asharah mubarakah 1437 h reflections

Post on 27-Feb-2022






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Asharah Mubarakah 1437 H


During Asharah Mubarakah 1437 H, al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS expounded upon the various aayat shareefah from the Quran Majeed which al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA related to his mansoos al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA.

Date (Moharram al-Haraam,

1437 H)

Ayat Expressed in English Surat/Aayat Details

2nd $uΖ÷èsù u‘ uρ y7s9 x8t ø.ÏŒ And we have exalted for you, your zikr.


Al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA related the meanings of this aayat mubarakah to al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA in 1353H.

3rd Ö≈pκ÷Ξr&uρ ô⎯ ÏiΒ 9≅|¡tã ’y∀|Á •Β And Rivers of Pure Honey


In a waaz mubarak delivered in Surat in 1354 H, al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA related this aayat shareefah to al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA.


x8t≈ t6s? ãΛôœ$# y7În/u‘ “ ÏŒ

È≅≈n= pgø:$# ÇΠ#t ø. M}$#uρ

Exalted is the name of thy Lord, He is of majesty and honour


Al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA referenced this aayat shareefah to al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA twice, once in 1366 H in Mumbai and once in 1372 H when Syedna Burhanuddin RA was delivering waaz mubarak in Mumbai.

5th M≈ sÜϱ≈ ¨Ζ9$#uρ $VÜ ô±nΣ

Tafseer writers mention that this aayat refers to groups of firishta that draw out souls from bodies and to horses that travel from one city to another in times of war. Amirul Mumineen SA stated that naashetaat refers to lassos used to round up horses in order to train them.


Al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA referenced this aayat mubarakah to al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA in 1365 H, while he was in Sidhpur and Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA was in Dohad for Ashara Mubarakah.

6th x8y‰ y uρuρ ~ω !$|Ê 3“ y‰yγ sùAnd find you lost (that is, unrecognized by men) and guide (them to you)?



ßy$t6óÁ Ïϑø9$# ’ Îû >πy_% y ã— (

èπy_% y –“9$# $pκΞr(x. Ò=x. öθ x.

The lantern is in a glass, the glass is like a brilliant star


During Asharah Mubarakah in Khambat, India in 1359H, al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA narrated the meanings of Ayat al-Noor and related this aayat shareefah to al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Mohammed

A“ Í h‘ߊ Burhanuddin RA.

8th !$Ρ Î) š≈oΨ ø‹sÜ ôãr& t rOöθ s3 ø9 $# Indeed we have bestowed you with al-Kauthar


A recording of a waaz mubarak delivered by al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA on the 8th of Moharrum al-Haraam, 1429 H in Colombo, Sri Lanka, was shown, in which Syedna al-Muqaddas RA explained the meanings entailed in this aayat shareefah.

9th ’ Îû 5e− u‘ 9‘θ à±ΨΒ The parchments spread open


During Asharah Mubarakah 1374 H in Udaipur, al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA, related the third aayat mubarakah of Surat al-Tur – the 52nd surat– to his mansoos, al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA.

10th (Before Zohr)

ôxÎm7 |¡sù ËΛôœ$$Î/ y7În/u‘

ÉΟ‹Ïàyèø9 $#

Then do the tasbeeh of your Lord the Almighty


During a waaz mubarak in Mumbai in 1368 H, al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA related this aayat mubarakah to al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA who at that time was in Ahmedabad.

10th (After Zohr)

’Îû ω yèø)tΒ A− ô‰Ï¹ y‰Ψ Ïã

77‹Î= tΒ ¤‘ω tGø)•Β

In an ‘assembly of truth’, in the presence of a mighty sovereign


Al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA related this aayat mubarakah to al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA in 1369 H, while he was in Karachi and Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA was in Nagpur for Ashara Mubarakah.

2nd Moharrum al-Haraam 1437H

‘Wa Rafaa´naa Laka Zikrak’

-And we have exalted for you, your zikr-

As is always to be found in the waaz mubarak of al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal

Saifuddin TUS, there was one „zikr‟: a narrative in particular where we were shown a nuance

that encapsulated the entire waaz mubarak.

In 1386 H, al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA delivered his first

Asharah Mubarakah as Dai Mutlaq in Mumbai. His waaz mubarak were replete with the zikr

mubarak of his naas al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA. Following in his naas’ footsteps

and upholding his values, al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS made the

zikr mubarak of his naas Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA the foundation of his waaz

mubarak during his first Asharah Mubarakah in Surat in 1436 H. Following Ashara

Mubarakah 1436 H, Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS continued to expound upon the khitaabaat

accorded to Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA. During Asharah Mubarakah 1437 H, al-

Dai al-Ajal Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS expressing a neeyat to expound upon

the various aayat shareefah from the Quran which al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA

related to his mansoos al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA.

Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA referred to Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA in 1353H

in Karachi when elaborating the aforementioned ayat from Surat al-Inshiraah. A fable from

the Rasaail Ikhwaan al-Safaa‟ tells the story of a group of seafarers who leave their paradise

like island and set sail only to be shipwrecked on another island, one that was the opposite

of their tranquil and beautiful home. Over time they forgot their home and its splendours

and came to regard this island as their home. This was until someone came and reminded

them, rekindling memories of their paradise lost and urged them to return to it. The nuance

Maula showed us was that life on the island had caused them to forget where they had come

from: this world and its temptations lead one to forget our identity and where we have come

from and, more importantly, where we need to return.

Syedna al-Dal al-Ajal‟s TUS call to attend waaz from the very first day is a call for us to

recollect and remember. He made it clear that Satan seeks to make us forget where we once

were and all that we need to do in order for us to return. Rasulullah SA has made it clear that

Satan runs from all those who pray all five namaaz. However, once a Mumin becomes

careless and belittles the importance of namaaz, prays namaaz at one time but forgoes it at

another, Satan senses an opportunity to approach him and subtly plants little influences in

his mind, eventually turning him away from Allah‟s zikr. Likewise, a Mumin who begins to

waver over the importance of Allah‟s zikr, be it a namaaz or a majalis, considering it to be one

and the same to pray or not, to go to majlis or not, will eventually succumb to Satan‟s

influence and lose the significance of it altogether.

Allah Ta´ala states that, „Through the remembrance of Allah there is peace for the

heart‟. Allah‟s zikr (remembrance) is through the zikr of his Awliyaa‟ and in these days

through the zikr of Imam Husain AS. Maula TUS mentioned that if someone were to argue

why after all these years should we cry in remembrance of Imam Husain AS, he should be

told that Rasulullah SA has stated „He who cries, causes others to cry, or makes a face as if

crying, upon my son Husain, then he will surely enter jannat. So reason enough, reason a

plenty but the need to believe is a must. We need to shed tears in order to return to our

heavenly abode in order to attain forgiveness for the transgressions that brought us to this

physical world. However, as Maula TUS stated; shedding tears in remembrance of these sins is

very difficult, but shedding tears on the hardships that befell Imam HusainAS is but natural.

To remember ensures that we do not forget. Three things do away with forgetfulness:

reciting al-Quran, brushing your teeth and rozah. In addition to this Maula TUS stressed the

importance of sleep, healthy diet, physical fitness, stress reduction and remaining active in

order to ensure that the mind retains its ability to remember. These activities are greatly

facilitated by spiritual means such as the duaa’ mubarak Rasulullah SA taught Amirul

Mumineen AS for memorizing al-Quran. Likewise, Imam Hasan AS explained the importance

of praying salawaat in helping one remember and recollect. Furthermore, associating with

Awliyaullah, observing their actions and paying heed to their words ensure that one takes the

right decision when faced with choices. For example, on the eve of Ashuraa‟, when Imam

Husain AS directed his as’haab to leave in the darkness of the night, they recalled the words of

Amirul Mumineen during the battle of Ohod, when Rasulullah SA asked him to leave, „Shall I

turn back a kaafir after having become a Muslim?‟. Similarly, when seeking raza for shahadat

on Yaume Ashuraa‟, Joon, having accompanied Maulana Abizer, immediately beseeched

Imam Husain with his waseelah and upon slaying each of the enemy dedicated the thawab to

his Maula Abizer. Likewise, Maulana Abizer RA who gave preference to the majlis of

Rasulullah SA and the covenant given to him over all other congregations and vows,

remembered Imam Husain AS as his end drew near and directed Joon to go to Karbala with

Imam Husain AS.

Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS stated that, „Indeed the ability to forget is as important as

the ability to remember‟. Remembering is also aided by the act of forgetting all that

Awliyaa‟ullah have enjoined upon us to forget: grudges, the faults and shortcomings of

others and our worries. Similarly, those who feign forgetfulness out of deceit will have to

bear the consequences. Anas b. Malik feigned forgetting the nass of Rasulullah SA when called

upon to testify to it replying that he was too old to remember. As a result he was afflicted by

a skin whitening ailment at a spot on his face which was not possible to conceal.

Maula TUS continues to gather us together and remind us of our purpose in life, he is

both the remembrance itself that will take us to the forgotten abode of paradise and the one

who reminds us of it. He is the guide back to the world we have forgotten from the world

where everything seeks to make us forget. May Allah Ta´ala grant him a long and prosperous

life till the Day of Qiyaamat.

3rd Moharrum al-Haraam 1437H

„Wa Anhaar min ´Asal Musaffa‟

-And Rivers of Pure Honey-

In the previous waaz mubarak, al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS reminded us of

our identity and our return to the pure and serene world we left. Return to such a pure state

requires us to purify ourselves with the rivers of jannat. Four types of rivers flow in jannat,

one of water that is ever fresh, another of milk that never spoils, one of wine that does not

intoxicate and another of honey that is pure and clear.

In a waaz mubarak delivered in Surat in 1354 H, Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA related the

fourth type of river: „Rivers of Pure Honey‟ to al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Mohammed

Burhanuddin RA. Pure honey is that whose colour, fragrance and taste is unadulterated.

Everything about Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA was pure and sweet. His very name,

Mohammed, is such that one yearns to continuously hear it and say it. His words, his bayaan,

his every action, every glance, all were sweet and pure. His very being was sweetness

personified for Mumineen. Over his 50 years he caused many a rivers of pure honey to flow:

Faid al-Mawaa‟id al-Burhaaniyah, Qardan Hasanaa, Jamea Saifiyah, madrasas, the

construction of masjids, gathering Mumineen for Ashara Mubarakah and finally, his

incessant flows of tears in remembrance of Imam Husain AS.

