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The Next Level Coaching Series

Workshop Facilitator Sir Joshua Burton-Chadwick (Bt.)

Leadership Only

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This training material, and all related materials, are internationally copyrighted by LGP Training Group Ltd - 2015. No part of this training may be copied, distributed, sold, or changed into any format, without expressed permission from The Let’s Get Professional Group (LGP) or The Vortex Expansion Group.

Thank you for your integrity and leadership .

Integrity required please.

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Workshop Modules

(Each Module is approximately 1.5hrs – 2hrs in length)

Module 1: Authenticity, Alignment, Integrity.

Module 2: Motivation v. Inspiration

Philosophy & Mindset.

Module 3: Identifying & Crafting Your Vision.

Module 4: What is your Role?

Module 5: The 4 Main Reasons. Process,


Module 6: Process Phase 1 – Relating.

Module 7: Common Behavioral Patterns

Personality Profiles / Enneagram.

Module 8: Process Phase 2 - Discovery Agreement.

Questioning & Listening Skills.

Module 9: Process Phase 3 - Presenting Solution.

Module 10: Process Phase 4 - Gaining Commitment.

Module 11: Soothing Emerging Concerns objections.

Module 12: Process Recap & Close.

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The intent of this workshop is to powerfully assist you in becoming more professionally aware of the learned Sales Process and People Skills used within that process by the true Professional in today’s People Business. Hopefully, this awareness will enable you to:

Gain further trust and confidence in yourself and

your own innate and learned abilities.

Establish more trust more quickly, and effectively,

in others.

Discover, and get agreement on the needs,

problems, and objectives of others more


Present your Solution – more simply, more quickly,

and more effectively.

Gain Commitment – (With no need of ‘Closing’).

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The outcome of becoming more aware of this knowledge will hopefully and powerfully assist you to:

Align with Self, Communicate more effectively with

more ease.

Involve others more easily, more effectively, and,

more often.

Create more consistent Momentum more


Use less time – exerting less energy.

Feel less tension, anxiety, and/or frustration.

Become more aware of your role in the process.

Become more productive with your time and

energy, and, the time and energy of others.

Teach others more effectively through the clarity

of your own experience & example.

Enjoy yourself more - having more FUN in the


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Greetings powerful one!

Congratulations on your decision to be here, and to

become more!

You’re about to embark on an extraordinary journey of difference! Please note, that the knowledge you’re about to receive in the following workshop has been refined to such a degree, that it will only relate to those with a genuine desire for expansion on ‘all’ levels. Although this workshop has primarily been molded and directed to assist participants in the Direct Sales arena, it

is, by no means, limited to this audience; and may, indeed, be highly valued by any persons wanting to learn how to relate and communicate more effectively with others.

Research indicates that “the majority of people who enter the Profession of Direct Sales do not achieve what they entered it to achieve, and, that, the only difference between those who make it through, and those who don't, is that, those who do, are willing to do what those

who don't won't do.”

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Let’s begin by restating the above from a new, and higher perspective:

“The only difference between those who make it in this industry, and those who don't, is that,

those who make it, are more willing to become more than those who don't make it.”

Meaning … this workshop is as much about what to “do” in your business to be more productive, as it is on how the outcomes/results you are attracting, are directly linked to who it is you are being in the process of building your business.

This workshop will be extremely powerful in assisting two groups of individuals:

The first group being those who find themselves in an almost cyclic pattern of struggle and frustration at not being able to move forward as quickly and/or effectively as they would prefer.

The second group being, those who, although may be experiencing less struggle and/or frustration/anxiety, are, forever, open and looking for new ways of further expansion and freedom.


Within this workshop, there will, no doubt, be fragments of philosophy which will fly in the face of many widely-accepted beliefs! Some of which may, indeed, be a part of your own current core beliefs. Please be aware, that, it is not my intention to change any person’s beliefs .

