avinu malkeinu, be gracious and answer us,… · avinu malkeinu, be gracious and answer us, for we...

Post on 26-Jan-2021






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  • Avinu Malkeinu, be gracious and answer us,for we have little merit.  Treat us generously

    and with kindness, and be our help

    This is an uncomfortable moment for the Jewish world in the midst of an un-comfortable moment for the entire world.  We should be together; we should be sitting with friends and acquaintances on our beautiful campus, singing together and praying together.  To be at home, with only the loved ones in our ‘bubble,’ is unlike any Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur we’ve ever known.

    Some months ago, when we realized that being together for the Holy Days would not be possible, we began preparing to celebrate in a different format.  To that end, we produced online worship experiences for Erev Rosh Hashanah, Rosh Hashanah Morning, Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur Morning.  You may notice some unusual staging and camera shots.  The reason is that we filmed these services adhering to the strictest COVID19 safety protocols.

    In an effort to bring you a more intimate experience, we created this unique com-panion booklet that contains most of the prayers, readings and Torah portions for the Holy Days.  As you watch the services, you’ll see on-screen graphics that will direct you to the page in this book that corresponds to the prayer on screen.  In addition, this companion booklet is also our Book of Remembrance.  

    Nothing about the Holy Days this year is as it should be.  The pandemic has made it impossible to conduct the most important Jewish ritual:  being together.  Yet, the themes of the Holy Days force us to re-imagine the world not as it is but as it ought to be.  Thus, although we cannot be together at this moment, let us imagine how it will be when we again can join together in prayer on our campus. Let us hope that the pandemic will allow us to cherish even more the wonder of the Jew-ish community, of being together with family when it returns -- and it will return.  

    May your New Year be filled with blessing and hope.  And, let us say, ‘Next Year in Tarzana!’

    Shanah Tovah u’metukah,

    Rabbi Joshua M. Aaronson

    F r o m t h e d e s k o f R a b b i A a r o n s o n

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    1. God Prepare MeGod prepare me / to be a sanctuary / pure and holy / tried and true.With Thanksgiving / I’ll be a living / sanctuary / for You.

    Kol hanshamah, t’hallel Yah, halleluyah, halleluyah!

    2. Kol Nidreָרנא ַעל ַנְפָ ָׁשֽתָ נא ְּוַדֲאִחרְיָמנא ְּוָדַאֽסְ ָרנא ְּוִדְאַׁשַּתּֽבְעָ , ְִּדַנֽדְ ָ ּכל ְִנֵדרי ֱֶוָאֵסרי ֲַוָחֵרמי ְוֹוָקֵנמי ְִוכּנֵּויי ְִוקנֵּוסי ְּוׁשבּועֹות

    ְרט ָנא ְבהֹון, ֻּכְּלֹוהן ְיֹוהן ָָׁשרן, ְׁש ִבי ֽלינּו ְלטָֹובה, ֻּכְּלהֹון ֲִאַחֽ ִ נא, ִמּיֹום ִּכּפִּורים ֶזה ַעד יֹום ִּכּפִּורים ַָהּבא ָעֵנא ָלא ְׁשבעּוֹות ֽתָ ָרנא ָלא ֱָאֵסרי, ּו ְׁשבעָּוָ ָרנא ָלא ְִנֵדרי, ֱֶוָאָסֽ קין :ְִׁשבִיתין, ְֵּבִטלין ְּוֻמָבִּטלין, ָלא ְִׁשרִירין ְָולא ַָקִּימין. ְִנָדֽ

    All vows - resolves and commitments, vows of abstinence and terms of obligation, sworn promises and oaths of dedication - that we promise and swear to God, and take upon ourselves from this Day of Atonement until next Day of Atonement, may it find us well: we regret them and for all of them we repent. Let all of them be discarded and forgiven, abolished and undone; they are not valid and they are not binding. Our vows shall not be vows; our resolves shall not be resolves; and our oaths - they shall not be oaths.

    3. Candle lightingםֹוּי / בֹוט םֹוי ]לֶׁשְו תָּבַׁש[ לֶׁש רֵנ קיִלְדַהְל ּונָּֽוִצְו ויָתֹוְצִמְּב ּונָֽׁשְּדִק רֶׁשֲא םָלֹועָה Mֶלֶֽמ ּוניֵֽהWֱא הָוֹהְי הָּתַא Mּורָּב :םיִרּוּפיִּכַה

    Baruch atah, Adonai, Eloheinu melech haolam, asher kid’shanu b’mitzvotav, v’tzivanu l’hadlik ner shel [Shabbat v’shel] Yom Tov / Yom HaKippurim.

    Blessed are You, Eternal our God, Sovereign of the Universe, who sanctified us with commandments and commanded us to kindle the lights of [Shabbat and] Yom Tov / the Day of Atonement.

    4. Shehecheyanu :הֶּזַה ןַמְזַל ּונָֽעיִּגִהְו ּונָֽמְּיִקְו ּונָֽיֱחֶהֶׁש םָלֹועָה Mֶלֶֽמ ּוניֵֽהWֱא הָוֹהְי הָּתַא Mּורָּב

    Baruch atah, Adonai, Eloheinu melech haolam, shehecheyanu v’kiy’manu v’higianu laz’man hazeh.

    Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Sovereign of the Universe, for giving us life, for sustaining us, and for bringing us to this season.

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    5. Mah Tovu :לֵאָרְׂשִי }יֶֽתֹנְּכְׁשִמ בֹקֲעַי }יֶֽלָהֹא ּובֹּֽט הַמ :}ֶֽתָאְרִיְּב }ְׁשְדָק־לַכיֵה לֶא הֶוֲחַּתְׁשֶא }ֶֽתיֵב אֹובָא }ְּדְסַח בֹרְּב יִנֲאַו :יִׂשֹע הָוֹהְי יֵנְפִל הָכְרְבֶא הָעָֽרְכֶאְו הֶוֲחַּתְׁשֶא יִנֲאַו :}ֶֽדֹובְּכ ןַּכְׁשִמ םֹוקְמּו }ֶֽתיֵּב ןֹועְמ יִּתְבַֽהָא הָוֹהְי :}ֶֽעְׁשִי תֶמֱאֶּב יִנֵֽנֲע }ֶּֽדְסַח־בָרְּב םיִהWֱא ןֹוצָר תֵע הָוֹהְי }ְל־יִתָּלִפְת יִנֲאַו

    Mah-tovu ohalecha, Yaakov; mishk’notecha, Yisrael! How beautiful are your tents, Ya’akov, your dwelling places, Yisrael! In Your great love, let me enter Your house, to pray - awestruck - in Your holy place. Your kindness has led me to Your house; here I will honor You I pray to You, God, that this may be a good time for our meeting. Out of Your great love, let me perceive Your truth, and find Your help. 6. Return Again

    :םֶדֶֽקְּכ ּוניֵֽמָי ׁשֵּדַח הָבּוֽׁשָנְו }יֶֽלֵא הָוֹהְי ּונֵֽביִׁשֲהReturn again, return again,

    return to the land of your soul.

    Return to who you are, return to what you are, return to where you are born and reborn...

    7. Elohai Neshama

    .יִּבְרִקְּב ּהָרְּמַׁשְמ הָּתַאְו יִּב ּהָּתְחַפְנ הָּתַא ּהָּתְרַצְי הָּתַא ּהָתאָרְב הָּתַא .איִה הָרֹוהְט יִּב ָּתַֽתָּנֶׁש הָמָׁשְנ ,יַהWֱאElohai, n’shamah shenatata bi - t’horah hi. Atah v’ratah, atah y’tzartah, atah n’fachtah bi, v’atah m’sham’rah b’kirbi. My God, the soul You have given me is pure. You created it. You shaped it. You breathed it into me. You keep it safe within me. 8. Psalm 150 / Halleluyah

    :ֹולְדֻּג בֹרְּכ ּוהּוֽלְלַה ויָתֹרּובְגִּב ּוהּוֽלְלַה :ֹוּזֻע ַעיִֽקְרִּב ּוהּוֽלְלַה ֹוׁשְדָקְּב לֵא־ּולְלַֽה ּהָיּולְלַה :בָגֻעְו םיִּנִמְּב ּוהּוֽלְלַה לֹוחָמּו ףֹתְּב ּוהּוֽלְלַה :רֹוּנִכְו לֶבֵֽנְּב ּוהּוֽלְלַה רָפֹוׁש עַקֵֽתְּב ּוהּוֽלְלַה :ּהָיּולְלַה ּהָי לֵּלַהְּת הָמָׁשְּנַה לֹּכ :ּהָיּולְלַה ּהָי לֵּלַהְּת הָמָׁשְּנַה לֹּכ :הָעּורְת יֵלְצְלִצְּב ּוהּוֽלְלַה עַמָֽׁש־יֵלְצְלִצְב ּוהּוֽלְלַה

    Hallelujah! Praise God in God’s sanctuary; praise God in the sky, God’s stronghold. Praise God for mighty acts; praise God for God’s exceeding greatness.

