appendix 9 national-scale responses of macroinvertebrates...

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Appendix 9: National-scale responses of river macroinvertebrates species to changes in

temperature and precipitation


Global climate change is expected to have a large impact on the biodiversity and functioning of

freshwater ecosystems because of shifts in temperature, seasonality and weather. The response of

freshwater organisms to climate change is likely to vary according to their environmental optima,

with some species thriving under new conditions, while some at risk species may decline in

abundance. These changes could significantly alter biodiversity, trophic interactions and key

ecological processes, affecting current and future management and conservation regimes, as well as

compliance with current environmental legislation such as the Water Framework Directive. This

study examines the response of 137 river macroinvertebrate species to two climatic variables

(temperature and precipitation) from 1,588 sampling sites across the United Kingdom over 15 to 25

years (1983-2007). Using a bespoke modelling method, the sensitivity of each species to changes in

temperature and precipitation was identified, with the aim of inferring likely changes in the

abundance of particular species in response to climate change. The characterisations of species

responses are also used to demonstrate that a combination of species-specific traits and

environmental preferences may be a systematic way to predict impacts.


Freshwater ecosystems are considered one of the richest ecosystems globally in terms of

biodiversity, sustaining a disproportionate high fraction of species per surface area relative to other

ecosystems (Dudgeon et al., 2006, Balian et al., 2008). This biodiversity supports a range of

important ecosystem processes (Woodward, 2009) , many of which provide key goods and services,

such as the supply of clean drinking water, the dilution of pollution and the harvest of fish and other

produce, to name but a few (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005). Despite their inherent value

and importance, freshwater ecosystems are especially susceptible to degradation and climate

change (Hart & Calhoun, 2010, Ormerod et al., 2010), manifesting in freshwater biodiversity

declining at a much faster rate than either terrestrial or marine ecosystems (Ricciardi & Rasmussen,

1999, Sala et al., 2000, Jenkins, 2003, Heino et al., 2009). Stream and rivers, particularly, rank among

the most threatened freshwater networks owing to the combined effects of multiple pressures.

These include warming temperatures, increased frequency of extreme hydrological fluctuations,

habitat destruction and fragmentation, alien species invasion and point and diffuse pollution

(Malmqvist & Rundle, 2002, Vorosmarty et al., 2010). Reduced biodiversity may disrupt the

functioning of ecosystems, threatening their intrinsic resilience to change (Loreau et al., 2001,

Hooper et al., 2005), which may directly impact the ecosystem services on which human

communities rely (Strayer & Dudgeon, 2010).

Evidence that climate change is occurring and impacting freshwater biodiversity is now unequivocal

(IPCC, 2013), with increasing vulnerability projected for the future due to the interaction of climatic

stressors (temperature, precipitation) with other stressors such as pollution and habitat loss

(Domisch et al., 2013, Floury et al., 2013, Khamis et al., 2014). Any increase in air temperature is

likely to translate directly into warmer water temperatures (Mohseni & Stefan, 1999, Morrill et al.,

2005). In line with this, the temperatures of flowing waters have risen in Europe. For example water

temperature in the Danube has increased by up to 1.7 oC since 1901 (Webb & Nobilis, 2007), and


temperature has increased by 2.6 oC in French rivers between 1979 and 2003 (Daufresne & Boet,

2007), and by 1.4 oC in Welsh streams between 1981 and 2005 (Durance & Ormerod, 2007).

Warmer temperatures are likely to change species distributions, growth rates and phenology (Root

et al., 2005, Friberg et al., 2009), in turn affecting food web dynamics and ecosystem processes (Kishi

et al., 2005). Water quality may decrease as microbial activity and decomposition of organic matter

increase, aggravating the reduced dissolved oxygen levels associated with higher temperatures.

Aquatic species unable to migrate (regionally to cooler climes or within a river to the cooler

headwaters) may face local extinctions. Conversely, there is a strong risk that non native invasive

species, with broader temperature tolerances, may spread to new territories and establish

themselves rapidly, applying further stress to native species. (Poff et al., 2002, Rahel & Olden, 2008).

Climatic changes to air and water temperature will cause shifts in the timing and intensity of

precipitation and changes in the rates of evapotranspiration. Because these affect the volume and

timing of runoff, and modify groundwater recharge, changes to the hydrology of freshwater systems

are expected. These include a greater frequency, intensity and duration of extreme events such as

storms/floods and droughts, increased peak flows and reduced base flows (IPCC, 2007) . These

changes mediated by the supply and the quality of water, when combined with higher water

temperature and further anthropogenic stressors, make freshwater ecosystems amongst the most

vulnerable to climatic change (Allen & Ingram, 2002).

