arkadia: an rkc rotation 1d

Post on 13-Apr-2017



Entertainment & Humor



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You don’t know me, or who these two are. My name is Tamika Brenton and these are my parents Monifa and Malachi. My mother is pregnant with me in this old picture

that was taken soon after my parents came to Maladoreias. My father joined the Royal Guard as a way to support and also to protect his pregnant wife and home.

We’re just Peasants so we weren’t rich or well off but we did have a lot of love in our house.

My mother came from a family of farmers so she knew how to grow and care for crops. It was helpful since there was nowhere to purchase any food at the time. I wanted to

help her in the garden but I was too young, in fact I was very, very young.

See? That’s me just after I was born. Father loved to take pictures of me, I was his little princess. My mother was so happy to have a little girl to fawn over but since the law of the land was that only a son can inherit they had to have another child.

But having another child was easier said than done. I was the only child around and my parents were having trouble conceiving again. I was two years old at this time,

barely out of diapers and I couldn’t even talk or walk yet.

Then one day while tending our crops, my father had an accident. He became something…what was it called again? Oh yeah a Plantsim, he turned all green and his

hair fell out. He grew leaves in their place. I was terrified, I didn’t know what happened to my father. He still sounded like him but he didn’t look like him anymore.

My mother told me that he was still my daddy, but I was still scared of him.

It took a while but eventually I figured out that my father was still there, he was just a little different now. I don’t remember what happened to make me understand that, my mother never wrote it down in her diary. I would have never survived the journey to Arkadia since I was still a toddler. So how did I make it here? Well there’s another

interesting twist to that…

I learned that Plantsims have this special ability that lets them produce a pod baby, simply by shaking spores loose from their heads. Father did this in hopes that it would bring him the son he needed to carry on the family name. That is my mother recording

everything in her diary which is why I know how this happened.

However, it didn’t give him the son he needed. This is my little big sister Laurel. I call her my little big sister since I was born first but she ends up older than me. It’s weird and confusing and I still don’t fully understand the process even now. Laurel is the

reason why I survived, she raised me on the road like so many other Arkadian residents had to do.

However, on our journey something happened to Laurel. She changed, she’s still green of course but not the Plantsim she was born as. I don’t know what happened to her or how so it’s become a mystery our prince has taken upon himself to solve. He was fascinated by our story and what we went through, he has told us that once the kingdom has its first great scientist he will figure out what happened to my sister on

the journey here.

It’s not just the prince who is interested in us, we’re also known to the Vesi family, they’re elves. Can you believe that? Real elves, and here I was just getting my head around the existence of Plantsims. Lake Vesi and my sister are good friends, she’s

always coming over and socializing with her. I like Lake, she’s a lot of fun and very interesting to talk to as well.

I had to take a job working for the Townies in Culinary to make ends meet. I have no brother so I hope that whoever I find to marry, he won’t object to taking my last name. The prince has made an exception for us, he will allow us to live on our own, provided we can take care of ourselves and contribute to the kingdom. I found that doing pottery soothes my nerves after working, it’s also good for making some things to sell. I’d like to start a home business eventually so earning money for that is just the beginning.

Working for the Townies has been good, I met Troy Go there. He’s shy and cute in the way he blushes every time I compliment him. He works with me in the tavern. I think he might be the one for me. I just hope he doesn’t mind taking my last name. I

don’t want my father’s legacy to die off so soon.

I was so happy when he agreed to move in with me and my sister. He also had a lot of money saved up so we can finally get a good start on that business. I need to make more pottery first though, I don’t have enough to sell. Laurel spends her time digging in our

yard for treasures while I work. She’s found some neat things buried, but we couldn’t keep them. We needed the money and since Troy hadn’t moved in at the time it kept us going.

I wasn’t expecting to be gifted with a mysterious lamp by the gypsy leader either, I have heard stories about the kinds of wishes you can make on the lamp, money, beauty, peace of mind, you can even bring back the dead. I don’t know if any of it is true but at least I have the chance to find out. Genies…man what else is there in this world that I

don’t know about yet?


Is it my turn now? I heard everyone was doing one of these family history albums and I suppose it’s now my turn to do one. I am Grey Wolf Chinook; the oldest son of Little

Feather and Nightingale. And you probably figured out that yes, I am of Native Indian descent. There are a lot of other tribes spread out amongst the Townie nomads but they

just didn’t want to get involved with the settlers. This is my mother, here she’s pregnant. We just got settled in Maladoreias and my parents wanted more kids.

I guess I was happy that I was going to be a big brother, I had kind of gotten used to being an only child you know? I was still my father’s heir regardless and he and I

were pretty close.

My father Little Feather taught me everything he knew about the land and how to live off it. He was the one who taught me how to fish, it was something my family had been

doing for generations and I was glad to be a part of it. Only thing was there wasn’t much time for other life lessons, like what to do about girls…

Like for example, what to do when you meet a Noble born girl. I’m a Peasant’s son and the day I fell out of the sky and landed in Katrina Crane’s backyard I was sure I’d be

run off the land by her dad with a gun pointed at me or something. She was beautiful, and I could tell that she liked me too, despite the fact that I was a poor Peasant boy.

She told me her father wasn’t like that, but her mother…well that was another story. She was adamant that her children only socialize with “acceptable” company, like say Royalty. And my kind was better suited to serving drinks. Kinda makes me glad her

daughter didn’t turn out just like her mother.

Eventually my mother gave birth to my twin brothers, Eagle and Sparrow. At the time Maladoreias had a shortage of male children so having twin boys was definitely

something that got the whole kingdom talking. Too bad we weren’t Nobles, they could have used more male children.

