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B. Tech. in Information Technology


Specialization in Cyber Security and Digital



Academic Year 2020-21

Department of Information Technology

Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology

D. Y. Patil Deemed to be University, Navi Mumbai

Department of Information Technology

III Semester Scheme of Syllabus

B. Tech. in Information Technology

Teaching Scheme

Sr. No.

Semester Course Code

Course Title Hours per week Credits

Lecture Tutorial Practical



ITC301 Engineering Mathematics III 3 1 4

2 ITC302 Database Management System 3 2 4

3 ITC303 Data Structures and Information

Representation 3 2 4

4 ITC304 Basic Electronics and Logic Design 3 2 4

5 ITC305

Computer Organization & Architecture

3 1 4

ITL301 Object Oriented Programming 4 2

6 AUC301

Audit Course 1:Constitution of India


Total 17 2 10 22

Total Hours 29 Examination Scheme

Sr. No.

Semester Course Code

Course Title Assessment Methods

Test I Test II Average MSE ESE TW Oral/PR ESM Hrs.




ITC301 Engineering Mathematics III 20 20 20 20 60 2 100

2 ITC302 Database Management System 20 20 20 20 60 25 25 2 150

3 ITC303 Data Structures and Information Representation

20 20 20 20 60 25 25 2 150

4 ITC304 Basic Electronics and Logic Design 20 20 20 20 60 25 25 2 150

5 ITC305 Computer Organization & Architecture

20 20 20 20 60 2 100

6 ITL301 Object Oriented Programming 25 50 75

Total 725

ITC301 Engineering Mathematics- III

Course Description:

The objectives of this course is to introduce students to the mostly used analytical and numerical methods

in the different engineering fields by making them to learn Fourier series, Fourier transforms and Z-

transforms, statistical methods, numerical methods to solve algebraic and transcendental equations, vector

integration and calculus of variations.

ITC302 Database Management Systems

Course Description:

The Database Management System (DBMS) is software that enables the users to define, create, maintain

and control the access to the database. It is a software that interact with the user’s applications programs

and it database. The DBMS have the ability to store, update and retrieve the data. This is the main

function of the DBMS because the database can be used if there is any record is being stored into the

database. Another function of the DBMS is the concurrency control services. Database Management

System must ensure that the database is updated correctly because the database can be used by many

multiple users. The DBMS enable many user to access the data concurrently. It have the features which

that can support the updates like batch processing, locking, two-phase locking and the time stamping. The

DBMS function is it has recovery services. It means that if the database is damaged, the database

management system will recover the records and all the information. The data and the records need to

recover and backup so that it will not be permanently lost.

ITC303 Data Structures and Information Representation

Course Description:

These courses covers analysis and design of fundamental data structures and engage learners to use data

structures as tools to algorithmically design efficient computer programs that will cope with the

complexity of actual applications. This course focuses on array-based lists, linked lists, skiplists, hash

tables, recursion, binary trees, scapegoat trees, red–black trees, heaps, sorting algorithms, graphs, and

binary tree. Topics include elementary data structures, (including arrays, stacks, queues, and lists),

advanced data structures (including trees and graphs), the algorithms used to manipulate these structures,

and their application to solving practical engineering problems.

ITC304 Basic Electronics and Logic Design

Course Description: Logic circuit is one that behaves like a switch, i.e. a two-positive devise with ON or OFF states. This is

termed as binary device, in which the ON state is represented by 1 and the OFF state by 0.We require

devising a logic statement which can be expressed in only one of two forms. For instance, as you may

know, computers store information in gigabytes, megabytes, and so on. The fundamental unit of storage is

the bit or binary digit, which is similar to a switch. Like a switch, which has two states on or off, the bit

has two states 1 and 0 (sometimes represented as true and false. We use this abstraction to represent

numbers with the binary number system. In order to perform calculations, the computer manipulates bits

by means of logical operations, which use inputs to yield a particular output based on the input bits’ states.

To explicitly define the logic, we use truth tables which express the outputs in terms of all combinations of

D. Y. Patil Deemed to be University, Navi Mumbai

Department of Information Technology

inputs. This subject describes basics electronic components which are used to construct logic circuits,

different logic gates. It also depicts concept like Boolean algebra, combinational and sequential circuit

construction. Along with hardware description, advanced languages (VHDL) are included.

