army public school, jammu class- vii question bank(...

Post on 27-May-2020






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    Unit-1 (Laugh Out Laud)

    Q1) Short answer type questions:

    a) What caused commotion in the house?

    b) What were the different tasks given by Uncle Podger to all his family members?

    c) Why couldn’t Uncle Podger find his coat?

    d) Who was the only person not exhausted by the time the picture finally got hung?

    e) How did the picture look when it was finally put up?

    f) Why did Aunt Maria prefer to stay at her mother’s when Uncle Podger decided to

    help around the house?

    g) Write characteristics traits of Aunt Maria?

    h) Why was Jamell annoyed?

    i) How did minister’s wife get her ring?

    j) Why did the king grant Ahmed forty days to catch the thieves?

    k) What was the reason for Ahmed’s success?

    l) Write down the character sketch of Ahmed?

    m) What strange habit did Father William have?

    n) How does he justify his strange action?

    o) How many questions did the son ask to Father William?

    p) Justify that Father William was an agile person?

    q) What was the explanation given by Father William behind his agility?

    r) Do you think that the poet wrote this poem in a serious mode? Justify your answer.

    Q2) Long answer type questions:

    a) People who boast a lot are usually not too good at what they do. Explain.

    b) Why is laughing essential for human being?

    c) Luck or Hard Work which plays a major role in human’s life?

    d) Why do you think that Ahmed saved the robber’s? What would have you done in this


    e) What makes the son think that his father is awfully clever? Do you think that Father

    William was clever/

    f) What images does the poet use to make the poem humorous? Which of these images

    did you find the funniest? Why?

    Q3) Read the following extracts and answer the questions:

    i) “So the next day, Ahmed sold his shovel and his pick and the board and the robe of a

    fortune teller. Then he sat in the marketplace near the public bath. Hardly had he settled

    down when there ran up to him the wife of the king’s ministers.”

    a)Who is ‘ he’ in the above lines? b)Why did he sell his shovel? c)Who came to him for help? Ii ) In my Youth’ said his father, ‘I took to the law

  • And argued each case with my wife; And the muscular strength, which it gave to my jaw, Has lasted the rest of my life. a)Find out the rhyme scheme in this stanza.

    b)How did Father William get muscular strength?

    c)Name the Poet and the Poem.

    iii)“I forgive you, Jamell but the fault is mine as well. I should not have done what I knew

    was not wise. But none of these will help us now.

    a)Who is Jamell?

    b)Why is Ahmed demanding forgiveness from Jamell?

    c)Name the chapter and its writer?

    iv)“Where the hammer? What did I do with the hammer? Great heavens! Seven of you,

    gaping round there, and you don‟t know what I did with the hammer!”

    a) Who is finding the hammer? b) Why is he finding the hammer? c) Who are the seven about whom he is talking?

    v) “ Aunt Maria would mildly observe that, next time Uncle Podger was going to hammer a

    nail into the wall, she hoped he‟d let her know in time, so that she could make arrangements

    to go”

    a) Who is Aunt Maria?

    b) Why did she prefer to stay at her mother‟s when uncle Podger decided to help around

    the house?

    c) Name the chapter and its writer.

    vi) She rushed back to the bath and found the hole in the wall where she had hidden her ring.

    Then she came back to Ahmed.

    a) Who is „she‟ in the above passage?

    b) What did she find?

    c) Why did she come back to Ahmed?

    vii) „In my youth‟, Father William replied to his son,

    I feared it might injure the brain:

    But, now that I ‟am perfectly sure I have none.”

    Why , I do it again and again?.

    . a) What could injure the brain of Father William in his b) Who was asking questions to Father William? c) Name the Poet and the Poem. UNIT-2


    Q1)Short answer type questions: a) What was the trick played by shompen boy? b) How did Shompen boy arrange food for narrator? c) Why did narrator begin to cry? d) What was the strange anomaly in data that occurred in Feb27,2017? e) How did the people in Thailand survive the Tsunami? f) Who was doubtful about Coren‟s findings and why? g) What does „reedy tune‟ refers in the poem „The Sea‟? h) With which the sea is compared in the poem? i) In what way Shompen boy clever? j) Do you think narrator‟s opinion about the author get changed by the end of the story?

  • k) If you were the Shompen boy would you have given away the fire stones away to the narrator, even after being treated badly by him?

    l) How authentic do you think are the ancient sources supporting the idea that animals can predict earthquake?

    m) Describe how Coren linked the ears and heads of dogs to the sound of an earthquake. n) What might be a possible reason for China embracing the idea of animals predicting an


    o) Which images in the poem shows that the sea is rough, powerful and dangerous? p) Which images depict the calm and soothing appearance of the Sea?

    Q2) Long answer type questions: a) What is „Nature‟s Fury‟? How nature can be furious? b) Do you think animals are closer to Nature than humans are? Give reason for your


    c) In our lives, we have many „prejudices‟ or unfair opinions or feelings about other people. A major reason for prejudice is lack of knowledge. Discuss.