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However, should what you’re about to learn serve as a catalyst for new thought that leads to different choices being made which positively affects your now, and future experience, this, indeed, may be the gift you are here to receive.

Why this Workshop?

The initial decision to create this workshop is birthed out of both a deep love for people, and an even deeper frustration, throughout 40 years in the people business, of witnessing tens of thousands of people enter the industry, and fall out the other end, bruised, battered, and bleeding!

The challenge, for me, has always been in understanding how something, that seemed so simple to build, could be so difficult for so many?

One cannot create substantial global distributor and customer bases of in excess of 200,000+ people, and not learn a lot about oneself, and others on the journey!

My passion for passing on what I’ve learned through the years has been built upon the realization that the major reasons behind people’s failure in this industry, has

nothing to do with the industry, and everything to do with, firstly, the mindset of the people entering it, and, the unwillingness to move from past conditioning that can be experienced as a wall of pure terror in the move forward.

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If you’re anything like me, you would have experienced, what I refer to as, some “dark caves” on your pathway. You may also have noticed that when the time came to exit those caves, it took some time before feeling stable enough to get back into the positive flow of life.

If you have done “the work’ within the cave, you would

have also realized that, with time, each cave experience has been perfect for the path “you” have chosen in remembering who you really are!

One of the most powerful personal breakthrough realizations during my last cave experience, was the clarity that appeared around the significant impact that the “Energetic side of Momentum” plays in the process of Self Development.

Meaning, the direct link between just how powerful the thought patterns we think and harbor, over a period of time, can affect our current thinking, and hence, the degree and speed of which our desired outcomes/results are realized.

Ready for a mind-bender?

If you placed a photo of “you” under a microscope,

increased the magnification by 100 times, you would no longer see the larger picture of you, but rather, each individual pixel.


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I imagine you would not be too perturbed, as you already know that those thousands of tiny pixels make up the larger picture … being “you” – and, if you removed the picture from the microscope, there you would be!

Now, if you can, imagine the remaining years of your life as being the remaining fragments of the bigger picture,

and, were able to place this picture under the same microscope with the same magnification, what would you see in each pixel?

That’s my way of stating that this specific workshop is comprised of some very potent pixels, which, when viewed independently of the whole, may appear irrelevant. I’m hoping it’s OK to trust YOU to refocus the lens and return to the bigger picture.

Some of what’s inside here, may demand new brain cells! How do I know? Because when I first became aware of some of this knowledge, I had to grow a bunch of them! It wasn’t easy! As, most likely like you, I had to let go of certain beliefs of which, at the time, I believed held my life together!

For example, I was conditioned to believe that “action was king”. I then learned all about “timing” – and, how “action” can be either my greatest friend, or, my greatest

foe, depending on the timing of when I chose to act! (That was one learning that I wished I had been present enough to learn a LOT earlier!)

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Our very first Module is a short one, and deals with, what I believe, to be the key three components of any venture in life: Authenticity, Alignment, and Integrity.

Although all three subjects are tightly meshed, beginning your journey to the “leading edge” without the awareness of the significance of these three pillars, will, in my

opinion, be totally fruitless, indeed.

In this industry, and profession, the question is no longer … "Is the profession good enough for people?" … but rather,

"Are those who enter it, willing to become good enough for the Profession?"

Meaning, this Profession is no longer on trial — we


The days of Persuading, Convincing, Selling, and/or Negatively manipulating people into this industry are over, and have been for many years. Today's market is one which must be respected — or you will pay the consequences.

Yesterday's market was filled with people who purchased only 1-2 cars and, maybe, one house in their

lifetime. Meaning, 99% of consumers were “unpracticed buyers”. You might say, that yesterdays consumers were “unpracticed at making decisions”.

Today's consumers (you and I), make many decisions on a daily basis. We are wise, intelligent, and super smart!

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If you are to earn large income in the people business in today’s market, and, effectively assist others in doing the same, there is no alternative but to make a firm commitment to learning the necessary Processes and People Skills that today's market demands - or – again, a hefty price will be the outcome!

