apm 9.5 overview guide

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  • Overview Guide Release 9.5

    CA Application Performance Management

  • This Documentation, which includes embedded help systems and electronically distributed materials, (hereinafter referred to as the Documentation) is for your informational purposes only and is subject to change or withdrawal by CA at any time.

    This Documentation may not be copied, transferred, reproduced, disclosed, modified or duplicated, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of CA. This Documentation is confidential and proprietary information of CA and may not be disclosed by you or used for any purpose other than as may be permitted in (i) a separate agreement between you and CA governing your use of the CA software to which the Documentation relates; or (ii) a separate confidentiality agreement between you and CA.

    Notwithstanding the foregoing, if you are a licensed user of the software product(s) addressed in the Documentation, you may print or otherwise make available a reasonable number of copies of the Documentation for internal use by you and your employees in connection with that software, provided that all CA copyright notices and legends are affixed to each reproduced copy.

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    Copyright 2013 CA. All rights reserved. All trademarks, trade names, service marks, and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies.

  • CA Technologies Product References

    This document references the following CA Technologies products and features:

    CA Application Performance Management (CA APM)

    CA Application Performance Management ChangeDetector (CA APM ChangeDetector)

    CA Application Performance Management ErrorDetector (CA APM ErrorDetector)

    CA Application Performance Management for CA Database Performance (CA APM for CA Database Performance)

    CA Application Performance Management for CA SiteMinder (CA APM for CA SiteMinder)

    CA Application Performance Management for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents (CA APM for CA SiteMinder ASA)

    CA Application Performance Management for IBM CICS Transaction Gateway (CA APM for IBM CICS Transaction Gateway)

    CA Application Performance Management for IBM WebSphere Application Server (CA APM for IBM WebSphere Application Server)

    CA Application Performance Management for IBM WebSphere Distributed Environments (CA APM for IBM WebSphere Distributed Environments)

    CA Application Performance Management for IBM WebSphere MQ (CA APM for IBM WebSphere MQ)

    CA Application Performance Management for IBM WebSphere Portal (CA APM for IBM WebSphere Portal)

    CA Application Performance Management for IBM WebSphere Process Server (CA APM for IBM WebSphere Process Server)

    CA Application Performance Management for IBM z/OS (CA APM for IBM z/OS)

    CA Application Performance Management for Microsoft SharePoint (CA APM for Microsoft SharePoint)

    CA Application Performance Management for Oracle Databases (CA APM for Oracle Databases)

    CA Application Performance Management for Oracle Service Bus (CA APM for Oracle Service Bus)

    CA Application Performance Management for Oracle WebLogic Portal (CA APM for Oracle WebLogic Portal)

    CA Application Performance Management for Oracle WebLogic Server (CA APM for Oracle WebLogic Server)

    CA Application Performance Management for SOA (CA APM for SOA)

  • CA Application Performance Management for TIBCO BusinessWorks (CA APM for TIBCO BusinessWorks)

    CA Application Performance Management for TIBCO Enterprise Message Service (CA APM for TIBCO Enterprise Message Service)

    CA Application Performance Management for Web Servers (CA APM for Web Servers)

    CA Application Performance Management for webMethods Broker (CA APM for webMethods Broker)

    CA Application Performance Management for webMethods Integration Server (CA APM for webMethods Integration Server)

    CA Application Performance Management Integration for CA CMDB (CA APM Integration for CA CMDB)

    CA Application Performance Management Integration for CA NSM (CA APM Integration for CA NSM)

    CA Application Performance Management LeakHunter (CA APM LeakHunter)

    CA Application Performance Management Transaction Generator (CA APM TG)

    CA Cross-Enterprise Application Performance Management

    CA Customer Experience Manager (CA CEM)

    CA Embedded Entitlements Manager (CA EEM)

    CA eHealth Performance Manager (CA eHealth)

    CA Insight Database Performance Monitor for DB2 for z/OS

    CA Introscope

    CA SiteMinder

    CA Spectrum Infrastructure Manager (CA Spectrum)

    CA SYSVIEW Performance Management (CA SYSVIEW)

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    Contact CA Support

    For your convenience, CA Technologies provides one site where you can access the information that you need for your Home Office, Small Business, and Enterprise CA Technologies products. At http://ca.com/support, you can access the following resources:

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    Providing Feedback About Product Documentation

    If you have comments or questions about CA Technologies product documentation, you can send a message to techpubs@ca.com.

    To provide feedback about CA Technologies product documentation, complete our short customer survey which is available on the CA Support website at http://ca.com/docs.

  • Contents 7


    Chapter 1: Introducing CA Application Performance Management 11

    Welcome to CA Technologies Application Performance Management ..................................................................... 11

    CA Introscope and CA CEM ...................................................................................................................................... 13

    Chapter 2: Understanding the CA APM Environment 15

    About CA APM ............................................................................................................................................................ 15

    What is CA Introscope? ............................................................................................................................................ 16

    What Does CA Introscope Do? ................................................................................................................................. 16

    CA Introscope Components...................................................................................................................................... 18

    Enterprise Manager ............................................................................................................................................ 18

    Agents ................................................................................................................................................................. 19

    Workstation ........................................................................................................................................................ 19

    WebView ............................................................................................................................................................. 21

    SmartStor ............................................................................................................................................................ 21

    APM Database ..................................................................................................................................................... 21

    Baselines Database ............................................................................................................................................. 21

    Transaction Events Database .............................................................................................................................. 22

    CA Introscope Alerts and Reports Output ................................................................................................................ 22

    How CA Introscope Monitors Java and .NET Applications ....................................................................................... 22

    What is CA CEM? ........................................................................................................................................................ 24

    What Does CA CEM Do? ............................................................................................................................................. 24

    CA CEM Components ................................................................................................................................................. 25

    Enterprise Manager ............................................................................................................................................ 25

    CEM Console ....................................................................................................................................................... 26

    TIM ...................................................................................................................................................................... 26

    APM Database ..................................................................................................................................................... 26

    CA CEM and Web Transactions .................................................................................................................................. 27

    CA APM Environment Options ................................................................................................................................... 27

    Standalone Environment..................................................................................................................................... 28

    Clustered Environment ....................................................................................................................................... 29

    Multiple-Cluster Environment............................................................................................................................. 30

    Infrastructure Aware Application Triage Environment ....................................................................................... 31

    Unified End-User Experience Monitoring Environment ...................................................................................... 33

    CA Introscope-Only Environment ..................................................................................................................... 34

    Additional Extensions Provided With Your License .................................................................................................... 35

    CA APM Product Architecture .................................................................................................................................... 39

  • 8 Overview Guide

    CA Application Performance Management for SOA .................................................................................................. 39

    Chapter 3: Integrating With Other CA Technologies Products 41

    CA Introscope Integration With Other CA Technologies Products ........................................................................... 41

    CA Introscope Integration With CA SOI ............................................................................................................. 41

    CA Introscope Integration With CA CMDB ........................................................................................................ 42

    CA Introscope Integration With CA Spectrum Infrastructure Manager ............................................................ 43

    CA Introscope Integration With CA eHealth ..................................................................................................... 45

    CA Introscope Integration With CA NSM .......................................................................................................... 46

    CA Introscope Integration With CA Insight Database Performance Monitor (DPM) ........................................ 47

    CA Introscope Integration With CA Cloud Monitor ........................................................................................... 48

    CA Introscope Integration With CA Performance Center ................................................................................. 48

    CA CEM Integration With Other CA Technologies Products ...................................................................................... 49

    CA CEM Integration With CA CMDB .................................................................................................................... 49

    CA CEM Integration With CA SiteMinder ............................................................................................................ 50

    CA CEM Integration With CA NSM ...................................................................................................................... 50

