as another year in your...

Post on 27-Sep-2020






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District Governor Anneas and DGA

Valery Balt

As another year starts...

Call to action Welcome to 2014. Val and I have already been busy with our Club visits since the second week of

January. In the first six months, we were completely blown away by what our Clubs are doing and

how they "Engage Rotary and Change Lives.” This trend is continuing in January. Thank you to all

of you.

January is Rotary Awareness month. Every one of us promotes Rotary one way or another. RI has

embarked on an extensive Image and Public Relations strategic plan to make Rotary more visible.

More and more people are witnessing what amazing projects we undertake.

However, I am aware that D9400 has experienced

a decline of 23 members over the November/

December period. It is time for us to focus totally

on Membership for the next six months. In

southern Africa, the four districts total 6204

members with D9210 being the fastest growing

district: D9210/1,389; D9350/1,287; D9370/1,996

and D9400/1,532. In Africa, there are

16 Districts with 27 068 members.

At the RI Institute in Israel in November, many

ideas were shared on how to grow our


Whether you serve on a committee or count the

pennies in your club, every one of us need to concentrate on inviting people to become a Rotarian.

All you have to do is ASK!

Every club faces membership issues at some time. People leave for various reasons! But, when last did you introduce a new member… if ever? Some

Rotarians have been in this outstanding organization for two or three

decades and they have NEVER introduced a member! You have all stayed

for good reasons so use these same good reasons to get others to join!

Our district acknowledges three areas where we will benefit growth.

ASK me how to join Rotary

This is one of the most effective slogans to change the public’s mindset.

Use this slogan on T-Shirts, newspaper articles, on printed material and Posters/ Banners etc.

DG Anneas, with RIPE Gary and Zone

Director Peiper & his wife in Israel

DG Anneas signing papers with the groups from

Mozambique in Israel. Seen with scarf is DG

Stella Dongo D9210

Israel: PDG Shirley Downie, DG Anneas,

PDG Patrick Coleman and Foundation Chair

D9210, Sherry Coleman

Satellite Clubs

I believe that the "Satellite club" concept is the greatest initiative

introduced by Rotary in the past few years. This is the easiest most

effective way to get new young members and interest groups to


If you have a target group, Do Not Wait! You can start a Satellite

club immediately - and then grow this club with more individuals.

They have their own rules and are full-fledged members. You can all

work on different or the same projects and enjoy the fellowship



At the end of January, our first e-Club will be chartered. We no

longer need to lose Rotarians or Prospective members due to

work, family or personality issues. Please contact and invite the past

Rotarians of your Club to join our E-Club. I foresee a lot of

cooperation between the E-Club and our Clubs regarding projects

and funding.

During our visits, I hear all the time "We are planning to do it";

"We will start the new year"; "I am waiting for Board approval" ;

"We have been talking about it" … the New Year has arrived –

now is the time to put your membership growth plans in place. We

can make a difference to thousands who need us most but with

more people we can double our efforts and humanitarian service.

God bless us all


DG Anneas at a project in Mozambique

Left to right: DGE Annie Steijn, RI President Elect Gary Haung and DG Anneas as they hand

over the new district banner in Israel.

Rotary Institute in Israel

The Zone 20A Rotary Institute and the Governors’ Training

Seminar was hosted in Israel in November. Just over 300 people

attended from Africa, Europe and the USA.

DGE Annie attended the Governors’ training sessions; PDG

Shirley Downie attended the RPIC meeting and many others

from Southern Africa were there too.

Israel was an outstanding experience and a ‘must’ see! The

Institute was good and the site-seeing was exceptional. We all

met old friends and made new ones.

...and while the boss is away, he joins

the army lassies

Annie with DG Anneas and PDG /RIC

Natty Moodley

Above: Floating in the Dead Sea.

Right: PRID Sam Okudzeto receiving

the D9400 banner from DG Anneas

DG Anneas & Prof. Dr Wernt Brewitz in

Israel. He led the team to raise funds

from the German Government for the

Khoi-San project

The Rotary Shop and

the Humanitarian

Distribution Centre

are open for business!

Wilma (regs) in ingang van Harthospitaal 10.12.2014 - kers aangesteek terwyl herinner-ingsdiens in FNB stadion aan die gang is.

Tributes have poured in from millions of people throughout the world. On 10.12.2014, the service held at the FNB stadium was indicative of the very special man—a legend who will be remembered for decades!

Over 100 heads of States, Ministers, Generals and many friends, family and our own nation applaud what he achieved for the people of this country.

May he rest in peace. Our thoughts to his family and especially Graca Machel who shared his life with him since 1998.

Left: AG Gloria, DG Anneas

and DGR Kobla Quashie

(Swaziland) seen at the official

region visit.

Left: Stokvel beneficiary of the Stokvel project

managed by the Rotary Anns club of Matola

Below: Rotarians from the Rotary clubs of

Matola, Maputo and Polana, Mozambique

Mozambique t-shirt with Engage Rotary - Change Lives in Portuguese

Dear Rotary Anns and Members of Inner Wheel

I wish all our Rotary family a wonderful 2014. We were blessed with a grandson, Liam, born on

the 24 December 2013. Both mommy and Liam are doing well. Thank you for all the well

wishes. We are very proud of our grandson.