Does this Profession work? Obviously it works. There are now millions of extremely intelligent people, just like you, involved with this Profession, and responsible for yearly sales revenues approaching 200 BILLION USD PA!

Again, the real question is no longer … "Does it work?" … but rather …

"Are the people who join it, willing to become who they need to become, in order to shine a bright enough light to attract others who may be in the vicinity, and searching for clarity of example?"

For the past 38+ years I've been asking the same old question:

"Do you know of another way that anyone, who has a genuine financial/time freedom goal, and a willingness to become more, can start their own business for under $1000, go to work for 2-5 years,

and, if done right, can develop a Walk Away Residual income of between $500,000 and a Million Dollars PA?"

Not to mention ... the ability to start Part-time, learn as you earn, No huge stock to purchase, No leasing of buildings, Home based, Work with, and around the

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family, Globally Portable, Operating from a laptop/iPad/Cell phone, No Staff, linked to inflation, 100% Saleable and Willable!

Not one person has shown me another way! And yet people still say ... "No thanks."

So what's the missing link? Why are people not lining up down the street to get involved with us? Why do we still need to go through so many numbers to get people's attention?

Why is it that, seemingly intelligent people, who openly admit to having genuine problems, needs and/or objectives, and who are currently searching for an answer, do not make a positive decision to actually do something about fixing those problems, satisfying those needs, and/or reaching those objectives?

Let’s look at some research ...

The content of this Workshop revolves around the results of a 10 Million USD research involving 200,000 US and Canadian Citizens, who were presented with a "10 Question Survey".

The primary question at the core of the survey was:

"Why do you NOT BUY or become involved in a

high quality product or business when it is presented to you?"

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Over 200 Million answers came back, all of which was found could be successfully filtered into "4 Main Reasons":

1. Lack of Trust (76%)

2. Lack of Need (14%) 3. Lack of Solution (6%) 4. Lack of Urgency (4%)

A primary focus of this Workshop, “The Becoming of a Leading Edge Professional”, is on providing more awareness and understanding of these "4 Main Reasons".

When these "4 Reasons" for NOT buying and/or NOT becoming involved in a high quality product or business became known, it provided "aware" marketing companies and individuals a "roadmap", or blueprint, for how to assist prospective buyers and/or business associates in becoming positively involved more effectively … in less time, with less frustration, anxiety, and, with a lot more ease and fun.

A new paradigm for the Sales Process quickly emerged

which focused more on leading the potential client/distributor to the Solution that they were searching for, based on their Problems, Needs, and Objectives, and not on the personal motivations of the Salesperson.

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This knowledge quickly allowed the average-performing salesperson to move into becoming more Professional - both with performance, and subsequent remuneration.

Following this research, another interesting research question was asked of the top 100 income earners in Direct Selling:

"Looking back over your career in Direct Sales, and knowing what you now know, what is the one area that cost you the most money by not paying more attention to it over your years within this profession?"

94% of these high achievers came back with the same answer!

P________________ S_______________!

Surely, you cannot expect the freedom that comes from earning more than a Surgeon, if you’re not willing to learn the People Skills of your Profession. After all, we are in the People business.

The most unique aspect of a Direct Selling/Network Marketing Profession, and one that separates it out from most, is that you can “earn AS you learn”: and, the more quickly you learn, and act on, the more quickly you earn.

Reaching your objectives in this Profession, is a lot easier than you may first realize! However …

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You must be willing to “become” more,

and, and to learn the required and basic Skills-Set of your Profession … AS you go.

How many people do you know who would say “No Thanks” to an additional $5K-10K coming in each and

every month, year after year, on a residual basis, if it were given to them?

How many people do you know who are quietly (and some, desperately), looking for a genuine and solid vehicle which, if they are willing to become more, would allow them to allocate more “time” to that which they really love and value?

