aptitude tests for job applicants

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  • 8/13/2019 Aptitude Tests for Job Applicants


    Aptitude Tests for Job Applicants & Graduates

    Numerical, Verbal & Diagrammatic reasoning tests are psychometric aptitude tests usedby recruiters and employers offering graduate & professional jobs. Practice AptitudeTests.com offer industry standard employerpsychometric testsdesigned for graduates &

    professionals seeking careers in banking, accountancy, finance, la!, engineering,business, marketing & similar.

    Numerical "easoning tests demonstrate a candidates ability to deal !ith numbers#uickly and accurately. These tests contain #uestions that assess your kno!ledgeof ratios, percentages, cost and sales analysis, rates, trends and currencycon$ersions.

    Verbal "easoning tests re#uire you to read short passages of !riting and thenans!er #uestions assessing their comprehension of the te%t. "ather thane$aluating your $ocabulary or fluency, these tests assess your ability to thinkconstructi$ely.

    Diagrammatic reasoning #uestions are designed to assess your logical reasoningability. The #uestions measure your ability to infer a set of rules from a flo!chartor se#uence of diagrams and then to apply those rules to ne! situation.

    ituational 'udgment Tests ('Ts) assess ho! you approach situationsencountered in the !orkplace. They test your suitability for a particular role. *urtest e%perts ha$e identified + key competencies !hich are essential to get ahead ofthe competition.

    List of professionsrom -ikipedia, the free encyclopedia'ump to na$igation,search

    Aprofessionhas t!o fundamental cores () the art practiced is helpful to others/ and (0)the persons so engaged in that art go$ern the practice in a !ay that is primarily for thepublic good1citation needed2.

    Professions include12102


    An accountantis a practitioner of accountancy or accounting, !hich is the measurement,disclosure or pro$ision of assurance about financial information that helps managers,in$estors, ta% authorities and others make decisions about allocating resources.

    The 3ig our auditorsare the largest employers of accountants !orld!ide.

  • 8/13/2019 Aptitude Tests for Job Applicants


    4o!e$er, most accountants are employed in commerce, industry and thepublic sector.

    British Commonwealth

    5n the 6ommon!ealth of Nations, !hich includes the7nited 8ingdom,6anada,

    Australia,Ne! 9ealand,4ong 8ongpre ::; and se$eral do 5reland and 6PA > 4ong 8ong), 6ertified=anagement Accountant (6=A > 6anada), 6ertified ?eneral Accountant (6?A >6anada), 6ertified Practising Accountant (6PA > Australia) and members of the 5nstituteof Public Accountants(Australia), and 6ertified Public Practising Accountant (6PPA >Ne! 9ealand).

    The 5nstitute of 6hartered Accountants of cotland (56A) recei$ed its"oyal 6harterin

    +@ and is the !orldBs firstprofessional bodyof accountants.102

    United Kingdom and Ireland=ain article 3ritish #ualified accountants

    A Chartered Accountantmust be a member of one of the follo!ing

    o the 5nstitute of 6hartered Accountants in Cngland & -ales(56AC-)

    (designatory letters A6A or 6A)o the 5nstitute of 6hartered Accountants of cotland(56A) (designatory

    letters 6A)o 6hartered Accountants 5reland (6A5)

    o a recognised e#ui$alent body from another 6ommon!ealth country

    (designatory letters being 6A (name of country) e.g. 6A (6anada)) A Chartered Certified Accountantmust be a member of the Association of

    6hartered 6ertified Accountants(designatory letters A66A or 66A). A Chartered Management Accountantmust be a member of the6hartered

    5nstitute of =anagement Accountants(designatory letters A6=A or 6=A). A Chartered Public Finance Accountantmust be a member of the6hartered

    5nstitute of Public inance and Accountancy(designatory letters 6PA). An International Accountantis a member of the Association of 5nternational

    Accountants(designatory letters AA5A or A5A). An Incorporated Financial Accountantis a member of the 5nstitute of inancial

    Accountants(designatory letters AA or A).

    An Associate Professional Accountantis a member of the 5nstitute ofProfessional Accountants(designatory letters APA78 or PA).1E21importance?2

    A Certified Public Accountantmay be a member of the Association of 6ertified

    Public Accountants(designatory letters A56PA or 6PA) or its e#ui$alent inanother country, and is usually designated as such after passing the7niform6ertified Public Accountant C%amination.