    Q3) Read the following extracts and answer accordingly: i) I automatically patted on my own thigh. It was heavy with my money pouch. The

    Shompen boy had somehow put it back, without me feeling a thing. I pulled it out and there

    was something else in it. Two black stones. The Shompen boy.

    a) Who is „I‟ here?

    b) What did he get after patting his thigh?

    c) What was the precious gift given by Shompen boy?

    ii) She rushed back to the bath and found the hole in the wall where she had hidden her ring.

    Then she came back to Ahmed.

    a) Who is „she‟ in the above passage?

    b) What did she find?

    c) Why did she come back to Ahmed?

    iii) “Thank You,” I said. It was all I could think of to say.

    a) Who said this to whom?

    b) Why did the speaker thank the person?

    c) Name the chapter.

    iv) “The man behind me misunderstood my tears”

    a) Who was the narrator talking about?

    b) Why did he misunderstood narrator‟s tears?

    c) Why was the narrator in tears?

    v) When the night wind roars

    And the moon rocks in the stormy cloud,

    He bound to his feet and snuffs and sniffs,

    Shaking his wets sides over the cliffs,

    And howls and hollos long and loud.

    a) Which poetic device is used in „snuffs and sniffs‟?

  • b) The sea in this stanza is strange and mysterious? Which words tell this?

    c) Name the Poet.

    vi) The Sea is a hungry dog,

    Giant and grey.

    He rolls on the beach all day.

    With his clashing teeth and jaggy jaws.

    a) Which poetic device is used in „giant and grey‟?

    b) What is onomatopoeia? Which words are the examples of onomatopoeia?

    c) Name the poem and poet?



    Q1) Short answer type questions:

    a))Why was Ajay angry with the robot at the start of the story? b) What were the works done by domestic robots? c) Why was robot confused? d) What was the response of Robotic Manager when Ajay complained about robot? e) What was the biggest crime of Margot according to children? f) What was the real reason for children dislike Margot? g) How do you think Ajay father knew Ajay was lying? h) Why do you think that Tariq just smiled and laughed at the scene at Ajay’s house? i) Did Ajay’s behaviour deserved to be punished? j) Do you think Manku robot faced a threat, living in Ajay’s house? k) What were the children unhappy on Venus? l) What was the difference between Margot and the other children? How did the other children feel about Margot? m) How did children react when the Sun came out? n) What is heard in quiet rush of the evening hours? o) How does a forest gain its heritage? p) How are trees a contribution to the ‘ civic good’?

    Q2) Long answer type questions: a) According to the poet, how is planting of trees a blessing to the world? b) Briefly highlight the main idea of each of the three stanzas? c) ‘Trees are important, necessary and valuable to our very existence.’ Explain. d) What does the title of the story mean? Is it an effective title? Say why? e) Did the children mean to leave Margot in the cupboard, or did they forget about her in their excitement? Explain. f) How do you think Margot would have felt and reacted when she came out of the cupboard? g) While some people talk about how robots can be useful to humans, other feel that it could lead to the creation of a lazy society. Explain.

    3) Read the following extract and answers that follow: i)It had been raining for seven years. Thousand upon thousands of days, filled from one end to the other end with rain. And this was the way life was forever on the planet.

  • a)Name the planet where it had been raining continuously? b) For how many years it had been raining?

    c) Name the chapter and its writer?

    ii) She stood alone. She was very frail girl who looked as if the rain had washed out the blue from her eyes and the red from her mouth. She stood, separate, staring at the rain and the loud wet world beyond the huge glass.

    a)Who is ‘she’ in the above lines? b) Why was the girl standing alone?

    c) Why was she staring at the rain?

    iii)“oh do stop interrupting, Manku,” Ajay said angrily. “you are not supposed to participate in every conversation!”

    a)Who was Manku? b) Why was Ajay angry with Manku?

    c) Name the chapter and its writer.

    iv)“oh no,” thought Ajay. I bet that’s Dinesh, come to ask me out for a game of table tennis. I told him I’d go with him, but if I don’t finish my homework, Manku will tell Dad and then I’ll be in trouble.

    a)Who came at door? b) Why didn’t Ajay want to go with Dinesh for playing?

    c) Who will tell Ajay’s father about his incompleted homework?

    v) He plants, in sap and leaf and wood,

    In love of home and loyalty

    And far-cast thought of civic good-

    His blessings on the neighbourhood

    a)Who is ‘he’ in these lines?

    b)What is in ‘his ‘mind when he plants the tree?

    c)Name the poem and poet.