ITC305 Computer Architecture and Organization

Course Description:

Modern computer technology requires professionals of every computing specialty to understand both

hardware and software. The interaction between hardware and software at a variety of levels also offers a

framework for understanding the fundamentals of computing. Computer architecture is the science and art

of selecting and interconnecting hardware components to create a computer that meets functional,

performance, and cost goals. Computer organization defines the constituent parts of the system, how they

are interconnected, and how they interoperate in order to implement the architectural specification. In this

course, you will learn the basics of hardware components from basic gates to memory and I/O devices,

instruction set architectures and assembly language, and designs to improve performance.

ITL301 Object Oriented Programming

Lab Course Description:

With the growth of Information and Communication Technology, there is a need to develop large and

complex software. Further, those software should be platform independent, Internet enabled, easy to

modify, secure, and robust. To meet this requirement object-oriented paradigm has been developed and

based on this paradigm the Java programming language emerges as the best programming environment.

Now, Java programming language is being used for mobile programming, Internet programming, and

many other applications compatible to distributed systems. This course aims to cover the essential topics

of Java programming so that the participants can improve their skills to cope with the current demand of

IT industries and solve many problems in their own filed of studies.

AUC301 Constitution of India

Course Description:

This course introduces students to the Constitution of India. It begins by providing an overview of the

history of the making of Indian Constitution. It then discusses the preamble and the basic structures of the

Constitution. The fundamental rights, duties and the directive principles of state policy will be discussed

thoroughly, followed by a discussion of the legislature, the executive and the judiciary. Some of the

important sections of the Constitution that have influenced the history of India since independence will

also be taken up for study. These include emergency powers and special provisions. There will also be a

study of the important amendments to the Constitution like the 42nd and 44th amendments and other

amendments like those related to the right to education, panchayati raj and so on.

IV Semester Scheme of Syllabus

B. Tech. in Information Technology

Sr. No.

Semester Course Code

Course Title Hours per week Credits

Lecture Tutorial Practical


ITC401 Engineering Mathematics IV 3 1 4

1 ITC402 Theory of Automata and Formal

Languages 3 1 4

2 ITC403 Operating System 3 2 4

3 ITC404 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 3 2 4

4 ITC405 Information Communication Systems 3 1 4

5 ITL401 Python Programming 4 2

6 AUC401

Audit Course 2: Environmental Studies 2

Total 17 3 8 22

Total Hours 28

Examination Scheme

Sr. No.

Semester Course Code

Course Title Assessment Methods

Test I Test II Average MSE ESE TW Oral/PR ESM Hrs.


1 ITC401 Engineering Mathematics IV 20 20 20 20 60 2 100



ITC402 Theory of Automata and Formal Languages

20 20 20 20 60 2 100

3 ITC403 Operating System 20 20 20 20 60 25 25 2 150

4 ITC404 Design and Analysis of Algorithm 20 20 20 20 60 25 25 2 150

5 ITC405 Information Communication Systems 20 20 20 20 60 2 100

6 ITL401 Python Programming 25 50 75

Total 675

ITC401 Engineering Mathematics- IV

Course Description:

The course discuss the concepts associated with set theory, propositions, predicate calculus, relations and

functions, permutations, combinations, discrete probability, conditional probability and their applications.

It elaborates the concepts and terminologies associated with graph theory. It describe recurrence relations

and the methods to find out their solutions. This course present the concepts of groups & rings

ITC402 Theory of Automata and Formal Languages

Course Description:

The course introduces some fundamental concepts in automata theory and formal languages including

grammar, finite automaton, regular expression, formal language, pushdown automaton, and Turing

machine. Not only do they form basic models of computation, they are also the foundation of many

branches of computer science, e.g. compilers, software engineering, concurrent systems, etc. The

properties of these models will be studied and various rigorous techniques for analyzing and comparing

them will be discussed, by using both formalism and examples.

ITC403 Operating System

Course Objectives:

This course will introduce the core concepts of operating systems, such as processes and threads,

scheduling, synchronization, memory management, file systems, input and output device management and

security. The course will consist of assigned reading, weekly lectures, a midterm and final exam, and a

sequence of programming assignments. The goal of the readings and lectures is to introduce the core

concepts. The goal of the programming assignments is to give students some exposure to operating system

code. Students are expected to read the assigned materials prior to each class, and to participate in in-class


ITC404 Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Course Description:

Algorithms are the soul of computing. Algorithmic thinking, unlike the very young electronic machinery it

brings alive, is rooted in ancient mathematics. It can be roughly described as creating "recipes" (well

defined sequences of computational steps) for getting "things" (computational problems specifying an

input-output relation) "successfully" (correctly) "done" (in finite steps and time). This course introduces

basic methods for the design and analysis of efficient algorithms emphasizing methods useful in practice.