It is with this purity that Duat Mutlaqeen persevered so that Mumineen gather for the

zikr of Imam Husain AS. In 1299 H, on the 4th of Moharrum al-Haraam, al-Dai al-Ajal

Syedna Abdulqadir Najmuddin RA wrote a letter to his respected son Hasan bhaisaheb

Zakiuddin mentioning that Mumineen are no doubt attending the Asharah majaalis and that

niyaaz must be taking place. He asked that a report be sent indicating who was attending and

who was not. In another letter, Syedna Najmuddin RA stated that we are a trading community

and when the business season draws near we leave aside all our commitments and focus

solely on product acquisition for which capital is required. The season before us is the one

for acquiring jannat and the capital with which we will acquire it is our tears.

Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS spoke at length on the nature of honeybees, their reverence

for the queen bee as well as the queen bee‟s care for them. In the manner in which a bee

consumes the nectar of various flowering plants, Maula encouraged Mumineen to advance in

their respective fields, be it medicine, architecture, engineering, law, computer science etc.

He counseled them to become experts in their fields with the ultimate aim of benefiting

mankind and seeking the enhancement and development of Allah‟s lands. The honey bee,

however, only sets out on its mission of collecting nectar after having made their homes in

the hills and the trees as mentioned in the aayat sharifah:

„And thy Lord taught the bee to build its home in the mountains, on trees and in human


Similarly he stressed, one should first build one‟s home, the home of his beliefs and faith,

and with Maula‟s raza mubarak and humility set out to acquire the best of what is on offer.

Only then will the efforts of his labour be sweet. Otherwise, he may lose sight of his identity

and purpose in seeking knowledge, and ultimately lose the mohabbat he has for Maula. Syedna

al-Dai al-Ajal TUS established the importance of this identity by recalling the khidmat of Syedi

Hasan bin Nuh who offered to spend his all his wealth and being in the khidmat of Syedna

Mohammed Ezzuddin RA and in protecting his forts, to the extent of stating that „if I fail to

do so I am not Hasan bin Nuh‟. Syedi Hasan made it clear that his identity is not derived

from his wealth and business, but it is from Maula, his mohabbat and his khidmat.

Honey is the essence of the essence. Bees draw nectar, which is an essence, and

produce honey which in turn is its essence. Maula mentioned that sidr honey from Wadi

Do´an is renowned for being the purest in the world, while Scottish, Scandinavian and

Greek honey, too, are known for their purity. He listed the numerous benefits of honey and

directed Mumineen to consume 3, 5 or 7 black cumin seeds with honey. Honey as a word is

as sweet as the substance it names. Maula commented that in Europe and here in America,

more so than elsewhere, a person addresses someone who he holds dear as „honey‟.

In contrast to the honeybee, his noble labours of love, his sublimely crafted home

and his production of highly valued honey, is the wasp. He makes his home out of earth, has

a deep-seated hatred for the honeybee and for all its efforts in imitating it, produces nothing.

It is this simile that illustrates the stark contrast between the Dai Mutlaq and all those who

lay claim to this august office. Over the course of history claimants have risen and perished.

Suleiman laid claim to this post „without any evidence‟. Similarly, Ali bin Ibrahim challenged

the 29th Dai Mutlaq Syedna Abdultyeb Zakiuddin RA. Though he initially pledged his

allegiance to Syedna Zakiuddin RA, he subsequently proclaimed himself as dai. Soon after he

repented for his sins but his enlightenment did not last long, and he returned to erroneous


The waaz mubarak embodied all the hallmarks of honey, sweetness throughout, a

purity of thought and love, pervasive, soothing and caring words for a Mumin‟s life in this

world and the next. It was a call back to the unadulterated virtues of nature, with at one

point Maula speaking of the qualities of organic foods and mentioning that some Mumineen

may be trading in organic produce.

The purity of honey alludes to the purity of faith, and as can be true of all medicine,

its effectiveness has much to do with the person‟s belief in the cure. When Imam

Mohammed al-Baqir AS explained the curative properties of honey and cumin seeds, he was

challenged by someone who claimed to have experimented with it but found that it did not

benefit him. Imam responded, „this will only benefit those who have mohabbat for


The most profound moment, replete with endearment and love, came as Maula TUS

narrated Imam Husain‟s AS shahaadat. his sajdah and duaa’ mubarak was shifaa’ for mankind,

and eased their ascension to the realm of safaa’ (purity). „Feehe Shifaun linnaas, feehe

shifaaun linnaas‟ – as the Quran says for honey – “in it is a cure for man, in it is a cure for

man!” While narrating the shahaadat, Maula TUS remembered Syedna Mohammed

Burhanuddin RA, the river of pure honey and the bearer of shifaa’ for those who have

mohabbat for him, his predecessors and for his successor Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS with

absolute purity of heart.

May Allah Taala grant our Maula TUS, whose sweet words will resonate in every pure heart, a

long life till the Day of Qiyaamat.

4th Moharrum al-Haraam 1437 H

„Tabaarak Ism Rabbaika Zu al-Jalaal wa al-Ikraam‟

-Exalted is the name of thy Lord, He is of majesty and honour-

The majesty of this aayat shareefah from Surat Al-Rahman was apparent for all in today‟s waaz

mubarak. Its greatness and glory personified in the persona of al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna

Mohammed Burhanuddin RA, to whom al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Taher Saifuddin referenced this

aayat shareefah twice, once in 1366 H in Mumbai and then in 1372 H when Syedna

Burhanuddin RA was delivering waaz mubarak in Mumbai.

The waaz mubarak expounded on the importance of „name‟ and how the names of

Awliyaullah: Panjatan Paak, Aimmat Tahereen and Duat Mutlaqeen AS afford honour and

respect to Mumineen while filling adversaries with awe and fear. These names, as Maula TUS

explained, are derived from the names of Allah Ta´ala, and allude to the loftiness of their

bearers. The name of Amirul Mumineen AS, Ali al-Aala was heard from the skies during the

battle of Ohod „La Fata Illa Ali la Saif Illa Zulfaqar‟. Similarly, the name of Maulatona

Fatema AS indicates that she will be free her followers from hell fire on the day of Qiyaamat.

The naming of Imam Hasan AS and Imam Husain AS was narrated in wondrous detail. When

Imam Hasan was born, Maulatona Fatema AS named him „Harb‟ and took him before

Rasulullah SA, who enquired as to what name she had given him. Maulatona Fatema AS

answered Harb, to which Rasulullah SA replied „this is Hasan‟. The same took place when

Imam Husain AS was born, but in this instance, Rasulullah SA replied „this is Husain‟. The

question most would be thinking, „why would Maulatona Fatema AS give the names without

asking Rasulullah SA first?‟ was answered before it was asked. Harb means „battle‟ as well as

„courage‟ and Maulatona Fatema AS, by giving this name, was dedicating both sons in

sacrifice to Rasulullah SA. However, by giving the names Hasan and Husain, Rasulullah SA

indicated that their deeds would be such that their beneficence would remain for eternity.

The names of Panjatan Paak are derived from the names of Allah and similarly

Jibraael conveyed to Rasulullah SA that the name Mumin is derived from the names of Allah.

No one should belittle a Mumin and treat him with disdain, for this is tantamount to setting

out in battle against Him.

Al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS stated that some writers mention that

the reason behind the revelation of Surat Al-Rahman is that mushrikeen alleged that the

Quran was revealed to Nabi Mohammed SA by another human. Hence, this surat

commences with the ayat „Al-Rahman‟ indicating the Quran‟s divine origins. Maula then

explained the difference between the word rahmaan and raheem. Rahmaan is one whose mercy

has the ability to transform a state of decay to a state of correctness. However, raheem is one

who may not always be able to bring about a lasting change in state. The rehmat (mercy) of

Rahman, the Dai Mutlaq, has the potential to transform the state of a Mumin, elevating him

from this material world to the spiritual one. Similarly, the rains of rehmat change the state of

things, just as physical rain revives the earth, and brings about growth and greenery. Imam

Sadiq AS showed that through mohabbat, walaayat, acceptance and affiliation with Maula, the

life and afterlife of a Mumin becomes that of his Maula. Then Maula called upon each of us

to lower our heads, and carry out half a minute of introspection over where we were and

how Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA has completely changed us for the better.

Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS narrated how the jalaal (majesty) of Imam Sadiq AS awed

both Abu Haneefah and Abu Dawaaniq, who intended to slay him. Likewise, this name

afforded honour and respect to the Mumin from Ahwaz in the south of Iran when faced

with an exorbitant government tax.

Invoking the names of Awliyaullah brings each believer closer to Allah and helps him

find the answer to his prayers. Thus, it is a custom to recite taqarrub after namaaz, with the

meaning of taqarrub being to come near. Further, after every fajr namaaz we recite the names

of Duat Mutlqaeen RA, by virtue of which we are safeguarded from any calamity and

misfortune that were to befall us during that day.

In both previous waaz mubarak, Maula stressed the importance of identity. Today, he

stated that a Mumin expresses his identity through his allegiance, and this allegiance is

evident in him writing Abde Syedna TUS before his name. He establishes himself as a

follower of Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS. A vivid recollection of the benefits of such an

association was given through an incident involving Miyasaheb Fidahusain Yamani. During

the Haj he was apprehended by police and taken into custody. After a delay he was

questioned by the superintendent as to who he was, he replied „I am of the followers of

Syedna Taher Saifuddin‟. Upon hearing this, the officer immediately ordered „Let him go‟.

The names of Awliyaaullah have the ability to dispel problems and show us the way to

potential solutions. In this context, Maula spoke at length over the ways in which

communication, medical and other technologies have advanced. Though this has brought

about myriad benefits it has also led to its fair share of problems. Once, when a

khidmatguzar complained to Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA of a persistent headache,

he immediately directed him to rid himself of his cell phone for 10 days and not make any


Maula TUS further added that the advance of technology is a silent admission of the

flaws of the previous version. Giving an example, he stated that every new iteration of

technology, such as an Apple iPhone or a Samsung Galaxy smartphone is a recognition of

the limitation of the previous models. Technology cannot attain perfection. Technology will

forever have its limits and at the edge of those limits it is rendered ineffective. A Mumina

with a tumour was set for subsequent scans. Her picture was placed before Syedna

Mohammed Burhanuddin RA for shifaa’ and duaa’ mubarak. Maula placed his mubarak hand on

the picture asking where the tumour was located. Later when she went for a scan, the

doctors could no longer find the tumour.

