assessing market risk by jorion philippe

Post on 07-Jul-2018






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  • 8/18/2019 Assessing Market Risk by Jorion Philippe


  • 8/18/2019 Assessing Market Risk by Jorion Philippe


    Assessing Market Risk 

    Philippe Jorion 2

    Assessing Market Risk:

    PLAN(1) Components of risk measurement systems

    (2) Value at Risk as a measure of downside risk

    (3) Choice of VAR parameters:horizon and confidence level

    (4) VAR caveats and alternative risk measures

    (5) Stress tests

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

    Assessing Market Risk


    Components of riskmeasurement systems

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    Assessing Market Risk 

    Philippe Jorion 3

    What is Market Risk?! Market risk is the risk of losses from

    movements in the level or volatility of marketprices, such as interest rates, foreigncurrencies, equities, and commodities

    ! Market risk measurement systems attempt toquantify the risk of losses in the market value(whether realized or unrealized) of the totalportfolio

    ! The ultimate goal is to manage risks better 

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion


    Risk Factors


    Correlat ions


    Risk factor #1

    Risk factor #2

    Cash instrument #1


    Derivative instrument #1Sensitivity



    Components of a

    Risk Measurement System

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

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    Assessing Market Risk 

    Philippe Jorion 4

    Evolution of Analytical Risk Management Tools

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion 411-ecs13504.swf; Evolution.swf 

    Evolution of Analytical Risk

    Management Tools

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

    1938 Bond duration

    1952 Markowitz mean-variance framework

    1963 Sharpe's single factor model, systematic risk

    1966 Multiple factor models

    1973 Black-Scholes option pricing model, “Greeks”

    1986 Limits on exposure by duration bucket

    1988 Limits on exposure by “Greeks”

    1993 Value at Risk

    1997 VAR methods for credit risk

    1998- Integration of credit and market risk

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    Assessing Market Risk 

    Philippe Jorion 5

    Evolution of Market

    Risk Management Systems (1)! Limits on notionals

    » however, non-comparability across positionsand losses unrelated to notional due to leverage

    ! Limits on sensitivities» however, not useful at institution’s level;

    differences in volatilities across risk factors,correlations not taken into account

    ! Stop-loss limits» however, ex post

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

    Evolution of

    Risk Management Systems (2)! Value at Risk (VAR) is a forward-looking

    measure of downside risk for the wholeinstitution» takes into account current positions, leverage

    and diversification

    » allows comparisons across traders

    ! Limits on VAR and stress-test results» ex ante limits

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

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    Assessing Market Risk 

    Philippe Jorion 6

    Principles of

    Market Risk Measurement! Objective: Obtain a good estimate of

    portfolio risk at a reasonable cost

    ! Steps:

    (1) choose a set of elementary risk factors andestimate their probability distribution

    (2) “mapping”: decompose financial instrumentsinto exposures on these risk factors

    (3) aggregate the exposure for all positions andbuild the distribution of P&L on portfolio

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

    Constructing a Risk Measurement System

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion 424-ecs41441.swf; System.swf 

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  • 8/18/2019 Assessing Market Risk by Jorion Philippe


    Assessing Market Risk 

    Philippe Jorion 8

    Outcome of

    Risk Measurement Systems! Measure the downside risk of the value of a

    position W based on:

    (1) current position, assumed fixed overhorizon

    (2) best estimate of risk environment

    ! Ideally, report the entire probability densityfunction f(W)

    ! In practice, summarize by one number 

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

    Example: JP Morgan Chase

    2003 Annual Report (1)Tools used to measure risks:

    ... the Firm uses several measures, bothstatistical and nonstatistical, including:

    ! Statistical risk measures:» Value-at-Risk (“VAR”)

    ! Nonstatistical risk measures:» Stress tests

    » Measures of position size and sensitivity

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

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    Assessing Market Risk 

    Philippe Jorion 9

    Example: JP Morgan Chase

    2003 Annual Report (2)Value-at-Risk

    JPMorgan Chase’s statistical risk measure, VAR,gauges the potential loss from adverse market movesin an ordinary market environment and provides aconsistent cross-business measure of risk profilesand levels of risk diversification. VAR is used tocompare risks across businesses, to monitor limitsand to allocate economic capital to the business

    segments. VAR provides risk transparency in anormal trading environment.

