astaf constitution

Post on 28-Apr-2015






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Article 1 Name

Article 2 Office

Article 3 Emblem

Article 4 Language

Article 5 Objectives

Article 6 Organizational Structure

Article 7 Jurisdiction

Article 8 Congress

Article 9 The Council

Article 10 The Executive Committee

Article 11 Authority

Article 12 Membership

Article 13 Officers

Article 14 Standing Committees

Article 15 Technical Committee

Article 16 Coaching Committee

Article 17 ASTAF Referees Committee

Article 18 Disciplinary Committee

Article 19 Sports Development Committee

Article 20 Equipment Committee

Article 21 Finance Committee

Article 22 Business Year

Article 23 Financial Procedures

Article 24 Asian Championships (Open/Youth Regu/Team)

Article 25 Regional Championships

Article 26 Application Not Received

Article 27 Alternative Site

Article 28 Regional Tournaments

Article 29 Rules and Specifications for Championships and Tournaments

Article 30 Postal, Cable, Telex and Fax Vote

Article 31 Amendments

Article 32 By-Laws (Operating Procedures)

Article 33 Dissolution


Asian Sepaktakraw Federation Constitution


ASTAF Is the official abbreviation of the Asian Sepaktakraw Federation.

Delegate Refers to the person/s authorized by a member to act on their behalf at any Congress.

Federation The recognized national organization within a given country.

Gender Masculine terms shall be read to including the feminine and vice-versa.

IOC Is the abbreviation used to refer to the International Olympic Committee.

ISTAF Is the official abbreviation of the International Sepaktakraw Federation.

National Association Member Refers to a national Sepaktakraw association or federation of a country which is the

central authority responsible for all matters relating to administration, organization and

playing of the game of Sepaktakraw in that country and is recognized by its respective

NOC and has been granted membership by ASTAF and ISTAF.

NOC Is the abbreviation used to refer to the National Olympic Committee of a country as

recognized by the IOC.


Player Refers to any and all persons who play the game of Sepaktakraw.

Council Refers to the advisory board of ASTAF whose members are elected by the Congress or

appointed in accordance to the terms to this Constitution

Executive Committee Refers to the board of management whose members are elected by the Congress or

appointed in accordance to the terms of this Constitution.

Sepaktakraw Refers to the sport known as ‘Sepaktakraw’ which is regulated by ASTAF under the

auspices of ISTAF.

Asian Championships Asian Championships refers to 3 separate competitions

1) the ASTAF Asian Sepaktakraw Championships

2) ASTAF Asian Youth Sepaktakraw Championships

3) the ASIAN Games Sepaktakraw Championships

Both Inter-Regu and Team Event (3 regu’s compose of 1 team) competition will be held.

Reference to the ASTAF Asian or the ASTAF Asian Youth Sepaktakraw Championships

includes a reference to Championships for both men and women.


INTRODUCTION The Asian Sepaktakraw Federation, better known as ASTAF, was formed for the

purpose of serving the sport of Sepaktakraw throughout Asia and developing the sport

into a world recognized sport. It was created with the vision of Sepaktakraw being played

in all Asian countries and in every continent in the world, as Asia can rightly be called

the cradle of Sepaktakraw. ASTAF seeks to nurture and develop the game to the heights

this spectacular spectator sport deserves. To this end, ASTAF seeks to foster

promotional and sportsmanship principles of International Sepaktakraw Federation

(ISTAF) and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and to further contribute to the

professional development of Sepaktakraw by adopting ISTAF’s uniform playing rules

and equipment specifications for its tournaments, or any others which seeks its sanction,

thereby providing an illustration of uniformity for the game.

Article 1 NAME This organization shall be known as the Asian Sepaktakraw Federation, hereinafter

referred to as ASTAF.

Article 2 HEADQUARTERS 2.1 ASTAF’s headquarters shall be established in the country and city chosen by

ASTAF Executive Committee and the President with the aim of enabling easy

access to delegates of member nations.

2.2 ASTAF place of business shall be established in the country determined by

ASTAF Executive Committee


The Emblem of ASTAF shall consist of a Gold Sepaktakraw ball, with the words ‘ASIAN

SEPAKTAKRAW FEDERATION’, almost fully encircling the ball. Beneath the ball shall

be 6 interlocking rings and below the rings the word ASTAF. Beneath the words shall be

two Padi Stalks placed such that they resemble the wings of an eagle in flight.

The Gold Sepaktakraw ball signifies the very essence of ASTAF, without which the

Federation will not exist. The color Gold signifies the ultimate goal of the Federation,

seeing the spread of the game throughout the world culminating in the Gold medal match

of the Olympic Games.


Both names ASIAN SEPAKTAKRAW FEDERATION’, and ASTAF appear on the emblem

as they are the two official names, the Federation will be known by.

The 6 interlocking rings symbolize ASTAF’s olympic heritage and commitment to


Article 4 LANGUAGE English will be adopted as the “official language”

(‘lingua franca’) of ASTAF. All cross-border correspondence will be done in English.

Where local languages are used, ratified official English transcripts must be provided.

Article 5 OBJECTIVES 1. To further and perpetuate the interest in Sepaktakraw in Asia and other parts of

the world in conformity to the Constitutions of ASTAF and ISTAF.

2. To control, promote and develop Sepaktakraw at all levels throughout Asia under

the umbrella of ISTAF.

