art 10 america's most wanted + color symbolism

Post on 30-Jun-2015






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Color Symbolism and Color Harmony

and “America’s Most Wanted”

(Color Harmony created with Triadic color relationships.)

Color Harmony created with Complementary color relationships:

Color Harmony created with Analogous color relationships:

Color Harmony created with Monochromatic color relationships:

Color Symbolism:

White was the color of mourning in Europe until the 16th Century.

Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland and Widow of Francois II of France,


“It was only with the rise of paid leave that a white pallor, that sign of class and wealthy idleness, was progressively replaced in the West by a suntanned glow of possibly exotic origin.”

Antonio del Pollaiuolo,

Portrait of a Young Woman, 1465

This Kayapo woman from Brazil paints her face red to evoke the blood of fertility and war.

Ceremonial garb in the Solomon Islands. This young boy wears red flowers in order to communicate with the spirits of the forest.

The Zinacantans of Chiapas, MexicoThe Zinacantans of Chiapas, Mexico

Blue invokes the Virgin’s Mantle of Heaven:

Piero Della Francesca,

(15th Century Italy)

Blue signifies Lord Krishna, the Dionysian, trickster God of Hinduism:

“To get in touch with the people of the United States of America: somehow to penetrate their brains, to understand their wishes--to be a real part of this society.”

Some questions from their nation-wide telephone survey:

More questions:

Are you ready to see America’s Most Wanted?

America’s Most Wanted

Turkey’s Most Wanted

Kenya’s Most Wanted

(Denmark’s Most Wanted)

"You know, many followers of our work have expressed disappointments in the paintings we based on results of poll. Same thing happened to the Russian President: for the first time ever, head of Russian government was elected democratically--and everyone is disappointed."

George Inness (The 19th Century Hudson River School of American Painting)

A popular trope for this uniquely American style…

Are you ready to see America’s Most Unwanted?

America’s Most Unwanted

Turkey’s Most Unwanted

Kenya’s Most Unwanted

France’s Most Unwanted

Denmark’s Most Unwanted

Holland’s Most Wanted

Holland’s Most Unwanted

Thomas Kincaid

“As easy to like as a birthday cake or fireworks.”

Hiddenbrooke: a “Kincade” planned community in Vallejo, CA

Color Harmony and Symbolism: America’s Most Wanted You are going to make two pictures inspired by the examples of the artists Komar and Melamid: your own Most Wanted picture, and your own Most Unwanted picture. Use two illustration boards for this project, the mediums of your choice, and select the scale and dimensions of your choice. To start, take the condensed poll that Komar and Melamid originally conducted: What are your favorite colors? What are your least favorite colors? What are your favorite subjects? What are your least favorite subjects? Do you like smooth surfaces or textured ones? Modern or traditional imagery? Sharp angles or soft curves? Serious or festive imagery? Busy or simple design? Paintings that should teach a lesson? Famous or ordinary people? One person or a group? Nude or clothed figures? “I only like art that makes me happy”? “Art can be beautiful even if it is not realistic”?  Use your responses to Komar and Melamid’s poll (along with additional questions you might have for yourself) before you figure out (and execute) what your most ideal picture would look like, and also the most unwanted picture you can possibly imagine.






Obviously Unwanted

And now for a demo…

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