    A Public Accountantmay be a member of the 5nstitute of Public Accountants

    (designatory letters A5PA, =5PA or 5PA).

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    C%cepting the Association of 6ertified Public Accountants, each of the abo$e bodiesadmits members only after passing e%aminations and undergoing a period of rele$ant!ork e%perience. *nce admitted, members are e%pected to comply !ith ethicalguidelines and gain appropriate professional e%perience.

    6hartered, 6hartered 6ertified, 6hartered Public inance, and 5nternational Accountantsengaging in practice (i.e. selling ser$ices to the public rather than acting as an employee)must gain a Fpractising certificateF by meeting further re#uirements such as purchasingade#uate insurance and undergoing inspections.

    The 56AC-, 56A, 56A5, A66A, A5A and 65PA are si% statutory R!Gualification3odies in the 78. A member of one them may also become aRegistered Auditorinaccordance !ith the 6ompanies Act, pro$iding they can demonstrate the necessaryprofessional ability in that area and submit to regular inspection. 5t is illegal for anyindi$idual or firm that is not a "egistered Auditor to perform a company audit.

    All si% "G3s are listed under C7 mutual recognition directi$es to practise in 0; C7member states and indi$idually entered into agreement !ith the 4ong 8ong 5nstitute of6ertified Public Accountants (4856PA).

    urther restrictions apply to accountants !ho carry out insol$ency !ork.

    5n addition to the bodies abo$e, technical #ualifications are offered by the Association ofAccounting Technicians, A66A and A5A, !hich are respecti$ely called AATTechnician, 6AT (6ertified Accounting Technician) and 5AT (5nternational AccountingTechnician).


    5n Australia, there are three legally recognised local professional accounting bodies the5nstitute of Public Accountants(5PA), 6PA Australia(6PA) and the 5nstitute of6hartered Accountants of Australia(56AA). *ther international bodies such as A66A(The Association of 6hartered 6ertified Accountants) and56AC-(5nstitute of 6harteredAccountants of Cngland and -ales) enjoy recognition for the purposes of supportingtheir members in their careers. or instance, A66A has achie$ed recognition by the Ta%Practitioner 3oard, as Ta% and 3A agents, in 0HH.


    =ain article Accountancy profession in 3angladesh

    6hartered accountancy is go$erned in 3angladesh by the 5nstitute of 6harteredAccountants of 3angladesh(56A3).

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    5n 6anada, there are four recogni

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    The 56A5 set up the Accountancy =useum of 5ndia in 0HH:, the third museum ofaccounting in the !orld. 5t is currently located at 56A5Bs office inNoida.


    The 5nstitute of 6hartered Accountants of Pakistan(56AP) offeres chartered accountantstudies in Pakistan. 56AP !as established under The 6hartered Accountants *rdinance,:J as a selfregulatory body.

    New Zealand

    5n Ne! 9ealand, there are t!o local accountancy bodies theNe! 9ealand 5nstitute of6hartered Accountants(N956A) and the Ne! 9ealand Association of 6ertified PublicAccountants (N9A6PA) the operating name of Ne! 9ealand Association of Accountants5nc (N9AA).

    To audit public companies an indi$idual must be a member of either the N956A or another!ise ga

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    5n Portugal, there are t!o accountancy #ualifications the Tcnicos Oficiais de Contas(T*6), responsible for producing accounting and ta% information, and the RevisorOficial de Contas("*6), more related to auditing practices. The T*6 certification is

    e%clusi$ely a!arded by the professional organi

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    A certified internal auditor (65A) is granted a certificate from the 5nstitute of 5nternalAuditors (55A), pro$ided that the candidate has passed a fourpart e%amination. *ne ofthe four parts is !ai$ed if the candidate has already passed the 6PA C%am. A 65Atypically pro$ides ser$ices directly to an employer rather than to the public.

    A person holding the 6ertificate in =anagement Accounting (6=A) is granted thecertificate by the 5nstitute of =anagement Accountants (5=A), pro$ided that thecandidate has passed an e%amination of t!o parts and has met the practical e%periencere#uirement of the 5=A. A 6=A pro$ides ser$ices directly to employers rather than tothe public. A 6=A can also pro$ide ser$ices to the public, but to an e%tent much lesserthan that of a 6PA.