Benthic macroinvertebrates are one of most common indicators for biomonitoring the health of lotic

ecosystems (Wright et al., 1993, Friberg et al., 2011) and are used in the United Kingdom (UK) and

elsewhere to assess compliance with environmental regulations such as the Water Framework

Directive (WFD) (European Commission, 2000). Macroinvertebrate communities are known to

respond strongly to water temperature (Hawkins et al., 1997, Caissie, 2006), flow alterations (Poff &

Zimmerman, 2010) and extreme drought/flood events (Ledger et al., 2013b), therefore provide an

ideal system for the study of climate change impacts (Wilby et al., 2010). Three relatively consistent

results from studies on macroinvertebrate responses to metrics of a changing climate are (i)

alterations in the timing and duration of life cycle phases, such as pupation and emergence

periods(Kotiaho et al., 2005, Leberfinger et al., 2010), (ii) the losses of species and trophic

interactions, especially predators (Ledger et al., 2013a), and (ii) the geographical distribution of

biota, such as shifts in altitudes according to thermal tolerances (Daufresne et al., 2003, Hering et al.,

2009) However, the results of most studies are difficult to extrapolate at regional and national

scales because they are often constrained to the analysis of macroinvertebrate data in specific

habitat types (Zivic et al., 2014) or specific catchment (Daufresne et al., 2003, Durance & Ormerod,

2007) that usually have unique local stressors other than climate. These (e.g. nutrient pollution,

oxygen concentrations) may exacerbate, reduce or offset the direct influence of climate change,

making it harder to detect (Floury et al., 2013, Vaughan & Ormerod, 2014). For the purpose of

improving conservation and management plans, and the prioritisation of interventions and

mitigation measures, a better understanding of the sensitivity of macroinvertebrate communities to

climate change is necessary at regional or national scales.

Despite their advantages to national management programmes, large-scale or regional studies are

often limited to the analysis of macroinvertebrate data at a higher level of biological organisation

than species, e.g. family level (Floury et al., 2013, Vaughan & Ormerod, 2014). As a result, few

studies have examined differences in the responses of individual species within the same taxonomic


groups, across a wide range of taxa. Intra-group heterogeneity in species traits (e.g. ecological

preferences and life cycle events), and interactions between these traits, may mask contrasting or

stronger species responses to climate that are not observed at the higher group level (Hering et al.,

2009, Tierno de Figueroa et al., 2010, Conti et al., 2014). This study presents the first comparative

assessment of climatic sensitivity using the most comprehensive dataset of lotic macroinvertebrate

species abundances, comprising 23 orders, across the UK. A bespoke modelling approach developed

in Appendix 2 was used, where the annual spring population abundance of 137 species were

modelled as a function of metrics describing local monthly mean air temperature and precipitation.

A broad-scale approach was adopted, focusing on evidence for systematic trends across multiple

sites over 15-25 years, while excluding any linear trends that may be explained by alternative


The modelling approach proposed in this study assumes that (i) the response of species population

abundances to local climate varies throughout the 12 months prior to spring sampling, and is

captured by a single oscillating pattern, and (ii) species abundance is likely to be influenced by the

local climate in the preceding three years, necessitating the inclusion of a decaying lagged effect.

Once models were calibrated, statistically significant relationships were examined and species

responses were used to classify any observable trends according to each species’ traits. Model

outputs yield a measure of directional change that incorporates month on month local climatic

effects on species population abundance, providing a tool to assess the future impact of climate

change (e.g. increases in temperature or precipitation) on the abundance of each species, including

two invasive and one threatened species, in the UK.

Materials and methods

Macroinvertebrate data

Long-term data on species-level macroinvertebrate population abundances were supplied from two

independent sources: the Environment Agency (EA) in England and the Scottish Environment

Protection Agency (SEPA) in Scotland. The data are based on regular samples taken at 1,588 sites

(Fig. 1) using a standardised three-minute kick sampling methods (Moss et al., 1999) and form part

of the database developed by the agencies in their routine monitoring programmes (GQA, now

WFD). Typically, taxa are identified to the family level, however for the current study we sought

those that were further identified to species level. Data were checked for anomalies, coded using

the same taxonomic reference system and merged to form the study database. Species that had

abundance data for less than 15 years during the 25 year timeframe (1983-2007), and those that

occurred in less than 20 sites (1,588 sites in total) over the time series were omitted from the

database. The final database quantified the population abundance of 137 individual species, from

106 genera, 60 families, 22 orders, 7 classes and 4 phyla (Fig. 2, Table 1). The phyla were Annelida

(worms and leeches), Arthopoda (crustaceans and insects), Mollusca (bivalves and snails) and

Platyhelminthes (flatworms).

Local climate data

Long-term local data on air temperature and precipitation for the 1km2 grid of square each of the

1,588 sample sites is situated were extracted from CHESS (Climate, Ecological and Hydrological

research Support System), a comprehensive database held by the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology

(CEH). The CHESS database offers daily modelled values for both climate metrics, based on observed


Met Office data. Monthly mean estimates for air temperature and precipitation were calculated

from the daily values for each site for the time series to match macroinvertebrate sample dates.