    Praise God with blasts of the horn; praise God with harp and lyre. Praise God with timbrel and dance; praise God with lute and pipe.

    Praise God with resounding cymbals; praise God with loud-clashing cymbals. Let all that breathes praise Adonai. Hallelujah!

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    9. Bar'chu :Mָרֹבְמַה הָוֹהְי תֶא ּוכְרָּב

    Bar’chu et Adonai hamvorach. Bless the Eternal, the Blessed One.

    :דֶעָו םָלֹועְל Mָרֹבְמַה הָוֹהְי MּורָּבBaruch Adonai hamvorach l’olam va-ed

    Blessed is the Eternal, the Blessed One, now and forever.

    Am I awake? Am I prepared? Are You listening to my prayer? Can You hear my voice? Can You understand? Am I awake - am I prepared?

    10. Ahavat Olam ּונֵֽבְכָׁשְּב ּוניֵֽהWֱא הָוֹהְי ןֵּכ לַע .ָּתְדַּֽמִל ּונָֽתֹוא םיִטָּפְׁשִמּו םיִּקֻח תֹוְצִמּו הָרֹוּת ָּתְבָֽהָא }ְּמַע לֵאָרְׂשִי תיֵּב םָלֹוע תַבֲהַא םָמֹוי הֶּגְהֶנ םֶהָבּו ּוניֵֽמָי Mֶרֹֽאְו ּוניֵּֽיַח םֵה יִּכ .דֶעָו םָלֹועְל }יֶֽתֹוְצִמְבּו }ֶֽתָרֹוּת יֵרְבִדְּב חַמְׂשִנְו }יֶּֽקֻחְּב ַחיִֽׂשָנ ּונֵֽמּוקְבּו :לֵאָרְׂשִי ֹוּמַע בֵהֹוא הָוֹהְי הָּתַא Mּורָּב .םיִמָלֹועְל ּוּנֶּֽמִמ ריִסָּת לַא }ְתָבֲהַאְו .הָלְיָֽלָו

    Everlasting love You offered Your people Israel by teaching us Torah and mitzvot, laws and precepts. Therefore, Adonai our God, when we lie down and when we rise up we will meditate on Your laws and Your commandments. We will rejoice in Your Torah for ever. Day and night we will reflect on them for they are our life and doing them lengthens our days. Never remove Your love from us. Blessed are You, Adonai, who loves Your people, Israel. 11. Sh’ma

    :דָחֶא הָוֹהְי ּוניֵֽהWֱא הָוֹהְי לֵאָרְׂשִי עַמְׁשSh’ma, Yisrael: Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai echad! Listen, Israel: Adonai is our God, Adonai is One!

    :דֶעָו םָלֹועְל ֹותּוכְלַמ דֹובְּכ םֵׁש Mּורָּב

    Baruch shem k’vod malchuto l’olam va-ed Blessed is God’s glorious majesty forever and ever.

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    12. V’ahavta ־לַע םֹוּ֖יַה ֛}ְּוַצְמ יִ֧כֹנָא רֶׁ֨שֲא הֶּלֵ֗אָה םיִ֣רָבְּדַה ּו֞יָהְו ׃}ֶֽדֹאְמ־לָכְבּו ֖}ְׁשְפַנ־לָכְבּו ֥}ְבָבְל־לָכְּב }יֶ֑הWֱא הָ֣והְי תֵ֖א ָּ֔תְבַהָ֣אְו ּו֥יָהְו }ֶ֑דָי־לַע תֹו֖אְל םָּ֥תְרַׁשְקּו ׃}ֶֽמּוקְבּו ֖}ְּבְכָׁשְבּֽו Mֶרֶּ֔דַב ֣}ְּתְכֶלְבּו ֙}ֶ֙תיֵבְּב ֤}ְּתְבִׁשְּב םָּ֑ב ָּ֖תְרַּבִדְו }יֶ֔נָבְל םָּ֣תְנַּנִׁשְו ׃}ֶֽבָבְל םיִׁ֖שֹדְק םֶ֥תיִיְהִו יָ֑תֹוְצִמ־לָּכ־תֶא םֶ֖תיִׂשֲעַו ּו֔רְּכְזִּת ןַעַ֣מְל ׃}יֶֽרָעְׁשִבּו }ֶ֖תיֵּב תֹ֥זּוזְמ־לַע םָּ֛תְבַתְכּו ׃}יֶֽניֵע ןיֵּ֥ב תֹ֖פָטֹטְל ׃םֶֽכיֵהWֱא הָ֥והְי יִ֖נֲא םיִ֑הWאֵל םֶ֖כָל תֹו֥יְהִל םִיַ֔רְצִמ ץֶרֶ֣אֵמ ֙םֶכְתֶא יִתאֵ֤צֹוה רֶׁ֨שֲא םֶ֗כיֵהWֱֽא הָ֣והְי יִ֞נֲא ׃םֶֽכיֵהWאֵֽל

    V’ahavta et Adonai Elohecha - b’chol l’vav’cha, uvchol nafsh’cha, uvchol m’odecha. V’hayu had’varim ha-eileh asher anochi m’tzav’cha hayom al-l’vavecha. V’shinantam l’vanecha v’dibarta bam b’shivt’cha b’veitecha, uvlecht’cha vaderech, uvshochb’cha uvkumecha. Ukshartam l’ot al-yadecha; v’hayu l’totafot bein einecha; uchtavtam al-m’zuzot beitecha uvisharecha. L’maan tizk’ru vaasitem et-kol-mitzvotai viyitem k’doshim l’Eloheichem. Ani, Adonai, Eloheichem, asher hotzeiti et-chem mei-eretz Mitzrayim liyot lachem l’Elohim - ani Adonai Eloheichem. And you shall love Adonai. With all your soul and all your might and teach these words through day and night to all your children, for it’s their right and wear them proudly as a sign upon your hand and as a crown above your eyes and you shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates throughout all time

    13. Mi Chamocha

    הֶז הֶׁשמ יֵנְפִל םָי ַעֵֽקֹוּב }יֶֽנָב ּואָר }ְתּוכְלַמ :אֶלֶפ הֵׂשֹֽע תüִהְת אָרֹונ ׁשֶדֹּֽקַּב רָּדְאֶנ הָכֹֽמָּכ יִמ הָוֹהְי םִלֵאָּב הָכֹֽמָכ יִמ לַאָּג הָוֹהְי הָּתַא Mּורָּב .ּוּנֶּֽמִמ קָזָח דַּיִמ ֹולָאְגּו בֹקֲעַי תֶא הָוֹהְי הָדָפ יִּכ רַמֱאֶנְו :דֶעָו םָלֹעְל WMְמִי הָוֹהְי :ּורְמָאְו ּונָע יִלֵא :לֵאָרְׂשִי

    Mi-chamocha ba-eilim, Adonai? Mi kamocha - nedar bakodesh, nora t’hilot, oseih fele? Of all that is worshiped, is there another like You? Maker of wonders, who is like You -

    in holiness sublime, evoking awe and praise? When Your children saw Your sovereign might - the splitting of the sea before Moses -

    they responded, “This is my God!” And they said, “The Eternal will reign till the end of time.”

    As it is written: “Adonai will save Jacob, and redeem him from one stronger than himself.” Blessed are You, Eternal One, who redeemed Israel.