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

    Example: JP Morgan Chase

    2003 Annual Report (3)Value-at-Risk

    Each business day, the Firm undertakes acomprehensive VAR calculation that includes bothtrading and nontrading activities. JPMorgan Chase’sVAR calculation is highly granular, comprising morethan 1.5 million positions and 240,000 pricing series(e.g., securities prices, interest rates, foreign

    exchange rates). For a substantial portion of itsexposure, the Firm has implemented full-revaluationVAR, which, management believes, generates themost accurate results.

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

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    Assessing Market Risk 

    Philippe Jorion 10

    Example: JP Morgan Chase

    2003 Annual Report (4)Value-at-Risk

    To calculate VAR, the Firm uses historical simulation,which measures risk across instruments and portfoliosin a consistent, comparable way. This approachassumes that historical changes in market value arerepresentative of future changes. The simulation isbased on market data for the previous 12 months.

    The Firm calculates VAR using a one-day time horizon

    and a 99% confidence level. This means the Firmwould expect to incur losses greater than thatpredicted by VAR estimates only once in every 100trading days, or about 2.5 times a year.

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

    Assessing Market Risk


    Value at Risk as a measure ofdownside risk

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    Assessing Market Risk 

    Philippe Jorion 11

    VALUE-AT-RISK! VAR is a forward-looking method to express

    financial market risk in a form that anybodycan understand--dollars

    ! Formally, VAR measures the predicted“worst” loss over a target horizon within agiven confidence level» VAR is a measure of downside risk

    » VAR accounts for leverage and diversificationeffects and is more appropriate than notionals

    » VAR involves the “art of the approximation”Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

    VAR: Definition! VAR is the maximum loss over a target

    horizon such that there is a low, prespecifiedprobability that the actual loss will be larger 

    VAR(mean)= E(W)-W* 

    ! VAR is measured by the distribution quantile

    ! VAR can be measured relative to zero or tothe mean, or discounted into the present

    ! "#  $%%#


      W W w P dww f  c

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

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    Assessing Market Risk 

    Philippe Jorion 12

    Steps in the Computation of VAR

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion 411-ecs18071.swf; Steps.swf 

    Markpositionto market




    Time Horizon Horizon

    Value ValueFrequency



    Measurevariability of risk factors

    $100M   ' ((10/252)   ' 2.33 = $7M' 15%



    10 days

    Sample computation:

    Steps in the Computation of VAR

    Risk Management - Philippe JorionChange to steps.swf 

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    Assessing Market Risk 

    Philippe Jorion 13

    How to Measure VAR! Define VAR as the worst dollar loss:

    » over a given horizon (T)

    » a confidence level (c , e.g. 95%)

    » the choice of these quantitative parametersdepend on the nature of portfolio and use of VAR

    ! Simulate returns on the current portfoliousing historical market data

    » map portfolio positions on selected risk factors» assume historical distribution relevant for future


    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

    Computing VAR(1) Non-parametric approach: measure VAR

    from the sample quantile

    VAR(mean)= E(W)-W* 

    (2) Parametric approach: assume/fit adistribution and measure VAR from samplestandard deviation

    VAR(mean)= & )(W)where & is the z-deviate that corresponds toconfidence level (e.g. 1.65 for normal pdf)

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

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    Assessing Market Risk 

    Philippe Jorion 14

    How to Compute VAR?

    An Example (1)! Consider the position of $4 billion short the yen,

    long the dollar: define Q0=$4 billion

    ! To assess potential moves in the spot rate, we takefor instance ten years of historical data and assumethat movements over the next day can berepresented by historical changes

    Step 1: record 10 years of spot rate

    S t (yen/$)

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

    How to Compute VAR?