    CA CEM Integration With CA Service Desk .......................................................................................................... 51

    Chapter 4: CA APM Product Scenarios 53

    CA APM Scenario ........................................................................................................................................................ 53

    Introscope Scenarios .................................................................................................................................................. 53

    Recording an Agent-Only Banking Business Transaction to Monitor Customer Transaction Times ................... 54

    Using the Application Triage Map to See What is Up and Running .................................................................... 55

    Dynamic Instrumentation: Adding, Removing, and Exporting Instrumentation Using the Transaction Tracer .................................................................................................................................................................. 57

    CA CEM Scenarios....................................................................................................................................................... 59

    CA EEM and Business Service-Based Security Provide Flexible Permissions ...................................................... 59

    CA CEM Automatic Transaction Discovery Speeds Monitoring from Test to Production Environments............ 61

    Monitoring Defects in Multibyte Applications .................................................................................................... 62

    CA Application Performance Management for SOA Scenario .................................................................................... 63

    Appendix A: CA APM Guides and Help System 67

    The CA Support Online Knowledge Base .................................................................................................................... 67

    Accessing the Knowledge Base ........................................................................................................................... 67

    Searching and Browsing Knowledge Base Articles .............................................................................................. 68

    Most Popular Knowledge Base Articles .............................................................................................................. 68

    Additional CA APM Product and Information Resources ........................................................................................... 69

    CA APM Community Site ..................................................................................................................................... 69

    CA Education Services ......................................................................................................................................... 70

    CA Professional Services ..................................................................................................................................... 70

  • Contents 9

    CA Support .......................................................................................................................................................... 70

    Index 73

  • Chapter 1: Introducing CA Application Performance Management 11

    Chapter 1: Introducing CA Application Performance Management

    This section contains the following topics:

    Welcome to CA Technologies Application Performance Management (see page 11) CA Introscope and CA CEM (see page 13)

    Welcome to CA Technologies Application Performance Management

    CA Introscope and CA Customer Experience Manager (CA CEM) come together as the core products in the CA Technologies Application Performance Management (CA APM) solution. CA APM provides an effective and comprehensive application performance management strategy that enables you to understand the end-user experience and measure Service Level Agreements (SLAs). You can map all transactions to the end-to-end infrastructure, and conduct incident triage and root-cause diagnoses in a complete and integrated solution. This ability provides you with bookend coveragefrom end-user website monitoring using CA CEM to deep internal application monitoring using CA Introscope.

    CA APM helps you do the following:

    Understand the real user experience.

    Set and manage SLAs on business services to answer "Are our service levels acceptable?"

    Gain near 100 percent transaction visibility.

    Determine the source of problems quickly.

    Conduct triage, identify stakeholders, and perform root cause analyses.

    Prioritize incidents that are based on a true business impact.

    Provide proactive and predictive application monitoring.

    Increase reporting and enable continuous improvement.

    CA APM manages the performance and availability of your mission-critical and revenue-generating business applications and transactional environments.

    Monitors your real website and web application users. CA APM is not a robot monitoring synthetic transactions. CA APM provides real-time and historical data about the experience of your end users.

  • Welcome to CA Technologies Application Performance Management

    12 Overview Guide

    Measures the business value of the experience of each user, allowing you to establish SLAs.

    As shown in the following graphic, in a complex application infrastructure environment, little issues add up. Even short periods of down time in disparate applications across your environment can add up to unacceptable experience for your website or web application users.

    Connects the dots across your environment.

    Monitors transactions map to business services, which map to your SLAs.

    Provides Transaction Tracing across complex application environments and associated infrastructure including Java, MQ, SOA, and .NET.

    Proactively detects and prioritizes problems that are based on a business impact.

    Conducts incident triage and root cause analysis across complex application environments and associated infrastructure.

    CA APM shows the source of an issue. IT triagers can quickly alert the expert who owns the problem and determine whether the issue is a network, application, or database problem, for example.

    Provides predictive baselining to establish trends.

    Supplies reporting that is based on a large number of metrics.

  • CA Introscope and CA CEM

    Chapter 1: Introducing CA Application Performance Management 13

    CA Introscope and CA CEM

    CA APM integrates CA Introscope and CA CEM.

    This integration provides a common transaction model for CA Introscope and CA CEM.

    CA APM components use same language when monitoring and displaying data about your business applications. CA APM provides information about business services and business components.

    CA Introscope is no longer looking only at, for example, only Agent A and its metric. Now CA Introscope provides data about the most mission-critical application at your organization and uses the data as visual output to provide the application triage map.

    You can measure response times and SLAs.

    This model provides cross-functional CA Introscope and CA CEM capabilities such as agent-only business transaction recording.

    CA Introscope now allows you to record information from agents using the CEM console. CA Introscope agents can now record and monitor transactions, allowing you to track information about how your application is doing from a business perspective.

    This integration monitors and allows reporting on all transactions through your IT infrastructure.

    CA APM dashboards show the business health of your mission-critical applications.

    CA APM provides business and technical information.

    Based on the common transaction model, CA APM monitoring supports multiple types of users.

    CEOs and CFOs use high-level easy to digest CA Introscope dashboards. These users track how much business activity is happening per time period and the amount of income coming in to an organization.

    Technical users use detailed Introscope Workstation trees, the application triage map, and CA CEM to see technical information to monitor and triage.

    Information about your business services is based on shared CA CEM and CA Introscope data.

    This integration lets you triage problems quickly and easily.

    You can understand your environment from end-user experience down to deep application health.

  • CA Introscope and CA CEM

    14 Overview Guide

    You can detect issues proactively, conduct problem triage, and diagnose the root cause of the problem.

    You can use the application triage map to see real-time metrics about your mission-critical business applications.

    Note: To learn more about how CA Technologies and CA APM products work together, see www.ca.com/apm.

  • Chapter 2: Understanding the CA APM Environment 15

    Chapter 2: Understanding the CA APM Environment

    This section contains the following topics:

    About CA APM (see page 15) What is CA Introscope? (see page 16) What Does CA Introscope Do? (see page 16) CA Introscope Components (see page 18) CA Introscope Alerts and Reports Output (see page 22) How CA Introscope Monitors Java and .NET Applications (see page 22) What is CA CEM? (see page 24) What Does CA CEM Do? (see page 24) CA CEM Components (see page 25) CA CEM and Web Transactions (see page 27) CA APM Environment Options (see page 27) Additional Extensions Provided With Your License (see page 35) CA APM Product Architecture (see page 39) CA Application Performance Management for SOA (see page 39)

    About CA APM

    Together CA CEM and CA Introscope create the CA APM solution, which allows you to address both your business and IT concerns.

    CA APM addresses business concerns

    With customer experience metrics, you can answer questions that are important to the business:

    Are my customers getting the level of service that they need?

    Are we getting the Return on Investment that we expect from our web applications and services?

    Are web customers experiencing a problem that is affecting the bottom line?

    Using customer experience metrics, you can receive regular updates for the volume, errors, and average response time of business transactions critical to your business.

    You can create custom business dashboards so your business users can see how the web-based business transactions are performing in real time.

  • What is CA Introscope?

    16 Overview Guide

    CA APM addresses IT concerns:

    With incident and defect troubleshooting, you can answer questions that are important to IT:

    Are the web applications and services available and performing as expected?

    Are we effective at resolving customer issues quickly, before there is a widespread impact?

    Are we meeting the SLA levels that we promised to the business users?

    You can use CA CEM to analyze the root cause of problems by using correlated transaction information from CA Introscope. You can triage support cases quickly, directing issues to the appropriate teams. This process enables faster problem resolution, higher transaction success rates, and more consistent revenue streams.

    When slow time transaction defects begin to increase, your incident generation settings take effect. These settings cause CA CEM to initiate CA Introscope transaction trace sessions.