    14. V’Shamru

    .םָלֹעְל איִה תֹוא לֵאָרְׂשִי יֵנְּב ןיֵבּו יִניֵּב :םָלֹוע תיִרְּב םָתֹרֹדְל תָּבַּׁשַה־תֶא תֹוׂשֲעַל .תָּבַּׁשַה־תֶא לֵאָרְׂשִי־יֵנְב ּורְמָׁשְו :ׁשַפָּנִּיַו תַבָׁש יִעיִבְּׁשַה םֹוּיַבּו ץֶרָֽאָה־תֶאְו םִיַֽמָּׁשַה־תֶא הָוֹהְי הָׂשָע םיִמָי תֶׁשֵֽׁש־יִּכ

    Let all Israel keep Shabbat and celebrate Shabbat for all generations as an everlasting covenant. It is a sign forever - a bond between Me and Israel - that in six days, the Eternal One made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day, God rested and was refreshed.

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    15. Adonai S’fatai :}ֶֽתָּלִהְּת דיִּגַי יִפּו חָּתְפִּת יַתָפְׂש ,יָנֹדֲא

    Adonai, s’fatai tiftach, ufi yagid t’hilatecha. Adonai, open my lips, that my mouth may declare Your praise.

    16. Avot

    יֵהWֱא ,הָרָׂש יֵהWֱא ,בֹקֲעַי יֵהWאֵו ,קָחְצִי יֵהWֱא ,םָהָרְבַא יֵהWֱא ,ּוניֵתֹוּמִאְו ּוניֵֽתֹובֲא יֵהWאֵו ּוניֵֽהWֱא הָוֹהְי ,הָּתַא Mּורָּב רֵכֹוזְו ,לֹּכַה הֵנֹוקְו ,םיִבֹוט םיִדָסֲח לֵמֹוּג .ןֹויְלֶע לֵא ,אָרֹוּנַהְו רֹוּבִּגַה ,לֹודָּגַה לֵאָה :הָאֵל יֵהWאֵו ,לֵחָר יֵהWֱא ,הָקְבִר ּונֵֽבְתָכְו ,םיִּיַחַּב ץֵפָח fֶלֶֽמ ,םיִּיַחְל ּונֵֽרְכָז :הָבֲהַאְּב ֹומְׁש ןַעַֽמְל ,םֶהיֵנְב יֵנְבִל הָּלֻאְּג איִבֵמּו ,תֹוהָּמִאְו תֹובָא יֵדְסַח :הָרָׂש תַרְזֶעְו םָהָרְבַא ןֵגָמ ,הָוֹהְי ,הָּתַא Mּורָּב .ןֵגָמּו ַעיִֽׁשֹומּו רֵזֹוע Mֶלֶֽמ :םיִּיַח םיִהsֱא pְנַעַמְל ,םיִּיַחַה רֶפֵֽסְּב

    Baruch atah, Adonai, Eloheinu v’Elohei avoteinu v’imoteinu: Elohei Avraham, Elohei Yitzchak, v’Elohei Yaakov; Elohei Sarah, Elohei Rivkah, Elohei Rachel, v’Elohei Leah; haEl hagadol hagibor v’hanora, El elyon, gomeil chasadim tovim, v’koneih hakol - v’zocheir chadei avot v’imahot, umeivi g’ulah livnei v’neihem, l’maan sh’mo b’ahavah. Zochreinu l’chayim, Melech chafeitz bachayim. V’chotveinu b’sefer hachayim, l’maancha, Elohim chayim. Melech ozeir umoshia umagein - Baruch atah, Adonai, magein Avraham v’ezrat Sarah. Blessed are You, Adonai, our God and the God of our fathers and mothers; God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and God of Jacob; God of Sarah, God of Rebecca, God of Rachel, and God of Leah; exalted God, dynamic in power, inspiring awe, God sublime, Creator of all - yet You offer us kindness, recall the loving deeds of our fathers and mothers, and bring redemption to their children’s children, acting in love for the sake of Your name. Remember us for life, sovereign God who treasures life. Inscribe us in the Book of Life, for Your sake, God of life. Sovereign of salvation, Pillar of protection - Blessed are You, Adonai, Shield of Abraham, Sustainer of Sarah.

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    17. Gevurot םיִּבַר םיִמֲחַרְּב םיִתֵמ\לֹּכַה הֵּיַחְמ דֶסֶֽחְּב םיִּיַח לֵּכְלַכְמ :ַעיִֽׁשֹוהְל בַר הָּתַא םיִתֵמ\לֹּכַה הֶּיַחְמ יָנֹדֲא םָלֹועְל רֹוּבִג הָּתַא Mֶלֶֽמ Mָּל הֶמֹוּֽד יִמּו תֹורּובְּג לַעַּֽב }ֹוֽמָכ יִמ ,רָפָע יֵנֵׁשיִל ֹותָנּומֱא םֵּיַקְמּו םיִרּוסֲא ריִּתַמּו םיִלֹוח אֵפֹורְו םיִלְפֹונ Mֵמֹוס תֹויֲחַהְל הָּתַא ןָמֱאֶנְו :םיִמֲחַרְּב םיִּיַחְל ויָרּוצְי רֵכֹוז םיִמֲחַרָה בַא pֹוֽמָכ יִמ :הָעּוׁשְי ַחיִֽמְצַמּו הֶּיַחְמּו תיִמֵמ :םיִתֵּמַה\לֹּכַה הֵּיַחְמ הָוֹהְי הָּתַא Mּורָּב :םיִתֵמ\לֹּכַה

    Atah gibor l’olam, Adonai - m’chayeih hakol/meitim atah, rav l’hoshia. M’chalkeil chayim b’chesed, m’chayeih hakol/meitim b’rachamim rabim - someich noflim, v’rofei cholim umatir asurim; umkayeim emunato lisheinei afar. Mi chamocha, baal g’vurot; umi domeh-lach? Melech meimit umchayeh umatzmiach y’shuah. Mi chamocha, Av harachamim? Zocheir y’tzurav l’chayim b’rachamim. V’ne-eman atah l’hachayot hakol/meitim. Baruch atah, Adonai, m’chayeih hakol/hameitim. Your life-giving power is forever, Adonai - and with us in life and in death. You liberate and save, and with mercy abundant, lovingly nurture all life. From life to death, You are the force that flows without end - You support the falling, heal the sick, free the imprisoned and confined; You are faithful, even to those who rest in the dust. Power-beyond-Power, from whom salvation springs, Sovereign over life and death - who is like You? Merciful God, who compares with You? With tender compassion You remember all creatures for life. Faithful and true - You sustain our immortal yearnings. Blessed are You, who gives and renews all life.

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    18. Unetaneh Tokef תֶמֱאְּב ויָלָע בֵׁשֵתְו }ֶאְסִּכ דֶסֶחְּב ןֹוּכִיְו }ֶתּוכְלַמ אֵׂשָּנִּת ֹובּו םֹיָאְו אָרֹונ אּוה יִּכ םֹוּיַה תַּׁשֻדְק ףֶקֹּת הֶּנַתְנּו רֶפֵס תֶא חַּתְפִתְו תֹוחָּכְׁשִּנַה לָּכ רֹּכְזִתְו הֶנֹומּו רֵפֹוסְו םֵתֹוחְו בֵתֹוכְו דֵעָו ַעֵדֹויְו ַחיִכֹומּו ןָּיַּד אּוה הָּתַא יִּכ תֶמֱא ֹוּב םָדָא לָּכ דַי םָתֹוחְו אֵרָּקִי ויָלֵאֵמּו תֹונֹורְכִּזַה

    Let us proclaim the sacred power of this day; it is awesome and full of dread. For on this day Your sovereignty is exalted, Your throne established in steadfast love; there in truth You reign. In truth You are Judge and Arbiter, Counsel and Witness. You write and You seal, You record and recount. You remember deeds long forgotten. You open the book of our days, and what is written there proclaims itself, for it bears the signature of every human being. 19. B’Rosh Hashanah

