assessment of secure openid-based daaa protocol for avoiding session hijacking...

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Research ArticleAssessment of Secure OpenID-Based DAAA Protocol forAvoiding Session Hijacking in Web Applications

Muhammad Bilal ,1,2 Muhammad Asif ,2 and Abid Bashir 2

1College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China2Department of Computer Science, National Textile University, Faisalabad 38000, Pakistan

Correspondence should be addressed to Muhammad Bilal;

Received 7 August 2018; Accepted 26 September 2018; Published 1 November 2018

Academic Editor: Vincenzo Conti

Copyright © 2018 Muhammad Bilal et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons AttributionLicense, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properlycited.

It is increasingly difficult to manage the user identities (IDs) of rapidly developing and numerous types of online web-basedapplications in the present era. An innovative ID management system is required for managing the user IDs. The OpenIDlightweight protocol is a better solution to manage the user IDs. In an OpenID communication environment, OpenID URLis not secured in a session hijacking situation because in other existing OpenID communication methods such double factorauthentication has more chances of valid user session hijacked. The proposed communication protocol secures the OpenID URLwith the help of additional innovative parameters such as Special Alphanumeric String (SAS) and Special Security PIN (SSP). Theanticipated triple authentication protocol authenticated client unique OpenID URL at OpenID Provider (OP) side once and SASand SSP field at Relying Party (RP) side. The anticipated protocol provides unique Single-Sign-On (SSO) services to OpenID users.The experimental website is tested by experts of web developers for avoiding session hijacking situation in the presence of hackers.The findings demonstrated that Dense Authentication Authorization and Accounting (DAAA) protocol minimizes the risk of asession hijacking in OpenID communication environment.

1. Introduction

Identity Management is a vital administrative area in themajor field of Information Technology (IT) and security.There are many ways to create and manage front and back-end user authentication and authorization through digitalidentities. The entire world uses the Internet for variouspurposes. The Internet has become a part of social life inwhich users have many accounts to manage. Users createduplicate user profiles for accessing numerous types of onlinelogin web-based applications in this IT era. To avoid theduplication of profiles, OpenID protocol has provided SSOservices to its users.Themain feature of SSO is to enhance theuser login process. The SSO is a famous distributed protocoland OpenID supports this protocol [1–13].

OpenID is an open standard and decentralized approach[14–18]. Users in OpenID register an identity provideronce and then use the OpenID-enabled websites. OpenIDallows using an existing account to sign in to multiple

websites, without creating a new account. OpenID protocolalso removes the duplication of user profiles in multiplewebsites logins. In OpenID communication environment,OpenID URL is an identity that facilitates SSO services toits users. The OpenID authentication process for end-usersuses standard HTTP requests and responses and does notrequire any special capability of user agents or client software.OpenID provides users with convenience and better securitycompared to others login systems. OpenID was created insummer 2005 as an open source related community to solvethe problem of multiple logins on different websites. Thiswas done by the OpenID Foundation [19–23]. The OpenIDprotocol is a simple lightweight protocol [24, 25].

OpenID protocol supports many well-known websitessuch as VeriSign Lab, Yahoo, Google, ClaimID, GetOpenID,Live Journal, Facebook, Microsoft, Flicker, Hyves, Blogger,OrangeTM, Myspace, Word Press, mixi, and AOL for SSOfacilities. In all well-known websites, the biggest issues facedare those of signing into multiple websites. The OpenID

HindawiSecurity and Communication NetworksVolume 2018, Article ID 6315039, 10 pages

2 Security and Communication Networks

Foundation acts as a public trust-based organization thatsolved these multiple websites’ issues representing the globalcommunity in June 2007 [20, 26–30].

OpenID protocol consists of three major components:

(i) Relying Party (RP).(ii) Identity Provider (IdP) or OpenID Provider (OP).(iii) User Agent (UA) [1, 2, 12, 20, 29–34].

The above-mentioned three major components are basi-cally interconnected with each other for communication inthe OpenID-based environment. OpenID protocol’s normalworking environment is shown in Figure 1 [26].