Data analysis

Null and climate models

All analyses were carried out using R software and the nlme package (R Development Core Team,

2008). A national spring sampled population index (April) for all 137 macroinvertebrate species was

developed for 15-25 years to act as the response variable in the models. The species abundance

indices were calculated using a linear mixed effect model, fitting time and site as effects for each

species. As some species display strong geographic patterns, this approach accounted for the spatial

variation by using site as a random effect. Species-specific averages of monthly climate data were

also calculated, depending on the geographical distribution of the sites at which the species were


Models were run for each of the 137 species in an attempt to explain inter-annual variations in the

population abundance observed over the time series. The first, simpler model (null model) placed

the annual species abundance index values as a function of linear annual variation in which year was

the only explanatory variable. This model was calibrated in order to control for a systematic linear

trend that may account for stressors other than climate. The second, more complex model type

(climate model), also contained year as a predictor but used various metrics of monthly mean

precipitation or temperature as an explanatory variable for the abundance index for each species.

Metrics included the average level of effect, Fourier oscillations to model a repetitive single wave

pattern over 12 months and a lagged period of this wave decaying to zero over three years. For the

latter two metrics, a series of regression coefficients were constrained to follow the cyclic wave

pattern (linear sum of sine and cosine terms) determined by the data and an additional parameter

was then used to control the decay of the cyclic pattern towards zero. The climate models allowed

for differences in the direction and magnitude of species responses across the 12 months. Further

information on the background to this modelling method can be found in Appendix 2

As the null model for each climate-species combination is nested within the corresponding climate

model, the Likelihood Ratio Test (LRT) was used to compare model fits. The LRT expresses how many

times more likely the data are under one model structure than the other. However, the climate

model contained the same plus more explanatory parameters than the null and will always fit at

least as well. In order to test if the climate model provided a statistically significant better fit, the p-

value computed during the LRT was compared to a critical value (chi-squared distribution with

appropriate degrees of freedom) to decide whether to reject the null model in favour of the

alternative, climate model. The climate models that proved a statistically significant better fit to the

data than their corresponding null models were then examined for coefficients (µ) indicating the

magnitude and directional effect exerted by temperature and precipitation on spring time

abundance from the 12 months preceding the April samples. The Akaike information criterion (AIC)

was used to measure the relative quality of the explanatory data in the climate models for explaining

each species abundance index, providing a coarse means for assessing the dominance of one climate

metric over the other.


Classifying trends in climate sensitivities

Trait data

Over the last decade an open-access database containing taxonomic and ecological information on

biota, including macroinvertebrates, in European freshwaters has been developed. The online

database ( contains information on species geographic preferences,

biological and ecological traits based on published studies across Europe, including the UK (Schmidt-

Kloiber & Hering, 2012). Available data on traits for those species that showed statistically

significance responses to climate metrics were extracted from this database and are given in Table 2.

Within the database, data on species traits are given in several formats such as presence/absence,

distinct categories or using a ten point assignment system. Both emergence and reproduction traits

are in distinct categories but the temperature preferences of species was considered on a gradient,

allowing a 0-10 score to reflect the affinity of the taxon with that particular modality of trait. In the

case of temperature preferences the stenothermal gradient extended from very cold (< 6o C), to cold

(< 10o C), moderate (< 18

o C), warm (> 18

o C) and eurytherm (no specific preference, can exist over a

wide range). In order to create a variable representing temperature preferences capable of acting as

an explanatory variable, the scores given for each temperature preference were weighted and an

index developed to reflect species vulnerabilities to increasing temperature (high values indicate

extreme sensitivity). Additional traits (feeding groups, length of life cycle, number of generations

per year, the presence/absence of a terrestrial life cycle, BMWP scores and LIFE flow groups) were

sourced outside of the database (Chesters, 1980, Moog, 1995, Merritt

& Cummins, 1996, Extence et al., 1999, Tachet et al., 2000).

Boosted regression trees

Modelling techniques, such as Machine Learning (ML), are particularly suitable for describing

ecological behaviour. The advantage of these methods include their flexibility to account for the

typical characteristics of ecological data (complex, non-linear relationships, non-normality, missing

data, variable data formats and intercorrelated explanatory data) without having to meet the

assumptions necessary for traditional parametric methods. One such ML method, Boosted

Regression Trees (BRT), is a progressive ensemble approach that combines the strengths of two

algorithms: regression trees (models that relate a response to their predictors by recursive binary

splits) and boosting (an adaptive method for combining many simple models to give improved

predictive performance) (Elith et al., 2008). This approach creates new regression trees by iteratively

fitting the new trees to the residual errors of existing trees, i.e. each successive tree focuses on

modelling unexplained response deviance of the existing tree assemblage. Interactions between

predictors are automatically modelled owing to the hierarchical nature of a regression tree so that

the response to one input variable relies on values in the upper part of the tree.