Different algorithms for a given computational task are presented and their relative merits evaluated based

on performance measures. The following important computational problems will be discussed: sorting,

searching, elements of dynamic programming and greedy algorithms, advanced data structures, graph

algorithms (shortest path, spanning trees, and tree traversals), string matching, elements of computational

geometry, NP completeness.

D. Y. Patil Deemed to be University, Navi Mumbai

Department of Information Technology

ITC405 Information Communication Systems

Course Description:

Information Communication System is a system model describes a communication exchanges between

two stations, transmitter and receiver. Signals or information’s passes from source to distention through

what is called channel, which represents a way that signal use it to move from source toward

destination. To transmit signals in communication system, it must be first processed by several stages,

beginning from signal representation, to signal shaping until encoding and modulation. After preparing

the transmitted signal, it passed to the transmission line of channel and due signal crossing this media it

faces many impairments such noise, attenuation and distortion. This syllabus gives brief concepts about

different signal modulation and demodulation techniques and also provides an idea about

communication system impairments with an example for each one. The syllabus also provides an

introduction to data communication with simple ideas of data processing and basic idea of information

theory and coding.

ITL401 Python Programming

Course Description: This course is an introduction to both fundamental programming concepts and the Python programming

language. It is a widely used general-purpose, high level programming language. It was designed with an

emphasis on code readability, and its syntax allows programmers to express their concepts in fewer lines

of code. It lets you to work quickly and integrate systems more efficiently. This course covers Basics of

Python programming, Decision Making and Functions, Object Oriented Programming, Files Handling,

GUI Programming and Databases operations.

AUC401 Environmental Studies

Course Description:

Environmental studies is a multidisciplinary academic field which systematically studies human

interaction with the environment. Environmental studies connects principles from the physical sciences,

commerce/economics, and social sciences to address complex contemporary environmental issues. It is a

broad field of study that includes the natural environment, the built environment, and the relationship

between them. The field encompasses study in basic principles of ecology and environmental science, as

well as associated subjects such as ethics, geography, anthropology, policy, politics, urban planning, law,

economics, philosophy, sociology and social justice, planning, pollution control and natural resource


V Semester Scheme of Syllabus

B. Tech. in Information Technology

Sr. No.

Semester Course Code

Course Title Hours per week Credits

Lecture Tutorial Practical



ITC501 Software Engineering 3 2 4

2 ITC502 Compiler Design 3 1 4

3 ITC503 Information Security and Privacy 3 2 4

4 ITC504 Computer Networks 3 2 4

5 ITL501

Business Communication and Ethics 4 2

6 ITC505 Web Programming 3 2 4

Total 15 1 12 22

Total Hours 28 Examination


Sr. No.

Semester Course Code

Course Title Assessment Methods

Test I Test II Average MSE ESE TW Oral/PR ESM Hrs.




ITC501 Software Engineering 20 20 20 20 60 25 25 2 150

2 ITC502 Compiler Design 20 20 20 20 60 2 100

3 ITC503 Information Security and Privacy 20 20 20 20 60 25 25 2 150

4 ITC504 Computer Networks 20 20 20 20 60 25 25 2 150

5 ITL501 Business Communication and Ethics 25 50 75

6 ITC505 Web Programming 20 20 20 20 60 25 25 2 150

Total 775

ITC501 Software Engineering

Course Description:

This course covers the fundamentals of software engineering, including understanding system

requirements, finding appropriate engineering compromises, effective methods of design, analysis, coding,

and testing, team software development, and the application of engineering tools. The course provides a

strong technical focus on software engineering knowledge, skills, and practices in a realistic development


ITC502 Compiler Design

Course Description:

This course discuss the major ideas used today in the implementation of programming language

compilers, including lexical analysis, parsing, syntax-directed translation, abstract syntax trees, types and

type checking, intermediate languages, dataflow analysis, program optimization, code generation, and

runtime systems. As a result, you will learn how a program written in a high-level language designed for

humans is systematically translated into a program written in low-level assembly more suited to machines.