    The 7nited tates Department of IaborBs 3ureau of Iabor tatisticsestimates that thereare about one million persons1;2employed as accountants and auditors in the 7..



    rom -ikipedia, the free encyclopedia'ump to na$igation,searchor the precursor profession, see Apothecary.

    The mortar and pestleis an international symbol of pharmacists and pharmacies.

    Pharmacists"also kno!n as druggistsinNorth American Cnglishand chemistsin6ommon!ealth Cnglish,are healthcare professionals!ho practice inpharmacy, the field

    of health sciences focusing on safe and effecti$e medicationuse. The role of thepharmacist has shifted from the classical Flick, stick, and pourF dispensary role (that is,Flick & stick the labels, count the pills & pour li#uidsF), to being an integrated member ofthe health careteam directly in$ol$ed inpatientcare.12102Pharmacists undergo uni$ersityle$el education to understand biochemical mechanisms of action of drugs, drug uses, andtherapeutic roles, side effects, potential drug interactions, and monitoring parameters.This is mated to anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology. Pharmacists interpret and

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    communicate this speciali

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    4istorically, the fundamental role of pharmacists as ahealthcare practitioner!as tocheck and distribute drugs to doctors for medication that had been prescribed to patients.5n more modern times, pharmacists ad$ise patients and health care pro$iders on theselection, dosages, interactions, and side effects of medications, and act as a learnedintermediarybet!een a prescriber and a patient. Pharmacists monitor thehealthand

    progress of patients to ensure the safe and effecti$e use of medication. Pharmacists maypractice compounding/ ho!e$er, many medicines are no! produced by pharmaceuticalcompanies in a standard dosage and drug deli$ery form. 5n some jurisdictions,pharmacists ha$eprescripti$e authorityto either independently prescribe under their o!nauthority or in collaboration !ith aprimary care physicianthrough an agreed uponprotocol.1J2

    5ncreased numbers of drug therapies, ageing but more kno!ledgeable and demandingpopulations, and deficiencies in other areas of the health care systemseem to be dri$ingincreased demand for the clinical counselling skills of the pharmacist. 12*ne of the mostimportant roles that pharmacists are currently taking on is one of pharmaceutical care. 1;2

    Pharmaceutical care in$ol$es taking direct responsibility for patients and their diseasestates, medications, and management of each to impro$e outcomes. Pharmaceutical carehas many benefits that may include but are not limited to decreased medication errors/increasedpatient compliancein medication regimen/ better chronic diseasestatemanagement/ strong pharmacist>patient relationship/ and decreased longterm costs ofmedical care.

    Pharmacists are often the first pointofcontact for patients !ith health in#uiries. Thuspharmacists ha$e a significant role in assessing medication management in patients, andin referringpatients to physicians. These roles may include, but are not limited to

    clinical medication management, including re$ie!ing and monitoring ofmedication regimens assessment of patients !ith undiagnosed or diagnosed conditions, and

    ascertaining clinical medication management needs speciali

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    Eduation and redentialing

    ee also 3achelor of Pharmacy,=aster of Pharmacy, and Doctor of Pharmacy

    The role of pharmacy education, pharmacist licensing, andcontinuing education$aryfrom country to country and bet!een regionsLlocalities !ithin countries. 5n most

    countries, pharmacists must obtain a uni$ersity degree at apharmacy schoolor relatedinstitution, andLor satisfy other nationalLlocal credentialing re#uirements. 5n manyconte%ts, students must first complete preprofessional (undergraduate) course!ork,follo!ed by about four years of professional academic studies to obtain a degree inpharmacy (e.g., PharmD Doctorate of Pharmacy). Pharmacists are educated inpharmacology,pharmacognosy, chemistry, organic chemistry,biochemistry,pharmaceutical chemistry,microbiology,pharmacy practice(including drug interactions,medicine monitoring, medication management),pharmaceutics,pharmacy la!,physiology,anatomy,pharmacokinetics,pharmacodynamics, drug deli$ery,pharmaceutical care, nephrology, hepatology,and compounding of medications.Additional curriculum may co$er diagnosis !ith emphasis on laboratory tests, disease

    state management, therapeutics and prescribing (selecting the most appropriatemedication for a gi$en patient).