The BRT approach was used here to quantify those species traits that may account for or help

explain trends observed in the response of macroinvertebrate abundances to temperature and

precipitation fluctuations. Using the sign (positive or negative) of the coefficient (µ) extracted from

the models as the response variable (defined by binary variables (1 and 0) with a Bernoulli

distribution) and the traits listed in Table 2 as the explanatory variables, a BRT was fit to the data

(n=804 for temperature and n=852 for precipitation) using the gbm and dismo packages in R. The

relative importance of each trait was estimated, based on the number or times each are split and

weighted by the squared improvement as a result of each split, averaged over all trees. Appropriate


variable selection in BRT is achieved as the process mainly ignores non-informative explanatory

variables when fitting trees. Measures of relative influence quantify the importance of explanatory

variables while irrelevant ones are typically shown to have negligible effect (Elith et al., 2008). The

importance of each trait is scaled so that the sum adds to 100, with higher values reflecting a

stronger influence on the response variable. Two-dimensional partial dependency plots (response

curves) to show the probability of an increase in abundance with increasing temperature as a

function of each explanatory variable, after accounting for the average effects of all the other

explanatory variables were generated (Elith et al., 2008). Significant interactions between

explanatory variables that impact on the fitted values were identified by comparing variance

explained by subsets of trees with specific variables separately with subsets of trees including both

variables. The two most dominant interactions for both climate metrics were examined using three-

dimensional partial dependence plots to illustrate the influence of the interacting traits on the

probability of species abundances increasing with increasing temperatures.


A phylogenetic tree based on the taxonomy of the 137 macroinvertebrate species was constructed

(Fig. 2). The species for which the climate models showed a more highly statistically significant

explanation of abundance than the (based on the LRT) the null models are given a colour. Those

species for which a linear model explained abundance just as well as a climate model are in black

text. The species that showed a response to temperature only were coloured orange, and those for

which precipitation had a significant impact only were coloured green. Out of 137 species, climate

models for 71 and 67 species showed a statistically significant better explanation of abundances for

precipitation and temperature, respectively. In the cases where both temperature and precipitation

models better explained abundances compared to the null models (46 species), the AIC score

determined which stressor was stronger: temperature (blue) or precipitation (red).

The outputs from the models showed widespread intra-group variability in the responses of

macroinvertebrate abundances to monthly fluctuations in temperature and precipitation. For

instance, the cased caddisfly larvae Limnephilus extricatus McLachlan, 1865 and Allogamus auricollis

(Pictet, 1834) (both family Limnephilidae) both showed significant sensitivity to temperature (Fig. 2),

however, based on AIC values variation in the abundance of the cold stenotherm Limnephilus

extricatus is much better explained by temperature fluctuations compared with the eurytherm

Allogamus auricollis. When the monthly coefficients for temperature are examined for both species,

seasonal differences are apparent: high temperature in the winter months increases the spring

abundance of Allogamus auricollis but reduces the spring abundance of Limnephilus extricatus.

The three species for which models best explained abundance as a function of temperature or

precipitation were all predators with a preference for low flow conditions; the leech Theromyzon

tessulatum (O.F. Muller, 1774), the true bug Hydrometra stagnorum (Linnaeus, 1758) and larvae of

the caddis-fly Molanna angustata Curtis, 1834. For example, increases in winter temperatures rates

have a large negative impact on the population abundances of T. tessulatum in spring samples,

whereas increases in temperature at other times of the year gives rise to a greater abundance in the

spring. For the same species, increases in precipitation rates have a negative influence on spring

abundances for a much longer period during the year, with increases in abundances only occurring

as a result of high precipitation rates in late summer and autumn.


Two non-native species were included in the analysis. Precipitation, rather than temperature was

shown to exert a statistically significant influence on the population abundance of the well

established freshwater New Zealand Mudsnail Potamopyrgus antipodarum (J.E. Gray, 1843). The

spring abundance of this snail shows different sensitivities to precipitation, increasing with

increasing precipitation in autumn/winter and declining during the same conditions over the

spring/summer months. The population abundance of the non-native flatworm Girardia tigrina

Girard, 1850, showed a significant response to variations in both temperature and precipitation,

although temperature appeared to exert more of an influence. For this species, increasing

temperatures in all months except late winter increased the spring abundance. The one species of

threatened status studied was the white clawed crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes (Lereboullet,

1858), the only crayfish native to the UK. The models showed that this crayfish is sensitive to

fluctuations throughout the year in precipitation only, rather than temperature, especially in March

when increases in precipitation are manifested in low population abundances in April. However, high

precipitation events at other times of the year, winter in particular, have a positive impact on

abundance in the following spring.