    ֹאל יִמּו ,ֹוּצִקְב יִמ ,תּומָי יִמּו ,הֶיְחִי יִמ ,ןּואֵרָּבִי הָּמַכְו ,ןּורְבַעַי הָּמַּכ .ןּומֵתָחֵי רּוּפִּכ םֹוצ םֹויְבּו ,ןּובֵתָּכִי הָנָּׁשַה ׁשֹארְּב יִמּו ,הָקיִנֲחַב יִמ ,הָפֵּגַּמַב יִמּו ,ׁשַעַרָב יִמ ,אָמָּצַב יִמּו ,בָעָרָב יִמ ,הָּיַחַב יִמּו ,בֶרֶחַב יִמ ,ׁשֵאָב יִמּו ,םִיַּמַב יִמ ,ֹוּצִקְּב .םּורָי יִמּו ,לַּפְֻׁשי יִמ ,ריִׁשֲעַי יִמּו ,יִנֲעַי יִמ ,רֵּסַיְתִי יִמּו ,וֵלָּׁשִי יִמ ,ףַרֹּטְי יִמּו ,טיִקְׁשַי יִמ ,ַעּונָי יִמּו ,ַחּונָי יִמ ,הָליִקְּסַב .הָרֵזְּגַה ַעֹר תֶא ןיִריִבֲעַמ הָקָדְצּו הָּלִפְתּו הָבּוׁשְתּו

    B’Rosh HaShanah yikateivun; uvYom Tzom Kippur yeichateimun. On Rosh Hashanah it is written, on Yom Kippur it is sealed. How many shall pass on,

    how many shall come to be; who shall live and who shall die; who shall see ripe age and who shall not;

    Who shall perish by fire and who by water; who by sword and who by beast; who by hunger and who by thirst; who by earthquake and who by plague; who by strangling and who by stoning;

    Who shall be secure and who shall be driven; who shall be tranquil and who shall be troubled; who shall be poor and who shall be rich; who shall be humbled and who exalted.

    But repentance, prayer, and charity temper judgement’s severe decree.

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    20. Kedusha :רַמָאְו הֶז לֶא הֶז אָרָקְו .}ֶֽאיִבְנ דַי לַע בּותָּכַּכ .םֹורָמ יֵמְׁשִּב ֹותֹוא םיִׁשיִּדְקַּמֶׁש םֵׁשְּכ םָלֹועָּב }ְמִׁש תֶא ׁשֵּדַקְנ

    :ֹודֹובְּכ ץֶרָֽאָה־לָכ ֹאלְמ תֹואָבְצ הָוֹהְי ׁשֹודָק ׁשֹודָק ׁשֹודָק :ץֶרָאָה לָכְּב }ְמִׁש ריִּדַא הָמ ּונֵנֹודֲא הָוֹהְי ּונֵריִּדַא ריִּדַא

    :ֹומֹוקְּמִמ הָוֹהְי דֹובְּכ Mּורָּב םֶכיֵהלֱא 'ה יִנֲא יָח לָּכ יֵניֵעְל ויָמֲחַרְּב ּונֵעיִמְׁשַי אּוהְו ּונֵעיִׁשומ אּוה ּונֵּכְלַמ אּוה ּוניִבָא אּוה ּוניֵהלֱא אּוה דָחֶא

    :ּהָיּולְלַה רֹדָו רֹדְל ןֹוּיִצ MִיַֽהWֱא םָלֹועְל הָוֹהְי WMְמִי Let us sanctify Your Name on earth, as it is sanctified in the heavens above. As it is written by Your prophet:

    “Holy, holy, holy is Adonai Tz’vaot! God’s presence fills the whole earth.” Source of our strength, Sovereign One, how majestic is Your presence in all the earth!

    Blessed is the presence of God shining forth from where God dwells. God alone is our God and our Creator, our Ruler and our Helper; and in mercy, God is revealed in the sight of all the living: I am Adonai your God!

    Adonai shall reign forever, your God, O Zion, from generation to generation, Hallelujah!

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    21. Ashamnu .ּונְדַֽרָמ .ּונְצַֽל .ּונְבַּֽזִּכ .עָר ּונְצַֽעָי .רֶקֶֽׁש ּונְלַֽפָט .ּונְסַֽמָח .ּונְד ַֽז .ּונְעַֽׁשְרִהְו .ּוניִֽוֱעֶה .יִפֹּֽד ּונְרַּֽבִּד .ּונְלַֽזָּג .ּונְד ַֽגָּב .ּונְמַֽׁשָא :ּונְעָּֽתְעִּת .ּוניִֽעָּת .ּונְבַֽעִּת .ּונְתַֽחִׁש .ּונְעַֽׁשָר .ףֶרֹֽע ּוניִּֽׁשִק .ּונְרַֽרָצ .ּונְעַֽׁשָּפ .ּוניִֽוָע .ּונְרַֽרָס .ּונְצַֽאִנ

    Of these wrongs we are guilty: We betray. We steal. We scorn. We act perversely. We are cruel. We scheme. We are violent. We slander. We devise evil. We lie. We ridicule. We disobey. We abuse. We defy. We corrupt. We commit crimes. We are hostile. We are stubborn. We are immoral. We kill. We spoil. We go astray. We lead others astray. 22. “Failures of Truth” Confessions We sin against You when we sin against ourselves. For our failures of truth, O God, we ask forgiveness. For passing judgement without knowledge of the facts, and for distorting facts to fit our theories. For deceiving ourselves and others with half-truths, and for pretending to emotions we do not feel. For using the sins of others to excuse our own, and for denying responsibility for our own misfortunes. For condemning in our children the faults we tolerate in ourselves, and for condemning in our parents the faults we tolerate in ourselves. 23. “Failures of Love” Confessions We sin against You when we sin against ourselves. For our failures of love, O God, we ask forgiveness. For confusing love with lust, and for pursuing fleeting pleasure at the cost of lasting hurt. For using others as a means to gratify our desires, and as stepping-stones to further our ambitions. For withholding love to control those we claim to love, and shunting aside those whose youth or age disturbs us. For hiding from others behind an armor of mistrust, and for the cynicism which leads us to mistrust the reality of unselfish love.

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    24. “Failures of Justice” Confessions We sin against You when we sin against ourselves. For our failures of justice, O God, we ask forgiveness. For keeping the poor in the chains of poverty, and turning a deaf ear to the cry of the oppressed. For using violence to maintain our power, and for using violence to bring about change. For waging aggressive war, and for the sin of appeasing aggressors. For obeying criminal orders, and for the sin of silence and indifference. For poisoning the air, and polluting land and sea, and for all the evil means we employ to accomplish good ends. 25. V’al Kulam

    .ּונָֽל רֶּפַּכ ,ּונָֽל לַחְמ ,ּונָֽל חַלְס ,תֹוחיִלְס ַּהֹוֽלֱא ,םָּלֻּכ לַעְו

    V’al kulam, Elo-ah s’lichot, s’lach lanu, m’chal lanu, kaper lanu.

    For all these sins, O God of forgiveness, forgive us, pardon us, grant us atonement! 26. Sh’ma Koleinu

    ,הָבּוֽׁשָנְו }יֶֽלֵא הָוֹהְי ּונֵֽביִׁשֲה .ּונֵֽתָּלִפְּת תֶא ןֹוצָרְבּו םיִמֲחַרְּב לֵּבַקְו ,ּוניֵֽלָע םֵחַרְו סּוח ,ּוניֵֽהWֱא הָוֹהְי ,ּונֵֽלֹוק עַמְׁש .םֶדֶֽקְּכ ּוניֵֽמָי ׁשֵּדַח :ּונֵֽבְזַעַּת לַא ּונֵֽחֹּכ תֹולְכִּכ הָנְקִז תֵעְל ּונֵֽכיִלְׁשַּת לַא

    Hear our voice, Adonai our God. Show us compassion. Accept our prayer with love and goodwill. Take us back, Adonai; let us come back to You; renew our days as in the past. Do not cast us away when we are old; as our strength diminishes, do not forsake us.