3. To establish an maintain an efficient administration of the Federation.

4. To exercise jurisdiction over and to determine disputes or disagreements between

its members.

5. To preserve the independence of the Federation in all matters directly or indirectly

concerning the game of Sepaktakraw without the intervention of any outside

authority with the exceptions of ISTAF.

6. To conduct itself and take such administrative, financial and other actions as

deemed necessary and in conformity with and in furtherance of its objectives.

7. To maintain the authority and autonomy of its members.

8. To promote closer links between its members, and any other sports organization

in Asia or the world.

9. To coordinate and protect the common interests of its members.

10. To control and regulate the rules, regulations and equipment used in the game to

strictly follow those of ISTAF.

11. To insure the safety of the players by controlling equipment standards to follow

ISTAF’s regulations.

12. To conduct Youth and Open Asian Championships on behalf of its members

quadrennially, or as otherwise decided by the ASTAF.

13. To require its regions conduct at least one Youth and Open Regional

Championships every two years for its Members.

14. To require National Associations to conduct yearly Youth and Open National

Championships in their respective countries.

15. To support and maintain the ideals of ISTAF and the Olympic movement.


16. To assist ISTAF in the attainment of Olympic status for the sport of Sepaktakraw.

17. To recognize the authority of ISTAF and the Olympic movement and to support the

fundamental principles, rules and by-laws of ISTAF and the IOC.

18. Other objectives as may from time to time be defined by the Congress or the

Executive Committee.

Article 6 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE ASTAF shall consist of :

(a) ASTAF National Association Members

(b) The ASTAF Council

(c) The ASTAF Executive Committee

(d) The ASTAF Congress

Article 7 JURISTDICTION As per Article 7 in the ISTAF Constitution, ASTAF shall have jurisdiction over the Asia /

Oceania region

The Asia/Oceania Region Its members shall include all National Sepaktakraw Associations on the

continental shelf of Asia, bounded in the north by the Arctic, in the south

by Australia and New Zealand, in the east, by the West Coast of the

American continent (Excepting Hawaii), in the North West, by the

continent of Europe and in the South West, by the East Coast of the

continent of Africa (Excepting Madagascar).

Article 8 CONGRESS 1. Legislative Authority

(a) The Congress shall be composed of delegates from each of the member

federations and comprise the legislative and policy making body of


(b) Decisions of the Congress shall be binding throughout ASTAF, and can

be altered only by the Congress.

(c) The authority of the Congress (and thus that of ASTAF) does not extend

to the internal affairs of any member Federation, unless such request is

made by the member Federation on behalf of its General Assembly.


2. Member representation - Voting Rights - Delegates

(a) A member Federation may be represented at an ASTAF Congress by a

maximum of 3 delegates.

(b) Irrespective of the number of delegates, each member Federation is only

accorded ONE vote, the rights to which will be conferred on only one of

the candidates.

(c) The voting delegate shall retain his voting status until the next congress,

or until the member Federation appoints a successor.

(d) A member Federation which is not able to send a delegate to represent it

at any Congress can send its written proxy vote to the Secretary General

of ASTAF and must be endorsed by the President and the Secretary

General of the respective member Federation. Such proxy must be

submitted in writing on the member Federations Letterhead.

(e) Executive Committee members may attend the Congress with voting


(f) Eligibility for voice and vote is dependent on full payment of all dues and

membership fees to ASTAF.

(g) A quorum shall be one-third (1/3) of member Federations including proxy


(h) Voting at each Congress shall be on the basis of one vote per Federation

by a show of hands, unless a secret ballot is requested. A secret ballot

will be conducted even if only two members deem it necessary (one to

propose, one to second). Where a tie exists, the Chairman or President

shall call for a second ballot, which must be a secret ballot. If a tie still

remains, the Chairman or President can exercise his casting vote, if not,

the motion shall be rejected.

(i) A simple majority shall determine the decisions of the Congress,

excepting decisions with regards to the adoption of amendments to this

Constitution, or the ASTAF By-Laws, where a two-thirds (2/3) majority

shall be required.

(j) Invited Guests to the Congress is subject to the approval of the Executive

Committee or upon invitation by the President.

3. Meetings

(a) The Congress shall be held biennially preferably to coincide with ASTAF

Sepaktakraw Asian Championships or:

(i) As and when called for by the Congress

(ii) As and when called for by the President.

(iii) As and when called for by the Executive Committee


(iv) As and when called for by the President on receipt of a written

request by at least one-third (1/3) of member Federations.

(b) Not less than 2 months written notice must be given by the Secretary

General for ordinary meetings and at least 10 days written notice for

emergency meetings.

(c) The names of delegates must be submitted in writing to the Secretary

General before the opening of the Congress. No delegates shall be

allowed to represent more than one association.

(d) The Congress agenda (ordinary meeting) should include:

(i) Opening Address - Roll call

(ii) Validation/Confirmation of proxies and the determination of

voting rights

(iii) Adoption of Minutes of the previous Congress and dealing with

matters arising therefrom

(iv) President’s Report

(v) Secretary’s Report

(vi) Treasurer’s Report, financial statement (inc. fiscal review and


(vii) Reports by by the Standing Committees

(viii) Country Reports

(ix) Correspondence

(x) Auditor’s report

(xi) Any other business (A.O.B.)