There are different steps involved in the OpenID protocolworking environment as shown in Figure 1.

(i) Clients (UA) request the RP to access the websites byproviding the ID.

(ii) RP communicates with the OP for authentication ofclients (UA).

(iii) OP redirects to clients (UA) for authentication.(iv) Authorized Clients (UA) communicate with the OP

for authentication.(v) The OP sends a response to the RP (success or failure

for client’s authentication).(vi) The RP provides clients (UA) access to start the

communication properly [1, 26, 35].

OpenID communication-based environment providesmultiple benefits, such as strong authentication for validand authentic user access in OpenID related websites thateasily facilitate the OpenID-enabled users [36]. The OpenIDmembers avail many benefits such as cost saving and col-laboration among multiple industries and users. The clientcan easily login through OpenID without giving usernameand password information to the server through a RelyingParty or user website. The client can manage the informationsent to requesting websites at all risk levels easily. In OpenID,communication environment, username, and password arenot being written anywhere with a remember option [26, 36].OpenID authentication protocol is the most famous amongmultiple users for using multiple websites, blogs, and socialsites in the form of single profiles’ creation [25].

There are two modes of communication between theRelying Party (RP) and OpenID Provider (OP):

(i) Dumb Mode(ii) Smart Mode

In the dumbmode, RP (consumer) does not maintain thestate of association between OP and RP and more steps areused for completion of authentication. In Smart mode, RPmaintains the state of association between OP and RP andfewer steps are used for authentication [27].

The session hijacking situation occurs when hackers stealthe valid user session information for a specific website andact as an authorized user. Session hijacking is just like a manin the middle attack and has significantly higher rates thansecurity attacks [26, 37–39].

The session hijacking is still a threat for web-basedapplications, that is, significant loss of important data suchas banking details and online user login credentials. Mostresearchers started working for the protection of sessionhijacking in mid-1990s. The researcher Nikiforakis proposeda session shield technique as protections against sessionhijacking. The researcher Dacosta team proposed One-Time-Cookies (OTC) solution as protections against session hijack-ing [40].

Authentication means to verify the legitimacy processand is performed in different forms such as textual, biometric,token, and graphical based password [41].

There are different methods used for authenticating theuser depending on the situation:

(i) Password-based authentication (desktop, web-based,and client-server applications)

(ii) PIN-based authentication (ATM, telephone card sys-tem)

(iii) Smart card based authentication (scan and pluggedinto the system)

(iv) Biometric authentication (scan fingerprint and eyeretina)

(v) Certificate-based authentication (X.509, SSL certifi-cate) [27, 42]

Authentication of users via OpenID URL in OpenIDcommunication-based web applications is amajor issue facedstill today due to insecurity and unreliability because ofsession hijacking risk. How can secure and reliable userauthentication in an OpenID communication environmentbe ensured for online web applications in a session hijacksituation?

In this paper, a secure OpenID protocol is designed andimplemented in an experimental website to demonstrate pro-tection against session hijacking. In this innovate protocol,OpenID URL is secured by using two parameters SAS andSSP at client / RP side. The experimental website test resultsexhibited that DAAA protocol is more secure in an OpenIDcommunication-based environment. Section 2 in this paperpresented related work carried out by other researchers.Section 3 described the design methodology in detail. Sec-tion 4 elaborated proposed protocol implementation with anexplanation. In the end, Section 5 presented the conclusionand future work.

2. Related Work

Theweb-based attack is a huge challenge for web applicationson both the client and server sides. Session hijacking is one ofthe techniques inwhich hackers/intruders steal the session IDof the client/user in the communication server or website andact as an authorized user. In anOpenID communication envi-ronment, a hacker is a person that is dangerous for authenticclients because if security is implemented in a simple andnormal way then the hacker works as an authorized userbetween the client and server sides and endangers the user

Security and Communication Networks 3

Relying Party Identity Provider

2. Connect Server

5. Send Success/Failure

6. Established1. Connect RP

3. Give I


4. Get

User ID


Figure 1: OpenID communication environment [26].

