awesome historical weapons – part v

Post on 08-Aug-2015






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  1. 1. Used by the United States, the Royal Air Force, and the Italian Air Force, these drones are becoming increasingly common for both combat and recon operations.
  2. 2. Launched from a submarine, this missile contains eight thermonuclear warheads. Thats bad news for anybody even remotely near the target.
  3. 3. The difference between the previous entry and this Russian missile are the number of warheads that it can carry and the fact that it is normally launched from dry land. With its massive payload this ICBM wouldnt have much trouble initiating a nuclear
  4. 4. Nuclear bombs and lasers are scary and powerful, no doubt about that. But as they say theres more than one way to skin a cat, and if youre going for slow, mentally devastating destruction sometimes launching the diseased riddled bodies of prisoners that youve executed back over the city walls is the most sadistic way to go about decimating a population.
  5. 5. s we just said, being able to destroy an entire city in less than a second with the push of a button is one way to measure destructive power, but being able to selectively and slowly decimate a population with disease and infection is so unconventionally brutal that it has to top the list.
  6. 6. most-powerful- weapons-in-history/

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