Along the way we will also touch on how programming languages are designed, programming language

semantics, and why there are so many different kinds of programming languages.

ITC503 Information Security and Privacy

Course Description:

This course provides fundamental exploration of information security and privacy. It introduces students

to the knowledge and tools they will need to deal with the security/privacy challenges. The course will

look at the security & privacy policies, models and mechanisms related to confidentiality, integrity,

authentication, identification, and availability issues related to information and information systems. The

topics will covered include basics of cryptography and network security, risk management, security

assurance and secure design principles. Issues such as organizational security policy, legal and ethical

issues in security, standards and methodologies for security evaluation and certification will also be


ITC504 Computer Networks

Course Description:

Computer Networks aims at providing a sound conceptual foundation with emphasis on the design aspects

while adopting combination of the systems and top-down approaches. The course attempts to provide a

balanced treatment of the fundamental concepts as well the relevant state-of-the-art in the area. At the end

of this course, students should be able to analyze, design and build simple networks and internetworks

apart from acquiring due conceptual understanding of the popular TCP/IP Network Architecture

D. Y. Patil Deemed to be University, Navi Mumbai

Department of Information Technology

ITL501 Business Communication and Ethics

Course Description:

This course gives students a comprehensive review and in-depth analysis of the many roles

communication fills in modern organizational life. We focus on several specific communication roles,

processes, and policies that impact organizational practices and that promote desirable outcomes for both

individuals and the organization as a whole. We start with a basic model of and purpose for organizational

communications, and then discuss it’s the personal and relational aspects. Next, we review the impacts

process, culture, leadership, and media has on organizational communications. We conclude by

discussing organizational development and communication between organizations.

ITC505 Web Programming

Course Description:

This course provides an introduction of web-development techniques that use HTML, CSS and JavaScript

as a web development essentials including database connectivity (JDBC), Basics of PHP, Basics of Java

for Web Development and Basics of Asp.Net as an advanced technique of web programming.

VI Semester Scheme of Syllabus B. Tech. in Information Technology

Sr. No.

Semester Course Code

Course Title Hours per week Credits

Lecture Tutorial Practical



ITDLO6107 Cyber Security 3 2 4

2 ITDLO6208 Digital Forensics 3 2 4

3 ITDLO6309 Ethical Hacking 3 2 4

4 ITDLO64xx Technical Elective I 3 2 4

5 ILO6xx Open Elective I 3 3

6 ITL601 Mini Project I 6 3

Total 15 0 14 22

Total Hours 29

Examination Scheme

Sr. No.

Semester Course Code

Course Title Assessment Methods

Test I Test II Average MSE ESE TW Oral/PR ESM Hrs.




ITDLO6107 Cyber Security 20 20 20 20 60 25 25 2 150

2 ITDLO6208 Digital Forensics 20 20 20 20 60 25 25 2 150

3 ITDLO6309 Ethical Hacking 20 20 20 20 60 25 25 2 150

4 ITDLO64xx Technical Elective I 20 20 20 20 60 25 25 2 150

5 ILO6xx Open Elective I 20 20 20 20 60 2 100

6 ITL601 Mini Project I 25 50 75

Total 775

(IT DLO) Technical Elective 1 ( ILO Sem 6 ) Open Electives

(ITDLO6413) Computer Graphics (ILO601) Project Management

(ITDLO6414) Software Testing and Quality Assurance

(ILO602) Cyber and Data Laws

(ITDLO6415) Artificial Intelligence

ITDLO6107 Cyber Security

Course Description:

Cyber Security is the body of technologies, processes, and practices designed to protect networks,

computers, and data from attack, damage, and unauthorized access. Cyber security courses teach

professionals to spot vulnerabilities, fend off attacks, and immediately respond to emergencies.

ITDLO6208 Digital Forensics

Course Description: Digital forensics involves the investigation of computer-related crimes with the goal

of obtaining evidence to be presented in a court of law. In this subject, student will learn about the

principles and techniques for digital forensics investigation and the spectrum of available computer

forensics tools. Student will learn about core forensics procedures to ensure court admissibility of

evidence, as well as the legal and ethical implications. Student will learn how to perform a forensic

investigation on both Unix/Linux and Windows systems with different file systems. Student also be

guided through forensic procedures and review and analyze forensics reports.