Relying Party Identity Provider


2. Connect Server

3. Success

1. Connect RP. Established

Session Hijacked


Figure 2: Session hijacking situation in OpenID environment [26].

data. In this situation, the OpenID URL is not secured asshown in Figure 2 [26].

Simply the hacker steals the user identity from thecommunication server or website as shown in Figure 2. Inthis paper, to avoid a session attack on the client side, adouble authentication communication scheme is used. In thisscheme, the PIN code is used as an additional parameter foruser authentication. The user information and PIN code asan additional parameter are stored in an identity provideronce ready for initiating communication in anOpenID-basedenvironment. Yadis’ discovery protocol is used for locatingthe identity of the OpenID URL in this model. The RP andOP communicate with each other by using the Diffi Hellmanalgorithm to share an association message. When a userrequest for RP to communicate is established successfullywith the PIN code, then RP redirects the user to the identityprovider side through theYadis protocol to check theOpenIDidentity. If the OpenIDURL identity is valid, then the identityprovider server sends a success message with the additionalparameter PIN code to RP. After receiving the successfulmessage RP comparison, the user’s originally requested PINand identity are provided back with the response PIN forauthentication of the valid user.When both PINs arematchedon the RP side then successful communication is established

Browser OpenID ProviderServer

Request 1, Session: C1, HMAC

Redirect to OpenID, Session, ID1, Y1

Login page, session: C2, HMAC

Login page, session: ID2, Y2Credentials, Session: ID2, X2, C2, HMACAuthentication Assertion

Assertion , Session: ID1, X1, C1, HMAC

Response 2

Figure 3: OpenID authentication using secure sessionmanagement[43].

between the RP and the authentic user. In simple term, adouble authentication scheme can be done by using oneauthentication method on the identity provider side and thesecond authentication method on the RP side. But if the PINon the client side is stolen by a hacker then that issue stillexists in session hijacking, as the use of PIN is considered asa weak form of authentication [26].

In this paper, to avoid phishing attacks on the serverside, two-factor based antiphishing schemes are used inthe OpenID environment. The two additional credentials ofthe password and Personal Identification Number (PIN) areused as double factor authentication in this model. The twoadditional credentials have been tested on the experimentalwebsite to avoid phishing attacks against theft. This prototypesystem is tested by using pip VeriSign Labs as an identityprovider [1].

This paper describes sessionmanagement as an importantpart of the user’s authentication in current web-based appli-cations at the server side. The session is secured effectivelyvia the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) channel inweb applications by sharing the secret key between thebrowser and the server side. The signature request idea isused between the browser and the server. If the session isprevented by attackers, the secret key is not accessible ortransmitted due to the third-party authentication in the formof a valid signature request checked. The valid signature issigned and verified by hash-based message authenticationcode (HMAC). This secret key is also used to secure theOpenID authentication scenario as shown in Figure 3 [43].

Figure 3 represents how the OpenID-based authentica-tion works in secure session management by using third-party authentication. The important observation in Figure 3is an assertion trigger that is marked by an oval symbol. Thisassertion is used by the Relying Party as a claimed identity forverifying the session authentication. If attackers try to hackthe session, then ID1 (Session Identifier) is used to solve theproblem by binding each assertion of the session identifier.The de facto solution is implanted for securing the TransportLayer Security (TLS) [43].

4 Security and Communication Networks

Researchers in the past have already successfully devel-oped methods to reduce the risk of attacks through thepassword-based solution, for example, ATM PIN number.But password-based applications user faced problems in caseof forgetting, resetting after some days, the security questionsasked. Nowadays, new technology is used in most webapplications for securing the password, such as two-factorauthentication, biometrics, tokens, and federated identitysystem such as OpenID. Security experts analyzed the poorsecurity that users faced on multiple web-based attacks suchas session hijacking and client-side malware, as proved byUS Government National Strategy for Trusted Identities inCyberspace (NSTIC) in 2011. The researchers analyzed userdependency upon password-based authentication works bestif the password is managed by good policies and is cost-effective [42].