Attempts to classify the responses of macroinverbertate abundances observed from the climate

model outputs by species-specific environmental preferences or traits were carried out using BRT

analysis. The outputs from this analysis produced information on the relative importance of each

factor, the directional effect and any possible interactions with other variables. For example, Figs. 3

and 6 rank the 9 variables according to their influence on the species response to increasing

temperature and precipitation, respectively. For temperature, species functional feeding group

followed by temperature index exert the most influence. The BMWP score for sensitivity to organic

pollution followed by the temperature index are shown to be the major determinants of responses

to increasing precipitation.

The response curves in Fig. 4 show that a species has a higher likelihood of increasing in abundance

with increasing temperatures when the species is a shredder or collector-filter, is tolerant of drought

conditions, and high temperatures, has a long emergence duration, and lays down groups of eggs in

a fixed position. Species abundances tend to increase with increases in precipitation when species

are moderately sensitive to organic pollution, have a high to moderate preference for high

temperatures, are either collector filterers, predators or scrapers, prefer faster flows, have less than

one life cycle per year and lay down groups of eggs in the water freely or in the riparian zone (Fig. 7).

Caution is required in interpreting these responses where there is less data (i.e. oviposition, and

possibly temperature index and duration of emergence) and in isolation, especially when

interactions between explanatory variables occur (Figs. 5 and 8).

The interactions between LIFE flow groups (flow preferences) with both temperature index and

duration of emergence period accounted for over 60% of the deviance attributed to interactions in

the temperature models. These interactions are important to consider as they show that species

with a preference for drought conditions and (i) a tolerance for high temperatures or (ii) longer

emergence durations are likely to increase in abundance with rising temperature. The remaining

two interactions (40%) showed that, although species abundances tend to increase with

temperature when a species is tolerant of high temperatures or has long emergence duration, this is


dependent on functional feeding group. For example, with increases in temperature a scraper with a

long emergence duration time will show lower abundances than a shredder with a short emergence


Interactions between species BMWP score, temperature index and other explanatory variables were

important in shaping species responses to increases in precipitation. The dominant interaction,

between BMWP score and temperature index (Fig. 8), indicated species are more likely to increase in

abundance with greater precipitation when they are moderately sensitive to organic pollution but

able to survive in warm conditions. An association between temperature index and number of life

cycles per year followed, showing that species with a low temperature index value and a life cycle of

less than one year are more likely to increase in abundances with increasing precipitation. Less

influential interactions between oviposition mode and BMWP score, as well as between number of

life cycles per year and BMWP score were also observed.


The future UK climate will comprise wetter, milder winters and hotter, drier summers, together with

more frequent extreme events such as the drought seen in early 2012 and the widespread flooding

over the winter of 2013-2014 (Kendon et al., 2014). In this context, conservation planning for

freshwater biodiversity not only requires high-quality information on the sensitivity of the biota

currently occupying rivers and streams, but also needs details on how the distribution and

abundances of these species may change as a result of future climate change. The results from this

study go some way into identifying some of these impacts on a range of freshwater species,

including two invasive and one endangered in the UK. Another key output is a demonstration of the

ability to classify species-specific trends in relative sensitivity to changes in temperature and

precipitation using species environmental preferences and species traits.

Our results showed that most freshwater macroinvertebrate species have the potential to be

affected in some way by changes in temperature and precipitation due to climate change (Fig. 2).

Responses in species abundances varied strongly within higher taxonomic groupings, and could not

be predicted fully using this type of biological organisation. However, species abundance was, to

some degree, accounted for by environmental preferences and functional traits that can influence

species’ vulnerability to climate change, such as feeding modes, thermal tolerances and life cycle


The BRT approach adopted here was able to identify and classify the importance of relevant

explanatory variables and automatically identify interactions, giving substantial advantage over

more traditional statistical methods. Efficient variable selection means that large suites of candidate

explanatory variables will be managed more appropriately than a traditional stepwise selection (Elith

et al., 2008). However, despite the significant relationships identified, interpretation of the results

here should consider correlated traits and indirect effects (Statzner & Beche, 2010). For instance,

predators show sensitivity to increasing temperatures, with a decline in abundance. This may be

explained by several factors not included in the study, for example macroinvertebrate predators

tend to have relatively larger body sizes (Woodward et al., 2010b) and hence greater thermo-

regulatory demands, but are also exotherms, so that they are more sensitive to water temperature

fluctuations. They also require greater quantities of food and if prey species become depleted, the


predators that depend on them for survival will also decrease in abundance (Sih et al., 1985). In

contrast, the two functional feeding groups that show increases in abundance with rising