    What is CA Introscope?

    CA Introscope is an enterprise application performance management solution. This solution lets you monitor complex web applications in production environments 24x7, detect problems before they affect your customers, and resolve these issues quickly and collaboratively.

    CA Introscope gives you the ability to manage transaction integrity and user satisfactionkey requirements for ensuring successful customer interactions with your mission-critical web applications. Using patented, low-overhead technology, CA Introscope provides comprehensive end-to-end transaction visibility and diagnostic capabilities across your entire infrastructure without degrading performance. The infrastructure can include the web application itself, application servers, web servers, messaging middleware, databases, and transaction servers.

    What Does CA Introscope Do?

    CA Introscope performs end-to-end Java and .NET application transaction management and analysis. A transaction is a request that starts with a user and is sent to or uses back-end systems such as databases, a mail server, or messaging system. CA Introscope also monitors web services and application use of messaging-oriented middleware, such as WebSphere MQ, extending application performance management to Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) applications.

  • What Does CA Introscope Do?

    Chapter 2: Understanding the CA APM Environment 17

    CA Introscope prevents and solves enterprise application problems as it performs these functions:

    Monitors applications so you know what is going on from the inside out across your broad enterprise network and systems.

    By monitoring load, requests, and sessions, CA Introscope lets you know how your application system resources are getting consumed.

    Uses alerts to notify the right personapplication support or the Service Level Managerto diagnose and solve production problems.

    Provides system triage by identifying offending subsystems:

    Is our problem in the code, the database, or the backend?

    Are our service levels acceptable?

    CA Introscope sees through the tangle of front-end, connectivity, and back-end applications, and answers the question: What is the impact and priority of the problem?

    Enables problem root cause diagnosis

    CA Introscope isolates a problem and pinpoints it to the component or method level.

    These capabilities allow you to determine, for example:

    Is there a specific SQL call that is badly constructed?

    Is there a bottleneck through an overused component?

    Does the application inefficiently use its backends?

    Are there enough resources to power the application?

    With CA Introscope, you can quickly and reliably answer these questions and determine where to assign the fix.

  • CA Introscope Components

    18 Overview Guide

    CA Introscope Components

    The major components of CA Introscope are the Enterprise Manager, CA Introscope agents, Workstation, WebView, SmartStor, and APM database as shown in the following graphic. Many smaller components are explained in the CA Introscope product documentation.

    Enterprise Manager

    The Enterprise Manager acts as the repository of CA Introscope performance metrics. The Enterprise Manager receives performance metrics from one or more CA Introscope agents, allowing users to collect metrics centrally from many applications, application servers, and supporting systems. You can deploy the Enterprise Managers in different ways depending on the size and complexity of the enterprise system. The role of a specific Enterprise Manager depends on how it is deployed in a standalone or in a clustered CA APM environment.

    More information:

    Clustered Environment (see page 29) Multiple-Cluster Environment (see page 30) Standalone Environment (see page 28)

  • CA Introscope Components

    Chapter 2: Understanding the CA APM Environment 19


    CA Introscope agents collect and report several types of application and environmental performance metrics. One agent is deployed per process (Java Virtual Machine [JVM] or .NET CLR instance). The total number of agents depends on the size of the CA Introscope deployment, for example:

    A small pilot network uses as few as half a dozen agents to monitor a few test applications.

    A large extended enterprise production environment uses hundreds or thousands of agents to monitor applications across the enterprise.

    CA Introscope agents collect performance metrics from several sources:

    The various components inside the running application

    The application server

    Performance and availability data from the surrounding computing environment.

    The agents then report these metrics to the Enterprise Manager.

    You can import real-time generic and non-Java data into CA Introscope through modified version of the agent named the Environment Performance Agent (EPA or EPAgent). EPA uses simple scripts that allow CA Introscope to monitor virtually any type of application subsystem impacting performance. For example, using EPA CA Introscope can monitor directory servers, operating systems, messaging middleware, and transaction servers.


    The Workstation provides the Investigator, console, and APM Status Console for viewing application health and data. The Workstation also allows CA Introscope administrators to do the following actions:

    Set alerts for individual metrics or logical metric groups.

    Customize views to represent their unique environment.

    Set up reports for application health, SLAs, and capacity planning.


    The Workstation console provides CA Introscope dashboards, which are high-level screens showing status using color-coded alerts.

  • CA Introscope Components

    20 Overview Guide


    The Workstation Investigator contains two primary tabs: the Metric Browser and Triage Map tabs.

    Metric Browser tab

    Displays metric data in both tree and tab formats. These formats allow CA Introscope users to view different types of information about the component or resource selected in the Investigator tree.

    You can use the metric browser tree Location Map tab to view alert data that infrastructure domain managers monitoring physical and virtual machines report. Using the Location map, you can triage problems down to the physical and virtual system infrastructure.

    Triage Map tab

    Displays the application triage map, which is an application-centric view of your monitored applications. The application triage map presents a graphical visualization of the components that make up your application, showing application health and errors.

    This map is automatically generated from CA Introscope and customer experience metrics, component discoveries, and events, which are displayed in the By Frontends node. In the By Business Service node, the application triage map presents applications and business transactions in the business-centric terms that you have defined.

    The application triage map enables you to grasp instantly in a visual manner the structure of applications and the relationship between applications in your environment. This information helps you identify and triage current and emerging problems. The application triage map also displays information about your system resources such as percent CPU usage.

    The TradeService frontend application displays the calling of number of its dependencies. The yellow indicator on the top left corner of the AuthenticationEngine icon shows that the application is in an unhealthy state, which is based on the IT application owner definition of unhealthy. By hovering on the application triage map icons, you can see transaction metrics for each call.

    APM Status Console

    The APM Status console is an Introscope Workstation user interface for monitoring and addressing Enterprise Manager runtime health issues. CA APM administrators can view important status and events for a stand-alone or clustered Enterprise Manager. This functionality provides out-of-the-box monitoring capabilities that would otherwise require the administrator to configure alerts on Enterprise Manager supportability metrics.

  • CA Introscope Components

    Chapter 2: Understanding the CA APM Environment 21

    The APM Status Console consists of four panes:

    1. Enterprise Manager Map

    2. Important Events

    3. Information

    4. Denied Agents


    WebView presents the CA Introscope customizable dashboards and the Workstation tree views to authorized users in a browser interface. These capabilities allow CA Introscope users to view critical information anytime and anywhere.


    SmartStor is the largest of the four CA Introscope data stores for storing metric and transaction data. The CA Introscope SmartStor database records all application performance data (CA Introscope metrics) at all times. This database information lets users analyze historical data, identify root causes of application downtime, or perform capacity analysis without the need for an external database.

    SmartStor is enabled by default during CA Introscope installation. SmartStor data is set to age out over time, so the data store will not get excessively large. Multiple data files can grow in number as more data is generated.

    APM Database

    The APM database includes business service and business transaction data, which is used in the CA Introscope Investigator application triage map and for CA CEM incidents and defects. The database also stores all CA CEM-related configuration data.

    Note: Both CA Introscope and CA CEM use the APM database.

    Baselines Database

    The CA Introscope baselines database stores the most common, normal range of values for each metric in your system. The CA Introscope heuristic logic uses the values to determine whether there is an abnormal condition that requires administrator attention, or special event process such as Transaction Tracer.

  • CA Introscope Alerts and Reports Output

    22 Overview Guide

    Transaction Events Database

    The CA Introscope Transaction Events database contains detailed transaction data. This data includes Transaction Traces, stalls, and data that is collected from triggered events, such as error snapshots.