The truth is, we are not short of people with problems, needs, dreams, and/or objectives; (there are 7 Billion

people out there!) - we are short of individuals who are willing to become more, and learn the People Skills required to approach and lead those who are ‘ready’, through the process of changing their lives.

We’re going to be addressing ‘the difference’ between the Amateur and the Professional Mindset within the Direct Sales Profession.

Hopefully, you’ll leave this workshop with the knowledge

of why the Amateur remains an Amateur, and why the Professional becomes a Professional.

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For the sake of this workshop, our definition of an Amateur is simply someone who does not choose to learn their profession; and a Professional being someone who does.

Amateurs Compete – Professionals Create.

Amateurs choose not to learn the lessons in their mistakes - the Professional does.

Amateurs are dictated by outside circumstances, Professionals are not.

When things go wrong for the Amateur, he/she tends to blame everything from upline, to product, to the very company that provided him/her the opportunity in the

first place!

The Professional on the other hand, takes 100% responsibility for everything. When things go right - they love it!

When things go wrong, they Professional loves it! - as it provides an opportunity to grow, expand, learn more ... and ... become more of who they really are! This being

the real journey of the true Leading-Edge Professional.

While the Amateur says things like …

"Oh … they weren’t interested."

The Professional says …

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"What could I have done differently to be more effective in leading those people to their own objectives in that situation?”

Learning the People Skills that turn the "not interested" Prospect into someone who follows you down the street wanting to know what you're involved in, is not only

possible, it is what happens, (virtually - every time!), when you have learned, practiced, and can demonstrate your craft!

The bottom line?

The importance of this knowledge can be equaled only by the paramount importance of the caliber and strength of your VISION.


will be the most lucrative decision you will ever make in your


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Moving forward in this profession without a clearly defined and “felt” Vision of what it is you want to create could be likened to walking into a forest full of bears that haven’t eaten for 12 months! You’ve heard it said … “Without Vision … they will perish!”

My interpretation:

“Vision. Without it … Forget it!” Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. stated …

“A mind that is stretched by a

new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.”

Otherwise stated by my Source Mentor… Abraham:

“There’s no going back!

There’s no becoming less than that which you have already become!”

You only have to try going back, to realize the truth of this premise for what it is! It absolute, and rooted in Universal Law. And, like the Law of Gravity, it matters not whether you believe in it or not, it will have its way with you … regardless!

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A few words on Vision … The outcome of a rich and strong Vision works with the same immutable Laws of Creation. Once you’ve crafted your Vision, and, it is real, clear, detailed, and felt, the only remaining component is … FOCUS.

As long as you have no “resistance” going on, (meaning, you have no old patterns or beliefs which consciously or unconsciously split the direction of your energetic Momentum), your Vision must manifest. It will, literally, be sucked into your life! It has to … it is Law. As critical as crafting a clearly defined Vision of where you want to go is, “knowing where you are” prior to moving forward, is just as critical!

Can you imagine a Pilot sitting on the tarmac, going through his/her pre-flight checklist with a flight destination of New York … but he/she doesn’t have a

clue what airport in the world

he’s/she’s taking off from? Believe it or not, research indicates that in excess of 87% of those entering this industry don’t even believe th is is important! … Very Frightening!

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Another couple of common myths/false premises which most of us were sold as children!

Think of others before yourself. Don’t be Selfish!

Not only is it GOOD to be Selfish! You have No Option!

Did we have the same parents? Were you conditioned to believe that when you

thought of yourself before others, you were being Selfish? And, that, somehow, being Selfish was a “bad thing?” If your desire is to be a part of the “Leading Edge” Professional’s

flock, I’m afraid, there’s no option here but to let go of all this OLD Conditioning around Selfishness!

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If your desire involves becoming an effective “Uplifter” of others, then, you must learn to care more about yourself, and how

you feel, than you care about how others think and feel about you.

