assistive technologies used in the classroom

Post on 13-Dec-2014






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Maria Badillo

Basic Technologies PT. 1Basic Technologies PT. 2Basic Technologies Reflection

The power of Assistive Technologies PT.1 The power of Assistive Technologies PT.2

The power of Assistive Technologies Reflection

Technology in the Classroom Pt.2

Technology in the classroom Reflection

Technology in the Classroom Pt.1


Interchangeable terms with assistive technology include • assistive devices, • rehabilitation equipment/technology,

adaptive materials • or adaptive technologies.

When we apply AT to facilitate the use of classroom technologies and materials by students with disabilities in today's classrooms, AT includes both "access" and "adaptive" technologies.

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(Project, 2000)

I really admired and was amazed at the use of the alternate key board as well as the

automatic page turner. These new devices could open up an opportunity for the

disabled students. I never realized how these simple tasks that I take for granted

everyday can be so beneficial to other students.

Jendron, J. (n.d.). The Power of Assistive Technology. Retrieved December 2, 2009, from The ConnSENSE Bulletin:

Technology has great potential in providing access for all learners.

Through the use of a variety of assistive technologies, students with disabilities can have the ability to access the general curriculum.

When assistive technology is appropriately integrated into the regular classroom, students are provided with multiple means to complete their work.

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This article taught me that in working with disables students that I will have to

make accommodations as well as adaptations with in my curriculum for the student to truly get a well rounded

education from me. Its not just the devices that help the student, but I have

to be willing to help learn how to incorporate those devices into my

lesson plan. I will also have to know how to use the devices myself.

Project, A. T. (2000). Basic Technologies. Retrieved December 2, 2009, from Introduction to AT:

Some children with measured disabilities will require focused instruction in one-on-one or small-group settings.

But other children who need help to keep up with their peers -- especially those with more severe disabilities -- can benefit from machines designed to help them learn!

Such "assistive devices" aid their learning, understanding, and participation in the regular classroom environment.

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(Steele-Carlin, 2001)

This article has made me reflect on the different experiences I have had thus far in the classroom and coaching. We will continually have different

types of students in our classrooms but the different ways we can manipulate and mold our

lessons can really help a student succeed. I coached a diver once who was severely autistic, but

loved to be in the water. I had to change my coaching style to accompany his learning style. The

different styles or devices that can be used in a classroom can affect the persistence that some

students have in succeeding with in that classroom. The role of a teacher should be one that supports every student he or she encounters whether they

are deaf, blind, or have a different type of disability the teacher should try everything possible to help

that particular child. Steele-Carlin, S. (2001, June 1). Assistive Devices Help Challenged Kids Get the Most From Learning. Retrieved December 2, 2009, from Education World:

“Technology can provide access, previously unattainable, to the content and processes of the general education curriculum for students with high incidence or mild disabilities–those with learning disabilities, emotional/behavioral disorders, mild mental retardation, and developmental delays. This world of possibility for access to learning, however, has not yet been attained in our classrooms.”

–Kathleen Puckett

This is my favorite quote, it places a strong firm grasp on what exactly is discussed when the word “disabilities” is used as well as the fact that these new technologies can branch out and help such a wide spectrum of people. These people were never before able to be helped with their learning disabilities and now they can be. This though is still a troublesome issue considering at the end of this quote is talks about how this helpful technology is not yet attained in most classrooms. The main ideas in the articles were how helpful the new assistive technology can be within the classroom and how it can start to bring hope to a new group of people. The technology can bring a new way of communication, learning skills, and therapy for the students. Also the goal of providing the schools with this technology is a main idea for most of the schools and how it is going to be a long process due to lack of funds. I really do wonder how it is going to be possible for these teachers and schools to afford this technology? Are the schools going to be taking the money for these things out of their school budget, when it is already running on a low supply? Along with that how much is being taught with this technology, I wish there was a video describing how these new tools are being used in the classroom? I just can’t visualize them. The way I would begin to make sense of the questions as a teacher would be to ask the corporation for the funding of these new assistive technologies that could really benefit our disabled students while helping them prosper in school.

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