(xii) Legislative session

(xiii) Establishment of dues

(xiv) Elections of ASTAF Executive Committee (when applicable)

(xv) Selection of Host Federation (and alternate site) for next Asian

Championships (Open or Youth) and future meetings, or

announcements relating thereto

(xvi) Close of meeting

(d) Summary minutes of each ASTAF meeting shall be prepared by the

Secretary General for review and approval (by signature) by the President

and/or the Chairperson of the Day in not longer than 2 months. Upon

approval the Minutes are to be distributed to all member Federations and

members of the ASTAF Executive Committee.

(e) All amendments adopted and new rules shall become effective 60 days

following the close of the Congress.


(f) All proposals for amendments shall be submitted in English to the

Secretary General at least 1 month prior to a regular Congress. These

proposals and the meeting agenda shall be submitted to all member

Federations at least 2 weeks prior to the meeting.

(g) Only proposals which submitted in due time shall be considered, unless

the Congress decides by at least a two-third (2/3) majority that other

proposals warrant consideration for emergency reasons.

Article 9 THE COUNCIL 1. The Council shall be the advisory body of ASTAF. It shall be responsible for the

development of proper direction and observance of the objects of the Federation

and its Constitution, rules and regulations and for directing matters of policy. It

shall consist of 25 members, with voice and vote, as follows :

(a) Honorary President/s

(b) One (1) President

(c) Two (2) Deputy Presidents The Secretary General

(d) Eight (8) Vice-Presidents

(e) One (1) Secretary General

(f) One (1) Deputy Secretary General

(g) One (1) Treasurer

(h) Ten (10) Members

2. A past President of ASTAF is eligible to be appointed as Honorary President on

approval of the ASTAF Council

3. The ASTAF Council will be elected during the alternate biennial general meeting (to

hold the post for 4 years)

4. The Council shall meet before each ASTAF Biennial General Meeting

5. If a member of the Council retires or resigns before his term of office has expired, the

President can appoint a substitute member

6. The Council shall receive the biennial annual report from the Executive Committee

7. An emergency meeting of the council shall be convened on the request of the

President of ASTAF or on the written requisition of at least 50% of the members.


Article 10 THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 1. The Executive Committee shall be the executive and management body of

ASTAF. It shall be responsible for the proper performance and observance of the

objects of the Federation and its Constitution, rules and regulations and for

directing matters of policy. It shall consist of 6 members, with voice and vote, as

follows :

(a) The President

(b) (1) Deputy President

(c) (1) Vice-President

(d) The Secretary General

(e) The Deputy Secretary General

(f) The Treasurer

and 6 members with voice but no vote as follows :-

(a) Chairperson of Technical Committee

(b) Chairperson of Coaching Committee

(c) Chairperson of Referees Committee

(d) Chairperson of Disciplinary Committee

(e) Chairperson of Sports Development Committee

(f) Chairperson of Equipment Committee

2. The Honorary President of ASTAF may attend meetings of the Executive

Committee in ex-officio capacity with voice and vote.

3. All decisions of the Executive Committee shall be by a simple majority, unless

stated otherwise in the Constitution. If a tie exists, the motion shall be rejected.

4. The Executive Committee shall meet at least once every year and more

frequently when deemed necessary by the President or at least four members of

the Executive Committee.

5. A quorum consists of 4 members of the Executive Committee, three of which

must be voting members.

6. Meetings

(a) The President shall require the Secretary General to provide at least 1

months notice for normal meetings and at least 10 days notice for

emergency meetings of the Executive Committee to all members of the

Executive Committee.


(b) Such notice shall specify the date, time and place of the proposed

Executive Committee meeting and in addition it shall invite committee

members and member Federations to submit proposals which they wish to

be deliberated by the Executive Committee.

(c) Upon receipt of the notice of meeting, all members of the Executive

Committee shall within one month, for normal meetings, and within 7 days

for emergency meetings notify the Secretary general of their intention to


(d) The details of any proposals, whether they arise from Executive

Committee members, or member Federations, shall be forwarded to the

Secretary General at least 2 weeks prior and 5 days prior to the proposed

date of the normal and extraordinary meeting respectively.

(e) The Secretary General shall then prepare and Agenda for distribution to

Executive Committee members which shall be forwarded to the at least

one month (for the normal meeting) or at least one week (for the

extraordinary meeting) prior to the date of the proposed meeting.

(f) Proposals tabled at the Executive Committee meeting and for which due

notice has not been given shall only be dealt with after a simple majority

decision to discuss the issue has been taken.

(g) The Agenda for the annual Executive Committee meeting shall be as

follows :-

(i) Opening address - roll call

(ii) Adoption of the Minutes of previous Executive Committee meeting

and matters arising therefrom

(iii) Correspondence

(iv) Reports from Standing Committees

(v) Approval of New Member Country Federations to ASTAF

(vi) Financial Report

(vii) Matters to be referred to the Congress

(vii) Deliberations of proposals to which due notice has been provided

(viii) And Other Business (AOB)

(ix) Close Meeting

(h) All members of the Executive Committee shall hold office in their personal

capacity and not as representative of any affiliated National Association or

any other organization


(i) The Executive Committee and Council Members have the sole authority to

grant ASTAF awards and titles of recognition to ASTAF members

associations and individuals (past and present) for their development and

contributions to sepaktakraw.

(j) A retiring President Council and Executive Committee member may be

designated by the Executive Committee as “Honorary President or

“Honorary Member” respectively by a proposal from the Executive

Committee to the Council.