    An Example (2)Step 2: simulate the daily gain or loss on the position

    over the last ten year using

    ! For instance, S 1=112.0 and S 2=111.8, which gives

     R2= $4,000m ' [111.8-112.0]/112.0=-$7.2m

    ! Repeat over all days in the sample! We have T= 2527 data points

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

    110 /]($)[($) ###%   t t t t    S S S Q R

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    Assessing Market Risk 

    Philippe Jorion 15

    How to Compute VAR?

    An Example (3)Return ($ million)








    1/2/90 1/2 /91 1/2 /92 1/2 /93 1/2 /94 1/2 /95 1/2 /96 1/2 /97 1/2/98 1/2 /99

    Simulated Daily Returns

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

    How to Compute VAR?

    An Example (4)! Construct a frequency distribution of losses

    ! Start ordering losses and count how many fallwithin ranges

    » below -$160m, we find 4 occurrences

    » between -$160m and -$140m, no losses

    » between -$140m and -$130m, 3 losses

    » and so on

    ! Plot the histogram of total number of losses againsteach range

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

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    Assessing Market Risk 

    Philippe Jorion 16

    How to Compute VAR?

    An Example (5)

    VAR  5% ofobservations










    -$160 -$120 -$80 -$40 $0 $40 $80 $120 $160


    Return ($ million)

    Distribution of Daily Returns

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion Change to VARhist.swf 

    How to Compute VAR?

    An Example (6)! We use a 95%=c confidence level

    ! We summarize the spread of the distribution by the95% quantile, with p=100-95%=5% of the data inthe left tail

    ! Here, the average gain or loss is close to zero

    ! We need to find the cutoff point R* such that

    p ' T = 0.05 ' 2527 = 126 observations in left tail! This gives VAR = $47.1m

    “The maximum loss over one day is about $47 millionat the 95 percent confidence level” 

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

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    Assessing Market Risk 

    Philippe Jorion 17

    Example: JP Morgan Chase

    2003 Annual Report (5)Value-at-Risk: average $69 million

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion


    Example: JP Morgan Chase

    2003 Annual Report (6)Value-at-Risk

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

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    Assessing Market Risk 

    Philippe Jorion 18

    Assessing Market Risk


    Choice of VAR parameters:horizon and confidence level

    Choice of Quantitative Factors:

    Uses for VAR(1) Benchmark measure: to provide a company-

    wide, time-consistent yardstick for risk» also, use multiplicative factor for capital adequacy

    (2) Potential loss measure: to give a broad ideaof worst loss over horizon» liquidation period, time to hedge, period over

    which portfolio is fixed

    (3) Equity capital: to decide on the capitalcushion to cover against market risk

    (4) Backtesting: to improve risk forecasting

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

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    Assessing Market Risk 

    Philippe Jorion 19

    Choice of Quantitative Factors

    (1)(1) Benchmark measure: confidence level and

    horizon arbitrary, but must be consistentacross firm(s) and time

    (2) Potential loss measure:» horizon should reflect time needed for orderly

    portfolio liquidation – for liquid bank portfolios (FX, GB), one day

     – for illiquid securities, horizon must be longer  – regulators have chosen a 10-day horizon, sufficient for

    regulator to take over bank

    » confidence level arbitrary (reflects comfort level)Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

    Choice of Quantitative Factors

    (2)(3) Equity capital:

    » confidence level should be high enough toprovide low probability of bankruptcy

    » horizon should be long enough to cover timerequired for corrective action--e.g.recapitalization--->

    (4) Backtesting:

    » confidence level should not be set too high,otherwise backtesting framework not powerful

    » horizon should be short (1-day) to have manyindependent observations, which improves powerof tests

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

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    Assessing Market Risk 

    Philippe Jorion 20

    VAR as Equity Capital

    Rating Frequency(Moody's) of Default

     Aaa 0.01%

     Aa3 0.03%

     A3 0.07%

    Baa3 0.70%

    Ba3 3.96%

    B1 6.14%

    B2 8.31%

    B3 15.08%Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

    One-Year Default Rates

    Measuring VAR:

    Effect of Parameters! Horizon: volatility increases with square root

    of time, assuming(1) returns are not autocorrelated across days

    (2) the initial position is unchanged (no options)R12 = R1+ R2,)2(R12)= )2(R1) + )2(R2) +2 cov(R1,R2)

    )(RT)= (T )(R


    ! Confidence level: easy to transform VARassuming normal distribution» e.g. c =95%, &=1.65

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

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    Assessing Market Risk 

    Philippe Jorion 21

    VAR Parameters


    Measuring VAR:

    Changing the Parameters! Example: transform VAR from RiskMetrics

    into VAR for Basle Committee

    » VARRM = 95% over 1 day (&=1.65)

    » VARBC = 99% over 10 days (&=2.33)

    ! Transform:

    » VARBC = VARRM (2.33/1.65) sqrt(10)

    » VARBC = VARRM (4.45)

    ! This assumes independent identical normaldistributions

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

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    Assessing Market Risk 

    Philippe Jorion 22

     JP Morgan:

    Daily VAR, 1994-98

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

    Assessing Market Risk


    VAR caveats:

    Alternative measures of risk

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    Assessing Market Risk 

    Philippe Jorion 23

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

    VAR does not describe the worst loss

    411-ecs18135.swf; VARworse.swf 

    VAR Measures: Caveats (1)

    » we would expect VAR to beexceeded with a frequency of

     p, or 5 days out of 100

    » the absolute worst loss in thissample is $214m

    » so, VAR does not give

    absolute worst loss

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

    Empirical Histogram with VAR












    -$160 - $120 -$80 -$40 $0 $40 $80 $120 $160


    Profit/Loss ($ million)


    VAR does not describe the worst loss

    Change to VARworse.swf 

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    Assessing Market Risk 

    Philippe Jorion 24

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

    VAR does not describe the losses in the left tail

    411-ecs13540.swf; VARsame.swf 

    VAR Measures: Caveats (2)

    » for the same VAR number,we could have very differentdistribution shapes

    » here, the average value ofthe losses worse than $47mis around $74m, which is

    60% worse than VAR» we could keep VAR=-$47m

    and move (nearly) all lossesbelow VAR to below -$160m

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

    Histogram with Same VAR












    -$160 - $120 -$80 -$40 $0 $40 $80 $120 $160


    Profit/Loss ($ million)


    VAR does not describe the losses in the left tail

    Change to VARsame.swf 

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    Assessing Market Risk 

    Philippe Jorion 25

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

    VAR is measured with some error 

    411-ecs18141.swf; VARerror.swf 

    VAR Measures: Caveats (3)

    » VAR is subject to samplingvariation (another numberwould have been found withanother data sample)

    » there is no point in sayingthat VAR is $47,488,421

    » instead, we should say thatVAR is around $47 million

    » VAR numbers are just broadestimates of downside risk

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

    VAR is measured with some error 

    Histogram with Errors in VAR












    -$160 -$120 -$80 -$40 $0 $40 $80 $120 $160


    Profit/Loss ($ million)


    Change to VARerror.swf 

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    Assessing Market Risk 

    Philippe Jorion 26

    Alternative Measures of Risk (1)(1) Report the entire profit and loss distribution:

    ! The risk manager could report various quantiles atdifferent confidence levels

    ! In theory, this is the best approach, as it reveals theextent of large losses

    ! In practice, the drawback of this approach is that itprovides too much data

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

    Alternative Measures of Risk (2a)(2) Report the expected tail loss (ETL):

    ! This is defined as the expected value of the losswhen it exceeds VAR (also called expectedshortfall, conditional VAR, or expected tail loss)

    ! In theory, this is a better measure, especially forportfolios with options


    In practice, ETL measures may be imprecise ifthere are only a few observations in the left tail;instead, tail losses are typically estimated withstress tests

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

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    Assessing Market Risk 

    Philippe Jorion 27

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

    VAR and Expected Tail Loss (ETL)