    प्रo1) कविता ‘प्राकृततक छटा’ का साय लरखिए । 5

    प्रo2) कविता भें कौन से प्राकृततक तत्िों का उल्रेि हुआ है । इन से प्रकृतत भें क्मा फदराि आता है ? 5

    प्र० 3) ‘प्राकृततक छटा ’ कविता के आधाय ऩय फताइए कक हरयमारी छाने से िाताियण कैसा हो जाता है ? मह ऩरयिततन आऩको कैसा रगता है ? 5

    प्रo4) येनु दीदी के स्िबाि की विशेषताएॉ विस्ताय भें लरखिए । 5

    प्रo5) लसद्ध कीजजए कक सच्ची रगन हो तो व्मजक्त अऩनी कभजोरयमों ऩय विजम ऩा सकता है (ऩाठ - शु्रतत ) 5

    प्रo6) शु्रतत की श्रिण ऺभता को फढ़ाने के लरए डॉक्टय ने क्मा उऩाम फताए । 5

    प्रo7) फोधयाज ककस प्रकाय की शयायतें कयता था ? रेिक की भाॉ उसे फोधयाज के साथ िेरने को क्मों भना कयती थी ? 5

    प्र०8) ऩाठ ‘गुरेरफाज़ रड़का’ भें फोधयाज औय रेिक बीष्भ साहनी के स्िबाि के अॊतय का

  • िणतन अऩने शब्दों भें कीजजए । 5

    प्र० 9) फोधयाज ने भैना के फच्चे को ककस प्रकाय फचामा ? 5

    प्र०10) ‘नदी का यास्ता ’ कविता के आधाय ऩय नदी की मात्रा का िणतन अऩने शब्दों भें कीजजए । 5

    प्र०11) नदी का प्रिाह कफ चॊचर ,कफ भॊद औय कफ जस्थय होता है औय क्मों ? 5

    प्र० 12) ‘नदी का यास्ता ’ कविता के आधाय ऩय कवि क्मा सॊदेश देना चाहता है, इसका िणतन अऩने शब्दों भें कीजजए 5

    प्र० 13) ऩाठ ‘आऩ बरे ,जग बरा ’ ऩाठ को ऩढ़कय आऩ कौन –सी फुयी आदतें छोड़ना अऩने शब्दों भें लरखिए । प्र०14) इभसतन कक ककस घटना का िणतन ककमा गमा है ? 5

    प्र०15) सुबागी ने सजन लसॊह का कजत कैसे चुकामा ? 5

    प्र०16) ऩाठ ‘सुबागी’ के आधाय ऩय सुबागी औय उसके बाई की चारयत्रत्रक विशेषतामों का िणतन कीजजए । 5

    प्र० 17) ऩाठ ‘सुबागी’ के आधाय ऩय सुबागी के चरयत्र की विशेषतामों का उल्रेि उदाहयण सहहत कीजजए । 5

    प्र० 18) अध्मावऩका के विचायों का तुरतुर ऩय क्मा प्रबाि ऩड़ा, उसने उसके लरए क्मा ककमा? प्र० 19) महद आऩ तुरतुर के स्थान ऩय होते तो आऩ टुनी के लरए क्मा कयते ? अध्मावऩका के विचायों का तुरतुर ऩय क्मा प्रबाि ऩड़ा ? 5

    प्र० 20) जीिन को निर तयॊगी क्मों कहा गमा है ? 5

    प्र० 21) आकाश को फादरों ने ककस प्रकाय सजामा ,कविता के आधाय ऩय फताइए।

    प्र० 22) अनुच्छेद रेिन

    (क) भेया बायत भहान 5 (ि) भेया वप्रम त्मोहाय 5

    (ग) प्रात्कार की सैय 5

    (घ) स्ितन्त्त्रता हदिस 5

    ¼M-½ पुस्तकालय के लाभ 5

    प्र० 23) सॊिाद रेिन

  • ¼d½ अध्मावऩका औय छात्र के फीच सपाई के विषम ऩय सॊिाद लरखिए । 5

    ¼£½ दो लभत्रों के भध्म जर सॊयऺण के विषम ऩय सॊिाद लरखिए । 5

    ¼ग½ अध्मावऩका औय कऺा भें आए नए छात्र के फीच सॊिाद लरखिए । 5

    ¼घ½ याभ औय शाभ के फीच ऩयीऺा की तैमायी को रेकय हुई फातचीत के सॊिाद लरखिए । 5 ¼M-½ अध्मावऩका औय अलबबािक के फीच भें सॊिाद लरखिए । 5

    प्र०24) नाये रेिन

    (क) िृऺ ों की उऩमोगगता ऩय दो आकषतक नाये लरखिए । 5

    (ि) अऩनी कऺा को स्िच्छ एिॊ सुॊदय यिने हेतु दो आकषतक नाये लरखिए । 5

    ¼ग½ नहदमों को स्िच्छ यिने हेतु दो आकषतक नाये लरखिए । 5

    ¼घ½ लशऺा का प्रचाय कयने हेतु दो आकषतक नाये लरखिए । 5

    ¼M-½ जम्भू को प्रदषूण भुक्त कयने हेतु दो आकषतक नाये लरखिए । 5


    Chapter- 1 (Integers)

    1. Evaluate : 112 ÷ (-8).

    2. Write a pair of integers whose difference is 2.

    3. Write a pair of negative integers whose difference is 8.

    4. Simplify : 17 - {8 ÷ (2 × 3 - 4)}

    5. Using suitable properties, evaluate (-17) × 0 × (-28).

    6. Simplify : 15 – 6 ÷ 2 – 5 × (-7)

    7. 24. In a class test containing 10 questions, 5 marks are awarded for every correct

    answer and 2 marks are deducted for every incorrect answer and 0 for question not


    (i) Rohit gets four correct and six incorrect answers. What is his score.