Article 11 AUTHORITY In furtherance of its objectives, ASTAF may :-

1. Establish rules for the game of Sepaktakraw in accordance to ISTAF guidelines

and enforce them uniformly for all Sepaktakraw matches throughout the region.

2. Define rules governing eligibility for the game of Sepaktakraw to be observed by

all members.

3. Raise funds by all available legal avenues, directly through the collection of dues,

levies and subscriptions and indirectly through royalties, sponsorships and the

licensing or assignment of commercial and other rights internally or through the

hiring of sports marketing companies.

4. Establish rules and regulations for the conduct of competitions under its


5. Maintain the safety of the players and uniformity of the game through the strict

and adherence of equipment standards as designated by ISTAF.

6. Establish and uphold rules and regulations for the resolution of disputes,

disagreements, or misconduct with respect to the affairs of ASTAF and the game

of Sepaktakraw.

7. Employ and pay and terminate the employment of any person or persons to

supervise, organize and carry out the work of ASTAF.

8. Purchase, take on lease or in exchange or otherwise acquire any property or

other rights and privileges necessary for the promotion of its objects and

construct, maintain and alter buildings or premises necessary for the objectives


9. Sell, let, mortgage, dispose of or turn to account all or any of the property or

assets of ASTAF.

10. Invest ASTAF funds not immediately required in or on such investments,

securities or property as may be thought fit by the Congress or the Executive

Committee, subject to any conditions as may from time to time be set out by the

Congress or required by law.


11. Take such lawful action as is deemed necessary for the attainment of ASTAF’s


12. Use of the words ‘Asian’ or ‘Asia’ in any Sepaktakraw competitions. ASTAF has sole

authority to use the said words and it shall not be used in any competition, unless

organized or sanctioned by the ASTAF Executive Committee.

Article 12 MEMBERSHIP 1. Eligibility - ASTAF’s membership shall include all National Associations

(Federations), which participate in Sepaktakraw and Sepaktakraw related events,

provided any fees which are required by ASTAF is paid.

2. Members rights -

(i) To participate in ASTAF Congress in accordance with the stipulations,

propose motions and make election proposals. Each member federation

has one vote at an ASTAF Congress.

(ii) To participate in all ASTAF activities with equal rights.

(iii) The right to appeal to the Council in the event of controversies.

(iv) To receive current information as to important proceedings with ASTAF

and, where possible, the development of Sepaktakraw in Asia and other

parts of the world.

(v) To display the membership insignia of ASTAF in all sanctioned

competitions, correspondence and rules documents (subject to approval

of ASTAF).

3. Members Obligations

ASTAF members are obliged :

(a) To adhere to ASTAF rules and regulations and statutes and all decisions

made by the ASTAF Congress.

(b) To formulate their own statutes that are not in any way contradictory to

the statutes, rules and regulations and policies of ASTAF and ISTAF.

(c) To adhere to ASTAF policies regarding how the sport should be played

and the principles of good sportsmanship at international, regional and

national events.

(d) To submit by the stipulated date, all fees which have been determined by

ASTAF, in order to vote in meetings and participate in ASTAF sanctioned


(e) To supply without delay such information as and when required by


(f) To notify ASTAF within 2 weeks of all changes of address and officers.

(g) To encourage a cooperative environment and friendly relationships

between ASTAF members.


(h) To adopt a regulation such that subjects their individual members to the

jurisdiction of ASTAF.

4. Fees - Subject to authorization by the Executive Committee. ASTAF may, from

time to time, prescribe dues as it deems necessary.

5. Discipline and expulsion - The Executive Committee may review all matters

related to the continued recognition of any member and may take such actions as

it deems appropriate, including placing restrictions and conditions on the

continued recognition of any member. In the event the Executive Committee

deems it fit to expel a member :

(a) The Executive Committee should give six weeks written notice to the

ASTAF Congress.

(b) Request a ‘show cause’ letter from the member to be given to the


(c) Prepare a document detailing the reasons the Executive Committee

requested the expulsion of the member.

6. Dispute resolution -

(a) Disputes arising from competitions conducted by ASTAF shall be resolved

as described in the ASTAF By-Laws, with the final decision being made by

the Jury of Appeal.

(b) Disputes arising from competitions sanctioned by ASTAF shall be

resolved as described in the ASTAF By-Laws, with the final decision being

made by the Technical Committee.

(c) Disputes and questions of eligibility not arising from tournament decisions


(I) Shall be resolved by submitting a written appeal to the ASTAF

President, who shall make a written ruling within 30 days,

providing a copy to all parties concerned and the members of the

ASTAF Executive Committee.

(ii) If a further appeal is desired, this should be submitted to the

ASTAF Executive Committee within 30 days of receiving the

decision of the President. The ASTAF Executive Committee shall

make a written ruling within 60 days, providing a copy to all parties


(iii) The ASTAF Executive Committee is the highest body of appeal.

There shall be no further avenue for appeal nor shall there be any

right to commence private litigation thereafter.


7. Application for membership.

All applications are to be made to the Secretary General of ASTAF. Guidelines -

All applications should be accompanied by :-

(a) The constitution of the National Federation

(b) The names and addresses of its Officers

(c) The name and number of clubs/associations affiliated to the said


(d) An declaration that the Federation is the central authority responsible for

all matters relating to the administration, organization and playing of the

game of Sepaktakraw in the country concerned.