temperatures are further down the food chain, exploiting the less limited basal resources such as

organic detritus. Shredders mainly feed on decaying vegetation, reducing it to smaller particles

while collector filterers feed on fine particles by filtration from the water. Moreover, higher

temperatures increase microbial activity on decaying vegetation, which in turn increases the

palatability of detritus for shredding macroinvertebrates, and may accelerate the breakdown to

smaller particles that may be captured by collecting-filtering invertebrates (Graça, 2001, Artigas et

al., 2009, Boyero et al., 2011). It is clear from these few examples that trophic status can play an

important role to the sensitivity of a given species to climate change, and that an understanding of

the feeding links of each species allows a better prediction of climate change impacts at the scale of

whole food webs and ecosystems (Stouffer & Bascompte, 2010, Woodward et al., 2010a).

The use of traits provided a framework to classify impacts on species. It was clear from the

modelling results that certain traits affected the ability of species to avoid, resist or be resilient to

climate driven stressors, and thus modulated species sensitivity to these stressors. Many of these

traits are shared across a wide range of species, and across higher level taxonomic groupings,

indicating that climate change may have a selective impact on macroinvertebrate communities, with

a discrete subset of species within them at risk of extinction (Conti et al., 2014). Because species

traits underpin the ecological function of that species, it is therefore likely that specific aspects of

ecosystem functioning could be impacted by climate change, with consequences for the flow of

goods and services for humans (Lecerf & Richardson, 2010). The extent of functional redundancy

within a biological community (i.e. the number of species that fill similar ecological niches) has been

put forward as a potential buffer for the impacts of climate change (Rosenfeld, 2002), however this

redundancy is provided by taxa from different biological groupings, but that have similar trait

assemblages. Thus, if these traits characteristics are the primary source of species vulnerability, then

functional redundancy is unlikely to buffer the community from the impacts of climate change. In

addition there is a strong debate amongst ecologists as to whether functional redundancy occurs at

all within a biological communities (Loreau, 2004) , as it is unlikely that different species occupy

exactly the same niche, unless they are spatially segregated (Micheli & Halpern, 2005, Griffen &

Byers, 2006, Hoey & Bellwood, 2009).

Attention should now focus on using appropriate functional traits and environmental preferences to

gain a better understanding of the shifting geographical distribution of macroinvertebrate

populations across the UK in respect of a changing climate. Considering the multi-stressor

environment of rivers, the overall response of a combination of trait descriptors to climatic drivers

(as indicated by the interactions in this study) may be more suitable to describe fine-scale changes in

species abundances (Statzner & Beche, 2010). Furthermore, a similar approach may be used to

investigate species resiliencies to warming, droughts and flooding. However, the list of traits

examined here is not exhaustive, and there are many others that may, or may not, better explain

responses of species (Tachet et al., 2000). Species traits may follow a complex gradient, i.e. may not

be easily assigned to discrete categories, and for many species, certain trait types have yet to be



Our analyses only included very well established and widespread non–native species (a flatworm

and a snail), that are not usually viewed as problematic invasive species in the UK, because they

were common in the datasets. However, it was clear that climate change descriptors could be linked

to changes in abundance of non-native species in the same way that they could be linked to the

abundance of native species. Virulent invasive species such as the killer shrimp Dikerogammarus

villosus Sowinsky, 1894 and the signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana, 1858) are known to

have wider environmental tolerances than their native equivalents, hence their success in invading

new systems (Nystrom, 1999, Pockl, 2009). It is therefore crucial to review the traits and

environmental preference of these species with respect to climate change. Any potential increases

in the abundance of invasive species (which typically are very strong competitors for resources) may

have serious consequences for other species and communities, and could significantly worsen any

direct impacts of climate change on native populations (Rahel & Olden, 2008, Hänfling et al., 2011).

Similarly, rare and protected species will be subject to the impacts of climate change too. In this

study, sufficient data was available only for modelling the response of the white-clawed crayfish A.

pallipes, but it was clear from this example that at risk species may decrease in abundance under

certain climate change scenarios. In this study we found that the occurrence of climatic stressors at

key times of the year could reduce the abundance of A. pallipes, which was explained by increased

flow events occurring at the same time as gravid (egg carrying) females emerge from winter burrows

(Holdich, 2003). Thus very detailed knowledge of the ecology of rare and protected species is

necessary to predict the impacts of climate change on their abundance, in addition to detailed,

seasonally and geographically explicit modelling of the occurrence of stressors linked to climate


Investigation of changes in the spatial or altitudinal distribution of species as a result of climate

change was not possible in this study owing to inherent limitations of species datasets (limited

spatial range, temporal distribution or taxonomic identification) for this type of analysis. The key

focus of this study was to describe species sensitivity and describe systematic trends attributable to

traits. This information can be used to infer likely changes in the abundance of particular species as a

function of future alterations in the temperature or precipitation regime of an area (see Appendix 9).