This miracle of transformation and transformative effect of Awliyaullah is seen at its

apogee when they take our deficient souls and take them to such a level that we are deemed

worthy of entering the khidmat of Imam al-Zaman AS. This is a truly remarkable feat, a feat

that no technology can ever even consider accomplishing and one that Maula called upon us

to ponder. Me? I can reach the khidmat of Imam ul Zamaan, with all my sins? Yes! He told

us emphatically, if we invoke the hallowed name of our Maula.

Names have an influence on their beholder, whether that be a person or an entity.

Maulana Hur AS was given the name Hur by his mother. Though it means „the free‟, his

freedom was only truly found when he sacrificed himself for Imam Husain AS. Cradled by

Imam Husain, he placed the handkerchief of Maulatona Fatema AS on his wound which

stemmed the flow of blood; Imam Husain stated „Your mother named you Hur; we too

name you Hur, you are truly free in this world and the next‟.

Invoking Allah‟s name and those of his Awliyaa‟ bring those change inducing

influences on any matter they have been spoken on. Thus it is stated in the Quran that one

should only eat meat that has been slaughtered while invoking the name of Allah. Then, and

only then, can the meat be considered halal and suitable for our consumption. Failure to

adhere to this key tenet has physical and spiritual consequences for a Mumin whose soul is

to ascend to the divine realm. Others may consume meat with disregard to this prerequisite,

but their purpose in this world differs greatly from ours.

We take Allah‟s name prior to each of our undertakings, regardless of how routine

and mundane they may be. By taking Allah‟s name we hope to secure the successful

conclusion of our ventures. However, there are those who hold that Allah‟s name, the

Bismillah, has been stolen by Satan and hence they do not pray it in their namaaz. For a

Mumin, however, Allah‟s name is everything in itself. It is the beginning, it is the end, to it

we turn even when all avenues are open and it is this name we invoke when all doors seem

shut. When we call upon Awliyaullah they never fail to respond. Even as his raas mubarak

was placed atop a spear it was seen to shudder as Maulatona Sakina beseeched her beloved

father to come and shield her from the unspeakable atrocities being inflicted upon her. Her

earrings were being pulled from her lobes, while her hands were being clasped. Her prayers

were answered in the form of veiled rider appearing, causing the oppressors to flee. Imam

Husain‟s haram though that he was Imam Husain AS but he revealed himself to be an angel.

He submitted to Imam Ali Zainulabedin AS that if he were to command him he would

annihilate the enemy. Imam AS replied that he still had far to go and many more brutalities

to patiently endure. This caused the angel to weep so profusely that he fell unconscious. At

that instant, a „Shaabaash‟ was heard from the skies, indicating that the angel had achieved

the purpose for which he had been sent.

Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal‟s TUS name, Mufaddal, is unique amongst Duat Mutlaqeen, while

his laqab mubarak Saifuddin, is the third in a most illustrious line. May we continue to invoke

his name in each of our endeavours and thereby ensure their success. May Allah grant him a

long and prosperous life till the day of Qiyaamat.

5th Moharram al-Haraam 1437 H

‘Wa-l-Naashetaate Nashta’

Today‟s waaz mubarak was filled with divine nashaat, an energy that vitalized us all. The

energy with which al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS empowers a

Mumin has its source in the bukaa’ and maatam upon Imam Husain AS. This remarkable form

of everlasting energy, despite being in the form of grief and lament, leads to temporal,

spiritual and eternal happiness and contentment. Hence, over 50 years al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna

Mohammed Burhanuddin RA would repeatedly pray that „May Allah keep Mumineen happy

and prosperous, and show them no grief but that of Imam Husain AS.

It was upon witnessing the rewards of this nashaat, that those who had not attained it

questioned their Lord on the day of Qiyaamat. They watched as select individuals rode

above them on khail bulq – horses with irregular patches of two colours. These horses

emerged from a tree in Paradise and were adorned with opulent saddlery and reins. „Why

have you given them such honour?‟ they asked. The reply was that „during their lifetime they

had „fasted while you had not, they woke in the middle of the night to pray, while you slept,

they spent their wealth while you showed miserliness and they sacrificed themselves for

Allah‟s cause while you acted with cowardice‟.

During Lailatul Qadr, Maulatona Fatema AS used to sprinkle water upon faces of

children, so that they remained energetic and were not denied of its khair (good). Likewise,

during their satr, Aimmat Tahereen AS, appointed such Duat Mutlaqeen that they continued

to lead Mumineen towards all forms of khair. Expanding on Rasulullah‟s AS hadeeth mubarak

„There is no choice of horse better than a dohm, while there is no partner more appropriate

than one‟s paternal uncle‟s daughter‟, Maula TUS stated that dohm are horses that are black in

colour, valued for their strength, they understand their rider‟s temperament, comprehend

their gestures and are quick to obey them. Aimmat Tahereen AS chose their Duat Mutlaqeen AS and these Duat Mutlaqeen carried Mumineen towards the best of both worlds. The

actions of Duat Mutlaqeen have always been in accordance with the wishes of Aimmat

Tahereen and will always continue to be. Duat Mutlaqeen are the Imam‟s khail bulq, and if

the rider is Imam Zaman AS, how can one even contemplate that a Dai would err or stumble.

During our childhood we are taught the nasihat of Syedna Abdeali Saifuddin RA „My Maula is

the Imam, and in his hands are my reins‟. This verse and its fundamental concept is

ingrained in us from an early age.

Maula TUS narrated how upon hearing the neighing of Rasulullah‟s SA horse, Murtajiz,

Jibraeel smiled. When asked why by Rasulullah SA, he replied „Why shouldn‟t I smile, for the

neighing of the horses of Muslimeen fill adversaries with fear and trepidation. Rasulullah‟s

horse was named Murtajiz because of its melodious neigh. For fifty years, Syedna

Mohammed Burhanuddin RA, conveyed to us the neigh of Imam Husain‟s AS horse, Zul

Janah, by which Mumineen attained solace and contentment while adversaries shuddered.

Continuing with the zikr of Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA, Syedna al-Dai al-

Ajal TUS expounded upon the ayat shareefah „Wa al-Naashetaat Nashta‟. Al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna

Taher Saifuddin RA related this ayat mubarakah to Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA in

1365 H, while he was in Sidhpur and Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA was in Dohad for

Ashara Mubarakah. Tafsir writers mention that this aayat refers to groups of firishta that draw

out souls from bodies. Similarly, they mention that this ayat refers to horses that travel from

one city to another in times of war. Amirul Mumineen SA stated that Naashetaat refers to

lassos used to round up horses in order to train them. Maula stated how Syedna

Burhanuddin RA used the lasso of mohabbat to draw Mumineen to him and then trained them

according to the tenets of sharia. This lasso is not a restraint but is the snare of love.

Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS stressed that the impact and results of efforts done with

energy and enthusiasm is of a completely different outcome to those done without it. He

directed Mumineen to make sure that they remain active throughout their life and in this

regard proper diet and exercise is vital. In accordance with Rasulullah‟s SA directive, Maula

encouraged Mumineen to teach their children archery, swimming and riding. He added that

prior to the Industrial Revolution, man‟s daily routine provided him with the exercise he

required. However, automation has changed our lifestyles, and now one must specifically

take out time for exercise. He mentioned how consistent exercise has been shown to prevent

illnesses and diseases even those such as cancer. These efforts are made so that when one‟s

death draws near he departs from this world in a state of nashaat and energy. For Amirul

Mumineen AS counsels „You are he who when born was crying, while all those around him

were filled with happiness and delight. Act for your soul, for on the day of your death, when

all around are crying, you are filled with happiness and delight. It is for this reason that one

should tend to his physical self and ensure that all his organs remain healthy. Rasulullah SA

states that „I despise a person who is lazy and lethargic when it comes to worldly matters, for

he will be more lazy and listless when it comes to matters pertaining to the Hereafter‟. One

way of maintaining energy is by consuming a proper breakfast. Acknowledged by

nutritionists as the most important of the day, the Lisan al-Dawat word for it, nashtah also

happens to be a take on the Arabic word nashaat. Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA stated that an

early breakfast is like a nail for the solidity of the body. A proper breakfast aids in

concentration, helps one‟s metabolism and improves cardiac health. Maula added that an

energetic wife is one who tends to her husband‟s breakfast and other meals with enthusiasm.

Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS also mentioned that one should make the most of the early

period of the morning. This time prior to sunrise is one in which one should stay awake.

When a learned person lies asleep during this period the ground beneath him cries out in

protest. In practical terms the work one can accomplish during this time would take several

hours at other times of the day.

Another form of becoming energised and energizing others is by the simple act of

smiling. This cheerfulness is a prime trait of a Mumin. Maula narrated the incident between

Nabi Eesa AS and Yahya Nabi AS. Nabi Eesa AS was always cheerful while Nabi Yahya AS was

morose. Yahya Nabi AS asked Eesa Nabi AS „do you not fear Allah‟s wrath?‟, to which Eesaa

Nabi AS countered „Do you not have faith in his mercy?‟. Ultimately, since both were Allah‟s

nabi, He duly proclaimed that „The dearer of you two is the one who is cheerier.‟ Similarly,

when Maulana Ali AS, jumped from the roof of the Kaabah, he smiled after landing on the

ground. Rasulullah AS saw this, and prayed „May Allah keep your face smiling‟, alluding to the

fact that his descendants Aimmat Tahereen and in their seclusion the Duat Mutlaqeen,

would continue to energise Mumineen with their smile and acts. Such was the radiant and

cheerful countenance of Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA that even a glance of his

countenance would rid Mumineen of all grief and sorrow. He would greet all who he came

across with a smile. While traveling by air, after having taken his seat he would turn towards

his fellow passengers and greet them all:

Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS directed us to carry out all our activities with energy, be it

namaaz or our trade or professions.

The Duat Mutlaqeen are the steeds of Imam al-Zaman AS. They inform Mumineen of

the shahaadat of Imam Husain AS in the manner in which Husain Imam‟s horse Zul Janah

went to the tents of the Ahle Bait AS. His horse exhibited remarkable traits of understanding

and loyalty: it knew where and when to stop on the 2nd of Moharrum, yet it was unstoppable

on the day of Ashuraa‟. It refused to even take a sip of water seeing that its rider was hungry

and thirsty for three days. Maula repeatedly mentioned that „Imam Husain‟s horse was no

ordinary horse‟, alluding to the misguidance of those who consider his Dai Mutlaq as an

ordinary man. In line with this, Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS revealed one of the many reasons

behind Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA repeatedly narrating the Inshiqaaq al-Qamr

miracle (Splitting of the Moon) which took place at the hands of Rasulullah SA: despite seeing

it with their own eyes his adversaries defiantly denied that any occurrence had taken place

and maintained it was just magic on a grand scale.