(e) Endorsement of the attestation by the NOC of the country. In case an

NOC has not yet been formed in the country or if so, it has not yet been

recognized by the IOC, the endorsement should be provided by the

highest national authority in sport.

(F) Financial documents (audited annual accounts) indicating the solvency of

the Federation.

(G) A written guarantee that the Federation intends to adhere to and abide by

the Constitution, By-Laws and other statutes of ASTAF.

Article 13 OFFICERS 1. Term of Office

The term of ASTAF Council shall commence after the close of the Congress and

shall continue until the 2nd biennial Congress following their election (a term of

four (4) years).

2. Duties of Officers -

(a) The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer. He shall preside at all

meetings of the ASTAF Congress and the Executive Committee unless he

appoints a Chairperson of the Day to preside for any part of such


(b) The President shall appoint any committees the Congress authorizes him

to and/or any others he deems necessary. The President or his

representative, Secretary General and Treasurer shall represent ASTAF

in all legal matters.

c) The President shall appoint a Secretary General and a Deputy Secretary

General, who will serve terms of 4 years. The appointed officials for these

two posts must be from two different countries

(d) The President shall appoint a Treasurer, who will serve a term of 4 years.


(e) The First Deputy President shall be the President of ASTAF in the event

of absence, death, disability, resignation, incapacity, or for any other

reason, which would prevent the President permanently from lawfully

discharging his duties as provided in this Constitution.

(f) The Secretary General shall be the chief administrative officer. He shall

handle all membership correspondence and other administrative matters

in cooperation with the President. He also acts as spokesman for the


(g) The Treasurer shall be in charge of all financial matters of ASTAF. He

shall be responsible for the collection of dues, fees, and other monies

payable to ASTAF and deposit them in ASTAF’s accounts. He shall make

all necessary disbursements on behalf of ASTAF. He shall initiate a

financial committee.

(h) The President and Secretary General shall be

ex-officio members of all subcommittees with voice but no vote and are

further eligible to attend all meetings of the Regions in a similar capacity.

4. Elections -

(a) The election of President, Deputy Presidents and Vice Presidents and

council members shall be conducted in open voting by a show of hands,

unless a secret ballot is requested. A secret ballot will be conducted even

if only one member deems it necessary.

(b) The President shall be authorized to make recommendations and to provide

reasons therefor.

5. Nominations -

(a) All incumbent officers intending to run for re-election shall so advise the

Secretary General of such intention at least 1 month prior to an elective


(b) This information will be conveyed to all member Federations during the

Congress in the prescribed form.

(c) All other nominations are to be submitted to the Secretary General at

least 2 weeks prior to the Congress.

(d) If nominations are received pursuant to the above process, no additional

nominations from the floor will be entertained by the Congress.

(f) If however no nominations are received pursuant to the above process,

nominations from the floor will be accepted.

(g) All candidates have to be members of and authorized by their respective

Federations, with the exception of the Incumbent Executive Committee

members, to be eligible for election.


6. Removal from office -

An officer elected by the ASTAF Congress may be removed from office if the

duties of the office are not being performed or any other just cause by the

Congress or the Executive Committee, upon due process being observed.

Article 14 STANDING COMMITTEES 1. The Executive Committee shall appoint Chairpersons of Standing Committees

who must first be approved by the President (with a maximum of 8 members

each) to assist in the attainment of the objectives of ASTAF. The secretary of

each standing committee shall be appointed at the discretion of the chairman of

the respective Standing Committee.

2. The Standing Committees include :-

(a) The Technical Committee

(b) The Coaching Committee

(c) The Referees Committee

(d) The Disciplinary Committee

(e) The Sports Development Committee

(f) The Equipment Committee

3. The Chairperson and members of the respective committees shall be appointed

for a term of office of 2 years.

4. No meeting of a Committee may be held without prior notice to the Secretary

General of ASTAF.

5. For any meeting of a Committee, an official notice with agenda shall be circulated

to the members concerned not less than 4 weeks before the date of the proposed

meeting, with the exception of the Disciplinary Committee who may meet with

less notice when they consider it necessary.

6. All Committees shall submit a report of each meeting through the Secretary

General to the Executive Committee for ratification of decisions. Copy of the

meeting minutes must be forwarded to the Secretary General.

Article 15 TECHNICAL COMMITTEE The duties of the Technical Committee shall be as follows :-

1. To advance the training methods of Sepaktakraw teams.

2. To improve the qualifications of the trainers.

3. To resolve questions on theory and practice.

4. To organize courses and conferences for instructors, team managers, coaches

and administrators in conjunction with National Associations.

5. To elaborate the documents for teaching and training techniques for Sepaktakraw

players, trainers, coaches and referees.


6. To assist in the production of instructional videos.

7. To submit proposals of amendments to the Rules of Sepaktakraw in the biennial

Congress after the technical committee has deliberated the amendments received

from ASTAF member Federations or the Executive Committee for submission to

ISTAF Technical Committee for consideration and approval by ISTAF.

Article 16 COACHING COMMITTEE The duties of the Coaching Committee shall be as follows :-

1. To compile a list of coaches to carry out coaching duties in the Asian region.

2. To produce coaching manuals including the production of slides, videos and other

aids which can be utilized as coaching materials.

3. To organize Regional coaching courses, seminars, conferences and workshops

to enable the coaches to actively participate in upgrading their coaching

knowledge and technique.

