are you fit for your surf trip? - easy surfing fitness · are you fit for your surf trip? ... david...

Post on 06-Jul-2018






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Are you fit for your surf trip?

If you're getting ready for your upcoming surf trip that you planned for a while, you will

want to make the most of your time, and that means being at the peak physical level. A

well-planned surf fitness plan will help you reach good levels of fitness before you board

the plane. Yes, it will take some hard work but all that will pay off when you are scoring a

wave after wave, being on top of your game and outperforming your friends that you travel


For overall fitness improvement, nothing beats getting in the surf as often as you can,

but there are other important exercises that will prepare you physically for the nature of

surfing and its stamina requirements. Circuit training, for example, is an ideal dry land

workout. By performing a series of exercises for a minute or so in a circuit-based format

you can really build up your all-round fitness.

Surf Trip Preparation Points that You’ll Focus on with this Program:

Increase Flexibility

Improve Leg Strength and Power

Strengthen Rotational Movements

Bring Up Your Core Strength Integration

Improve Back & Shoulder Endurance for Paddling Durability

Give Insight into Full Body Mobility Drills for Pre-Surf Warm-ups

2-Part Surf Trip Exercise and Flexibility Program

Surf Mobility Sequence

Surf Fitness Program – We make surfing fitness easy for you


This program is designed for fit and healthy individuals over the age of 18 only.

Do not perform any of the exercises in this program until you have been shown proper

technique by a qualified fitness professional. If you experience any pain, discomfort or

dizziness, stop exercising immediately and consult your doctor/physician.

All forms of exercise pose some sort of risk. The following exercise and workout guide is not

intended as a substitute for any workout or dietary plan that may have been prescribed by

your doctor.

This book is meant to supplement proper exercise training. As with all exercises or nutrition

programs, you should get your doctor’s or physician’s approval before beginning.

If you have any chronic health problems or have not worked out regularly for a period of

time and are considering starting a new regiment, consult with a doctor to make sure you

are healthy enough to do so.

We hope you enjoy the book and that it gives your surfing and fitness a tremendous push


Troy Adashun and David Sautter – We make surfing fitness easy for you

About Us

The mission of Easy Surfing Fitness is to help surfers of all levels reach the peak levels of

energy, strength and surf fitness. No matter if you are a beginner, intermediate or

experienced surfer, we are here to teach you ways to look after your body and maximize

your wave count, energy and time in water.

Troy Adashun – Surfing Fitness Expert (

Hailing from Florida, US, Troy grew up surfing Atlantic coast. He

attended World Renowned Sports Training Academy during junior &

senior year in High School, where he developed a passion for exercise

science, fitness, and nutrition. He has been an athlete the entire life.

In his work, he specializes in maximizing human body’s genetic

potential with a strong emphasis on proper nutrition and highly

effective workout routines. Troy is a Certified Health and Nutrition

Expert, Fitness and Health book Author, Fitness Model, Personal

Trainer and Supplement Spokesperson. Passionate surfer and fitness professional, Troy’s

workouts are fun, effective and fast. Find out more here

David Sautter - Surfing Fitness Expert (

David is a NASM certified personal trainer, group fitness instructor

and published fitness writer with 10 years of successful industry

experience. Besides writing for Easy Surfing Fitness, he has been

published in Miami Muscle, Men Daily, Wheystd, GarageFit, and

Health, Fitness & Bodybuilding. He is as dedicated to fitness as he

is to writing and feels very fortunate that both are deep passions. For

more than 10 years, he has devoted himself to helping others change

their physiques and, in turn, their quality of life. David resides in

Florida and his favourite board is his 7’6 Quiet Flight. – We make surfing fitness easy for you

Basic Guidelines

This training will challenge your whole body and certain muscle groups that you may have

not been working out before. It is vital to make sure you learn the basic foundation that will

help you prevent injuries and train correctly while undergoing training:

Perfect Form

It is extremely important to always use perfect form when doing any of the exercises in this

guide. It is not about the amount of weight that you are using, it is ALL about form. If you

are unsure of how to perform any of the exercises, you should make sure to ask a certified

personal trainer. Most injuries occur as a result of people performing exercises with poor

form. We do our best to show you the proper technique and give you the best guidelines,

but it is your responsibility to consult a professional before attempting any of the exercises

contained within; they will show you how to correctly perform each exercise in person.

Tight Core throughout Exercises

It is really important to brace your core when performing any of the Easy Surfing Fitness

exercises. This will not only build core strength and stability but will also help to prevent

lower back and other injuries. You will lightly flex your abs and keep a tall and solid

foundation throughout the exercises in this guide.