    CA Introscope Alerts and Reports Output

    In addition to sending performance data to the Workstation and WebView for viewing, you can configure an Enterprise Manager or MOM to send output to other systems. CA Introscope can send the following output:

    Alerts, event notifications, performance data

    CA Introscope can send this output to Tivoli and other integrated CA Technologies applications.

    Specialized application health, SLA, and capacity planning reports.

    CA Introscope can send this output to your business managers, SLA managers, and capacity planners, for example.

    How CA Introscope Monitors Java and .NET Applications

    CA Introscope captures transaction data about run-time activity in your Java and .NET web applications as follows:

    1. CA Introscope inserts probes into Java Virtual Machines (JVMs) and .NET Common Language Runtime components (CLRs). These probes monitor application-component bytecode such as called classes, methods, and parameters. CA Introscope does not touch your source code.

    2. The probes report data to agents.

    3. The agents report data to the Enterprise Manager. Other subsystems, like Java Management Extensions (JMX) and Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI), report data that the agents collect. The agent also records and sends captured structural data about applications to the Enterprise Manager. This data displays in a graphical format as the application triage map. The application triage map also shows how the business transaction flows into the frontends that service the applications.

    4. The Enterprise Manager compiles this data into metrics and uses the metrics data in the following components:

    The APM database includes business service and business transaction data, which is used in the CA Introscope Investigator application triage map and for CA CEM incidents and defects. This database also stores all CA CEM-related configuration data.

  • How CA Introscope Monitors Java and .NET Applications

    Chapter 2: Understanding the CA APM Environment 23

    The CA Introscope Workstation allows you to control CA Introscope and access performance metrics. You can set alerts for individual metrics or logical metric groups, view performance metrics, and you can customize views for your own unique environment.

    The CA Introscope WebView presents the CA Introscope customizable dashboards and Investigator tree views in a browser interface. WebView allows critical information to be viewed without the aid of the CA Introscope Workstation.

    The CA Introscope SmartStor database records all application performance data (CA Introscope metrics) at all times. This database enables users to analyze historical data, to identify the root causes of application downtime, or perform capacity analysis without the need for an external database.

    The following graphic shows a high-level view of how CA Introscope monitors applications to measure application health.

  • What is CA CEM?

    24 Overview Guide

    What is CA CEM?

    CA CEM is a performance monitoring product that measures web application performance for each individual customer. This capability enables both your business managers and IT staff to understand and resolve performance problems before end users call for support. CA CEM focuses on the monitoring and management of the customer experience, and the quality of service levels that are provided to customers.

    CA CEM enables you to monitor real user activitiesincluding login, account update, or purchase transactionsat the business service level. This level of performance monitoring provides you with immediate insight into the experience of your customers.

    What Does CA CEM Do?

    CA CEM measures the performance and quality of customer transactions, identifies defects and variance, and quantifies the impact on customers and the business. By proactively detecting trends in degraded customer transaction response times and providing various actionable reports, CA CEM enables you to act before problems occur or SLAs are out of compliance.

    These capabilities allow you to answer the following questions, for example:

    How many requests to a specific service failed during the last hour?

    Which customers and users were affected when specific transactions failed?

    What is the status of my application network?

    How long did a specific request take?

  • CA CEM Components

    Chapter 2: Understanding the CA APM Environment 25

    CA CEM Components

    The CA CEM components are the Enterprise Manager, CEM console, Transaction Impact Monitor (TIM), and the APM database as shown in the following graphic.

    Enterprise Manager

    The Enterprise Manager runs the following Enterprise Manager services that CA CEM primarily uses:

    TIM Collection

    Stats Aggregation

    Database Cleanup.

    You must distribute the services across different Collectors. CA CEM users access the CEM console from the Manager of Managers (MOM) Enterprise Manager.

    You can deploy Enterprise Managers in different ways depending on the size and complexity of the enterprise system. The role of a specific Enterprise Manager depends on how it is deployed in a standalone or in a clustered CA CEM environment.

    More information:

    Standalone Environment (see page 28) Clustered Environment (see page 29) Multiple-Cluster Environment (see page 30)

  • CA CEM Components

    26 Overview Guide

    CEM Console

    The CEM console is a user interface that lets you do the following functions:

    Set up and configure CA CEM, including transaction recording and creating transaction definitions.

    Produce and view CA CEM-specific reports.

    View defect data and transaction definitions, group transactions into services, and manage CA CEM user access to CA CEM data.


    The TIM is responsible for the following functions:

    Recording and observing HTTP packets.

    Identifying user logins and the related transactions.

    Monitoring and reporting defects and other statistics to the Enterprise Manager.

    Defects are generated per defective transaction; a single transaction can create multiple defects.

    Uploading the defects and interval statistics to the Enterprise Manager.

    For enterprise applications, interval statistics are generated per hour, per transaction definition, and per user.

    For e-commerce applications, interval statistics are generated per hour and per transaction definition.

    One or more TIMs can exist in a CA APM environment.

    APM Database

    The APM database stores defect and incident data, and user-based statistics for both enterprise and e-commerce users. The database also stores all CA CEM-related configuration data.

    Note: Both CA CEM and CA Introscope use the APM database.

  • CA CEM and Web Transactions

    Chapter 2: Understanding the CA APM Environment 27

    CA CEM and Web Transactions

    CA CEM monitors the customer experience (HTTP traffic) at a point between the client and the web server. For example, CA CEM can see if a transaction is running slowly while verifying if a book is in stock. In addition, CA CEM can see if there are overall defects to the transaction, for example, if any components or responses are missing. CA CEM TIM monitoring also pinpoints which customers were experiencing the issue, which customers were not, and why.

    For added capability, you can use CA Application Performance Management Transaction Generator (CA APM TG). CA APM TG provides synthetic transactions to test and monitor your web services with CA CEM.

    CA APM TG generates simulated transactions that CA CEM then monitors to find and fix problems. This process can identify problems that arise outside business hoursbefore real users and real customers are affected.

    CA APM Environment Options

    You can set up any of the following environments:

    If you are monitoring You can deploy to this environment

    For more information, see

    Small lab, Proof of Concept, or low metric volume environments

    Standalone CA APM

    Standalone environment (see page 28)

    Many web applications and web transactions

    Clustered CA APM Clustered environment (see page 29)

    Large numbers of web applications and web transactions that can be in different areas of the enterprise

    Multiple-cluster CA APM

    Multiple-cluster environment (see page 30)

    Many web applications and web transactions and exchange data with other CA Technologies Infrastructure Management products

    Infrastructure Aware Application Triage

    Infrastructure Aware Application Triage environment (see page 31)

    Many web applications and web transactions and exchange data with CA Application Delivery Analysis network monitoring components

    Unified End User Experience Monitoring

    Unified End User Experience Monitoring environment (see page 33)

    Java or .NET applications with no HTTP component

    CA Introscope only

    Introscope only environment (see page 34)

  • CA APM Environment Options

    28 Overview Guide

    The CA APM environment that you deploy depends on many factors including the size and complexity of your network. Other factors include the number of web applications you want to monitor using CA Introscope and the number of web applications and web transactions you want to monitor using CA CEM.

    Standalone Environment

    When you deploy CA APM using a single Enterprise Manager to collect all agent metrics (see the following graphic), this setup is named a standalone environment.

    Note: Performance metric data from outside sources (non-Java systems and .NET) can also be sent to the Enterprise Manager. For example, the CA Technologies Environment Performance Agent is a product that integrates metric data from non-Java sources into CA Introscope to monitor system information.

    A standalone environment is valuable for testing your prerelease applications. For example, use a standalone environment for the following capabilities:

    Get insight into the performance of your prerelease application and detecting load issues on test platforms.

    Provide visibility into failing application components and performance of back-end systems.

    Integrate and compare data from load testing tools to application performance.

    Focus testing with the business impact of potential performance issues in mind.