    *n graduation, pharmacists are licensed, either nationally or regionally, to dispensemedication of $arious types in the areas they ha$e trained for. ome may undergo furtherspeciali

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    ee also Australian Pharmaceutical Ad$isory 6ouncil

    The Australian Pharmacy 6ouncil is the independent accreditation agency for Australianpharmacists.1+25t conducts e%aminations on behalf of the Pharmacy 3oard of Australia

    to!ards eligibility for registration. The Australian 6ollege of Pharmacypro$idescontinuing education programs for pharmacists.

    -agesfor pharmacists in Australia appear to ha$e stagnated.1citation needed2The a!ard !agesfor a pharmacist is M+0 a !eek.1:2Pharmacist graduates are the lo!est paid uni$ersitygraduates most years. =ost pharmacists do earn abo$e the a!ard !age/ the a$erage malepharmacist earns MJ@,HHH, a female pharmacist a$erages M@J,@HH.1citation needed2*$er recentyears, !ages ha$e stagnated, and e$en gone back!ards. There are more graduatese%pected in the ne%t fe! years making it e$en harder to get a job. 'ob security andincrease in !ages !ith regards to6P5could be unlikely.1citation needed2This is due to the largenumbers of pharmacy graduates in recent years, and go$ernment desire to lo!er P3

    costs. 6ontract and casual !ork is becoming more common. A contract pharmacist isselfemployed and often called a locum/ these pharmacists may be hired for one shift orfor a longer period of time. There are accounts of underemployment and unemploymentemerging recently.1citation needed2


    The 6anadian Pharmacists Association (6PhA) is the national professional organi

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    36 Professional associationLcollege 6ollege of Pharmacists of 3ritish 6olumbia

    3ritish 6olumbia Pharmacy Association


    5n ?ermany, the education and training is di$ided into three sections, each ending !ith astate e%amination

    7ni$ersity 3asic studies (four semesters)

    7ni$ersity =ain studies (four semesters)

    6ommunity Pharmacy L 4ospital Pharmacy L 5ndustry Practical training (0

    months/ J months in a 6ommunity Pharmacy).

    Today, many pharmacists !ork as employees in public pharmacies. They !ill be paidaccording to the labour agreement of Ade%aand employer associations.



    5n ancient 'apan, the men !ho fulfilled roles similar to pharmacists !ere respected. Theplace of pharmacists in society !as settled in the Taih 6ode(;H) and restated in theQr 6ode(;+). "anked positions in the pre4eian5mperial court !ere established/ andthis organi

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    be admitted to pharmacy studies, students must complete a gymnasium (school for @>+yearolds) program in natural sciences after elementary school (J>@yearolds). 5n!eden, pharmacists are calledApotekare. At pharmacies pharmacists !ork together!ith another class of legislated health care professionals called receptarier, !ho ha$ecompleted studies e#ual to a bachelor of science in pharmacy, i.e., three years of

    uni$ersity. These latter also ha$e dispensing rights R


    5n Pakistan, the Pharm.D. (Doctor of Pharmacy) degree is a graduatele$el professionaldoctorate degree. T!entyone uni$ersities are registered !ith the Pharmacy 6ouncil ofPakistanfor imparting Pharmacy courses. 5n 0HH the 4igher Cducation 6ommissionofPakistan and the Pharmacy 6ouncil of Pakistan re$ised the syllabus and changed the year 3.Pharmacy (3achelor of Pharmacy) Program to a @year Pharm.D. (Doctor ofPharmacy) program. All 0 uni$ersities ha$e started the @year Pharm.D Program. 5n0H the Pharmacy 6ouncil of Pakistan appro$ed the a!arding of a Doctor of Pharmacy

    degree, a fi$eyear programme at the Department of Pharmacy, 7ni$ersity of Pesha!ar.A Pharmacist holding a Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D) #ualification can use the prefi%Dr. before their name.