    (ii) Seema gets five correct and five incorrect answers. What is her score.

    8. Using suitable properties, evaluate (-41) × 103.

    9. An elevator descends into a mine shaft at the rate of 6 m / min. If the descend starts

    from 10 m above the ground level , how long will it take to reach the shaft 350 m

    below the ground level.

    10. The temperature at noon was 10°C above zero. It descends at the rate of 2°C per

    hour until midnight, at what time would the temperature be 8°C below zero? What

    would be the temperature at mid night?

  • 11. Evaluate : 0 ÷ (-10).

    12. Evaluate : 13 ÷ [ (-2) + 1]

    13. Verify that a ÷ (b + c ) ≠ (a ÷ b) + c for a = 12, b= -4 and c = 2.

    14. A shopkeeper earns a profit of ₹ 1 by selling one pen and incurs a loss of 40 paise per

    pencil while selling pencils of his old stock. In a particular month he incurs a loss of ₹

    5. In this period he sold 45 pens. How many pencils did he sell in this period.

    Chapter -2 (Fractions and Decimals)

    1. Reduce 115

    276 into simplest form.

    2. Find the value of 2.5 × 0.3

    3. Jaishree studies for 3

    25 hours daily. She devotes


    42 hours of her time for science and

    mathematics. How much time does she devotes for other subjects.

    4. Express in rupees using decimals

    (i) 70 paise (ii) 77 rupees 77 paise

    5. Simplify : 4

    37 -


    53 +



    6. Simplify : 15.3 ÷ 3 - 4


    7. A shirt was marked at ₹ 540. It was sold at 4

    3 of marked price. What was the sale


    8. Rohit bought a motor cycle for ₹ 36000. He paid 6

    1 of price in cash and the rest in 12

    equal monthly installments. Find the amount he had to pay every month.

    9. Arrange the given fractions in ascending orders.:



    , 15


    , 24


    , 12


    10. Simplify : (i) 4.27 × 0.036 (ii) 0.09 × 1.04

    Chapter -3 (Rational Numbers)

    1. Subtract 8

    3 from



    2. Insert five rational numbers between -1 and -2.

    3. Find the sum : 10





    4. Draw a number line and represent 4

    3 on it.

    5. What rational number should be added to 12

    7 to get



    6. Check whether the given pairs of rational number are equivalent.

  • (i) 15





    7. What rational number should be subtracted from 3

    2 to get



    8. If the product of two rational numbers is 17.55 and one of them is 2.7, then find the


    9. Which rational number is greater 9

    55 or


    75 .

    10. Simplify : (-10) × 2 + 0 ÷ (-2).

    11. Find the product of 3

    12 and



    12. On 13th birthday, a boy decided to distribute blankets to poor people instead of

    giving party to his friends. Half of the blankets he distributed in an old age home,

    three fourth of remaining in an orphanage and rest 20 were distributed to road side

    beggars. Find the number of blankets he had.

    What values are being promoted?

    13. The product of two rational numbers is 16

    9. If one of them is


    3, find the other.

    14. Sushant reads 3

    1part of a book in 1 hour. How much part of book will be read in




    Chapter -4 (Exponent and Powers)

    1. Simplify : 43


    7 ×2

    7 ×7 ×2

    2. Write the following numbers in the standard form or scientific notation.

    i) 39087.8 ii) 70, 00, 000

    3. Simplify and write in exponential form

    (i) 102 × 70 + 33 × 22 (ii) 43 × 50 + (-3)4 - 70

    4. Simplify : (3-7 ÷ 3-10) × 3-5

    5. Find the value of (-3)3 × 52.

    6. Find the value of x



    12 =



    7. Express the numbers appearing in the following statements in scientific notations.

    (i) The diameter of sun is 1,400,000,000.

    (ii) A light year is 9,467,500,000,000.

    8. Express 343 and 729 in the exponential form.

    9. Simplify and write in exponential form. [(62)3 ÷ 63] × 65

  • 10. Simplify : 7 ×10

    t×5 ×253


    Chapter -5 (Algebraic Expression)

    1. Subtract 3x3 - 5x2 - 9x + 6 from 2x3 + 9x2 - 7x - 8.

    2. If a = 3, b = 2 and c = - 4 find the value of

    (i) c2 - a2 (ii) 2a + 3b - 5c

    3. Add : x2 + y2 -2xy, -2x2 -y2 -2xy and 3x2 + y2 + xy.

    4. Two adjacent sides of rectangle are 4x + 7y and 3y - x, find its perimeter.

    5. What should be added to x2 + y2 + xy to obtain 2x2 + 3xy ?

    6. Find the sum of 5xy, -7xy, 3x2.

    7. If z =10, find the value of z3 – 3(z – 10).

    8. Subtract p – 2q + r from the sum of 10p – r and 5p + 2q.

    9. Find the sum of -7mn + 5, 12mn + 2, 8mn – 8, -2mn – 3.

    10. What must be added to 5a – 3b + 2c to get 3a – 4b + 7c.

    11. Simplify the expression 2(a2 + ab) – ab and find its value if a = 5 and b = 2.

    12. From the sum of 4 + 3x and 5 – 4x + 2x2, subtract the sum of 3x2– 5x and –x2+ 2x

    + 5

    Chapter -6 (Linear Equation)

    1. Solve : 3(y + 7) = 15.

    2. Solve : 2y - 3 = 2.

    3. Solve the equation 3( x + 7) = 18 and verify your answer.

    4. Two complementary angles differ by 20°. Find the measure of each angle.

    5. If m = 2, find the value of 3m - 5.

    6. If p = -10, find the value of p2 – 2p – 100.

    7. Find the value of m if the value of the expression 2x3 - 5x2 + mx -7 is equal to 10 when

    x = -1.