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    27. Avinu Malkeinu :ּונֵֽלֹוק עַמְׁש ּונֵּֽכְלַמ ּוניִֽבָא :}יֶֽנָפְל ּונאָֽטָח ּונֵּֽכְלַמ ּוניִֽבָא :ּונֵּֽפַטְו ּוניֵֽלָלֹוע לַעְו ּוניֵֽלָע לֹומֲח ּונֵּֽכְלַמ ּוניִֽבָא :ּוניֵֽלָעֵמ בָעָרְו בֶרֶֽחְו רֶבֶּֽד הֵּלַּכ ּונֵּֽכְלַמ ּוניִֽבָא :ּוניֵֽלָעֵמ ןיִטְׂשַמּו רַצ לָּכ הֵּלַּכ ּונֵּֽכְלַמ ּוניִֽבָא :םיִבֹוט םיִּיַח רֶפֵֽסְּב ּונֵֽבְתָּכ ּונֵּֽכְלַמ ּוניִֽבָא :הָבֹוט הָנָׁש ּוניֵֽלָע ׁשֵּדַח ּונֵּֽכְלַמ ּוניִֽבָא

    Avinu Malkeinu - Almighty and Merciful - hear our voice. Avinu Malkeinu, we have strayed and sinned before You. Avinu Malkeinu, have compassion upon us and on our families. Avinu Malkeinu, halt the onslaught of sickness, violence, and hunger. Avinu Malkeinu, halt the reign of those who cause pain and terror. Avinu Malkeinu, enter our names in the Book of Lives Well Lived. Avinu Malkeinu, renew for us a year of goodness. 28. Avinu Malkeinu

    .ּונֵֽעיִׁשֹוהְו ,דֶסֶֽחָו הָקָדְצ ּונָּֽמִע הֵׂשֲע .םיִׂשֲעַמ ּונָּֽב ןיֵא יִּכ ,ּונֵֽנֲעַו ּונֵּֽנָח ,ּונֵּֽכְלַמ ּוניִֽבָא

    Avinu Malkeinu, choneinu vaaneinu; ki ein banu maasim. Aseih imanu tz’dakah vachesed, v’hoshi-einu.

    Avinu Malkeinu, - Almighty and Merciful - answer us with grace, for our deeds are

    wanting. Save us through acts of justice and love.

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    Torah Blessings 29. Blessing Before Torah Reading

    :Mָרֹבְּמַה הָוֹהְי תֶא ּוכְרָּבBar’chu et Adonai hamvorach.

    Bless the Eternal, the Blessed One.

    :דֶעָו םָלֹועְל Mָרֹבְּמַה הָוֹהְי MּורָּבBaruch Adonai hamvorach l’olam va-ed.

    Blessed is the Eternal, the Blessed One, now and forever.

    :ֹותָרֹוּת תֶא ּונָֽל ןַתָֽנְו םיִּמַעָה לָּכִמ ּונָּֽב רַחָּֽב רֶׁשֲא םָלֹועָה Mֶלֶֽמ ּוניֵֽהWֱא הָוֹהְי הָּתַא Mּורָּב :הָרֹוּתַה ןֵתֹונ הָוֹהְי הָּתַא Mּורָּב

    Baruch atah, Adonai, Eloheinu melech haolam, asher bachar-banu mikol haamim v’natan-lanu et torato.

    Baruch atah, Adonai, notein haTorah. Blessed are You, Eternal, our God, supreme Power of the universe, who embraced us and

    gave us this Teaching, having chosen us to embody Torah among the peoples of the earth.

    Blessed are You, God of eternity, whose gift is Torah. 30. Blessing After Torah Reading

    :ּונֵֽכֹותְּב עַטָנ םָלֹוע יֵּיַחְו תֶמֱא תַרֹוּת ּונָֽל ןַתָֽנ רֶׁשֲא םָלֹועָה Mֶלֶֽמ ּוניֵֽהWֱא הָוֹהְי הָּתַא Mּורָּב :הָרֹוּתַה ןֵתֹונ הָוֹהְי הָּתַא Mּורָּב

    Baruch atah, Adonai, Eloheinu melech haolam, asher natan-lanu Torat emet, v’chayei

    olam nata b’tocheinu. Baruch atah, Adonai, notein haTorah.

    Blessed are you, Eternal, our God, supreme Power of the universe, who gave us a

    Teaching of truth and planted within us eternal life. Blessed are You, God of eternity, whose gift is Torah.

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    31. Rosh Hashanah Torah Reading 1 Genesis 22:1-6

    ֹּיַו םָ֑הָרְבַא־תֶא הָּ֖סִנ םיִ֔הWֱאָ֣הְו הֶּלֵ֔אָה םיִ֣רָבְּדַה ֙רַחַא יִ֗הְיַו1 ֹּיַו םָ֖הָרְבַא ויָ֔לֵא רֶמא֣ ֹּיַו2 ׃יִנֵּֽנִה רֶמא֥ ֨}ְנִּב־תֶא אָ֠נ־חַק רֶמא֡ ׃}יֶֽלֵא רַ֥מֹא רֶׁ֖שֲא םיִ֔רָהֶֽה דַ֣חַא לַ֚ע הָ֔לֹעְל ֙םָׁש ּוהֵ֤לֲעַהְו ֑הָּיִרֹּמַה ץֶרֶ֖א־לֶא ֔}ְל־Mֶ֨לְו קָ֔חְצִי־תֶא ָּ֙תְבַ֙הָא־רֶׁשֲא ֤}ְדיִֽחְי־תֶא־לֶא Mֶלֵּ֔יַו םָק֣ ָּיַו הָ֔לֹע יֵ֣צֲע ֙עַּקַבְיַו ֹו֑נְּב קָ֣חְצִי תֵ֖אְו ֹוּ֔תִא ֙ויָרָעְנ יֵ֤נְׁש־תֶא חַּ֞קִּיַו ֹו֔רֹמֲח־תֶא ׁ֙שֹבֲחַּי ַֽו רֶקֹּ֗בַּב םָ֜הָרְבַא םֵּ֨כְׁשַּיַו3ֹּיַו5 ׃קֹֽחָרֵמ םֹו֖קָּמַה־תֶא אְר֥ ַּיַו ויָ֛ניֵע־תֶא םָ֧הָרְבַא אָּׂ֨שִּיַו יִׁ֗שיִלְּׁשַה םֹוּ֣יַּב4 ׃םיִֽהWֱאָה ֹו֥ל־רַמָֽא־רֶׁשֲא םֹו֖קָּמַה םָ֜הָרְבַא רֶמא֨ יֵ֣צֲע־תֶא םָ֜הָרְבַא חַּ֨קִּיַו6 ׃םֶֽכיֵלֲא הָבּוׁ֥שָנְו הֶ֖וֲחַּתְׁשִֽנְו הֹּ֑כ־דַע הָ֖כְלֵנ רַעַּ֔נַהְו יִ֣נֲאַו רֹו֔מֲחַה־םִֽע ֙הֹּפ םֶ֥כָל־ּובְׁש ויָ֗רָעְנ־לֶא ׃וָּֽדְחַי םֶ֖היֵנְׁש ּו֥כְלֵּיַו תֶלֶ֑כֲאַּמַֽה־תֶאְו ׁשֵ֖אָה־תֶא ֹו֔דָיְּב חַּ֣קִּיַו ֹו֔נְּב קָ֣חְצִי־לַע ֙םֶׂשָּ֙יַו הָ֗לֹעָה

    1And so it was that, after these events, God put Abraham to a test. God said to him, “Abraham,” and he answered, “Here I am.” 2And God said, “Take your son, your only one, whom you love - Isaac - and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains that I will show you.” 3Abraham arose early in the morning, harnessed his donkey and took with him two of his servants, and his son Isaac. He split the burnt-offering wood, and he set out for the place that God had told him. 4On the third day Abraham lifted his eyes and saw the place from afar. 5Then Abraham said to his servants, “You stay here with the donkey while the boy and I go up there; we will worship and we will return to you.” 6Abraham took the burnt-offering wood and placed it on his son Isaac, and he took in his hand the firestone and the knife. And the two of them walked together.

