are you paying attention

Post on 28-Jul-2015






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In this experiment I was able to draw several conclusions, but certainly one conclusion to reach is that not only is needed pay attention, but also we need know the phenomenon to analyze as much as we can. And so, create synergy between these two.

The engine of creativity, need petrol of knowledge!

Emi Zarranz

I ask only two things! Can you put up a sign by sweets group?

Can you put the price on it? Othewise, you charge me by my ugly face!

Carrefour Express

1). It should have Magazine deals!

2). It should have more choice of things!

3) And… SPACE!!!

That is a place at the middle of the block where you can, drink coffee with different cakes, rent DVD´s and have an ice-cream

As business is not at the corner and nor has sign lettering it would be useful to have tables with chairs outside to attract potential customers.

For the area where coffee is taken, the lights should be dimmed. This gives a sense of comfort for customers. And in the video rental, they have be stronger!

1. Poster with dialy specials2. Sign indicating toilets3. More plants4. A big TV at the back off the room5. Sign indicating with throw garbage6. Outside the buliding a sign lettering indicating the directionof the restaurant/bar7. And, most important off all: After Office for all employees, including me!

This is a pizza restaurant and the people eat sitting. It would be an excelent idea create a space for people in a hurry. They can eat standing for less price in a few minutes and continue their


I now that Mc Donald´s is a franchise but It would be a good idea sell typical food of the country where is the branch. Like beer with a meat sandwich in Argentina!

That´s all folks!

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