    Create and refine transaction definitions that you later roll out to production.

  • CA APM Environment Options

    Chapter 2: Understanding the CA APM Environment 29

    Clustered Environment

    You can cluster the Enterprise Managers to scale your CA APM environment when you have a large system that generates large numbers of metrics. In a CA Introscope cluster, multiple Enterprise Managers (named Collectors when clustered) collect all the agent metrics. Metrics from all the Collectors subscribe to the Manager of Managers (MOM) Enterprise Manager. The MOM compiles the metrics. In addition, the MOM manages cluster functions. For example, the MOM handles all Workstation requests for data and gathers those requests from the Collectors.

    Both MOM and Collectors are Enterprise Managers. What differentiates them is the job that they perform in a cluster. The physical differentiation is done by configuring specific properties in CA Introscope files. Because they store large amounts of data, each Collector and MOM requires a dedicated disk for its SmartStor database.

  • CA APM Environment Options

    30 Overview Guide

    Multiple-Cluster Environment

    Your organization can deploy multiple clusters, as shown in the following graphic.

    The Cross-cluster Data Viewer (CDV) is a specialized Enterprise Manager that gathers agent and customer experience metrics data from multiple Collectors across multiple clusters. Using the CDV Workstation, CA Introscope administrators and triagers can create and view dashboards showing a consolidated view of agent and customer experience metrics that the Collectors provide. Each Collector can connect to multiple CDVs, giving your organization flexibility in monitoring and viewing applications that are reporting to different CA APM clusters.

    Note: The following features cannot be viewed in the CDV Workstation:

    Application Triage Map

    Customer Experience Manager

  • CA APM Environment Options

    Chapter 2: Understanding the CA APM Environment 31

    Infrastructure Aware Application Triage Environment

    Infrastructure aware application triage provides data and alerts to flow between CA APM and other CA Technologies infrastructure monitoring products, as shown in the graphic. In an Infrastructure aware application triage environment, CA APM sends its transaction model and alert information to CA Catalyst and receives infrastructure data from CA Catalyst. CA Catalyst is a platform for federating, correlating, reconciling, and storing high-level, business-relevant data from a wide variety of management products. Each product has a connector to send data to CA Catalyst and receive data from CA Catalyst. These CA Technologies products exchange data with CA APM using CA Catalyst:

    CA Service Operations Insight (CA SOI) (see page 41)

    CA Spectrum Infrastructure Manager (see page 43)

    CA eHealth (see page 45)

  • CA APM Environment Options

    32 Overview Guide

    CA Insight Database Performance Monitor (see page 47)

    CA Virtual Assurance for Infrastructure Managers (when integrated with CA Spectrum Infrastructure Manager)

    Infrastructure aware application triage enables you to do the following tasks:

    Visualize infrastructure dependencies in the application triage map and the Location map, including servers, virtualization layer, and databases.

    Use the Investigator Location map that provides a view of the physical and virtual servers supporting the applications.

    View alerts specific to databases and servers (both physical and virtual).

    Send CA APM metric-based and entity level alerts to CA Service Operations Insight.

  • CA APM Environment Options

    Chapter 2: Understanding the CA APM Environment 33

    Infrastructure aware application triage allows you to isolate problems to a specific layer: physical, virtual, database, or application by providing visibility into the underlying infrastructure that has a significant impact on application performance. Using infrastructure aware application triage, component relationships are updated dynamically as transaction paths change.

    Unified End-User Experience Monitoring Environment

    The Unified End-User Experience Monitoring solution is an integration between CA APM and CA Infrastructure Management. This integration provides visibility into both application and performance data that is related to application usage by an end user. This integration uses the Multi-Port Monitor appliance, with CA APM Transaction Impact Manager (TIM) installed, to monitor passively your application and network infrastructure. When a TIM is installed on a Multi-Port Monitor, the appliance is often referred to as a converged appliance.

    This integration allows you to analyze data and triage using a number of varied CA APM components and methods. The Unified End-User Experience Monitoring solution provides many deployment options, depending on the size and complexity of your network.

  • CA APM Environment Options

    34 Overview Guide

    The following graphic shows a CA APM cluster that is integrated with the CA Performance Center and Multi-Port Monitor components.

    CA Introscope-Only Environment

    You deploy CA Introscope only if your organization has purchased:

    CA APM and you want to deploy only CA Introscope at this time.

    Only CA Introscope.

    When you deploy CA Introscope, you install and configure these components:

    Enterprise Manager

    SmartStor database

    CA Introscope Workstation

  • Additional Extensions Provided With Your License

    Chapter 2: Understanding the CA APM Environment 35

    CEM console (enabled only for agent recording)

    APM database

    (Optional) CA EEM for security

    The following graphic shows a typical CA Introscope only deployment in a standalone environment.

    Additional Extensions Provided With Your License

    CA Introscope monitors Java and .NET applications. Your CA Introscope or CA APM license also allows you to install additional extensions that broaden functionality.

    Note: You must have a CA APM license to install the TIM software appliance, which CA CEM uses. The CA Introscope extension for CA SYSVIEW is sold separately and cannot be downloaded using the base CA Introscope or CA APM license.

    The following table lists CA APM extensions that are available for you to install. You do a separate install for each extension. You decide how many extensions to install and when to install them.

    Product Description

    CA APM ChangeDetector Detects changes to code, configurations, tables, and files.

  • Additional Extensions Provided With Your License

    36 Overview Guide

    Product Description

    Environment Performance Agent

    Note: Also named EPAgent or EPA

    Integrates metric data from non-Java sources into CA Introscope to monitor system information, including process availability, disk statistics, web application server and web server logs, Solaris KStat and HTTP service availability.

    CA APM ErrorDetector Isolates errors that the application or backend systems generate.

    CA APM for Oracle WebLogic Server

    Provides additional performance management capability for any production WebLogic Server environment.

    CA APM for CA SiteMinder Web Access Manager

    Monitors the performance impact of CA SiteMinder and CA SOA Security Manager on distributed web applications and distributed web services, respectively.

    CA APM for IBM CICS Transaction Gateway

    Monitors the performance of CICS transactions and connections between any production Java application and the CICS Transaction Server.

    CA APM for IBM WebSphere Distributed Environments

    Provides advanced performance management for WebSphere running in production environments.

    CA APM for IBM WebSphere MQ

    Monitors WebSphere MQ Java connectors and critical activity inside the WebSphere MQ messaging system (MQ) and WebSphere Message Broker (WMB).

    CA APM for Oracle Databases Provides visibility into the performance and availability of Oracle databases.

    CA APM for Web Servers Provides visibility into the availability, performance, and load of web servers such as Apache, Microsoft IIS, IBM HTTP Server (IHS), and iPlanet.

    CA APM for Microsoft SharePoint

    Monitors SharePoint Portal components and extends visibility beyond SharePoint Portal to identify performance problems both within SharePoint Portal and in connection to critical back-end systems.

    CA APM for Oracle WebLogic Server

    Provides visibility into individual portlets, the entire portal workflow, and connections to critical back-end systems beyond the portal framework such as transaction servers, databases and other back-end systems.

  • Additional Extensions Provided With Your License

    Chapter 2: Understanding the CA APM Environment 37

    Product Description

    CA APM for IBM WebSphere Portal

    Provides visibility into individual portlets, the entire portal workflow, and connections to critical back-end systems beyond the portal framework such as transaction servers, databases and other back-end systems.

    CA APM TG The CA APM TG is an intelligent, programmable agent that creates metrics. These metrics help you to monitor the availability, health, and performance of web sites and services from the perspective of a user attempting to access web sites.