However, the outputs given here are not without caveats.

Temperature and precipitation were considered in isolation in the climate models, but these two

pressures are inherently correlated, with their impact occurring at different times of the year (IPCC,

2013). Indeed, over one third of the species studied showing significant sensitivities to both

temperature and precipitation. Further weight is given to this correlation by the fact that a measure

of flow preference (expressed as LIFE flow group) was shown to be an important factor in the

response of species to increases in temperature and, similarly, temperature tolerances were

significant when attributing traits to the response of species to increased precipitation. However, the

broad-scale approach of focusing on evidence for systematic trends across multiple sites over 15-25

years minimised the risk of incorrectly interpreting effects.

Although a linear trend was included in the model in an attempt to capture the effects of potential

confounding factors that may exert an influence on macroinvertebrate abundances (e.g. altitude,

habitat changes, pollution), the climate models were trained on air temperature or precipitation


data only. Terms to account for interactions between external confounding factors and the metrics

for climate were lacking, leading to potential uncertainty in the modelled outputs (Vaughan &

Ormerod, 2012, Floury et al., 2013). For instance, shading by riparian tree cover has a strong

moderating influence on stream temperature, and this is likely to buffer warming effects and

influence the growth, distribution and life cycle of macroinvertebrates (Broadmeadow et al., 2011,

Bowler et al., 2012). In addition, the physical modification of streams and rivers, e.g. through

channel straightening and clearing, creates a less resilient habitat for macroinvertebrates and other

fauna, which become more vulnerable to stressors and change (Newson & Large, 2006). Future

research should consider the combined effect of multiple stressors and include climate change

among these.

Many freshwater macroinvertebrates are juvenile life stages (larvae, nymphs, pupae) of terrestrial

insects. This poses a fundamental problem because climate change may have a direct impact on the

adult stage in the terrestrial environment, as well as an effect on the larval stages in the lotic

environment, leading to complex patterns of population abundance (Fuller, 2009, Wesner, 2012).

Many such taxa undergo full or partial metamorphosis so that the juvenile and adult life stages have

very different morphologies, environmental preferences and trait characteristics, and thus differ in

their vulnerability to climatic stressors. In addition rivers are inherently dependent on their riparian

zone, which provides a large proportion of the organic detritus that supports the food web, so that

changes in terrestrial vegetation with climate change may influence riverine ecological processes

(Clews & Ormerod, 2010, Broadmeadow et al., 2011). Further work is needed to disentangle the

relative effects of climate change on the two types of environment to be able to understand how a

species will respond to climate change (Holland et al., 2011).


Models investigating species abundance change as a function of fluctuations in air temperature and

precipitation were run across a wide range of individual freshwater species from the UK’s river and

streams. Outputs from these models have provided evidence that most lotic macroinertebrate

species, including protected species and non native species, respond to either or both metrics but

also show differences in the magnitude and direction of their response. Because these changes

impact upon key ecological processes such as food web stability, consequences at the scale of whole

communities and ecosystems are likely to occur, though are difficult to predict solely from changes

in abundance. Changes in macroinvertebrate communities also has a fundamental implication for

compliance with the WFD, as many of the species used in this study contribute to the biomonitoring

systems used to assess the ecological quality of rivers (Environment Agency, 2006). Outputs can

inform catchment management and biodiversity conservation plans as to which species are most

vulnerable. The models may be used to predict changes in species abundances in a changing climate

scenario (Appendix 8). Further investigation demonstrated that species-specific responses may be

attributed to a combination of species-specific traits and environmental preferences (e.g. thermal

tolerances, life cycle lengths and functional feeding groups) that make them more vulnerable or

tolerant to a changing climate. However, caution is advised in the interpretation of models owing to

the complex multiple stressor environment of rivers and their fundamental interaction with the

terrestrial environment. The outputs from this study should help towards building a framework for

better understanding the influence of climate change in the freshwater landscape.



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Figure 1. Location of the 1,588 sampling sites (red dots) for species-level macroinvertebrate data

across 25 years (1983-2007)


Figure 2. Phylogenetic tree based on the taxonomy of the 137 macroinvertebrate species examined

in the study. The species for which the climate models showed a statistically significant better

explanation of the abundance indices compared with the null models are given a colour. The species

that showed a response to temperature only were coloured orange, and green was given to those

for which precipitation had a significant impact only. In the case of if models for both climate

metrics better explained abundances compared to the null models, the dominant metric is coded

blue (temperature) or red (precipitation).