    5n Tan0HH: data, the largest group of

    pharmacists !as employed in the public sector (). Those !orking in pri$ate retailpharmacies !ere 0E, and the rest !ere mostly !orking for pri$ate !holesalers,pharmaceutical manufacturers, in academiaLteaching, or !ith faithbased or nongo$ernmental facilities. The salaries of pharmacists $aried significantly depending on theplace of !ork. Those !ho !orked in the academia !ere the highest paid follo!ed bythose !ho !orked in the multilateral nongo$ernmental organi

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  • 8/13/2019 Aptitude Tests for Job Applicants


    conducted by the 3ritish Pharmaceutical tudentsB Association (3PA) it !as found that:0 of registered Pharmacists thought that there !ere too many Pharmacists in the 78.


    chool students must take a national e%am to enter a uni$ersity of pharmacy or thepharmacy department of a uni$ersity of pharmacomedicine. About @ ; of studentspass the e%am. There are E aspects to the e%am. These are on math, chemistry, andphysics. After being trained in the uni$ersity students recei$e a @ year bachelorOs degreein pharmacy (uni$ersitary pharmacist to discriminate bet!een college pharmacist or$ocational pharmacist). An alternati$e method of obtaining a 3achelorBs degree is asfollo!s. chool pupils study in a college of pharmacy or a $ocational school ofpharmacy. After attending the school or college they go to !ork. And !ith t!o years ofpractice they could take an e%am to enter uni$ersity of pharmacy or the pharmacydepartment of a uni$ersity of pharmacomedicine. This e%am is easier than the nationalone. Passing the e%am they continue studying to gain E year bachelorOs degrees or

    year bachelorOs degrees. This degree is considered e#ui$alent to a @ year bachelorOsdegree.

    United States

    5n the 7nited tates, the majority (J@) of pharmacists !ork in retail settings, mostly assalaried employees but some as selfemployed o!ners. About 00 !ork in hospitals, andthe rest mainly in mailorder or 5nternet pharmacies,pharmaceutical !holesalers,practises of physicians, and the ederal ?o$ernment.12

    All graduating pharmacists must no! obtain theDoctor of Pharmacy(Pharm.D.) degree

    before they are eligible to sit for the North American Pharmacist Iicensure C%amination(NAPICS) to enter into pharmacy practice.10H2

    Pharmacy School Accreditation

    The Accreditation 6ouncil for Pharmacy Cducation (A6PC) !as founded in :E0 as theaccrediting body for schools of pharmacy in the 7nited tates. 102The mission of A6PC isTo assure and ad$ance e%cellence in education for the profession of pharmacy.U1002A6PC is recogni

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    ) mission, planning, and e$aluation, 0) organi !ithfe!er breaks for summer and holidays.1citation needed2There also is one fully accreditedFdistanceLonlineF year PharmD program offered by 6reighton 7ni$ersity.1citation needed2Pharmacists recei$e a PharmD(Doctor of Pharmacy) upon graduation, and licensure afterpassing theNAPICSand =P'C. 3oth the PharmD and the 3cPharm take the samelicensure e%ams.

    =andatory courses may include



    3iology 5mmunology

    6ommunications L

    Public peaking




    =icrobiology =olecular 3iology

    *rganic 6hemistry

    =edicinal 6hemistry

    Pharmaceutical 6are


    Pharmaceutics Pharmacology




  • 8/13/2019 Aptitude Tests for Job Applicants


    3esides taking classes, additional re#uirements before graduating may include, forinstance, a certain number of hours for community ser$ice, e.g., !orking in hospitals,clinics, and retail.

    Specialization and credentialing

    American pharmacists can become certified in recogni

  • 8/13/2019 Aptitude Tests for Job Applicants


    rom -ikipedia, the free encyclopedia'ump to na$igation,search


    Damage from 4urricane 8atrina.Actuaries need toestimate longterm le$els of such damage in order to

    accurately price property insurance and setappropriate reser$es.


    ames Actuary

    Acti'it$ sectors

    5nsurance, "einsurance,Pension plans, ocial !elfareprograms



    =athematics,finance,analytical skills, businesskno!ledge

    )ducation re*uired ee 6redentialing and e%ams

    An actuar$is a business professional !ho deals !ith the financial impact ofriskanduncertainty. Actuaries pro$ide e%pert assessments of financial security systems, !ith afocus on their comple%ity, their mathematics, and their mechanisms (Tro!bridge :+:,p. ;).

    Actuaries mathematically e$aluate the probability of e$ents and #uantify the contingentoutcomes in order to minimi

  • 8/13/2019 Aptitude Tests for Job Applicants


    0HHJ). A study published by job search !ebsite 6areer6ast ranked actuary relati$e toother jobs in the 7nited tates as number in 0HH (Needleman 0HH), number 0 in 0H0(Thomas 0H0) and number in 0HE (-eber 0HE). The study used fi$e key criteria torank jobs en$ironment, income, employment outlook, physical demands and stress.