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    32. Rosh Hashanah Torah Reading 2 Genesis 22:7-12

    ֹּיַו7 ֹּיַו ֙ויִבָא םָ֤הָרְבַא־לֶא קָ֜חְצִי רֶמא֨ ֹּיַו יִ֔בָא רֶמא֣ ֹּיַו יִ֑נְב יִּֽנֶּ֣נִה רֶמא֖ ֹּיַו8 ׃הָֽלֹעְל הֶּׂ֖שַה הֵּ֥יַאְו םיִ֔צֵעָ֣הְו ׁ֙שֵאָה הֵּ֤נִה רֶמא֗ ֙רֶמא֙ םָׁ֤ש ןֶבִּ֨יַו ֒םיִהWֱאָה ֹו֣ל־רַמָֽא רֶׁ֣שֲא ֮םֹוקָּמַה־לֶֽא ּואֹ֗בָּיַו9 ׃וָּֽדְחַי םֶ֖היֵנְׁש ּו֥כְלֵּיַו יִ֑נְּב הָ֖לֹעְל הֶּׂ֛שַה ֹוּ֥ל־הֶאְרִי םיִ֞הWֱא םָ֔הָרְבַא חַ֤לְׁשִּיַו10 ׃םיִֽצֵעָל לַעַּ֖מִמ ַחֵּ֔בְזִּמַה־לַע ֹ֙ותֹא םֶׂ֤שָּיַו ֹו֔נְּב קָ֣חְצִי־תֶא ֙דֹקֲעַּי ַֽו םיִ֑צֵעָה־תֶא Mֹ֖רֲעַּי ַֽו ַחֵּ֔בְזִּמַה־תֶא ֙םָהָרְבַאֹּיַו םִיַ֔מָּׁשַה־ןִמ ֙הָוהְי Mַ֤אְלַמ ויָ֜לֵא אָ֨רְקִּיַו11 ׃ֹוֽנְּב־תֶא טֹ֖חְׁשִל תֶלֶ֑כֲאַּמַֽה־תֶא חַּ֖קִּיַו ֹו֔דָי־תֶא ֙םָהָרְבַא ׀ םָ֣הָרְבַא רֶמאֹּ֖יַו םָ֑הָרְבַא ֹּיַו12 ׃יִנֵּֽנִה רֶמא֖ ֙םיִהWֱא אֵ֤רְי־יִּֽכ יִּתְעַ֗דָי הָּ֣תַע ׀ יִּ֣כ הָּמּו֑אְמ ֹו֖ל ׂשַעַּ֥ת־לַאְו רַעַּ֔נַה־לֶא ֙}ְד ָֽי חַ֤לְׁשִּת־לַא רֶמאֹ֗לְו הָּתַ֔א ׃יִּנֶּֽמִמ ֖}ְדיִחְי־תֶא ֥}ְנִּב־תֶא ָּתְכַׂ֛שָח א֥

    7Then Isaac said to his father Abraham, “Father!” And he answered, “Here I am, my son.” And he said, “Here are the firestone and the wood; but where is the sheep for the burnt offering?” 8And Abraham said, “God will see to the sheep for a burnt offering, my son.” And the two of them walked together. 9They arrived at the place that God had said to him. There, Abraham built an altar; he laid out the wood; he bound his son Isaac; he placed him on the altar, over the wood. 10And Abraham stretched out his hand and took the knife to slay his son. 11Then an angel of Adonai called to him from heaven: “Abraham! Abraham!” And he answered, “Here I am.” 12And the angel said, “Do not raise your hand against the boy, or do anything to him. For now I know that you are in awe of God, since you would not deny Me your son, your only one.”

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    33. Rosh Hashanah Torah Reading 3 Genesis 22:13-19

    הָ֖לֹעְל ּוהֵ֥לֲעַּיַו לִיַ֔אָה־תֶא חַּ֣קִּיַו ֙םָהָרְבַא Mֶלֵּ֤יַו ויָ֑נְרַקְּב Mַ֖בְּסַּב זַ֥חֱאֶנ רַ֕חַא לִיַ֔א־הֵּנִהְו ֙אְרַּיַו ויָ֗ניֵע־תֶא םָ֜הָרְבַא אָּׂ֨שִּיַו13 Mַ֥אְלַמ אָ֛רְקִּיַו15 ׃הֶֽאָרֵי הָ֖והְי רַ֥הְּב םֹוּ֔יַה רֵ֣מָאֵי ֙רֶׁשֲא הֶ֑אְרִי ׀ הָ֣והְי אּו֖הַה םֹו֥קָּמַה־םֵֽׁש םָ֛הָרְבַא אָ֧רְקִּיַו14 ׃ֹוֽנְּב תַחַּ֥תֹּיַו16 ׃םִיָֽמָּׁשַה־ןִמ תיִ֖נֵׁש םָ֑הָרְבַא־לֶא הָ֖והְי ֹלְו הֶּ֔זַה רָ֣בָּדַה־תֶא ָ֙תיִׂ֨שָע רֶׁ֤שֲא ןַעַ֚י יִּ֗כ הָ֑והְי־םֻאְנ יִּתְעַּ֖בְׁשִנ יִּ֥ב רֶמא֕ א֥ ֑םָּיַה תַ֣פְׂש־לַע רֶׁ֖שֲא לֹו֕חַכְו םִיַ֔מָּׁשַה יֵ֣בְכֹוכְּכ ֙}ֲעְרַז־תֶֽא הֶּ֤בְרַא הָּ֨בְרַהְו ֗}ְכֶרָבֲא Mֵ֣רָב־יִּֽכ17 ׃}ֶֽדיִחְי־תֶא ֥}ְנִּב־תֶא ָּתְכַׂ֖שָח ויָ֔רָעְנ־לֶא ֙םָהָרְבַא בָׁ֤שָּיַו19 ׃יִֽלֹקְּב ָּתְעַ֖מָׁש רֶׁ֥שֲא בֶקֵ֕ע ץֶרָ֑אָה יֵ֣יֹוּג לֹּ֖כ ֔}ֲעְרַזְב ּו֣כֲרָּבְתִהְו18 ׃ויָֽבְיֹא רַעַׁ֥ש תֵ֖א ֔}ֲעְרַז ׁשַ֣רִיְו ׃עַבָֽׁש רֵ֥אְבִּב םָ֖הָרְבַא בֶׁשֵּ֥יַו עַבָׁ֑ש רֵ֣אְּב־לֶא וָּ֖דְחַי ּו֥כְלֵּיַו ּומֻ֛קָּיַו

    13And Abraham lifted up his eyes and, suddenly, he saw a ram, caught in the thicket by its horns. So Abraham went and took the ram and offered it up as a burnt offering in place of his son. 14And Abraham named that site Adonai-Yireh - Adonai Will See -- as it is said to this day: “On the mountain of Adonai there is seeing.” 15The angel of Adonai called to Abraham a second time from heaven, 16and said, “By Myself I swear-- Adonai declares-- that, because you have acted thus and would not deny Me your son, your only one, 17I will bless you greatly; and I will multiply your descendents like stars in the sky and like sand by the sea; and your descendants shall possess the gates of their foes. 18All the nations of the earth shall be blessed through your descendants, because you have hearkened to My voice.” 19And Abraham returned to his servants, and they walked to B’er-sheva; and Abraham dwelt in B’er-sheva.