The security limitations in an OpenID communicationenvironment for users’ online authentication are the mali-cious Relying Party that redirects the user to wrong orfake websites, considered as a phishing attack, and hackershijacking the valid user session that is still an issue in this field[3].

In this paper, two-factor BeamAuth web authenticationtechniques are used for avoiding the phishing attack inthe Single-Sign-On (SSO) form. This technique requiresbookmarking the real estate and browser setupmeasures.TheBeamAuth solution exploits the URL (used as an identifier)and other unusual properties and cannot send to networkeven in the case of page changes or page reloading. Secondly,new security features include testing and deploying the webapplication without client updating information [44].

The rapid growth of Internet services requires a problemto create a new account for accessing these services. But thisuser login complexity decreased by SSO and OpenID some-how. This paper basically analyzed existing cloud computingtechniques strengths and weakness. In this paper, an antici-pated model is the one in which One Time Password (OTP),Trusted Platform Module (TPM), and OpenID are used foravoiding phishing attacks in the cloud-based environment[35].

This paper analyzed security issues and weakness ofOpenID protocol through the Open Web Application Secu-rity Project (OWASP) tools. The high-level new OpenIDintegration model with Higgins is proposed for enhancedsecurity advantages. In this integration model, all messagesof OpenID protocol flowmust be SSL/TLS protected. But oneof the major limitations of this model cannot protect againstdishonest identity providers [30].

The main issues of SSO were faced in form of severalattacks today like spam, session hijacking, link manipulation,and phishing. In this paper authors basically solved theissues of phishing attack through page token mechanism.The page token prototype was developed with google consoledevelopers and The page token evaluationeffectiveness was successfully done in control laboratoryexperiments by involving 26 participants of high institutesof Malaysia northern regions. The experiment results wereconducted by dividing participants into two groups' pagetoken and without page own token equal basis. The page

Relying PartyIdentity Provider

If Client Side SAS = Identity Server Side SAS

If Client Side SSP = Identity Server Side SSP

2. Connect Server

5. Send Success / Failure + SAS + SSP

6. Es



1. Con


to R

P +



3. Give C

lient In



4. Get

Client ID


Figure 4: DAAA OpenID authentication protocol (proposed pro-tocol).

token performance with page token successfully login validuser against phishing attack as compared to without pagetoken unsuccessfully login against phishing attacks [13].

3. Methodology

The anticipated model is designed with the help of OpenIDcommunication-based components: OpenID Provider (OP),Relying Party (RP), and client agents for securing theOpenIDURL identity. The proposed OpenID protocol modifies pre-vious existing relevant research work and enhances useronline authentication scenarios in a secure manner throughthe Dense Authentication Authorization and Accounting(DAAA) protocol. The OpenID DAAA protocol suggeststhe use of two additional innovative parameters of SpecialAlphanumeric String (SAS) and Special Security PIN (SSP)for securing the unique OpenID URL of user identity sce-nario as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4 represents a secure DAAA proposed protocol inOpenID communication-based environment. There are sev-eral necessary steps involved in the secure OpenID protocolcommunication environment as depicted in Figure 4. In thisprotocol, OpenID URL user identity is secured with the helpof two innovative parameters, SAS and SSP.

In the SAS parameter, field client login in the OpenID-based communication environment is performed on theclient side via 4 alphanumeric characters.The4 alphanumericcharacters are provided by the client in such amanner that the1st number is numerical form (any 0. . .9), the 2nd number iscapital letter form (any A. . .Z), the 3rd number is small lettersform (any a. . .z), and the 4th number is a special characterfrom the most commonly used keys of the keyboard [any ! @# $ % ∗ ( ) / | + - ) ]. The above-mentioned 4-characters areused in any sequence, for example, “B1b@”.

Security and Communication Networks 5

In the SSP parameter, field restricted 4-digit numbers areprovided similarly as a PIN (any 0. . ..9 four-digit numbers),for example, “5240”.

