april 28, 2011 the final stages of the debate process

Post on 06-Jan-2018






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1st Arguments Environmentalists When looking out the back door, or taking a walk or hike, most people appreciate the trees around them, but do many people stop to think about the trees around the globe, those they have never seen and what may happen to them? Walking out into the woods and picking up 2 grams of soil means picking up 10 billion organisms. By taking down one tree: 1. The soil gets contaminated, 2.This kills billions of organisms that are important to the ecosystem of that area, and those animals that called the tree home. What is taken away from the ecosystem when a tree is cut down? Well, shelter and protection like: shade, a getaway from predators, and protection from wind, rain and snow. Trees act like blankets or umbrellas for the creatures. Water from the roots of the tree and dew from its leaves are also important to the ecosystem and are taken away when a tree is cut down. Food for the creatures is also provided by trees including berries, acorns, bark and leaves. So, no tree equals no food. When a tree is cut down this can interrupt the food chain. One organism may die that is in the food chain, causing all others to have to adapt or they will die too. Also, what about the pollination that takes place with flowering trees? No flowering trees mean no bees. Sometimes this means that no other trees of that kind in that area will be able to flower. In the state of New Jersey the main cause of endangerment and extinction of animals is due to deforestation. We need to think about the natural benefits and beauty of the forest before we cut down trees unnecessarily.


