ashley liang

Post on 31-Mar-2016






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Avengers 2?

backMoffat talks season 4

and the surprisingreappearance of Moriarty



The Return of the King hether you caught the full series of ‘Sherlock‘ season 3 upon its U.K. airing weeks ago, or the PBS airing of finale installment “His Last Vow” last night, there can be no denying that the Benedict Cumberbatch-Martin Freeman drama left us on one of its most shocking cliffhangers to date. Apart from our collective “whuh-huh?” reactions, find out what series boss Steven Moffat

had to say about the surprise character return, and what it means for ‘Sherlock’ season 4 (and 5)!

You’re warned of every spoiler under the sun for the first three seasons of ‘Sher-lock’ from this point on, as last night’s finale gave us one major twist in its final moments: Moriarty is back! Yes, in spite of his apparent suicide at the climax of season 2 finale “The Reichenbach Fall,” the final moments of “His Last Vow” saw the villain commandeering every screen in the greater London area to ask “did you miss me?”

Of course, while we don’t yet know when ‘Sherlock’ season 4 will film or premiere, given its cast and crew’s increasingly busy schedule, showrunner Steven Moffat assures viewers that the twist of Moriar-ty’s return will have heavy implications for future seasons, and wasn’t devise for a cheap shock. So, while Moffat can’t quite atone for previous claims that Moriarty and Sherlock would have been absurd to “throw fake suicides at each other,” Moffat talked to TVGuide about the extensive plans surrounding Moriarty’s return next season:

“We always knew what we were going to do with Moriarty. This has been the game plan since the end of Series 1 when we realized we had a crack on our hands with Andrew [Scott]. This is something that the whole series has been building to. I won’t say what it is we’re doing, but we have plans. And I’m pretty bloody certain those plans will please people…

We had a whole set of specific story ideas mostly for Series 4 but reaching into Series 5, which is because Mark [Gatiss] and I happened to be chatting one day and as occasionally happens, we just ducked out of the rain and into the accountant’s office. We found ourselves getting very animated about a set of ideas we could have. I think they’re the best set of ideas we’ve ever had for Sherlock. So I’m very excited about that.”

Did you miss him? Of course you did! Is he really back? Only time will tell. But if writers Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss don’t deliver on the return of Moriarty after the teaser at the end of tonight’s Sherlock series three finale, fans are likely to lynch them…

At the premiere screening of His Last Vow, Moffat had fun failing to make things any clearer: "You don’t know what’s going on there... we know what’s going on there but we’re not telling you," he told the audience glee-fully. "It must be hell watching this show. But obviously we enjoyed that we get to see more of the wonderful Andrew Scott."


Scott’s BAFTA-winning villain had already appeared earlier in the episode, in a sequence set entirely inside Sherlock’s Mind Palace – but as much fun as it was seeing a crazed Moriarty chained up in a padded cell, that was just Sherlock’s imagination.And while that alone didn't prove that Sherlock's most notorious adversary had somehow survived blowing his own brains out at the end of series two, the final post-credits frame – in which the man himself appeared facing the camera, is hard to interpret in any other way.

Moriarty is back.

Either that or Moffat and Gatiss better start thinking up ways to fake their own deaths...

What We Know About the Upcoming Season 4

Around 10pm on Sunday night, Sherlock fans may be feeling a combination of elated and melancholic. Elated because the concluding episode of series

three is very good, melancholic because – just 11 days after it returned – it’s all over again.

So here’s some good news: Sherlock co-creators Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss have already plotted out two more series of the detec-tive drama – and Moffat reckons it’s their best stuff yet.

“Rather excitingly, Mark and I, for no particular reason, we just got out of the rain and sat at the top of the [Sherlock] production bus… and we just started plotting out what we could do in the future,” Moffat told the audience at tonight's Bafta screening of the season three finale His Last Vow.

“And we plotted out the whole of series four and five.”

“So we have got plans – but our plans don’t tend to be ‘Let’s blow up the world or cast the most famous person in the world’ they tend

to be ‘What exciting twists and turns can we add to this?’ And I think we’ve got some crackers!

“The ideas we had that day, I thought were the best we’ve ever had.”

And after you watch the series three finale on Sunday, you’ll know that’s setting the bar pretty high…

Photo credit- BBC AmericaSource-,

The Age of Ultron by Ashley Liang

Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) in the first production of the self-titled movie, The Avengers

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is one of the most ambitious film franchises put together by a studio, and perhaps the best thing about it is how every move made within it continues to build and add toward something bigger and better. With each new story we learn more and more about the world behind the silver screen, and we are always left with a perfect mix of satisfaction and want for more. Because of the intricate details of the comic book world, anything is possible, and it’s great fun to speculate about the implications of every twist, turn and maneuver as they lead to Marvel Studios’ second big landmark film: The Avengers: Age of Ultron.

The journey to the next the next superhero team-up film has already begun with the release of Shane Black’s Iron Man 3, Alan Taylor’s Thor: The Dark World, and Joe and Anthony Russo’s Captain America: The Winter Soldier, but we’re still salivating with anticipation for James Gunn’s Guardians of the Galaxy. This year will have a huge impact on the future of the MCU, but what do we know so far and how will it lead to next summer’s super blockbuster? What is the latest development with all of the characters involved? Read on below as I break it all down!

Following the events of Iron Man 3 we’re not really sure what the future holds for Tony Stark and his armor. At the end of Shane Black’s film, the character has his suit-powering arc reactor removed from his chest, blows up all of his armor, and seemingly leaves the ruins of his Malibu home/workshop behind. The final title card of the movie reads "Tony Stark Will Return," but does that mean that the man will and the machine won’t? Could the absence of Iron Man be a void that is filled by Don Cheadle and Iron Patriot/War Machine? The series Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. revealed that Tony is now using all of his vast resources towards privatizing global security, and we imagine that will end up very much tying into the creation of The Avengers: Age of Ultron’s titular villain.

Just like what Iron Man 3 did for Iron Man, Thor: The Dark World left its titular hero in an interesting position right before the credits rolled. The end of the film featured the God of Thunder rejecting the throne of Asgard in favor of returning to Earth so that he can be with his love, Jane Foster (Natalie Portman). This means that when it comes time for The Avengers to reassemble, Thor won’t even have to travel by wormhole to answer the call – he can just swing his hammer around and fly back to the Avengers Tower in Manhattan . The audience knows that Thor actual-ly left Asgard to be ruled under the iron fist of Loki (Tom Hiddleston), but he probably won’t figure that out until Thor 3, given that the villainous character won’t be appearing in Avengers 2.

Of all the films we’ve seen in Phase Two, Captain America: The Winter Soldier has had by far the biggest impact on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Not only did the eponymous hero have to deal with a horror from his past in the form of The Winter Soldier, S.H.I.E.L.D. turned out to be a massively corrupt institution that had been taken over by HYDRA and subsequently destroyed by our heroes. The movie leaves Cap not only in a future he’s unfamiliar with,

but really unable to trust anyone around him. Perhaps his only salvation are his fellow superheroes in the Avengers squad. Set photos have shown that the patriotic hero is getting yet another costume change in the movie, so obviously he’s getting close with somebody.

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