Meaning … becoming a Leading Edge Professional involves living and operating from the truth and mindset that …

Whether someone loves you, hates you, thinks you’re weird, agrees, disagrees, approves, disapproves, really is

NONE of YOUR business! … STOP being defined by how other people think of YOU! Your business is to “Mind Your Own Business” – and, keep your nose out of everyone else’s business!

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Your business is to FOCUS on the areas that are going to have YOU SHINE brighter! Your business is to become more of who you really are, each and every day – to learn, to grow, to evolve! (No need to concern yourself with Expansion – it takes care if itself!)

Your business is to SHINE a LIGHT that ONLY YOU are here to SHINE! There’s nobody else who can be and do what YOU are here to be and do! Your business and focus is to become a SCREAMING SUCCESS for YOU! If others choose to follow, (and you want this), so be it!

Your business is to align to who YOU really

ARE, and have FUN in the unfolding and

emerging! IF you can do this, you will see!

The rest will magically take care of itself!

While the Amateur is out there spewing all

their raw excitement over any passerby who

will give them the impression they care - the

Professional is out there creating real

Relationships, and seeing where it goes from


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It is the power of the light you become that attracts and assist more people than you could possibly imagine! Certainly more than if you went out with an intent ion of “helping people” and/or “saving the world!” IF you’re open and willing to flow with some new philosophy, mixed with more awareness of the Sales

Process and the People Skills involved in this process, you will be well on your way to living this life how it was always intended that you live it! So, are you ready to have the fun available in becoming more than you ever thought you were? Are you ready and willing to learn “the difference” between those who are free in every sense of the word

with the option to live on the beaches of the world full time, and those who only ever get to wish they were with them? Are you ready to get Selfish? To think more about how you feel, than how others feel about you? IF you can answer that with an UNEQUIVOCAL “YES!” You just may be ready for what’s to come!

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Let’s begin with our first Module, a short one which revolves around the Core Pillars of everything else to follow ... Authenticity, Integrity, and Alignment. See you soon Powerful One!

Carpe Diem! Josh B-C

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Authenticity, Integrity, and Alignment.

“The most valuable gift you have

to offer is yourself.” As important as Sales Skills, Technical Skills and People Skills absolutely are to the process of selling, without being, and operating authentically from who you really are, any learned “skill-sets” will only take you so far. With Authenticity, however, the effects of those extremely important skill-sets will be multiplied exponentially.

Some believe authenticity to be a natural result of integrity; where – to paraphrase Gandhi and Abraham:

Everything you T________,

Everything you F________,

Everything you S____, and

Everything you D__,

Are in A______________.

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As impossible as this state of being may sound to achieve, it’s about as pure a definition as it gets. Personally, I’ve not known of any person, past or present, who has been successful in living in this state 100% of the time. (Including Jesus or any other so-called Spiritual Master).

Don’t most of us spend our lifetime vacillating “in and out” of this state of Alignment? I suggest that, this “vacillating” process is a core fundamental of what makes our individual lives so rich in variety and expansion! Let’s simplify the above statement in this way:

When you are in A___________,

You are also in I___________, and

Being 100% A___________. Most of the “Conditioning” out there states that “Action is King”, and, even, can be the cure-all for most types of fear, including procrastination.

We are asked to believe such things as: (Please finish the sentences): “Feel the Fear and _____________________________.” “When you fall off the horse _____________________.”

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“There’s no Gain without ________________________.” “You’ve got to Pay the __________________________.” “Success takes S_____________ and S_____________.” “You have to Work _____________________________.”

Question: How are those beliefs working for out you? A couple more questions: “Have you ever felt the fear, pushed through it, only to go splat on a concrete wall on the other side of it?”

“Have you ever fallen off the horse, immediately got back on, only to fall off it again?” Some of us had to go through these experience several times before finally realizing that, just maybe, there’s a little more to these so-called “pearls of wisdom” than is being stated! As critical as it may be to “take action”, if you are not

“aligned to your authentic self” when doing so, I only have one thing to say … “Good Luck with your next venture!”

