august birthstone

Post on 12-Jul-2015






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The birthstones for August are Peridot and Sardonyx.

The name peridot is believed to come from the Latin word ‘paederot,’ which means ‘a kind of opal’ but it is not certain. Some believe it came from the Arabic word ‘faridat,’ which means ‘gem.’

Sardonyx measures 6 to 7 on the Mohs scale of hardness and gets its name from the Latin word ‘onyx’ and the Greek ‘ovue’ which means ‘claw’ or ‘fingernail’ the flesh like colour of the reddish bands in the stone are said to resemble a fingernail.

In fact, one Greek myth states the stone was thought to encourage the growth of fingernails.

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Peridot is mined in: Egypt Parts of the United States Australia Brazil China Kenya Mexico Burma Norway Pakistan Saudi Arabia South Africa Sri Lanka Tanzania

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About Peridot

Peridot is a gem-quality silicate mineral called olivine.

Peridot comes in colours ranging from:

Yellow to yellow-green

Olive-green to brownish shades

Lime-green to emerald-green

Peridot measures 6.5 to 7 on the Mohsscale of hardness.

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In Ancient Egypt

Peridot was considered a spiritual stone where priests would concoct a drink from the crushed stone and drink it during ceremonies. Cleopatra was said to be fond of the gem.

In Ancient Hawaiian

Legend states the gem is actually the hardened tears of Pele, the Goddess associated with fire, lightning and volcanoes.

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In Classical times

Sardonyx was worn by lawyers, as it was believed that it made them more eloquent.

Other magic powers include:


Success in business matters that involved legal issues.

Good fortune was another of the many benefits available.

Folklore Points to the Peridot Could protect against nightmares. Bring power. Influence. A prosperous year to the wearer. Sardonyx is known as the stone of strength

and protection. It was believed to enhance willpower,

integrity, stamina and vigor. It was also thought to bring lasting

happiness and stability to marriage and partnerships.

Friends and good fortune were also attracted because of the stone.

One would also be protected from infections and poisonous bites or stings.

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About Sardonyx

Sardonyx is a form of onyx popular with ancient Greeks and Romans who carried sardonyx engraved images of Mars and Hercules on talismans believing they would bring courage and victory.

It is a blend of sard and onyx and is also known as sardian onyx.

Onyx is variety of chalcedony, which is banded. Colour bands can be in just about any colour where sardonyx is a variant where the bands contain shades of red rather than black.

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Sardonyx are mined in a number of regions including:




Sri Lanka




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If you dream of sardonyx it is believed to signify the love of many friends.

As sardonyx is considered a defensive stone, it was said to be effective in removing feelings of sorrow and sadness.

To this day some people use sardonyx to ward off crime and misfortune in their homes by placing it at each corner of a home as well as at doors and windows to create a grid of protection.

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