Table 1. Nomenclature of the 4 phyla, 7 classes and 22 orders (with some common names) of the

137 species used in the study

Phylum Annelida (worms) Arthropoda

(crustaceans and


Mollusca (bivalves

and snails)



Class Hirudinea (leeches) Malacostraca


Bivalvia (bivalves) Turbellaria


(proboscisless leeches)

Decapoda (crayfish) Unionoida (mussels) Seriata


(jawless leeches)

Isopoda Veneroida (clams and


Class Oligochaeta (aquatic


Insecta (insects) Gastropoda (snails

and slugs)

Crassiclitellata Coleoptera (beetles) Architaenioglossa

Diptera (true flies) Ectobranchia




Hemiptera (true bugs) Neotaenioglossa




Odonata (dragonflies

and damselflies)


Plecoptera (stoneflies)




Table 2. Species environmental preferences and functional traits used in classifying trends observed

in species abundance responses to temperature and precipitation

Parameter Description and categories % data available for


BMWP score Family-level score of tolerances to organic


1 - tolerant

10 - intolerant


LIFE flow group Family-level grouping of flow preferences

1 -rapid flows

10 - drought conditions


Temperature index Vulnerability to high temperatures

1 - not vulnerable (eurytherm or warm


5 - vulnerable (cold stenotherm)


Reproduction Means of reproduction

1 - groups of eggs are laid down and fixed

2 - groups of eggs are laid down in the water


3 - groups of eggs are laid down in the

riparian zone


Feeding group Functional feeding strategies

Pr - Predator

Cg - Collector gatherer (deposit feeder)

Sc - Scraper

Sh - Shredder

Cf - Collector filterer


Life cycle length Duration of one life cycle

0 - one year or less

1 - more than one year


Life cycles per year Number of life cycles per year

0 - less than one

1 - one

2 - more than one


Terrestrial Occurrence of a terrestrial life stage

0 - no

1 - yes



Emergence Duration of emergence period (time between

first observed emergence (flight) and last

emergence of a species)

1 - short (< approximately 2 months)

2 -long ( > approximately 2 months)



Figure 3. Relative importance of the 9 explanatory variables considered to influence the trend of a

species to show a response to increases in temperature. Percentages are given.










Relative influence

0 5




21.42 %

19.52 %

18.10 %

15.11 %

11.18 %

6.75 %

3.09 %

3.01 %

1.83 %


Figure 4. Functions fitted for the 9 explanatory variables influencing the tendency of a species to show an increase in abundance with increasing

temperature. A common scale is used on the Y axis, which is centred to have zero mean over the data distribution. Rug plots on the inside of the X axis

show distribution of deciles for that variable. The relative importance of each variable (Table 2) is given in parentheses.

Cf Cg Pr Sc Sh




Feeding_group (21.4%)


d functio


1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5




Temp_index (19.5%)


d functio


1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0




LIFE (18.1%)


d functio


2 4 6 8 10




BMWP (15.1%)


d functio


1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0




Emergence (11.2%)


d functio


1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0




Reproduction (6.7%)


d functio


0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0




Life_cycles_peryear (3.1%)


d functio


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0




Life_cycle_length (3%)


d functio


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0




Terrestrial (1.8%)


d functio



Figure 5. Three-dimensional partial dependency plots for the interaction of (top) temperature index

with LIFE flow group and (bottom) duration of emergence period with LIFE flow group. The

probability of an increase in species abundance with increasing temperature is shown as a fitted

value on the Y axis. The interacting explanatory variables are described in Table 2.












fitted v
































Figure 6. Relative importance of the 9 explanatory variables considered to influence the trend of a

species to show a response to increases in precipitation. Percentages are given in Table 4










Relative influence

0 5




24.25 %

20.19 %

16.68 %

11.07 %

10.21 %

5.59 %

5.24 %

4.78 %

1.98 %


Figure 7. Functions fitted for the 9 explanatory variables influencing the tendency of a species to show an increase in abundance with increasing

precipitation. A common scale is used on the Y axis, which is centred to have zero mean over the data distribution. Rug plots on the inside of the X axis

show distribution of deciles for that variable. The relative importance of each variable (Table 2) is given in parentheses.

2 4 6 8 10




BMWP (24.3%)


d functio


1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5




Temp_index (20.2%)


d functio


Cf Cg Pr Sc Sh




Feeding_group (16.7%)


d functio


1 2 3 4 5




LIFE (11.1%)


d functio


0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0




Life_cycles_peryear (10.2%)


d functio


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0




Life_cycle_length (5.6%)


d functio


1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0




Emergence (5.2%)


d functio


1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0




Reproduction (4.8%)


d functio


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0




Terrestrial (2%)


d functio



Figure 8. Three-dimensional partial dependency plots for the interaction of (top) temperature index

with BMWP scores and (bottom) temperature index with number of life cycles per year. The

probability of an increase in species abundance with increasing temperature is shown as a fitted

value on the Y axis. The interacting explanatory variables are described in Table 2.













fitted v



















fitted v








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