    8. When 9 is added to twice a number, the result is 3 more than thrice the number. Find

    the number.

    9. Arvind is 8 years old than his sister. In three years, he will be twice as old as his sister.

    How old are they now.

    10. A number exceeds its three fifth by 22. Find the number.

    11. Simplify and find the value when x = 2 for x + 7 + 4(x - 5).

    12. If diiference between two complementary angles is 10°. Find the smaller angle.

    13. Find an integer if 5 is added thrice the integer it become -7.

    14. Find 2 if 3(3n-10) = 2n + 5.

    Chapter -7 (Ratio and proportion)

  • 1. 5 grams of an alloy contains 3¾ grams copper and rest is nickel. Find the ratio of weights of nickel and copper.

    2. Verify that 18, 27, 20, 30 are in proportion. Set up all possible proportions between these four numbers.

    3. Bananas are selling at Rs 15 a dozen. How many bananas would you get for ten rupees?

    4. It rained 80 mm in first 20 days of April. What would be the total rainfall in April? 5. Two numbers are in ratio 6:5. If the first number is halved and 2 is subtracted from

    second, they are in ratio 2:3. Find the numbers. 6. A dozen eggs cost 15 rupees. How much would a hundred eggs cost?

    7. Express 6

    1 : 9

    1 in the simplest ratio.

    8. Find the ratio of 3 Km to 2 Km.

    9. 400 grams cake costs 80 rupees. How much would a 1.5 Kg cake costs?

    10. Check whether 7, 49, 343 are in continued proportion or not?

    11. If ₹ 242.46 are to be distributed among 6 children equally, find the share of each child.

    12. Are the ratios 1 : 2 and 2 : 3 equivalent?

    13. Find the third proportional to 4, 12.

    14. The ages of Amit and Archana are in the ratio 4 : 5. If Amit is 4 years 8 months old, find the age of Archana.

    15.If 2.5 Kg of apples costs ₹ 187.5, then how much quantity of apples can be bought for

    ₹ 330?

    Chapter -8 (Percentage and its applications)

    1. Express 20% as fractions.

    2. What percentage is 300g of 2 Kg.

    3. Find the rate of interest when simple interest on ₹ 1560 in 3 years is ₹ 585.

    4. By selling a chair for ₹ 522, a shopkeeper makes a profit of 16%. What is its cost


    5. At what rate percent per annum will the simple interest on ₹ 5650 be ₹ 1695 in 2

    years 6 months.

    6. Find the Simple Interest on ₹ 5000 for 3 years at the rate of 10% per annum.

    7. The cost price of a bag is ₹ 350. It is sold for a profit of ₹ 35. Find the profit percent.

    8. Selling price of a toy car is ₹ 480. If the profit made by shopkeeper is 20%, what is its

    cost price?

    9. The population of a city decreased from 25,000 to 24,500. Find the percentage of


    10. The price of an item increased from ₹ 120 to ₹ 150. Find percentage increase in




    1. Potato and ginger are both underground parts that store food. Where is the

    food prepared in these plants? 1

    2. Nitrogen is an essential nutrient for plant growth. But farmers who cultivate

    pulse crops like green gram, bengal gram, black gram, etc. do not apply

    nitrogenous fertilizers during cultivation. Why? 2

    3. Observe the diagram given as Figure 1.1 and label the following terms given in the box.


    stomatal opening, guard cell 2

    5. Differentiate between nutrients and nutrition. 6. Differentiate between autotrophs and heterotrophs.

    7. How do plants obtain raw materials from the surrounding?

    8. Define chlorophyll.

    9. Define photosynthesis along with the equation for the same.

    10. What is the function of stomata in leaf of a plant?

    11. What are the main requirements of photosynthesis?

    12. Define insectivorous plants along with examples.

    13. Explain the mode of nutrition in fungi?

    14. What do you mean by parasitic nutrition?

    15. What do you understand by symbiotic relationship present in some


    16. How nutrients are replenished in soil?

    17. What is the role of leguminous plants in replenishing soil fertility?

    18. Distinguish between a parasite and a saprotrophs.

    19. Explain how Pitcher plants get their nutrition?

    20. What is need of nutrition?

    21. Why do organisms need to take food?

    22. Lichens is a composite of which two organisms? What type of nutrition

    relationship exists here?


    1. Where is water from undigested food absorbed in the body?

    2. Where is digested food absorbed in the body?

  • 3. Name the parts of Amoeba which help it in moving and capturing food.

