Marquess/Marquis ­ Awarded by the Noble ­ This title is more one of esteem then function. Awarded to a citizen who is not necessarily a noble, but has dedicated their lives to a town or estate as a whole. This title is often given to older common folk who have served the baron faithfully, but are not the sort to want to enter the world of nobility. It’s a great honor to be named a Marquess, and often there are parades and feasts associated with the ceremony. Courtesan/Courtier­ Appointed by their actions (in most cases) by peers ­ Not everyone is cut out for regular attendance to court. Courtesans are those who regularly attend court, high society gatherings, and make etiquette part of their lives. These may be commonfolk bucking for a noble’s attention, or perhaps those who wish to try and talk their way into the lap of luxury. They wear the right clothes, say the right things, and attend the right parties. Eventually their peers will begin to refer to them by this title. Bard/Poet ­ Appointed by their actions (in most cases) by themselves ­ This is a title of function given to those who attend noble gatherings as entertainers. Occasionally they are hired by nobility for their skills, and a few of them even go on to aspire to nobility, but this title is one generally awarded by peers or taken on by the individual. Master at Arms ­Appointed by the Noble­ This position is appointed by a noble, often to their own vassal (squire or otherwise) to have them head the military actions and defensive strategy for their lands. This could be over a single estate or whole barony. Those who serve in this position rarely do so for more than a decade due to the nature of the job. Each noble’s needs are different, and some even choose alternate titles such as “Archon” or “Captain at Arms.” Depending on the scope of the lands needing attendance, the Master at Arms often has lieutenants or other subordinates who are not always nobles themselves. Guild of the Cerberus (Headed by the Meister of the Cerberus) ­Unique to Tiatar, the Cerberus Guild is a collection of adventurers started by Baroness Elavir in 404 to organize the force of adventurers entering the barony. It is a loose affiliation of paid individuals from different baronies and races who served to protect Tiatar during the last conflict. Originally headed by Elavir as a Squire, the guild continued to grow over the next decade into a full fledged society serving the barony. The guild’s


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members come from all walks of life, but often serve to protect the nobles in Tiatar. The name of the guild comes from the three headed wolf on the barony’s heraldry. Headed by the Meister of the Cerberus, the guild still ultimately reports to the baron or baroness. Court Mage ­ Appointed by the Baron or Baroness ­ Responsible for keeping magical lore that is important to the realm. Provides advice on mystical matters to the court and magical protection to the house and court members. Often, though not always, the court mage is the Liaison between the Magical College at the three spires and the court. Court Alchemist ­ Appointed by the Baron or Baroness ­ The court alchemist serves to provide the court with alchemy and potions. Be it healing or advice to the high nobles of the court, or advice regarding alchemical matters. While often filled by an Earth mage this is not a necessity and many successful mundane alchemists have filled this role in the history of Tiatar. Spy Master ­ Appointed by the Baron or Baroness ­ The spymaster is one of those positions that any functioning court finds necessary but rarely wishes to acknowledge. The women and men who fill this roll often have their feet deeper into the shady dealings of the common folk than most couriers wish to admit. The Spy Master is responsible for maintaining the courts information contacts and managing any information gathering the court may require to defend against its enemies.


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Barony of Tiatar

III. Estates of Tiatar An overview of estates within the borders of Tiatar.

Three Spires Freehold Owner: The Ducal Mages Guild of Acarthia Managed By: The Ducal Mages Guild of Acarthia Primary Economy: Magic, Crafts, Education, Research, Entertainment Nestled in north central Tiatar, the large city of Three Spires is a testament to culture and magic. Named after the school which resides there, Three Spires is noted as a freehold of the Mages Guild to whom the city was entrusted to collect taxes and see to its governance. The grandest sight in Tiatar is the towering Three Spires citadel. This institution was founded roughly 150 years ago. In addition to becoming a repository of written music, literature, and magic, the teaching branch of the college of Three Spires instructs the most talented entertainers in the entire kingdom. The staff of the Spires teaches all the known languages of this world in addition to giving each student a solid background in Rhetoric, Mathematics, History, Music, Painting, and Biology. One can find students from all over the duchy here, for it has become the premier site of education in the kingdom. When visiting Three Spires, be sure to visit The Vaults of the Realm, which offers daily live renditions of the works of literature and music collected at Three Spires. One concern is the haunting by the Donovan family ghosts who randomly appear, scaring children, students, and the elderly, but causing no damage. Ironically, the family coat of arms states, "Death Before Dishonor."