4. To form a panel of lecturers in consultation with the Executive Committee and

who, from time to time, according to the necessities, take part in Courses and

other events as deemed beneficial by the Coaching Committee.

5. To recommend to the Chairperson of the Sports Development Committee,

coaches who will be sent to ASTAF member Federations as well as to other

countries around the world for the development, promotion and training programs

for Sepaktakraw, especially to countries that are new to Sepaktakraw.

Article 17 ASTAF REFEREE COMMITTEE The duties of the Coaching Committee shall be as follows :-

1. To compile a list of referees qualified to be referees of Regional matches from

the nominations submitted by the National Federations.

2. To establish as far as possible uniformity in methods of refereeing and

application of Laws of the Game.

3. To organize courses for ASTAF Referees and for those responsible for the

education and the preparations of Referees in their countries, directly or co-

jointly with National Federations of ASTAF member countries in which the host

country will be responsible for accommodations, meals and internal

transportation while the participating countries will be responsible for the airfares

of the participants.

4. To form a panel of lecturers in consultation with the Secretary General of ASTAF

and who, from time to time, according to the necessities, take part in Courses and

such events as deemed necessary by the ASTAF Referees Committee.


5. To recommend to ASTAF Referees to be considered as candidates as ISTAF

Referee and ISTAF Lecturers.

6. To identify and recommend to ASTAF names of referees to officiate International

and Asian Sepaktakraw Competitions, including Asian Games and SEA Games.

Article 18 DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE 1. The Executive Committee shall appoint a Disciplinary Committee and entrust it

with the power to investigate into and take such actions as necessary following

any reported breaches and/or acts of misconduct by any individual or by a team

or by a member on or off the playing field. Any such reports shall in the first

instance be sent to the Secretary General.

2. In the event of a referral, the Executive Committee shall review only the sanction

imposed by the Disciplinary Committee. The Executive Committee shall have the

power to confirm, vary or quash any such sanction.

3. The area of concern for the Disciplinary Committee is:

(a) To examine reports submitted by referees, national Federations,

appointed observers and others concerning incidents on the court of play

or its precincts which is likely to bring the game into disrepute.

(b) To outline the scale of punishment in a disciplinary memorandum to be

adopted by the ASTAF Congress.

(c) To decide whether disciplinary action should be taken.


The duties of the Sports Development Committee shall be as follows :-

1. To initiate Sepaktakraw development programs on a ‘grassroots’ level.

2. To undertake studies and research that will assist to raise the standards of

Sepaktakraw in Asia and to prepare sports programs and courses for the

development of its sport leaders.

2. To initiate and oversee training programs and courses with the purpose of

benefiting all member countries and work closely with the Olympic Council of


3. To oversee ongoing training programs throughout Asia and provide such

assistance as necessary.

4. To draw up and update a 20 year plan detailing how Sepaktakraw will be

developed throughout Asia.


Article 20 EQUIPMENT COMMITTEE The duties of the Equipment Committee shall be :-

1. To ensure that Sepaktakraw equipment is readily available throughout

Sepaktakraw playing nations in Asia.

2. To provide such equipment as necessary to ‘start-up’ programs and where

member Federations have little experience and expertise with regards to


3. To strictly control and ensure the continued use of high quality and safe

Sepaktakraw equipment in accordance with ISTAF equipment standards.

4. To ensure, control and enforce that the use of the term “ASTAF Approved”

designation for equipment including balls, nets, posts and courts and other items

is not misused and that any equipment applying to be considered for “ASTAF

Approved” must already be approved by ISTAF.

5. To follow the rules and regulations governing equipment as established by ISTAF

and applied to ASTAF events.


1. The Treasurer of ASTAF shall oversee the setting up of a Finance Committee.

2. The Finance Committee shall comprise of 6 members (including the Treasurer

and Secretary General).

3. The appointment of persons to the Finance Committee is at the discretion of the

Treasurer, subject to approval from the Executive Committee.

4. Members of the Finance Committee need not necessarily be members of ASTAF,

so long as in the opinion of the Treasurer, these individuals are committed to the

visions of ASTAF and can bring valuable expertise to ASTAF in matters of


5. The Treasurer will chair all meetings of the Finance Committee.

6. ASTAF as the sole owner of television and radio rights, licensing and

sponsorship rights and the like for “Asian Championships” competitions, confers

on the Finance Committee, the authority to act on its behalf (subject to approval

of the Treasurer) in all matters relating to:-

(a) The assignment of television and radio rights and of other commercial

rights relating to Asian Continental and Asian Regional Sepaktakraw


(b) The raising of funds and the solicitation of sponsorship and other similar



(c) Licensing all or part of all commercial rights, as well as concluding any

agreements relating to such rights.

Article 22 BUSINESS YEAR The business year of ASTAF shall begin on the 1st January and end on the 31st of


Article 23 FINANCIAL PROCEDURES 1. Membership Fees -

(a) The Executive Committee will be empowered to fix the amount of

membership fees if any and each Federation shall be required to pay the

fee by 1 February.

(b) In cases where the affiliation fee falls into arrears, the member rights as

prescribed by this Constitution shall be suspended during such period of

arrearages. During this time, members shall not be entitled to participate

in the Congress, any international or regional match, competition or any

other event, whether in the capacity of a player, official or organizer.

Membership rights shall be reinstated upon payment of arrears.

(c) Affiliation fees shall be paid either to the Treasurer of ASTAF, who will be

required to notify the President of such payment as soon as possible.