    4. What do you understand by term ‘assimilation’ in the process of


    5. What happens to food in stomach?

    6. Where is saliva produced? Write about its main functions.

    7. How is the process of digestion different in ruminants?

    8. What is a gall bladder? What is its role?

    9. How do you differentiate between absorption and assimilation?

    10. Why do we get instant energy from glucose?

    11. What do you mean by villi? Mention their location and function.

    12. Which is that type of carbohydrate that is not digested by humans but

    digested by ruminants? Explain why it is so.

    13. Give one difference and similarity between amoeba and human


    14. Label the given diagram:

    15. Discuss whether humans can survive on raw leafy veggies and grasses.


    1. Write various steps for processing fibres into wool.

    2. Describe the life history of silk moth with the help of figures of various stages. 3. What is meant by the following terms?

    (i) Rearing

    (ii) Shearing

    (iii) Sericulture

    4. Where Angora goats are found in India? 5. Why shearing is done in early summers? 6. Why do wool yielding animals have a thick coat of hair? 7. Bhoojo wanted to buy a silk frock and went to the market with her mother. There they

    found that the artificial (synthetic) silk was much cheaper and wanted to know why.

    Do you know why? Find out.

    8. What is meant by the fleece of the lamb? 9. Which parts of the sheep have wool? 10. Explain the process of processing of silk from cocoons. 11. Name any five wool yielding animals. 12. What do you mean by occupational hazard? 13. Name different types of silk. 14. How is reeling of silkworms done?

  • 15. Draw diagrams of different stages of butterfly.


    1. Why do we wear woollen clothes in winter? 2. Define the term temperature. 3. Name the different temperature scales. 4. What is the S.I unit of heat. 5. Shopkeepers selling ice blocks usually cover them with jute sacks. Explain why.

    6. To keep her soup warm Paheli wrapped the container in which it was kept with a

    woollen cloth. Can she apply the same method to keep a glass of cold drink cool?

    Give reason for your answer.

    7. In a mercury thermometer, the level of mercury rises when its bulb comes in contact with a hot object. What is the reason for this rise in the level of mercury?

    8. You may have noticed that a few sharp jerks are given to clinical thermometer

    before using it. Why is it done so?

    9. Why is it advised not to hold the thermometer by its bulb while reading it?

    10. At a camp site there are tents of two shades – one made with black fabric and the

    other with white fabric. Which one will you prefer for resting on a hot summer

    afternoon? Give reason for your choice. Would you like to prefer the same

    tent during winter?

    11. State similarities and differences between the laboratory thermometer and the

    clinical thermometer.

    12. Give two examples each of conductors and insulators of heat. 13. Define temperature. What are the units used to measure temperature? 14. How are heat and temperature of a substance related to each other?

    15. Discuss why wearing more layers of clothing during winter keeps us warmer than wearing just one thick piece of clothing. CHAPTER : Acids ,bases and salts 1. Define compound. Also give examples. 2. Explain the structure of an atom. 3. While playing in a park, a child was stung by a wasp. Some elders suggested

    applying paste of baking soda and others lemon juice as remedy. Which

    remedy do you think is appropriate and why? 4. Form a sentence using the following words – baking soda, antbite, moist,

    effect, neutralised, rubbing. 5. Boojho, Paheli and their friend Golu were provided with a test tube each

    containing China rose solution which was pink in colour. Boojho added two

    drops of solution „A‟ in his test tube and got dark pink colour. Paheli added 2

    drops of solution „B‟ to her test tube and got green colour. Golu added 2 drops

    of solution „C‟ but could not get any change in colour. Suggest the possible

    cause for the variation in their results. 6. A farmer was unhappy because of his low crop yield. He discussed the

    problem with an agricultural scientist and realised that the soil of his field

    was either too acidic or too basic. What remedy would you suggest the

    farmer to neutralise the soil?

    7. You are provided with four test tubes containing sugar solution, baking soda

    solution, tamarind solution, salt solution. Write down an activity to find the

    nature (acidic/basic/neutral) of each solution.

    8. Explain two neutralisation reactions related to daily life situation.

    9. Turmeric is a natural indicator. On adding its paste to acid and base separately, which colours would be observed?

  • 10. When the soil is too basic, plants do not grow well in it. To improve its quality what must be added to the soil?

    11. State the differences between acids and bases. 12. Is distilled water acidic or basic or neutral? How would you verify it?

    13. Ammonia is found in many household products, such as window cleaners. It

    turns red litmus paper blue. What is its nature?

    14. Blue Litmus paper is dipped in a solution. It remains blue. What can be said about the nature of the solution? Explain.

    15. Name the source from which litmus solution is obtained. What is the use of this solution?

    16. Give example of any chemical equation and explain also. 17. What are chemical formule? What is their importance? 18. Name any three elements and give their symbols also. 19. What are the different properties of mixture? 20. How is a molecule different from an atom?


    1. How can it be shown that the setting of curd is a chemical change? 2. Both Chemical and physical changes take place when a candle is made to

    burn. Identify the changes. And mention another process in which both

    physical and chemical changes take place.

    3. Explain why the cutting of wood and the burning of wood are said to be two

    different types of changes.