Wolfwatch Keep Ducal Estate Owner: Sir Devon Tiree Primary Economy: Military Training, Military Equipment The estate of Wolfwatch Keep, on the western edge of the kingdom, is always on high alert for anything that should wander into the barony. It is primarily a bastion for training and defense, as it houses a good deal of the baronial forces. Some of the soldiers say that at night, you can see and hear several fallen soldiers making their rounds on the keep's walls, still remaining vigilant for enemy forces, even unto their death.

Shadowwood Baronial Estate Owner: Kathryn Westin Elavir Managed By: Seneschal Seth Merrick Primary Economy: Lumber and Game Though not as grand as Wolfwatch Keep, Shadowwood is the first line of defense against any monsters or brigands from the wild western borders. Heavily wooded, some commoners in the barony believe that the woods are haunted, and it takes a strong person to venture through this territory. Those who reside there are often fearless, and it’s said the area has a small number of militia­like brotherhoods that patrol the borders and woods thanklessly.


Barony of Tiatar

Old Wallington Baronial Estate Owner: Baroness Kathryn Westin Elavir Managed By: Seneschal Xavier Thibodeaux Primary Economy: Lumber and Agriculture As the name implies this estate is littered with pieces of stone walls, littering the landscape in what might look to an uneducated commoner as some kind of tribal burial mounds. Abandoned and partially destroyed structures litter this area as a testament to the will and power of a bygone age. Small villages have sprung up around these structures, usually to pillage the stone and wood left behind, or simply to make the walls centerpieces of art and history. It’s said at sunset that you can sometimes hear the clashing of blades in the distance as memories of old battles rage on just out of reach.

Sapphire Keep Baronial Estate Owner: Baroness Kathryn Westin Elavir Managed By: Baroness Katheryn Westing Elavir Primary Economy: Government, Horses, Military Equipment Sapphire Keep, supposedly named for the beautiful blue flowers that grow in the fields surrounding the hills every spring, was once the front line of the war effort against the monster races. Originally built to withstand siege weapons, Sapphire Keep stands tall in a cleared field surrounded by gentle rolling hills and farmlands. Now known as one of the last stopping points in Tiatar before shipping caravans westward, the keep is a center for horse breeding, and construction of military equipment. The keep is fed by an underground aquifer which is supposedly what made it so survivable a location during sieges. After the ascension of Lady Katheryn Westing Elavir to Baroness in 412, Sapphire Keep became the seat of the Baronial Office and most of the Court. The Keep underwent renovations in early 413 and has been seen flourishing trade, culture, and activity. Sapphire Keep is known for hosting the Walk of the Dead and annual Masquerade Ball (a tradition that has stood through many Baronial regimes). Every year throughout Tiatar, but especially in Sapphire Keep, citizens honor those who have passed on by holding a feast and masquerade ball with games followed by a more comber walk through town where they are sometimes visited by those who have passed on. This is a tradition sometimes followed outside of Tiatar as well.

Obsidian Keep Baronial Estate Owner: Baroness Katheryn Westing Elavir Managed By: Seneschal Ethan Wind Primary Economy: Stone, Ore, Gems, Masonry It’s said that Obsidian Keep was once white, but a great necromancer devoured the souls of its inhabitants turning the ground to ash and the walls of this great keep to white. But that’s an old wives' tale to scare young humans. The truth is the keep has seen better days, and its inhabitants seem content to ignore its maintenance. The hills around the keep were found to be rich with limestone, gems, and metals so while the keep is still a centerpiece, it’s hardly the monolith it was during the war. Now there are mining camps and quarries dotting the landscape with races of all kinds flocking to the mineral rush. Massive


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caravans pulled by teams of beasts of burden are seen daily roaming the roads and passes supplying resources to the rest of the Barony.