April 28, 2011 The Final Stages of the Debate Process Opening Statements Environmentalists Trees need to be protected. It is our responsibility to make sure that future generations of people and animals can have the benefits of what trees provide, because trees are good for the environment. Responsibility with lumbering can eliminate disastrous consequences. Business Trees are very useful in many ways. There are many products that we use and produce everyday that are made of wood and the lumber industry really has an impact on the economy. Not only that, though, they help to sustain a healthy environment and healthy ecosystems. 1st Arguments Environmentalists When looking out the back door, or taking a walk or hike, most people appreciate the trees around them, but do many people stop to think about the trees around the globe, those they have never seen and what may happen to them? Walking out into the woods and picking up 2 grams of soil means picking up 10 billion organisms. By taking down one tree: 1. The soil gets contaminated, 2.This kills billions of organisms that are important to the ecosystem of that area, and those animals that called the tree home. What is taken away from the ecosystem when a tree is cut down? Well, shelter and protection like: shade, a getaway from predators, and protection from wind, rain and snow. Trees act like blankets or umbrellas for the creatures. Water from the roots of the tree and dew from its leaves are also important to the ecosystem and are taken away when a tree is cut down. Food for the creatures is also provided by trees including berries, acorns, bark and leaves. So, no tree equals no food. When a tree is cut down this can interrupt the food chain. One organism may die that is in the food chain, causing all others to have to adapt or they will die too. Also, what about the pollination that takes place with flowering trees? No flowering trees mean no bees. Sometimes this means that no other trees of that kind in that area will be able to flower. In the state of New Jersey the main cause of endangerment and extinction of animals is due to deforestation. We need to think about the natural benefits and beauty of the forest before we cut down trees unnecessarily. 1st Argument Business According to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Ohios forest products industry contributes $15 billion to the Ohio economy, employs over 119,000 people and generates payrolls that exceed $4 billion dollars. The Economy of Ohio is helped by timber harvesting, lumber and veneer production, furniture and cabinet manufacturing, paper manufacturing and exporting logs and lumber. Non-timber related products such as maple syrup and Christmas trees also help the economy. Responsible logging is the key to protecting ecosystems. When logging does take place many things can help to make sure the environment stays safe. In New Jersey if reforestation is not possible within a deforested area an area close to that area is chosen and 1210 tree seedlings per acre are planted to make sure the people and creatures get what they need from the trees. Stumps can be left for organisms to move to, debris can be mulched to provide the rotting wood that is necessary for soil health. The loggers and developers or builders can have one road that leads to the site to avoid damaging too much soil. Sometimes a business will take the easy route and strip everything in their way. Trees should not be stripped to make it easier, they should be taken only when necessary to get the lumber needed, or to clear the area for necessary building. Responsible loggers and developers are also selective about which trees that they take, native species are left when possible and also mature trees. Developers can also require a certain size lot to be built on to insure that some trees can be left. Responsible building and logging is possible and what we strive for. 1st Rebuttal Environmentalists: It is important to protect trees responsibly: Reforestation is key There are 6 steps for responsible replanting Develop a goal to create a positive environmental change. Plan in advance. Learn the history of the site. Develop a master plan with long & short term goals. Solicit input from qualified professionals, including arborists and landscape architects, to identify appropriate plant selection and location. Identify and prepare a detailed schedule for all planning, preparation, planting, and maintenance activities. In addition to this all the land that the trees are taken from should be used. Trees should not just be taken to make it easier to get the equipment through. There should be no waste! Therefore, builders and developers, loggers and all others that rely on deforestation for their livelihood should only take what they need. Also, If it is not possible to replant an area that has been stripped of trees then there may be other vacant areas nearby where trees could be replanted. This replanting would provide a necessary habit for the local ecosystems, and would provide the health benefits for the local people. 1st Rebuttal Business Habitat protection is important Responsible foresting is our goal. A responsible business in logging will leave some mature trees and they are also careful that native trees are left in place when possible. This may include Burr Oaks, and Buckeyes in Ohio. When possible responsible businesses will take the more invasive trees instead of other trees. Sugar Maple roots can trail and tear up sidewalks and foundations of buildings, so we take them first. Responsible businesses will value the age of a tree and the benefits a mature, leafy tree can provide, and they will avoid the root systems with the equipment that they use to clear an area for development or logging. Replanting for landscaping value, shade and water production are a must when developing responsibly to protect trees. These businesses in logging and development will plan the trails and roads that they use carefully so that it creates the least amount of damage. They will use barriers to prevent the water run off from the trampled and compacted soil and also cover the area with a loose coat of soil or mulch and till the compacted soil after they are done. That way the organisms that are affected by the equipment have a place to call home. 2nd Argument Environmentalists Trees provide many health benefits for people. One single, mature, leafy tree provides the necessary oxygen for ten people each year. And one tree also absorbs 48 pounds of carbon dioxide each year. This carbon dioxide may hurt a humans health if it is not no absorbed. It especially increases humans exposure to harmful UV rays and their risk of cancers. An acre of these mature, leafy, trees absorbs carbon dioxide emissions from a car that has been driven 26,000 miles. Trees also protect from run-off due to construction equipment compacting the soil. The soil prevents water pollution and cant if it is compacted. The fact is the tree provides a natural barrier for the polluted water to not be able to reach the water supply and pollute our water with chemicals and other debris. We all enjoy a cool home in the summer and shade so we dont overheat. The trees are umbrellas that provide this shade. And what about the city streets? Trees shelter them and cool them in the summer and provide protection from the wind, rain and snow. Trees can also provide a sense of community and belonging for people. There are many groups that plant trees together. This builds strong community values. The natural benefits that trees provide need to be protected. 2nd Argument Business Were working every log harder so theres less waste. This quote by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources is true. How we use the wood is the key to sustainably managing the wood that is forested. That means trying to use every bit we take. Selling to companies that will use every part of the wood that is forested is very important. Even though we are using more wood then we did 50 years ago, we know better how to use every part of the wood. This is how we use the wood that we forest: We debark the wood to use the bark for soil and mulch The rounded side of the logs is used for lumber and chipped for pulp and paper mills The outer portions are the knot free parts and are made into boards and planks that are 1 to 3 inches. The center has more knots, but it is the strongest part so it is used for beams. Plywood is a sandwich of thin wooden veneers which is made by peeling thin layers of the log. Wood chips are transformed into pulp and made into large rolls of paper. Some of these can way up to 25 tons. We know better how to use all of the log and this is the keep to not logging as much. 2nd Rebuttal Environmentalists Responsible business people should get the word out that all business people need to sustainably manage the wood and logs that they harvest. They also need to look for other products to use that wont hurt the environment. The Ohio Department of Natural Resources has a lot of information on how to use the wood that is deforested. If business people use this information they would realize that less wood needs to be deforested in the first place. We also have to make sure that in areas that have reforesting rules, like those in New Jersey, that tell how many trees should be planted per acre and where those should be planted should be followed. There should be someone to check to make sure that the rules are followed. What about alternative building products like recycled plastic decking? There are so many alternatives to using wood, basically it is a need versus a want issue. Builders and business people need to use wood or another product that is less damaging to the natural environment. 2nd Rebuttal Business Although trees are the primary natural environmental filter, there are other plants that can provide oxygen benefits and can reduce the carbon emissions in the air. herbaceous, and aquatic plants filter pollutants in the air and water. A herbaceous plant is a plant that has leaves and stems that die in the fall. Many come back in the spring. As a responsible business we focus on the use of recycled wood in our building too. If a building is torn down, we refurbish wood to use as flooring and other parts. Responsible businesses find ways to reduce the use of wood. They find other products to use, such as recycled deck materials. They reuse previously used wood and they recycle the leftover wood from a job. Wood is necessary for shelter and shelter is one of the necessities of life. It is the individual person that must decide if they are using the wood for a need or a want. Do they need that redwood deck, taking down one of the most beneficial trees in the United States, or can they use recycled materials? Using wood does come down to choice. Closing Statement Environmentalists Trees have so much value beyond making money. They are good for the environment and personal health. Future generations of people and organisms rely on what trees will provide naturally for them. Logging needs to be considered as a need and not a want in order to protect the trees Closing Statement Business Responsible logging and sustainably managing what is logged is the key to protecting the environment. We can support the economy while still protecting the trees. We all know that trees are good for the environment, so we have to make good choices. Skype Debate Mr. Creasey Talks About Monarch Butterflies

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