We visited Region 8 with DGR Kobla and DGAR Koekie. This time we were in Mozambique.

Anneas and I were last in Maputo about 20 years ago. Maputo then was very depressing with

hardly any motor vehicles and very dilapidated buildings. What a wonderful surprise 20 years

later! Economic growth now causes traffic jams; a growth in the city that boggles the mind and

the people are very friendly.

We were met at the border

by AG Gloria, Rotarians and

Rotary Anns from Matola.

They took us to a Rotary

project in the rural area. A clinic was established for the

people in Namaanchu and will serve about 8000


The building was freshly cleaned and painted and is

ready for handover to the relevant government party.

There was an examining bed and about 6 blood

pressure machines in the clinic. That’s it! No chairs,

curtains, linen, medicine, etc. How lucky we are in

South Africa. We can get medical attention whether

you have medical insurance or not.

The Matola Rotary Anns took me to a project called commonly in South Africa as “stokvels”. The Rotary Anns help one

woman at a time to uplift herself. They give the lady a loan of 3000 Metical (about R1000). The lady then buys items that

she can sell at a profit. She repays the loan and the loan is given to another lady. The ladies they help do not have husbands

and sometimes have up to 7 children to support. It is an excellent way to change lives – one at a time. Well done to the

Rotary Anns of Matola and thanks for the lovely gift ladies.

Thanks to our excellent hosts Kobla and Koekie. We really enjoyed our visit.

Rotary Anns on the left, Koekie in the

white blouse and DGA Valery Balt

Below: DGAR Koekie Quashie (Matola RC)

standing with the Rotary Anns during the

Swaziland formal visit.

...moving on from the previous page…

On 9 January 2014 we visited Region 7 with IPDG Martin and IPDAG Christina Martin-Forsyth. Our visits included Witbank,

Middelburg, Middelburg Cycad, Barberton, Nelspruit and White River.

Thank you Charles and Colleen Deiner for organizing a wonderful time in Witbank and Middelburg and showing us the

superb projects. Thanks to Colleen for the great work you do with the Middelburg Anns. It was delightful to visit the

pre-primary school which is so lovingly supported by you and Charles.

Thank you to Ian for the fantastic visits in Barberton, White River and Nelspruit. Our appreciation to Heidi and Ray for

hosting us in Nelspruit.

In Barberton I met the enthusiastic incoming President Ann, Elsie. We wish you everything of the best in the year ahead.

Thank s to June for standing in for Mary who is still enjoying a break.

We travelled quite a bit over this week-end of 10 January – but seeing Rotary at work is so rewarding. We are very proud

of all our Rotary families.

Wishing you all well.


Regions 2 & 9 -

combined breakfast

Other events during our exciting visits

Mother of Peace Party


PDG Shirley Downie has been

invited by RI President Ron

Burton to represent him at

the annual conference in

D9125 - Kaduna, Nigeria in

May 2014.

In 2012, she represented PRIP

Tanaka in Moscow.

The past District Governor’s

Council meets every quarter

and this gives the DG of the

day to share the district’s news,

views and they also discuss

various issues/topics.

DG Anneas just wondered

what happened to the new

DGs dress code?

Seen in the pic: DGRs Greg

Stathacopoulos (left) and

Mark Doyle (right).

All the Rotaractors in Mozambique seen with DG Anneas

and PDG Maria Louise Navitades


Whether we’re working to eradicate polio in India or providing clean water to schools in Mozambique, our impact is funded by

three sources - our members, outside donors, and market investments. This funding is vital to the lasting change we’re creating

in communities all over the world.

Responsible leadership means being both efficient and trustworthy with our donations. We’re committed to making the most

out of every dollar we receive—that’s why we use nearly 90% of our funding for program expenses in an industry where the

average is only 65%. This commitment has earned us some of the highest ratings among the charity evaluators:

Charity Navigator (4 stars) American Institute of Philanthropy (A+) BBB Wise Giving Alliance (meets


What The RI Foundation do with our donations?

Each year, gifts to the Rotary Foundation fund thousands of projects around the globe. Here are a few examples

from 2011–12:

1. $102.8 million spent on fighting polio in areas including India, which marked its first polio-free year.

2. $2 million raised by Korean Rotary members to build a maternal and child health complex in Tanzania, serving

an area of more than a million people.

3. $40,000 spent to provide safe drinking water, sanitation and facilities, and training in India.


DG Anneas and DGA Valery’s son

had a son named Liam.

PDG Tom Borrill’s has a great

grandson named Massimo Bersotti.

Rotary Shop Manager, Simon and his

wife, Witness Selaledi welcomed

baby Precious.