Corsith Keep Baronial Estate Owner: Baroness Kathryn Westin Elavir Managed By: Commander William Talbot Primary Economy: Military Training Every military needs training grounds, and Corsith Keep is where the cream of the crop go to become officers, cavalry, battle mages, and combat medics within the barony of Tiatar. The keep is well kept and said to keep the best timepieces in the kingdom (at least they would have you believe as such). The surrounding area supports the economy of constantly arriving soldiers very well and make a lucrative living selling wares and market fresh food to the transplants from around the barony and beyond.

Elmwood Falls Baronial Estate Owner: Baroness Kathryn Westin Elavir Managed By: Seneschal Maxwell Forrest Primary Economy: Fish, Game, Trade Located in the southern tip of the barony, Elmwood Falls enjoys healthy trade relations with several other baronies. Known for good shellfish, excellent fowl, quirky merchants, and a sizeable water fall, this estate is constantly filled with transient merchants, caravans, and the occasional vacationer.

Starfall Ducal Estate Owner: Dame Mesha Orenda Primary Economy: Fish, Healing, Crafts Another coastal town, this village sits in a prime location for watercraft, fishing, farming, and a lucrative lifestyle based on trade. Known for excellent food and a well maintained healing temple (renowned for its seaweed treatments), Starfall is also the site of some land disputes to their east. Arguments over fishing rights are common, and sometimes arguments break out into brawls between peasants from Tiatar and Rivervale. In addition, some scholars within Three Spires speculate that somewhere within the estate is where a star actually fell and landed in the area several years ago, others maintain it happened on the island just to the north.

Mooncrest Baronial Estate Owner: Baron Eldred Morningtide Managed By: Baron Eldred Morningtide Primary Economy: Farming, Tanning, Game, Shipping, Naval Base The estate of Mooncrest is a somewhat hilly region to the north, just before a steep drop­off into the sea below. Farms dot the lower countryside and good hunting takes place within the woods here. On a clear hot night in the summer, if you lay in the right spot just below the hills, the moon appears extremely large, and the hills appear to be a crest that you can jump off and land right on the moon.


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Mooncrest is home to the Baronial Navy for Tiatar, and has one of the most unique ports on the Starfall sea due to the geological formations of the area. The Port of Mooncrest utilizes a series of man made harbours that include the use of sunken stone (used closer to shore) and some floating structures as well. Mooncrest’s harbour benefits from particularly deep berths, allowing for larger ships to reside there. In the earlier days of Tiatar, some residents in the area tried to hollow out parts of the cliffs for residences, or when to try and create easier ways to access the sea. The network of caves in the area can be quite confusing without a local guide. Mooncrest also has a series of pulleys and baskets that are sometimes used to transport goods from the harbor to the cliffs above. A small but dedicated family maintains these lines, and the fee for using them is pricy, but well worth it for merchants looking to get their goods out quickly.

Moonglade Baronial Estate Owner: Baroness Kathryn Westin Elavir Managed By: The Lamplight Guild Primary Economy: Lumber and Game Being in the center of a barony has its advantages ­ good trade, and good hunting grounds when you’re well protected and nature has an opportunity to thrive. Moonglade (aptly named for its beautiful glades that are said to glow under the moonlight) is said to be filled with magic, wonder, and excellent hunting. Herds of deer, elk, mountain sheep, pheasants, wild turkey and geese dot the landscape. It’s rumored that fae circles can be found under certain rare circumstances, but the locals know enough to stay far away from mushroom rings.

Moonstone Ducal Estate Owner: Duchess Ilianna Tiberion Managed by: Lord Canton Primary Economy: Food, Fish Known for jagged cliffs, rocky beaches, and shellfish, Moonstone is much more rugged than its northern and southern neighbors. Cliff­dwellers, rugged boat fishermen, and brave spear fishers make this jagged coastline their home. Moonstone itself is cut back into the mountainside by magics long gone from this world. Some live in the already carved out homes, others have blasted their way into the cliffs to make stone homes that overlook the rocky shores of the area. Most make their living fishing in whatever way works best for them, or diving for pearls and shells to export to the resort towns. Seaweed, shellfish, mussels, octopus and rice are dietary staples of these hearty folk.