    Contents Disciplines

    0 4istory

    o 0. Need for insurance

    o 0.0 Carly attempts

    o 0.E De$elopment of theory

    o 0. Carly actuaries

    o 0.@ De$elopment of the modern profession

    E "esponsibilities

    o E. Traditional employment

    o E.0 Nontraditional employment

    o E.E "emuneration 6redentialing and e%ams

    o . C%am support

    o .0 Pass marks and pass rates

    @ Notable actuaries

    J ictional actuaries

    ; "eferences

    + C%ternal links


    ActuariesB insurancedisciplines include life/ health/pensions, annuities, and assetmanagement/ social !elfare programs/property/ casualty/ general insurance/ andreinsurance.Iife, health, and pension actuaries deal !ith mortalityrisk, morbidity, andconsumer choice regarding the ongoing utili

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    !ith climate change, cultural litigiousness, acts of !ar, terrorismand politics (3ureau ofIabor tatistics 0HH:).

    3oth major classes of actuaries are also called upon for their e%pertise inenterprise riskmanagement(3ureau of Iabor tatistics 0HH:). This can in$ol$e dynamic financial

    analysis, stress testing,the formulation of corporate risk policy, and the setting up andrunning of corporate risk departments (5nstitute and aculty of Actuaries 0Hb).Actuaries are also in$ol$ed in other areas of the financial ser$icesindustry, and can bein$ol$ed in managing corporate credit, company e$aluations, and tool de$elopment(3ureau of Iabor tatistics 0HH:).


    =athematicianNathaniel 3o!ditch!as AmericaBs first insurance actuary

    Need for insurane

    The basic re#uirements of communal interests ga$e rise to risk sharing since the da!n ofci$ili

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    Earl% attem!ts

    5n the ancient !orld there !as not al!ays room for the sick, suffering, disabled, aged, orthe poorKthese !ere often not part of the cultural consciousnessof societies (Perkins::@). Carly methods of protection, aside from the normal support of the e%tended

    family, in$ol$ed charity/ religious organi

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    0HHE 7 mortality (life) table, Table , Page

    The ;th century !as a period of e%traordinary ad$ances in mathematics in ?ermany,rance, and Cngland. At the same time there !as a rapidly gro!ing desire and need toplace the $aluation of personal risk on a more scientific basis. 5ndependently from each

    other, compound interest!as studied andprobability theoryemerged as a !ellunderstood mathematical discipline. Another important ad$ance came in JJ0 from aIondondrapernamed 'ohn ?raunt, !ho sho!ed that there !ere predictable patterns oflonge$ity and death in a defined group, or cohort, of people, despite the uncertainty aboutthe future longe$ity or mortality of any one indi$idual person. This study became thebasis for the original life table.5t !as no! possible to set up an insurance scheme topro$ide life insurance or pensions for a group of people, and to calculate !ith somedegree of accuracy ho! much each person in the group should contribute to a commonfund assumed to earn a fi%ed rate of interest. The first person to demonstrate publiclyho! this could be done !as Cdmond 4alley. 5n addition to constructing his o!n lifetable, 4alley demonstrated a method of using his life table to calculate thepremium

    someone of a gi$en age should pay to purchase a lifeannuity (4alley J:E).

    Earl% atuaries

    'ames DodsonBs pioneering !ork on the le$el premium system led to the formation of theociety for C#uitable Assurances on Ii$es and ur$i$orship (no! commonly kno!n asC#uitable Iife) in Iondon in ;J0. This !as the first life insurance company to usepremium rates !hich !ere calculated scientifically for longterm life policies, usingDodsonBs !ork. The company still e%ists, though it has run into difficulties recently. AfterDodsonBs death in ;@;,Cd!ard "o!e =orestook o$er the leadership of the group thate$entually became the ociety for C#uitable Assurances in ;J0. 5t !as he !ho specified

    that the chief official should be called an BactuaryB (*gborn :@J, p. 0E@). Pre$iously, theuse of the term had been restricted to an official !ho recorded the decisions, or BactsB, ofecclesiastical courts, in ancient times originally the secretary of the "oman senate,responsible for compiling the Acta enatus(*gborn :@J, p. 0EE). *ther companies!hich did not originally use such mathematical and scientific methods most often failedor !ere forced to adopt the methods pioneered by C#uitable (3Xhlmann ::;, p. JJ).

