assessment information groupprojectpresentation

Post on 17-Dec-2015






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  • MPAC602_15T2


    Group Project: Report & Presentation This assessment is to be a critical analysis of Summerset Group Holdings Limited (or another company listed on the NZX, agreed with the lecturer).

    Please note: x You must only access publicly available information and must not use any information

    obtained from other sources, particularly if that information is obtained in the normal course of your business.

    x You must not attempt to make any contact with the company or their associated businesses.

    x You must not contact the company or any of its directors, shareholders, management, employees or associated businesses such as auditors or bankers.

    This applies to Summerset or another company agreed with the lecturer.

    Learning Outcomes Your report must address BOTH of the following learning outcomes:

    Advanced Accounting Principles (Learning Outcomes: 2, 3)

    1. Critically evaluate a companys financial position and performance through the application of advanced analysis techniques.

    2. Compose a detailed report on a companys compliance with New Zealand and International financial reporting standards.

    Due Date Your team report is to be uploaded to LEARN by 1:00pm on Tuesday 2 June 2015. It is to be a Word document or a pdf.

    Your presentation will be delivered during class on Tuesday 2 June 2015. All members of your team must be involved in the delivery of your presentation.

    Deliverables Your team is required to complete:

    1. A report critically evaluating the company. It is to be an original piece of writing of 5,000-words, excluding references and appendices.

    2. An evaluation of your teamwork, up to 500-words.

    3. An eight-minute oral presentation, summarising your critical analysis and highlighting your key findings and conclusions from your evaluation.

  • MPAC602_15T2



    Step 1: Form effective teams and confirm company You will complete this project in groups that have been randomly generated through LEARN. You have until Tuesday 12 May to confirm the company your team will be critically analysing.

    Step 2: Complete company evaluation History and development Research the history and development of the company and its industry, including any significant events that have impacted on its structure or operation.

    Analysis of Financial Statements Undertake a thorough analysis of the financial statements of the company, including:

    x Detailed ratio analysis, in appropriate categories

    x Trend and sensitivity analysis

    x Qualitative considerations

    x Major impact due to unusual events

    x Compliance with New Zealand and International financial reporting standards.

    Competitor analysis Analyse the company in comparison with at least one major competitor and/or industry averages.

    Step 3: Complete your company report Compile your 5,000-word team report. This is to be a full report with title page, executive summary, table of contents, introduction, discussion with appropriate sections, conclusions, recommendations, references and appendices.

    Step 4: Prepare oral presentation Content Summarise your critical analysis and highlight your key findings and conclusions from your evaluation.

    Guidelines 1. The presentation is to be up to 8-minutes.

    2. All members of your group must be involved in the development of the presentation and in its delivery.

    3. You can use any of the technology and resources in the lecture room (e.g. PC with internet connection, document camera, whiteboard, microphones).

    4. At the end of your presentation, there will be an opportunity for the class to ask you questions.

  • MPAC602_15T2


    5. Following all the presentations, we will have a brief whole-class conversation about the presentations. This is an opportunity for us to practice our feedback skills. We will discuss topics such as:

    a. General impressions b. Content, e.g. what key points have you learned from the presentations? what questions

    would you like to have been addressed, or do you still have? c. Innovation and creativity demonstrated d. Presentation aspects, e.g., visual aids, voice modulation, posture, transitions, use of

    group members. e. Constructive suggestions for improvement

    6. During the week following the presentations, your group will undertake a self-reflection on its effectiveness, to be discussed with me.

    a. What did you think worked well? b. What did you think did not work well? c. How did this group presentation compare with other presentations you have done (in

    any setting, e.g. university, business, voluntary organisation)? d. If you did it again, how would you improve the content and/or delivery?

    Step 5: Complete your teamwork evaluation All members of your group must be involved in the research and development of the report and presentation. In addition to addressing the topic, you must prepare a description and evaluation of your teamwork:

    x Roles and responsibilities

    Describe how the team functioned throughout the process from formation of the team through to delivery of the report and presentation.

    x Team Cohesion

    Explain how the team demonstrated good team cohesion and co-operation.

    x Team evaluation

    Complete an insightful evaluation of your team dynamics and effectiveness.

    Step 6: Submit your report and teamwork evaluation Submit through LEARN by 1:00pm, Tuesday 2 June 2015.

    Step 7: Deliver your presentation Presentations will be delivered during class on Tuesday 2 June 2015.

    Weighting 20% of course assessment (group mark)

  • MPAC602_15T2


    Marking Criteria Aspect Criteria

    Report Out of 60 marks

    Title/Headline Reflects the key point; catchy and interesting

    Executive Summary Summarises the report (purpose, question/topic, process, conclusions, recommendations, limitations and areas for further investigation)

    Beginning sections Complete and appropriate

    Discussion Addresses content that is appropriate and relevant to the topic. Demonstrates original and critical thinking

    Conclusion and Recommendations

    Reaches a conclusion that synthesises the findings and flows from previous information. Recommendations in relation to the company analysed and for further areas to investigate.

    Appendices Appropriate information included in the appendices.

    Research Chose relevant literature and outlined it appropriately

    Referencing Referenced correctly

    Style and flow Well written and contains the correct type of information. Cohesive with an appropriate style.

    Use of graphics Includes relevant graphics that aid understanding and maintain interest

    Communication Well presented with no spelling/grammatical errors. Clear headings/titles and visually appealing

    Presentation Out of 30 marks

    Introduction Outlined purpose, process and structure of the presentation Introduced the group

    Content Relevant to the topic; Logical structure; Demonstrated original and critical thinking

    Conclusion Flowed from the content relevant to the topic and consistent with the issues raised during the presentation

    Visuals/technology Used appropriate technology and visuals that enhanced the delivery and maintained audience attention. Style of presentation Demonstrated some creativity and innovation, appropriate to a business audience

    Delivery Spoke clearly, audibly and expressively Maintained eye contact and demonstrated appropriate body language Transitioned smoothly between speakers

    Team work Out of 10 marks Roles and responsibilities

    Described how the team functioned throughout the process from formation of the team through to delivery of the report and presentation.

    Team Cohesion Demonstrated good team cohesion and co-operation

    Team evaluation Insightful evaluation of team dynamics and effectiveness

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