Posture is Key

Good posture is important in anything we do. It is even more important when training for

the intense sport of surfing. In itself, it will help prevent a lot of major injuries. One of the

best practices to always maintain throughout all exercises and movements is to brace your

core, keep your chest up, shoulders back and neck at a comfortable position. This position

alone will help to eliminate a lot of major injuries. You should stand up and practice this

position until it feels comfortable and second nature to you. – We make surfing fitness easy for you

Surf Mobility Sequence

Restore movement into tight and restricted joints... loosen up.

This is a series of movements that will help to restore dynamic flexibility, free common

areas of restriction, and get your body moving efficiently. To surf with style, speed, and

flow takes a combination of strength, agility, flexibility, and mobility. These mobility and

flexibility drills are targeting specific areas to restore full body flexibility so you can surf and

move athletically.

Squats with Reach

Take 3x deep breath to full lung capacity.

Hold on the 3rd breath and drop gradually into the full squat position.

Touch the floor with your hands

From the full squat position, exhale and drive up with the legs back as you stand


Reach out with your hands to the sky as far as you can

Take 3 deep breaths, Hold on the 3rd breath and drop gradually into the full squat


Keep repeating this. Make sure you keep your back straight, core flexed and your

glutes squeezed (this protects your back, as your body weight is supported by

strong glutes and core, not your back) – We make surfing fitness easy for you

Mountain Climber Stretch with Reach Rotations

Start off in a strong push-up position: hands in a shoulder-wide position, legs are

straight out, your back is flat and your neck is in line with your spine.

Drive your right knee and foot forward so that your foot is next to your hands.

Now out-stretch your left arm to the sky and take a deep breath in, hold the

position for 5 seconds.

Put your arm down and return to the push-up position.

Now drive your left knee and foot forward, and repeat the out-stretch with your

right hand. – We make surfing fitness easy for you

Inchworms This exercise works your shoulders, core and gives you a nice hamstring stretch.

Start with your feel shoulder-width apart and keep your legs straight as you bend

down and touch your hands as close as you can to your feet.

From there, you are going to walk your hands one at a time (remember to keep

your legs straight).

Keep walking your hands until you are in push-up position, keeping your core tight

in a nice straight line. Don’t let your hips sag but at the same time don’t raise

them up.

Keep walking your hands past the push-up position over your head so that you are

stretched out and use your core to stabilize yourself.

Walk right back up slowly with your hands, all the way until your hands touch your

feet again.

Cat and Cow Back Stretch Go down on your hands and knees, looking straight front.

Arch your back up, flexing your abs (looks like a cat arching its back) and hold that for 4 seconds.

Let your back sag down sticking your glutes out (you are going to feel that in your lower back) and hold for 4 seconds.

The important part when doing this exercise is focusing on contracting your abs. As you

go down, flex your lower back muscles too. – We make surfing fitness easy for you

Thoracic Rotations

If you sit all day, you slouch. That's old news, right? Besides making you look like a

caveman, that desk-slump can limit you in the surf, or worse. When your shoulders cave

forward and your back rounds, it causes shoulder mobility problems that limit the types

of exercises you should do. The fix: the thoracic rotations. It's designed to improve the

mobility of your upper back and shoulders.

Dig your toes into the floor.

Next, hinge forward until you can place your right hand on the floor, with your

right arm straight.

Place your left hand on the back of your head, with your elbow bent.

You're ready to perform the movement: Keeping your hand in place, rotate your

left elbow and shoulder toward the ceiling as far as you can (your upper back will

rotate with them).

Hold for a second, and then rotate back down. That's one rep.

Do a total of 10 reps, and then repeat on the other side.

Try performing it while "sitting" on a foam roller. This locks your lower spine in

place, so that the movement occurs only at the upper part of your spine—where

your problem lies.

Warriour Lounge with a Twist *rotate to both sides

A great core exercise that also builds lower body strength and balance. Performing a

lunge while holding and rotating a medicine ball from right to left engages the

quads, glutes, and core, while improving your balance.

The lunge with twist is also a great way to challenge your balance and engage muscles

that are used while performing any exercise you do on one leg at a time, such as running, – We make surfing fitness easy for you

cross country skiing, and even cycling.

Stand with feet about shoulder width apart.

Hold a medicine ball (optional) in front of you with elbows bent about 90 degrees.

You may want to begin this exercise with no weight and build up your strength

over time.

Step forward with your left foot into a lunge position.

Be sure to keep your knee over your left foot; don't twist at the knee.

From your torso, twist your upper body to the left. Then, reach across your left

side with your arms out-stretched. (Think of pointing to the left from your belly


Maintain a slow and controlled movement throughout the exercise.

Slowly move your arms to center and step forward with the opposite foot and

twist to the other side.