    The CA APM TG Agent uses synthetic transactions containing a combination of FTP, HTTP, and script objects. These transactions determine the availability, round-trip response time, and content availability for specified web sites and services. CA APM TG generates transactions and sends them to CA Introscope and CA CEM, where you can use the functionality of both products to more fully monitor your web sites and services.

  • Additional Extensions Provided With Your License

    38 Overview Guide

    Product Description

    CA APM for SOA Monitors critical services around the clock, detects problems proactively, and performs root cause analysis when issues arise. Provides comprehensive, live views into web services, web applications, SOA infrastructure, and the back-end systems to which they connect.

    CA APM for SOA includes the following functionality:

    Ability to monitor your TIBCO BusinessWorks (TBW) components and environment including TIBCO Enterprise Message Service (EMS) by viewing TBW-specific dashboards and metrics. Includes TBW-specific cross-process Transaction Tracing capability. You can monitor TIBCO EMS both when run in a TBW environment or as a messaging bus.

    Ability to monitor your webMethods (WM) components and environment including webMethods Integration Server and webMethods Broker by viewing WM-specific dashboards and metrics. Includes WM-specific cross-process Transaction Tracing capability.

    Ability to monitor your Oracle Service Bus (OSB) components and environment by viewing OSB-specific dashboards and metrics. Includes OSB-specific cross-process Transaction Tracing capability.

    Ability to monitor your WebSphere Process Server (WPS) components and environment by viewing WPS-specific dashboards and metrics. Includes WPS-specific cross-process Transaction Tracing capability. You can monitor WESB both when run in a WPS environment or as a standalone application.

    The SOA Dependency Map displays the relationship of the interdependent web services within your SOA environment. This capability allows you to understand quickly both the physical and logical layout of your SOA environment, and view key metrics that are related to each instrumented web service.

    Real-time SOA dashboards and metrics that present a quantitative summary of the health of your SOA environment. Provides an up-to-date status display to help your Application Support team identify trends and changes in your SOA environment.

  • CA APM Product Architecture

    Chapter 2: Understanding the CA APM Environment 39

    CA APM Product Architecture

    CA APM provides a number of products to help you monitor your entire system. In addition to CA Introscope and CA CEM, you can use CA APM extensions to monitor your environment. The following graphic shows the highest-level product architecture between CA Introscope, CA APM extensions, and CA CEM.

    CA Application Performance Management for SOA

    Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) introduces a layer of coordination across the enterprise. For example, introducing a new business rule no longer requires that you rebuild the environment and all the dependent applicationsit simply requires configuring one or two components. Decoupling business logic from deployed applications and making logic rules writable at runtime enables architects to provide a dynamic environment.

    CA Application Performance Management for SOA (CA APM for SOA) enables consumers and producers of web services to monitor critical services around the clock, detect problems proactively, and perform root cause analysis when issues arise. This solution provides comprehensive live views into web services, web applications, and the back-end systems to which they connect. CA APM for SOA delivers the detailed information that architects and developers use to isolate and resolve problems quickly. This information includes views of individual transactions in which web services are involved, the number and nature of web service faults, and component interactions.

  • CA Application Performance Management for SOA

    40 Overview Guide

    The following graphic shows the highest-level CA APM for SOA product monitoring capabilities. As with CA Introscope, CA APM for SOA provides a single solution across J2EE and .NET.

  • Chapter 3: Integrating With Other CA Technologies Products 41

    Chapter 3: Integrating With Other CA Technologies Products

    This section contains the following topics:

    CA Introscope Integration With Other CA Technologies Products (see page 41) CA CEM Integration With Other CA Technologies Products (see page 49)

    CA Introscope Integration With Other CA Technologies Products

    You can use CA Introscope to monitor critical web applications from within these CA Technologies products:

    Introscope integration with CA Service Operations Insight (CA SOI) (see page 41)

    Introscope integration with CA Configuration Management Database (CMDB) (see page 42)

    Introscope integration with CA Spectrum Infrastructure Manager (see page 43)

    CA Virtual Assurance for Infrastructure Managers (when integrated with CA Spectrum Infrastructure Manager)

    Introscope integration with CA eHealth (see page 45)

    Introscope integration with CA NSM (see page 46)

    Introscope integration with CA Insight Database Performance Monitor (DPM) (see page 47)

    Introscope integration with Application Delivery Analysis (see page 48)

    CA Introscope Integration With CA SOI

    CA Service Operations Insight (CA SOI) is an advanced IT management tool that integrates with application and infrastructure domain management and other tools. This integration builds real-time views of service status to analyze and pinpoint service problems to help speed remediation and mitigate business risks.

    Using CA SOI, you visualize and analyze your infrastructure domains, applications and transactions together, according to the services they support. This capability lets you pinpoint, prioritize and resolve service problems across your IT supply chain to help you accomplish these business goals:

    Minimize risks to your business

  • CA Introscope Integration With Other CA Technologies Products

    42 Overview Guide

    Improve service quality and predictability

    Optimize operational efficiency

    CA APM integration with CA SOI includes these capabilities:

    Provide the CA APM transaction model to aid in a dynamically discovered service model.

    Provide CA APM metrics-based and entity level alerts, giving operations staff visibility into application health.

    CA SOI Integration Features

    CA APM integrates with CA SOI as follows:

    CA APM provides its transaction model to CA SOI. This transaction model is correlated with the infrastructure models that the infrastructure management domain managers publish. This correlation creates a dynamically discovered service model that helps operations staff more easily build and maintain these models.

    CA APM sends metrics-based alerts and application level alerts to CA SOI, which gives operations staff visibility into application performance. This visibility helps operations staff to quickly triage and delegate tasks to the appropriate domain.

    Business Value

    Integration with CA Service Operations Insight (CA SOI) helps improve service quality and predictability while optimizing your operations.

    Improve service quality by quickly pinpointing sources of service-impacting issues across all technology domainsso you can quickly fix them and restore quality.

    Identify sources of risk to services across all technology domains and improve service predictability. You can address issues before they impact quality.

    Optimize operations by reducing the manual labor for alert and service management, reducing triage and mean-time-to-repair of service issues, and improving cross-discipline communication and collaboration.

    CA Introscope Integration With CA CMDB

    CA CMDB is an enterprise IT database that provides full visibility into the relationships between different components and processes in an IT infrastructure. CA CMDB makes it possible to provide and store reliable, up-to-date details on assets and their relationships with each other. These relationships form the basis for impact analysis, an important tool for managing change within an organization.

  • CA Introscope Integration With Other CA Technologies Products

    Chapter 3: Integrating With Other CA Technologies Products 43

    The CA Technologies Unified Service Model (USM) helps organizations overcome the complexity of IT management so that organizations can take a service-focused approach. The CA Introscope-CMDB Integration Pack allows you to integrate application objects that CA Introscope monitors into USM. This integration gives your staff visibility into relationships and dependencies across your enterprise process infrastructure.

    Integration Features

    CA APM integrates with CA CMDB as follows:

    Allows CA Introscope application objects to be displayed as Configuration Items within CMDB.

    Provides visual representation of CA Introscope application configuration items (and their relationships and dependencies) to streamline incident resolution and change impact analysis processes.

    Business Value

    Integration with CA CMDB has the following business value:

    Improves your ability to analyze service disruptions by directly linking CA Introscope objects and IT infrastructure performance information within the CA Technologies Unified Service Model.

    CA Introscope Integration With CA Spectrum Infrastructure Manager

    CA Spectrum Infrastructure Manager is a network fault management system that provides proactive management of the network infrastructure through patented root-cause analysis, impact analysis, event correlation, and service level management.

    CA Spectrum Infrastructure Manager integrates with CA Virtual Assurance for Infrastructure Managers. CA Virtual Assurance for Infrastructure Managers supports large production virtualization environments, enhancing operational visibility and control, and driving agility. CA Virtual Assurance for Infrastructure Managers delivers a greater ROI by providing centralized, heterogeneous virtualized systems management. You can extend CA Virtual Assurance for Infrastructure Managers to support networks, databases, and applications.