When Imam Husain AS was first presented with a selection of horses to choose from,

he chose Zul Janah. The horse knelt on his fore legs so that Imam Husain AS could ascend.

This same horse, on the day of Aashuraa‟ understood that since Imam Husain AS had

sheathed his sword that he now wished to descend for which he once again lowered his fore

legs. Finally, he doused himself in the mubarak blood of Imam Husain AS and neighed as he

returned to Imam‟s camp to inform the Ahle Bait AS of the shahaadat. The Duat Mutlaqeen

are conveying the sound of that neigh today. It energises us for themaatam and lament upon

Imam Husain AS which ultimately grants us the joy of najaat (salvation).

Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS is Imam al-Zaman‟s AS loyal and faithful steed who is

carrying us in the direction of spiritual and material well-being, culminating in us reaching

the khidmat of Imam al-Zaman AS. May Allah Ta´ala keep this radiant and smiling

countenance amongst us until the Day of Qiyaamat and may every Mumin continue to

derive eternal energy and enthusiasm from him.

6th Moharram al-Haraam 1437 H

‘Wa Wajadaka Daalan Fahadaa’

-And find you lost (that is, unrecognized by men) and guide (them to you)?-

Today, al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS, took us on a journey on the

straight path of guidance: Siraat e Mustaqeem. He showed us the road signs that ensure that

we reach our intended destination, directed us to observe the laws and etiquette by which

this road is traveled and the aspects we should heed so that we arrive safely.

Allah Ta´ala sent his Rasul, Mohammed al-Mustafa SA to deliver guidance. Rasulullah SA in turn stated that „Indeed Ali is the banner of guidance‟. Likewise, the radiance of

Maulatona Fatema‟s AS shawl guided many towards Islam. Imam Hasan and Husain AS

illuminated the path to Islam by virtue of their noble character. Each Imam is the leader and

guide of Mumineen, and when they chose seclusion they appointed Duat Mutlaqeen AS who

made sure that all those who followed their guidance and held steadfast to the path they

showed would eventually reach their heavenly abode. Duat Mutlaqeen AS made sure that

this dunyaa (the physical world) would function in accordance to deen (faith) and never vice

versa. For example, they directed that Asharah majaalis would take place from the 2nd to

9th of Moharrum before zohr, while at night majaalis would take place from the eve of

3rdMoharrum. On Ashuraa‟ a majlis would take place in the morning, and the maqtal of Imam

Husain AS would be recited in the afternoon, culminating at maghrib.

Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS mentioned that we have traveled long and far to reach our

human form, and prayed that until our last breath we remain steadfast on this path of

guidance. One can adhere to this path by maintaining silat, attachment with Maula. This

allegiance is through mohabbat. and then through one‟s ilm, knowledge, bukaa’ and maatam,

this silat can be strengthened.

In today‟s waaz mubarak, Maula cast light on the meanings entailed in the ayat

shareefah „Wa Wajadaka Daalan Fahadaa‟ from the surat „Wa al-Duhaa‟. Rasulullah SA was a

jewel whose value and quality was not appreciated by those around him. In that sense he was

„lost‟ to all but the knowing jeweler. His legatee Amirul Mumineen AS, Aimmat Tahereen AS

and Duat Mutlaqeen AS are those who have truly fathomed who he truly was. Al-Dai al-Ajal

Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA related this ayat shareefah to his mansoos al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna

Mohammed Burhanuddin RA, and throughout his life, in his qasaaid and rasaail established his

unparalleled standing. Further, by cementing this understanding through our silat with

Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA by doing the tasbih of his name, seeking shifaa’ from him

and embracing his firmaan and directives we can remain steadfast on this path of guidance.

Over the course of 50 years Mumineen held firm to him and upon his sad passing,

Mumineen rushed to his janaazah mubarakah, physically and spiritually. Further, it is by

the ‘ilm of Aale Mohammed AS and the m´arefat (understanding) of Khamsat Athaar, Aimmat

Tahereen and Duat Mutlaqeen AS that we reinforce our conviction, remain steadfast on the

path of guidance, rid ourselves of doubt and confusion, and attain complete and thorough


The traveler on the road of guidance must ensure that he or the vehicle he travels in

is fit to drive upon it. That is why during the five compulsory and other namaaz we recite

Surat al-Faatehaah, which contains the ayat „Ehdenaa al-Siraat al-Mustaqeem‟- Guide us

towards the Straight Path. Additionally, in the wudu, when we wipe our feet we implore Allah

to keep out feet firmly on Siraat Mustaqeem. Firmness of footing in a car is by its tyres

which need to be in good condition in order to keep the car stable. Speaking of firmness of

foot Maula gave two examples from sport in which one has to remain steadfast in order to

succeed. In gymnastics, having gone through a routine, the gymnast has to end by landing on

the floor mat with both feet absolutely together and straight, without buckling. Failure to do

so leads to a deduction in points. The same is true in football (soccer), where if a player were

to slip as he draws near to the goal he will not be able to score. In football there is the added

challenge of opposing players whose aim is to cause the attacking player to stumble before

reaching the goal.

Those traveling on this road are also required to fasten the seat belt of

ta´at, obedience, of the guide. This fascinating simile made it clear that in order to make it

through to the end of the journey unscathed, obedience is a must. Navigating the nation‟s

roads was previously accomplished through the aid of printed road maps which has now

given way to GPS navigation. However, even this highly accurate technology is only as

useful as the willingness of its user to listen to it. An obstinate person who disregards the

directions given by the GPS system will never find his way!

One aspect of adhering to the correct path spiritually was seen in the time of Imam

Sadiq AS. A group of people set out from Madinah Munawarah for China in order to seek

knowledge. Hearing of their intentions and hoping to make them realise their folly, Behlul

Daana placed himself on a road outside the city, where their caravan was to pass, and began

to sieve sand. When the group passed by, they questioned him as to what he was doing.

Behlul replied „I have misplaced my needle in Madinah, and am looking for it here.‟

Upon hearing this, they began to ridicule him, „we held you in high regard, yet your actions

are to the contrary.‟ Behlul replied, „It is you who should examine your conduct. The city of

knowledge is here in Madinah, yet you are leaving him‟. They realised the errors of their ways

and turned back. Citing the manner in which Behlul acted to show them the error of their

ways Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS counseled us that if we are ever in a situation where we have

to explain something to others, then it should be done with such tact and warmth that they

immediately accept your words. He further added that it is a needle‟s job to attach and stitch

together, thereby, upon donning the clothes of mohabbat and raza, one may set forth and

travel across the lands. This guidance to the right path was demonstrated by Syedi Khanji

Feer QR who remained at the door of Syedna Qasim Khan Zainuddin RA in order to seek his

forgiveness. Similarly, Syedi Abdulqadir Hakimuddin QR, when he arrived for Dawat at

Sidhpur presented himself with exemplary humility and addressed himself as their „khaadim„.

Upon returning to Jamnagar, Syedna Badruddin RA, asked him whether he had any needs?

Syedi Hakimuddin QR beseeched him that he wished to hold the wedding of his son,

Faizullah bhaisaheb. Syedna asked about the expense, Syedi Hakimuddin QR had calculated

the expenditure and informed Syedna that it would come to 300 rupees. Syedna bestowed

him the amount. The wedding took place, and a negligible amount was left unspent which he

wrapped in a handkerchief and presented it to Syedna Badruddin RA. Upon seeing this,

Syedna Badruddin RA replied there is no one like you, no one who is so trustworthy. After

narrating this, Maula TUS counseled all khidmatguzars to adhere to the unimpeachable traits

of trust and character of Syedi Hakimuddin QR, as much as possible.

An example of a deed that helps us remain on this path is sadaqah. It was an intriguing

choice of action to use as an example in this waaz about guidance and the straight path; since

we are instructed to do sadaqah before embarking on any journey or travel. The call to offer

sadaqah in order to ward off impending calamity and to do so especially when one falls on

hard times is worthy of reflection. Maulana Ali AS stated that, „When you fall upon hard

times, then engage in trade with Allah through sadaqah. By his own action he exemplified

these words. In order to acquire provision for his household, Amirul Mumineen AS sold a

sheet of his for 6 dirhams. He was on his way to make his purchases when he was stopped

by a pauper, who uttered the words „Your habit is one of beauty‟. Upon hearing this Amirul

Mumineen AS handed all 6 dirhams to him. He went on and came across a Bedouin who

offered to sell him his camel for 100 dirhams. A trade was agreed. Almost instantly, another

Bedouin appeared who offered to purchase the camel from him. Amirul Mumineen

mentioned to him that he had purchased this camel for 100 dirhams, and he was free to

offer what he wished. The buyer offered 160 dirhams, and an exchange was made. Amirul

Mumineen handed 100 dirhams to the first Bedouin and took the 60 dirhams which he

placed before Rasulullah SA and related the entire episode. Rasulullah SA smiled and said,

„Most noble was the seller and most noble was the buyer. The seller was Jibraeel and the

buyer was Mikaaeel! Allah has selected you, and if you had given more you would have

received more‟. Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS pointed out that the pauper did not have to openly

ask for alms, nor did Amirul Mumineen AS contemplate giving 1 or 2 dirhams of the 6, but

gave him all that he had.

The second narrative on the importance and benefits of sadqah, was the well-known

incident of the Bedouin who used to climb up a tree and take pigeon eggs from its nest. The

pigeons complained to Allah Ta´ala, who promised that if he attempted to take them once

more he would meet his end. On his next attempt, just as he was to climb up the tree a

pauper came to his door. He immediately descended, offered him something and climbed up

the tree and took the eggs. The pigeons immediately protested to Allah Ta´ala and reminded

Him of the promise He had made. Allah Ta´ala answered that this Bedouin has carried out

such an act that his life had been spared, and relocated the pigeons to Baitullah where they

and their descendants have lived unharmed for hundreds of years. Maula TUS stressed that as

soon as the Bedouin saw the pauper he attended to his needs. He did not ask him to wait

until he had descended from the tree.

Sadaqah comes in different forms. The act of giving alms and charity is one of them.