    4. Explain how when an iron gate is painted and prevented from rusting.

    5. Explain why the rusting of iron objects is faster in the coastal areas when

    compared to the deserts.

    6. What is the type of change when baking soda is mixed with lemon juice,

    forming bubbles with the evolution of a gas? Explain.

    7. Melting of wax is a change where a solid changes to liquid state. Give one

    more such change which you observe in your surroundings.

    8. What kind of change is shown by tearing of paper? 9. Write word equations for two chemical reactions with the help of materials

    given in the box.

    Air, copper sulphate, iron, vinegar, iron oxide, carbon dioxide, iron sulphate,

    copper, lime water, water

    10. Give two examples for each of the following cases: a. (a) Physical changes which are reversible. b. (b) Physical changes which are not reversible. c. (c) Chemical changes

    11. If you leave a piece of iron in the open for a few days, it acquires a film of brownish substance, called rust.

    a. (a) Do you think rust is different from iron? b. (b) Can you change rust back into iron by some simple method? c. (c) Do you think formation of rust from iron is a chemical change?

    12. What do you mean by physical properties of matter?

    13. Define chemical properties of matter.

    14. When baking soda is mixed with lemon juice, bubbles are formed with

    the evolution of a gas. What type of change is it? Explain.

    15. Q4: What do you mean by chemical change?


  • 1. “A fish dies when taken out of water whereas a wall lizard will die if kept

    under water.” Mention the term used to describe such abilities that allow

    fish and lizard to survive in their respective habitats.

    2. Give one example of an animal that can live both in water and on land.

    3. Why is it difficult to predict the weather of a place while it is easy to

    predict its climate?

    4. Name two animals each that live in Polar region and Tropical rain forests.

    5. Write two common adaptive features of a polar bear which help in

    keeping it warm.

    6. Mention two adaptive features of penguin that help it in swimming.

    7. Name three components of climate.

    8. Define relative humidity. What is the relation between relative humidity

    and rainfall?

    9. How do pressure and temperature influence weather pattern?

    10. Name the elements that determine the weather of a place.

    11. What is humidity? What is the instrument used to measure it?

    12. What is the role of the Meteorological Department of a country?

    13. Differentiate between:

    14. i) Humidity and rainfall

    (ii) Climates of polar region and tropical rain forest

    15. Define camouflage.


    1. A simple pendulum is oscillating between two points A and B as shown in Figure 13.5. Is the motion of the bob uniform or non-uniform?

    2. Paheli and Boojho have to cover different distances to reach their school but they take

    the same time to reach the school. What can you say about their speed?

    3. If Boojho covers a certain distance in one hour and Paheli covers the same distance in two hours, who travels in a higher speed?

    4. A spaceship travels 36,000 km in one hour. Express its speed in km/s.

    5. Distance between Bholu‟s and Golu‟s house is 9 km. Bholu has to attend Golu‟s

    birthday party at 7 o‟clock. He started from his home at 6 o‟clock on his bicycle and

  • covered a distance of 6 km in 40 minutes. At that point he met Chintu and he spoke to

    him for 5 minutes and reached Golu‟s birthday party at 7 o‟clock. With what speed

    did he cover the second part of the journey? Calculate his average speed for the entire


    6. A simple pendulum takes 32 s to complete 20 oscillations. What is the time period of

    the pendulum?

    7. The distance between two stations is 240 km. A train takes 4 hours to cover this

    distance. Calculate the speed of the train.

    8. Salma takes 15 minutes from her house to reach her school on a bicycle. If the

    bicycle has a speed of 2 m/s, calculate the distance between her house and the




    10. . Define time.

    11. Define speed

    12. What is Motion?

    13. What do you mean by average speed?

    14. The odometer of a car reads 57321.0 km when the clock shows the time 08:30 AM.

    What is the distance moved by the car, if at 08:50 AM, the odometer reading has

    changed to 57336.0 km? Calculate the speed of the car in km/min during this time.

    15. Q17(NCERT): Figure below shows the distance-time graph for the motion of two vehicles

    A and B. Which one of them is moving faster?


    1. Is deforestation associated with global warming? Explain. 2. How does deforestation lead to frequent floods and droughts? 3. Why should we save paper?

  • 4. Paheli while moving in a forest observed that there was no noise pollution,

    though lots of heavy vehicles were passing from the nearby highway. Explain


    5. Paheli wrote a food chain in the following way: frog→ eagle→ insects → grass → snake

    The chain is not in the correct order. Help her to write the food chain


    6. Give names of any four birds which you expect to see in a forest. 7. Two friends shared their experiences of their vacation trip to two different

    forests. Do you think they would have seen the same type of plants and animals during their respective trips? Give reason.

    8. “A bunch of seedlings were seen sprouting on a heap of animal dropping in a forest.” How do you think is the seedling benefited from the animal dung?

    9. “A bunch of seedlings were seen sprouting on a heap of animal dropping in a forest.” How do you think is the seedling benefited from the animal dung?