According to the proposed design strategy, the clientregisters on the identity provider side and each client gets aunique identity in the form of OpenID URL. The first stepis client interaction with RP, with two innovative parameters:SAS and SSP.The second step is RP redirection of the client tothe identity provider side with the help of the Yadis discoveryprotocol. The third step is the identity provider asking theclient to send the user ID information. The fourth step isthe client sending the user ID information to the identityserver. The fifth step after verifying the user identity at theidentity server side is sending a successful response to RPwith two innovative parameters SAS and SSP. If the identity isnot matched, then send a failure response to the RP side. Thesixth step is comparing the SAS and SSP parameter fields ofthe client at the RP side with the back response of the identityprovider side SAS and SSP at RP side. If both of the twoauthentications are compared successfully at theRP side, thenauthorized communication is established between theRP andthe client agent side, otherwise a failure. Simply, in thisDAAAOpenID protocol, the security features of user login throughOpenID URL are enhanced by innovative modification ofDiffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm.

Triple authentication means first the authentication ofidentity in the form ofOpenIDURL at the identity server sideand another two authentications SAS and SSP at the clientside. These are done correctly to avoid a session hijackingsituation in theOpenID-based communication environment.

4. Implementation

The proposed protocol is developed in the powerful corePHP application. According to the planned design, no well-known identity providers provide a facility for any researcherexperiment itself. Due to this main security drawback, theprotocol itself designed an identity provider and client-sideapplication to conduct an experiment. In this developedstrategy, the client and the RP side act the same. First, registerthe client at identity server side and get a unique identity inthe form of an OpenID URL. The registration form consistsof important user details such as username, password, SAS,SSP, full name, email, mobile no, address, city, and countryfields. After signup, each client gets the unique identity inthe form of an OpenID URL. After getting a unique OpenIDURL identity, the client cannot change the unique identitybut password, SAS, and SSP field can be changed if the clientrequires login with username and password in the OpenIDProvider portal side. After getting an OpenID URL, theclient interactswith the client-side/RP side portal through theOpenID URL identity.

Figure 5 depicts the client-side application interface. Inthis interface, the registered client interacts with the OpenIDRP side through an OpenID URL identity. When a clientprovides the OpenID URL and logins, then the client-sideredirects to the identity server side with the help of theYadis discovery protocol. If an OpenID URL is correctly

provided by the user, then the OpenID Provider verifiesthe password of the registered client, otherwise, an invalidURL and password message will be displayed in the client-side application. In simple words, the first authenticationof the client can be done at the identity provider side ifan OpenID URL and password is provided correctly andredirects clients to another interface of the client-side portalwith two additional parameters, SAS and SSP, for 2nd and 3rdauthentication. If any provided OpenID URL or password iswrong, then the failure message is displayed in the client-sideportal and will not redirect to another client-side interface.

Figure 6 illustrates the OpenID client app side in whichthe valid OpenID URL shows the form after a successful 1stauthentication of the client at the OpenID Provider side. Inthe form, the second field represents the SAS field and thirdrepresents SSP field.These two fields are used for 2nd and 3rdauthentication at the client-side portal. When the OpenIDclient fills out the form field of SAS and SSP and logins, thenthe OpenID Provider response of two additional form fieldsof SAS, SSP, and RP side are compared. If both SAS and SSPfields of the RP side portal match with the server responseSAS and SSP then the RP side two authentications completesuccessfully.The valid user is then redirected to an authorizeduser interface; otherwise, they cannot be redirected to anauthorized user portal.

Figure 7 signifies the authorized client portal. Aftersuccessful triple authentication then authorized user accessesthis portal.

4.1. Programming Code. The important code for avoidingsession hijacking at RP/client side by using two additionalparameters' (SAS and SSP) field (triple authentication) in aninnovative way as shown in Algorithm 1.

The session code in Algorithm 1 is managed in aninnovative way at RP side for avoiding session hijackingsituation inOpenID communication environment innovativeway. In this code 2nd and 3rd authentication of the valid userare done by comparing the response of identity server-sideresponse of SAS and SSP parameter field.