ITDLO6309 Ethical Hacking

Course Description:

This course will provide fundamentals of the tools and techniques used by hackers and information

security professionals alike to break into an organization. As we put it, “To beat a hacker, you need to

think like a hacker”. This course will immerse you into the Hacker Mindset so that you will be able to

defend against future attacks. It puts you in the driver’s seat of a hands-on environment with a systematic

ethical hacking process. Course will give overview of how to scan, test, hack and secure your own

systems thought the Five Phases of Ethical Hacking include Reconnaissance, Gaining Access,

Enumeration, Maintaining Access, and covering your tracks.

ITDLO6413 Computer Graphics


Computer graphics is the discipline of generating images with the aid of computers. Computer graphics is

responsible for displaying art and image data effectively and meaningfully to the consumer. It is also used

for processing image data received from the physical world. The emphasis is on creating a working

graphics system from the ground up, but modern protocols and applications are also discussed and


D. Y. Patil Deemed to be University, Navi Mumbai

Department of Information Technology

ITDLO6414 Software Testing and Quality Assurance

Course Description: Software Testing is to test a product for problems before the product goes live. It involves activities

related to the implementation of processes, procedures, and standards. This course introduces basic

concepts of software testing, understand white box, block box, object oriented, web based and cloud

testing, and also details automation testing and tools used for automation testing. Software Quality

Assurance is about engineering process that ensures quality. In this course, the importance of software

quality and assurance software systems development has been covered.


Course Description:

What does automatic scheduling or autonomous driving have in common with web search, speech

recognition, and machine translation? These are complex real-world problems that span across various

practices of engineering! Aim of artificial intelligence (AI) is to tackle these problems with rigorous

mathematical tools. The objective of this course is to present an overview of the principles and practices

of AI to address such complex real-world problems. The course is designed to develop a basic

understanding of problem solving, knowledge representation, reasoning and learning methods of AI.

ILO601 Project Management

Course Description:

This course develops a foundation of concepts and solutions that supports the planning, scheduling,

controlling, resource allocation, and performance measurement, closing activities required for successful

completion of a project. It explains organizational structures in which projects are executed and the

importance of qualitative and quantitative analysis tools.

ILO602 Cyber and Data Laws

Course Description: This Course gives Introduction to the Cyber World and Cyber Law, Regulatory Framework such as

International Legal Regime, International legal regime relating to E-Commerce and Domestic Legal

Regime. What is Cybercrime, Kinds of cybercrimes and relevant provisions under Information

Technology Act 2000 Indian Penal Code. Also addresses the Important Issues in Global E-commerce,

Issues relating to Access, Trust, Privacy and Security, Consumer Protection and so on.

VII Semester Scheme of Syllabus B. Tech. in Information Technology

Sr. No.

Semester Course Code

Course Title Hours per week Credits

Lecture Tutorial Practical



ITDLO7110 Incidence Response 3 2 4

2 ITDLO7211

Vulnerability Discovery and

Exploits 3 2 4

3 ITDLO7312 AI for Cybersecurity 3 2 4

4 ITDLO74xx Technical Elective II 3 2 4

5 ILO7xx Open Elective II 3 3

6 ITL701 Mini Project II 6 3

Total 15 0 14 22

Total Hours 29

Examination Scheme Sr.

No. Semester

Course Code

Course Title Assessment Methods

Test I Test II Average MSE ESE TW Oral/PR ESM Hrs. Total



ITDLO7110 Incidence Response 20 20 20 20 60 25 25 2 150

2 ITDLO7211 Vulnerability Discovery and

Exploits 20 20 20 20 60 25 25 2 150

3 ITDLO7312 AI for Cybersecurity 20 20 20 20 60 25 25 2 150

4 ITDLO74xx Technical Elective II 20 20 20 20 60 25 25 2 150

5 ILO7xx Open Elective 2 20 20 20 20 60 2 100

6 ITL701 Mini Project II 25 50 75

Total 775

(IT DLO) Technical Elective 2 ( ILO Sem 7 ) Open Electives

(ITDLO7416) Virtual and Augmented Reality (ILO701) Intellectual Property Rights

(ITDLO7417) Operations Research (ILO702) Entrepreneurship and Business Management