Another is zakaat and waajebaat. Maula TUS urged us to follow Amirul Mumineen‟s AS

directive to trade with Allah Taala by giving waajebaat. He asked all of us to recollect how

Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA had secured the prosperity of Mumineen by strictly

enjoining upon them to refrain from all forms of interest and offer waajebaat as per his

guidance. Maula TUS recalled that many naysayers, nefarious voices, countered Syedna

Burhanuddin RA saying that the community will go into economic decline, gallas will become

empty. „I am asking you today, are the gallas empty or full?‟ Today, Mumineen are free of the

worries of paying interest on loan repayments, unaffected by fluctuating rates and vagaries.

He is free of the worry that I have allowed into my home something that has been cursed by

Rasulullah SA or that I am indulging in an act that pains Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA.

A Mumin may have a small business but he has peace of mind and that – is priceless.

In order to travel upon Siraat e Mustaqeem, we are required to attach ourselves to

the mohabbat of Maula TUS, obey his directives and follow his guidance and instructions. By

doing so, we are equipped and sure of the fact that we will reach our intended destination in

his wake. May Allah Ta´ala grant our guide, Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin a long and

prosperous till the Day of Qiyaamat.

7th Moharram al-Haraam 1437 H

‘Al-Misbah Fi Zujaajah. Al-Zujaajat Kannahaa Kaukab Durri’

-The Lantern is in A Glass, The Glass is Like a Brilliant Star-

Al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA was the transparent, clear glass through

which we saw the lantern of eternal knowledge. Awliyaullah AS, divine light personified, have

guided Mumineen towards the hereafter. Al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal

Saifuddin TUS, stated that they encourage us to contemplate the various aspects of this world

and the next. A person‟s outlook, understanding and predisposition is determined by the

clarity in them – clarity of thought, love and purpose and this was illustrated by examples

from Awliyaullah‟s conduct as well as the ideals a Mumin should follow in his day to day life.

A name of Maulatona Fatema AS was al-Zahraa‟, due to the radiance of her noorani face.

When asked to describe the radiance of Maulatona Fatema‟s AS mubarak face, one lady

replied, „At night when we were in her august presence, some women were stitching. If they

needed to thread a needle, they would bring it close to Maulatona Fatema AS and thread

their needles by her radiance.‟ Maula TUS stated that it was because of the conceptual clarity

they possessed regarding the lofty position of Maulatona Fatema AS that they were able to

do so. During the seclusion of the Imam AS, the Duat Mutlaqeen AS, bear the barakat of

Kisaa‟ al-Tatheer. The Duat Mutlaqeen AS, are such a fine and pure veil that those whose

thoughts are pure can clearly see in them the noor of the Imam AS.

Maula TUS recalled the hadeeth mubarak of Rasulullah SA „Contemplation is a clear

mirror‟, and stated that the thoughts of a person reveal his personality. He then mentioned

the similarity between the Arabic word for mirror and the word for woman, and narrated

five events that revealed the purity of Maulatona Umme Salamaa‟s RA thoughts and

principles and the impurity of one other who although privileged to be the wife of Rasulullah SA and residing in his house, did not reside in his heart.

Maulatona Umme Salama RA was asked about the Ayat al-Tatheer (Verse of

Purification), the person asking the question added that another wife of Rasulullah SA had

sent him to her. Maulatona Umme Salamaa RA pointed out that if she wanted to, she could

have told you. She then narrated in detail how Rasulullah SA called for the Panjataan Paak

and then placed a Yemeni cloak over them. Seeing this Maulatona Umme Salama RA,

requested Rasulullah SA to include her, which he declined but went on to say „You are of

virtue‟. Maula TUS showed how this incident revealed the trustworthiness of Maulatona

Umme Salama RA. She narrated the event as it took place, without concealing anything –

even the aspect that might impact on her own prestige. On the other hand, the other woman

had no intention to narrate the preeminence of Khamsat Athaar AS. Her feelings towards

them were revealed both in her concealing this narrative and then in her later actions against

the Awliyaullah.

Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS stated that „A Mumin is a Mumin‟s mirror‟. While we may

perhaps have been conditioned to assume that a mirror should only be used to show flaws in

appearance, Maula TUS pointed out that it should let each other know their commendations

and qualities as well. Likewise, the true Mumin: Maula shows us the correctness of our faith

and beliefs. It was in this manner that Maulatona Umme Salama RA conveyed events and

happenings as they were. This trustworthiness meant that when Rasulallah SA was given a

phial of sand from Karbala, he entrusted it to her and told her that when she sees that the

phial of sand has turned red, she should know that Imam Husain AS has been slain.

Maula TUS emphasised that we belief in a silsilah, a chain of succession, from Anbiyaa‟

Kiraam, Aimmat Tahereen and Duat Mutlaqeen AS, there is no break in this chain. In the

chain of Duat Mutlaqeen comes Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin, to whom Syedna Taher

Saifuddin RA while delivering Asharah Mubarakah waaz mubarak in Khambat, India in

1359H narrated the meanings of Ayat al-Noor and related the ayat shareefah „ Al-Misbah Fi

Zujaajah. Al-Zujaajat Kannahaa Kaukab Durri to al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Mohammed

Burhanuddin RA. Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA states that when Syedna Mohammed

Burhanuddin RA recited Quran, he shone like a brilliant star, a trait that was well known by

both Mumineen and Muslimeen, especially when he recited Ayat al-Noor. He was a lamp,

placed in a glass, that shone like a brilliant star. When doing his deedar, we saw Imam al-

Zaman AS, but rather we witnessed Panjatan Paak AS. Until the end of his years he remained

a clear and transparent glass, and if anyone were to say the contrary then it was a denial of

Syedna Taher Saifuddin‟s RA words.

Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS explained that glass has two important properties. In a plane

or a car or a building, glass allows those inside to look out, while also protecting them from

even the most extreme external weather conditions. There are many types of glass, including

bullet proof and sound proof glass. Some glass can break and some is unbreakable and then

he remarked that many Mumineen are in the glass business, and in their mohabbat they are

unbreakable. One‟s mohabbat should be unbreakable. Even among ourselves, our friendships

and affection should be of the enduring kind. Friendships should not be fragile like glass. He

mentioned that we sometimes say that „he is a vessel of glass‟ implying the ease by which his

affection can be shattered.

Atop many tall buildings there is usually glass that allows the viewer to see below and

across, whilst keeping him safe. Nonetheless, one still feels a bit wary and the look down can

lead to vertigo. However, for a Mumin who transcends this physical realm and arrives in the

soaring rooms of his new abode in the Hereafter, he will be able to look down upon this

world without any fear.

Maula TUS enjoined upon Mumineen to undertake grand projects with resolve and firm will,

but never forget to pay attention to the minor details – the „nuts and bolts‟. Early in the waaz

mubarak, Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS encouraged us towards inventiveness in whichever field of

expertise we happen to be in. Invent things that benefit all of mankind, whether it be in

medicine, architecture, computer science or whatever other field one may be in. One should

ponder over knowledge that has the potential to benefit, and make contributions that result

in the betterment of society at large.

From the exceptional conduct of Ratan Aaisaheba QR, the esteemed mother of al-

Dai al-Ajal Syedna Abdeali Saifuddin RA, we can learn how to pay attention to minute and

easily neglected matters. She would call the younger students of Darse Saifee during early

evening and individually ask about them. She provided the motherly love and comfort to

those young students who had left their mothers and journeyed to Darse Saifee. She would

even ask them if she could prepare for them a dish they liked, and with the aqeelat (wife) of

Syedna Abdeali Saifuddin RA, she would go to the kitchen prepare the dish and with her

hands make roti for them.

Maula TUS then took us back to the era of the Fatemi empire, when Imam Qaaim AS

sought to build a canal to bring water from Qayrawan to Mansuriyah, over a distance of 46

kilometers. Various hindrances, particularly the uprising of Dajjal, prevented its completion.

Later, Imam Moiz AS revived the project. It was a hugely ambitious and expensive project,

with Imam AS going as far as stating that if need be the waterways could be built of glass. A

thousand years ago such a thought may have been greeted as the stuff of fantasy, yet today

all-glass structures are quite the norm. Maula TUS mentioned, that it was Imam Moiz AS who

invented the fountain pen, once again indicating the grandness of Imam‟s thought and his

unwavering resolve. Finally, Maula stressed that if we were to invent something or make

advances in a field, it should lead to us recalling the Creator who bestowed us with the

intellect to be able to do so.

Awliyaullah AS seek to bring to Mumineen canals of ‘ilm. Knowledge is regarded as

light, and „waters of knowledge‟ is also a terminology that we are familiar with. Even

the zaahiri ´ilm of Aale Mohammed AS is such that the one who benefits from it feels that he

has unlocked the realities and purpose of creation. The ultimate reality and objective in the

study of knowledge is seeing the glories of Maula and understanding his lofty standing.

Aimmat Tahereen AS continued to bring the canals of knowledge to their followers. Through

Majaalis Moayadiyyah, Imam AS made canals of knowledge flow to the Duat Mutlaqeen AS;

the nohaa ibaarat recited each day is from these texts. Imam Aamir AS sent an old

handkerchief to Maulatona Hurrat al-Malekah thereby conveying to her his

impending shahaadat. Likewise, Duat Mutlaqeen, constructed canals which flowed with divine

knowledge. Syedna Idris Imaduddin RA made it clear that Dawat will soon function from

Hind, due to the angelic deeds of Maulaya Adam QR. The hudud of Duat Mutlaqeen, too,

made canals of wisdom and erudition flow. Maulaya Raja, did not let jewels and pearls

distract him from his namaaz, but rather he repented for his sins and sought nothing but

water for his wudu.

The events of Karbala are such, that until the day of Qiyaamat, waters of divine

knowledge will continue to flow from it and thousands of souls will be able to quench their

thirst. The actions and beliefs of Maulana Abbas Alamdar let flow a sea of loyalty. Likewise,

Maulana Aliakber, despite his burning thirst did not go and beseech anyone but Maulana

Husain AS.

Towards the end of the waaz mubarak, Maula TUS stated that I have one counsel, let

your tears flow for Imam Husain AS, do maatam, and when you hear of the misfortunes that

befell him, let out a loud cry of lament: Aahin! Aahin!

In acting in accordance to the teachings of Maula, with true love in our hearts and

paying heed to the exceptional conduct of Awliyaullah, we will be among those who will be

picked when Maulatona Fatema‟s chosen ones enter the field of mahshar and pick followers

to enter jannat with them. The criterion for being chosen is as simple as to have served a sip

of water for the sake of Fatema‟s mohabbat.

