asset ppt

Post on 04-Jan-2016






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To make a new Project start Aircom enterprise suite,after Login and this window will open, click add for a new project

Give project a name

Click on Coord System tab and click on change

Select universal Transverse Mercator from Group column as shown in ppt

IN system column select zone( you can see the zone in map folder>clutter>projection>(43N)

is our zone for Karnatka. Then Save>ok.

Then go to 2nd tab which is Map Data Directories(Input Folders):browse for folders and give path. In Line{vector}Data column select vector folder From you

digital height column select height folder From you digital Maps.In clutter column select clutter folder From you digital Maps.

In text column select text(landmark) folder From you digital Maps.

Then go to 3rd tab which is user Data Directories(output Folders): you have to create 4 folders in any drive for output:& then give path here:

Go to Map Data Extents tab and calculate and ok




This window will appear after click on key/legend tab

Click on Data types tab, click on height, clutters, height is our DTM height

Then uncheck height, only clutter is open in this ppt

This is our zoom in and zoom out button as shown in the ppt

Also we can give legends to clutter according to our understanding by double click on any clutter categories

This is our selection tab, here is rectangular selection,single selection, circular selection and polygon selection, we can select at anyway

This is our search button as shown in the ppt

This window will appear when we click on search button, we can search location, site, property, link, text(places)

We can make propagation models also just go to configuration tab and click on models

This window will appear click on add button>add propagation model window will appear, select standard macrocell3>click on add

In general tab you can give name to your models like Bangalore_DU, set frequency,mobile Rx height

Give k1 to k7 values in path loss tab

Select Relative here as shown in ppt

You can give clutter losses here as shown in ppt

If you have xml files of propagation models also you can import by this way just go to file>import>xml

Take path from here

Go to config tab> here your propagation files(xml) comes just select propagation models>import as shown in the ppt

Also you can import antenna’s file xml by the same way

You can see the antenna’s in Equipments>cellular Antennas

Here is all your antenna files, To see his Pattern just click on anyone of antenna as shown in the ppt, go to mask button and you can see its horizontal and vertical patterns

Also you can import antenna in .txt format, just go to file>import>project data>planet/EET

Click on Antennas tab and check on antennas and click on add as shown in the ppt

Take your antenna’s files path from your desktop and laptop and import the files

NOW how to add a site, just go to add msc button as shown in the ppt

Then add a bsc, after that before adding a site you have to make a template for a site which contains all the information of sites

Just go to Database tab>templates as shown in the ppt

Go to cell site and click right and select add template, give your template a name(like Du in the PPT) then right click on your Template and add cell as shown in the ppt

After adding three sectors of a site we have to fill information about the cells(like antenna, azimuth, height,mech. Tilt, primary prediction model, resolution,radius) as shown in the ppt

Every cell contains a cell layer as shown in the ppt (GSM-Default). In this cell layer we will give PA output or EiRP

Now go to add site

now you can add sites

Also you can move planned sites to another location by clicking on move property button as shown in the ppt. Click on move property button then select any site and put it where you want

If you want to move a site on a prefered lat/ long then follow these steps just go to database tab> sites as shown in the ppt

This sitedatabase window will open then go to view> location view

in this window Now you can see that property is also opens with cell sites & cells, we can change lat long in property, every site has its own property, you can change it’s lat long as

shown in the ppt

We can delete any site by click on delete property as shown in the property

We can change any cells azimuth just go to move network elements tab>Re-orientate Antenna as shown in the ppt .

Also we can see the distance of two sites by just clicking on View>height profile

Click on point to point button

You can see the distance between two sites like this as shown in the ppt

This is our .txt sitedatabase format. We can import and export in that format. We have to make database in this format( Note; paste this site database excel in excel work sheet and then you can see the full format) The Disadvantage of this format is that we can fill one antenna height for all three sectors of a site. After importing that we will take a export of sites in xml format and

then we can edit in xml by xml editor and can give height according to sector wise.

SITE ID LONG LAT FLAG1 FLAG2FLAG3FLAG4FLAG5 DTM HEIGHT ANTENNA HEIGHT HEXAGON RADIUS SECTORS MODELS AZIMUTH IST SEC. EIRP IST SEC MECH. TILT IST SEC. ANTENNA IST SEC. AZIMUTH 2ND SEC. EIRP 2ND SEC MECH. TILT2ND SEC. ANTENNA 2ND SEC AZIMUTH 3RD SEC. EIRP 3RD SEC. MECH. TILT ANTENNA 3RD SEC.AFZG003 76.36 17.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 2 3 UNKNOWN 340 57.7 1 HBX-6517DS-VTM 60 57.7 1 HBX-6517DS-VTM 240 57.7 1 HBX-6517DS-VTMAFZG004 76.36 17.201 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 2 3 UNKNOWN 0 57.7 1 HBX-6517DS-VTM 140 57.7 1 HBX-6517DS-VTM 240 57.7 1 HBX-6517DS-VTMAGAG001 75.45 14.864 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 2 3 UNKNOWN 0 57.7 1 HBX-6517DS-VTM 120 57.7 1 HBX-6517DS-VTM 220 57.7 1 HBX-6517DS-VTMALAG003 76.57 17.566 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 2 3 UNKNOWN 20 57.7 1 HBX-6517DS-VTM 120 57.7 1 HBX-6517DS-VTM 240 57.7 1 HBX-6517DS-VTM

After making the database you can import these sites in Asset like this as shown in the ppt

Click on sites tab, check on sites/cells then take path from your laptop or desktop and import

You can see imported sites here as shown in the ppt click on Database>sites(like we have 4792 sites, 14387 cells, 4795 property)




We can draw a polygon as shown in the ppt. just click on vector manager

After clicking on vector manager this window will open just right click on system vector or user vector>add vector

Give name to your polygon or vector then click on add also give name to your attribute as shown in the ppt & click ok & ok

Give path to your vector or polygon where you want to save

Then select your attribute as shown in the ppt

Click on Draw a new Polygon as shown in the ppt

You can draw the polygon like this as shown in the ppt. see the polygon in clutter carefully in the ppt

You can edit the polygon from move a point within a shape

Also You Can insert a point just clicking on insert a point within a shape

You can also delete a point by just clicking on delete a point within a shape

It comes in user vector where you made it

You can change also polygon’s width and colors as shown in the ppt.

You can give coverage colors as shown in the ppt

Select one coverage type click on modify and you can change its colors also name

You can give coverage thresholds as shown in the ppt

Select layer>coverage thresholds tab>double click on category and you can put level

TO predict a site>> select the site

Go to Tools> pathloss Predictor


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