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    34. Yom Kippur Torah Reading 1 Deuteronomy 29:9-14

    םֶ֣כְּפַט10 ׃לֵֽאָרְׂשִי ׁשיִ֥א לֹּ֖כ םֶ֔כיֵרְטֹׁ֣שְו ֙םֶכיֵנְקִז םֶ֗כיֵטְבִׁש םֶ֣כיֵׁשאָר םֶ֑כיֵהWֱא הָ֣והְי יֵ֖נְפִל םֶ֔כְּלֻּכ ֙םֹוּיַה םיִ֤בָּצִנ םֶּ֨תַא9 הָ֣והְי ֙רֶׁשֲא ֹו֑תָלָאְבּו }יֶ֖הWֱא הָ֥והְי תיִ֛רְבִּב ֗}ְרְבָעְל11 ׃}יֶֽמיֵמ בֵ֥אֹׁש דַ֖ע }יֶ֔צֵע בֵ֣טֹחֵמ }יֶ֑נֲחַמ בֶרֶ֣קְּב רֶׁ֖שֲא ֔}ְר ֵ֣גְו םֶ֔כיֵׁשְנ ֙עַּבְׁשִנ רֶׁ֤שֲאַכְו Mָ֑ל־רֶּבִּד רֶׁ֖שֲאַּכ םיִ֔הWאֵֽל ֙}ְּל־הֶיְהִֽי אּו֤הְו םָ֗עְל ֹו֜ל ׀ םֹוּ֨יַה ֩}ְתֹא־םיִֽקָה ןַעַ֣מְל12 ׃םֹוּֽיַה ֖}ְּמִע תֵ֥רֹּכ }יֶ֔הWֱאֹלְו13 ׃בֹֽקֲעַיְלּֽו קָ֖חְצִיְל םָ֥הָרְבַאְל }יֶ֔תֹבֲאַל ֹּזַה תיִ֣רְּבַה־תֶא ֙תֵרֹּכ יִ֗כֹנָא םֶ֑כְּדַבְל םֶ֖כְּתִא א֥ ֹּזַה הָ֖לָאָה־תֶאְו תא֔ ֩יִּכ14 ׃תאֽ ׃םֹוּֽיַה ּונָּ֥מִע הֹּ֖פ ּוּנֶ֛ניֵא רֶׁ֥שֲא תֵ֨אְו ּוניֵ֑הWֱא הָ֣והְי יֵ֖נְפִל םֹוּ֔יַה דֵ֣מֹע ּ֙ונָּ֙מִע הֹּ֗פ ֹו֜נְׁשֶי רֶׁ֨שֲא־תֶא

    9You stand this day, all of you, in the presence of Adonai your God—your tribal heads, your elders, and officials, every man, 10woman, and child of Israel; and the stranger in the midst of your camp; from the one who cuts your wood to the one who draws your water— 11to enter into the covenant of Adonai your God, and the oath that Adonai your God makes with you this day, 12to establish you as God’s people and to be your God, as promised to you and sworn to your ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. 13And not with you alone do I make this covenant and this oath, 14but both with each one who stands here among us this day in the presence of Adonai our God, and with each one who is not here among us this day. 35. Yom Kippur Torah Reading 2 Deuteronomy 30:11-14

    ֹּזַה הָ֣וְצִּמַה יִּ֚כ11 ֹל םֹוּ֑יַה ֖}ְּוַצְמ יִ֥כֹנָא רֶׁ֛שֲא תא֔ ֹלְו ֔}ְּמִמ ֙אוִה תאֵ֥לְפִנ־אֽ ֹל12 ׃אוִֽה הָ֖קֹחְר א֥ יִ֣מ רֹ֗מאֵל אוִ֑ה םִיַ֖מָּׁשַב אֹ֥לְו13 ׃הָּנֶֽׂשֲעַנְו ּהָ֖תֹא ּונֵ֥עִמְׁשַיְו ּונָּ֔ל ָהֶ֣חָּקִיְו ֙הָמְיַ֙מָּׁשַה ּונָּ֤ל־הֶלֲעַי ֙םָּיַה רֶבֵ֤ע־לֶא ּונָ֜ל־רָבֲעַי יִ֣מ רֹ֗מאֵל אוִ֑ה ֖םָּיַל רֶבֵ֥עֵמ־אֽ ׃ֹוֽתֹׂשֲעַל ֖}ְבָבְלִֽבּו }יִ֥פְּב דֹ֑אְמ רָ֖בָּדַה }יֶ֛לֵא בֹו֥רָק־יִּֽכ14 ׃הָּנֶֽׂשֲעַנְו ּהָ֖תֹא ּונֵ֥עִמְׁשַיְו ּונָּ֔ל ָהֶ֣חָּקִיְו

    11For this mitzvah, which I command you this day, is neither beyond you nor far away. 12It is not in heaven, that you should say, “Who will go up to heaven on our behalf, get it for us, and let us hear it, that we may do it?” 13Neither is it beyond the sea, that you should say, “Who will cross the sea on our behalf, get it for us, and let us hear it, that we may do it?” 14No, this is so very near to you, in your mouth and in your heart, that you can surely do it.

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    36. Yom Kippur Torah Reading 3 Deuteronomy 30:15-20

    הָ֤והְי־תֶא הָ֞בֲהַאְל ֒םֹוּיַה ֮}ְּוַצְמ יִ֣כֹנָא רֶׁ֨שֲא16 ׃עָֽרָה־תֶאְו תֶוָּ֖מַה־תֶאְו בֹוּ֑טַה־תֶאְו םיִּ֖יַחַֽה־תֶא םֹוּ֔יַה ֙}יֶ֙נָפְל יִּתַ֤תָנ הֵ֨אְר15־אָב הָּ֥תַא־רֶׁשֲא ץֶרָ֕אָּב }יֶ֔הWֱא הָ֣והְי ֙}ְכַרֵֽבּו ָתיִ֔בָרְו ָתיִ֣יָחְו ויָ֑טָּפְׁשִמּו ויָ֖תֹּקֻחְו ויָ֥תֹוְצִמ רֹ֛מְׁשִלְו ויָ֔כָרְדִּב תֶכֶ֣לָל ֙}יֶ֙הWֱאֹלְו ֖}ְבָבְל הֶ֥נְפִי־םִאְו17 ׃ּהָּֽתְׁשִרְל הָּמָׁ֖ש יִּ֥כ םֹוּ֔יַה ֙םֶכָל יִּתְד ַּ֤גִה18 ׃םָּֽתְדַבֲעַו םיִ֖רֵחֲא םיִ֥הWאֵל ָתיִ֛וֲחַּתְׁשִֽהְו ָּ֗תְחַּדִנְו עָ֑מְׁשִת אֹ֣בָל ןֵּ֔דְרַּיַה־תֶא ֙רֵבֹע הָּ֤תַא רֶׁ֨שֲא הָ֔מָדֲאָ֣ה־לַע ֙םיִמָי ןֻ֤כיִרֲאַת־ֹאל ןּו֑דֵבֹאּת דֹ֖בָא ֮םֹוּיַה םֶ֣כָב יִתֹ֨דיִעַה19 ׃ּהָּֽתְׁשִרְל הָּמָׁ֖ש א֥ ׃}ֶֽעְרַזְו הָּ֥תַא ֖הֶיְחִּת ןַעַ֥מְל םיִּ֔יַחַּֽב ָּ֙תְרַחָֽבּו הָ֑לָלְּקַהְו הָ֖כָרְּבַה }יֶ֔נָפְל יִּתַ֣תָנ ֙תֶוָּ֙מַהְו םיִּ֤יַחַה ֒ץֶרָאָה־תֶאְו םִיַ֣מָּׁשַה־תֶא

    הָ֧והְי עַּ֨בְׁשִנ ֩רֶׁשֲא הָ֗מָדֲאָה־לַע תֶבֶׁ֣שָל }יֶ֔מָי Mֶרֹ֣אְו ֙}יֶּ֙יַח אּו֤ה יִּ֣כ ֹו֑ב־הָקְבָדְלּו ֹו֖לֹקְּב ַעֹ֥מְׁשִל }יֶ֔הWֱא הָ֣והְי־תֶא ֙הָבֲהַֽאְל20 ׃םֶֽהָל תֵ֥תָל בֹ֖קֲעַיְלּֽו קָ֥חְצִיְל םָ֛הָרְבַאְל }יֶ֛תֹבֲאַל

    15See, I set before you this day life and well-being, death and hardship. 16For I command you this day, to love Adonai your God, to walk in the ways of your God - to observe the mitzvot, laws, and judgments - so you may live and flourish, blessed by Adonai your God in the land that is about to be yours. 17But if you turn away, refusing to listen - and, going astray, bow down to other gods and serve them - 18I declare to you this day that you shall certainly perish; you shall not long endure on the land that you are crossing the Jordan to possess. 19I call heaven and earth to witness regarding you this day: life and death I have put before you, blessing and curse. Choose life—so that you and your children may live— 20by loving, obeying, and staying close to Adonai your God. For God gives you life and length of days to dwell upon the land that Adonai swore to your ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

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    37. Shofar Calls .העיקת .העורת םירבׁש .העיקת

    .העיקת .םירבׁש .העיקת .)הלֹודג( העיקת .העורת .העיקת

    T’kiah. Sh’varim-T’ruah. T’kiah. T’kiah. Sh’varim. T’kiah.