The flow of the DAAA OpenID-based experimentalwebsite is shown in Figure 8.

The experiment results were conducted by some well-known experienced professional web developers in the ITfield by using the nonprobability technique of judgmentsampling. In the designed protocol guide, the importantpoints of using the system were explained. The followingimportant points are as follows:

(i) Getting a unique identity (sign up form information)(ii) SAS (4 alphanumeric characters how to use)(iii) SSP (4 digits number how to use)(iv) Triple authentication scheme for avoiding session


Thementioned above four steps are very much importantfor implementation of secure DAAA OpenID communica-tion protocol.

To get more insight in this manuscript, the sample (con-sisting of 63) was collected through the judgment sampling

6 Security and Communication Networks

Figure 5: Client/RP side portal for 1st authentication.

Figure 6: Client/RP side portal for 2nd and 3rd authentication.

Figure 7: Authorized client portal.

Security and Communication Networks 7

Table 1: Assessment of the proposed protocol model with existing OpenID model.

OpenID MethodsLogin anyPC/Laptop(Any/Own)

Security(Safe/ Unsafe) Price Trust

Preventing SessionHijacking [26]

Any (Verisign labsPersonal Identity Portalused for the experiment)

Partially Safe (DoubleAuthentication) Free Medium

Anti-phishing OpenIDSolution [1] Any Partially Safe (Double

Authentication) Free Medium

BEAMAUTHAnti-phishing solution [44]

Own(vanilla web browser)

Partially Safe(Double

Authentication)Low-cost Low

OpenID AuthenticationModel using TrustedComputing [35]

Any Partially safe Low-cost High

OpenID security weaknessanalyzed via OWASP tools[30]

Own(web browser) Not very much Secure Free Low

Anti-phishing OpenIDPage token solution [13]

Own(google consoledevelopers

Partially secure Low-cost Medium

Proposed DAAA Protocol AnySafe


Free High

∗Bold observations provide best security features as compared to other OpenID methods.

scheme from the professional web developers as shown inFigure 9. The following five concerning questions were askedof these professionals to check the security aspects of the newexperimental website after use:

(i) Is the experimental website easily understandable forusers?

(ii) Is the experimental website providing better securityin session hijacking situations for valid user authenti-cation?

(iii) Is the experimental website reliable in session hijack-ing situation for valid user authentication?

(iv) Is the experimental website provide a better idea ofusing multiple websites to secure a Single Sign-On(SSO) method?

(v) Has the experimental website secured the OpenIDURL in an OpenID communication environment?

According to the new experimental website (82.53%)respondents approved that the experimental website is easilyunderstandable. The experimental website provides bettersecurity in session hijacking situations (90.06%). The major-ity of the respondents (93.65%) felt that the experimentalwebsite is more reliable in session hijacking situations.Approximately 84.12% of the respondents preferred that theexperimental website provides a better idea of using multiplewebsites in a secure SSO way. The 82.53% of respondentsfelt that an OpenID URL is secure in the OpenID-basedcommunication environment. Figure 8 also demonstratedsupport of numerical results in terms of all the above-asked

questions. Therefore, it is also concluded both numericallyand graphically that the experimental website is more secure.The anticipated method is also compared with already exist-ing OpenID communication methods.

The summarized analysis of OpenID communicationenvironment with different methods is shown in Table 1.In triple authentication, scheme hacker has less chance tohijack the valid user session because security scheme isimplemented in an innovative and decent way. Also, thehacker has less chance to hijack the client-side valid userauthentication scenario because two innovative parametersof SAS and SSP authentication can be done at the client/ RPside.

The summarized analysis of OpenID communicationenvironment different methods is shown in Table 1.

Table 1 examined that the proposed model is better thanthe existing OpenID methods with all three aspects of login,security, and expenses point of view.