Icen Baronial Estate Owner: Baroness Kathryn Westin Elavir Managed By: The Elavir Family Primary Economy: orchards (Wine), Fruit, Vegetables, Cattle (Sheep) A smaller farming village, Icen has been fairly isolated from the various conflicts over the years, allowing for the development of well maintained farms, orchards and grazing lands. Well known for its ice wine in the winter, and honey mead in the summer, Icen is a stable community of families, farms, and not an overabundance of activity or change.


Barony of Tiatar

The stability and consistency of Icen is not only due to its location within the borders of Tiatar, but also because the same Elven family has resided as the land owners for several hundred years. It’s rumored that a member of the Elavir family helped explore the area with Istan Tiatar and chose to stay behind searching for rumors of an old and forgotten dragon. While the Elavir family never found the dragon, they did find a comfortable home that grew up with Tiatar itself, helping to give the lands around their home a gentle guiding hand. The Elavir family estate is also home to some of the earliest awoken Dryads in the barony. It was said long ago, in another age, a dragon by the name of Icen made his home here.

Homestead Royal Estate Owner: King Nigel Moorefield Primary Economy: Tourism, Fishing Homestead is well known as a resort community and many nobles and commoners alike visit here for a relaxing getaway. There have been known pirates within the area from time to time, but many guards remain vigilant on the docks as to protect the vacationers. Of special note are the mermaid sightings here. If you are vacationing within Homestead and see a mermaid, you are said to have good luck for ten years.

Kynin Royal Estate Owner: King Nigel Moorefield Primary Economy: Fishing, Boating The state of Kynin is known for making excellent sailing vessels. Whether it be the wood used, the craftsmen, or magics from Three Spires, the boats produced from the shipyard in Kynin always seem to be of excellent quality, and faster than most ships of similar size. Also here is a famous school of jesters, led by the hobling Headmaster Roldo Fancyfeet. Several shows are presented each week and once a year, they hold a grand joke tournament.

Colfax Baronial Estate Owner: Baroness Kathryn Westin Elavir Managed By: Sir Adrian DeCristo Primary Economy: Farming, Hunting, Tanning The large estate of Colfax was the original battlefield of many of the earlier wars fought during the formation of the barony. Many military structures have long since been converted into other buildings or official offices. On the northern edge of the estate is a ruined keep, where it is said a woman cries at night, perhaps longing for her dear loved one who has never returned from battle.

Isle of Fallen Stars Owner: Unclaimed Many a sailor who visited this mysterious island has never returned. Their boats are usually found floating by nearby Starfall or Willowglade. Some who have returned don't remember any details of the island, and those that do, recall feelings of euphoria, dementia, and even despair.


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Barony of Tiatar

V. Dissecting and Understanding the Code of Chivalry

“Thou shalt respect the weak and thou shalt constitute thyself the defender of them.” As the Code of Chivalry states, respect of the weak and defense of them should be of paramount concern to not only to nobility but also common folk. As the philosopher Trebisha once wrote, “In respect of a being, knowing its virtue and honoring it will do well to securing peace and tranquility.” With this consideration, a foundational building block of respect is title and forms of address. In giving due respect of station, from the lowliest and perhaps most sullied of common folk to the loftiest of nobles, each knows the duty to the other.

“Thou shalt love the country to which thou hath sworn fealty.”