Continue the movement for about ten steps.

Complete 2 sets.


Because shoes offer additional support, you can increase the difficulty of this

exercise by performing it barefoot. This engages the small muscles of the foot and

ankle that stabilize the ankle and maintain balance.

Use medicine ball

Turn this into a Walking Medicine Ball Lunge by performing the exercise as you

walk forward 10 steps.

Do 2 sets. – We make surfing fitness easy for you

Romanian Deadlift

The single leg deadlift is a nice alternative to traditional barbell deads and can be done

with nothing but your own body.

While I consider the one legged deadlift a full body exercise, the main muscles involved

are the hamstrings, glutes and lower back.

As you lean your upper body forward, reach your opposite leg out behind you.

Watch out that you don’t bend your spine on the way down, but rather take the

stretch in your hamstrings.

It should be noted that single leg deadlifts can be done with weights once you get

the hang of the movement pattern. However, using just your bodyweight can be

challenging if you do enough reps and pay careful attention to your form. – We make surfing fitness easy for you

Foam Roll Balance You should own a foam roller, and use it for more than balance work. A foam roller is a

great tool to help loosen tight muscle tissue, help to restore flexibility, and great for

those surfers that are dealing with some type of muscle pain and tension.

You could use an indo-board or something similar for this exercise as well. With this

movement you’re helping to develop ankle stability and foot strength, which are steps

to having a more durable lower body. Balance for sets of time, do squats, rotate, move,

and train the switch stance too! – We make surfing fitness easy for you

Surf Fitness and Strength Program

This workout is designed for you if you

never surfed before and are anticipating your first lesson, or

you are a beginner that is looking to improve your athletic ability and improve

upon your surfing fitness,

you want to get fit for your upcoming surf trip to spend as much time in water as


or you are an experienced surfer and want to keep in a great physical shape

Adding more repetitions, extra weights and taking shorter breaks between sets will

challenge you no matter what your current fitness level is.

The following chapters will show your routines that will focus on your athletic strength,

endurance and balance. They will lay the foundation of the type of compound exercise

movements and flexibility you will need to succeed out there in the line-up.

Perform the first circuit 2 or 3 times before moving on to the second circuit.

Take 45 seconds rest in between circuits (have some water) and only 15 seconds

rest between each exercise. This will keep your heart rate up, increasing your

fitness and stamina along with your strength. Your workouts will be sharp,

focused and fast.

Choose weights that allow you perform suggested amount of repetitions or time


Perform all exercises in a slow and controlled movement. The slower you go, the

more you challenge your body and build your muscular strength and endurance.

Correct breathing when you work out

When you perform lifting or pulling exercises, breathe out as you exert power

during each rep, then inhale as you go back to the starting position. For example:

as you lift weight you breathe out, as you bring it back down you breather in.

When doing crunches (sit-ups) or similar core exercise: exhale as you go up, inhale

as you go down.

Why is correct breathing so important?

Avoid dizziness.

Prevent higher blood pressure. – We make surfing fitness easy for you

Better release the carbon dioxide in your body.

Properly oxygenate your muscles.

1st circuit – do 2-3x with 15-sec. break between exercises

Floor Y Raise (Knees on Floor) Pushups BOSU bodyweight squats

45 seconds 45 seconds 45 seconds

2nd circuit – do 2-3x with 15-sec. break between exercises

One-leg Romanian dead lift Hip Raises Regular Planks

30 seconds each leg 45 seconds Until failure – We make surfing fitness easy for you

Exercise Directory

Floor Y Raise Begin this exercise lying face down on the floor.

Hold your arms above floor, completely straight and at a 30 degree angle to your

body, with your palms facing each other.

Raise your arms as high as you can, then pause and slowly lower you’re back to

the starting position. Make sure you do not touch the floor and keep the arms

above it at all times while you perform this exercise

Push-ups (with Knees on Floor) If you have strong arms, do not be lazy and do regular pushups. They are a great way of

working on your muscle endurance and arms strength. Strong arms mean faster paddling

and catching more waves!

TIP: try putting your hands on the edges of BOSU ball instead of ground. This will add a

stability element to this exercise.

Begin this exercise in a normal push-up position.

If you are able to do regular push-ups, by all means do them! Otherwise your

knees can rest on a mat while you perform the movement. This will make the

exercise a little easier than a standard push-up, and will also work your upper

chest and shoulder muscles.

Aim to do as many as possible within the time limit. If you are doing regular

pushups and run out of gas, drop to your knees and finish the set with knees on

floor. – We make surfing fitness easy for you

BOSU Bodyweight Squats An advanced exercise that will challenge all your tendons, joints, and muscles while forcing

you to keep supreme balance. Good balance is the key to success if you want to enjoy longer

rides and avoid falling off your board.