    )e*elo!ment of the modern !rofession

    =ain article Actuarial science

    5n the +th and :th centuries, computational comple%ity !as limited to manual

    calculations. The actual calculations re#uired to compute fair insurance premiums arerather comple%. The actuaries of that time de$eloped methods to construct easily usedtables, using sophisticated appro%imations called commutation functions, to facilitatetimely, accurate, manual calculations of premiums (lud 0HHJ). *$er time, actuarialorgani

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    early 0Hth century. 5n the 7nited tates, the :0H re$ision to !orkersB compensation ratestook o$er t!o months of aroundtheclock !ork by day and night teams of actuaries(=ichelbacher :0H, pp. 00, 0EH). 5n the :EHs and :Hs, ho!e$er, rigorousmathematical foundations for stochasticprocesses !ere de$eloped (3Xhlmann ::;,p. J+). Actuaries could no! begin to forecast losses using models of random e$ents

    instead of deterministicmethods. 6omputers further re$olutioni@).

    Another modern de$elopment is the con$ergence of modern financial theory!ithactuarial science (3Xhlmann ::;, pp. J:>;). 5n the early 0Hth century, actuaries!ere de$eloping many techni#ues that can be found in modern financial theory, but for$arious historical reasons, these de$elopments did not achie$e much recognition (-helan0HH0). 4o!e$er, in the late :+Hs and early ::Hs, there !as a distinct effort foractuaries to combine financial theory and stochastic methods into their established

    models (DBarcy :+:). Today, the profession, both in practice and in the educationalsyllabi of many actuarial organi:), but is still not completely aligned !ithmodern financial economics(3ader & ?old 0HHE).


    Actuaries use skills primarily in mathematics, particularly calculusbasedprobabilityandmathematical statistics, but alsoeconomics, computer science,finance,andbusinesstohelp businesses assess the risk of certain e$ents occurring and to formulate policies thatminimi

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    for future payouts. 5f you inspect the balance sheet of an insurance company, you !illfind that the liability side consists mainly of reser$es.

    *n the casualty side, this analysis often in$ol$es #uantifying the probability of a losse$ent, called the fre#uency, and the si

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    separately and in addition to credit,reser$e, asset,andinsol$encyrisk. Actuarial skillsare !ell suited to this en$ironment because of their training in analy

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    e%ams and #ualify in the profession or (b) because a high fail rate might gi$e theimpression of difficulty and high $alue to a #ualification that is not easy to obtain. Thisconcern is confirmed by a former 6hairman of the 3oard of C%aminers of the 5nstituteand aculty of Actuaries !ho made the follo!ing denial (=uckart)

    Although students find it hard to belie$e, the 3oard of C%aminers does not ha$e fail#uotas to achie$e. Accordingly pass rates are free to $ary (and do). They are determinedby the #uality of the candidates sitting the e%amination and in particular ho! !ellprepared they are. itness to pass is the criterion, not !hether you can achie$e a mark inthe top H of candidates sitting.

    "egarding this concern, the 6A has stated (6A 0HH)

    The 3oard further affirms that the 6A shall use no predetermined pass ratio as aguideline for setting the pass mark for any e%amination. 5f the 6A determines that ;Hof all candidates ha$e demonstrated sufficient grasp of the syllabus material, then those

    ;H should pass. imilarly, if the 6A determines that only EH of all candidates ha$edemonstrated sufficient grasp of the syllabus material, then only those EH should pass.

    Nota$le atuariesNathaniel 3o!ditch

    Carly American mathematician remembered for his !ork on ocean na$igation. 5n+H, 3o!ditch became AmericaBs first insurance actuary as president of theCsse% ire and =arine 5nsurance 6ompany in alem, =assachusetts.7nder hisdirection, the 6ompany prospered despite difficult political conditions and the-ar of +0.

    4arald 6ramZr!edish actuary and probabilist notable for his contributions in the areamathematical statistics, such as the6ramZr>"ao ine#uality(6ramZr :J).Professor 6ramZr !as an 4onorary President of the !edish Actuarial ociety(8endall :+E).

    'ames Dodson4ead of the "oyal =athematical chool, and toneBs chool, Dodson built on thestatistical mortality tables de$eloped by Cdmund 4alley in J:E (Ie!in 0HH;,p. E+).