(d) The Treasurer shall notify each member of the Federation one month

before the membership fees are due and payable and again if any

member falls into arrears.

(e) The Executive Committee may, from time to time, decide on the amount of

such fees as it deems necessary.

2. Auditors -

(a) The Congress shall elect 2 Internal Auditors and 2 Alternates for a term of

2 years who shall audit all ASTAF financial transactions.

(b) All financial transactions shall be audited before a Congress meeting by a

Certified Public Accountant from any member country, who shall provide

an Auditor’s Report.

3. Expenses -

(a) The Treasurer shall submit an annual budget for the approval of the

Executive Committee.

(b) The travel and accommodation expenses of the President, Secretary

General or other members of the Council and Executive Committee, when

necessary to carry out assigned official duties, shall be paid by ASTAF.


(c) All other elected and appointed officials’ expenses arising when on duty,

are to be paid by that official’s member Federation, unless determined

otherwise by the ASTAF Executive Committee.


(OPEN AND YOUTH, REGU AND TEAM) 1. ASTAF shall have the exclusive right to organize or to entrust an affiliated

association with the arrangement of the Asian Championships.

2. The ASTAF Asian Championships will be held quadrennially or biennially in a

year not clashing with the Olympic or Asian Games. The ASTAF Asian Youth

Championships will be held biennially in a year not clashing with the ASTAF

Asian Championships.

3. Applications to host the Asian Championships will be acted upon by the ASTAF

Congress held in conjunction with the current Asian Championships. Applications

to host the Youth Asian Championships will be acted upon by the biennial ASTAF

Congress. Such applications must be received by the ASTAF Secretary General

not later than 6 months prior to the Congress, For the Asian Championships

however, Federations are encouraged to provide verbal notice of intention to bid

at the Congress conducted prior to the one at which the decision will be made.

4. Only member Federations may submit applications. If other organizations are

involved in any bidding commitments or guarantees, they will be made party to

the written agreement between ASTAF and the Host Federation.

5. An application shall, at a minimum, provide the following information :

(a) Proposed location (city, state, region)

(b) Proposed dates

(c) Available stadium for hosting the Championships; their viewing capacity,

availability of facilities for television and media coverage, a description of

accompanying facilities and meeting rooms, assurance of exclusive

availability for the duration of the competition; assurance of meeting all

ASTAF specifications.

(d) Available hotels; a description of guest and meeting rooms; current and

projected prices; distance from competition arena in driving time and


6. An application shall, at a minimum, include a financial commitment to provide the

following for official delegation members :

(a) Airport pick-up and return

(b) Transport between designated hotels and competition arena in

accordance with a pre-arranged schedule.


(c) Costs for all official training/practice sessions and competition.

(d) An Opening Ceremony, Welcome Party and Farewell Dinner.

7. The Host Federation may determine the size of the official delegation with

approval of the ASTAF President. However, the minimum official delegation will

include :

(a) 24 players (Team -12 men & 12 women)

(b) 8 Players (Regu - 4 men & 4 women)

(c) Two coaches (1 each for men and women)

(d) Two team managers (men’s and women’s)

(e) Elected and accredited delegates to ASTAF Congress and Executive

Committee meetings held in conjunction with the Championships

(if required by ASTAF Executive Committee).

The Host Federation may be permitted, if it so wishes, to collect a registration fee from

each member of an official delegation, to be applied against hosting expenses. Members

of the ASTAF Congress and Executive Committee are exempt from paying this fee.

8. An application shall, at a minimum, include a guarantee to underwrite the following

expenses :

(a) Accommodation at the headquarters hotel, car and driver for the ASTAF

President and Secretary

(b) Drug testing facilities which meet IOC doping regulations (for Open

Championships only)

(c) Certified medical personnel on call (24 hours, including medical doctor,

who must be physically present in the competition arena while matches

are being conducted.

(d) Rooms for ASTAF Congress and Executive Committee meetings.

(e) Translation services (if necessary) for ASTAF Congress and Executive

Committee meetings.

(f) Technicians and necessary equipment to record the proceedings and to

provide audio visual service for the ASTAF Congress.

(g) Luncheons for Executive Committee members (2 days)

(h) Luncheon for Congress members (1 day)

(i) Morning and/or afternoon refreshment breaks for Executive Committee

meetings and ASTAF Congress.

(j) Accreditation Badges (ID Cards) for members of the official delegation,

and such others authorized by the Secretary General of ASTAF, which will

provide full access to the competition venue at all times.


(k) Media facilities with appropriate telephone, facsimile, internet and other

communication services, as well as badges of accreditation.

(l) Hotel accommodation for duly authorized officials for required pre-

competition visits.

9. Following the selection of a Host Federation, the ASTAF President, Secretary

General or Treasurer will initiate a written agreement (Memorandum of

Understanding - MOU) with at least 2 duly authorized officials of the Host

Federation and any other necessary parties. Failure of such officials (and other

parties) to sign said documents within 6 months of selection will be cause for the

ASTAF Executive Committee to consider relocating the Championships to the

alternate site. Such action can only be taken at an ASTAF Executive Committee

meeting where the Host Federation has been invited to plead its case.