    T’kiah. T’ruah. T’kiah (Gedolah). 38. Areshet S’fateinu

    ןֹוצָרְבּו םיִמֲחַרְּב לֵּבַקְתּו ּונֵֽתָעיִקְּת לֹוקְל ביִׁשְקַמּו טיִּבַמ ןיִזֲאַמּו ןיִבֵמ .אָּׂשִנְו םָר לֵא }יֶֽנָפְל בַרֱעֶי ּוניֵֽתָפְׂש תֶׁשֶֽרֲא :ּוניֵֽתֹורְפֹוׁש רֶדֵֽס

    Let the wishes of our lips be pleasing before You, God Most High. You are knowing and attentive, watchful and aware when we call out T’kiah! Lovingly, favorably receive our prayers from the shofar. 39. Mi Shebeirach Mi shebeirach avoteinu, m’kor hab'racha l'imoteinu May the Source of strength, who blessed the ones before us, Help us find the courage to make our lives a blessing, And let us say, Amen. Mi shebeirach imoteinu, m'kor hab’rachah l'avoteinu Bless those in need of healing with r’fuah sh’leimah, The renewal of body, the renewal of spirit, And let us say, Amen. 40. Aleinu

    הָמָדֲאָה תֹוחְּפְׁשִמְּכ ּונָֽמָׂש ֹאלְו תֹוצָרֲאָה יֵיֹוגְּכ ּונָֽׂשָע ֹאּלֶׁש תיִׁשאֵרְּב רֵצֹויְל הָּלֻדְּג תֵתָל לֹּכַה ןֹודֲאַל ַחֵּֽבַׁשְל ּוניֵֽלָע ׁשֹודָּקַה םיִכָלְּמַה יֵכְלַמ Mֶלֶֽמ יֵנְפִל םיִדֹומּו םיִוֲחַּתְׁשִמּו םיִעְרֹוּכ ּונְחַֽנֲאַו :םָנֹומֲה לָכְּכ ּונֵֽלָרֹוגְו םֶהָּכ ּונֵֽקְלֶח םָׂש ֹאּלֶׁש .אּוה Mּורָּב :דָחֶא ֹומְׁשּו דָחֶא הָוֹהְי הֶיְהִי אּוהַה םֹוּיַּב ץֶרָֽאָה לָּכ לַע Mֶלֶֽמְל הָוֹהְי הָיָהְו :רַמֱאֶנְו

    Ours is the duty to praise the All-Sovereign, to honor the Artist of Creation, who made us unique in the human family, with a destiny all our own. For this we bend our knees and bow with gratitude before the Sovereign Almighty - Monarch of All - the Wellspring of holiness of blessing. As the prophet announced, “The Eternal shall be sovereign over all the earth. On that day, the Eternal shall be one, and God’s name shall be one.”

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    41. Mourner's Kaddish ,לֵאָרְׂשִי תיֵּב לָכְד יֵּיַחְבּו ןֹוכיֵמֹויְבּו ןֹוכיֵּיַחְּב ּהֵתּוכְלַמ Mיִלְמַיְו ּהֵתּועְרִכ אָרְב יִּד אָמְלָעְּב אָּבַר ּהֵמְׁש ׁשַּדַקְתִיְו לַּדַּגְתִי םַמֹורְתִיְו רַאָּפְתִיְו חַּבַּתְׁשִיְו Mַרָּבְתִי :אָּיַמְלָע יֵמְלָעְלּו םַלָעְל Mַרָבְמ אָּבַר ּהֵמְׁש אֵהְי :ןֵמָא ּורְמִאְו ביִרָק ןַמְזִבּו אָלָגֲעַּב אָתָחְּבְׁשֻּת ,אָתָריִׁשְו אָתָכְרִּב לָּכ ןִמ אָּלֵֽעְלּו אָּלֵֽעְל אּוה Mיִרְּב ,אָׁשְדּוקְד ּהֵמְׁש לָּלַהְתִיְו הֶּלַעְתִיְו רָּדַהְתִיְו אֵּׂשַנְתִיְו הֶׂשֹוע :ןֵמָא ּורְמִאְו לֵאָרְׂשִי לָּכ לַעְו ּוניֵֽלָע םיִּיַחְו אָּיַמְׁש ןִמ אָּבַר אָמָלְׁש אֵהְי :ןֵמָא ּורְמִאְו ,אָמְלָעְּב ןָריִמֲאַּד ,אָתָמֱחֶנְו

    :ןֵמָא ּורְמִאְו לֵאָרְׂשִי לָּכ לַעְו ּוניֵלָע םֹולָׁש הֶׂשֲעַי אּוה ויָמֹורְמִּב םֹולָׁש

    Yitgadal v’yitkadash sh’meih raba, b’alma di v’ra chiruteih. V’yamlich malchuteih b’chayeichon uvyomeichon, uvchayei d’chol beit Yisrael - baagala uvizman kariv; vi’imru: Amen.

    Y’hei sh’meih raba m’varach l’alam ul-almei almaya. Yitbarach v’yishtabach v’yitpaar v’yitromam v’yitnasei v’yit-hadar v’yitaleh v’yit-halal sh’meih d’kudsha - b’rich hu - l’eila ul-eila mikol birchata v’shirata, tushb’chata v’nechemata daamiran b’alma; v’imru: Amen. Y’hei sh’lama raba min sh’maya, v’chayim aleinu v’al kol Yisrael; v’imru: Amen. Oseh shalom bimromav, hu yaaseh shalom aleinu, v’al kol Yisrael v’imru: Amen. Exalted and hallowed by God’s great name in the world which God created, according to plan. May God’s majesty be revealed in the days of our lifetime and the life of all Israel - speedily, imminently, to which we say, Amen.

    Bless be God’s great name to all eternity.

    Blessed, praised, honored, exalted, extolled, glorified, adored, and lauded be the name of the Holy Blessed One, far beyond all earthly words and songs of blessing, praise, and comfort. To which we say, Amen. May there be abundant peace from heaven, and life, for us and all Israel. To which we say, Amen.

    May the One who creates harmony on high, bring peace to us and to all Israel. To which we say, Amen.

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    42. Oseh Shalom

    :ןֵמָא ּורְמִאְו לֵאָרְׂשִי לָּכ לַעְו ּוניֵלָע םֹולָׁש הֶׂשֲעַי אּוה ויָמֹורְמִּב םֹולָׁש הֶׂשֹוע

    Oseh shalom bimromav, hu yaaseh shalom aleinu, v’al kol Yisrael v’imru: Amen.

    May the One, may the One who makes peace, bring peace down, bring peace down. 43. Adon Olam

    :אָרְקִנ ֹומְׁש Mֶלֶֽמ יַזֲא ,לֹּכ ֹוצְפֶחְב הָׂשֲעַנ תֵעְל :אָרְבִנ ריִצְי לָּכ םֶרֶֽטְּב ,Mַלָמ רֶׁשֲא םָלֹוע ןֹודֲא :הָרָאְפִתְּב הֶיְהִי אּוהְו ,הֶוֹה אּוהְו הָיָה אּוהְו :אָרֹונ WMְמִי ֹוּדַבְל ,לֹּכַה תֹולְכִּכ יֵרֲחַאְו :אָריִא ֹאלְו יִל הָוֹהְי ,יִתָּיִוְּג יִחּור םִעְו :הָריִֽעָאְו ןַׁשיִא תֵעְּב ,יִחּור דיִקְפַא ֹודָיְּב

    Adon olam asher malach, b’terem kol y’tzir nivra. L’eit naasah v’cheftzo kol, azai Melech sh’mo nikra. V’acharei kichlot hakol, l’vado yimloch nora. V’hu hayah, v’hu hoveh, v’hu yiyeh, b’tifarah. B’yado afkid ruchi, b’eit ishan v’a-irah. V’im ruchi g’viyati, Adonai li v’lo ira.

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