Oaths At the very base of one’s fealty is the oath that is sworn when entering the chain of nobility. Though the oath may vary in language and finer details the objective is always the same ­ to serve your country, your people, and your liege. The Code states that you are to love your country. A country is a vast thing, so it’s often debated how to best “love” one’s country. At the highest level, love of one’s country includes her protection, support, and encouraged progress. Some examples of proactively upholding your oath and loving your crown and country:

Ensuring your commoners are fed Regularly reporting (even if through missive) to your liege Protecting your lands and its people from invaders or evil Attempting to see the whole picture, not just a single side Encouraging construction of structures that will help your lands prosper Managing funds wisely and without selfish intention

Supporting your country, vassals, and superiors appropriately The nature of the relationship between vassal and liege is unique to those individuals, however there are some general rules that one can apply easily to all parties. Genuine good intentions go a long way, but taking initiative is key to the long term relationships of nobility. Take the time to get to know your liege, vassals, and countrymen. Look for areas that could use your support. Support does not mean taking the reins, instead try to offer support humbly.

“Thou shalt be generous and thou shalt give freely to everyone.”

Charity Charity takes many forms, but at its most base level charity is providing aid to those who need it. Aid does not have to come in the form of money every time though. Investing in the long term well being of your destitute populace will help them one day feed themselves. As the adage goes, “Give a man a fish he will eat for a day, teach him to fish he will eat for a lifetime.” Generosity is a language spoken everywhere, and will often bridge the language gap when properly handled. A sign of both respect and humility, charity shows that as nobility you are not interested in just your own well being but also of your country.

“Thou shalt not recoil before thine enemy.”

What does it mean to “never recoil before thine enemy”? Much in the way of scholarly debate has been had around this tenant of the Code. The elves for instance often play out long term schemes against their enemies, choosing each move carefully preparing over decades. Does long term strategy constitute recoiling? Some scholars say yes, elven scholars on the other hand disagree.


Barony of Tiatar

It could be stated that this portion of the Code refers to the ideal of being relentless, and that one should never allow evil to continue unabated. Alternately this may harken to honor in battle and never allowing the line to fall. This line of the Code is debated strongly in various classes for nobility in the Three Spires, but always with honor and valor in mind.

“Thou shalt make war against evil without cessation.”

What Constitutes Evil? Evil comes in many forms. Undead are of course easy to recognize as evil abominations, however what happens when the line is more grey? This line of the Code is also debated in scholarly circles about what constitutes evil. Is evil removing an intelligent creature’s free will? Is slavery evil? Is exerting your will on a large group of unsuspecting creatures evil? Evil is by definition the opposite of good. Does everything that we find to be “not” good qualify as evil? The truth of the matter is that it is up to each noble to follow their conscience, and do right by fighting that which might harm his people, his fealty chain, and his country.

How does one make war while remaining still noble? The old elven adage has held true for many nobles who have fought evil without cessation, “Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.” Too often nobility stands at the front lines of battle and return home a different person. Taking care when fighting evil that you too do not cross over that line. Some cultures believe in purges after battles, or confession, or even communing with nature in a way that cleanses the spirit. Remain true to the Code and to your moral compass. Return to civilization regularly if you must face the battles of the world, for to disconnect from the world and your own people is to fall from grace eventually.

“Thou shalt scrupulously perform thy noble duties be they not contrary to the

laws of the lands.”

What if the laws are unusual? It is the job of the visiting noble to learn the laws and customs of the location that you are visiting. If you are visiting a land that has laws that are contrary to the Code, then consider instead negotiating remotely through missives.

What if they ARE contrary? In the event that the land you intend to communicate with has laws contrary to the Code, consult your liege, and consider what goals you have for interacting with this unusual land. If the land turns out to be evil (by all accounts) consult your liege for further actions.

“Thou shalt never lie and thou shalt remain faithful to thy word.” Do not lie, deceive, or obfuscate the truth. To do so is to lead your people down a dark path.


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“Thou shalt be everywhere and always the champion of the right and good against

injustice and evil.”

How can I be everywhere? Being everywhere is often little more than having good vassals, and squires to ensure your words are carried out. Delegation is a skill most nobles must learn through trial and error and good study. Carry yourself with honor and grace, you are more than just an individual, you embody the ideals of those who reside in your lands. Strength, fortitude and humility are all qualities nobles must espouse. There are many ways to be a champion of right and good that are not just sword and shield. You must learn what your people need and how to best serve them while also being a bastion of the Code. If you find yourself wavering speak to your liege or your peers.


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