    When the CA Virtual Assurance for Infrastructure Managers integration with CA Spectrum Infrastructure Manager is coupled with the CA APM integration with CA Spectrum Infrastructure Manager, CA APM users can get information about the virtual layer.

  • CA Introscope Integration With Other CA Technologies Products

    44 Overview Guide

    Integration Features

    CA Spectrum Infrastructure Manager automatically handles these CA Introscope-related tasks:

    Discovers CA Introscope agents and the applications the agents are monitoring, and then populates CA Spectrum Infrastructure Manager models.

    Synchronizes the CA Introscope agent status with the CA Spectrum Infrastructure Manager CA Introscope agent model.

    Forwards CA Introscope alerts to the associated CA Introscope agent model within the CA Spectrum Infrastructure Manager OneClick web server/IU network topology.

    Server-related information and events are sent to CA APM using CA Catalyst. The Location Map displays this information. The information and events provide application support triagers with useful information about health of the physical or virtual server infrastructure.

    The integration of CA Virtual Assurance for Infrastructure Managers and CA APM with CA Spectrum Infrastructure Manager provides application triagers with visibility into the virtual layer. The triagers use that visibility to expedite problem identification and resolution. Using this integration, triagers can answer questions such as these:

    Where is the monitored application running? Is it on a virtual server or a physical server?

    If the monitored application is running on a virtual server, what physical host is the virtual server running on?

    How are the virtual server and its physical host performing? Are there associated alarms that have been detected? If so, the alarms are visible on the Investigator location map.

    Business Value

    The integration has the following business value:

    Monitors mission-critical web applications within CA Spectrum Infrastructure Manager OneClick for more effective monitoring and triage across your entire infrastructure.

  • CA Introscope Integration With Other CA Technologies Products

    Chapter 3: Integrating With Other CA Technologies Products 45

    Provides application performance alerts directly to CA Spectrum Infrastructure Manager OneClick to correlate with related network infrastructure and reduce time to resolution.

    Provides a way for application triagers to see and understand quickly infrastructure-related information using the CA APM user interface that is optimized for the triager tasks. For example, the triager can get infrastructure data using the CA APM Location map. Access to this information allows the triager to understand how the infrastructure is affecting application performance. This understanding speeds problem resolution and avoids back and forth communication with system administrators who are each using their own user interface tools to pinpoint the problem location.

    CA Introscope Integration With CA eHealth

    CA eHealth continuously collects performance and usage data from voice and data network devices, physical and virtual systems, multi-vendor databases, and client/server applications. The data is then evaluated for threshold violations. CA eHealth issues early warnings in real time to help you identify threat of performance degradation, which could disrupt the business service. These warnings allow you to act before internal and external customers are impacted.

    CA eHealth identifies and alerts you of developing bottlenecks, degradations, and impending failures and then documents the need for repair, reconfiguration, or capacity upgrades. Role-based reports help you to meet the needs of IT and business management, operations staff, administrators, engineers, and capacity planners.

    eHealth Integration Features

    CA eHealth monitors infrastructure-related components such as servers. CA APM gets server infrastructure information and alerts from CA eHealth, which provides application triagers with an ongoing indicator of system health.

    Business Value

    Integration with CA eHealth helps assure the health and availability of business services by providing visibility into the health of the dependent IT infrastructure.

    You can transform IT operations from reactive to proactive with CA eHealth patented technology to detect performance anomalies.

  • CA Introscope Integration With Other CA Technologies Products

    46 Overview Guide

    CA Introscope Integration With CA NSM

    CA NSM is a robust service and system management product that simplifies system management and provides centralized management for heterogeneous IT infrastructures. CA NSM self-manages systems and continuously assesses infrastructure components, reducing the cost and complexity that are associated with managing business-driven IT environments.

    Deep integration between CA Introscope and CA NSM enables you to proactively and effectively manage the performance of your mission-critical web applications with no disruption to your existing systems management processes. CA Introscope includes special features that allow CA NSM customers to take advantage of the CA APM industry-leading web application performance management solution.

    Integration Features

    Integration with CA NSM has the following features:

    Creates managed objects for CA Introscope agents in the CA NSM Management Database.

    Includes CA Introscope agent icons with status propagation.

    Allows inclusion in CA NSM Business Process Views (BPVs).

    CA Introscope agent dashboards are available within CA NSM Explorer, 2D Map, Management Command Center, and CA NSM Portal.

    CA Introscope alerts appear in the CA NSM Event Console.

    Links to CA Introscope agent dashboards are included in the alerts.

    Business Value

    The integration has the following business value:

    Monitors mission-critical web applications within CA NSM consoles for more effective monitoring and triage across your entire infrastructure.

    Allows IT organizations to collaborate more effectively by viewing CA Introscope-collected application performance alerts in their own consoles, and communicate about issues using a common IT language.

    Allows application performance alerts from CA Introscope to be used in centralized correlation, notification, and resolution processes.

  • CA Introscope Integration With Other CA Technologies Products

    Chapter 3: Integrating With Other CA Technologies Products 47

    CA Introscope Integration With CA Insight Database Performance Monitor (DPM)

    CA Insight Database Performance Monitor (DPM) is a product that enables you to centrally monitor and manage performance on a distributed relational database management system (RDBMS), simplifying management across databases, vendors, and operating system environments.

    With CA Insight DPM, you can easily view the overall health of your database infrastructure across the entire enterprise. This information lets you quickly identify, diagnose, and solve the root cause of your database performance issues before they impact business critical processes.

    Integration Features

    Integration has the following features:

    CA Insight DPM delivers key performance and database health information directly into CA Introscope.

    Provides you with CA Insight DPM metrics and out-of-the-box dashboards in CA Introscope.

    Includes metrics and dashboards for DB2 Linux, UNIX and Windows, SQL Server, Sybase, and DB2 for z/OS (when CA Insight for DB2 for z/OS is installed).

    The integration component, named the Insight Bridge for CA Introscope, provides additional database vendor support, database metrics, and additional dashboards in CA Introscope.

    Business Value

    The integration has the following business value:

    Helps your application administrators and operations personnel to triage and identify database performance problems.

    Allows you to understand CA Insight DPM key performance and database health information easily using the CA Introscope user interface.

    Allows you to monitor how databases are transacting application requests. You can diagnose how and what database internal workings are impacting and affecting the application workload being processed within the database.

    Provides real-time in-depth visibility of database resources and workload for application work. This visibility eliminates guessing and resolution delay.

  • CA Introscope Integration With Other CA Technologies Products

    48 Overview Guide

    CA Introscope Integration With CA Cloud Monitor

    CA APM Cloud Monitor enables you to perform the following tasks:

    Understand complete user experience from 60+ monitoring stations in 40+ countries.

    Monitor real browsers to accurately measure user experience.

    Monitor applications delivered by SaaS vendors and MSPs to keep them accountable to SLAs.

    Test application response time from outside the firewall (using synthetic transactions) to understand global end-user experience and monitor performance even at times when there is no real user traffic.

    Replicate real-user transactions to monitor performance throughout the application infrastructure to identify, diagnose, and resolve problems quickly.

    Instructions on integrating CA APM with CA APM Cloud Monitor are in the CA APM Configuration and Administration Guide. Instructions on using CA APM to monitor CA APM Cloud Monitor are in the CA APM Workstation Guide.

    CA Introscope Integration With CA Performance Center

    CA APM is integrated with the following CA Infrastructure Management component: CA Performance Center.