May Allah Taala grant our beloved Maula a long and prosperous life till the day of

Qiyaamat, may he continue to shine like a brilliant star and quench our thirst with the water

of ´ilm Aale Mohammed SA.

8th Moharram al-Haraam 1437 H

‘Inna Aatainaaka al-Kauthar…’

-Indeed we have bestowed you with al-Kauthar…-

Over the last six days, al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS expounded

upon the various aayaat shareefah that al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA has related to

Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA. Today, benefiting from the zikr done by Syedna al-Dai

al-Ajal TUS of his naas, Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA, with a guided perspective and

with renewed energy we saw these meanings personified. The conviction offered by ´ilm was

further reinforced with the conviction gained from observing. We saw Syedna Mohammed

Burhanuddin RA for the brilliant star he was, and sipped from the rivers of honey through

his deedar mubarak and listening to his sweet words and counsels. The waaz mubarak of which

we saw the recording today was delivered on the 8th of Moharrum al-Haraam, 1429 H in

Colombo, Sri Lanka.

When Rasulullah‟s SA respected son Maulana Ibrahim passed away,munaafiqeen began

to comment that Rasulullah SA was now bereft of any descendants. Allah Ta´ala revealed

Surat Al-Kauthar and made it clear that Rasulullah‟s descendants, the Aimmat Tahereen AS

will continue till the Day of Qiyaamt in the progeny of Imam Husain AS. The persona of

Amirul Mumineen, is kauthar, one of the names for a body of water found in jannat. The

word kauthar is a superlative form of meaning „much‟, indicating how expansive this water is,

and that it can quench all thirsts. The four letters of kauthar: ‘kaaf’, ‘wau’, ‘tha’ and ‘ra’, allude

to the four types of river in jannat. Each letter of the Arabic alphabet has a gematric

(numerical) value. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA spoke of these values and how these

lead to the numbers eight and fifteen, and revealed some of the meanings entailed in them.

He also alluded to the four types of

knowledge: zaahir (exoteric), baatin (esoteric), haqeeqat and haqeeqat al-haqeeqat. It is this final

one, truth of the truth, which is the pattern upon which the tenets of the sharia are based.

Each aspect of the sharia, the five namaaz for example has a deep and encompassing

meaning. Syedna Jafar b. Mansoor al-Yemen has written a treatise „Taa‟weel al-Zakaat‟, (the

esoteric meaning of zakaat), which details the meanings entailed in the formulas used to

calculate zakaat. Syedna Abdullah Badruddin RA personally taught Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA

this esteemed kitaab, and while doing so mentioned that in his final years Syedna Abdulqadir

Najmuddin RA, used to increasingly refer to this kitaab.

Syedna al-Muqaddas RA mentioned that one type of river is of wine – wine that gives

pleasure but does not intoxicate. He stressed that if one wishes to drink from this river then

one should refrain from all forms of intoxicants in this world and all that sharia has


Co-relating to the four letters are the four taa’at that are obligatory, they being that of

the Nabi, Wasi, Imam and in the seclusion of the Imam, the Dai Mutlaq. Today the Dai

Mutlaq is kauthar, and we are drinking from this river, by virtue of which we will reach the

banks of kauthar in the hereafter.

Syedna al-Muqaddas RA then stated that Al-Ali or Aliyyan feature in 8 instances in the

Quran. While relating the meanings of Ayat al-Kursi to Amirul Mumineen AS, Maula RA

stated that Awliyaaullah do not sleep, at most they take light naps, and even then they are

fully aware of all that is occurring around them. An instance took place in the time of

Rasulullah SA, when during the middle of the night a cracking noise awoke everyone. People

emerged from their houses and proceeded towards the source of the sound. As they made

their way, they saw Rasulullah SA returning back after investigating and having found nothing

untoward. Syedna al-Muqaddas RA firmly voiced that Awliyaaullah AS are never neglectful,

making it vividly clear that Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA was never unaware of all

that was going on.

Syedna al-Muqaddas RA then spoke of three qasaaid composed by Syedna Taher

Saifuddin RA in Karachi, two in the praise of Rasulullah SA and one in the glory of Ameerul

Mumineen AS for gatherings with various Muslim communities. Upon hearing

these qasaaid, one listener was moved to say, that Syedna Saifuddin has recalled the glories of

Rasulullah SA exactly and appropriately as they are, unlike other poets. In the qaseedah in

praise of Ameerul Mumineen SA, „Asameeya Zil Arsh al-Azeem Aleeya‟, the following verse

was recited:

Out of hatred for him (Ameerul Mumineen), do not worship Shaitaan. For Shaitaan is

disobedient to Allah.

Upon hearing this verse, members of the audience requested that this verse be repeated a

number of times. They commented that this verse was composed with such eloquence that

the inference of Shaitaan is apparent to all. This verse also makes it clear that those who

deny the nass upon the mansoos are none other than the followers of Shaitaan. The miracle of

Insheqaaq al-Qamar (The Splitting of the Qamar) was witnessed by an unprecedented

gathering but there were those who still dismissed it as mere sorcery. Syedna al-Muqaddas RA

narrated the entire event in great detail, and we all listened to it with the new perspective

Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS had bestowed us with a few days ago. Towards

the end, Syedna al-Muqaddas RA stated „These people are such that even if they witness a

divine miracle they will dismiss it as an act of sorcery.‟

It should also be mentioned that one of the qaseedah mubarakah Syedna Taher

Saifuddin RA composed in Karachi in praise of Rasulullah SA was „Ahmed al-Mustafa al-

Nabi al-Tihaami‟. In Zilqada al-Haraam, 1436 H, during his address at Governor‟s House,

Karachi, after having accepted the Doctor of Letters degree presented to him by the

University of Karachi, Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS quoted verses from this qaseedah mubarakah.

Syedna al-Muqaddas RA stated that you are all very close to me, you reside in my heart.

During these days ensure that in each instance you are engrossed in the remembrance of

Imam Husain AS. Shed a lot of tears, do a lot ofmaatam. If you do so you will attain my

happiness. He narrated the actions of the raahib who took the raas mubarak of Imam Husain AS for one night and spent the entire night engrossed in his bukaa’ and maatam. He then

mentioned that Amirul Mumineen fought 3 wars in 4 years, Jamal, Siffeen and Nehrwaan.

During these years a number of preeminent people were slain: Abu Haytham, Maalik al-

Ushter, Ammar b. Yaasir and Uwais al-Qarni. Amirul Mumineen AS lamented their loss

whilst seated on the minbar in Kufa.

Syedna al-Muqaddas RA detailed the Tehkeem al-Hakamain, the event that led to a

permanent rift among Muslims. The „judgment‟ was supposed to be based on the Quran but

ultimately descended into argument and farce as the two envoys of Maulana Ali and

Muawiya fell out in public over their agreement to remove both from any claim to the

caliphate. This was exactly what Muawiya‟s man, Amr bin al-Aas, had planned for. The

failure to find a conclusion led the maariqeen – the third group of dissidents to disown

Maulana Ali – to come out in open rebellion. Maulana Ali AS quelled it and at its end foresaw

his impending shahadat for he had now fulfilled the debt of Rasulallah to battle the

„munafiqeen‟. The waaz mubarak culminated with the shahadat of Amirul Mumineen AS and

Imam Husain AS. The repeated call by Huzurala TUS for us to do good to those who cause us

ill was exemplified by Maulana Ali AS and his instruction to serve his captured attacker a

sweet beverage.

Over the course of this Asharah Mubarakah, Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS has expounded

upon the ayat shareefah which Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA related to Syedna Mohammed

Burhanuddin RA. In yesterday‟s waaz mubarak he made it clear that seeing the persona of

Maula should be the ultimate objective in the study of Dawat kutub. Likewise, one can derive

the understanding that relating each ayat shareefah to Maula is a sign that it has been recited

with understanding. Today, on hearing the meanings of Surat al-Kauthar, we all recalled the

countless blessings of Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA upon Mumineen. How he

personified the notion of „more‟ through the rivers of knowledge he let flow, his incessant

travels to places where Mumineen resided, his restorations of Fatemi masaajid and

construction of masjids across the world, the manifold barakat he brought about in each of

our lives by guiding us towards giving more waajebaat, the manner in which he gathered more

and more Mumineen for Asharah Mubarakah, the efforts he expended in having more and

more Mumineen memorising al-Quran, and finally, through the multiple means and manners

he showed us the glories of his mansoos al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin

TUS and his nass upon him. Today, the barakat and meanings of „more‟ are evident in him.

May Allah Taala grant our beloved Maula a long and prosperous life till the Day of


9th Moharram al-Haraam 1437 H

‘Fi Raqqin Manshoor’

-In The Parchments Spread Open-

Awliyaullah AS, and today the Dai Mutlaq, al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal

Saifuddin TUS are manifestations of the word of Allah. Their words and deeds reveal for the

believers the meanings of the Quran. Over the course of time there have been a total of 104

divine revelations. 50 were revealed to Nabi Adam AS, 30 to Idris Nabi AS, and 20 to Ibrahim

Nabi AS. Dawoodi Nabi AS was bestowed the Zabur, Moosa Nabi AS the Torah, Eesaa Nabi AS the Injeel (Bible) and to Nabi Mohammed AS the Furqan, or Quran, was revealed. In order

to convey the meanings embodied in these divine revelations, the Aimmat

Tahereen AS themselves composed a number of kutub and directed their Duat to do so as

well. As they prepared for their satr, and in the face of constant threats to their physical texts,

the Aimmat Tahereen AS ensured that all this knowledge was preserved in the hearts of their

Duat Mutlaqeen AS.

Alluding to this meaning and many others, during Asharah Mubarakah 1374 H in

Udaipur, al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA, related the third ayat mubarakah of Surat

Tur – the 52nd surat– to his mansoos, al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA: fi

raqqin manshoor. Raqq, parchments, in the olden times were made of very fine leather or

paper. The Arabic term raqq also means a glowing book as well as water. Syedna Abdulqader

Najmuddin RA states that the Imam AS is a kitab written by the Lord, and the Duat Mutlaqeen

are its pages. Each page is of unique glory, filled with divine grace. The Duat

Mutlaqeen AS reveal divine glories and make apparent to all what is inscribed in the raqq

manshoor. Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA made the divine glories of Syedna Mohammed

Burhanuddin RA clear to the world. On numerous occasions he stated that the birth of

Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA opened doors of barakat in Dawat. He directed

Mumineen to take Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA to their homes and shops, stating

that good fortune lay beneath his mubarak qadam. He even declared that

Mumineen‟s mohabbat for Syedna Burhanuddin RA may even be greater than

their mohabbat for him. He also mentioned, that this youth is „but I‟, and bestowed him with

numerous titles and epithets.

Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS narrated that Imam Ja´far al-Sadiq AS was once walking with

a staff. He was confronted by Abu Haneefah (the founder of one of the four primary Islamic

schools of jurisprudence). He expressed disapproval of Imam‟s AS actions by questioning his

need to use a staff, saying that he had not reached such an advanced age. Imam AS replied

that it was Rasulullah‟s AS staff and he was using it for barakat. Abu Haneefah retorted saying

“had I known it was Rasulullah‟s staff, I would have kissed it.” Imam Ja´far al-

Sadiq AS delivered a „crushing response‟ (dandaanshikan), he rolled up his sleeve and said,

“Granted that you may doubt this staff, but do you also doubt that this flesh and skin is that

of Rasulullah?” The chastened man attempted to kiss his hand, but Imam AS pulled it back

and entered his room. Imam‟s AS actions and statements illustrate that Abu Haneefah‟s

contention was not with the staff but with accepting Imam AS as the true heir of

Rasulullah SA. If he believed Maula to be Maula then he would never doubt his actions.

Maula TUS added that in every age there are people who do not consider Maula as Maula, and

subsequently, question all their words and actions. Imam AS denied Abu Haneefah the honor

of kissing his hand, but this same Imam al-Sadiq AS is the one who vouched to extend his

hand into hellfire in order to remove any Mumin from it.

In every age Awliyaullah AS ensure that the barakat of this raqq is conveyed to

Mumineen. Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS mentioned how Syedna Mohammed

Burhanuddin RA conveyed this barakat with the various gestures of his hand. He recalled

his salaami, the gesture he made when giving raza mubarak, the placement of his soothing

hand on a Mumin‟s back or on the cheek of a child. He spoke of Syedna al-Muqaddas‟

blessing the homes and shops of Mumineen, granting Mumineen the honor of hosting him

at their homes, gracing them by riding in their cars, talaqqi, and the bestowal of

various tashaareef such as shawls, masallas and handkerchiefs. Syedna al-Dai al-

Ajal TUS narrated one incident when a child from Madras was to undergo a cornea transplant

due to an allergy. His parents took him to Mumbai and did araz to Syedna Mohammed

Burhanuddin RA. Syedna al-Muqaddas RA instructed them to have him stand by the lift in

Saifee Mahal. After the bethak, Syedna RA told the child to come into the lift with him. Once

inside, Syedna RA asked the child to look him directly in his eyes. Then Maula RA blessed him

with shifaa’ and placed his finger on the child‟s eyes. When the child was examined by

doctors upon returning to Madras, they found that the cornea was fine and no treatment was

necessary. Today, it is Syedna Aali Qadr TUS who continues to convey the barakaat of all

these gestures and actions.

This spread of barakaat and blessings is something the visiting Judge of Harris County

stated as he spoke, after zohr asr namaaz, of how the inspiration that Syedna has for the

Bohra community is clear to see but it is an inspiration that reaches beyond the Bohra

community and spreads out to everyone.

Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS went on to relate the word raqq to riqq, which means slavery,

and raqeeq meaning slave. He mentioned that freedom is a much-deliberated issue today, and

there is even a well-known statue, here in the US, dedicated to this ideal. But what is genuine

freedom? We are bound to the slavery of hardships and difficulties and that life in this world

is a form of imprisonment. The hardships of this world come from finances, health,

accommodation and other worries and sorrows. This planet has many forms of internment,

from the freezing chill of the North Pole to the core of the Earth in which there is much to

ponder as to how and why Allah has created this planet this way. True freedom is that which

leaves us free of every trial and hardship. It is this freedom that is given to us by Awliyaullah AS. It is in this context, that sharia provides the rules and regulations that free us from all

hardships. There is a likelihood of some inconvenience but this is akin to traffic rules and

regulations that ensure road safety for drivers and pedestrians.

He further explained that a person who attaches himself to Maula will be at peace. If

one does something on his own accord, a doubt persists over the correctness of his actions

and whether he has carried it out as he should. However, when a Mumin acts in accordance

to the directives of Maula he is rest assured that Maula will rectify his shortcomings. If a

person prays namaaz alone and makes a mistake he has to do either do sajadah al-sehw or start

his namaaz afresh. However, if he prays with imaamat, then it is the Imam who bears all

mistakes. Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS narrated in detail how the qadam mubarak and alaamat

shareefah of al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Yusuf Najmuddin RA protected the Mumineen of Umreth,

Gujarat from the influences of jinnis. Adding to this, Maula TUS stated that in order to

protect ourselves from such influence we should do the tasbeeh of La Haul Wa la Quwwata…

40 times or 110 times. We should also pray namaaz, Quran and other duaa’ regularly. Before

our children sleep at night they should brush their teeth properly and make sure their hands

are clean of any smell.

Awliyaullah AS protect their followers through their physical beneficence. Through

their handwritten words, such as the Ya Husain given to Mumineen in the handwriting of

Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin following the inauguration Masjid Moazzam. Imam Ali

Zain al-Abedin AS did away with the hardships of people by personally delivering meals to a

100 homes under the darkness of night. Until his passing no one had the faintest of ideas as

to the identity of the individual who would feed them each night. His compassion and

kindness was such that even his slave had no fear of him, and remained in his service with

heartfelt dedication. In view of this Maula TUS counseled all those employing their fellow

Mumineen to show them compassion while dealing with them. He added that if one shows

kindness to those working for him they will render their services with heartfelt dedication.

Likewise, Imam Ali Zain al-Abedin AS showed the same level of compassion to his former

slave who had neglected the plantation he had been entrusted with.

Awliyaullah AS are here to set us free from the hardships of this world and ultimately

from this world itself. Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS recollected a number of narratives that

vividly demonstrated this. For example, when a downtrodden man came before Rasulullah SA and asked for aid, food, and clothing, he directed him to Maulatona Fatema AS. Maulatona

Fatema AS gave him her pearl necklace and asked him to go to the market and sell it and use

the proceeds to fulfil his needs. The man went to Rasulullah SA with the necklace, which

Maulana Ammar b. Yaasir offered to purchase in addition to providing him a ride, food and

clothing. In an instant the man gone from being a pauper to a man of means. Maulana

Ammar gifted the necklace along with a slave to Rasulullah SA, who in turn gave both to

Maulatona Fatema AS. Maulatona Fatema freed the slave who recollected before Rasulullah SA that this necklace, fed the hungry, provided him with means to return home, clothed a

man, freed a slave, and yet it remained as it is.

Similarly, Rasulullah‟s staff was with Imam Hasan AS who was riding a mule. Along

the way the staff fell and was retrieved by a man with unsightly features. He returned the

staff to Imam Hasan AS whose words of prayers for him gave him a comely appearance.

Likewise, Akkashah responded to a petition by Rasulullah SA for anyone to whom he was

indebted to, to come forward and have that debt fulfilled. Akkashah stated that Rasulullah SA

had once struck him and he wanted retribution. Rasulullah SA agreed, and revealed his back

for him to strike. The moment Rasulullah SA raised his shirt Akkashah ran and kissed the seal

of prophecy on his back. Rasulullah SA had stated that whoever kissed this seal would attain


A final narrative showed how Imam Hasan AS accepted Muawiya‟s tribute of 80,000

dinar, only because he had stipulated to the slave that if Imam AS accepts this he will be set

free. Initially, Imam Hasan AS refused but when the slave beseeched him to not deny him of

his freedom, he accepted it.

Maula recalled the hadeeth mubarak that one who looks at his brother‟s kitaab, without

his permission is gazing at hell fire. He counseled us to not look at the private and personal

messages and documents of others. He then mentioned that „looking at the Quran is a form

of ibaadat,„ the zikr of Maula is indeed an act of ibaadat.

He mentioned that around 24,500 Mumineen have gathered for Asharah Mubarakah

in Houston from 330 cities world over and hoped that the total for Ashura would surpass

25,000. With great compassion he stressed that their not be a single Mumin, who tomorrow

on the day of Ashura, does not remember Imam Husain AS.

Maula raises us out of riqq (slavery) to the freedom of raqq, a state associated to their

very beings. The difference is in the symbols of Arabic short vowels (‘aeraab): one below and

one above. This illustrates how Awliyaullah AS take us from lowliness to the loftiness of their

realm and presence. Over the course of this Asharah Mubarakah Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal

Saifuddin TUS has raised us with each of his words, gestures and glances, and has prepared us

for Ashuraa‟, for the bukaa’, maatam, istighfaar and duaa’ which are all vital to our salvation. He

has prepared us such that in the sajdah following the maqtal, we in him see Imam Husain AS.

May Allah Taala grant our beloved Maula a long and prosperous life till the Day of


10th Moharram al-Haraam

Fasabeh Bi-Ism Rabbaika al-´Azeem

-Then do the tasbeeh of your Lord the Almighty-

Al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA ensured that each Mumin would traverse

the seas of this corporal realm to reach the shores of Jannat. In order to facilitate our

passage he enjoined upon us to do the tasbeeh of Awliyaullah AS, especially that of Imam

Husain AS. Along with its obvious meaning, tasbeeh also refers to treading water and staying

afloat. Foretelling the position that Syedna Burhanuddin RA would hold in ensuring

Mumineen were able to tread the waters of this life to the shores of the hereafter, al-Dai al-

Ajal Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA related the meanings of the aayat shareefah „then do the tasbeeh

of your Lord, the Almighty‟ in 1368 H in Mumbai. (Syedna al-Muqaddas RA himself was

conducting the Ashara mawaa´iz in Ahmedabad that year.)

At the onset of the wa’az mubarak, al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal

Saifuddin TUS listed the barakat and meanings of our tasbeeh – the praise and glorification of

Allah Ta´ala, especially Tasbeehe Fatema. He stated that on that day, the day of Ashura, our

tasbeeh from morn to evening is wailing the cry of Ya Husain, shedding tears and expressing

grief and lament. Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS mentioned that prior to the construction of a

minbar, Rasulullah SA delivered sermons upon a trunk of a palm tree. One day, at which

point a minbar had been made for Rasulullah SA and he had ascended it, that palm tree,

yearning for him in his absence, came towards him and clung to the minbar. On Ashuraa‟,

Imam Husain AS sat against a palm tree that witnessed all the atrocities he was made to bear.

Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS then posed the question as to why should we not express our grief

and sorrow; why should we not cling to this zikr? Why should we not remember the tafaadi

of Imam Husain‟s as’haab and ahlebait, and draw inspiration from them? Maula TUS called

upon us to remember those who spent their remembering and grieving upon Imam

Husain‟s: Aimmat Tahereeen AS.

Imam Ali Zainulabedin AS remained engrossed in the bukaa’ and maatam of Imam

Husain AS for 40 years. Maula TUS stated that it was Imam Ali Zainulabedin AS who taught us

the zikr of Imam Husain AS, how to convene a majlis, how to gather people, how to express

grief, cry and make others cry, how to sit on a takht, how to hold the red handkerchief and

how to wipe one‟s tears. He taught us all these aspects and many more when he returned to

Madinah Munawarrah following the events of Karbala. Upon hearing of his return the

people of Madinah dropped all they were doing and rushed towards him. He addressed them

with the phrase, „O! People of Madinah!‟, and then narrated to them the events leading to

Imam Husain‟s AS shahaadat.

His grandson, Imam Jafar al-Sadiq AS once asked Abi Haroun to recite any elegy that

he might know in praise of Imam Husain AS. Abi Haroun recited a lamentation, which

brought tears to the eyes of Imam AS and his as’haab. Imam AS asked him if he knew another

elegy. Abi Haroun recited a second elegy which caused Imam AS, his as’haab,men and women

of his household and others present to weep. Imam AS then stated „Any person who recites

an elegy in praise of Imam Husain thereby succumbing himself, and causing others, to

succumb to this bukaa’ and grief as well, Allah will obligate for him jannat. Following this

zikr, Maula TUS commended the khidmat of zakereen.

In Misr, on Ashuraa‟, Imam al-Zaman AS would convene a majlis and elegies would be

recited in his presence. Syedna al-Qadi al-Noman RA writes that Imam Moiz AS had prepared

for him a khutbah to deliver on Ashuraa‟. Likewise, on Ashuraa‟, Imam Aamir AS would sit

upon a chair made of straw in the courtyard of his grand palace and the people of Cairo

would come before him and offer their condolences. Finally, Maula TUS conveyed to us, that

today Imam al-Zaman AS is immersed in the remembrance of Imam Husain AS, and

encouraged us to draw towards us his benevolent gaze by remaining engrossed in the zikr of

his forefather Imam Husain AS.

During the Imam‟s seclusion, the Duat Mutlaqeen have remained absorbed in this

tasbeeh. Through their waaz and bayaan they have ensured that Mumineen recite this tasbeeh

and have thereby raised their standing in this world and in the next. Over the course of nine

waaz discourses, they raise Mumineen in nine levels and prepare them for entrance into the

highest of the heavens. Maula TUS directed Mumineen to do the tasbeeh of Duat Mutlaqeen,

for they have taught us bukaa’ and maatam. In his marthiyah mubarakah „Fulk al-Husain…‟, al-

Dai al-Ajal Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA repeats the chorus „Abkeeka Maualaya al-

Husain…‟ 52 times, alluding to the fact that the zikr of Imam Husain AS is his tasbeeh and

that of the Duat Mutlaqeen before him.

Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS then prayed that Allah keep our congregation together, both

in this world and the next. Throughout this Ashara Mubarakah, Maula TUS repeatedly

highlighted the importance of each and every organ of a Mumin and how each is constantly

being elevated. Today, on Ashuraa‟, he once again prayed that not even a single organ of a

Mumin become displaced. He prayed that Mumineen safely return to their homes and may

they continue to attend majaalis.

Tasbeeh is derived from the Arabic consonantal root sabbaha, of which another

derivative is sabaahat, swimming. Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS stated that swimmers require skill

to overcome ocean currents, especially when they are called upon to rescue someone who is

drowning. He added that an important part of rescuing a drowning person is for him to

desist from any motions of his own and follow the lead of his rescuer. Similarly, in order for

us to attain salvation we should follow the instructions given by Awliyaa‟ and resist acting

out on our own whims and fancies.

In the factory that is this world, each entity be it a mineral, a plant or animal,

endeavours to elevate that which is beneath him, an act which is its tasbeeh. Similarly, it is this

tasbeeh that brings about abundance and prosperity. At the burial of Saad b. Maaz from Banu

Qurayza, Rasulullah SA did the tasbeeh of Allah Akbar, which was repeated by those who

heard it. Later he explained that the grave of Saad b. Maaz had become constricted and Allah

had then expanded it for him. Maula TUS asserted that a Mumin‟s grave will be capacious. He

then added that if this is the case for a mumin, than what is there to say for that of a Dai. He

movingly recollected the vastness he felt upon descending into the qabr mubarak of al-Dai al-

Ajal Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA. Maula TUS then described the vastness of a

Mumin‟s grave and stated that each side will be equivalent to the distance a person would

cover should they continue walking for a month. He then added that in a waaz mubarak in

Dallas, Syedna al-Muqaddas RA stated that no one has the ability to raise a dead human being

from their grave, not even four feet. It is only Imam al-Zaman AS who has the power to truly

elevate mankind.

In the context of isthigfaar (repentance) he spoke of the sincerity and perseverance of

Hudud Kiraam QR. In India, Maulaya Adam Shujauddin QR would don the dress of a pauper

so as to enable him to approach Mumineen and offer them guidance in the guise of seeking

alms. Likewise, the efforts of Maulaya Raj b. Hasan are exceptional. Late at night, once

Mumineen had retired to their homes, he too would wear the attire of a beggar and proceed

towards their houses seeking alms. When Mumineen opened their doors for him, he would

request their permission to enter their homes, and then with great compassion and

gentleness guide them towards the Dai Mutlaq, putting forward arguments countering the

claims of others. Ultimately, if they agreed he would take their meethaq. When the Jaafariyah

and Hashaweeyah (two Islamic sects that bore animosity towards Mumineen) came to know

of his endeavours, they cut him into pieces. Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS mentioned that in the

Bibipura graveyard (in Ahmedabad) there are graves of 125 shohadaa’ who similarly gave their

lives in the cause of guiding Mumineen. He added that Maulaya Raj QR continues to bestow

Mumineen shifaa’ even after his shahaadat. One Mumin approached Maulaya Raj b. Dawood

Soni seeking cure for leprosy. Maulaya Raj b. Dawood answered that in a month‟s time on

so-and-so date, my maula and maalik Maulaya Raj b. Hasan will be slain. When that happens,

go and partake in the khidmat of bringing back his jism mubarak, but do not let anyone know

of this yet. That person did as instructed and as he lifted Maulaya Raj b. Hasan‟s jism mubarak

he was immediately cured of his illness.

Similarly, when Aurangzeb attempted to dig up the qabr mubarak of Mulla Hasanji it

turned into iron, thereby thwarting his attempts. Also, when those constructing railroads

sought to smash the qabr mubarak of Maulaya Firoz QR they could not, ultimately, they had to

build the tracks around it. Maula TUS mentioned the great stature of Syedi Fakhurddin

Shaheed QR and prayed by his waseelah that Allah bless all Mumineen with a soft and

empathetic heart. He counseled all those with pain in their hands and legs and those who

have difficulty walking, to go for the ziyaarat of Syedi Hasanpir Shaheed QR.

After narrating the passage of various Anbiyaa‟ through Karbala and the events that

unfolded, Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS enumerated the three kinds of sins. He stressed that we

should all refrain from purposefully indulging in sinful acts and behaviours, that we consume

only halal for it benefits both the soul and the body, and that we never even think of

committing suicide despite the difficulties and troubles we might be facing for doing so will

bring about a thousand more difficulties. While addressing students and the youth, he

declared that seeing their imaani upbringing was a comforting sight for both their parents and

for him. He directed them to acquire the best of what their schools and universities offer yet

disregard that which is detrimental to their ultimate purpose in life: salvation. He alerted

them to the fact that in this day and age many improper and immoral indulgences are

prevalent: drugs, alcohol, smoking, among others. He beseeched them not to indulge in such

sin and refrain from breaking the heart of their father. He concluded stating that taking such

substances not only harms the body but more importantly the soul.

Maula TUS mentioned the Mumineen of Houston‟s desire to establish a campus of

Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah in their city. Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS appreciated their request and

stated that the fact that this thought occurred to Mumineen, that a Jamea be built in their

city, in itself is a great achievement and a worthy accomplishment. Maula TUS then prayed

that may we all be blessed with the ziyaarat of Imam Husain AS and narrated how that

erstwhile old lady painstakingly labored to earn enough to make the journey to Karbala.

Fi Maqad Sidq ´Inda Maleek Muqtadir

-In an „assembly of truth‟, in the presence of a mighty sovereign -

During the maqtal, Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS explained the meanings entailed in the

last aayat of Surat al-Qamar. Al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA related this aayat

mubarakah to al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA in 1369 H, while he was in

Surat and Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA was in Nagpur for Ashara Mubarakah.

Maula TUS stated that this is the 55th verse of the surat and explained that the two

single digits of 5 that 55 comprises of when added together equals 10. An „assembly of truth‟

is a majlis of great grandeur, a place that has no space for untruth: where the zikr of Imam

Husain AS takes place. Further, al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA was always

in this „assembly of truth‟ where he was in constant receipt of Imam al-Zaman‟s AS taayeed. If

the place is one of truth, then what can be said of the truth of the one seated there. And with

his place in the presence of a „mighty sovereign‟, Syedna Burhanuddin RA achieved all that he

intended; never was he incapable.

During the maqtal, while reciting the shahaadat of Imam Husain‟s AS Ahlebait, Syedna

al-Dai al-Ajal TUS called upon us all to repeatedly cry „Aahin! Aahin!‟, an Arabic expression of

grief and woe, in order to ensure that the barakat of Imam Husain‟s bukaa’ and maatam

remains with each and every Mumin and in his descendants for generations to come.

Through the tasbeeh of Imam Husain‟s gham, Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS makes us remember our identity, cures us from worldly afflictions, fills us with divine

energy, guides us towards salvation and, ultimately, brings us in to the presence of the

„mighty sovereign‟. May Allah Ta´ala grant Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS a long and prosperous

life till the day of Qiyaamat.

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