5. Conclusion and Future Work

The proposed solution is more secure in session hijackingsituation in OpenID communication-based environment bycomparing already existing OpenID URL security methodsas mentioned in Table 1. It secures the OpenID URL of thevalid user by using two innovative additional parameters,Special Alphanumeric String (SAS) and Special SecurityPIN (SSP). Therefore, these two additional parameters ofSAS and SSP in the proposed DAAA protocol cannot behijacked in an OpenID communication environment. It is

8 Security and Communication Networks

session start();//error reporting(E PARSE);$error = “0”;// Default space so that height of page does not shrinkif(isset($ REQUEST[“userurl”]) &&isset($ REQUEST[“sas”]) && isset($ REQUEST[“ssp”])&& isset($ REQUEST[“checkauth”]) &&isset($ REQUEST[“token”])) {

if ($ SESSION[“reverse token”] ==$ REQUEST[“token”] && $ REQUEST[“checkauth”] ==“1”) {

//Put Values in Session$ SESSION[“token”] =

$ REQUEST[“token”];$ SESSION[“SAS”] =

$ REQUEST[“sas”];$ SESSION[“SSP”] =

$ REQUEST[“ssp”];$ SESSION[“userURL”] =

$ REQUEST[“userurl”];}


elseif(isset($ REQUEST[“userurl”]) &&isset($ REQUEST[“usas”]) && isset($ REQUEST[“ussp”])&& isset($ REQUEST[“login”]) &&isset($ REQUEST[“token”])) {

if ($ SESSION[“reverse token”] ==$ REQUEST[“token”] && $ REQUEST[“sas ssp”] == “1”){

if ($ REQUEST[“usas”] !=$ SESSION[“SAS”]) {

$error = “Invalid 2nd SASAuthentication”;


elseif ($ REQUEST[“ussp”] !=$ SESSION[“SSP”]) {

$error = “Invalid 3rd SSPAuthentication”;


else {unset($ SESSION[“SAS”]);unset($ SESSION[“SSP”]);$ SESSION[“isLoggedIn oid”]=1;

// Session Variable$ SESSION[“sessid oid”] =

session id();header(“location: home.php”);




Algorithm 1

concluded that the session cannot be hijacked in the DAAAprotocol for OpenID URL. It has been also tested via anexperimental website. Hackers will have less possibility ofhijacking the valid user session, and the proposed system issecure and reliable after successful login through the tripleauthentication method.

1. Getting OpenID URL(Identity Server Side)

2. Using OpenID URL(Interaction with RP/Client Side)

3. OpenID URL Verify(Identity Server Side)

1st Authentication

4. SAS & SSP authentication(RP/ Client Side done successfully via comparingIdentity Provider Side response of SAS and SSP

Parameters )2nd & 3rd Authentication

5. Authorized User Access Design Website(RP/Client Side)

Figure 8: Flow of DAAAOpenID protocol in experimental website.



Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5

15 1518


2 3 2 1 17

1 1

8 8

3743 41 40


2 1 1 1 2




QuestionsAgreeDisagreeNeither Agree or Disagree

Strongly AgreeStrongly Disagree

Figure 9: Dense AAA OpenID protocol experimental websiteresults.

Security and Communication Networks 9

The OpenID communication environment will be mademore secure in session hijacking situations with the help ofimage recognition such as the face, eye contacts, or thumbexpression. But this is an expensive solution in the client’spoint of view. The SSO technique for instance OpenID willbecome more and more important in future client point ofview.

Data Availability

References used for related work of this paper within the text,figures, and tables are available. All data are available freely(online, journal papers, and conference articles).

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interestregarding the publication of this paper.


The authors gratefully acknowledge Mr. Joseph Bass, Uni-versity of North Florida (UNF), and Mr. Imran Memon,Zhejiang University, China, for some useful discussions andediting of this paper. Special acknowledgement is to allZhejiang University teachers for their support in this paper.This work is supported by Alibaba-Zhejiang University JointInstitute of Frontier Technologies, Zhejiang Provincial Nat-ural Science Foundation of China (Grant no. LZ13F020001),National Science Foundation of China (Grants nos. 61173185and 61173186), and National Key Technology R&D Program(Grant no. 2012BAI34B01).


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