    Managing network performance and providing optimal application delivery requires an understanding of the relationship among device infrastructure, network traffic, and application performance. The CA Performance Center links end-to-end service and transaction visibility with top-to-bottom understanding of the underlying IT infrastructure across networks, systems and databases. This comprehensive linkage delivers a comprehensive, unified understanding of how applications and infrastructure deliver business services. CA Performance Center includes a web-based reporting dashboard. The dashboard is designed to help network managers, engineers, and operations personnel access the right information at the right time. To transform data into actionable information, it analyzes every data packet with intelligent baselines, thresholds, trending, and anomaly detection algorithms.

    The integration of CA APM with CA Performance Center provides visibility into both application and performance data. This data provides information that is related to application usage by an end user. This integration utilizes the Multi-Port Monitor, with CA APM Transaction Impact Manager (TIM) installed.

    Note: For more information, see the CA APM Integration for CA Infrastructure Management Guide (2.0.00).

  • CA CEM Integration With Other CA Technologies Products

    Chapter 3: Integrating With Other CA Technologies Products 49

    CA CEM Integration With Other CA Technologies Products

    You can use CA CEM to monitor critical web applications from within these CA Technologies products:

    CA CEM integration with CA CMDB (see page 49)

    CA CEM integration with CA SiteMinder (see page 50)

    CA CEM integration with CA NSM (see page 50)

    CA CEM integration with CA Service Desk (see page 51)

    CA CEM Integration With CA CMDB

    CA CMDB is an enterprise IT database that provides full visibility into the relationships between different components and processes in an IT infrastructure. CA CMDB makes it possible to provide and store reliable, up-to-date details on assets and their relationships with each other. These relationships form the basis for impact analysis, an important tool for managing change within an organization. The CA Technologies Unified Service Model (USM)available and maintained within the CA CMDBhelps organizations overcome the complexity of IT management so that organizations can take a service-focused approach. The CA CEM-CMDB Integration Pack allows you to integrate application objects that CA CEM monitors into USM, giving your staff visibility into relationships and dependencies across your enterprise process infrastructure.

    Integration Features

    The integration has the following features:

    Incorporates CA CEM business services, business transactions, and their relationships as Configuration Items within the CMDB to facilitate reconciliation with related services.

    Allows CA CEM application objects to be displayed as Configuration Items within CMDB. Provides visual representation of CA CEM application configuration items (and their relationships and dependencies) to streamline incident resolution and change impact analysis processes.

    Business Value

    The integration has the following business value:

    Improves your ability to analyze service disruptions by directly linking CA CEM objects and IT infrastructure performance information within the CA Technologies Unified Service Model.

  • CA CEM Integration With Other CA Technologies Products

    50 Overview Guide

    CA CEM Integration With CA SiteMinder

    CA CEM works with CA SiteMinder security software, which provides security features such as single sign-on (SSO) and centralized control of user access to web applications.

    You can use the CA SiteMinder plug-in when the CA CEM monitored applications are integrated with SiteMinder for single sign-on. In this case, the TIM communicates with the CA SiteMinder server to determine the user and session information. (Without CA SiteMinder, the user name and session ID can be observed in the header and the session ID does not change or expire.)

    CA CEM Integration With CA NSM

    CA NSM is a robust service and system management product that simplifies system management and provides centralized management for heterogeneous IT infrastructures. CA NSM self-manages systems and continuously assesses infrastructure components, reducing the cost and complexity that are associated with managing business-driven IT environments.

    CA CEM collects important performance information about business services and transactions. This information can be shared with CA NSM, a comprehensive management solution that helps improve infrastructure performance by monitoring network and systems elements.

    Deep integration between CA CEM and CA NSM enables you to view and investigate CA CEM incidents almost immediately, which gives you added insight into the health of your network.

    Integration Features

    The integration has the following features:

    The CA CEM-NSM bridge dynamically creates NSM WorldView objects for each CA CEM business service, business transaction, and monitored customer user group, and keeps them up to date in the NSM repository.

    The CA CEM-NSM bridge receives notifications for any changes in CA CEM data, including incidents and severity changes, and updates the NSM repository with these changes.

    CA CEM incidents are reported in the NSM Event Console.

  • CA CEM Integration With Other CA Technologies Products

    Chapter 3: Integrating With Other CA Technologies Products 51

    Business Value

    The integration has the following business value:

    You can monitor customer transactions in addition to overall network health.

    You can see when slow response times or poor application performance affects users. This visibility helps you identify the root cause of problems so you can correct them.

    CA CEM Integration With CA Service Desk

    CA Service Desk supports help desk analysts perform their incident management responsibilities including detecting and recording, classifying and supporting, tracking and resolving incidents. CA Service Desk employs the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) best-practice processes by automating service support incident management.

    Deep integration between CA CEM and CA Service Desk enables you to send CA CEM incident and defect information to CA Service Desk, so tickets can be generated and tracked as appropriate.

    Integration Features

    The integration has the following feature:

    You can configure CA CEM and CA Service Desk to create service requests (or incidents) in CA Service Desk. These requests are based on incidents that CA CEM detects.

    Business Value

    Integration with CA Service Desk provides incident management support by automatically generating service requests from CA CEM incidents.

  • Chapter 4: CA APM Product Scenarios 53

    Chapter 4: CA APM Product Scenarios

    This section contains the following topics:

    CA APM Scenario (see page 53) Introscope Scenarios (see page 53) CA CEM Scenarios (see page 59) CA Application Performance Management for SOA Scenario (see page 63)

    CA APM Scenario

    Introscope and CA CEM work together as CA APM to help you monitor, detect, and triage enterprise web application management problems. To help you understand CA APM and see a scenario about cross-enterprise application performance management using CA APM and CA Technologies Application Performance Management for CA SYSVIEW, see this demonstration:


    Introscope Scenarios

    In these scenarios, the Introscope functionality allows IT personnel to quickly and easily monitor, diagnose, and triage various web application issues.

    Recording an agent-only banking business transaction to monitor customer transaction times (see page 54)

    Using the application triage map to see what is up and running (see page 55)

    Dynamic instrumentation: adding, removing, and exporting instrumentation via the Transaction Tracer (see page 57)

  • Introscope Scenarios

    54 Overview Guide

    Recording an Agent-Only Banking Business Transaction to Monitor Customer Transaction Times

    Chris is an IT application support triager for Great Bank Inc. Part of the job that Chris does is to monitor, detect, and triage the Great Bank web site. Chris monitors the web site business transactions in which a customer logs in, does a search or account check, perhaps performs an additional banking transaction, and then logs out. Chris is often asked for business transaction information, for example, how many times a specific banking transaction such as Transfer Funds got hit in the last hour and how many seconds on average it took to complete that transaction. Chris decides to use the Introscope agent-only business transaction recording capability to answer these questions.

    Chris is familiar with using the CEM console to record business transactions, and has already enabled his target agent for recording operations. Chris will use the CEM console to perform the business transaction recording, and then will view the business transactions in the Investigator metric browser tree.

    Chris decides to record a business transaction that runs on the Great Bank banking application, which IT calls GreatBank. To start recording Chris logs in to CEM console, which Chris knows is running on the MOM.

    Chris goes to the Administration link, and then clicks the Business Service tab because business transactions are children belonging to business services. In the CEM console Chris clicks Business Service then New to create a new business service named GreatBankAccountCheckService. Now Chris has a business service to hold the business transaction about to be recorded.

    Chris next clicks the Recording Sessions tab, then New to set the recording parameters. On the Record page for Recording Type, Chris selects the Agents radio button because the Introscope agents, not the CA CEM TIMs will be recording this business transaction. Chris would rather have the TIM record this business transaction because the monitoring would extend to the end users of the application, but in the Great Bank IT area that Chris monitors, the TIM does not have visibility to the GreatBank http

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