    10. Deforestation may lead to floods. Why? 11. Name any four useful products other than wood, which we get from forests. 12. Write any three activities going on in the forest on the basis of this figure. 13. People say that nothing goes waste in a forest. Can you explain, how? 14. Give any four factors which are responsible for the destruction of forests. 15. Draw a figure showing two animals, two birds and a few trees as a part of a



    HISTORY :-

    * Why is periodisation important for the study of history?

    * What is the time frame of medieval history in India?

    * What were the different terms used to describe the Indian subcontinent?

    * What are the major sources of history?

    * How do coins help us in the reconstruction of historical events?

    * State four features of the medieval period in India.

    * List some of the archaeological sources which are used as a historical sources

    material to provide us information about medieval history.

    * Discuss the literary sources used to study the medieval Indian history.

    * Write different names by which India has been known in the past.

    * What were the major political development in India between AD 700 and AD 1200?

    * Why did a tripartite struggle take place? Which three regional powers were involved

    in this struggle?

    * Which ruling dynasties rose to prominence in South India?

    * Who were the Cholas? What were their major achievements in different fields?

    * What were the differences between the invasions of Mahmud Ghaznavi and

    Muhammad Ghori?

    * Which religions did the Rashtrakutas patronise?

    * Discuss the social and economic conditions under the Cholas.

    * State an important political impact of the death of the death of Harsha on North

    India. * Who founded the Rashtrakuta kingdom?

    * How did the rule of Turks and Afghans begain in India?

    * Who were the Mamuluks, Khalijis, Tughlaqs, Sayyids & Lodis?

    * What were the causes of downfall of Delhi Sultanate?

    * What were the changes introduced by the Sultans of Delhi in court and general


  • * Name the Afghan dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate.

    * Discuss the system of central administration under the Delhi Sultanate.

    * Explain the agrarian policies followed by the Delhi Sultans.

    * Who was Firoz Tuglaq? What measures did he take to improve administration?

    * When, why and among whom first battle of Panipat was fought?

    * How was the Mughal empire founded in India?

    * What were the major achievements of Mughals?

    * What reforms were initiated by the Mughals in administration and governance?

    * What policies were adopted by the Mughal rulers in establishing relations with other


    * Discuss the major literary sources for the Mughal period.

    * Akbar was known for his nine gems. Discuss.

    * Discuss the important role played by the Nur-Jahan.


    What is environment? What are its components?

    In what way is our environment dynamic?

    How do the humans interact with environment?

    Discuss why it is important to study the inter-relationship between physical

    environment and human environment.

    What is biosphere?

    Explain the term Dynamic ‘Environment’.

    Mention the harmful effects of deforestation.

    Why we celebrate World Environment Day on 5th of June every year?

    How do we know about the interior of the earth?

    What do you understand by tectonic plates?

    What are rocks and minerals?

    What are the different types of rocks?

    What is the rock cycle?

    With the help of diagram explain volcano.

    Discuss the types of volcanoes.

    Explain the causes of earthquakes.

    What are tectonic plates?

    How are rocks classified? Mention their different types.

    Give examples to show that rocks were used to build monuments.

    What are fossils? Why is petroleum called fossil fuel?

    With the help of a diagram, explain the rock cycle.

    What is atmosphere? In what aspects is atmosphere important to us?

    What is the composition and structure of the atmosphere?

    Name four gases that constitute air.

    What is normal lapse rate of atmosphere?

    Explain the importance of ionosphere.

    ‘Depletion of the ozone layer is a matter of concern’. Give reasons to justify the


    In which layer is air travel the safest and why?

    With the help of diagram explain layers of atmosphere.

    Define on-shore winds.

    How is troposphere important to us?

  • Why does temperature decrease with increase in height?

    Name three important factors that influence temperature.

    Describe in brief how distance from sea affects the temperature of a place?

    What is insolation?

    Why do the sun’s rays at noon give more heating effect than those in the

    morning or evening?

    Civics :-

    What does democracy mean?

    What are the main thrusts of democracy?

    What makes democracy popular in the contemporary world?

    What are the different forms of inequality?

    How has the issue of inequality been addressed in our constitution?

    What measures have been taken by the government to abolish inequality?

    How are the principles of equality, liberty and fraternity included in the Indian

    political system?

    Who was the Chairman of the Drafting committee of the Indian constitution?

    Why is direct democracy not possible today?

    What was the advantages of midday meal programme implemented by the


    List out any two principles of democracy.

    How does the right to vote signify the hallmark of representative or popular


    Why are elections held? What is the election process?

    What role do the political parties play in the formation and running of any

    democratic government?

    Find out the names of other countries which have a single-party system or a bi-

    party system.

    Why are election symbols important?

    How important is the role of the opposition in a democracy?

    Explain the principle of one person, one vote, one value.

    What is a coalition government?

    Why is the Chief Minister’s role important?

    How does the Council of Ministers help the Chief Minister?

    What are the different functions of the Governor?

    How the members of the Vidhan Sabha are elected?

    Discuss the discretionary powers of the Governor.

    How is an ordinary bill passed in the State Legislature?

    Who is the constitutional head of the state?

    Which is the highest court in the state level?

    Discuss the role of the state government in education.

    What are the requirements for fair elections?

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