(ITDLO7418) User Interface Design

ITDLO7110 Incident Response

Course Description:

While most people think of a security breach when computer incidents are mentioned, there are many types

of computer incidents. Each incident has the potential to cause data loss or service outage. Businesses need to

be aware of how best to protect themselves through the development of incident response policy as well as

operational procedures to handle and analyze these incidents. At the top level is the incident response policy,

and understanding how to develop and maintain such a policy is critical. Incident response team development

and management, evidence handling, and the technical skills necessary to locate appropriate evidence are


ITDLO7211 Vulnerability Discovery & Exploit Development

Course Description:

The course is designed to turn the student into high-level security expert and to fully prepare them for

working as vulnerability researcher. Participants will learn how to find critical vulnerabilities on different

platforms and exploit them, and will be given practical skills in core subjects of cyber security. The course

includes immersive hands-on exercise, via online labs, where participants will practice what they have

studied during each day

ITDLO7312 Artificial Intelligence for Cyber security

Course Description:

Artificial intelligence has emerged as a great solution for building smarter and safer security systems that

allow you to predict and detect suspicious network activity, such as phishing or unauthorized intrusions. This

cyber security course presents and demonstrates popular and successful AI approaches and models that you

can adapt to detect potential attacks and protect your corporate systems. The leaner will learn about the role

of machine learning and neural networks, as well as deep learning in cyber security, and you'll also learn how

you can infuse AI capabilities into building smart defensive mechanisms. As you advance, the leaner will be

able to apply these strategies across a variety of applications, including spam filters, network intrusion

detection, botnet detection, and secure authentication.

ITDLO7416 Augmented and Virtual Reality

Course Description:

Both Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality enhance the ability to change our perception of looking at the

world. Virtual reality is a complete immersion experience where users are completely transported into real

world and imaginary environments. Augmented Reality on the other hand, adds digital elements to the

current reality by using a smartphone camera.

D. Y. Patil Deemed to be University, Navi Mumbai

Department of Information Technology

ITDLO7417 Operations Research

Course Description:

Operations Research deals with modelling, analysis and solution to real life problems. This course will focus

on mathematical modelling and will use deterministic and probability techniques for optimization and

decision making. Linear and Integer Programming techniques will be introduced. At the end of the course,

students will have the skills to build their own formulations, to expand existing formulations, to critically

evaluate the impact of model assumptions and to choose an appropriate solution technique for solving real

world problems.

ITDLO7418 User Interface Design

Course Description:

Human-computer interaction is an emerging field of study at present, due to the proliferation of large number

of consumer electronic products. The key issue in this field is to make the products usable to lay-persons. In

order to do that, we need to take care of the (creative) design aspects (the look-and-feel of the interface) and

also the system design aspect (both software and hardware). The field is interdisciplinary with inputs

required from various other fields. However, the computer science and engineering plays the central role in

the design of such systems (as per SIGCHI of ACM). In this course, we will introduce the engineering and

computational issues in the design of human-computer interfaces for laypersons. The topics covered in the

course includes the engineering life cycles for design of interactive systems, computational design

framework (as part of the life cycle), components of the framework including the computational models of

users and systems, and evaluation of such systems (with or without users).

ILO701 Intellectual Property Rights

Course Description:

This course introduces fundamental aspects of Intellectual property Rights to students who are going to play

a major role in development and management of innovative projects in industries. Students will learn about

patents, patent regime in India and abroad and registration aspects. It disseminates knowledge on copyrights

and trademarks and their related rights and registration aspects. It will generate awareness about current

trends in IPR and Govt. steps in fostering IPR

ILO702 Entrepreneurship and Business Management

Course Description:

This course starts with ideation and dwells on the full life cycle of converting ideas to a start-up. It explains

the importance of Business plan and financial detailing required at various stages. The various alternatives

for raising funding capitals and facilities required for incubation are discussed. The course will expose the

students to the qualities required for an entrepreneurial stint and expose them to the tools and techniques


VIII Semester Scheme of Syllabus

B. Tech. in Information Technology with specialization in Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics


No. Semester


Code Course Title

Hours per week Credits

Lecture Tutorial Practical

1 VIII ITL801 Project/Internship 36 12

Total 12

Examination Scheme


No. Semester


Code Course Title


Report I









1 VIII ITL801 Project/Internship 25 75 200 300

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