Flip the BOSU upside down and slowly step on with feet shoulder width apart.

Keep your core tight and squat down, just bending at the knees.

Perform slow and controlled squats while focusing on your balance and core


For extra challenge, hold your hands above your head as you squat.

One-Legged Romanian Dead Lifts Perform this exercise to develop the kind of lower body leg drive, flexibility, and balance you

need to thrive in the surf! The key is to do this movement slowly and focus on achieving

perfect balance and posture. Your knees should remain straight throughout the movement

but should never be locked. – We make surfing fitness easy for you

Begin the exercise standing upright with your feet together. This is your starting


Keep your back straight throughout the movement and reach down with your

right arm until you have touched the ground in front of your opposite foot, while

raising your right leg straight behind you as you lower your entire upper body.

Return to the starting position slowly.

Next repeat this with your opposite side.

If you are looking for an additional challenge, do this exercise on a BOSU ball.

Single Leg Hip Raise Lie face up on the floor with one knee bent and the other leg straight.

Raise your right leg until it’s in line with your left thigh. This is your starting


Push your hips upward, keeping your left leg elevated. Breathe out in this stage.

Slowly go back to the starting position as you breathe in. – We make surfing fitness easy for you

Side and Regular Planks This is a key exercise for your abdominal muscles as well as your glutes. You are fatiguing

your core muscles at the start of your workout to engage them in the rest of the routine.

Go down into a planking position as shown on the picture, supporting your weight

on your toes and your forearms.

Your arms are bent and directly below the shoulder.

Keep your body straight at all times, and hold this position as long as possible.

To increase difficulty, an arm or leg can be raised.

Slowly breathe in and out. – We make surfing fitness easy for you

Healthy Surfer’s Nutrition

The following recipes are all easy to follow, delicious, and a great way to boost your overall

health since they incorporate only items on the list of alkaline foods.


Smoothie Recipe 1

Blend the below ingredients until smooth, then serve in a glass:

1 Apple(Sliced)

1 Banana

5 Fresh Strawberry

1 Small Handful Raspberries

1 Handful Spinach Leaves

1 Cup Green Tea or Water

Few Ice Cubes

Smoothie Recipe 2

Blend the below ingredients until smooth, then serve in a glass:

1 Avocado (sliced and peeled)

1 Banana

1 Fresh Squeezed Lemon

1 Fresh Squeezed Lime

1 Cucumber

1 Cup Apple Juice

Few Ice Cubes


Salad Recipe 1

2 Cups Spinach Leaves

Small Handful of Sun Flower Seeds

1 Chopped Cucumber

1 Chopped Avocado

1 Cup Sliced Jicama

Dressing: Olive oil with Fresh Cracked Pepper

Salad Recipe 2

1 Cups Romaine

1 Cup Spinach Leaves

5 Cherry Tomatoes

1 Red Bell Pepper

1 Cup Mukimame (Shelled Edamame)

Dressing: Combine 2 tbsp Olive Oil, 1/4th squeezed lime juice,1/4th squeezed lemon juice,

oregano, black pepper, and pinch garlic powder – We make surfing fitness easy for you

What’s next?

If you liked this guide book, you will love our full PRO Surfing Fitness program.

We have personally trained over 470 surfers to date. In the process,

we have learned and tested the most efficient, proven and tested

methods to lose fat, have a strong and lean body, improve your

surfing and increase time spent in water by getting fitter and

following the easy steps outlined below.

To find out more, visit – We make surfing fitness easy for you


Surfing is without a doubt one of the world’s coolest sports. It will challenge you mentally

and physically in a way that you never knew was possible. In order to enjoy your surfing

experience to the fullest, you have to prepare your body for the physical challenge that the

waves present. This short book is meant to give you the solid foundation needed so that

you have no physical limitations in water.

The biggest rule of thumb when following any workout plan for this guide is to listen to

your body! If you are heavily sore, or you feel like your body needs some time off from

training or surfing, then listen to it! If you feel tired and burned out, take a couple of days

off, go for a paddle, catch a few waves and refresh your routine by switching the exercises

around a bit. Especially at the beginning: You might have a muscle pain after a first couple

of workouts so you might need to take a bit of rest so that your body recovers, rather than

doing a tough cardio.

Eating well is just as important as training regularly and performing the right exercises. It

would be a shame to train hard and then stuff yourself with fastfood or eating heavy food

late at night and skipping breakfast. Do yourself a massive favour and eat well - reduce your

sugar and alcohol intake, stock up on protein-rich foods, put as many vegetables in your

diet as possible and eat fresh!

Eat well, train well and surf often

Troy and David

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