    411-ecs18150.swf; VARETL.swf 

    Alternative Measures of Risk (2b)! The expected tail loss

    (ETL) is defined as

    ! This is the expected lossintegrated over the tail

    area ( N =126 observations)! For example, for our yen

    position, this value is

    ETL = $74 millionRisk Management - Philippe Jorion

    Histogram with Expected Tail Loss












    -$160 - $120 -$80 -$40 $0 $40 $80 $120 $160


    Profit/Loss ($ million)







    %#, N 

    ii x

     N VAR X  ETL

    Change to VARETL.swf 

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    Assessing Market Risk 

    Philippe Jorion 28

    VAR and Expected Tail Loss

    Confidence 99.99 99.9 99 95 90 50

    Quantile -3.715 -3.090 -2.326 -1.645 -1.282 0.000

    Tail loss -4.018 -3.370 -2.667 -2.062 -1.754 -0.798

    Normal distribution

    ! Tail loss close to the quantile due to the fastdropoff in tails—not necessarily the casewith other distributions

    Value at Risk - P.Jorion


    Artzner et al. (1999)! Desirable properties for risk measures -(W)(1) Monotonicity: if W1$ W2, -(W1).-(W2)

    (if a portfolio has lower returns for all states of theworld, its risk must be greater)

    (2) Translation Invariance: -(W+k) = -(W)-k(adding cash k to W should reduce its risk by k)

    (3) Homogeneity: -(bW)= b-(W)(scaling a portfolio should simply scale its risk)(4) Subadditivity: -(W1+W2) $ -(W1)+-(W2)

    (merging portfolios cannot increase risk)

    Value at Risk - P.Jorion

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    Assessing Market Risk 

    Philippe Jorion 29

    Coherent Risk Measures

    VAR and Expected Tail Loss! Quantile-based VAR measure fails to

    satisfy the last property» pathological examples of short option positions

    can create large losses with a low probabilityand hence have low VAR, yet combine tocreate portfolios with larger VAR

    ! Shortfall measure E[-X| X / -(W): VAR is not subadditive

    Value at Risk - P.Jorion

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    Assessing Market Risk 

    Philippe Jorion 30

    Alternative Measures of Risk (3a)(3) Report the standard deviation:

    ! For example, for our yen position, this is

    SD=$29.7 million

    ! In theory, this uses all of data points, not only thosearound the quantile, so is measured moreprecisely; also, it is sensitive to outliers, so shouldbe able to highlight positions with large losses

    ! In practice, however, this measure, is symmetricaland treats gains and losses equally—this may beacceptable for some positions but not for those withoptions

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

    Alternative Measures of Risk (3b)! With discrete data, the standard deviation ()) is

    » for example, assume that the profits and losses have anormal density function SD=$29.7 million

    » the normal deviate a at the 95% 1-tailed confidence levelis 1.645; VAR is then &SD

    Sigma-based VAR= $49m

    » not very different from the historical VAR of $47m

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion





    i   x E  xT 





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    Assessing Market Risk 

    Philippe Jorion 31

    Assessing Market Risk


    Stress Tests

    Why Stress-Testing?! VAR does not measures the absolute worst

    loss that could happen; the risk managementsystem may have other flaws

    ! VAR measures must be complemented bystress-testing, which aims at identifyingsituations that could create extraordinary

    losses for the institution! Stress-testing is required by the Basel

    Committee as a precondition for usinginternal VAR models

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

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    Assessing Market Risk 

    Philippe Jorion 32

    Stress Tests:

    Why not VAR?! In theory, increasing the VAR confidence

    level could uncover large losses

    ! In practice, stress tests attempt to discoverscenarios that would not occur understandard VAR methods

    (1) Simulating shocks that never occurred, ordid not occur with sufficient frequency (e.g.

    in recent historical data)(2) Simulating shocks that reflect structural

    breaks (e.g. devaluations)Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

    What is Stress-Testing?! Stress-testing is a key risk management process,

    which includes

    (i) scenario analysis,

    (ii) stressing models, volatilities and correlations, and

    (iii) developing policy responses to stress tests

    ! Scenario analysis submits the portfolio to largemovements in financial market variables

    ! The objective of stress-testing and managementresponse should be to ensure that the institutioncan withstand likely scenarios without goingbankrupt