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Before you get back on the horse you just fell from, it is strongly suggest you take whatever time needed to work out WHY you fell off … prior to getting back on! (It may be as simple as checking the Girth to see if it need tightening!). Experience ha proven to me that if “action” is taken from

any position but my Authentic Self, the results realized are always limited, rationed, and futile in comparison to what could have been realized if I’d taken the time to Align myself first! Here’s the clearest I’ve ever heard this stated:

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The Law of Attraction (LOA) -

The most powerful Law in the Universe. Although the Intention of this Workshop doesn’t include delving too deeply into the LOA, moving forward without a reminder of this “Master Universal Manager” would be a

mistake. The “Law of Attraction” states:

“That which is likened to itself, is D_______.” Meaning: Everything is Vibration, including thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Each thought we think and each emotion we experience, provides a frequency of vibration

which emanates a vibrational signal into the universe. This signal serves as 24/7 beacon and attracts back to us whatever is going out. Hence the saying …

“As a man thinketh in his heart,

______________.” Our emotions/feelings are the I___________ which let us know where we are.

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Meaning, if we are thinking ___________________ this produces ____________ Feelings and Emotion. If we are thinking ___________________________ this produces __________ Feelings and Emotion.

These ____________ and _____________ Feelings/Emotions/Vibrations transmit a signal which the Law of Attraction operates on. As mentioned above, this workshop is not about going into great depth on how the Law of Attraction works; however, it is absolutely critical to your journey ahead to

realize that, just like the Law of Gravity, it does work! “The Emotional Gap” When you’re feeling happy, free, joyful, fun, passionate, zestful, clarity, loving, and feelings of appreciation, you are “Aligned” to your true Self, being Authentic, and, from this state, it is not possible to be out of Integrity.

When you’re feeling depressed, powerless, despair, angry, revengeful etc. etc., you’re Out of Alignment to your ‘real’ Self, out of Integrity, and not being Authentic. Meaning, ”the Gap” between who you may believe you are in these moments, and, who you “really” are, is much larger than when you’re were Aligned.

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Again, from this misaligned state, it is not possible to Be Authentic, or, In integrity with anything you do. The Good News! “Regardless of where you’re at emotionally in any given moment, you are 100% FREE to choose

differently!” You can choose to stay where you are, or, choose to move to a higher and better feeling vibration by simply deciding to place your focus onto better feeling thoughts! It really is that simple!

Sidebar If you’re wondering how all this ties into the Sales Process? Hang in

there! The awareness of how to manage and mold your state of being whilst building your business, is a core awareness in which the Leading Edge Professional lives!

end of Sidebar To repeat, it matters not where you currently find yourself emotionally in any given moment! It is absolutely possible (and encouraged!) to move to wherever you want to be emotionally from wherever you are - step by step!

The learned Skill of moving oneself from one state of thought/emotion/feeling to another, is a powerful Skill indeed!

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This is a Skill that, like any skill, can be learned quite easily. Once learned, however, practice is needed. There are a couple of rules to acknowledge if you want to make your shift real and hence … Authentic:

1. Be sure to take your ‘real’ self with you. Meaning, although the decision to shift your emotion to a higher

vibration is made with the intellect, if you want lasting authentic results, your ‘real’ self must go with you. If your shift is only through intellect, you may still get results, but, due to the misalignment caused by splitting your head and heart energy, those results will be limited and rationed.

2. No Quantum Leaping! The Momentum you have going from your current thoughts have usually been created over a period of time. Just how much time will determine

the speed of the Momentum you have to slow down prior to the shift toward the desired emotional state you are looking for. Here’s an analogy to assist: If you’re travelling North in your car at 100mph. – and you suddenly change your mind, and want to be travelling South at 100mph. instead, you obviously cannot make that happen ... “suddenly” Firstly, you’ll have to hit the breaks to slow down to a

safe speed to turn the car around prior to adding the power in the new direction. It takes a little time. In shifting thoughts, emotions and feelings, we obviously don’t have a physical car to consider when changing direction.