Let’s not forget our luck with finding buried treasures in our yard. Two forgotten treasure chests filled with gold and diamonds as well as a surprisingly well preserved vase. I heard they were worth four thousand gold and that the King would have gladly

paid handsomely to anyone who found one. Basically this windfall kept me and my brothers alive while we traveled.

They were just toddlers and let me tell you, looking after twin toddlers while on the road was no fun. I was lucky the others didn’t kill me for all the noise these two made.

Probably the money we found helped with that…I mean who ever heard of a rich Peasant? Well, richer than most of my class anyway.

They weren’t all bad though, I did teach them a nursery rhyme and help my parents teach them to talk and walk before we left.

But money never lasts and we all need to get jobs and work if we want to continue eating and living indoors. That’s Eagle in white, and Sparrow in purple. Eagle just wants to have a family someday and he likes to cook, Sparrow wants to be a famous sports star and me, well I think going to parties and getting to know the people who

live in Arkadia is the way to do things right. It’s not about what you know, it’s about who you know after all.

It doesn’t hurt to get to know my fellow Peasants either, especially the ones who have the prince’s personal interest like Tamika and her sister Laurel here. Laurel is green,

which I find interesting, I’d love to find out why she’s green someday.

And what’s better is that Laurel seems to like Eagle the best. Eagle wants the whole wife and kids family thing and I’m just happy enjoying the pleasures in life. But since I am the oldest and therefore the heir of my family I’ll have to find a girl and raise kids

if I want the Chinook name to survive beyond my brothers and I.

However his work friend Meadow also seems to have a thing for Eagle, this could work to my advantage if things work out for them. We need money to start a business and the only one that has any interest for us is robotics. Again, Eagle seems to be the

one who wants to get into everything. He always was the curious kid.


It seems it is now my turn to contribute to the kingdom’s history. My name is Hanako Masashi and I am the first born child of Hiruko and Shizune Masashi. My parents

came to Maladoreias in search of a better life to escape the war in our homeland. This place was wide open, and unlike any we had ever seen, the possibilities were endless.

My parents had been friends since they were children and married once they had come of age. My father was from a humble family, fishermen and farmers while my mother was the daughter of the local tanner. She also had an older brother who left home to learn the ways of the sword, he became a samurai who worked for the daimyo, sorry Feudal Lord, who was in charge of our village. I know not what became of my uncle

however. My mother never heard from him much.

She tried not to let me or my father know how much she missed her older brother but we knew. He was her only family after my grandparents died and she did not even

know if he was alive or dead. As I said there was a great war in our homeland and since my uncle was a samurai, he would have been called to battle for the daimyo.

As per tradition of both Maladoreias and our homeland, a son was needed to carry on the family name. We were all outside fishing when my mother went into labour.

It was embarrassing that my friend River-san had to witness the birth of my little brother Sora in the rain. My parents had the son they wanted and gave him the name

I had chosen for him.

In fact, I had a few friends whom were from well off families. Although I do wonder why they would even talk to me, I was lucky to get to go to school at all being Peasant born. It is one of the many things that King Vayne was known for. I met River Vesi while I was visiting the Crane household. Isaac had been kind enough to show me

around while Katrina, his sister went to finish her homework.

I had made friends with the honourable house of Prescott as well. Duke Connor was a gracious host even though I was only friends with Diana and Delilah. He was not

a Duke back then however. I do not think his other sister Catherine approved of having a Peasant girl talking to her brother though.

I remember giving Sora his first birthday, my parents thought it would be nice since I was the one who named him after all. I will let him see this picture if he happens to

forget that.

My parents were happier in each other’s arms anyway, I hope that I will find a love like theirs one day.

The Chinook family were not the only ones to find hidden treasure buried in their yard. While digging for the garden my father unearthed this treasure chest, it was a nice

birthday present for Sora. And it kept us fed too.

It is just my brother and I now, thankfully we are not alone in this strange new land. The other Peasant sibling pair of Tamika and Laurel have been good friends to us throughout the journey to get here. I have picked up the hobby of making draperies and various sewn projects for our home. I hope to one day have enough to sell. Sora loves to paint as much as I do and he also

wants to learn how to sew. I think it will become another thing we can bond over.

Sora looks so much like our father but he did not have many male friends to bond with while we were moving, I am glad he and Troy seem to get along, he needs

friends. I can just be his sister now.

I have met someone now, his name is Joe Carr and he is a Townie nomad. They were good to us and Joe has a wonderful job. I can rest easy knowing that Sora has some male friends outside the house. I do hope that he and Joe will get along as well as he

does with Troy.


Whew, finally the first round of rotations is done. I have something I’ve been waiting to begin for a few days now. I wanted to make sure that all the families were finished before I got to it. There hasn’t been much in the way of businesses being founded since most of them just don’t have

enough money or stock to put into one. And of course the most important person doesn’t even have a wife yet. Jason is the only generation 3 baby born so far. It’s a slow start but when I have to start

off from the beginning with them it takes a while. Anyway, stats for the first week:


# of Households: 9 # of Playables: 28

# of Graves: 0 #of NPC Lots: 2 (one for every four, none placed yet)

# of Owned Lots: 3 {Royal Venue Rank 4, Gaia’s Green Earth Rank 10, Fountains of Fun Rank 0}

SM: 5 {+1 for starting, +1 first comm. lot, +1 for every heir married to same class or higher x3 [Prescott, Crane, Van Braun]}

Population: 5x28=140 Taxes: $128,528

There’s probably something I missed or messed up since I changed my rule set to Chase’s modified ones, I have not had enough time to study them so once Week 2 is done I’ll probably have this fixed


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