    Cdmond 4alley-hile 4alley actually predated much of !hat is no! considered the start of theactuarial profession, he !as the first to mathematically and statistically rigorouslycalculate premiums for a life insurance policy (4alley J:E).

    'ames 6. 4ickmanNotable actuarial educator, researcher, and author (6haptman 0HHJ).

    Da$id S. Ii6anadian #ualified actuary !ho in the first decade of the 0st century pioneeredthe use of ?aussian copulamodels for the pricing of collaterali0HH:, to

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    !hich IiBs model has been credited partly to blame, his model has been called aFrecipe for disasterF.

    Cd!ard "o!e =oresirst person to use the title BactuaryB !ith respect to a business position (*gborn:@J).

    -illiam =organ=organ !as the appointed Actuary of the ociety for C#uitable Assurances in;;@. 4e e%panded on =oresBs and DodsonBs !ork, and may be rightly consideredthe father of the actuarial profession in that his title became applied to the field asa !hole.(*gborn :;E).

    Anette Norbergkipfor the !edish -omenBs 6urlingTeam at the0HH -inter *lympics.Norberg has !on gold medals at the 0HH -inter *lympics, the 0HHJ -inter*lympics, se$en Curopean 6urling 6hampionships,and t!o-orld 6urling6hampionships.

    =aurice Princet

    rench actuary and close associate of artist Pablo Picasso.Princet is consideredFIe =athZmaticien du 6ubismeF (FThe =athematician of 6ubismF) for hisFcritical influence on PicassoBs de$elopment as an artist at the birth of cubismF(3oyle 0HH0).

    rank "edingtonDe$eloped the "edington 5mmuni

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    critical thinking, analytical skills,professionalism, management skills,and communication



    Doctor of Dental =edicineor

    Doctor of Dental urgery

    A dentist, also kno!n as a Bdental surgeonB, is a health care practitioner that speciali

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    in$asi$e procedures such asdental implantplacement.12Dentists can also prescribemedications such as antibiotics, fluorides,pain killers,local anesthetics,sedati$esLhypnoticsand any other medication that ser$e in the treatment of the $ariousconditions that arise in the head and neck.

    Dentists need to take additional #ualifications or training to carry out more comple%procedures such as ?eneral anesthesia, oral and ma%illofacial surgery,andimplants.-hile many oral diseases are uni#ue and selflimiting, poor conditions in the oral ca$itycan lead to poor general health and $ice $ersa. 6onditions in the oral ca$ity may beindicati$e of systemic diseases such as osteoporosis, diabetes, A5D, different blooddiseases(including malignancies) etc.

    S!eialties=ain article pecialty (dentistry)

    *fficial specialties

    Dental public health The study of dental epidemiologyand social health

    policies. Cndodontics "oot canaltherapy and study of diseases of the dental pulp.

    *ral and ma%illofacialpathology The study, diagnosis, and sometimes the

    treatment of oral and ma%illofacial related diseases. *ral and ma%illofacial radiology The study and radiologic interpretation of oral

    and ma%illofacial diseases. *ral and ma%illofacial surgery C%tractions,implants, and =a%illoacial surgery

    !hich also includes correction of congenital facial deformities. *rthodontics and dentofacial orthopaedics The straightening of teeth and

    modification of midface and mandibular gro!th. Periodontology (periodontics) tudy and treatment of diseases of the gums(non

    surgical and surgical) as !ell as placement and maintenance of dental implants Pediatric dentistry (formerly pedodontics) Dentistry for children

    Prosthodontics Dentures,bridgesand the restoration of implants. ome

    prosthodontists further their training in Foral and ma%illofacial prosthodonticsF,!hich is the discipline concerned !ith the replacement of missing facialstructures, such as ears, eyes, noses, etc.

    pecialists in these fields are designated FregistrableF (in the 7nited tates, FboardeligibleF) and !arrant e%clusi$e titles such as orthodontist, oral and ma%illofacial

    surgeon, endodontist, pediatric dentist, periodontist, or prosthodontist upon satisfyingcertain local accreditation re#uirements (7.., F3oard 6ertifiedF).

    Cconomists Cngineers Ia!yers

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    Nurses Physicians Psychologists PriestsL Pastors cientists

    ocial !orkers tatisticians urgeons Teachers


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