...all in the last


Baby Liam Massimo Bersotti


Learners of St David’s Marist Inanda involved in Rotary Community Projects

It has become a regular occasion to witness school boys doing some of their compulsory community work in the

informal settlement of Itsoseng bordering Cosmo City, the project site of The

Rotary Club of Sandton. Six of these boys are being educated at the school of

St Davids Marist Inanda. Formed in 1941 by the Marists Brothers as a pri-

vate Roman Catholic boys school with a strong focus on community found-

ed on a Christian value-based

education the learners are acting out the

schools’ social principals of their

founding fathers.

The projects are a community clinic, a

community bakery and a Kidz Club for

orphans and vulnerable children.

A recent priority to receive attention was the childrens’ playground equip-

ment. The playground is the only play area available to Itsoseng’s 6000 kids of

which over 300 are registered members of the Kidz Club. The wear and tear,

especially of the two swings, is enormous. The same equipment received a major makeover 18 months ago.

Service learning is a method of teaching that combines classroom instruction with meaningful community service.

This form of learning emphasises critical thinking and personal reflection while encouraging a heightened sense of

community. Sandton Rotary confirms that the boys did their school proud.

PP Hans Ludolph (RC Sandton)


On Tuesday, December 24, 2013 12:08 AM, WAVE <> wrote:

Once again a big thank you for your friendship. We look forward to hosting you.

After the RFE I asked participants for input. I will say everyone was just delighted. You exceeded expecta-tions. The “one price” payment was a great idea. The van worked great. After coming home and having time to think about it – there is very little to give you for feedback. Every RFE team will be different and so will expectations and wants. There was nothing that we could tell you that really stood out as something we would change. Feedback was very positive. We understand we are dealing with volunteers and with that there will always be surprises. Comments that came back were really just minor notes that will change with every participant and RFE team. A couple trends included - some of us wished we landed earlier to get past the jetlag! The first few

days were tiring for some of us.. But - we don’t come to rest do we?!

When you gather 11 people and tour them about to a region hosted by volunteers - there will always be the odd hiccup or surprise. But your team did a fantastic job, we only hope you will

be as delighted with your visit here as we were in your country!

Kevin D. Hilgers

Governor 2012-2013

Rotary Friendship Exchange Chair

Rotary International District 5370 (In Western Canada)

D9400 Congratulates PP Greta

(RC Morningside) and her

committee for a great job well


Rotary D9400 Vanderbijlpark’s fun day! A picture of Father Christmas nobody ever thought to see… the before and during! For many years the club has held an annual Children's Christmas Picnic Party on the banks of the Vaal River. Activities include a visit from legendary Father Christmas, in his red suit, arriving by boat and handing out presents to the children. Club Members know that, inside all that stuffing, walks a very slim young Rotarian Duncan Wallace (Father Christmas seen in the pics) who holds the record for appearing twice on the front page of Rotary Africa.

Vanderbijlpark PP Professor

Pierre Lucouw watching the


The United Nations voted to make World Toilet Day 19 November into an official UN observance.

More people world-wide have access to a cell phone than to a toilet!

On 19 November there was a celebration when the Rose of Hope Crèche and Care Centre in the Good Hope Informal

Settlement will officially ‘Flush’.

When the Crèche opened ten years ago, they had a Longdrop (Pit Latrine). A chemical toilet later replaced the Longdrop.

Over the past two years The Rotary Club of Johannesburg East, together with Gosford Rotary Club, Umina Rotary

Club, both from Queensland Australia and North Branford Rotary Club Connecticut USA, embarked on installing the flushing

toilet system.

Longdrop (pit latrine) Chemical toilet Three flushing toilet with hand basins

Before Getting ready!

The Rotary



rate of



R 10.25/US$



This is the Year of the

Horse and

celebrations start on 31

January until 18 February.

We wish all our Chinese

Rotary members, their

family and friends all the

best for a wonderful year.

Rotary D9400: Rotary Club Vereeniging.

Fifteenth annual VER-DUR Cycle Tour to Durban all safely back.

Tour leader and team captain Arthur Doyle has led this group since the first year this tour started. Every year it is much enjoyed by participants and hosts alike and a very neat amount is raised for the club’s community projects.

The group photo was taken at Moses Madiba stadium in Durban, Kwa Zulu Natal, where the tour ends after five days in the saddle on the road. More than half the participants have completed this tour repeatedly.

Back Row, left to right: Allan Youell, Bennie Bo-tha, Alec Padayachi, Laetitia Mienie, Kiettie van Staden, Diana Gnudi; Carl Woodhouse; Kevin Sempel, James Sutton, Richard Sutton, Jace Naiker and Arthur Doyle.

Front Row, left to right: Bruce Biggar, Baile Sereme; Marlo von Drunick, Lonell Swatton, Ian Gregory, LLoyd Gregory, Amanda Steffen, Louise Bartlett, Dirk Viljoen.

The Anns of the Rotary Club of Benoni Aurora thank the Benoni community for the monthly

generous food donations that they receive. (see pics above)

These food collections (seen above) are held every month at supermarkets in the Benoni area.

The Anns collect about 500 boxes of food a year and these are distributed to between 10 and 12 different

charities every month. For some of these charities these boxes of donated food is their only food for the


If you feel you would also like to donate any food, please contact Colin de Bruin on 082 808 8604.

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