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

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    Assessing Market Risk 

    Philippe Jorion 33

    Scenario Analysis:

    Univariate Scenarios(1) Moving key variables one at a time:

    » simple and intuitive method

    » example: – the portfolio is long the dollar vs. yen

     – we suppose the dollar could fall by 15% in one week;this gives a worst loss of $600 million

    » problem is with multiple sources of risk: – if the portfolio also contains positions in Japanese and

    US equities, we would have to predict movements inthese markets as well

     – we cannot assume the worst loss will occur at thesame time in all markets

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

    Scenario Analysis:

    Historical Scenarios(2) Historical scenarios

    » automatically account for correlations

    » typical choices: – 1987 stock market crash, devaluation of the British

    pound in 1992, bond market debacle of 1984…

    » example: – the portfolio has positions of $4b long dollar/yen, plus

    $4b long U.S. equities and $4b short Japanese equities – during the week of October 2, 1998, the dollar fell by

    13.9%, S&P by 1.8% and Nikkei by 2.6%: the total losswould have been $732 million

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

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    Assessing Market Risk 

    Philippe Jorion 34

    Scenario Analysis:

    Prospective Scenarios(3) Creating prospective scenarios

    » useful when the past offers little guidance forextreme movements

    » for instance, the portfolio may be exposed to afixed exchange rate; this does not mean thatthere is no economic risk, since a devaluationcould occur 

    » ideally, the scenario should be tailored to theportfolio at hand, assessing the worst thing thatcould happen

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

    Stress Tests:

    Problems! Scenarios inherently subjective

    ! Scenarios should be driven by the riskexposures of current portfolio

    ! Problem is to generalize from movements ina few risk factors to total portfolio risk

    ! It is difficult to attach probabilities to

    scenarios—extreme events! Results of scenarios may involve

    catastrophic losses and are often ignored

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

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    Assessing Market Risk 

    Philippe Jorion 35

    Example: JP Morgan Chase

    2003 Annual Report (7)

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

    Example: JP Morgan Chase

    2003 Annual Report (8)Stress Tests

    The potential stress-test loss as of December 4, 2003, isthe result of the “Equity Market Collapse” stressscenario, which is broadly modeled on the events ofOctober 1987. Under this scenario,

    » global equity markets suffer a sharp reversal after along sustained rally; equity prices decline globally;

    » volatilities for equities, interest rates and credit

    products increase dramatically for short maturitiesand less so for longer maturities;

    » sovereign bond yields decline moderately; and

    » swap spreads and credit spreads widen.Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

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    Assessing Market Risk 

    Philippe Jorion 36

    Assessing Market Risk

    (6) Conclusions

    CONCLUSIONS (1)! Market risk measurement attempts to predict

    the distribution of losses on a portfolio

    ! Downside risk can be summarized with asingle measure, VAR, defined at a givenconfidence level over a certain horizon

    ! VAR should be complemented by stress

    tests, based on scenario analysis

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    Philippe Jorion 37

    CONCLUSIONS (2)! Models are usually based on historical

    information that may not reflect future risks

    ! Models involve simplifications; risk managermust understand whether risk modelcaptures risk of strategy

    ! Models assume current positions are frozenover the horizon, and ignore liquidity issues

    ! The ultimate goal of risk measurement is tounderstand risk better so as to manage iteffectively

    Risk Management - Philippe Jorion

    References! Philippe Jorion is Professor of Finance at the Graduate

    School of Management at the University of California at Irvine!  Author of “Value at Risk,” published by McGraw-Hill in 1997,

    which has become an “industry standard,” translated into 7other languages; revised in 2000 

    !  Author of the “Financial Risk Manager Handbook,” publishedby Wiley and exclusive text for the FRM exam; revised in2003

    ! Editor of the “Journal of Risk” 

    ! Some of this material is based on the online "market riskmanagement" course developed by the Derivatives Institute:

    for more information, visit, or call 1-866-871-7888 

    Phone: (949) 824-5245 

    FAX: (949) 824-8469



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    Assessing Market Risk 

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