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One might even conclude that we could just change our thought “in a flash” and run with it! Right? Well, although it’s actually possible to emotionally “Quantum Leap” from a lower state of being to a higher one, from personal experience, and, assuming a more lasting outcome is desired, it is strongly suggested a

more “authentic” approach by following the same process as in the above analogy with the car. “The speed in which a new emotional state is realized comes back to the amount of energetic “Momentum” you have running on the old thoughts patterns and emotions that were operating prior to the new emotional state desired.

Meaning, if you’ve been thinking the same old Negative,

Self-Judging, Disempowering thoughts for some time, then, it will take longer to complete the emotional shift than a person who‘s been thinking mostly Positive thoughts for the same time period.

Again, the key here is in making any emotional shift Authentic! Taking whatever time needed to slow the “Momentum” down prior to adding new Momentum in the newly desired direction, will pay massive dividends,

Below you will find “The Emotional Guidance Scale”, an extremely helpful tool for those of us who need a visual roadmap of the different levels of emotions or vibrational frequencies.

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The Emotional Guidance Scale

1. Joy, Appreciation, Empowerment, Freedom, Love 2. Passion 3. Enthusiasm, Eagerness, Happiness 4. Positive Expectation/Belief 5. Optimism 6. Hopefulness 7. Contentment 8. Boredom 9. Pessimism 10. Frustration, Irritation, Impatience 11. Overwhelment 12. Disappointment 13. Doubt 14. Worry 15. Blame 16. Discouragement 17. Anger 18. Revenge 19. Hatred, Rage 20. Jealously 21. Insecurity, Guilt, Unworthiness 22. Fear, Grief, Depression, Despair, Powerlessness

As previously stated, Integrity could be defined as the result of being Authentic and/or Aligned to your ‘real’ Self. It’s easy to know when you are Aligned, as you feel good! You feel zestful, energetic, clear-thinking,

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appreciative, loving, and, everything is “flowing” as it should … easily, and with no effort. Hence the term “being in the flow”. The area that creates the most “resistance”, and hence, “misalignment” within most of us is …

S________ J_________________!

The moment _____ ____________ enters the thought process, you will ‘feel’ it as a heavy Negative Emotion. Any negative emotion felt means you are no longer aligned, you are now Out of Integrity with our ‘real’ Self - from where, it is impossible (i.e. against Law) to be Authentic.

We must remember that we live in a Universe which has Expansion at its base. No-thing is stagnant in this Universe, including you and I - we are expanding and becoming more in every moment, regardless. Hence, it is very possible that words can be spoken from at one time space of true Alignment and Authenticity, and, due to this natural and never-ending expansion process, may, at a later time, speak words which negate

what has previously been spoken, and, be completely Authentic, in Integrity, and hence, Aligned!

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Becoming a Leading-Edge Professional in Sales, demands becoming a Leading-Edge …

H _________ B ________.

It also demands, that, as much Focus is put on …

S ______ D _________________,

as on learning and practicing the Sale Process. So, how does all this relate to the Sales Process?

I will restate what was stated in the very beginning of this module: As important as Sales Skills, Technical Skills and People Skills absolutely are to the process of selling, without being, and operating authentically from who you really are, any learned “skill-sets” will only take you so far. With Authenticity, however, the effects of those extremely important skill-sets will be multiplied exponentially.

Authenticity, Integrity to self, and Alignment are ‘Core Pillars’ upon which, the Leading Edge Professional, pins all else.

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Congrats on expanding one or two brain cells in this Module, (and maybe creating a few new ones!) We could summarize this Module in this way:

Until you are Authentically

Aligned to who you really are,

and “be-ing” this “real” you in

the marketplace, you’ll be out

of integrity, and the results you

achieve will be limited,

rationed, and, in most cases,


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What were the two most important ideas gained from this module? And how will you use them? Idea one:

How will I use this idea?

Idea two:

How will I use this idea?

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