10. To appoint two (2) technical delegates to the SEA Games, Asian Games and

International Championships held in Asia and any other international

competitions that are sanctioned by ASTAF. The expenses of the Technical

Delegate involving round trip air ticket, accommodations, meals and allowances

of $75.00 per day shall be paid by the organizing committee. The host country

must guarantee proper accreditation for the technical delegates who have been

appointed. The technical delegates must be allowed to inspect the competition

venue, facilities and equipment to insure that that they conform to ASTAF


11. ASTAF Members Jury of Appeal - 4 members to be appointed to a Jury of Appeal

to any ASTAF sanctioned competitions including Asian Games, SEA Games and

other International and Continental competitions sanctioned by ASTAF. The host

country shall provide accommodations, meals and internal transportation during

the competition period. Members of the Jury shall be paid US$ 30 per day for

their services. Two (2) members of the Jury of Appeal are to be appointed by the

host country of whom one of them is the technical committee chairman and shall

act as the chairman of the Jury of Appeal. As for the other member of the Jury of

Appeal from the host country, he will act as secretary without vote.

12. International Referees

(a) When hosting any Sepaktakraw competition sanctioned by ASTAF

(including. SEA & ASIAN Games, Continental & Regional Championships,

International Competitions held in Asian Region etc...) it is incumbent


upon the host nation to ensure that at least (2) international referees

approved by the referees committee are in attendance to officiate the


(b) The Chairman of the referees committee or his representative shall to be

appointed by ASTAF to oversee the officiating of ASTAF sanctioned

competitions including SEA Games, Asian Games and other International

and Regional tournaments held in the Asian Region. The host nation shall

provide economy round trip air-tickets, accommodation, meals and

internal transportation during the period of competition and shall pay a

stipend of US$30 per day for their services.


(c) The host nation shall provide economy round trip air-tickets,

accommodation, meals and internal transportation during the period of

competition and shall pay the appointed referees a stipend of US$30 per

day for their services.

Article 25 APPLICATION NOT RECEIVED FOR ASIAN CHAMPIOSHIPS If no application as described in this Constitution is received, the ASTAF President with

the assistance of the Executive Committee will solicit applications from among its

member federations, and has the authority to waive the 6 month requirement. If

applications are still not forthcoming, the President, with the assistance of the Executive

Committee is authorized to negotiate and select a site for the Championships.

Article 26 ALTERNATIVE SITE TO ASIAN CHAMPIONSHIPS An alternative site should be designated by the ASTAF Congress. When more than one

application is received to host the Championships, consideration as an alternative site

will be given to those Federations which have filed applications in accordance to this

Constitution. The decision may be made by the Congress following selection of the Host

Federation. If no additional applications are received, selection of an alternative site will

be made by the Executive Committee.


1. Member Federations shall endeavor to arrange ASTAF approval for all those

tournaments conducted by non-members and which are regional by character and

the rules of which are in accordance to ASTAF rules.


2. Regional tournaments which are organized and conducted by member

Federations may also be approved by ASTAF. No fees are payable for such



Rules and equipment specifications for the Asian, Regional and other approved

tournaments shall be in accordance to and defined by the ISTAF and ASTAF By-Laws.


The President, Council and Executive Committee may, if desires, submit to the members and/or

ASTAF member countries a resolution for vote by post, cable, telex or fax. If a majority

of Council members and/or ASTAF member countries vote in favor of the resolution, it

shall be deemed to be carried out and shall be effective as a resolution passed at a duly

convened meeting. Provided that only votes received within the date of voting

prescribed by the President shall be deemed to be valid and also provided that not less

than half of the total number of Council and Executive Committee members and/or

ASTAF member countries cast valid votes. The results of every such vote shall be

communicated to all representatives and reported to the ASTAF Congress.

Article 30 AMENDMENTS 1. This Constitution and the ASTAF By-Laws may be altered at any Congress as

follows :

(a) Upon written proposals being submitted to the Secretary General at least

4 weeks in advance of the Congress where it is to be considered.

(b) Notice of such proposal is distributed to all member Federations at least 2

weeks prior to the meeting.

(c) The proposal is adopted by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote at the


(d) When a written proposal is not submitted within the stipulated time, it may

be considered provided the Congress agrees by a two-thirds(2/3) majority

vote to do so. As with other proposals, a two-third (2/3) majority vote shall

be required for adoption.

2. No amendment shall be adopted or policy established by ASTAF which would be

in conflict with the ISTAF Constitution and By-Laws


Article 31: TRIBUNAL

All legal disputes issuing from these Constitution and any other rules and regulations

made by the Federation that cannot be settled amicably shall be settled by a tribunal.


The ASTAF President may adopt and enforce By-Laws, which are not inconsistent with

the ASTAF Constitution. The By-Laws become effective immediately and are subject to

ratification by the forthcoming ASTAF Executive Committee meeting. The ASTAF

Executive Committee may also adopt and enforce by a majority vote, By-Laws, which are

not inconsistent with the ASTAF Constitution. To ensure the orderly operation of the

organization, the ASTAF Executive Committee may modify existing constitutional

provisions by a three-fourths (3/4) affirmative vote. Such changes become effective

immediately and are subject to ratification by the forthcoming ASTAF meeting.

Article 33 Dissolution

The Asian Sepaktakraw Federation shall not be dissolved except at an extraordinary

meeting of the Congress convened upon 3 months notice for the purpose and by a

resolution adopted by a four-fifths (4/5) majority vote.

In the event of such dissolution, it is specifically provided that all ASTAF’s remaining

assets after payment of its liabilities shall be distributed to one or more recognized

charitable organizations.


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