april 19, 2012 new technologies: new directions dr. lorie enloe, associate professor music education

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April 19, 2012

New Technologies: New DirectionsDr. Lorie Enloe, Associate Professor Music Education


✤ Why tablets in the secondary music classroom?

✤ How do you pick a tablet?

✤ There’s an APP for THAT!

✤ Lorie’s favorites

✤ Questions

Why Tablet Computers?

✤ Average Cost of Tablet Computers: $600 (more than a PC, less than MacBook or MacBook Pro)

✤ Average Cost of Music Education Applications: $0-$30 vs. $150 + for software - and updates are FREE on tablets!

✤ FAST!!!!! Instant on and Clouds: Adding and updating apps a breeze!

✤ Flexibility: Presentations to Performances

✤ Size and Portability: Small, thin, lightweight

✤ Great Apps for Teaching the “Non-Performance” Standards

Costs? Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime (32G wifi) and Apple iPad 2 (32G wifi) BOTH Under $600

So many choices, so little time ...

✤ How do you choose which one to buy?

✤ Comparing features, when costs are similar - Go visit your favorite big box technology outlet and PLAY with them: WHEEE!!!!!

✤ Operating System: PC versus Mac?

✤ For music teachers, which models have the most apps for your personal use and for use in the classroom?

✤ You have to do YOUR homework!

So many cool apps to use in rehearsals ...... from metronomes to music readers, you are only limited by your imagination!

There’s an App for THAT!

✤ Metronome

✤ Tuner

✤ Music Player

✤ Video Player

✤ Music Reader

✤ Audio Recording Device

✤ Video Recording Device

Some of my personal favorites ...

Apps for the Rehearsal Hall

✤ Favorite #3 GarageBand

✤ Favorite #2 iStroboSoftHD

Favorite #1 Metronome 1Great reminder for stable tempos: University of Idaho Concert Band (watch closely!!)


Honorable Mention

✤ GradeBook Pro

✤ iTunes

✤ YouTube

✤ Music Theory Pro

Demonstrations ...

✤ Metronome 1

✤ Gradebook Pro

✤ Music Theory Pro


Go Vandals!!

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